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Shaun Rathy
I enjoy fighting giant transforming robot dinosaurs with missile launchers and chainsaws for arms in a black hole Additive Synthesis A system for generating complex waveforms or sounds by combining basic waveforms or sampled sounds prior to further processing with filters and envelope shapers. Aftertouch A type of pressure controlled MIDI data determined by how hard you press a key or group of keys on a keyboard AFTER the initial attack. Sometimes called Poly Pressure. Analog For synthesizers, this means that there is real electricity running through it's veins - and that it is an analogous form of energy (electrical voltage) that will eventually come out at the speaker as sound. These signals are generated by an oscillator. Other electrical components can shape (envelope) and color (filter) the signal. The signal is prone to distortions which we usually percieve as a warm and sweet tone! Any synthesizer, new or old, that uses VCOs can be considered analog. The term analog comes from the fact that the ele