Tom Smith, an employee at the family-owned Smith’s Sales and Service in Peru, said customers have plenty of options for yard tools and battery- and gas-powered equipment when they shop at Smith’s.
The Whole Nine Yards Choosing the best type of yard equipment for your circumstances Story and photos by Shannon Serpette
ew homeowners, young adults who haven’t done much yard work, and people who plan to save money by starting to maintain their own yards may wonder what tools and equipment they’ll truly use a lot. No one
wants to blow their budget by buying tools they rarely use and forgetting to purchase the ones they’ll need frequently. According to Tom Smith, an employee at family-owned Smith’s Sales and Service in Peru, some of the basic equip-
4 April 2022 | HG&L in the Illinois Valley | A NewsTribune Publication
ment most homeowners will need to have in their arsenal include a blower, a trimmer, and a riding or push mower. When shopping for new equipment, homeowners must decide whether they want their yard care products to