Skylar mktg

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SHARRA MERCER 610-324-9416 |Â 484-266-7440 SHARRA@GARYMERCERGROUP.COM 300 Willowbrook Lane, Suite 310 West Chester PA 19382 OFFICE: 610-436-6500


Marketing Proposal Page 2

In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, they will continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on The marketing strategy at the Gary Mercer Group is a multiboth Trend and the public portals. Finally. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based channel marketing plan designed to reach three audiences: the around specific campaigns to stay relevant and consistently in front of the audience by bringing active buyers, the realtors and the local community or the nonvalue.


active buyers. By providing awareness and education to the community of non-active buyers, we can move them up the Buy Now Triangle creating a larger audience for our product.



Marketing Proposal Page 3

In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online.aWe only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling With multi-channel marketing plan, our goal is to providereason. the If not, they will continue swiping. then employusing strategic MLSMLS, manipulation to search stay top ofportals, mind on maximum amount ofWe exposure the public both Trend and the public portals. Finally. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based open houses, social media, email, texts as well as print marketing. around specific campaigns to stay relevant and consistently in front of the audience by bringing value.




For 73 Skylar Circle, our pre-listing plan will consist of: 2 Weeks before going on the market: Professional photography and videography It is important to have aerial photos and photos of the amenities

1-2 Weeks before going on the market: Coming Soon on Social Stylistic video will be posted on social with a paid ad campaign. This video will be a teaser - short in duration and quick pans. Coming Soon on the MLS Here we will just focus on a limited number of teaser photos of the highlights. Coming Soon on Zillow Email to anyone in our 20,000 person database that may be looking for a home with similar criteria.


Marketing Proposal Page 4

In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, To have strongswiping. momentum listingMLS launches is essential the they will continue We then when employ a strategic manipulation to stay top ofto mind on success ofand the AfterFinally. the pre-lisitng activities, 73 Skylar Crbased will go both Trend thelisting. public portals. we use a multi-channel marketing approach around specific relevant and consistently in front of the audience bringing will active on thecampaigns market to onstay a Wednesday or Thursday. Virtual openbyhouses value.


then be scheduled. These open houses will be advertised on social, the MLS and the public portals.



Listings are disseminated from the MLS through ListHub to all the consumer websites including Zillow and We have paid premium accounts on many of the most popular sites so that we have prominent positioning for our listings and to make sure that we receive all inquiries directly and that they are not “sold” to an outside agent. Buyers love to see value. It is essential to list both in the copy as well as a highlight sheet displayed in the home exactly what improvements were made and when they were completed. If possible, we would like to share a dollar amount - for example, this home features over $50,000 in recent upgrades.

4. OPEN HOUSE MARKETING Buyers shop for homes differently today than they did 10 years ago or even 5 years ago. They want access to the homes and the ability to shop for homes and research homes on their own. With 73 Skylar Cr, a virtual open house will be held once a week for the first month if we are on the market that long. After that, they will be held strategically to reflect a change in status or price.


Marketing Proposal Page 5

In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, they will continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on both Trend and the public portals. Finally. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based around specific campaigns to stay relevant and consistently in front of the audience by bringing Social value. media, primarily Facebook,

5. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Instagram and LinkedIn, is an essential tool to reach buyers, agents and the community to increase awareness. Using paid targeted ads as well as organic reach we can effectively and costs efficiently reach a large audience. A key in social media is the use of video. Facebook for example changed its algorithms to favor video in feeds. Facebook events can be a great way publicize and invite buyers to a specific event at a community.


Posting to “Groups” is great way to get into a specific demographic. Direct messages to buyers and agents are an effective way to communicate. The exposure is key but we also need to make sure that we can quantify the success using lead capture through links and landing pages.

6. REALTOR MARKETING We have a strong and long-lasting relationship with the local real estate community. From emailing flyers to 9300 agents in Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, Philadelphia and Bucks Counties, local office visits and presentations at office meetings to realtor specific targeted Facebook marketing, our goal is to stay top of mind. We are constantly updating our listings in Trend as that causes the listing to appear on the “Hot Sheet” in Bright that most agents monitor daily. This is a feature in our Multiple Listing Service.


Marketing Proposal Page 6

In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, they will continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on both Trend and the public portals. Finally. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based around specific campaigns to stay relevant and consistently in front of the audience by bringing value.


We use a feature in our MLS where agents set up a home search for their clients. When a home matches any of their client’s criteria, the listing is emailed to the agent & client. We are always pulling updated lists of agents who have clients that match a particular community and staying in touch through emails, texts, calls and Facebook messages.


8. CONSTANTLY EVOLVING MARKETING In the event, 73 Skylar Cr is on the market for more than three weeks, it is essential we adjust based on the buyers feedback. Sometime we need to pivot and through open house feedback and showing surveys we will have the data to do so.


Marketing Proposal Page 7

In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our

Kmarketing E L L isEtargeted R W I L three L I audiences: A M StheR EA L TtheYlocal community and the to reach buyers directly, realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is Chester County Ouronline. Keller Williams office has the through top performing office in Chester for a number of years We onlyExton get buyers andbeen agents the door if we presentCounty a compelling reason. If not,far surpassing the number of units sold by any other office. In February 2018, Keller Williams West Chester was they will continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on opened. In less than 12 months, Keller Williams West Chester now is number two in the Chester County office both Trend and the public portals. Finally. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based rankings for units sold. around specific campaigns to stay relevant and consistently in front of the audience by bringing value.

PRE-LISTING STRATEGY Get to Know Us Keller Williams is the world's largest real estate franchise by agent count, has more than 975 offices and 186,000 associates. The franchise is also No. 1 in units and sales volume in the United States. In 2015, Keller Williams began its evolution into a technology company, now building the real estate platform that agents' buyers and sellers prefer. Since 1983, the company has cultivated an agent-centric, technologydriven and education-based culture that rewards agents as stakeholders. Careers Worth Having Gary Keller notes on the cover of The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, his best-selling guide to success in this business: "It's not about the money. It's about being the best you can be!" Having studied the systems used by thousands of the highest-producing agents in the industry, Keller Williams has created the model for what it takes to succeed in real estate. They reinforce these winning models through training, coaching, educational events and a best-selling series of career guides. Businesses Worth Owning Keller Williams’ perspective is that real estate is a local business driven by individual associates and their presence within their communities. It’s a perspective that stems from our deep conviction that the agent, not the company, is the brand that matters most. The company’s primary role is to help agents grow their own businesses – beyond simply selling real estate. Keller Williams stands behind their agents, not in front of them. Lives Worth Living Great riches only matter to the extent that they fund a great life with deeper meaning. Keller Williams is defined by a culture of agents who care deeply about each other and are committed to having a positive impact on their clients and their communities. This is a company that changes lives. The Proof is in the Numbers Keller Williams is the #1 name in real estate. Already the largest franchise in agent count globally, Keller Williams is also #1 in closed units and sales volume in the United States. These are milestones the company is proud of but it’s not the destination. Keller Williams knows that when they provide the highest level of support, the people and the company will grow together.


Marketing Proposal Page 8

In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, they will continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on both Trend and the public portals. Finally. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based around specific campaigns to stay relevant and consistently in front of the audience by bringing value.

GARY MERCER GROUP: OPERATIONS TEAM Working for you behind the scenes


G r a p h ic D e s i g n er – Ang ie W el do n W e e m pl oy a prof e ss ional g rap hic d esigne r to c re a te a l l o f o u r m a rke ti n g m a te ri a l s th a t w i l l i nt r odu ce th e c o mmun it y to bo th the b uy i n g a n d re a l e s ta te a u d i en ce s , a s w el l a s o u r o n go in g c am pa i g n s . P h o t o gr ap h e r an d V i deog r ah e r – Ja so n D e al A r t i s t i c and c r e at iv e wit h an e xc ellen t ey e fo r d et ai l , ou r i n h o u s e p h o to gra p h e r a n d vi de o g r ap h er i s al ways av a ila ble to c r eat e a m az i n g co n t en t a n d ca p tu re t h e es s e n ce o f e ve r y home. S oc i a l M e di a an d M ark eti n g Coo r di nato r – Ha n n a h Re se n di z T he s o c i al m e di a an d ma rk eting man age r wi l l u ti l i ze th e g ra ph i c d e s i gn e r' s a rtw o rk i n bo t h on l i n e a dv er t i s ing a nd p r in t ma teria ls. Ea c h c om m u n i t y o r h o m e w i l l be h i gh l i gh t ed u s i n g o u r sp e ci f i c e v en t an d ma rk eting in itia tiv e c a m p ai g n u n d er th e d i re cti o n o f t h i s m an ag er . L is ti n g C o o rd i na tor – Deb bi e Novo tn y E a ch i nd i vi d u a l p rope rt y will be plac ed in th e M u l ti - L i s t Se rv i ce a n d m a n a ge d b y th e l i s ti n g c oo r d i n a t or . The S a les T eam will me et w e e kl y t o l o o k a t t h e pe rf o rm a n ce o f e ac h l i s ti n g wi t h i n t h e m ar k e t i n g pla n. Any c hang es sugge s te d wi l l b e i m p l em en t ed b y th e l i s ti n g c oo rd i n a to r in a dd i t i o n to m a k ing th e sc he du led c hang es de t ai l ed i n th e m a rk eti n g pro p o s al . T r a n s a c ti o n C oor di n a tor – Br itta ny W hi t t a k er T he t ra n s ac t i on c oordin ator will ta ke ov e r ea c h p ro pe rty as i t g o es u n d er co n tra ct . T h e y wi l l b e i n c o n t ac t wi t h t he bu ild er, buye r an d all a sso c i a t ed p a rti e s to m ak e s u re th a t th e tra n s a ct i on m o ve s a l o ng s m oo th ly. T he tr ansac tio n co o rd i n at or wi l l b e i n co n s ta n t co m m u n i ca ti on wi th t h e S al e s Te am s o tha t e ver yone is u p to d at e on a l l a sp e cts o f th e s a l e . I ns i d e S al e s – B ob N ovo tny O u r I SA i s i n p l a ce to rec e iv e all inc oming c a l l s a n d l e a ds on y o u r n ew co n st ru ct i o n p ro j e ct w i t h a g o al o f s e t t i n g an im me d ia te ap p oint f o r t h e s al es tea m . T h e y w i l l be e d u ca te d o n a l l of t he a spe c t s o f t h e bu il de r' s histor y, de tails o f th e h o m e s b ei n g b u i l t a n d th e f i n i s h e s a n d fe a tu r es b ei ng of f e r e d. T he y w ill be ab le to a nsw e r a l l p o te n ti a l bu y ers qu e s ti o n s a n d kee p th em u pd at e d o n t h e p ro gre ss of the c ommu n i ty unt i l s u ch t i m e th a t th e y b u y e r i s r ea d y to s p ea k w i t h on e of t he S al e s T eam .


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