CHAMPS OF CHEER Lemont cheerleaders bring home state title
Vol. 86 No. 8 | LEM | LMR
LMR Suburban Life • mysuburbanlife.com • Friday, February 14, 2014 • LEM
Suburban Life
Lemont Suburban Life is the successor publication to the Lemont Reporter/Met.
Suburban Life Media mysuburbanlife.com/lemont Call: 630-368-1100 Newsroom fax: 630-969-0228 1101 W. 31st St., Suite 260, Downers Grove, IL 60515 Missed delivery & customer service: 630-368-1144 MEET THE NEWS TEAM Anna Schier, news editor 630-427-6248 aschier@ shawmedia.com Dan Farnham, reporter 630-427-6259 dfarnham@ shawmedia.com Administration Laura Pass, general manager 630-427-6213, lpass@shawmedia.com Bill Korbel, local sales manager 630-427-6230 bkorbel@shawmedia.com Dave Lemery, managing editor 630-427-6250, dlemery@shawmedia.com
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Meet Lemont’s guitARTISTS Artists participating in the GuitART exhibit for St. Al’s/St. Pat’s School got rock star treatment
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during a dance party Feb. 8 at the Lemont Park District CORE. Pictured (from left) are Lucas Durham, John Zylstra, Adam Nowak, Hanna Amer, Jess Bryant and Nick Podraza.
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Bulletin Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Community Voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Go Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Planit Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Police Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Sound Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Street Talk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Accuracy is important to the Lemont Suburban Life, and we want to correct mistakes promptly. Please call errors to our attention by email, msleditorial@shawmedia.com, or by phone, 630-368-1100.
8CRISIS LINES Don’t know where to turn for help? Visit the Cook County Sheriff’s Crisis Intervention Database at http:// shawurl.com/pnh. You can also call the national suicide and crisis hotlines at 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) or 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).
“Serving our communities to make them better places to live.”
Prepping for the polls Lemont High School students register to become first-time voters By DAN FARNHAM dfarnham@shawmedia.com LEMONT – Students in enrolled in American Problems classes at Lemont High School took time recently to register to vote in the upcoming primary election. Representatives from the Cook County Clerk’s Office helped the students fill out forms for the class.
While 18-year-old students have long been able to vote, a new law allows students who are 17 to vote in the primary as long as they will be 18 by the time of the general election. Social studies teacher Jodi Nye said she was responsible for coordinating the registra- as many students registered as tion effort. possible,” she said. “This seemed to be the most Nye said the goal of the class efficient, effective way to get is to get the students to be active
Source: National Weather Service
High: 22 Low: 4
High: 21 Low: 15
High: 27 Low: 19
Wind chills as low as -5
Snow likely after noon
Partly sunny, freezing rain late
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citizens, which includes voting. Some students showed interest in being able to vote for the first time. “Just being able to vote, I think it’s a good opportunity to become an adult,” said Olivia Villarreal, one of the students being registered. Matthew Hackiewicz is among the students able to register under the new law. “I think there’s definitely a
benefit,” he said. Nye said there is mixed enthusiasm among the students about being able to vote, which mirrors the attitude of the general public. But even if a student does not vote in the upcoming elections, she said, it is important to learn about the voting process. “Someday, I guarantee you they will want to vote,” she said.
8ON THE COVER Lemont’s cheerleading team celebrates with the state championship trophy it won Feb. 8 at U. S. Cellular Coliseum. Photo provided
LEM • Friday, February 14, 2014 • mysuburbanlife.com • LMR Suburban Life
Dan Farnham - dfarnham@shawmedia.com
Olivia Villarreal gets registered to vote during her American Problems class at Lemont High School.
LMR Suburban Life • mysuburbanlife.com • Friday, February 14, 2014 • LEM
Sports complex uncertainties, Hardees coming By DAN FARNHAM dfarnham@shawmedia.com LEMONT – With no meeting planned for next week because of President’s Day, the Lemont Village Board held a marathon meeting Monday. Here are some of the issues discussed:
1. More Sports Complex details Lemont Mayor Brian Reaves said the only update he could give on the proposed Lemont Sports Complex was that he had spoken with the architectural firm for the facility. He did, however, have a candid conversation with some of the community members in attendance about the status of the project. When asked about the chances of the complex being built, Reaves said it is “50-50.” Reaves said one of the ma-
jor obstacles has been that almost all the engineers with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District have changed since they started the project. Because of this, the district, which owns the land on which the complex would be built, has changed some of the architectural requirements of the project, he said. “Everything we worked on and everything beforehand has changed,” he said. Reaves also said Lemont’s project is different than the sports facilities built in Libertyville and Bridgeview, which opponents often cite as cautionary tales. Reaves said that, unlike Libertyville, Lemont would not have to purchase land or pay property taxes. The complex would also have more varied uses than Bridgeview’s Toyota Park, which is primarily a soccer
field, he said. Reaves said the village is still in the process of determining whether the Sports Complex is a good business decision. “I know I’m not going to convince everybody,” he said. “I’m not even convinced myself.”
purchased enough salt that it should be able to last the rest of the winter. Public Works Director Ralph Pukula said the village will remain in conservation mode, meaning it will only salt the roads in greatest need. Pukula also encouraged residents to sign up for the village’s Nixle alerts because of 2. Hardee’s to come confusion during that last two A vacant building at 1150 snow storms about odd and State St. that once held a Wen- even parking. dy’s appears to have found a new tenant. 4. Archer Avenue bridge Reaves said Hardee’s has The Illinois Department of signed for building, sign and Transportation is planning a demolition permits on the project on the Archer Avenue property. bridge over Long Run Creek According to the Hardee’s that would include raising the website, there are seven loca- bridge four feet to alleviate tions in the Chicago area, in- flooding. cluding Bolingbrook and OsThe board approved a joint wego. agreement with IDOT on the project. 3. Village stocked up on salt The village’s financial obReaves said the village has ligation will be $29,900 to help
What’s in your bucket?
replace a traffic signal at 135th Street.
5. New features on website Village Administrator George Schafer said the village’s website has fully implemented an online utility bill paying system and added a Freedom of Information Act request and viewing system. Links to both features can be found in the left column on the village’s homepage, www. lemont.il.us. By signing on to the utility services site, customers can see their bill and a recent history of water usage. By going to the village’s FOIA page and clicking on “Online FOIA Center” to the left, users are taken to a page where they can submit FOIA requests, view the status of their requests and search for information previously released through a FOIA.
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By DAN FARNHAM LEMONT – Lemont’s Polish community will gather for its largest celebration of the year, Polish Heritage Day, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Parish. Polish Club Secretary Adriana Swiderek said the annual event is a chance to celebrate Polish heritage while educating the community. She said the theme this year is sainthood, because Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II, who was Polish, will soon be canonized. The day starts in the Father Gilewski gym across from the church, with various vendors and banks offering their services and products for sale. There will be pictures and interesting facts about Popes John XXIII and John Paul II, as well as art projects done by students of the John Paul II Polish School. Free snacks and coffee will be offered throughout the day. The formal program begins at 1:30 p.m. with a special Mass in the church. The Pole of the Year will be named and an artistic presentation will be given about the popes. The dancing group Polanie will conclude the program,
If you go What: Polish Heritage Day When: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday Where: Ss. Cyril and Methodius Parish, 608 Sobieski St. More information: www.pol school.com performing regional dances. State Sen. Christine Radogno, R-Lemont, and Lemont Village trustee Cliff Miklos are scheduled to attend. Miklos, who is of Polish descent, said someone from the village is usually present to help with proclamations. Though he does not speak Polish, Miklos said he enjoys learning about Polish culture at the festival. “It’s a big deal for them,” he said. “Polish people are very deep in heritage and culture.” This is the 10th year of the Polish Heritage Day celebration in Lemont, but it is the first since the Rev. Waldemar Stawiarski became pastor of Ss. Cyril and Methodius. As a native of Poland, he said he is proud of the Polish Club at the parish for organizing the event. “It’s nice to know that there are groups that care and are proud of their heritage,” he said.
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LEM • Friday, February 14, 2014 • mysuburbanlife.com • LMR Suburban Life
Annual Polish Heritage Day is spotlighting sainthood
Woman shares story of sex abuse survival with new book By DAN FARNHAM
Buy the book
dfarnham@shawmedia.com LEMONT – Lemont resident Judy Ferraro is known to family, friends and colleagues as a successful businesswoman with an energetic personality. She has worked for years in the recycling industry, consulted as a business trainer and even performed as a comedian with Second City and Improv Olympic. But until recently, few people knew she was a sexual abuse survivor. Ferraro has written a book titled “If I Catch You, I Will Kill You,” recounting her sexual abuse by a neighbor that started at age five and how it has affected her life and relationships. Ferraro said it was not until she was an adult that she told anyone about the abuse and that it was years after that until she went to therapy to help with the healing process. She said even now it can be hard to talk about.
Judy Ferraro’s book, “If I Catch You, I Will Kill You” is available at Anderson’s Book Shop in Naperville and at www.Amazon.com, as both a book and a Kindle download.
Photo provided
Lemont resident Judy Ferraro wrote a book about her experience coping with and overcoming the sexual abuse she suffered as a child. “It makes people feel uncomfortable, and people who are abused don’t like anyone to feel uncomfortable,” she said.
Ferraro said she was driven to write the book after watching an episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” where actress Mackenzie Phillips talked
about her own childhood abuse. “When I talked to other people, they were saying things like, ‘Oh she was doing that for monetary gain’ or that ‘she
was screwed up,’ ” she said. “Nobody really understood why she was doing that, but I totally understood why she was doing that.” Ferraro said that when a follow up episode featured people saying Phillips was lying, she became angry. “To be abused is betrayal itself,” she said. “But to tell somebody and them not validating or saying ‘I understand you, I’m sorry’ and talk to you a little about it is another betrayal – sometimes worse than the abuse itself.” As a columnist for an industry magazine, she used her emotions as a catalyst to write about her experience.
See BOOK, page 14
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LMR Suburban Life • mysuburbanlife.com • Friday, February 14, 2014 • LEM
Share your passion to be featured in the next ad #PASSIONTOWORK
7 LEM • Friday, February 14, 2014 • mysuburbanlife.com • LMR Suburban Life
THERE’S A CAREER FOR EVERY PASSION. You may not be a famous musician, but you might be surprised at how many jobs are connected to the things you love. So whether it’s music, or something completely unique, bring your passion to mysuburbanlife.com/jobs partnerurl.com/monster and start searching. Who knows, you might ind the perfect opportunity to put your passion to work. Monster. Find Better.®
LMR Suburban Life • mysuburbanlife.com • Friday, February 14, 2014 • LEM
Lemont native wins big on Game Show Network program By DAN FARNHAM
Watch on TV
dfarnham@shawmedia.com Louis Virtel has appeared on national television many times, most recently winning $38,000 on the game show “The Chase,” which airs on the Game Show Network. If his career goes as planned, people will be seeing a lot more of him. Virtel, a Lemont native now living in Los Angeles, is the West Coast entertainment editor for The Backlot, a gay entertainment website connected to the Logo Channel and owned by Viacom. He is a 2004 Lemont High School graduate and earned a bachelors degree in journalism and theater from the University of Iowa in 2008. He moved to Los Angeles in 2009, where he wrote for Hollywood Life and Movieline before joining AfterElton.com, which became The Backlot. He is known for his comedy as the host of the web series’ “Weeklings!” and “Verbal
The episode of “The Chase” featuring Louis Virtel debuted Jan. 28 on the Game Show Network. Viewers can still see it on reruns.
he said. “My brother, Jim, was on Jeopardy two years ago.” Virtel’s love of pop culture references and outspoken personality helped him pass an audition for the show. “I did so well that if they didn’t pick me for the show, I would have sued them,” he said. Photo provided McCarthy-Virtel said it was Louis Virtel, a Lemont native, appears on the Game Show Network program “The Chase.” not strange seeing her son on the game show. “He looks like he belongs “When you’re growing up in to describe him is ebullient,” Vogueing,” where he takes a satirical look at pop culture Lemont, you’re coping with a she said. “He was always com- there,” she said. “He’s entertaining, and we get a kick out certain level of normalcy,” he fortable with himself.” from a gay perspective. Despite it not being his tele- of it.” He also has appeared as a said. Virtel said he loved his exHis mother, Gloria McCa- vision debut, Virtel said his appanelist on “Chelsea Lately” rthy-Virtel, did not think of pearance on “The Chase” was perience and wants to be on and CNN. Virtel said his wholesome him being on television when very exciting for him because more game shows, but not just upbringing in Lemont made he grew up, but said he has the he considers himself “an ob- as the contestant. “I’d want to be a game show sessed trivia zealot.” his humor more vulgar as a personality for it. “The one word I would use “It’s a disease in my family,” host,” he said. form of rebellion.
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8POLICE BLOTTER charged with speeding after a traffic stop at 12:45 p.m. Feb. 7 in the 12600 block of Derby Road
8NEWS BRIEFS Museum to host speakeasy Casino Night Flappers, mobsters, gambling and drinks will fill the DuPage County Historical Museum for an evening, as it is transformed into an old-time speakeasy during its Casino Night fundraiser Feb. 28, according to a museum news release. Guests are encouraged to come in period clothes to enjoy the 1920’s atmosphere and raise money for the museum. For $75, attendees receive two drink tickets and access to food and games. The event will take place from 6:30 to 10 p.m. To register or for more information, visit www.dupagemuseum.org or call 630-510-4941.
Rehab unit now offering private rooms The DuPage County Convalescent Center is offering private rooms for patients going
through rehab, according to a county news release. The Rehabilitation at DuPage unit specializes in treating complex issues such as stroke, cardiac complications or joint replacements, the release said. DuPage Health and Human Services Committee Chairman Bob Larsen said the private rooms will enhance the healing experience. “We believe it is important to the healing process that patients feel more at home while they work to restore their previous level of function,” he said in the release. “Private rooms are an additional enhancement to the high quality of care that is currently provided at Rehabilitation of DuPage.” For more information, visit www.dupageco.org or call 630784-4315.
–Suburban Life Media
• Juan Gonzalez, 47, of 419 W. Bellarmine Drive, Joliet was • Lorrie Delair, 53, of 9017 charged with no valid driver’s Palisades Road, Burr Ridge was license and failure to reduce charged with driving under the speed to avoid an accident after influence of alcohol, disobeying a traffic incident at 5:20 a.m. a traffic control device and Feb. 5 at New Avenue and Main improper lane use after a traffic Street. stop at 9:52 p.m. Feb. 2 at Ar• Fabian Garcia-Zamudio, 21, cher Avenue and Derby Road. of 659 Meeker Ave., Joliet was • Vytautas Paukstys, 62, of 338 charged with driving while S. Stone Ave., La Grange was license suspended and speeding charged with driving under the after a traffic stop at 4:45 p.m. influence of alcohol and improp- Feb. 6 in the 15700 block of New er lane use after a traffic stop at Avenue. 11:43 p.m. Feb. 8 in the 14900 • Tadas Seskevicius, 36, of block of 127th Street. 2900 W. 55th St., Chicago was charged with driving while Theft license suspended and obstructCharmaine Komperda, 42, of ed windshield after a traffic stop 16543 Coventry Lane, Lockport at 6:25 p.m. Feb. 6 at Lemont was charged with theft after an and Main streets. incident at 1:46 p.m. Jan. 24 in • Andres Saenz-Mares, 29, of the 1200 block of State Street. 5243 W. 24th Place, Cicero was charged with no driver’s license Speeding and speeding after a traffic stop Nicholas Shellberg, 20, of at 9:56 a.m. Feb. 8 in the 12600 14310 Hillcrest Road was block of Derby Road.
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LEM • Friday, February 14, 2014 • mysuburbanlife.com • LMR Suburban Life
License violations
Information in Police Reports is obtained from the Lemont Police Department. Individuals listed in Police Reports who have been charged with a crime have not been proven guilty in court.
LMR Suburban Life • mysuburbanlife.com • Friday, February 14, 2014 • LEM
OPINIONS n LAST WEEK’S WEB POLL QUESTION: Should schools, offices close when temperatures drop below zero?
38 PERCENT: Keep both open, this is ridiculous 36 PERCENT: Both should close for safety 22 PERCENT: Only schools should close 4 PERCENT: I don’t have an opinion
n THIS WEEK’S WEB POLL QUESTION: What time of day do you feel most productive? Vote online at mysuburbanlife.com.
Trivia buffs can help upcoming fundraiser Happy Valentine’s Day! There’s still time to form a team for our Trivia Craze fundraiser (co-sponsored by the Romeoville Chamber of Commerce) Feb. 22 at the Lockport American Legion Hall. A team of eight costs $175 or come in a smaller group for $25 per person. Price includes appetizers and two drinks. We are creating some crazy questions that are sure to get your brain working overtime! Our fundraisers are an integral part of support that allows us to continue developing new programs and services for our community. We hope we will see you COMMUNITY there. For more information VOICE about attending, sponsoring Karen or donating, please contact Gestautas our director Peggy Wilson at 815-407-1819. As always, any help you can offer would be appreciated. As winter winds down (we hope!), get rid of cabin fever with some of the programs from the winter/spring program guide. Download it from our website www.tricountysra.org, and check out what’s in it for you! If you haven’t done so already, turn in a new annual information form before you register. Here’s the scoop on upcoming programs. On March 8, we are offering Chords for Kids for ages 10 and older. Music and motion come together as children with autism and other special needs enjoy a concert performance in Naperville. Our Spring Breakers sessions (ages 5 to 15) are always popular but this year, they are scheduled to coincide with a trip to the DuPage Children’s Museum. Registrations for both programs are taken separately. So now you have a fun place to spend spring break and a field trip to look forward to also! For those with a sweet tooth, we are offering Delightful Desserts, (ages 13 and older), a chance to make delicious treats to enjoy and share. Lunch Bunch will take us (ages 16 and older) out to three local golf course restaurants for some first-class meals with friends. The first trip is March 16 to P.B. Mulligan’s at the Prarie Bluff Public Golf Course in Lockport. Bring your appetite! Looking forward to playing outdoors again? Sign up for Busy Bodies (ages 4 to 12). Starting in April, we’ll drive to different parks every Tuesday after school for fun on the playground! Another after school program with varied activities in our community is Saved by the Bell, for ages 14 to 22, taking place Wednesdays starting in April. Teens Only, for ages 13 to 19, will give you a good start to your weekend, starting midApril on Fridays.
Karen Gestautas is the public information coordinator for the Tri County Special Recreation Association.
Laura Pass, general manager lpass@shawmedia.com 630-427-6213
Dave Lemery, managing editor dlemery@shawmedia.com 630-427-6250
Dan Farnham - dfarnham@shawmedia.com
Brian Pawola, founder of Pollyanna Brewing, said he hopes to have his brewery and tap house open to the public by June.
An exciting new business is coming to Lemont. Area entrepreneur Brian Pawola hopes to open the Pollyanna Brewing Co. at 431 Talcott Ave. early this summer. The brewery will have the capacity to produce 3,000 barrels of beer per year and will feature a tap room that will seat 45 people. We welcome this fascinating new venture to the village. Lemont High School is in the midst of celebrating the Valentine’s Day season, with “Seasons of Love,” a show made up of several scenes meditating on the holiday’s common theme. The play opened Thursday and also will be performed at 7 p.m. today, and Saturday at the Lemont High School Performing Arts Center, 800 Porter St.
8STREET TALK Q: Who is your favorite talk show host? “I’m a huge fan of Jimmy Fallon. He’s quick-witted [and] he has the best … celebrities.” Sarah O’Brien, Lemont Anna Schier, news editor aschier@shawmedia.com 630-427-6248
“Jimmy Kimmel, He’s a funny guy.”
Tracie Sandrick, Lemont
“David Letterman, I like his dry sense of humor.”
Susan Liniewski, Lemont
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. First Amendment, U.S. Bill of Rights
Alert: Sidewalks are awful I would like to comment on the sidewalks south of 55th Street in Westmont. There have been other terrible years in the past, but this year, it’s just awful. The people and the businesses do not clean the sidewalks and there’s a lot of foot traffic. People are walking in the street and they’re riding bikes in the street and I was wondering if something couldn’t be done to alert village of Westmont of the problem of the sidewalk south of 55th Street in Westmont.
Selfish snowblowers deserve ticket Don’t you think that people who snow blow their snow back into the street should get a ticket? It’s rude, it’s selfish, but most of all, it’s just plain stupid.
Allow only 1 car on street Regarding the parking problem in Brookfield, I think maybe the village should institute one car per family to be allowed to park on the street and if you have two, three, four cars, then you need to put them in the garages or someplace else because there is limited parking. Also, why don’t people park their cars in front of their homes instead of in front of
How to Sound Off Want to contribute to Sound Off? Call 331-481-6089 or email mslsoundoff@shawmedia.com Guidelines • When calling, please speak clearly and slowly. Keep messages to a maximum of 60 seconds. • Callers may speak on topics anonymously. • We will not publish attacks of a personal nature or those accusing persons of crimes or illegal conduct that have not been previously published or documented. • We will not print calls commenting on signed Letters to the Editor. • Sound Off comments are the opinions of our readers and, as such, should not be taken as fact.
COMMUNITY SHOWCASE & EXPO Saturday, February 22, 2014 ~ 9 a.m. to Noon At The Lemont Park District CORE Fitness & Aquatics Complex 16050 127th Street, Lemont
Visit all Vendor Booths for a chance to WIN... a $300 Southwest Airlines Gift Card, an Annual CORE Membership or a $100 Lemont Chamber of Commerce Gift Certiicate to area businesses!
somebody else’s. Everyone has one designated parking spot in front of their home. They should park their car in front of their home.
Good job by public works Pat on the back and a tip of the halo to the Berwyn Public Works Department for a great job in snow removal. Unfortunately, the police department has been lax in enforcing the ordinances concerning cars left on the streets for more than three days and have failed to ticket those that have violated that ordinance. Too bad.
Dangers of smart meters Were the La Grange residents informed of the negative effects of the so-called smart meters? The radiation that emits within 50 feet of the meters can affect living things – people, animals and plants. Security is another issue, and the meters show when residents are not home for a period of time. The savings of money is an issue but so is our health and security. If you Google in See SOUND OFF, page 12
PROGRAM DEMOS 9:30 a.m. - Cookie & Cake Decorating 10:00 a.m. - Lemont Park District Karate 10:30 a.m. - Little Wings Music 11:00 a.m. - TUSA Martial Arts For more info call The Lemont Park District at 630-257-6787 or The Lemont Chamber of Commerce at 630-257-5997. You can also visit www.lemontchamber.com or www.lemontparkdistrict.org
LEM • Friday, February 14, 2014 • mysuburbanlife.com • LMR Suburban Life
I just read in Suburban Life this week about the Downers Grove disposal program for drugs, which is wonderful. I just want people to be aware of the fact that, and I am a Downers Grove residence, for years at the Lisle police station, you’ve been able to walk in and put your drugs in a box without making an appointment and sometimes that may be more convenient. So anyhow, I just want everybody to know about it. I think it’s wonderful Downers Grove is finally offering this program. But I think it would be easier for a lot of people if they don’t have to make an appointment, they can just drop their drugs off, which I’ve been doing for years.
Drug drop-off made easy
8NEWS BRIEFS Boutique offering craft classes for children
• SOUND OFF and third Saturday. For information, call 630-3661003.
LEMONT – Aurora Rose, 111 Stephen St., Lemont, has announced plans to hold bimonthly Lithuanian center to mark Independence Day KidCraft classes. LEMONT – Lithuanian IndeThe classes are for ages 4 to 14 and will take place every first pendence Day is Sunday, and
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the Lithuanian World Center, 14911 127th St., Lemont, will commemorate the occasion from noon to 4 p.m. The program will include a presentation by Augustinas Idzelis, a solo by singer Agn Giedraityt and performances by the Lithuanian Dance Ensemble “Grandis” and Gintaras Orchestra. For information, visit www. lcenter.org.
– Suburban Life Media
Free Refreshments • Door Prizes • Accessories Sale Special Open House Hours: 9am-4pm Tues-Sat, 10am-3pm Sunday (Closed Mondays) See the NEW 2014 Crestliner Boats & Manitou Pontoons Displayed INSIDE!
Continued from page 11 smart meters on the Internet, immediately it will come up with smart-meter dangers. And there’s many, many listings. People in Darien, shovel your sidewalks. If you can’t, hire someone. A teenage boy went around our neighborhood asking home owners to hire him – a few did. Ones that did
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Enjoy Bathing Again! Worry Free!
not still haven’t shoveled. If you have a corner house, do all your walks. I’m tired of having my kids walk in the street to their school bus stop, and I don’t enjoy walking my dogs in the street.
Don’t forget the ‘R’
Shovel your sidewalks
LMR Suburban Life • mysuburbanlife.com • Friday, February 14, 2014 • LEM
We are in the month of February, not February. Please check your calendar for the correct spelling, which is F-E-B-R-U-A-R-Y, and correct your pronunciation.
Parking ticket reply I agree. Why isn’t Brookfield ticketing or towing cars? A fire truck was trying to drive down my street the other day to shovel paths to the hydrants, and they couldn’t get through at the south end of the block, so they had to back it up to get out. On Ogden Avenue in Brookfield, someone had been plowing the sidewalks for a while, and I was so grateful, but it seems like they just gave up about three snowfalls ago. The only place to walk now is in the streets or alleys, since only a few of the businesses bother to shovel.
Skepticism toward Lemont sports complex
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I am becoming more skeptical as events occur surrounding the proposed Lemont Sports Complex. Our elected officials have circumvented a public vote on the project with their plan to pledge taxes, other than property taxes, and taking out loans to finance the project. If the complex fails, such as the one in Bridgeview, the residents could be faced with increased property taxes to pay the debt. It appears that the current mayor has little faith in the electorate and their opinions or ability to make sound evaluations of the proposition. If the project is such a “can’t miss” proposition, why is the mayor unable to get any private investors to finance the project? Is there something more behind the scenes driving the proposition? Only time will tell. He and his cronies may have won the battle, but the residents will have the final say come his re-election bid.
BURR RIDGE Al-Anon, 9:30 a.m. to noon Feb. 14, First United Church of Burr Ridge, 15W100 Plainfield Road., Burr Ridge. Al-Anon Friday Morning Serenity Seekers, 9:30 a.m. Fridays Kiwanis Club of Willowbrook-Burr Ridge, noon Feb. 20, Holiday Inn Willowbrook, 7800 Kingery Highway, Willowbrook. Meets the first four Thursdays. For information, visit www.wbkiwanis. org.
DARIEN Sales Professionals of Illinois Inc., 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. Feb. 20, Pancake Delight House, 75th Street and Fairview Avenue, Darien. For information, call 630-852-0580.
LEMONT Lemont-Homer Glen Rotary, noon Feb. 18, Ruffled Feathers, 1 Pete Dye Drive, Lemont. For information, call John at 630-257-9063. For information, call 630-257-9063. Bingo at the Lithuanian World Center, 4 p.m. Feb. 19, Lithuanian World Center, 14911 127th Street,
Police Department Police Oicer Testing he Freeport Board of Fire and Police Commission is currently accepting applications for the position of Police Oicer.
We want your news
Police applications and information packets will be distributed
January 30, 2014 – February 26, 2014 Orientation, Physical Agility and Written exam held 3/15/14.
To submit an item for Bulletin Board, visit www.shawurl. com/forms
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LOCKPORT Valentines Dinner Dance, 7 p.m. Feb 14, Lockport VFW Post 5788, 1026 E 9th Street, Lockport. All the proceeds from this dance will help to defray the cost of the posts new heating and a/c units. Includes a buffet style dinner and music by the country band Reddasaurus Nex. There will be raffles held and a cash bar. Tickets are available now at the VFW. Cost: $20. Valentine Red Carpet Event, 1 p.m. Feb 16, Shiloh M. B. Church, 18101 Oak Ave, Lockport. Cost: $25. Website: www.shilohmbclockport. org. Band Lockport Area Concert Festival, 7 p.m. Feb 20, Lockport Township High School-IL, 1333 East 7th Street, Lockport. Cost: Free. Website: www.lths.org. Phone: 815-588-8300.
ROMEOVILLE LifeSource Blood Drive, 9 a.m. Feb 18, Lewis University, 1 University Parkway, Romeoville. Cost: Free.
Post Office
State St.
John C. Mastrud D.D.S. General Dentistry (630) 257-2133 e 355
Lemont. A variety of pull-tabs are for sale, along with an early bird raffle starting at 5:15 p.m. Bingo and raffle begin at 6:45 p.m., with payouts ranging from $100 to $500. For every Bingo player, a free dinner is offered on the third Wednesday of each month. For information, call 630-257-8787. Lemont Artists Guild, 7 p.m. Feb. 19, Lemont Public Library, 50 E. Wend Street, Lemont. The Lemont Artists Guild meeting will feature Sandra Bacon from Golden Products. Sandra will give an overview of Golden products and will demonstrate the latest acrylic products. The public is welcome to attend; a donation for the local food pantry is appreciated. Refreshments will be served. Free parking. Website: www.lemontartistsguild.org. Lemont Lions Club Meeting, 7 p.m. Feb. 20, VFW Post 5819, 15780 New Ave, Lemont. First and third Thursdays of the month. September through May. For information, visit www.lemontlions.org.
Police applications and information packets may be picked up in person at 320 W. Exchange, Freeport, IL 61032 or at www.cityofreeport.org
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Showcase SPOTL!GHT
Enjoy a casual elegance at Ivy in Wheaton. Choose from select steaks and chops, Cioppino, a shore dinner, fresh salads, pastas and more. On Wednesday, February 19, Ivy will be hosting the monthy Dine Away Hunger event with 10% of sales donated to The People Resource Center food pantry. Open seven days a week for lunch and dinner; reservations recommended. Ivy 120 N. Hale St., Wheaton 630-665-2489
Q’s Restaurant & Pizzeria in Hillside has been serving authentic Chicago-style pizza for over 50 years. Pizza options include Chicken Parmigiana and the Italian Beef Supreme. The menu also offers soups, salads, sandwiches, fried chicken and more. Open seven days a week for lunch and dinner; catering and delivery available. Q’s Restaurant & Pizzeria 4841 Butterield Rd., Hillside 708-449-7488
LEM • Friday, February 14, 2014 • mysuburbanlife.com • LMR Suburban Life
Weekly Food Pantry, 10 a.m. to noon Feb. 17 and 18, Power Connection, 999 Remington Blvd. Ste. F, Bolingbrook. For $10 donation, fill your bag with groceries. All Illinois residents welcome. No income verification required. Extended hours of 4 to 7 p.m. on Thursdays. For information, call 630-679-6899 or visit www.thepowerconnection.org. Teen Movie Friday, 3 to 5 p.m. Feb. 14, Fountaindale Public Library, 300 W. Briarcliff Road, Bolingbrook. All movies rated PG-13 and below. Contact the Vortex for movie title information. For grades 6 to 12. For information, visit www.fountaindale.org. Knitter’s & Crochet Nest Drop In, 6 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 17, Fountaindale Public Library, 300 W. Briarcliff Road, Bolingbrook. Experienced knitters and crocheters welcome. For information, visit www.fountaindale.org. Bolingbrook Lions Club, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 17, Ashbury’s Restaurant, 355 E. Boughton Road, Bolingbrook. Either at Ashbury’s Restaurant or the Bolingbrook Golf Club. For information, call 630-226-9019 email lionpaul28@aol.com.
LMR Suburban Life • mysuburbanlife.com • Friday, February 14, 2014 • LEM
Ferraro said she has found strength in telling her story Continued from page 6 and has given strength to others as well. “I said when I started writ“Immediately, it was a book,” she said. “When I start- ing this ‘If I could help 10 peoed writing, I titled the chap- ple, I’d be happy,’ ” she said. “I have already touched at least ters.” 100 that I know of.”
Ferraro recently spoke at an event for the Northern Region Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Coalition. Jennifer Samartano, a prevention specialist with Prevent Child Abuse Illinois, said those in the audience were moved by her story.
“I personally am inspired by Judy just by her telling her story, which is so helpful,” she said. Ferraro said speaking to crowds about her sexual abuse in a way that is not uncomfortable is difficult. “I can get up and do improv
in front of a hundred people,” she said. “But Wednesday [at the meeting,] I was a little nervous.” Ferraro lives with her husband of 20 years and 19-yearold son. She attends Christ Community Church. She said her book is not something a lot of people in Lemont know about. But those she has told – such as Lemont Police Sgt. Therese Thompson, who she mentions in the book – have responded positively. “I’ve had a lot of support from people in the community as I was writing the book and discussing it,” she said.
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LEM • Friday, February 14, 2014 • mysuburbanlife.com • LMR Suburban Life
LMR Suburban Life • mysuburbanlife.com • Friday, February 14, 2014 • LEM
OBITUARIES GEORGE L. BARRY Born: Nov. 21, 1927; In Lemont Died: Jan. 31, 2014; In Lemont George L. Barry, age 86, of Lemont, passed away on Friday, January 31, 2014 surrounded by his loving family. Preceded in death by his parents, Clarence and Jeanette (nee Szynkowski); brother, Clarence (l. Phyllis); sisters, Jean (l. Bernie) Blum, Carlisle (l. Olin) Dyrby, Nancy (l. Gene) Carpenter; and brother, Ronald, who died in infancy. Also preceded in death by his loving daughter, Barbara (Will) Veenstra; and the true love of his life, wife Theresa (nee Durlak). Survived by daughters, Kathy (Gary) Haendel, Betty (Steve) Liedtke, Chris (l. Dan) Hale; grandchildren, Samantha (Jason) Barton, Bryan Grace, Kurt Liedtke, Robin (Ryan) Karleskint, Dylan Hale; and great-grandchildren, Jacob Veenstra, and Logan and Camdyn Barton. George is also survived by sisters, Bernice (l. Howard) Martinson, Estelle (John) Robertson; and many nieces, nephews, and friends. Born November 21, 1927, George was a lifelong resident of Lemont. He served in the Army Air Force, and was a past Commander of American Legion Post 243. He retired from Western Electric in 1983, and was an usher at SS Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church for over 50 years. George was an associate at Markiewicz Funeral Home, P.C. for over 30 years. In 2005, he was Grand Marshall of the Keepataw Days Parade. To know George was to love him. His kindness, generosity, and sense of humor will be missed by all. Funeral services Thursday, February 6, 2014, 9:30 a.m. from Markiewicz Funeral Home, P.C. 108 Illinois St., Lemont, to SS. Cyril & Methodius Church for Mass at 10:00 a.m. Interment SS. Cyril & Methodius Cemetery. Visitation Wednesday 2 - 8 p.m . In lieu of flowers, memorials to the charity of the donor's choice would be appreciated. Information: 630-257-6363 or www.markiewiczfh.com
County Board votes to publicly oppose graduated income tax By NATHAN LURZ nlurz@shawmedia.com The DuPage County Board publicly opposes amending the Illinois Constitution to allow for a graduated income tax rate in Illinois after making a party-line decision at a meeting Tuesday morning. The 14 to 3 vote came after weeks of presentations and public hearings on the subject, led by the board’s economic development and legislative committees. Two bills have been introduced in the Illinois House and Senate that would allow Illinois voters to decide whether to amend the state constitution, removing a provision that specifies income taxes must be flat, according to the Illinois General Assembly website. Such a change could open the door for future discussions about a progressive income tax, which would set higher rates for the wealthy and lower rates for those with less income. While some board members argued the issue was a state one, Economic Development Chair Tonia Khouri said because such as change would effect its constituents, it was the board’s job to pro-
Know more
House opposition
To read the relevant proposed constitutional amendment bills, HJRCA 33 and SJRCA 40, visit www.ilga.gov.
All 47 Republicans in the Illinois House of Representatives have announced their opposition to the graduated income tax proposal, according to a news release from the office of House Republican Leader Jim Durkin. House Democrats will have to ensure all 71 of its members vote for the proposal for it to pass with a three-fifths majority vote.
Tax hike expiration A 2011 state income tax hike is set to expire in 2015, potentially lowering state income taxes from 5 percent to 3.75 percent for individuals and 7 percent to 5.25 percent for corporations. vide input. “A hard-working taxpayer of DuPage County deserves to have representatives whom work on their behalf and in their best interest,” she said. “And this progressive tax is not in their best interest or the best interest of the economic development of DuPage County.” Khouri said raising personal income taxes on wealthier brackets could mean the typical taxpayer in DuPage County, where the average household income is $78,000 a year, would be disproportionately affected. In addition, the presence of 17,000 “S corporations” in the county, whose owners
claim business profit as part of their personal income tax payments, means many small businesses will be similarly impacted. Board member Gary Grasso said while he wanted to err on the side of letting voters decide, he didn’t trust the legislators in the General Assembly to make responsible decisions about the matter. “This state has given our trust repeatedly to the people in Springfield, and they have rewarded that trust with nothing but bad government, high taxes and policies that are destroying this state,” he said. The board’s three Democrats, Liz Chaplin, Tony Michelassi and Laurie Nowak voted against the measure.
“I’m proud to be a DuPage County Board member, because nobody sitting in this body today is anti-business,” Michelassi said. “Nobody wants to see our state create a climate that harms the businesses here in DuPage and nobody on this board wants to increase taxes on our residents.” But a vote against the possibility of a graduated income tax, especially when no official plans or rates had been set, was overly argumentative and decisive too early, he said. Chairman Dan Cronin said the vote was in line with the county’s fight to reduce the size, scope and cost of government. He also added he was “astounded” that any DuPage elected official would vote for a graduated income tax, because it would likely mean a tax increase on those they represent – even if the tax rates hadn’t been set yet. “It’s sort of like somebody asking ‘Do you want to buy this house? I’m not going to tell you what the price is, but do you want to buy it?’” he said. “Nobody in their right mind would buy a house if they didn’t know the price of the house, no matter how attractive the house is.”
8NEWS BRIEFS Chiropractor offering weight loss workshop
The workshop will offer a 30-day weight loss challenge to help balance insulin, leptin LEMONT – Paul and Robyn and other important hormone Stoetzel are hosting a free levels related to weight manmakeover workshop titled agement, according to a news “Resolve: The New Year’s Weight Loss Challenge” from release from the office. The first 20 registrants will 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at receive free gluten and dairy Stoetzel’s Planet Chiropractic, sensitivity testing. To regis1243 S. State St., Suite 106, ter, call 630-257-8700 or visit Lemont.
Lemont library to offer events for Lincoln lovers LEMONT – The Lemont Public Library, 50 E. Wend St., will display the traveling exhibit “Abraham Lincoln and the Illinois & Michigan Canal” from Feb. 14 to March 14. The exhibit is presented in
partnership with the Canal Corridor Association and the Canal Alliance. To celebrate President’s Day, Max and Donna Daniels will portray President and Mrs. Lincoln in a one-hour play at 7 p.m. Monday. To register, call 630-257-6541 or visit www.lemontlibrary.org.
–Suburban Life Media
Please Recycle Your Newspaper
Irritable Bowel, Celiac, Crohn’s or Colitis? Are you afraid to leave your house due to an unpredictable bowel? Have you tried diferent treatments but continue to sufer? Do you know the essentials for a healthy digestive system? Have you given up and decided to just live with it? he digestive system assimilates food (carbs, fats and proteins) to produce energy. It breaks down food into nutrient forms that your body can absorb. It uses enzymes, good bacteria and hydrochloric acid to break down food to a usable form. Your gut is a barrier, a tube that starts in your mouth, continues as your esophagus, small intestine, large intestine and rectum. 80% of your immune system is in your gut. When you break down the barrier (gut lining), toxins can “leak” into the blood stream leading to an immune response, inlammation and food allergies. Hippocrates, the father of medicine said… “look to the gut, there will you ind the origin of almost all human illness.”
Hi, my name is Dr. Jefrey E. Forzley with Lemont Natural Healthcare. I am a chiropractic physician and a holistic practitioner. I am passionate about helping people with chronic health conditions. I have been in practice for 28 years. As a holistic practitioner I evaluate the nervous system, immune system, endocrine system (hormones), diet essentials (Neuro-‐Metabolic Care), manage the underlying cause and use natural therapies to manage digestive disorders. here are many essentials required for proper digestion. Let’s talk about a few… Zinc is necessary to make hydrochloric acid (HCL). HCL is needed to break down food (protein) in the stomach and for production of methyl groups. Methyl groups turn on tumor suppressor genes and turn of oncogenes leading to potential cancer growth. If HCL is deicient, this results in poor digestion and a many imbalances due to a deiciency of methyl groups. HCL deiciency also leads to growth of pathological bacteria like H. Pylori, which can cause gastritis, stomach ulcers and possibly stomach cancer. Probiotics (good bacteria) are normally found in the gut. Optimal levels are needed for a proper functioning digestive system. hese probiotics are also part of your immune
Call for your FREE*
system. hey play an important role in the protective barrier in your gut. Your gut makes up 80% of your immune system due to this barrier system. Antibiotics kill pathologic bacteria and infections but they also kill good bacteria and cause gut dysbiosis (imbalance). his dysbiosis can lead to pathologic bacterial, yeast and parasitic infections as well as food allergies. Digestive system inlammation is associated with IBS, Crohn’s, Celiac and Ulcerative Colitis. It is due to stress, poor diet, toxins and food allergies. Digestive inlammation leads to production of cytokines (inlammatory cells). hese cytokines travel in the blood to the brain and inlame the brain cells. he brain (mesencephalon) in turn controls the digestive system. his leads to a vicious cycle resulting in an inlammatory cascade which exponentially worsens over time. Successfully managing digestive conditions involves balancing the nervous system, digestive system and immune system as well as improving the diet, decreasing gut inlammation and detoxifying the body. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a digestive disorder that includes abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating and alternating constipation and diarrhea. he cause is unknown but theories include toxic overload, intestinal infections, inlammation from stress and poor diet generalized condition of the digestive system poor signaling from the brain to the digestive system for proper function.
Medications to treat digestive disorders can weaken your immune system and lead to infections and immune degenerative conditions including cancer. hese medications may give you symptom relief but have side efects and DO NOT ADDRESS the UNDERLYING CAUSE of your condition.
Testimonial As someone who lives with chronic nausea, poor digestion and anxiety, I assumed I was out of options when countless doctors told me that there was nothing else they could do for me. hey told me it was likely all in my head. hen I visited Dr. Forzley and he told me from the initial consultation that he was very conident he could help me. I was so excited that I cried. No other doctor has ever been so much on my side. Now, 8 weeks into treatment, I am nausea free, anxiety free and my digestion is normal. I have started living a life I never thought I could live. My body is a machine, slowed and dirtied by processed foods and environmental toxins. But with the help of Dr. Forzley, my body is on the way back to an optimal state for long term health and happiness. Veronica M.
Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity is a digestive condition that involves gluten sensitivity like Celiac Disease but is not an autoimmune disorder. It involves digestive symptoms (pain, bloating…), fatigue, joint pains as well as neurologic symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, poor memory, brain fog and diiculty concentrating. Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis are autoimmune diseases. An autoimmune disorder is when your immune system attacks your body instead of protecting it. here is NO CURE for autoimmune disorders. But you can calm down the immune response NATURALLY and decrease the efects of the tissue destruction. If you have an autoimmune disease like Celiac, Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis and you do not balance and calm down the autoimmune destruction, your immune system can attack other tissues and cause multiple autoimmune disorders. It is common for people with an autoimmune disorder to have multiple autoimmune diseases for this reason. Medications are not always the long term answer.
30 minute consultation:
Holistic therapy can manage digestive conditions by: 1) inding and balancing the underlying cause and… 2) using natural therapies that work with your body.
Expires February 28, 2014
Go to www.lemontnaturalhealthcare.com and click on “Autoimmune”
Dr. Jeffrey E. Forzley, DC, BCIM Board Certified in Integrative Medicine www.lemontnaturalhealthcare.com Chiropractic Physician 1192 Walter St., Suite C, Lemont,IL
*Excludes medicare, medicaid and other government programs.
LEM • Friday, February 14, 2014 • mysuburbanlife.com • LMR Suburban Life
Are you sufering with
LMR Suburban Life • mysuburbanlife.com • Friday, February 14, 2014 • LEM
Ceramicist on display at Lemont art gallery LEMONT – The Lemont Center for the Arts, 1243 State St., will feature the artwork of Lee Ristow this month. Ristow, a Lemont resident, is a ceramicist
and a ClaySpace resident artist. The center is open from noon to 4 p.m. Friday and Sunday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. For information, visit www.lemontcenterforthearts.wordpress.com.
– Suburban Life Media
Birh Announcements Announce your baby’s birth in Celebrations
We want your • The following Lemont High School seniors have been tabbed education news as Illinois State Scholars by the Illinois Student Assistance Submit announcements about Commission: Alexandra Albrecht, your student or your school Anne Marie Alwan, Michelle Awad, through any of the following Ann Baillie, Atri Bathani, Erin Bendle, methods: Jimmy Chakkalakel, Nick Ciofalo, Bryan Cummings, Juan Leyno Email Dasco, Jonathan Dzielski, Austin education@mysuburbanlife.com Economos, Ryan Folliard, Elizabeth Forzley, Taylor Gabouer, MadeFax line Garvey, Ben Groselak, Jarrod 630-969-0228 Hanson, Lucas Heatherington, Amanda Huegelmann, Amy Hughes, Mail Katherine Klein, Barbara Koszarek, Suburban Life Media Andrew Kramer, Zachary Krepps, 1101 W. 31st St., Suite 260 Kristyn Krueger, Erika Kubowitsch, Downers Grove, IL 60515 Ingrid Lejins, Kevin Lindgren, Kyle Main, Clint McAllister, Clare For more education stories McClafferty, Madeleine McPartland, and updates, check out Morgan Micetich, Andrew Miller, mysuburbanlife.com Rachel Miller, Matthew Monaco, Kristen Parham, Rebecca Peraino, Robert Rigler, Margaret Rogers, Julia University of WisconsinRowinski, Mary Sahs, Thomas Sahs, Madison, fall semester Elaine Saucedo, John Simadis, Adam DEAN’S HONOR LIST Strube, Jake Terrazas, Kevin Trojak, LEMONT: Daniel Arenberg, Crystina Dyer and Patrick Hopkins Gianna Turek, Jenna Walaszek, Anna DEAN’S LIST Zechel and Joseph Ziebell LEMONT: Jonathon Clark, Kevin Fritz and Jim Shupryt GRADUATES
University of WisconsinStevens Point
Each week in Suburban Life
LEMONT: Neal Casey, bachelor’s in LEMONT: Brittany Baldwin, Colleen business administration-marketing Gaffney and Mary Kate Lawler
DEAN’S LISTS Coe College, fall term LEMONT: Allison DeArcangelis
Baylor University, fall semester
Visit MySuburbanLife.com/forms Email Celebrations@MySuburbanLife.com or call 877-264-2527
Creighton University, fall semester
LEMONT: Suzanne Beecher
Georgia Institute of Technology, fall semester LEMONT: Morgan Rex
Western Michigan University, fall semester LEMONT: Kevin Boyle
Iowa State University, fall semester LEMONT: Robert Bromberek and Megan Fisher
Lewis University, fall semester LEMONT: Bridget Baillie, Malgorzata Bednarz, Xaverie Benedict, Kristina Budajeva, Paige Cremerius, Rolando De La Vega, Jamie Drez, Andrea Earnest, Maria Falese, Andrew Gestautas, Marissa Gonzales, Jessica Halper, Sylvia Jablonska, Dawid Janik, Magdalena Jazowski, Daniel Koscielniak, Kelly Lyons, Emily Marzo, Sam Marzo, Daniel Mrowca, Carolynn Micetic, Kimberly Miller, Joanna Orszulak, Sarah Price, Zachary Sabourin, Penelope Strid, Brian Strumpf and Brandon White
Aurora University, fall semester LEMONT: Lauren Butkovich
WHERE: Ballydoyle Irish Pub, 5157 Main St., Downers Grove WHEN: 9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15 COST & INFO: $5 cover; 630-969-0600, www.ballydoylepub.com; www.scarlettamusic.com ABOUT: After a hot debut on “CMT Pure 12-Pack Countdown” and breaking the Top 20 on Music Row Radio with “Right Here, Right Now,” the Nashville-based trio is on a tour featuring new lead singer Emilee Allan, joined by fiddle player Nathan Stoops and guitarist Benji Harris. Scarletta was in Billboard Magazine’s Top 10 Country Artists to watch in 2013.
Photo provided
MUSICAL BAZAAR WHERE: Front Street Cantina, 319 S. Front St., Lemont WHEN: 7 to 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14 COST & INFO: No cover charge at family-friendly restaurant; 630-312-8636; www. davidsbazaar.com ABOUT: A family concert is in store by a veteran solo vocal-and-guitar act. As the name implies, David’s Bazaar delivers a hodgepodge of musical wares, from the intimately familiar to off-the-beatenpath gems, spanning the 1960s to 2013. The artist said they range from fiercely artistic to silly fun, from rock to pop to folk to country, from such performers as Elvis Costello, The Foo Fighters, Neil Young, Radiohead and Johnny Cash.
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WHERE: Bookshelves and Amazon.com WHEN: Release date on Valentine’s Day COST & INFO: Varies; www.jennysauer.com ABOUT: Naperville model and television and film actor Jenny Sauer, whose credits include “The Hangover: Part II” and “The Mentalist,” is about to release her autobiographical novel, “Snickering Out Loud” – all about dating and her helpful hints. “(It’s) a nice heaping dose of Irish sarcasm, wit and humor for the dating-impaired,” Sauer said. “It’s OK not to be good at dating, just make sure you laugh about it.” Photo provided
WHERE: Bolingbrook Golf Club, 2001 Rodeo Drive, Bolingbrook WHEN: 6 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21 COST & INFO: $75 to $95 in advance, $85 to $105 at the door, $25 to $30 designated driver; 630-846-5158, www.whiskeyandwineevents.com ABOUT: The Whiskey & Wine Event at Bolingbrook Golf Club will feature tastings, complemented by food and dessert stations, a heated outdoor cigar lounge, live music and raffles. Guests can educate their palate as they mingle with producers, vintners and distillers.
WHERE: Lemont Public Library, 50 E. Wend St. WHEN: 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19 COST & INFO: Free; donations for food pantry appreciated; for details, call guild President Liz Popp at 815-341-1145, www. lemontartistsguild.org; www.goldenpaints.com ABOUT: Lemont Artists Guild presents Sandra Bacon demonstrating products from Golden Artist Colors. She will give an overview of the artist line, and will lead interactive demonstrations of the latest acrylic products. Refreshments will be served. “The high flow is like an acrylic ink, and great for artists who like watercolor and … ink washes,” Bacon said.
| PlanIt Life | LEM • Friday, February 14, 2014 • PlanitLife.com
PlanitLife.com • Friday, February 14, 2014 • LEM
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Restaurant reviews
Thai Pot stirs affection for traditional cuisine DOWNERS GROVE – Thai fare has become more commonplace over the years, and, like many other adopted cuisines, often more Americanized. Breading, cream, sugary sauces and less traditional spices frequently are incorporated. Thai Pot seems to resist that temptation, offering authentic flavors and food, to good result. During my first visit to the restaurant, I stopped by for lunch. Tucked into a strip mall in Downers Grove, the storefront eatery has a bright, appealingly decorated interior. The full menu is not available midday, when the restaurant focuses on a selection of weekday lunch specials, which are fairly diverse and very well priced. For just under $8, you get soup, the appetizer of the day and a well-portioned entree. The meal started with a simple yet delicious chicken and jasmine rice soup. It reminded me of my mom’s best chicken noodle, but the jasmine and a smattering of other Thai spices gave it an extra layer of savory that really set it apart. All the components were cooked well, and the broth had an almost buttery texture. The aromatic fish sauce and spices in the red curry with tofu, which usually are muted by lots of coconut sauce, wafted my way as the server approached the table. The emphasis was on the spicy chili sauce in the curry, a dish overflowing with veggies and tofu. The tofu itself melted in my
mouth. It was boiled, not fried, giving it an eggy texture. After the satisfying lunch, I was curious to check out the full menu, and followed up another day with a dinner visit. I started with an order of Shrimp Cigars – admittedly chosen because of the great name. They were big plump shrimp, tail-on, alongside Thai basil and a bit of onion, all wrapped and fried in a wonton wrapper. The visual was a great one, and the presentation allowed the shrimp to stay the star. My entree of spicy basil leaves with chicken had a great blend of flavors, particularly the sauce. It contained just enough basil to add a nice punch. I would have liked even more of the gravy, simply because it was so good. Thai Pot’s greatest strength is its commitment to authenticity. Thai is one of my favorite cuisines – I love the Americanized versions just as much as I love the ones straight from the recipes of Thai grandmothers – and Thai Pot managed to throw in a couple flavors I hadn’t experienced before. Diners who would like to push their boundaries a bit, or those who already relish the more traditional flavors, will want to find out what’s cooking at Thai Pot.
Suburban Life Media photos
Downers Grove is home to Thai Pot, where the lunch menu includes red curry for a spicy kick, shown prepared with the tofu option.
The Mystery Diner is a newsroom employee at Suburban Life Media. The diner’s identity is not revealed to the restaurant staff before or during the meal. Only positive dining experiences will result in published reviews.
Thai Pot n Where: 2249 Maple Ave.,
Downers Grove
n Hours: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Monday to Thursday; 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday; 4 to 8:30 p.m. Sunday n Dress code: Casual n Info: 630-737-0671, Facebook
More photos online
Spicy basil leaves with chicken is a featured entree at Thai Pot.
Lunch specials come complete with soup and appetizer for a hearty meal, such as the red curry, which contrasts the spice of the dish with creamy tofu.
To see more photos from Thai Pot, find this story online at PlanitLife.com
First Folio Theatre Presents “Rough Crossing,” Wednesdays to Sundays through March 2, Mayslake Peabody Estate, 1717 W. 31st Street, Oak Brook. Tom Stoppard’s hysterical farce is a musical romp on the high seas. Set in the early ’30s aboard the S.S. Italian Castle on its way to New York. Tickets range from start at $30 and $26 for seniors and students. Performances are Wednesdays through Sundays. For information, call 630-986-8067 or visit www.irstfolio.org. “Do-Gooder,” 7:30 p.m. Feb. 13 and 14, 5 and 8:30 p.m. Feb. 15, The 16th Street Theater, 6420 16th St, Berwyn. When Gordon and Carmel buy a graystone in Chicago, it’s with the best of intentions. Website: wp.16thstreettheater.org/productions/season-seven-2014/do-gooder. “Beautifully,” 8 p.m. Feb. 13, 14, 15, 20, 2:30 p.m. Feb. 16, Cattell Theatre-Theatre of Western Springs, 4384 Hampton Ave., Western Springs. A raw and unlinching look at the relationships of two sisters and the men who love them. Ticket $18$20. Website: www.theatreofwesternsprings.com. 708-246-4043.
FEB. 14 Aidan O’Toole, 5 p.m. Feb. 14, Ballydoyle in Downers Grove, 5157 Main Street, Downers Grove. Specializing in all your Irish favorites along with some current radio hits. Free. Website: www.ballydoylepub.com/ downers/music-events. Valentine’s Dinner, 6:30 p.m. Feb. 14, Brookield Zoo, 3300 Golf Road, Brookield. Begin your adventure with a cocktail reception at Seven Seas Underwater Viewing home of our bottlenose dolphins. Then let us transport you to the romantic setting of Bocaditos dining room for a delectable four course meal. Full bar service included. Musical entertainment provided. Seating is limited and reservations are required. Cost: $225. Website: www.brookieldzoo.org/ CZS/valentinedinner-1. Wayniac Show Karaoke, 10 p.m. Feb. 14, Mullen’s - Lisle, 3080 Warrenville Road, Lisle. Free. Website: mullensbarandgrill.com/lisle/index.php. 630-505-0240.
FEB. 15
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Dueling Pianos, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 15, Wheatstack, 5900 South Route 53, Lisle. Cost: $20-$40. Website: www. wheatstacklisle.com/events.html. Phone: 630-968-1920. Heartfest 2014, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 15, Hindsale Community Center, 415 W. Eighth St., Hinsdale. Mend a Heart Foundation’s fundraiser beneiting children born with congenital heart defects. Live music, great food, drink, the
Photo provided by Miles Boone Photography
CLASSIC CINEMAS TO LIGHT UP MOVIE DEAL WHERE: Classic Cinemas locations including North Riverside Mall Theatre and York Theatre in Elmhurst WHEN: Every Tuesday COST & INFO: Classic Cinemas will launch “$5 Tuesdays” Feb. 18. The program lets patrons purchase tickets to showings at any of 11 Classic Cinemas theaters for $5 every Tuesday, including new releases, with 3D showings offered for $2 more. The discount is available the entire day. Its theaters in Downers Grove and Naperville already offer bargain admission daily. To ind all 104 screens, visit www.classiccinemas.com.
ever-popular cupcake bar, rafles and auction will keep guests entertained. Advance tickets are $60 per person; tickets at the door are $75 per person. Website: www.mendaheart.org/ Upcoming_Events.html. Kickstarter Launch Party, 8:30 p.m. Feb. 15, Bono’s pub, 2029 ogden avenue, Lisle. “The Story of Circle and Square” is a children’s book that teaches the concept of atoms to children ages 3 to 7. This Kickstarter Launch party is going to be a live music event with local bands including the all-girl cover band Skirt Steak. Cost: Free. Website: www.facebook. com/storyofcircleandsquare. Country Trio Scarletta, 9 p.m. Feb. 15, Ballydoyle Pub, 5157 Main St., Downers Grove. Country trio with new lead singer Emilee Allan, joined by iddle player Nathan Stoops and guitarist Benji Harris. DJ Derek, 9:30 p.m. Feb. 15, StoneHouse Pub, 103 Stephen St., Lemont, Free. Website: www.stonehousepub. org/events/2014-02. 630-257-1300.
FEB. 16 Valentine’s Brunch at Brookfield Zoo, 11 a.m. Sunday, Brookield Zoo, 3300 Golf Road, Brookield. This special brunch features an elegant display of breakfast fare. For information, visit www.czs.org/CZS/specialevents. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Camp at Fullersburg 1933-1938, 2 p.m. Feb. 16, Oak Brook Public Library, 600 Oak Brook Road, Oak Brook. The CCC was a public work relief program begun by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt that operated from 1933 to 1942. Speaker Chris Gingrich, Education Outreach Specialist with the Forest Preserve District of DuPage
County, will give a brief history of the CCC Camp located at Fullersburg Woods and will discuss some of the projects that the CCC workers completed in several of the forest preserves in DuPage County. Cost: Free. Website: www.fullersburg.org. DJ Jeff Overstreet, 7 p.m. Feb. 16, Tailgaters Sports Bar & Grill, 431 W Boughton Road, Bolingbrook, Free. Website: www.tailgatersgrill.com/ events. 630-679-1994.
FEB. 17 Acoustic Night, 8 p.m. Feb. 170, Miss Kitty’s, 634 E. Ogden Ave., Naperville. Open to all acoustic musicians. Free. Bags Competition, 8 p.m. Feb. 170, Ballydoyle in Downers Grove, 5157 Main Street, Downers Grove. Every monday night. Free. Website: www. ballydoylepub.com.
FEB. 18 Karaoke Night, 7 p.m. Feb. 18, Tailgaters Sports Bar & Grill, 431 W Boughton Road, Bolingbrook. Free. Website: www.tailgatersgrill.com/ events. 630-679-1994. Books Alive Discussion Group, 7 p.m. Feb. 18, La Grange Park Library, 555 N La Grange Road, La Grange Park. This month the book is “Lookaway, Lookaway” by Wilton Barnhardt. No registration required; drop in. Cost: Free. Jazz Concert, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 18, Benet Academy-Lisle, 2200 Maple Ave., Lisle. Cost: Free. Website: www. benet.org. Live Team Trivia, 8 p.m. Feb. 18, StoneHouse Pub, 103 Stephen St., Lemont. Prizes awarded to the top 3 teams. Free.
Open Mic, 8:30 p.m. Feb. 18, Mullen’s - Lisle, 3080 Warrenville Road, Lisle. Every Tuesday. Free. Website: mullensbarandgrill.com. 630-505-0240. Trivia Night, 9 p.m. Feb. 18, Ballydoyle in Downers Grove, 5157 Main Street, Downers Grove. Free. Website: www. ballydoylepub.com.
FEB. 19 Swing Dance Lessons & Open Dance, 6:30 p.m. Feb. 19, Navarro’s of Naperville, 1601 Fairway Drive, Naperville. Every Wednesday night come get dance lessons, and then practice what you learned with open dance until midnight. Cost: $7. Website: www.navarrosofnaperville.com. Benet Band/Percussion Ensemble Concert, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 19, Benet Academy-Lisle, 2200 Maple Ave., Lisle. Cost: Free. Website: www. benet.org. Open Mic Night, 9 p.m. Feb. 19, Ballydoyle in Downers Grove, 5157 Main Street, Downers Grove. Every Wednesday night. Free. Website: www.ballydoylepub.com/downers/ music-events.
FEB. 20 Trivia Night, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 20, DJ’s Sports Bar, 222 E. Chicago Ave., Westmont, Play to win a $25 or $10 gift card to DJ’s. Free. Website: www. djswestmont.com. Kitty-oke, 8 p.m. Feb. 20, Miss Kitty’s, 634 E. Ogden Ave., Naperville, Every Thursday night. Free. The Pete Ellman Big Band (N.F.P.), 8 p.m. Feb. 20, Mullen’s - Lisle, 3080 Warrenville Road, Lisle. Free. Website: mullensbarandgrill.com. 630-5050240.
| PlanIt Life | LEM • Friday, February 14, 2014 • PlanitLife.com
LMR Suburban Life • mysuburbanlife.com • Friday, February 14, 2014 • LEM
Comments? Contact Sports Editor Jason Rossi, jrossi@shawmedia.com or 630-427-6271
Cream of the crop Lemont cheerleading team wins fourth state title to continue dynasty By SCOTT SCHMID
Numbers to know
sschmid@shawmedia.com BLOOMINGTON – It is safe to say that Lemont high school has a dynasty on its hands. Adding another chapter to an already sparkling resume, the Indians’ cheerleading team captured first place in the medium team division at Saturday’s IHSA state competition at U.S. Cellular Coliseum. The championship was Lemont’s fourth since the 200809 season. Even more impressively, the program continues to be the only one that has stood on the podium with a top three every season since the initial IHSA competitive cheerleading state series in 2006. “Part of it is the feeder programs, with the Lemont Hornets cheer program and the Old Quarry Middle School feeder program,” second-year head coach David Erlenbaugh said. “And then we probably have the most supportive and invested administration of any cheerleading team that I know of. “John Young, our athletic director, he backs me in everything that we do. Our principal, Tom Trengove, and our superintendent, Mary Ticknor, were both at the state competition. The support we get from them, the school, and the parents is absolutely incredible, and that really puts the heart into this program.” The Indians advanced to the finals after posting a score of 88.22 in the preliminaries Friday, which was the top score in the medium team division. The team then delivered the top mark of 90.84 on Saturday in a routine that was flawless, Erlenbaugh said. “We got on the floor and you
• 9 State trophies since 2005-06 • 4 State titles • 3 Runner-up finishes • 2 Third-place finishes
really could feel the energy in the place,” Erlenbaugh said. “Our fan section was incredible. We’ve battled injuries and it has been a crazy year. It’s just incredible that they came through and won. “When we were announced as the winner, the girls just lost it and it was so great to see. They’ve worked so hard this year. It’s a great group of girls and a stellar group of athletes.” Team members include seniors Madison Detres, Emily Durham, Gianna Letizia, Miranda Neumann, Rebecca Peraino, Kelsey Tate, Gianna Turek and Danielle Wohead; juniors Alyssa Bakovich, Easton Kral, Reann Kwasneski, Elly Lambert, Nicole Markley, Stephanie Markley, Kayly Norris, Samantha Palumbo, Jenna Polk and Samantha Walus; sophomores Erin Cliff and Katelyn Papierski; and freshman Caitlyn Henry. The coaching staff is rounded out by assistants Bree Grady and Brittany Cantarino and choreographer Jared Erlenbaugh, David’s son. Five of the girls – Detres, Durham, Tate, Turek and Wohead – were part of the school’s last state championship squad as freshmen in 2011. “We really wanted to do it for those seniors, to have them come in with a bang and go out with a bang,” Erlenbaugh said. “We had tremendous leadership with our captains and just an incredible coaching staff.”
Lemont junior Samantha Polumbo strikes a pose after receiving her state championship medal. The Indians won their fourth state title in competitive cheerleading last weekend. Photo provided
• Assistant coach at Minooka, 1 year By SCOTT SCHMID • Head coach at Lockport, 17 years sschmid@shawmedia.com • Head coach at Joliet West, 3 L E M O N T – W i t h t h e years foundation left behind by • Assistant coach at Providence, Eric Michaelsen, the Lem- 3 years ont football program was already in very good shape heading into the 2014 season. Now the future looks even brighter. On Monday, Bret Kooi, armed with an Bret impressive re- Kooi sume, was officially announced as the successor to Michaelsen, who stepped down to take over as the principal at Lemont in June. Kooi, who spent the past two years as an assistant coach at Lincoln-Way North, was the head man at Lockport for 17 years and helped lead the Porters to state championships in 2002 and 2003. “What he [Michaelsen] accomplished over the last 10 to 15 years is absolutely incredible,” said Kooi. All I can hope for is to continue the tradition that he and his staff got going.” Michaelsen compiled a record of 106-33 in his 12 seasons, which included seven conference championships, nine straight playoff appearances (2004-12) and a pair of IHSA Class 6A state runner-up trophies. Kooi was selected out of 65 applicants, according to athletic director John Young. “I truly couldn’t be more excited,” Kooi said. I was absolutely blown away by meeting the board and spending time with the superintendent and the board at Monday’s meeting. I couldn’t be more impressed and it gives you a comfort level that is fantastic.” Young said that there was
a lot that stood out about the new coach. “The fact that he has previous, successful head coaching experience is a big asset he brings to our program,” Young said. “And his references were extremely positive, and that’s a testament to the character and attributes he brings as a person.” A current PE teacher at Lockport – he also previously taught math – who will continue in that job, Kooi already had a familiarity with Lemont. He even previously coached a youth football team in the town. “I’m in one of the neighboring towns,” Kooi said, “and to be quite honest, it is something that always interested me. I see all the good things that go on there and I’ve had experience with quite a few things over there. “I’ve always had the conversation with my wife that if the perfect opportunity came up, I was going to jump on it. Sure enough when this opened up, she encouraged me to do so, and the rest is a story to be written.” As for what he will bring to Lemont, Kooi hopes it extends far past the football field. “To be honest with you,” he said, “I’m a big believer in character. That is something that I think is extremely important and it is something that Eric always preached. I think there will be many more lessons than the game itself that we will try to get across to the kids.”
Lemont boys notch pair of wins
LEM • Friday, February 14, 2014 • mysuburbanlife.com • LMR Suburban Life
About Bret Kooi Former L-W North assistant coach picked • Assistant coach at Lincoln-Way North, 2 years from 65 applicants
Bozue claims 600th victory SUBURBAN LIFE MEDIA LEMONT – The Lemont girls basketball team improved to 13-12 on the winter with a thrilling 62-55 win over Tinley Park Tuesday in double overtime. The victory was coach Bill Bozue’s 600th career win. Kim Jerantowski scored 16 points to lead the Indians in their regular season finale.
Boys basketball Behind 24 points, six rebounds and five assists from Mike Wisz, Lemont’s boys basketball team knocked off visiting Crete 76-65 on Monday in a game that was rescheduled from early January. Austin Tittle also filled up the stat sheet with 21 points, seven rebounds and five assists. The Indians, who improved to 11-10 on the winter, were coming off a 46-36 win over South Suburban Blue rival Bremen last Friday. Wisz again led the way with 17 points, four rebounds and three steals while Luis Marquez totaled six points and nine rebounds. Ben Groselak contributed five assists. Lemont is back in action at 7 p.m. today against visit-
Students walk runway as fundraiser PAGE 12
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Kooi takes over as Lemont football coach
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Lemont’s Kim Jerantowski shoots a jumper in a Feb. 4 home game against Bremen. Jerantowski scored a team-high 16 points as the Indians topped Tinley Park for coach Bill Bozue’s 600th career win. ing Tinley Park. The Indians matchup with T.F. North. Both also have a home game sched- games are SSB conference uled for 7 p.m. Tuesday for a games.
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LMR Suburban Life • mysuburbanlife.com • Friday, February 14, 2014 • LEM
Lemont sends six to Lemont’s Udziela bowls to regional sectional wrestling Boys swimming sets two school records at conference meet
By SCOTT SCHMID sschmid@shawmedia.com
SUBURBAN LIFE MEDIA Kyra Udziela and her Lemont bowling teammates had quite the performance at Saturday’s Sandburg regional. With Udziela taking home individual champion honors, the Indians advanced to this weekend’s Morgan Park sectional by placing third with a pin total of 5,449. Udziela finished with a sixgame score 1,354, which was 11 pins better than runner-up Marissa Soverino of Lockport. Brook Gabor was next at 1,083, Kyla Owens posted a score of 1,041 and Alex Wyatt came in with a 1,002. Monique Mitrani (969) also competed.
BOYS SWIMMING On a day where the 400yard freestyle relay team of Jake Rangel, Joe Ziebell, Andrew Wood and Michael Diorio broke a school record, the Lemont boys swim team placed third at the South Suburban Conference meet Saturday. The quartet came in with a time of 3 minutes, 36.08 seconds, placing third in the event. Ziebell was the runner-up in the 200 individual medley clocking of 2:16.60 with Wood trailing in third-place (2:19.67). Ziebell also placed second in the 100 breaststroke in 1:09.29, in the process setting another school record. Diorio was second in the 500 freestyle after touching the wall in 5:22.88, and Jay
Photo provided
Andrew Wood (from left), Michael Diorio, Joe Ziebell and Jake Rangel comprised Lemont’s 400-yard freestyle relay team that set a new school record in the event with a time of 3:36.08 at the South Suburban Conference meet. Drassler came in third in the 100 butterfly (1:02.12). Also placing in the top five were Diorio (200 freestyle), Rangel (fourth in the 50 freestyle and 100 freestyle), Wood (fourth in the 100 backstroke), Bradley Bendle (fifth in the 50 freestyle and 100 freestyle) and
Adam Zaporowski (fifth in the backstroke). The 200 freestyle relay team of Rangel, Evan Ganzer, Ziebell and Bendle was second in 1:39.56. The 200 medley relay grouping of Wood, Diorio, Ganzer and Bendle was third in 1:54.96.
OAK FOREST – This year’s version of Lemont’s wrestling team might not have the star power or depth of recent years, but that doesn’t mean the Indians are going down without a fight. Competing at the Class 2A Oak Forest regional Saturday, Lemont qualified six individuals for the De La Salle sectional, which begins tonight and continues tomorrow, and had two others come up just short. “I thought everyone wrestled pretty well on Saturday,” Lemont coach John St. Clair said. “Throughout the day, there were examples of our kids beating kids who they lost to either earlier in the year or earlier in the day. It was a good day.” Leading the charge was junior Jimmy Brennan, who pinned Taylor Malldor of St. Laurence in the opening period to win the title at 145 pounds. “He’s wrestling really well,” St. Clair said of Brennan, “and now is the time where you want to be wrestling well. The kid he beat in the finals is a tough kid and he pinned him in the first period.” Freshman Egan Berta was the runner-up at 126 with fellow freshman Jake Kirkman placing third at 138. “They both wrestled well,” the coach said. “Jake going into the day was unseeded, he wasn’t supposed to be first, second, third or fourth. His first match was against a kid from Hillcrest who he lost twice to earlier in the year and he beat him. And
“We are going to come ready to go just like we did last Saturday and try to get as many kids through as we can.” John St. Clair Lemont wrestling coach then the third-place match was against a kid from Oak Forest who he had lost to earlier in the year, too. So he really avenged three losses, that was nice.” Also moving on to the sectional after finishing third were Ryan Glynn (120), Adam Strube (132) and John Polk (152). “Adam is a senior, and it’s always great to see a senior moving on past regionals,” St. Clair said. This is his first time being a sectional qualifier. I’m really proud of him. And John, he wrestled great. He beat a kid for third place from Oak Forest who pinned him at conference in 20 seconds.” Placing fourth and just missing out on making the sectional cut were Dimitri Giatras at 160 and Rob Gasienica at 220. Lemont finished in third place with a score of 119.5. As for what the sectional will hold, St. Clair is not entirely sure. “There are a lot of schools there we just don’t see,” he said, “so it is hard for me to gauge what our chances our. We are going to come ready to go just like we did last Saturday and try to get as many kids through as we can.”
Postseason tipoff time is finally here for Lemont girls basketball By SCOTT SCHMID
the state finals March 7 and 8.
sschmid@shawmedia.com Having won in its regular season finale, the next step for Lemont’s girls basketball team is the Class 4A girls playoffs, which get underway next week. Lemont starts its postseason road in Aurora with the end goal of reaching Redbird Arena in Normal for
LEMONT Class: 4A Regional: East Aurora Sectional: Joliet Central Seed: No. 12 First game: 8 p.m. Feb. 17 vs. No. 21 East Aurora Outlook: The Indians closed out the regular season earlier
this week and their record has hovered around the .500 mark throughout the winter. Drawing the No. 12 seed in the Joliet Central sectional, Lemont will take on No. 21 seed East Aurora in a regional quarterfinal matchup with the winner advancing to take on Naperville North in the semifinals. Based on the seeding, Lemont has a good
chance to be that team. If the Indians can get hot and make a postseason run, they could play for the regional title on Feb. 20. A young team this season with three freshmen and two sophomores on the roster, the Indians are led by the 10.1 points and 3.4 steals per game put up by senior guard Kim Jerantowski. Freshman
guard Shannon O’Donnell (6.5 points per game), sophomore guard Maddy Vermejan (6 points per game), sophomore center Marissa Dyer (5.8 points per game) and senior forward Jenny Hennig (4.7 points per game) have also been major contributors for the Indians. Dyer tops the team with 6.1 rebounds per outing.
Suburban Life - Friday, February 14, 2014 • LMR • Page 25 Friday, February 14, 2014 “Happy Valentine’s Wishes” Photo by: Holly
Diesel Mechanics Wanted! Holland is looking to fill 4 mechanic positions at the Wheeling IL Terminal. Successful candidates should have experience in general maintenance repairs of fleet equipment, including tractors, trailers and forklifts. Must be able to trouble shoot diesel Come Join Us! We are part of the Franciscan Com- engines, air brakes systems, munities, is a senior housing-con- steering, suspension & electritinuing care retirement community cal, with a knowledge of DOT located in Lemont. laws. Self motivated. CDL NOW HIRING: preferred but not required. Cook II Preferred candidates will At least one year experience in a have 4+ years verifiable healthcare or Restaurant setting diesel mechanic experience. Registered Nurse Company provided uniforms. Recent clinical experience working 2nd & 3rd shift available. with geriatric population. IAM Local 701, $81 per C.N.A. (all Shifts) month dues. Starting wage Must be certified in Illinois. $22.26, $0.20 differential for Must have previous experience in 2nd & 3rd shit. Apprentices Long term care setting. earn 100% of scale after four Interested candidates may forward years. Company paid health their resume to Human Resources insurance & pension start afFranciscan Village, 1260 Francis- ter 60 day probationary period successfully completed. can Drive, Lemont, Illinois 60439. EOE E-mail jjackson@ franciscancommunities.com Apply: www.hollandregional. com/careers located under equipment services Get Bears news on Twitter by following @bears_insider
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Page 26 • LMR • Suburban Life - Friday, February 14, 2014
WOODBURY, MINNESOTA PRIME 15 AC R2, Radio Dr. up to Hinton. $850K. 702-558-3988
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PLAINFIELD 4 BR, 2 1/2 BA fine home on golf course & pond. Basement, appliances, fireplace, dinette & family room. $1737/mo. Opt. Available. 630-241-2594 BUY IT! SELL IT! FIND IT! FAST!
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ARE YOU COLD! Come to Florida $150,000 + 24/7 access to Tampa homes Go to KerryMitchell.com, Boca Executive Realty or call me at 941-779-4582 SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Turn key operation 40 rooms + two bedrooms managers apartment motel for sale. Only motel in town. For details call: 573-783-2500 ask for Abu.
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC Plaintiff, -v.JOZEF SITKO, HALINA SITKO, BMO HARRIS BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Defendants 12 CH 029753 740 HARASEK STREET LEMONT, IL 60439 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on December 16, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on March 18, 2014, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described
g real estate: Commonly known as 740 HARASEK STREET, LEMONT, IL 60439 Property Index No. 22-28-108012. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twentyfour (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all in-
ify formation. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-12-17623. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-12-17623 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 12 CH 029753 TJSC#: 33-27768 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed be debt llec
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mysuburbanlife.com ey deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I588763 February 14, 21, 28, 2014 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Plaintiff, -v.FEDERICO RUIZ, LUZ M. RUIZ Defendants 13 CH 000865 1275 FAIRWAY DRIVE LEMONT, IL 60439 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on December 4, 2013, Auction.com, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 1:00 PM on March 12, 2014, at the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza, 350 West Mart Center Drive (in the Auction.com room), CHICAGO, IL, 60654, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 1275 FAIRWAY DRIVE, LEMONT, IL 60439 Property Index No. 22-31-307004. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twentyfour (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special tax-
sp sp es levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-12-34331. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. AUCTION.COM LLC For Additional Information regarding Auction.com, please visit www.Auction.com or call (800280-2832) CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 Atto File No 14-12-34331
(630) Attorney File No. 14-12-34331 Attorney ARDC No. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number: 13 CH 000865 TJSC#: 33-26917 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I588995 February 14, 21, 28, 2014
FIREWOOD ALL OAK Deliver & Dump $150/Face Cord $350/Full Cord
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LMR Suburban Life • mysuburbanlife.com • Friday, February 14, 2014 • LEM