Clipping julio y agosto 2015

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Country: Spain Media: Telva Publication date: July 2015

Country: Spain Media: Esquire Publication date: July 2015

Country: Spain Media: Yo Dona Publication date: July 2015

Country: Spain Media: Semana Publication date: July 2015 PAÍS: España


PÁGINAS: 44-47

O.J.D.: 140532

TARIFA: 52120 €

E.G.M.: 895000

ÁREA: 2268 CM² - 400%


5 Agosto, 2015

En abri! de 2004, en isla Mosquito ISABEL PREYSLER, SUS LTIMAS FOTOS LUCIENDO TIPO EN BAI ADOR IsabeLPreytsery Mario VargasLLosaya se encuentrande vacaciones fuera de Espaha.Varios son los destinos que se apuntan, desdeNuevaYork y Los Hamptons,a un crucero por La Costa AzuLe, incluso, una escapadaen Miami, en [a mansi6nde EnriqueIg[esias. Tambi~n, a la vue[ta, podrianseguir con la idea que tanto [e gusta al escritor para su puesta a punto, pero en este caso en e[ Sha nessde Altea. La isla Mosquito,en et Caribe, en abrit 2004, fue e[ escenario de unos idi[icas vacacionesde Isabel Preys[er con su entonces marido, Migue[ Boyer, y tambi~nrue la d[tima vez que hasta ahora pudimos veda en ba~ador. Entonces, con 53 a6os, podia presumir de una magn[fica figura, que poco ha variado en todo este tiempo~

¯ ¯ ~ La todav~a mujer del Nobel no quiere pon4rselo f~cily no tieneintenci6n de toms/"unadecisi6n que pueda poner f~cilmentefin a un matnmonio, que a finales pasadomes de mayo cumplk5 cincuenta afros. Casados en r4gimen de bienes gananciales en Perd, si se acogen a ha ley del pals, al no estar de acuerdo, el proceso podr~’a demorarse casi unos seis afios. Sin embargo, Mario Vargas Llosa, tambi4n con nacionalidad espaf~ola desde el 3 de julio de 1993, puede interpoher ha demanda de divorcio en el fl]timo domicflio del demandante, en este caso Madrid. Pero no podr& acogerse a la popuharmente conocida como tey de dfvorcio erpres, ClUe se aprob5 durante el mandato de Jos~ Luis Rodr~guezZapatero, ya clue partes no est&n de acuerdo.

Mario Vargas Llosa e Isabel Preysler est un viviendo suprimerverano juntos Aunquela relaci&n de Isabel Preysler y MarioVargasLlosa est~ viviendolos primeros compases,las personasque conocenbiena Isabelafirman quesu deseoen casarse. Asilo hizoconCarlosFalc<5, al que conoci6cuandoestabaseparadade JulioIglesias, y con MiguelBoyer,trasrompercon el marqu@s de GriiS<Sn. Miemtrasse solucionala situackSn legal,ellossiguen viviendo su historia de amor, con muchassalidasa cenary comer con amigos. Mario sigue viviendo en un apar~amento de hotel Eurobuflding, al que se traslad6 tras abandonat el domicilio clue compartha con Patricia, pero pasa mucho tiempo en la casa de Isabel en su casa de Puer~a de Hierro. ¯ SEMANA47

Country: Spain Media: Dime Publication date: July 2015 PAÍS: España


PÁGINAS: 1,22-23


TARIFA: 21375 €


ÁREA: 1370 CM² - 225%


3 Agosto, 2015


Tensi6n entre Isabel .P.reysler y su hi]a Ana Querria irse a vivir con Verdasco La benjamina de la casaquierever feliz a su madre conMarioVargasLlosa,pero echaenfalta a supadrey preferiria independizarse y vivir consu novio los hijos de Isabel Preysler (64) han dado su benepl~citoa la relaci6n que la reina de corazones mantiene con Mario Vargas Llosa(79). Todos...menos pequefia de la familia, Ana Boyer(26). La relaci6n entre Preysler y el premionobel comenz6en febrero, cuatro meses despu6s de la muerte del exministro de economia Miguel Boyer. Una situaci6n complejapara Ana, que pot un lado quiere ver feliz a su madrepero, por otto, no deja de recordar a su padre.

Niegaa Marioen vida de Miguel El entorno de la benjamina de los Preysler asegura

que "ella es la que m~sinc6modaest~ con toda esta situaci6n". P0.blicamenre, ana nunca reconocerfa que le pareceprecipitado que su madre haya rehechosu vida, pero en privado su opini6n podrfa ser diferente. La propia Isabel ha tenido que desmentir noticias sobre su relaci6n con Vargas Llosa, en las que se aseguraba que su relaci6n venfa de antes. A Isabel le ha dolido mucho que se insinuase que su relaci6n con Mario hubiese comenzado cuando su marido Miguel Boyer estaba enfermo. "Es una barbaridad. Lo 6nico que he hecho es estar junto a mi marido ayund~ndolo y cuid~indolo todo el rato",

LOS HIJOS DE MARIO, DE VACACIONES CON SU MADRE El clanVargas Llosa,compuesto porel hijomayor de Mario y Patricia, ~,lvam (49),suesposa Susana y sushijosLeandro y Aitana; Morgana (41), suesposo Stefan sushijas,Isabela y Anais; y Gonzalo (48)y sushijas,Josefinay Ariadna, est~veraneando al completo enuna isla delMediterr~neo. Suelen verse dosveces al afio porque cadaunoviveendistintasparesdelmundo, pero estaesla primera vezqueel patriarca noseencuemra presente. Segdn explicaba unaconfidente de la familia a ABC, "lesduele la ausencia del"abuelito Mario"cada vezquesusnietos sesientan a la mesa".


(adaverano, Patrida y Mario , pasaban unos diasenla dinka Buchinguer deMarbella, un elitista¢entro desalud.

Country: Spain Media: Expansi贸n Publication date: July 2015

Country: Spain Media: Cinco Dias Publication date: July 2015

Country: Spain Media: Woman Publication date: August 2015

Country: Spain Media: Vogue Belleza Publication date: August 2015

Country: Spain Media: Vogue Belleza Publication date: August 2015

Country: Spain Media: Ultima Hora Publication date: August 2015

Country: Spain Media: La Raz贸n Publication date: August 2015

Country: Spain Media: Dime cada Lunes Publication date: August 2015

Country: Spain Media: La Almudaina Publication date: August 2015

Country: Spain Media: El mundo Publication date: August 2015

Country: Spain Media: Pronto Publication date: August 2015

Country: Spain Media: Vanity Fair Publication date: August 2015

Country: Spain Media: Online – El economista Publication date: August 2015

Country: Spain Media: Online – La Razón Publication date: August 2015

Country: Spain Media: Online – El Mundo Publication date: August 2015


Country: UK Media: Online – Tatler Publication date: July 2015

Country: UK Media: Online – Good Housekeeping Publication date: July 2015

Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone:

Baku {Main}


SHA Wellness Clinic

UK Saturday 1, August 2015 53 546 sq. cm 25000 Quarterly page rate £0.00, scc rate £0.00 020 7152 3450

Country: UK Media: Online – Baku Publication date: July 2015

Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone:

Baku {Main}


SHA Wellness Clinic

UK Saturday 1, August 2015 53 546 sq. cm 25000 Quarterly page rate £0.00, scc rate £0.00 020 7152 3450

Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone:

Metro (London) {Main}


SHA Wellness Clinic

UK Monday 24, August 2015 35 890 sq. cm ABC 761545 Daily page rate £25,109.00, scc rate £121.00 020 7938 6000

WILLIAM BANKS-BLANEY Dubbed ‘The Vintage King’ by Vogue, the founder of haute couture brand William Vintage talks about living with bats, Tabasco and embracing solace in Spain. By Polly Humphris What is your favourite on-the-road moment? On my first night in my hotel I get room service – I order cheeseburger, fries and a chocolate milkshake, which I then eat while watching an old movie. The best cheeseburger I’ve had was at the Delano Hotel on Miami Beach (; rooms from £263.40). Favourite city? Miami is so often unfairly bracketed into being nothing but a party town when there are so many other aspects of it. Downtown, along Collins Avenue, has the most fantastic art deco architecture. Lots of the hotels on Collins Avenue may not be fivestar but they are full of character, with beautiful deco staircases and slightly scuffed marble floors. The Cuban food in Miami is incredible, too. The city is polished but edgy. What keeps you sane on the road? Any book by Armistead Maupin, who is a beautiful writer, and a bottle of Tabasco sauce. I love spicy food but because I never know quite where I might end up, if I’ve got

Country: UK Media: Online – Metro Publication date: August 2015 Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone:

Metro (London) {Main}


SHA Wellness Clinic

UK Monday 24, August 2015 35 890 sq. cm ABC 761545 Daily page rate £25,109.00, scc rate £121.00 020 7938 6000

and then subsequently had a crash. I stayed in New York for an extra four days – there was no way I was getting on a plane until the bad vibes lifted. What have you ever taken from a hotel room? My home flooded five years ago and I stayed at the St Martins Lane Hotel (; rooms from £249) for seven weeks and stockpiled the toiletries. I still have a medicine cabinet full of shower caps. What is the best souvenir you’ve come home with? I love shopping for crystals in Paris. The markets are so magical and diverse. In the Marché Saint-Simon flea market I once bought a late-1950s table lamp in cast bronze, which holds an enormous amethyst crystal.

F French h lleave: Th The D Dordogne, d where h Banks-Blaney holidays every summer a bottle of Tabasco I can throw it on anything and feel familiarity. When have you been most frightened while travelling? Years ago I was travelling to JFK Airport for a flight back to England and I was involved in three car crashes in one day. The first involved a complete 360-degree turn, the second car that replaced the first was rearended at speed, and the third crash only happened because the driver was so shaken by the fact that he had collected someone from a crash

What has been your most life-changing experience while travelling? I recently went to a retreat called the SHA Wellness Clinic near Altea in Spain (shawellnessclinic. com; seven-day programmes from £1,521). I switched off my phone and went alone. It gave me the opportunity to think about my best friend who died very unexpectedly. Those six days without technology helped me realise that I need to look forward into the future, on the people in my life and stop filling every hour with work. Worst meal you’ve had abroad? I was in St Petersburg with a girlfriend of mine, Blaine Trump, and we were served reindeer in

strawberry sauce. Without question the worst thing I’ve ever eaten. Strangest place you’ve spent the night? A dilapidated chateau in France about an hour south of Paris. The room I stayed in actually had part of the ceiling missing. I slept in a bed but was able to see the stars through the hole in the roof and I could hear the snoring of a large family of bats. Best place you’ve spent the night? Burgh Island in South Devon is home to a 14th-century pub called the Pilchard Inn and they have one tiny bedroom above the pub with a working fireplace and a copper roll-top bath in the middle of the room. All you can see through the windows is the ocean. Have you ever come close to being arrested? Probably. My twenties were quite raucous and I was certainly keen on a party but I haven’t touched anything stronger than a cup of coffee since 1998. Before then, god only knows – probably. We’ll say probably. Where are you going next? I’m off to the Dordogne with family where I go every summer then I’m going to Bodrum in Turkey for a wedding in September before heading to New York and Los Angeles in October for the US launch of my book. William’s flagship store, is on London’s Marylebone Street, where you can find his book 25 Dresses: Iconic Moments in Twentieth-Century Fashion

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Country: UK Media: Online – Tatler Publication date: August 2015


Country: Russia Media: Wedding Publication date: July 2015 WEDDING â„–5 Date: 01.07.2015 Media Type: women's magazine (6 times a year) Circulation: 65000

Vsem SHA!

Country: Russia Media: Moskovsky Komsomolets Publication date: July 2015

MOSKOVSKY KOMSOMOLETS Date: 29.06.2015 Media Type: general interest newspaper (Daily) Distribution: Russia, CIS


Country: Russia Media:PrimeTravel Magazine Publication date: July 2015

AEROFLOT PREMIUM Date: 04.08.2015 Media Type: inflight magazine (Monthly)


Country: Russia Media: Aeroflot Publication date: August 2015


Country: Germany Media: Online – Eat & Travel Publication date: August 2015

Country: Germany Media: Feel Good Publication date: August 2015

Country: Germany Media: Die Exkluisve Publication date: August 2015

created by:

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Finzel

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21 juin 2015 - N째2

Country: France Media: Reponses de Questions de Femmes Publication date: July 2015

RUBRIQUE : Alimentation

Country: France Media: Trends Publication date: July 2015 PAYS : France PAGE(S) : 51 SURFACE : 19 % PERIODICITE : Mensuel

1 mai 2015 - N째48

Country: France Media: Les nouvelles esthetiques Spa Publication date: July 2015


Country: Arab Emirates Media:Aspire Publication date: July 2015

Country: Arab Emirates Media: Lamasat Publication date: July 2015

Country: Arab Emirates Media:Online – Arabia Woman Publication date: July 2015

Country: Arab Emirates Media:Online - MuseArabia Publication date: August 2015


Country: USA Media: The Hollywood Reporter Publication date: July 2015

Country: USA Media: Ecosalon Publication date: July 2015

Country: USA Media:Online, I-meet Publication date: July 2015

Country: USA Media:Online, Gallivant Publication date: July 2015

Country: USA Media: Online-American Spa Publication date: August 2015

Country: USA Media: BeautyUndercover Publication date: August 2015

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