The Batavian - July/August 2024

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Batavian The

Celebrate summer with a bang at fireworks show

Check out the schedule for Windmill City Festival

Exciting experiences planned this summer at the Library

Batavia Fine Arts Centre announces its 2024-2025 season lineup

What’s Inside


Lori Botterman City of Batavia 630-454-2000

Katie Burgess Batavia Park District 630-879-5235

Holly Deitchman Batavia Public Schools 630-937-8824

Margaret Perreault Batavia Chamber of Commerce 630-879-7134

Andrew Van Meter BATV 630-879-9300

Beth Walker Batavia MainStreet 630-761-3528

Kristen Zambo Batavia Public Library 630-879-1393

Julie Barichello 815-431-4072 ADVERTISING

Tricia Walter 630-345-0066

Photo provided by City of Batavia
Independence Day fireworks at Engstrom Park.
Photo provided by City of Batavia

City of Batavia


Mayor: Jeffery D. Schielke

City Clerk: Kate Garrett

Treasurer: Jennifer Fox


Ward 1: Jennifer Baerren

Ward 2: Leah Leman

Ward 3: George Ajazi

Ward 4: Tony Malay

Ward 5: Mark Uher

Ward 6: Nicholas Cerone

Ward 7: Sarah Volgelsinger


Ward 1: Christopher Solfa

Ward 2: Alan Wolff

Ward 3: Dan Chanzit

Ward 4: Dustin Pieper

Ward 5: Abby Beck

Ward 6: Tim Lanci

Ward 7: Robin Barraza

Message from the Mayor


The beginning of the 2024 summer season promises to be a memorable time for our residents, as it will feature the unveiling of a new Discover Historic Batavia plaque display funded by a grant from the Aurora-based Dunham Foundation. The initial presentation will highlight historical events that took place in Batavia, involving legendary moments from our national story.

The three-block stretch of Batavia Avenue from Main to Houston streets will be the route where prominent historical stories will be presented. Featured will be the architecture and histories of the Methodist, Congregational, and Calvary-Episcopal churches. At the intersection of Batavia Avenue and Wilson Street, signs will share the visits by future President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1919 and the visit by then-presidential candidate John F. Kennedy on Oct. 25, 1960. Historical accounts reveal that these two future Presidents of the United States took actions at the time that apparently placed them about 40 feet away from each other during their visits to Batavia. Eisenhower stood in the middle of the intersection and directed a military convoy, while Kennedy stood atop a convertible and gave a speech that lasted 1 minute and 47 seconds during his 1960 presidential campaign. The first signs, totaling 10, will be erected soon, with plans already underway to add more signs in the months ahead. The plan is for the signs to be set up in a walkable route for those who want to explore this fascinating history lesson. Additionally, a website will illustrate and display each sign to a worldwide audience.

In another recent action, a supply of environmentally safe cloth shopping bags has been purchased from the revenues generated by the 10-cent plastic bag fee charged when customers make a purchase in a Batavia retail business. These bags are available to Batavia residents for no charge at the receptionist's office at City Hall. In their first week of distribution, they have proven to be quite popular. If you'd like to acquire an environmentally safe cloth bag to assist you in shopping around town, please visit City Hall at 100 N. Island Avenue.

Finally, the City Council has approved a residential housing project for the former Furnas Electric/Siemens property, along with the adjoining Weirich property near the north Van Nortwick-McKee Street intersection. The property has been approved for the development of both free-standing single-family homes and attached single-family homes. It will take several years for the site to be developed, but significant changes to the landscape are expected in the days ahead.

4th of July Fireworks Show

Batavia’s 74th annual 4th of July fireworks show will be at 9:30 p.m. Thursday, July 4, at Engstrom Park, 326 Millview Dr., Batavia.

Food trucks will be available on Millview Drive near Engstrom Park starting at 5 p.m.

Live music begins at 7 p.m. with three bands performing on Millview Drive. Batavia is hosting students ages 14-21 from Osnabruck, Germany; the Blasorchester (Wind Orchestra) and the Osnabruck Bigband (both directed by Ekkehard

Sauer). The Batavia Community Band will play a patriotic concert on Mill Street by Engstrom Park at approximately 8:30 p.m.

Please come and make memories with your family and friends on July 4 in Batavia! Even though this show is free to the public, please consider donating either at the event, or before or after at Your donations make this biggest and grandest tradition in Batavia possible each year.

Do you have a fire sprinkler system?

Fire sprinklers are complex systems designed to protect life and property from a fire. But the complexity of their mechanisms, as well as the fact that they are connected to the municipal water supply poses the risk of blackflow and thus the need for a properly functioning backflow prevention assembly system.

If the municipal drinking water supply were to be contaminated by backflow from a fire sprinkler system, it could endanger the health of those drinking from the water supply. For this reason, the City of Batavia

requires the backflow be inspected and tested annually by a qualified professional who is certified in testing backflow devices.

Backflow prevention includes the use of a valve to prevent contaminated water flowing into the municipal water supply in the event of dropped or failed water pressure. The backflow prevention valve can be installed in the fire sprinkler piping where there is risk of contaminated water in the sprinkler system flowing back into the municipal water supply should water pressure drop.

Lawn watering restrictions in effect

By ordinance, the City of Batavia limits the use of water for lawn sprinkling to:

• Even-numbered addresses on evennumbered calendar days.

• Odd-number address on oddnumbered calendar days.

• Watering must take place between the hours of 6-9 a.m. and 6-9 p.m. only.

Hand-held hose watering is permitted any time for flowers, gardens, lawns, trees and shrubs. Watering of new sod or seeded lawns requires a permit, which can be obtained at the Community Development Department, 100 N. Island Ave. Please note: permits for sod/seed will not be issued during July and August.


Annual testing is required for lawn irrigation systems

Cross Connection Control devices (backflow preventers) are mandatory for underground lawn sprinkling systems according to the State Plumbing Code. Each spring when you turn your sprinkler system on you must have the backflow device tested. This testing is required on an annual basis, even if you do not use your lawn irrigation system. The City’s backflow program administrator, Aqua Backflow, Elgin, IL. will send out reminder notices.

The Batavia Cross Connection Control Program is designed to safeguard public health. We ask for your complete cooperation with our program, its enforcement, and any requests for information that come from Aqua Backflow or Batavia Water Division staff.

Questions can be directed to Aqua Backflow at 847-742-2296 or you may contact the Batavia Water Division at 630-454-2450.

City of Batavia

2024 Street Resurfacing Program and sidewalk repair

The 2024 Street Resurfacing Program begins in June with completion anticipated by the end of October 2024. This project includes resurfacing the roadway asphalt pavement and conducting spot repairs on concrete sidewalks and curbs. The surface of the pavement

is removed with a large grinding machine and then repaved with a hot mix asphalt paver.

The streets to be resurfaced are selected by the Engineering Division to optimize the lifespan of the city’s overall pavement system. The list of

streets can be found on the City of Batavia Capital Improvements Map, If your street is on the list, you will receive a letter with further information prior to the start of construction. For a complete list of city improvement projects, visit


Are you curious about what construction is taking place in Batavia this year? You may find the Capital Improvement Map on the City’s website, You can enter your address in the location bar and any construction in the address’ proximity will show up.

Household hazardous waste front door collection service available

The City of Batavia offers a household hazardous waste collection service to its residents. The city’s third-party provider, Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc. will provide front door collection of many items that should not be placed in the regular weekly refuse collection. Residents can schedule a front door pickup by calling Clean Harbors at 866-466-5060 Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. If there is no answer, please leave a voicemail and your call will be returned. For details about the program, or to submit an online request, please visit

New rates for garbage and yard waste collection begin July 1

Beginning July 1, refuse disposal costs will increase for Batavia residents. This is the second year of a five-year contract with Groot Industries.

The new rates are:

• 95-Gallon Refuse Cart: $24.38/mo.

• 65-Gallon Refuse Cart: $22.30/mo.

• 35-Gallon Refuse Cart: $17.42/mo.

• 35-Gallon Senior Refuse Cart: $13.26/mo.

• 35/65/95-Gallon Recycling Cart: No charge

• Extra Refuse / Yard Waste Sticker: $3.12 (please note, vendors may add up to a 2% service fee)

• Additional 35/65/95-Gallon Recycling Cart: $2.15/mo.

• 65-Gallon Yard Waste Cart: $180.25/season which runs April 1

– Nov. 30.

• 95-Gallon Yard Waste Cart: $190.55/season

To report missed pickups or for cart issues, please contact Groot Industries at 630-892-9294 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If Groot Industries does not resolve your issue to your satisfaction or if you have any questions, please contact the Public Properties and Services Division of Batavia Public Works at 630-454-2400 Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Brush collection continues

Curbside residential brush collection is available to residents who pay the monthly leaf/brush fee on their utility bill. Please note that your collection week doesn’t occur the same week each month; there are seven collections per season. Brush/limbs are to be at the curb for collection no later than 7 a.m. Monday of your scheduled week, but no sooner than the weekend before that. Crews will make only one pass by each residence. Brush placed out after our crews have passed will not be collected until the next scheduled pickup date.

The amount of brush that has been placed out citywide in any given month dictates how quickly your area will be reached, but each side of town is typically completed by Friday of the scheduled week. The collections are for homeowner trimming and also meant to handle most minor storm damage limbs that fall during the season; special collections are done very rarely. Brush/trimmings that are generated by a private service must be removed by that service and may not be put out for brush collection. Major storms may affect the schedule, and a notice of any special brush collection will be posted on the City’s website. If your brush was out at 7 a.m. on Monday of your scheduled collection week and not collected by the end of the workday on Friday, please notify the Public Properties & Services Division at 630-454-2400 no later than the following Monday.

The following procedures must be followed to ensure the collection of your brush:

• Maximum diameter is 6 inches (logs cannot be split); maximum length of limbs is 12 feet.

• Brush should be stacked into one large pile in the front/side parkway with cut ends facing the curb, and placed away from parkway trees, mailboxes, utility poles/boxes, hydrants, and parked vehicles. Brush will not be collected from alleys or vacant lots.


July 29

Sept. 9

Oct. 14


Dec. 2


Aug. 5

Sept. 16

Oct. 21

• Brush/limbs must not be tied, bundled, in containers, bagged, or put on the street.

• Brush pile should contain only brush. Foreign objects will not be collected.

• Program is for residentiallygenerated brush only, not contractor tree removals or trimming.

• Brush left out on the parkway between collection dates is subject to a possible code violation citation.

For materials that do not meet the above specifications:

• Groot Industries will collect yard waste bags/32-gallon cans (not to exceed 50 pounds per bag/32-gallon can) consisting of twigs, evergreen clippings, roots, stumps, and plants on your regular trash collection day through November 30. A refuse sticker should be attached to the yard waste bag or 32-gallon can. If a can is used, it should be clearly marked “Yard Waste” on the side facing the street.

• Residents with limbs/brush exceeding the requirements for the program can contact a private service to have it removed at the resident’s expense.

• Unincorporated residents should contact their township offices regarding brush collection services that may be available to them.

If you have any questions, please call the Public Properties & Services Division at 630-454-2400 weekdays from 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. or visit

Yard waste collection is underway

Weekly yard waste collection is underway and will continue through Nov. 30.

Refuse stickers are available for purchase at several local outlets.  A complete list is available at

Residents should place a refuse sticker on each generic yard waste bag or 32-gallon can and put bag/can at the curb on their regular collection date. Yard waste is collected separately from regular refuse and recycling. Cans must be clearly labeled yard waste on the front, and a refuse sticker should be attached to the handle. Plastic bags cannot be used. Maximum capacity is 50 pounds per yard waste bag or container. Yard waste carts are also available to rent for a fee through Groot Industries. Refuse may not be mixed with yard waste.

Yard waste includes grass clippings; leaves; branches and brush; other yard and garden trimmings; vines, garden plants and flowers; weeds; tree droppings such as pinecones and crabapples; and other similar organic waste materials. Not included:  Sod and greenery from wreaths or garlands is not yard waste and should be disposed of as refuse.

Please contact the Public Properties and Services Division at 630-454-2400 with any questions.




• 5–10:30 p.m. | Food Court & Beer Garden open

• 5–8:30 p.m. | Golf Challenge

• 5–10 p.m. | Carnival

• 6–8 p.m. | Hillbilly Rockstarz on the Main Stage

• 9–11 p.m. | Hi Infidelity on the Main Stage


• Noon–10:30 p.m. | Food Court & Beer Garden open

• Noon–8:30 p.m. | Golf Challenge

• Noon | Pet Competition

The first 50 registered participants will receive a complimentary “doggie bag” to take home. Register at Main Stage. Categories: “best overall” in five categories: Best Kisser, Best Trick, Highest Jump, Best Costume and Most Unusual.

• 12–10 p.m. | Carnival

• 1:30 p.m. | Chuck the Duck Toss

• 2:30–4:30 p.m. | Sidewalk Chalk Contest South Riverwalk Plaza

All chalk drawings will be entered to win a People’s Choice Contest for “Most Uplifting” and “Best of Batavia.” The contest will be held on Batavia Park District’s Facebook page after the festival.

• 4 p.m. | Windmill City Make-and-Take Make your own wind-powered craft project and learn how Windmill City got its name with the staff of the Batavia Depot Museum.

• 3–5 p.m. | Kaleidoscope Eyes on the Main Stage

• 6–8 p.m. | Libido Funk Circus on the Main Stage

• 9–11 p.m. | Radio Gaga on the Main Stage


• 8 a.m. | Windmill Whirl 5K & 1K Kids Run Race fee includes chip timing and race bib plus post-race snacks and a beer from a local brewery for runners ages 21+. New this year is a 5K Stroller Division and a 1-mile timed race for kids 10 and under.

• Noon–6 p.m. | Food Court & Beer Garden open, Golf Challenge

• Noon–6 p.m. | Carnival

• Noon–5 p.m. | Windmill City Festival Community Craft Fair

• Noon–1 p.m. | BIG Wheels/Tricycle Races

Kids bring their own wheels (no 2–wheelers) and compete in 3 age divisions. For ages 2–8. Prizes for 1st place in each division, participation popsicles for everyone who enters.

• Noon–3 p.m. | Family Rock Painting presented by Batavia Parks Foundation

• 1–3 p.m. | Brass on Fire on the Main Stage

• 3–4 p.m. | Diaper Derby

Crawling race for babies ages 6–15 months. Register near the Main stage from 2:30–2:45 p.m. Presented by the Batavia Mothers’ Club.

• 4–6 p.m. | This End Up on the Main Stage

Batavia Depot Museum will be open during the festival. Stop in to learn about local history and shop for unique Batavia merchandise!

Batavia Park District

Enjoy free summer concerts at The Riverwalk

Welcome back to River Rhapsody, our summer cultural arts concert series featuring a variety of lively, eclectic musical acts showcasing a diverse range of tunes. Bring family friends, lawn chairs and blankets and enjoy a night of free music. Wine, beer and food will be available for purchase. Concerts are brought to you by Batavia Depot Museum and Batavia Parks Foundation.

Outdoor concerts are dependent on weather and may be rescheduled due to inclement weather. Check for details or sign up to receive weather and event updates by texting “follow #riverrhapsody” to 630-879-5235.


the heat at Hall Quarry Beach

There’s still plenty of time to enjoy Hall Quarry beach this summer. Spend sun-kissed days in the water, play volleyball, feel the sand between your toes or drop by for a twilight swim.

Stop by for our special events, which are free with paid admission. On July 19, Santa will visit the Quarry for Christmas in July from 6 to 8 p.m. Wear your favorite holiday-themed swimwear, sing along to Christmas music and visit with Santa.

Bid farewell to the summer swim season on Aug. 9 with So Long Summer Swim from 6 to 8 p.m. with family games and activities, plus extended hours. Chuck the Duck may even make an appearance! Come back Saturday and Sunday to make the most of the final weekend at the Quarry.

For more information, visit harold-hall-quarry-beach.

n STAY UP TO DATE! Text “follow #quarry" to 630-879-5235 to receive weather updates and info on special events.

River Rhapsody Concert Series

Select Wednesday Evenings 7-8:30 p.m.

Batavia Riverwalk



• June 12 | Abby Kay Band

• June 19 | Kaleidoscope Eyes

• June 26 | SunFallen

• July 3 | Kashmir

• July 17 | Classical Blast

• July 24 | The Jolly Ringwalds

• July 31 | Voyage




• Daily: 11:30 a.m. opening for season pass holders

• Monday, Wednesday & Friday: Noon-7 p.m.

• Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday: Noon-6 p.m.


400 S. Water St., Batavia


• In-district: $10

• Out-of-district: $15

• Free admission for children age 2 and under

• Twilight Hours, in-district: $5

• Twilight Hours, out-of-district: $7 Twilight hours are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 5-7 p.m.

Deck and after-hours rentals are available. Deck rentals are $125 for three hours (guests will pay the entrance fee). Private Quarry rentals are offered Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. ($450 for residents and $500 for nonresidents). For more information and to book your next event or party, please contact our Recreation Supervisor at 630-406-5282 ext. 2062.

Fall Exhibit: Batavia through the Artist’s Brush Exhibit opens July 27

Opening Reception Aug. 9, 6-8 p.m.

A cozy hug of color on its way to the museum

Luminous watercolors and vibrant oil paints capture visions of the Batavia landscape in a new exhibit showcasing artworks from the Batavia Historical Society’s collection. The exhibit will feature works from well-known local artists past and present, including John Gustafson, Delbert Peterson, Patty Lazowski, Greta Bell, Kevin Hoepper and Nick Freeman.

“There are so many amazing artworks in the collection,” said Museum Curator Jessica Meis. “Out of all the options, we chose landscapes for this exhibit because they show change and continuity in Batavia.”

One section of the exhibit will focus just on images of the Batavia Depot. The building has been an icon of the Batavia community for 170 years. It was constructed in 1854, relocated to 155 Houston St. in

1973, opened as a public museum in 1975 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1979. It has been a popular subject for artists for decades both before and after its relocation.

As always, admission to Batavia Depot Museum and events is free. The exhibit will open to the public on July 27, and a special opening reception will take place on Friday, Aug. 9, from 6 to 8 p.m. Light refreshments and a cash bar will be provided.

History is cruising downtown Batavia

Calling all gearheads, classic collectors and auto enthusiasts young and young-at-heart! Cruise on down to the Batavia Block Party on Sept. 1 to see history take to the road.

From vintage to modern cars, there’s something for everyone to admire at the Wayback Wheels Car Show. Want to exhibit your ride? Go to to register your vehicle.

“This has been a great opportunity to partner with Batavia Mainstreet to bring this history-flavored event to Batavia’s downtown,” said Batavia Depot Museum Director Kate Garrett. “History drives past us every day on the roads in Batavia and we’re excited to celebrate that history beyond the Depot Museum’s walls.”

Visitors can climb aboard the Batavia Park District’s one-of-a-kind, open-air trolley, the “Foxy Lady,” ring the bell and pose for a picture. Mingle with car enthusiasts and share the love of the road. And don’t forget to grab a ticket for the Block Party to enjoy local eats, drinks and live music!


Follow these watering tips to keep your plants happy in July and August as summer heat intensifies:

n Water your plants deeply. You want the water to reach deep roots where the heat of the day doesn't reach.



n Water early and low to ensure that there isn't much chance of evaporation.

“Untitled” by Kevin Hoepper, 2014
“Untitled” by Lois Roe, 1971

Downtown Batavia

If there were ever a time to visit downtown, summer is it! In addition to our outdoor Farmers’ Market on Saturday mornings and Wednesday evenings, Artisan Collective the third Saturday of the month, and the Batavia Boardwalk, our shops and restaurants have reasons for you to visit downtown every day of the week. You can find our Downtown Events Calendar at Pop on now and plan a week of fun!


Visit our 10 Batavia Boardwalk Shops every Friday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday 9a.m.- 5 p.m., and Sunday 11 a.m.- 4 p.m. through Dec. 20. Check out their Events Calendar for added fun each month. Receive a Raffle Ticket with every purchase made at the Boardwalk all season long for a chance to win $50 in Downtown Dollars to be spent at participating businesses. This promotion runs weekly all season.

IT’S TIME TO VISIT Downtown Cocktails in the Park

7-10 p.m. Saturday, July 27 •


This year’s Cocktails in the Park will be 7-10 p.m. Saturday, July 27, at Appleton Park. The $40 advance ticket price includes small plates from downtown Batavia restaurants, a collectible whiskey glass and entry to the event. Purchase your tickets now at

Cocktails in the Park has been Batavia MainStreet’s largest single fundraiser for the nonprofit organization. As advocates for the downtown business community, MainStreet staff and volunteers work to keep the local economy vibrant, assist in marketing and promotions,

and operate the Batavia Farmers’ Market, Artisan Collective, Batavia Boardwalk Shops, and city-wide events like Block Party and BatFest. Your attendance and donations at Cocktails in the Park make all the above possible!


End your summer with the best Block Party around! Join us at Peg

Bond Center on Sunday, Sept. 1, from 4-9 p.m. This year’s party comes complete with live music, Pie Bake-off, free kids area and $3 tastes from downtown Batavia restaurants. The adult entrance fee is $5 and children enter for free.

Sign up for The Batavia Depot Museum’s Wayback Wheels Car Show at www.downtownbatavia. com/event/batavia-block-party-2.

Photo by April
Duda Photography

Batavia Public School District 101

School Directory


Rosalie Jones Administration Center

335 W. Wilson St. Batavia, IL 60510

630-937-8800 •


Batavia High School 1201 Main St., Batavia, IL 60510

630-937-8600 •


Sam Rotolo Middle School 1501 South Raddant Rd. Batavia, IL 60510

630-937-8700 •


Alice Gustafson School

905 Carlisle Rd. Batavia, IL 60510 630-937-8000 •

Early Childhood Center

905 Carlisle Rd. Batavia, IL 60510


Grace McWayne School

3501 Hapner Way Batavia, IL 60510

630-937-8100 •

H. C. Storm School

305 North Van Nortwick St. Batavia, IL 60510

630-937-8200 •

Hoover-Wood School 1640 Wagner Rd. Batavia, IL 60510

630-937-8300 •

J. B. Nelson School

334 William Wood Ln. Batavia, IL 60510

630-937-8400 •

Louise White School

800 North Prairie St. Batavia, IL 60510

630-937-8500 •

Welcome to Sixth Grade Day at RMS

RMS will host its annual Welcome to Sixth Grade day on Aug. 8, 2024, from 9 to 11 a.m. This event allows all incoming sixth graders to walk their schedules, practice using lockers, go through the lunch process and meet

staff and students. Students who regularly receive bus transportation to and from school will be able to ride the bus to this event. We will share transportation times once we are closer to the event. Stay tuned!

Pack a picnic, fill your cooler, gather your friends and join us for a family-friendly day of fun! Polo matches, murder mystery, raffle baskets, 50/50 raffle, face painting, ice cream truck and much more! Gates open at 11 a.m.!

$40 per car or $10 per person Save the date and stay tuned for more details!

To preorder tickets, buy via Zelle at and indicate "POLO TIX" in the notes. Follow STAGE Batavia on Facebook and at for event updates.

Batavia Public School District 101

Become a Batavia Boosters

Member Today

Help support the RMS & BHS Athletes

New this year is the Digital Membership: Join online at

Join at the Annual Corn Boil on Aug. 23 or at the Locker move in on Aug. 7, 2024





• 2 Passes to ALL home contests excluding special events and IHSA playoffs


• 2 passes to All home football games excluding playoffs

• Reserved parking for home football games excluding playoffs

• Reserved seating area for home football games excluding playoffs

n GOLD CLUB $225

• 2 Passes to all home contests excluding special events and IHSA playoffs

• Reserved parking for home football games excluding playoffs

• Reserved seating area for home football games excluding playoffs

2024-2025 SEASON at the Batavia Fine Arts Centre

Step into a world of artistic brilliance during the 2024-2025 season at the Batavia Fine Art Centre! Prepare to be captivated by a lineup of nine extraordinary shows featuring music, dance, theater and more.

For season tickets, individual ticket sales or more information, visit www.


Sept. 27 • 7:30 p.m.

The original rhythm section for Heart – one of classic rock’s most successful and revered bands – is still locked in and delivering those iconic songs as faithfully as possible with bassist and co-founding member Steve Fossen, former drummer Michael Derosier, vocalist Somar Macek, Lizzy Daymont on guitar, keyboards and vocals, and guitarist Chad Quist.


Oct. 19 • 7:30 p.m.

Frontiers is the world’s number one tribute to Journey, covering all the band's greatest hits such as "Open Arms," "Separate Ways," "Send Her My Love," "Don’t Stop Believing," "Who’s Crying Now," "Anyway You Want It" and many others that ruled the airwaves.


Nov. 22 • 7:30 p.m.

With a flair for the wild and unexpected, the genre-defying trio, TAKE3, brings the refinement of a rigorous classical music background and infuses it with rock-star charisma. TAKE3 is where rock meets Bach and is celebrated for weaving, seamlessly, in and out of musical styles with jaw dropping virtuosity.


Dec. 13 • 7:30 p.m.

Christmas in the Air is a first class Broadway-style song and dance review, wrapped up within a feel-good holiday storyline, told by Santa’s favorite elves. Starring Rand Productions’ dazzling precision dancers, known as the Tinseltoes, the show delivers the perfect mix of classic holiday melodies, with modern favorites and original music.


Jan. 10, 2025 • 7:30 p.m.

Yacht Rock Gold Experience brings all your favorite hits from the late 1970s and early 1980s to new generations of music fans. The show celebrates the the Doobie Brothers, Fleetwood Mac, Steely Dan, Christopher Cross, Kenny Loggins, Little River Band, Ambrosia, Boz Skaggs and more.


Feb. 21 • 7:30 p.m.

Pronounced B-Twins, this high energy entertainment group captivates audiences worldwide with its unique renditions of crowd favorites. Led by charismatic Twin brothers from Brazil, they combine a plethora of genres into a performance that is equal parts rock concert, dance party, jam session and vacation for the soul.


March 7 • 7:30 p.m.

Fusing Bruno-Mars-caliber stage presence with top-tier vocals and wall-to-wall choreography, the men of UPTOWN combine the smooth stylings of R&B with the fresh hits of today in a unique and modern show that gets every crowd on its feet.


May 3 • 7:30 p.m.

Billboard charting classical-crossover quartet, Sons of Serendip, won the hearts of fans and judges alike as finalists on "America’s Got Talent" (NBC) with their ethereal and emotionally stirring interpretations of pop music, arranged with a unique blend of vocals, harp, piano, and cello.


June 20 • 7:30 p.m.

What if you could experience all the youthful energy and sonic celebration that was 1980s New Wave & Radio Pop? Every sound. Every nuance. Every time. That’s Electric Avenue: the best '80s music hits performed the way you remember them in a high-energy show.

Happening in Batavia JULY 2024




Thursday: ½ off Burgers, $3 Busch



Sunday: .75 Cent Wings, $25 Bottomless Mimosas

Happening in Batavia

Batavia Public Library



out these upcoming summer


e’re halfway through the summer but not even halfway through the fun and adventures at Batavia Public Library.

This year’s theme for Summer Reading Club is Adventure Begins at Your Library, and we’re going big on exciting experiences. Like dinosaurs. Solving a mystery at Magnolia Gardens. And animals in the Library.

Don’t miss Excavation Adventure, where children going into grades 3-6 become paleontologists and dig up their own dinosaurs; and Nancy Drew Club: Murder at Magnolia Gardens, where teens and tweens may help us solve suspicious poisonings.

Animal Quest and Stella the Sloth, in July and August, respectively, bring animals into the Library so children, teens and adults may learn about these fascinating creatures…and might be able to pet some.

Windmill City Festival brings the fun opportunity to sample an array of age-appropriate books, paired for your reading tastes, during

The Library will be closed:

• Thursday, July 4, for the Independence Day holiday.

• Friday, Aug. 16, the Library will close for a half day for staff development, opening at 1 p.m.

• Sunday, Sept. 1, and Monday, Sept. 2, for the Labor Day holiday.

Book Tasting for All Ages from noon to 2 p.m. on Saturday, July 13, at the Library.

Teens and tweens may go on epic quests this summer with Dungeons & Dragons and venture farther into exciting realms with role-playing card games.

Teens may travel to a different country or region each month… with their mouths during the International Snack Challenge. In addition to sampling snacks from other lands, there will be trivia and games to learn about the snack and its country of origin. Ingredients will be listed on each snack.

We’re featuring a host of various crafting programs in the Library’s MakerZone throughout July and August so adults and teens may relax, enjoy and create.

Summer Reading Club also offers opportunities to earn prizes before we head back to school. Now through Monday, Aug. 5, you may read or listen to any book, regardless of whether it's online, on a disc, checked out from the Library, pulled from your own bookshelves, purchased from

Library Hours

Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-9 p.m.

Friday & Saturday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Sunday: 12-5 p.m.



Fax: 630-879-9118

TTY: 630-879-8335

Home Delivery:

630-879-1393, ext. 290

the Friends of the Batavia Public Library, or borrowed from a friend.

Simply log your books as you complete them, either on paper logs available at www. or in the Library, or via the Beanstack app. Each completed reading log will earn adults and teens the chance for prizes. Children ranging in age from babies through 8th grade also may earn rewards by reading or doing special activities.

Adventures abound this summer at the Library, so stop by soon.

Summer Reading ClubNow-Aug. 5

Library Executive Director

Josephine Tucci

Library Trustees

Daniel R. Russo, President

Elizabeth P. Larson, Vice President

Marianne E. Fasano, Secretary

Jennifer M. Culotta, Treasurer

Andrew R. Deitchman

Christy L. Ford

Kathryn L. Hubbard

Under the Cupola

Greetings, Batavia!

I am excited to share some great news! Starting July 1, 2024, Batavia Public Library no longer will charge fines on overdue items checked out at the Library (except for some of our Library of Things items). Fines account for a tiny percentage of our operating budget, which has decreased since we implemented auto-renewals several years ago.

The benefits of going fine free include removing barriers to accessing library services and materials and helping provide an equitable experience for everyone in our community. We want to encourage people to come to the Library and have it be an enjoyable experience. Accumulating fines works against that goal. We don’t want anyone to feel discouraged about using the Library due to a fine on their account.

All checked-out items still will have due dates and people still will be responsible for honoring those due dates. Returning items on time helps other library


Saturday, July 13

9:15 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Saturday, Aug. 10

9:15 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The Friends of the Batavia Public Library will host its monthly Book Sale from 9:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 13, and Aug. 10 in the FriendSpace. Credit cards are accepted.

users borrow items sooner. We can help you set up reminders in your library account to receive emails and text alerts when items are due.

After a library item is three weeks overdue, your account will be blocked until the item is returned. The account block includes checking out physical items, placing holds, renewing items and using digital services. If an item is more than 42 days past due, you either must return the item or pay the replacement cost to unlock your account.

So, if you have some long overdue library materials – don’t panic – just return them to the Library and continue to enjoy the resources, programs and services of the Batavia Public Library. We look forward to seeing you this summer!


Wednesday, July 10

6-8 p.m.

Wednesday, Aug. 7

6-8 p.m.

The Friends of the Batavia Public Library will host its new, monthly Evening Book Sale from 6-8 p.m. on Wednesday, July 10, and Aug. 7 in the FriendSpace. Credit cards are accepted. The FriendSpace is located on the Library’s lower level.


Saturday, Aug. 3

9:15 a.m. to noon

The Educators’ Sale is open to all educators: teachers, preschool teachers, daycare workers, Head Start educators, home educators, and individuals who teach and mentor others. All educator materials (books) will be 25 cents each.

The Friends of the Batavia Public Library is dedicated to promoting, improving, and assisting the Batavia Public Library. We are a 501(c)(3) organization, with all donations fully tax-deductible. If your employer has set up a Matching Funds Program, we are legally qualified to accept these funds. This is a way to double your donation to the Friends of the Batavia Public Library.

Batavia Public Library


Registration information: Registration is required for some programs; please call the Reference Desk, 630-879-1393, ext. 200, or register online at

Advance registration is required for programs designated R.


The Sweet Life After 50 R

Mondays, July 8 & 22, Aug. 12 & 26, 1:30-3 p.m.

In person

Visit the Library for social time and a relaxed craft or activity. This program is designed for individuals 50 and older who enjoy working fun and easy crafts, games and puzzles while socializing with other active adults. Crafts and activities change routinely so there's always something fresh and exciting to try.

Over What Hill? R Tuesdays, July 9 & 23, Aug. 13 & 27, 1:30-3 p.m.

In person

This program is designed for individuals 50 and older who enjoy learning something new that keeps them moving and active.


Advanced Polish Genealogy R

Thursday, July 25, 7 p.m.

Hybrid – (in person & via Zoom)

Genealogist and author Jason Kruski will provide the tools you need to take your family tree backwards in time in Poland to learn about the lives of your ancestors. He will discuss a wide variety of records available for research, including internet databases and tools. Genealogy in Poland can be challenging, but it also can be deeply rewarding, and with the right tools, it can be very successful. Register via Zoom:


Book Discussion R

Tuesday, Aug. 13, 7:30 p.m. “Razorblade Tears” by S.A. Cosby In person

At the center of this moody Southern thriller are two ex-con fathers — one Black, one white — who are trying to gain justice for their murdered gay sons. It has been called “...a nuanced take on contemporary race and LGBTQ issues of a type not commonly found in crime fiction” by Publishers Weekly.

*Rescheduled from January 2024

Community Check-in

Check out the Library on social media

Check in with Batavia Public Library

staff members. Catch us on our social media pages chatting with authors, artists and community members, and showing you cool things you can do and check out at your Library. You will need a personal Instagram, Facebook or TikTok account to interact with us. Follow our accounts and turn on notifications so you don't miss our posts.

• Instagram: bataviapubliclibrary

• Facebook: BataviaPublicLibrary

• TikTok: @bataviapubliclibrary


Batavia Public Library card required. Call the Reference Desk, 630-879-1393, ext. 200, to schedule a session.

Technology Coaching

Schedule an appointment with a technology assistant for a one-hour, one-on-one coaching session based on your individual needs. Available Monday-Thursday by appointment.

Genealogy Research

Whether you’re just starting or would like help overcoming obstacles, a librarian will guide you in your genealogy research during a onehour, one-on-one session. Available Monday-Friday by appointment.


Book Tasting for All Ages

Saturday, July 13, Noon-2 p.m.

Drop in

Kids, teens and adults looking for their next incredible read may sample great books at this fun event during Windmill City Festival. Librarians will introduce you to books we just can't stop talking about. One of these books might pair perfectly with your reading tastes. Offered in partnership with Batavia Park District.

Puzzle Exchange

Saturday, July 27, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Drop in

Looking for a way to acquire new puzzles? Bring your gently used puzzles, numbering 300-plus pieces, in their original boxes with no missing pieces and take home something different. Available while supplies last.

Monarchs: History and Science behind the Monarch Craze R

Thursday, Aug. 1, 7 p.m.

In person

We all have heard the battle cry, "Plant milkweed for monarchs!" Will just planting milkweed fix the problem of the diminished numbers of the migrating population of monarch butterflies? What else can we do?

Stella the Sloth R Saturday, Aug. 17, 1 p.m. In person

Prepare for an epic experience! Meet Stella the Linnaeus’s twotoed Sloth from Animal Quest and learn about these amazing creatures. Stella may interact with visitors, if she chooses, but children younger than 2 years old will not be able to touch Stella.


The Batavia Public Library Foundation is the 2024 season sponsor.

Edith Head: the Woman Who Dressed Hollywood R

Sunday, July 28, 2 p.m.

In person

Join educational entertainer Martina Mathisen to discover why Edith Head was the most influential costume designer in Hollywood history. An incredibly successful costume designer with eight Oscars to prove it, Head’s dazzling career continues to inspire new generations of designers.

Adored by some, hated by others, Head’s highly competitive and secretive nature drove her career to meteoric heights.

50 Nifty United States R Sunday, Aug. 25, 2 p.m. In person

How many of our 50 states have you visited? Find out chronologically as they joined the Union with songs about the states and educational trivia on our home sweet home. Cabaret singer Heather Braoudakis sings Stephen Foster, Mitch Miller, Johnny Cash, Perry Como, Patti Page and more.


Summer Writers’ Group R Wednesdays, July 10 & Aug. 14, 7 p.m.

In person

Have you always wanted to write? What’s holding you back? If you don’t know where to begin or suffer from writer’s block, this may be the group for you. Rebecca Kohles has been a ghostwriter for the last four years, and she will lead a group that is supportive of each other and emphasizes how to craft an outline, whether your work is fiction or nonfiction.

The Dementia Conversation R Thursday, July 18, 7 p.m.

In person

An introductory conversation for those who have a loved one, friend, or neighbor who may have memory loss, confusion, mild cognitive impairment and/or early stages of dementia. Speaker LaVon Lenaway is a gerontologist and the founder and owner of Dragonfly Senior Navigation Services LLC in Batavia.

Surprise Me Bundles


Adults and teens — Do you need something new to read or watch, but you’re not sure what to choose from the Library’s collection? We can help. Fill out our Surprise Me Bundle form, and librarians will search for up to five items just for you and set them aside for you to pick up. Fill out the form here:

Batavia Public Library


Chat & Stitch

Wednesday, July 10 & Aug. 14, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Do you enjoy knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching, or sewing by hand?

Join us once a month to socialize while you stitch. Bring your own materials.

Cricut Certification Class R

Thursday, July 11, 3:30-4:15 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 7, 5:30-6:15 p.m.

Learn the basics of using a Cricut Maker and become certified. Please register for only one class. Basic computer skills required. Batavia Public Library card required. Limit: 4 per class.

Crafting Curiosities R Tuesdays, July 16 & Aug. 20, 4-5 p.m. In person

Join us for a fun hour of crafting once a month. All materials provided.

Cricut — Design Space 101 R

Wednesday, July 17, 9:30-10:45 a.m.

Wednesday, Aug. 28 5:30-6:45 p.m.

Learn expert tips and tools for navigating the Design Space Software that allows you to create custom designs using Cricut machines. Basic computer skills required. Choose one session. Batavia Public Library card required. Limit: 5.

Crafternoon Drop-In Craft

July & August

Crafting isn’t just for kids. Be creative with our new MakerZone table. A new craft will be available each month, with crafts completed at your leisure. Available while supplies last.

Teen Take N’ Make Kits

July & August

Teen Space

Grab a take-home craft of the month to assemble. Bags will be available at the Reference Desk while supplies last. A new craft will be available at the beginning of each month. One per person.


Advance registration is required for programs designated R. For volunteer opportunities, look for the V.

Volunteer Opportunities V Ongoing

Looking to earn volunteer hours? The Library needs you!

• Inclusion Game Night is going strong, and volunteers are welcome to join the fun (see below).

• We also have free tug toy craft kits you can make and return to the Library for volunteer credit. Visit the Reference Desk for a kit or ask for a kit to be held for curbside pickup.

• For more ideas and monthly volunteering suggestions, sign up for the Teen Volunteering Challenge on the Beanstack app.

Inclusion Game Night R V Tuesday, July 2 & Aug. 6, 6:30-8:15 p.m.

In person

Teens and young adults of all abilities, their families and friends are welcome to play board games and card games together.

International Snack Challenge R Thursday, July 18 & Aug. 15, 12:30-2 p.m. Grades 8-12

In person

Have you ever wanted to try snacks from another country? Now is your chance. Take a tasty trip each month with a new country to explore. Food, games and trivia included. Registration is requested, but walk-ins are welcome. Limit: 10.

Teen Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament on Nintendo Switch R Thursday, July 18, 3-4:30 p.m.

In person

Grab your friends and unwind playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch. Four people can play at one time. Limit: 12.

Dungeons & Dragons R

Thursday, July 25, 3:30-5 p.m.

Continue your Quest: Take Your Character on a Journey

Thursday, Aug. 22, 3:30-5 p.m.

Role Playing Card Games

Grades 6-12

In person

Middle school and high school students are invited to hang out at the Library as we play Dungeons & Dragons or role-playing card games. Registration is requested, but walk-ins are welcome.

Adulting 101 — Beginners Resume How-To R

Wednesday, July 31, 6-7 p.m.

Tuesday, Aug. 13, 4-5 p.m.

In person

Planning to apply for a job? Learn the basics of resume writing. Bring your own laptop/Chromebook. Limit: 10

ACT/SAT prep provides on-demand tutoring, homework help, test preparation and writing assistance in more than 60 subjects seven days a week, from noon to midnight. You also may use their dropoff reviews, practice quizzes, video lessons, and The Princeton Review SAT®/ACT® Essentials. For practice tests, visit Testing & Education Reference Center to practice taking the ACT, SAT, GED, AP placement exams and more. This database also provides information about scholarships and colleges.


Program Registration: For programs requiring telephone registration, please call the Youth Services Desk, 630-879-1393, ext. 500. For all other programs, please register using the online events calendar at Unless otherwise noted, July program registration for Batavia cardholders begins Monday, June 17, and August program registration begins Thursday, July 18. Registration for all other cardholders begins the first of each month. Priority is given to Batavia Public Library cardholders for all programs requiring registration. Patrons of all abilities are welcome at our programs. Please contact the Library regarding accommodations.

Advanced registration is required for programs designated R


Babies Explore Art

Friday, July 12, 10 a.m.

Babies through 23 months with a caregiver

Enjoy interactive songs, rhymes, and stories about art and participate in a fun art project with your baby. We will be outside, weather permitting, and don’t forget to dress for a mess.

Storytime at the Caboose

Monday, July 15, 10:30 a.m.

Ages 2-6

Join a Youth Services staff member at the Batavia Depot Museum Caboose for Storytime, weather permitting. Enjoy your favorite books, rhymes and songs. Co-sponsored by Batavia Depot Museum and Batavia Park District.

Design a Superhero R

Friday, July 19, 10:30 a.m.

Ages 3-6

Children will create their own superhero self-portraits and design a cape to wear. Presented by SciTech.

Babies Explore the Senses

Tuesday, July 23, 10 a.m.

Babies through 23 months with a caregiver

Enjoy interactive songs, rhymes and stories about summer and challenge your baby’s senses with sensory play activities you can replicate at home.

Sensory Play R

Friday, July 26, 10:30 a.m.:

We All Scream for Ice Cream!

Friday, August 23, 10:30 a.m.:

Farmyard Friends

Ages 2-6

Bring your little one for some

developmentally friendly — and fun — sensory play stations. The program may get messy, so please dress appropriately.

Toddler Art

Wednesday, July 31, 10:30 a.m.

Ages 2-3 with a caregiver Toddlers will create show-stopping art during this fun event for budding artists. Enjoy stations that will include stickers, coloring and vegetable stamping.

Babies Explore Bubbles

Wednesday, Aug. 7, 10 a.m.

Babies through 23 months with a caregiver Pop, pop, pop! Enjoy interactive songs, rhymes and stories while we celebrate the joy of bubbles.

Not Yet Back to School Storytime

Tuesday, Aug. 13, 10:30 a.m.

Ages 3-6

For children who aren’t quite ready for school but want to join in on that back-to-school excitement!


Read with Rover R

Monday, July 8, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Grades 1-4

Children are invited to practice their reading skills by reading aloud to a trained therapy dog. The goal of Read with Rover is to create a positive, non-threatening, and fun environment in which reading aloud is enjoyed. Register for a 15-minute time slot. Presented by Fox Valley Therapy Dogs.

Batavia Public Library

Excavation Adventure R

Thursday, July 18, 1 p.m.

Grades 3-6

Got a dino lover at home? Experience the life of a paleontologist and dig up your very own dinosaur! Learn about several types of dinosaurs as well as how paleontologists do their job.

Book Buzz R

Thursday, July 25, 2 p.m.

Grades 1-3

Meet new friends and discover new books during this club for newly independent readers. Each class is filled with books, conversation, crafts and activities.

Dungeons & Dragons R

Thursday, July 25, 3:30 p.m.

Continue your Quest: Take Your Character on a Journey

Thursday, Aug. 22, 3:30 p.m.

Role-Playing Card Games

Grades 6-12

Middle school and high school students are invited to hang out at the Library and play Dungeons & Dragons. Registration is requested, but walk-ins are welcome.

Middle School Take ‘N’ Make Kits

July & August

Grades 6-8

Head down to the Junior Fiction bookshelves for a take-home craft kit especially for middle schoolers. Kits are put out at the beginning of the month and available on a first-come, first-served basis, while supplies last.

Nancy Drew Club: Murder at Magnolia Gardens R

Thursday, Aug. 1, 5-7 p.m.

Grades 6-8

Love mysteries? Help us solve the poisonings at Magnolia Gardens. Game play is expected to take about 60-90 minutes but may vary, so please allow up to two hours.

Summer Reading Club 2024 – Adventure Begins at Your Library

Now-Monday, Aug. 5

It’s not too late to sign up for Summer Reading Club. Scan the QR code at right to sign up on the Beanstack app and track your reading or stop by Youth Services to pick up a paper log. Show us you’re registered and spin the wheel for a reward (one spin per person, please). Start tracking every day you read on Beanstack. This includes library books, books from home, online books, audiobooks and more. By recording your reading progress on Beanstack, you can earn prize drawing entries and reading rewards.

Pizza & Pages R

Monday, Aug. 19, 6 p.m.

Rewrite the Ending Grades 5-8

Pizza & Pages is an exclusive club where we eat pizza and talk about books. Now is your chance to rewrite the ending of any book you choose. Learn how to tie up loose ends in a story and share your writing.


Weekly Wow Activities

All ages Stop by Youth Services for a different special activity each week. Weekly Wow Activities will be available Monday-Saturday throughout July and August.

Bingo at Big Woods R

Wednesday, July 3, 11 a.m.

Ages 3-14

Join us at Big Woods Park for outdoor Bingo, weather permitting. Bring a blanket or lawn chair, we’ll provide the Bingo cards and fun. Children must be accompanied by a caregiver. Co-sponsored by the Batavia Park District.

Stuffies and Stories

Tuesday, July 9, 6:30 p.m.


Bring a favorite stuffed animal for stories and songs that children and their stuffies can enjoy together. Children may wear their pajamas.

Animal Quest

Thursday, July 11, 6:30 p.m.


Don’t miss this opportunity to see an engaging and informative show filled with a variety of animals you’ll get to see up close. You might even get to pet some!

Story Stroll

Saturday, July 13, “Summer Color” by Diana Murray

Saturday, August 10, “The Hike” by Alison Farell 10 a.m.-4 p.m.


What do you get when you combine fresh air, light exercise, and a good book? A Story Stroll, of course! Enjoy a Story Stroll in the Library Reading Garden.

Craft at Engstrom Park

Wednesday, July 17, 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Ages 3-14

Join Youth Services staff at Engstrom Park for an easy, dropin craft, weather permitting. No registration necessary. Children must be accompanied by a caregiver. Co-sponsored by the Batavia Park District.

Dave Herzog’s Marionettes

Monday, July 22, 10:30 a.m


Master puppeteer Dave Herzog brings his crew of marionettes for Captain Zork’s Outer Space Adventure. You’ll see an out-of-thisworld musical variety show full of laughs and surprises.

Fireflies in a Jar Craft R

Friday, Aug. 2, 10:30 a.m.

Ages 5 and older with a caregiver Using a mason jar and glow-in-thedark paint, children will create a decorative firefly jar.

Sticker and Poster Giveaway

Saturday, Aug. 3, 9:30 a.m.

Help yourself to free stickers, posters and other goodies, while supplies last.

Family Book Club R

Tuesday, Aug. 6, 7 p.m.

For incoming 4thand 5th-grade students with an adult

We will read “Finally Seen” by Kelly Yang and have a snack and discussion. Copies of the book will be available for pick-up in Youth Services beginning July 1.

LEGO Building Challenge

Sunday, Aug. 11, 2 p.m.


Drop in for a family LEGO challenge featuring a variety of challenge cards to test your building skills. Your family’s creation will be displayed in the Library. Program available while supplies last.

Playground Passport

Now-Tuesday, Aug. 13

All ages

Pick up a Playground Passport from the Youth Services Desk, then spend the rest of your summer visiting, rating and reviewing playgrounds. Draw a picture of your favorite part, then check in at the Youth Services Desk and we’ll stamp your passport. Visit enough playgrounds to win a prize!



• Abbey Farms

• Batavia Creamery

• Batavia Park District

• California Pizza Kitchen

• Chicken Salad Chick

• Chick-fil-A

• Chili’s

• Chuck E. Cheese

• Classic Cinemas

• Colonial Café

• Culver’s Batavia

• Currito

• Dimples Donuts

• DuPage Children’s Museum

• Emagine Batavia

• Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

• Flyleaf Bakery Café

• Friends of the Batavia Public Library

• Funway

• Kane County Cougars

• Keller’s Farmstand

• Kimmer’s Ice Cream

• Kuipers Family Farm

• Limestone Coffee & Tea

• McAlister’s Deli

• McDonald’s

• MOKA Coffee

• Museum of Science and Industry

• Portillo’s

• Raising Cane’s

• Sky Zone Trampoline Park

• Target

• Trader Joe’s

• Wendy’s

• WindMill Grille & Pizzeria


The Heartbeat of Batavia – Your Chamber of Commerce

Ah, ribbon cuttings, the hallmark of new beginnings! But here at the Batavia Chamber of Commerce, we’re about more than just snipping ribbons; we’re the friendly faces behind the scenes, tirelessly working to elevate our community. You see, we often get mistaken for a government entity, but really, we’re just a not-for-profit organization with a passion for seeing Batavia thrive.

Our mission? Simple: to champion your businesses, nurture connections, and make our community the best it can be. We’re like the heartbeat of Batavia, seamlessly weaving together businesses, community leaders, residents, and policymakers to create a tapestry of growth and prosperity. From effective networking gatherings to eye-opening workshops and spirited advocacy campaigns, we’re all about creating an environment where businesses not only survive but flourish. And guess what? We’re not just about business; we’re about building bonds that make Batavia feel like home. We have representatives across the community on our board to allow productive discussions and collaboration. A representative from

Waubonsee Community College, Batavia Public Schools, Batavia Public Library, City of Batavia, Batavia Park District, small business, and large business helps keep us focused with a finger on the pulse of the town.

But wait, there’s more! Ever been to our volunteer fair or checked out our Eye on Aging event? Yep, that’s us, rolling up our sleeves and getting involved where it matters most. And don’t even get us started on our Batavia Chamber Bucks program; it’s like giving the gift of Batavia, one shop or restaurant at a time. Plus, our partnership with the Fox Valley Entrepreneurship Center produced the Batavia Chamber Business Scholarship program, funding expert consultation from seasoned pros for business owners. We have referral groups to build beneficial relationships, industry groups to collaborate with and an active calendar to get involved. Oh, and let’s not forget about our Inspire scholarships, because empowering the dreamers of tomorrow? That’s just how we roll. So yeah, we might be called a chamber of commerce, but to us, we’re your neighbors, your advocates, and your partners in making Batavia the place to be.

Congratulations to our scholarship winners!

Four members of the 2024 graduating class of Batavia Public School District 101 are winners of Inspire Scholarships. This year's $1,000 awards go to:

• Inspiring Contributors to a Batavia Chamber Business: Rachel Rempert, University of Loyola Chicago

• Inspiring Entrepreneurship: Rabia Jafari, to be decided Welcome


Visit our online directory for information regarding these wonderful businesses!

• Inspiring Women in Business: Isabella Jonas, Illinois State University

• Inspiring Career & Technical Achievers: Adam Deitchman, Waubonsee Community College

Applications will open later this year for the Inspire Scholarships. Donations to this fund are always welcome – contact the Chamber office at 630-879-7134 for more information.


Coffee & Commerce*

Wake up with coffee and morning networking on the second Wednesday of the month at 8 a.m.; July 10 at DS Studio and Photo Lab, Geneva and Aug.14 at Krema Coffee Roasters, North Aurora

Net-Working It!

After-hours networking on the third Wednesday of the month at 4:30 p.m.; July 17 at Brother Chimp Brewing, North Aurora, with spotlighted nonprofit Anderson Humane and Aug. 21 at Abbey Farms, Aurora, with spotlighted nonprofit Zonta Club of St. Charles-Geneva-Batavia

Out to Lunch with the Batavia Chamber Friday, Aug. 9, 12 p.m. at Acquaviva Ristorante, Batavia

Batavia Women in Business Progressive Networking Luncheon* Tuesday, Aug. 13, 11:30 a.m. at Lincoln Inn, Batavia with a collection for the Batavia Interfaith Food Pantry

*Registration required, please visit Check our website for updates and additional events. For all the latest event updates and other news, follow Batavia Chamber on social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can also text (478) CHAMBER.

n ASH Equipment Company

n Bar & Board

n Connect Hearing

n Garage Experts of Kane County

n Goosehead Insurance –Luke Langer Agency

n Hollywood Casino Aurora

n NetCo Investments, Inc.

n Senior Services


n Sport Clips

n Streng Agency

n TBK Bank

n The Funding Project

n Threshold Home Inspection Services LLC

n Thrown Threads

n TRG Construction

n Zen Loft Collective

Community Above Self

Being part of the Rotary = Service Above Self

Sometimes you see Rotarians at work; many times you don’t. Since July 1, 2023, Batavia Rotarians have delivered 583 hours of community

service. We built picnic tables at Mercy Housing and painted their food pantry. We pack food at the Northern IL Food Bank and Feed6. We pick up trash on Main Street and prepare and serve dinner at Lazarus House. We painted the FVSRA offices, we always ring the Salvation Army bell and much more. Rotarians are People of Action, and the Batavia club always answers the call. Come hang with us. We’re your neighbors, and all are welcome. Learn more about Rotary at or email us Do Something Really Great!

Batavians can build a better community together

For 75 years, the Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley has been working with local citizens to have a positive impact in the community. We connect people who care with causes that matter.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we provided scholarships for students, grants for nonprofits, and a group for local high school students called Youth Engagement in Philanthropy (YEP) that

fosters the next generation of philanthropists. Everyone, at any age, can make their community better. As the premier community foundation in the Fox River Valley, we bring people together, so the impact is even greater. So what are you waiting for? There are so many ways to get involved. Join us and start making an impact today! Visit volunteer.

Mark your calendar for upcoming Batavia United Way events

The 2024 Community Dinner Table event will be 4 to 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 8, on North River Street in downtown Batavia. This is a shared table experience where you dine and mingle with neighbors at one LONG table. Funds raised will support programs that combat food insecurity. Tickets are available now: community-dinner-table.

Registration is open for the 2024 Bat Race, so grab your costumes and join us on Oct. 26 on the lovely Fox River Trail for the 5K, 10K, or the kids

quarter mile Fun Run. Register by Aug. 31 to take advantage of the early bird discount! Visit www.bataviaunitedway. org/bat-race for more information, to register, to donate or to volunteer!

Get involved with FVSRA through Family Fun Day, volunteering and more!

Make a difference in your community by joining the Fox Valley Special Recreation Association (FVSRA)! We offer fulfilling opportunities through volunteering and employment for passionate individuals who want to support inclusive recreation. Visit or contact to learn more.

Join us for a FREE end-of-summer celebration at FVSRA Family Fun Day on Saturday, Aug. 10, at Panton Mill Park in South Elgin! Enjoy carnival games, inflatables, prizes, food trucks and more. This fun-filled event is perfect for all ages.

Football Nearly is Here!

Summer warmth has returned to Batavia, and that means so has football! BATV is excited to once again provide our award-winning coverage of your favorite Bulldog football team. Down-on-the-field action, instant replay and the dulcet tones of Dave and Alan return to give you the exciting experience you've come to love!

Nothing beats seeing the hometown game live, but if you're unable to attend, BATV's coverage will make you feel every pulse-pounding down as if you were there. Whether you want to watch the game from one of your favorite Batavia restaurants or cozy at home or with friends, BATV has got you covered!

If you haven't reserved your sponsorship spot yet, it's not too late! Spots remain available for the 2024 Batavia High School football season. Highlight your business or organization with great options such as Replay sponsor, quarterly reads, trivia sponsor, Premiere Sponsor and more. Sponsorships not only are for Batavia organizations. Any businesses or organizations in the surrounding Fox Valley area are eligible for sponsorship opportunities.

For more information about sponsorship options and becoming a sponsor, please email or call 630-454-4584.

BOARDWALKShopping the


The Batavia Boardwalk Shops are open Fridays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.



Beginning May 10, the Batavia Boardwalk Shops returned along the Fox River for the fourth year in a row.

A recent Batavia MainStreet press release states, “The shops are designed to support small businesses, create additional retail shopping, and to bring people to downtown Batavia to enjoy this unique destination as well as the rest of downtown.”

This program is the brainchild of a Batavia alderman who took a trip to Muskegon, Mich., in 2018 and saw a similar setup there. He then visited the

BataviaMainStreet staff in 2019 and proposed the idea of what became the Batavia Boardwalk Shops, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Ten stores were selected to participate in this year’s Batavia Boardwalk Shop, which runs until Dec. 22. The program offers a variety of shops – from a candy store to natural health alternatives to hot dogs and lemonade to second hand vintage clothing. The stores are located in an underutilized parking lot along the Fox River and give participants the opportunity to see how their shops will succeed before possibly moving to a permanent brick and mortar shop.


One of the shops, Since Seventy-Five Supply Co., offers vintage-inspired merchandise for men. Owner Nick DeCarlo is a graphic designer with over 20 years of experience and combines his skills, creativity, and interests to create special products such as t-shirts and hoodies. De Carlo states on his website,, “My humanistic approach to design focuses on balancing a vintage aesthetic with elements of storytelling and layered symbolism.”

In addition to his original pieces, DeCarlo is supplementing his product offerings with some special, fun, and whimsical men’s products such as men’s bath products.

If you have a sweet tooth, then check out Jodi Mac Sweets & Treats, which began in January 2023. According to owner Jodi MacDiarmid, “[Jodi Mac Sweets & Treats] is a whimsical wonderland where colorful candies are transformed into crunchy, lightweight delights. It’s a place where candy lovers can indulge in a novel twist on their favorite treats.”

“Having the shop will allow me to offer my patrons all of the different varieties of freezedried candies I create,” explains MacDiarmid. Some of the freeze-dried candies customers can sample include marshmallow treats, oreos, and cotton candy cakes. Customers can check out more of MacDiarmid’s sweet creations at www.jodi-mac-sweets-treats-llc.

With spring in the air, customers can check out Home and Garden Provisions. The shop offers “kitchenwares, entertaining and charcuterie items, home decor, bath and body…unique decorative planters, ceramic flowers for display or gifting, puzzles and gifts for all,” explains owner Laura Allessi.

According to Allessi, “I wanted my store to feel like a warm hug when you walked in and [to evoke] happiness. … I put a lot of thought into the items in my store and try to stock it from small makers as well as popular mainstream items.”

Customers can visit www. to view more of Allessi’s selection.

According to Beth Walker, Executive Director of Batavia MainStreet, “People love this program. They provide support for the community and the merchants support each other.”

Ten businesses will sell their goods at the Batavia Boardwalk Shops during the 2024 season, running May 10-Dec. 22 at 114 E. Wilson St., Batavia. This year's shops include:

Bewitching Brews

Big Bear Sunglasses

Home & Garden Provisions

Homerun Hot Dogs & Lemonade

Jodie Mac Sweets & Treats

Morbid Mementos

Neighborsgrid Shop

Scout & Gem

Seapeak Style

Since Seventy Five Supply Co.

Thurs, July 18: 8-4pm & 6-8pm Fri, July 19: 8-4pm with all day specials Sat, July 20: 8-11am 1/2 price, 11-1pm $5 bag sale

Get great deals on household goods, clothes, antiques, collectibles, toys, furniture & much more.

Garage Sale

Donations accepted thru July 10th. Please see our website at for more garage sale information and what donations are accepted.


Batavia Resource Guide


n Batavia American Legion Post 504

n Batavia Arts Council


n Batavia Boosters

n Batavia Chamber of Commerce

n Batavia Foundation for Educational Excellence

n Batavia Historical Society

n Batavia Interfaith Food Pantry

n Batavia Lions Club

n Batavia MainStreet

n Batavia Park District

n Batavia Public Library

n Batavia Public Schools

n Batavia Retired Senior Volunteer Program

n Batavia Township

n Batavia United Way

n Batavia VFW

n Batavia Woman’s Club

n CASA Kane County

n Fox Valley Hands of Hope

n Fox Valley Special Rec Association

n Kane County Health Department

n Kane County Veterans Assistance 630-232-3550

n Kiwanis Club 630-879-2281

n Rotary Club of Batavia

n Tri City Family Services

n Tri City Health Partnership

n Water Street Studios

Emergency – Dial 911

City Hall 630-454-2000

Police (Non-Emergency) 630-454-2500

Fire (Non-Emergency) 630-454-2100

Chamber of Commerce


Batavia Park District 630-879-5235

School District 101 630-937-8800

Batavia Public Library 630-879-1393

Batavia Township 630-879-1392

MainStreet 630-761-3528


J.U.L.I.E. 811 or 800-892-0123 (call 48 hours before you dig) Water Utility 630-454-2450

Utility 630-454-2350

GAS 888-642-6748 Groot 630-892-9294 (garbage pick up) Utility Billing 630-454-2020 KANE COUNTY County Clerk 630-232-5950

Sheriff (Non-Emergency) 630-232-6840 Voter Registration 630-232-5990

Kane County Forest Preserve 630-232-5980

OTHER Aurora Secretary of State Facility 312-793-1010

U.S. Post Office (Batavia) 630-879-1483

Hall Quarry Beach is open through Aug. 11. Read more on p. 10.
Photo provided by Batavia Park District

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