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Make 2022 Your Best Year
Peru HyVee dietitian Haleigh Kneebone Augspols showed off the wide assortment of teas that are available at HyVee.
Change five dietary habits for better health
Photo and story by Shannon Serpette
Improving your health can feel so overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Sometimes, minor tweaks to your diet are all it takes to start living a healthier lifestyle. These tiny moves can often serve as a stepping stone to bigger lifestyle changes.
Haleigh Kneebone Augspols, a registered dietitian with Hy-Vee in Peru, shared her expertise about nutrition to offer five small dietary changes to get you started on a healthier journey.
2022 12 December 2021 | Illinois Valley Woman | A NewsTribune Publication
Most of us love sugar – and it shows. Our diets are packed full of it. And one of the biggest offenders is soda, according to Augspols. It causes us to gain weight because of the nutritionally empty, high-calorie content of sugar. 1 “The average American gets 270 calories of added sugars each day. That’s about 17 teaspoons of sugar,” she said. In addition to weight gain, too much sugar can contribute to low energy, increased anxiety, bad mood, and decreased memory and focus, Augspols said. Instead of grabbing that heavily-sugared soda for energy on your way to work in the morning, choosing unsweetened tea is a much better option. “Switching to tea will not only lower your added sugar consumption, but it will provide you with natural substances called polyphenols. These substances are antioxidants, compounds that may help reduce the risk of certain chronic disease,” she said. Even people who think they dislike tea can usually find a type they like because of the wide assortment of types and flavors. You can choose from black, green, white, herbal, oolong teas, and more. For optimal health, try to skip adding natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or agave most of the time. They are still considered added sugar.
Sodium is essential for our health, but too much of a good thing can lead to serious health consequences. “Diets higher in sodium are associated with an increased risk of developing high blood pressure, which is a major cause of stroke and heart disease,” Augspols said. It’s not enough just to limit your use of the salt shaker at the dinner table, though. Much of our dietary sodium, more than 70 percent, is from prepared and packaged food. “You can lower your daily sodium intake by using the Nutrition Facts label. We should be aiming for less than 2,300 milligrams per day of sodium. When looking at the nutrition facts label, 140 mg or less per serving is considered a low sodium option,” she said. If reading labels is too much work, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said approximately 40 percent of Americans’ sodium comes from deli meat sandwiches, soups, pizza, burgers, pasta mixed dishes, and burritos and tacos, Augspols said. To painlessly lower your sodium intake, you can skip those foods most of the time. It’s also a good idea to cook more of your meals and use no-salt seasonings like Mrs. Dash, she said.
2 3USE HEART-HEALTHY FATS Fats are good for you – when they’re the healthy kind. “A nutritious eating plan doesn’t mean cutting out all fat, just focusing on healthier varieties,” Augspols said. “A general goal is for 20 to 35 percent of your total daily calories to come from healthy fats, such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, and fewer than 10 percent of calories per day from saturated fats.” Fats that get the green light are olive and canola oils. These oils can be used to sauté vegetables, seafood, poultry, or for making salad dressing. Other great sources of healthy fats are fatty fish, flaxseed, chia seeds, hemp seeds, eggs, avocado, peanut butter, and walnuts.
Many of us fail at eating the recommended 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables we’re supposed to get every day. “Excuses, busy schedules, eating 4 on the run, junk foods – they all conspire to keep us from getting enough fruits and vegetables into our diets,” Augspols said. But there is plenty of healthy motivation to try to increase our intake. “Fruits and veggies are low in calories, high in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and fiber,” she said. “Research suggests eating enough fruits and vegetables is linked to a lower risk of many chronic diseases and may help protect against certain types of cancer.” Augspols recommends increasing your fruit and vegetable consumption by making them accessible and convenient to eat. “Apples, pears, bananas, oranges, and cherry tomatoes don’t need refrigeration. These are great items for a fruit bowl,” she said. By leaving them in plain view in your kitchen, you might be inspired to eat more of them. Doing a little prep work on Sunday before the workweek begins can also help increase your intake. You can keep sliced zucchini, cucumber, and bell pepper in your refrigerator so you can snack on them whenever the mood hits you. Try to eat a variety of colorful produce. And even if you’re not a big fan of dark greens, beans, and peas, try to sneak them into your diet.
Most people are familiar with yogurt, but not as many know about kefir, a fermented milk drink that has been enjoyed by people for more than 2,000 years. “The benefits of yogurt and kefir are endless. Both are a great part of a healthy diet,” Augspols said. Yogurt has protein, calcium, potassium, and live, active bacteria cultures. “These cultures, or probiotics, are considered ‘good bacteria’ for the gut and can help maintain healthy digestive systems,” she said. Just one serving of kefir or yogurt gives you a number of nutrients that are key players in immune health, and they may even help improve your mood because of a suspected link to kefir and increased serotonin levels. “Many individuals with lactose intolerance may also find that they tolerate kefir, as the fermentation process helps to break down lactose,” Augspols added.
ADVERTISEMENT WhatIstheBest WaytoIncrease CollageninMySkin?
Lately, drinkingcollagenortakingcollagensupplements daily hasbeensuggesteditmay improve finelinesand wrinklesand even reversethesignsof aging overthecourse ofseveralmonths. We knowthat we lose1%ofcollagen per yearstarting at age20.Itseemssensiblethenif we are agingandlosingthisscaffoldingoftheskin, replacingit wouldcounter-actskin aging.Isskinanti-aging really that simple? To answerthisquestion, we askedDr.Norris at NicoleNorrisMDMedical Spain Peru,Illinoisto weigh-in on what she recommends forcollagen replacement.
Shebegins, “Ithinksomeoneasksme aboutoral collagensupplements for treatinglinesandwrinkles at least oncea week. From what Ihave read,itis verydifficultto discern whethernotedimprovementsintheskinaredueto hydration,asmostofthesesupplementsare mixedwith liquids,ortotheactual absorptionofcollagenthroughthe gut.Oral collagensupplementsfromfishoranimalsare brokendown by ourstomachacidintoaminoacidchains anditisunclearifthoseaminoacids ever reachtheskinor reform intocollagen.Collagensupplementsaretypically madeofgroundupchicken,fish,pigorcowparts which cangreatly varyintheircollagenconcentrationandinsome studieshave showntoharbortraceheavymetalspendingthe animal’sdiet.Itisdifficulttosortout whichsupplements are reputable andsafe. Althoughthere are oral collagen studiesouttherethatshowbenefittotheskin,joints,nails, hair, and woundhealing,there are justasmany studies that show nobenefitandpossibleharm. With all this uncertainty aboutoral collagensupplementation,Iask my patientstostickwith what we know. Goodskincomesfrom healthydiets, avoidingUVAandUVB radiation,genetics andcollagen-inducingtreatmentsthatstimulatethebody tomake its ownnewcollagen.”
We thenaskedhertofurther explain what shemeans by collagen-inducingtreatments.Dr.Norrisgoeson,“Thank goodnessourskinisa regenerative organ! Whenourskin isinjured, evenminimally, it repairsitself.Minorinjuries totheskinstimulate a healingcascadethat give usnew skin whichincludesnewcollagen(scaffolding)and elastin.In cosmeticdermatology we usethisinnatebodyprocessto ouradvantage forcollageninductiontoeitherpreventor treatthesignsof aging.In my practice,themostpopular collageninductiontreatmentismicroneedling.”
Mostofushave heard ofmicroneedling, but we wanttoknow exactly what itentails. Dr. Norris replies, “Microneedlinginthemedical settingutilizesaninstrument engineeredwith6-8tinyneedlesonthetipthatpuncture theskin at differentdepthsdependingonthesettingsand theoperator’stechnique.Itisimportantthattheneedles puncture vertically anddonotdrag acrosstheskin. Microneedlingpensor rollerssoldtobeautyconsumersdrag acrosstheskintearingimportantstructuresanddomore harmthangood.Itell my patientstogive these over-thecounterdevicestosomeonetheydon’t like!Microneedling in my officeisdoneafterthepatienthas been numbedwith topical numbingmedicationandis verytolerable. Patients aretypically red whentheyleave theofficeandare allowed to wearmake-upassoonasthenextday, ifneeded. Results frommicroneedlingareincreased by doingaseriesof3-4 treatmentsseparated by amonthandcompounded when we use variousothertreatmentswithmicroneedling.Since we arecreatingdirectchannelsintothedermis(deeplayer oftheskin) we cangetgreat absorptionofproductslike Defenage, Platelet-rich fibrin(PRF),Biorevitalization , ExosomesandCarboxytherapy, pending what we are treating. Microneedlingcanseemscary at first but itis rare forapatienttohave thisprocedureonceandnot want tohave more ofthem. I thinkthetake homemessageis that whilethescienceoforal collagensupplementation for anti-agingisinitsinfancy,microneedlingisatriedandtrue waytoinducecollagenintheskinthatissafeandeffective for all agesandskintypes.”
If you are interestedinlearningmore, callNicole Norris MDMedical Spa for yourpersonal anti-agingconsultation. 815-780-8264