Aqua Floating Architectural Terra - AFloAT

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AFloAT - An Alternate Solution Shaurya Dutta 001510201034 Jadavpur University Department of Architecture 5th Year 1st Semester

Guided by – Dr. Suchandra Bardhan

[Aqua Floating Architectural Terra ]

As designers we need to learn to give form to the future, for it is only based on the future that we live our days now.


“By 2030, approximately 60 percent of the world’s population will live in cities that are exposed to grave economic, social, and environmental pressures. Further, approximately 90 percent of the largest global cities are vulnerable to rising sea levels. Out of the world’s 22 megacities with a population of more than 10 million, 15 are located along the ocean’s coasts.”



I have been extremely lucky to have a wonderful guide in Dr. Suchandra Bardhan, without whom this thesis would never have been possible. From choosing the topic, to continuing with the same inspiration and grit, was only possible because of her continuous support and inspiration. I thank her whole-heartedly, for giving me so many wonderful opportunities, throughout this time. I am also thankful to my thesis coordinator, Dr. Debashish Das for always being understanding and helping me with my work. I extend my sincere gratitude to every professor for rendering all their valuable inputs and support and seniors, and juniors for always being helpful throughout these 5 years. I will always be indebted to my seniors Subhankar Mete, Saptadipa Nandy, Swaprava Sharma for helping me throughout, and my juniors Hari Om, Shubham Shekhar and Shinjini Banerjee for supporting me in putting together every bit of the thesis at the toughest of times. I will always be grateful to have friends like Susmita Barua and Ananya Maji, for continuously inspiring me and being great companions. Finally, I would love to dedicate this thesis to my parents and my grandmother and my lovely dog, who have stuck with me through thick and thin, and will do so forever. I am proud to have them in my life for none of this would have been possible without their love and blessings.



Content Methodology Introduction Background Relevance and Justification Aim and Objectives Scope and Limitations Research Background Development of a Floating City Preliminary design of platform shape Connecting platforms Literature Study Flow of Functions Main Functions Case Studies Cases 1to 7 Comparitive Study Detailed Case study: Oceanix City - BIG Zoning and Area Site Study Option1: Bakkhali Coast Option2: Mumbai Coast Concept Development Area Programming (Basic) Design and Drawing References







Background And the climate change brings more severe rain-


fall which leads to higher river discharges.

The new idea is to perceive a very large floating structure which is as big as a city. Instead of multiple independent floating houses forming a floating community or residential district, this new idea is to perceive a complete city state which floats on the water, a socalled ‘floating city’.

• Lack of available building ground

The lack of available ground to build houses and facilities on is another problem the society is facing. There is a demand for more living space due to the ever fast


growing population.

• Unique and promising growth.

But there are places in the world where

• Create new space in densely populated areas.

land reclamation is less feasible. For instance, places where the water depth is too

• Combines urban development and water retention.

large or places where there is no or scarce

• Climate proof solution.

sand available for land reclamation works

• Urban flexibility and movable buildings.

(a well-known example is Singapore). A solution for these places where land rec-


lamation is less feasible or expensive is,

• Sea level rise due to climate change

again, to live on the water with help of

The ice caps are melting as a result of the higher

floating structures.

temperatures and the sea level is expected to rise. A rise of the sea level brings problems to the coast or the sea defences of a country. A rise of the sea level also means rise in the water level of rivers.


Relevance and Justification


Aim and Objectives Aim To create a floating city, designed to incorporate all of the necessary activities of our daily human needs into a whole new human made ecosystem, all the while trying to adapt to the new scenario which predicts large scale flooding due to global warming and its impact on the climate change, by harnessing every form of renewable, sustainable source of energy present in the open waters.

Objectives • To find a solution to the recent scenario, leading to sea water level rise by designing floating platforms, that can withstand natural calamities in the open seas.

• To design a small city, with all the functions needed for communities to survive.

• To create an alternative ecosystem that harnesses the different sources of sustainable and renewable energy.


Scope and Limitations Scope • Designing a typical module for people for a given number of population.

• The environmental aspect - By building on open seas, harnessing energy integrating green energy system for sustainance with the modules.

• The form of the modules will be experimental due to the presence of tidal forces (tsunamis etc), which will then be tested with the help of softwares - Feasibility validation - if possible.

Limitation • Given that no such floating city has yet been launched on open waters, figuring out exact areas for the functions specific to a floating city will be difficult.

• Specific engineering solutions and micro level details of every function required for the city to function, may be beyond the scope of the thesis.

• Specific rules and laws for building on open waters have not been developed fully as of yet, therefore ascertaining the exact regulations and codes will be difficult. Various studies have only helped in understanding platform loads, structures and buoyancy, platform interconnections and moorings.

• Natural and Climatic functions will be influencing the design of the modules.







Development of a Water City There are several structures that help ensure the floating platform to perform well under all conditions and several facilities are needed in order to distinguish itself as a city. ELEMENTS OF FLOATING CITY Development of large floating platform and interconnections Boundary condition Water depth Waves

2. DYNAMIC GEOGRAPHY • Except for the obtained freedom from a political point of view, a floating community can achieve more freedom at a city level, on the community level or on individual level. • The freedom of moving inside the floating community with one’s own house as an individual, or even moving away from the community with a group of inhabitants is referred to as ‘dynamic geography’.


1. MOVABILITY It may be useful if the floating city is movable. This has several reasons; a floating community can move to another location if the current location would be no longer suitable to live in; or the floating community can assure to move away from dangerous phenomena’s such as hurricanes or cyclones. COMPOSITE


3. SEA KEEPING • Sea keeping-ability to keep the floating community suitable to live on. • Suitable means - Safe and comfortable to live on the floating structures . Stability of the platforms and the moorings play a big role to achieve a good sea keeping condition for a floating community.




• Subdivided into two categories:

• Safety is the most important requirement for the design of a floating community.

1. Visual experience - Ability to see the water

• Safety means - Reliable floating structure - Living environment where people can safely move around.

2. Physical experience-Activities on the water such as swimming, sailing, diving and as a mean of living and transportation within the floating community .

• Reliability of the floating structure - To protect the floating community From large waves, storms and hurricanes. For example, A breakwater-structure surrounding the floating community would dampen most wave actions. 16

Preliminary Design Of Platform Shape

Design of a floating city by Deltasync and the Seasteading Institute (Czapiewska et al., Seasteading implementation plan 2013)

The network formed by interconnecting platforms. 17

Connecting the Platforms TYPES OF CONNECTION SUITABLE Two main types of connections possible for floating structures: - Connections which leaves space between two adjacent platforms - Connections which does not leave space between two adjacent platforms • Connections that have no distance between platforms - lead to restricted movements in any direction between the platforms, - As compared to the types of connections that leave an intermediate distance between the platforms.

•Too much movement is never preferable in comfort living. • If connections need to be detachable - Puzzle type connection - different shaped edges of the platforms which fit on the opposite platform and then pinned together through a bolt/pin. •When there is no requirement for the platforms to be detachable - Casting in-situ concrete in combination with a pre-stressed cable/rod. 18

WHAT IS MOORING? A mooring system is necessary to ensure that the floating structure is kept in position and prevented from drifting away under critical sea conditions and storms. WHICH TYPE TO USE?

Single Point/Buoy Mooring

• Cable/chain moorings are especially easier and faster to apply when a lot of platforms need to be moored. • Tension leg system- focussed on restricting the vertical movement and does not work too well for horizontal movements. • Chain/cable system - handle horizontal forces and displacements very well. • It is chosen to use the cable/chain system because this system can handle both horizontal and vertical displacements and forces.

• Floating structures and vessels are secured by a single or multiple mooring lines. • Mooring lines - attached to one point of the floating structure or vessel. • Mooring lines - connected to a floating buoy and the floating structure/vessel is moored to the buoy. • Has a ranged movement; that is, the structure may swing around in order to align itself with prevailing wind, wave, and current conditions. • Reduces the load on the mooring system.

Two types of Cable/chain system The taut-leg mooring - arrives at the seabed at an angle, - capable of resisting both horizontal and vertical loads. The restoring forces are generated by the elasticity of the mooring line- Dynamic Positioning System. Catenary mooring - Arrive horizontally at the seabed, -only loaded by horizontal loads

Catenary mooring system (Vryhof anchors, 2010)

Taut - leg mooring system (Vryhof anchors, 2010)


Literature Study


Flow of Functions






Case Study



Case Study - I [ LILYPAD FLOATING CITY - CONCEPTUL ] The Lilypad, by Vincent Callebaut, is a concept for a completely self-sufficient floating city intended to provide shelter for future climate change refugees. The intent of the concept itself is laudable, but it is Callebaut's phenomenal design that has captured our imagination.

• Biomimicry was clearly the inspiration behind the design. • The Lilypad, which was designed to look like a waterlily, is intended to be a zero emission city afloat in the ocean. • Through a number of technologies (solar, wind, tidal, biomass), it is envisioned that the project would be able to not only produce it's own energy, but be able to process CO2 in the atmosphere and absorb it into its titanium dioxide skin. • Each Lilypad is intended to be either near a coast, or floating around in the ocean, traveling from the equator to the northern seas, according to where the gulf stream takes it. • Each of these floating cities are designed to hold approximately around 50,000 people. • A mixed terrain man-made landscape, provided by an artificial lagoon and three ridges, create a diverse environment for the inhabitants.

The project isn't even close to happening anytime soon, but there is value in future forward designs like the Lilypad. They inspire creative solutions, which at some point, may actually provide a real solution to the climate change problem. 28

Case Study - II [ HOPE WATER DOME ] • An noteworthy entrant in Inhabitat's recent Biodesign Competition, the Hope Waters Dome is designed to combat the twin dangers of rising sea levels and food scarcity in the water locked nation, and it could be built using locally-available materials such as bamboo and plastic. • The bamboo geodesic dome is designed to provide multiple functions, including growing space and meeting space. The bamboo frame would rest on a platform made with recycled plastic bottles for buoyancy, addressing .

• Upper floors are designed to operate as an "urban agriculture learning center" where food can be grown without risk of inundation from rising seas.


Case Study - III [ WATER NEST BY GIANCARLO ZEMA] • Natural micro-ventilation and air conditioning • Low-consumption habitat. • The unit is an ideal solution for those wishing to live independently and in total harmony with nature. • The floating water nest 100 home is up to 98% recyclable. • 100m2 dwelling is 12m in diameter and 4m high, • Made entirely of recycled laminatedtimber and a salvaged aluminum hull. • Balconies - located on sides and thanks to large windows - nearly panoramic views of the surroundings. • Skylights flood the space with sunshine. • 60m2 solar panels capable of generating 4kwp .

• Living and dining rooms, sleeping quarters, kitchen, and lavatory. Functions that can be added: an office, lounge bar, restaurant, retail shop, or exhibition area.


Case Study - IV

Case Study - V



• Design of the oceanic floating city which would be made out of mass timber and bamboo. • Floating city would be "flood proof, earthquake-proof, and tsunami-proof," • Food to feed the population would be grown on the islands. • The 4.5-acre pods will house 300 people, while the goal is to scale the system by repeating the unit until the city can hold 10,000 people.

• Amsterdam floating city was made due to lack of affordable land for local contractor to develop. • The homes were set to be built at a shipyard about 40 miles (65 km) north of IJ Lake, then tugged though canal locks that were fairly narrow—meaning home widths couldn't exceed 21 ft. (6.5 m) • The houses should be connected to the fire brigade's land-based waterpump system and include a traditional fire escape.


Case Study - VI

Case Study - VII



• Singapore is looking for a city to deal with the land shortage due to population. • Floating city will be 3 kilometres in diameter, featuring a 1,000 metre tall skyscraper city. • Residence area will have 30000 to 50000 people. • The floating city is to be placed at the equator insulating the city from destructive typhoons, hurricanes and typhoons.

• The structures will feature 'green roofs' covered with vegetation and construction will use local bamboo, coconut fibre, wood and recycled metal and plastic. • Square platforms of length 50m. • Three-storeyed buildings. • Initial concept has 11 modules, subjected to multiplication.


Comperative Study

Important points to note : • Hexagonal shaped platforms are the most reliable platform shape for constructing different floating city configurations. • A hexagon with sides of 60 m results in the optimal size for the platform. Smaller hexagons results in larger draughts with small freeboards. Largest hexagons results in larger freeboards with smaller draughts. • Because of the large surface area of the platform, the platform is statically very stable. The moment due to buoyancy is far greater than the other moments. The platform will quickly restore itself to its initial position. Source : TU Delft Research


Detailed Case Study [ ARCHIPELAGO - OCEANIX CITY - By Bjarke Ingels Group ] BIG envisions the cities as zero-waste, energy-positive and self-sustaining.

The necessary food to feed the population would be grown on the islands.

BIG has put toether a kit of parts for each part of the man-made ecosystem: a food kit of parts, a waste kit of parts. Each island would be prefabricated onshore and towed to its location in the archipelago.


Zoning and Area




Site Study



West Bengal , Bakkhali

Location: Near Bakkhali at 21.17°N / 88.47°E,

Site Justification

being the centre of lowthe circle taken for the site, located around 35Km, from the coast of Bakkhali. Connectivity: Regular Ferries can be arranged. Esplanade - Bakkhali is 13 km Bridge over the Hataniya-Doania river connects namkhana to Bakkhali. Railway Station - Namkhana Nearest Highway - NH12 Average Levels of the sea floor = 13m c°3


• Being a place near the Sunderbans, the environmental aspect of it is significant. • It is sinking - with studies showing by 2030, most of the region will be underwater. • Repeated cyclones wash away settlements. • Continuous siltation and weather makes it risky to build on the land here. • Needs a sustainable alternative.


Maharashtra, Between Diu and Mumbai

The site is at 20.77°N / 68.1 °E, being the centre of the cicle chosen. SITE DETAILS AND JUSTIFICATION • Site : In between Diu and Mumbai • Connectivity: Mumbai - Metropolitan City connected to the world. • Distance from Mumbai coastline is around 60Km. • A 35Km radius circle is chosen at a point, along which the city will be functional.







Area Programming [ Basic ]



Design and Drawings


































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