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Morris Hospital physican experiences knee pain relief
Physician experiences knee pain relief through special rehab technique
For Morris Hospital internal medicine physician Dr. Peter Roumeliotis, keeping in shape took a turn for the worst when he injured his knees while exercising on a rowing machine.
“I overdid it, and I strained both knees,” Roumeliotis said. “My left knee in particular was very painful.”
He tried treating his knees with rest, ice and anti-inflammatories to no avail. Even a steroid shot in the most affected joint – his left knee – didn’t help. His orthopedic doctor recommended physical therapy.
At the Diagnostic & Rehabilitative Center of Morris Hospital, Roumeliotis was treated with a therapy he had not heard of before. It’s called the Graston technique, and it is a specialized type of rehabilitation that detects and treats areas of scar tissue (adhesions) in muscles, tendons and ligaments, thus reducing pain and increasing range of motion. “I told them, whatever it takes,” Roumeliotis said. “I’d been dealing
Dr. Peter Roumeliotis, internal medicine physician at Morris Hospital, knows firsthand about the benefits of a specialized rehabilitation technique that relieves pain associated with scar tissue and adhesions.
with this pain for months. I was limping, I couldn’t climb stairs, and going downstairs was even worse.”
Several Morris Hospital physical and occupational therapists are certified in the Graston technique, which involves using a set of gently curved stainlesssteel instruments that allow therapists to detect areas of soft tissue adhesions and manually “smooth them out.”
“The tissues in our body usually move smoothly against each other,” says Morris Hospital physical therapist Shannon Gambon. “When we have an injury, our body repairs the damage as quickly as it can with scar tissue.”
However, that scar tissue isn’t necessarily aligned with neighboring tissues and can cause pain or tightness, Gambon explains.
“When we use these tools, we can break up the scar tissue and encourage the tissue to realign in the right direction,” says Gambon.
The Graston technique can be used to treat a wide range of issues, including achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, neck and back strains, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, trigger finger, hamstring injuries, hip pain, fibromyalgia and caesarean scars.
Roumeliotis’s knees responded immediately to the Graston treatment. It took only one or two sessions for his right knee to heal and around eight sessions for his left knee to go from a pain level of 9 down to a 2.
“The pain was significantly better,” he said. “This technique really, really helped. During the treatment, I could almost feel the tight tissue breaking loose.”
Since being treated, Roumeliotis has referred several of his own patients for Graston treatment. He gives kudos to the team who treated him and his patients. “Morris Hospital has a phenomenal group of physical and occupational therapists,” he said, “and they offer so many different treatments.”
A physician’s order is required for rehabilitation services. For more information, call 815-705-7828.
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“I get to help people be the best they can be.”

- Sarah Gunderson, PhysicalTherapist
There are all kinds ofreasons to choose Morris Hospital for outpatient rehabilitation services. Along with having highly qualified therapists who stay in touch with your physician, ALL ofour patients receive one-on-one therapy – never in a group setting. Plus, free transportation is available through the Morris Hospital PatientTransportation Service. Our Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy services can assist those struggling with: • Pain • Falls • Memory • Lymphedema • Using hands • Vocal loudness orsound quality • Walking ormoving • Speaking orunderstanding speech • Chewing orswallowing • Coughing orchoking when eating ordrinking • Parkinson's disease • Torticollis • Dizziness orbalance • Orthopedic injury or surgery • Performing daily tasks