Dispose of used needles safely at Ogle County Health Dept. locations.
Oregon - 907 Pines Road
Rochelle - 510 Lincoln Highway
Police officer honored
Polo patrol officer Kaden Coppotelli receives letter of recognition from state for life-saving actions / 5
Structure fire in Ashton Fire Chief Bernard Richter says home “pretty much a total loss” / 9
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Oregon music students have very good day at competition at West Carroll High School
By EARLEEN HINTON ehinton@shawmedia.com
OREGON – The Oregon School District’s music department had a very good day in Savanna on Saturday.
“Our student musicians put together amazing performances and even broke a couple school records at the Solo Ensemble contest,” Oregon High School band director Andy Eckardt said. “In the IHSA State Sweepstakes Competition, Oregon currently sits in second place in Class B. The full group contest in April will still factor into the final placement. As for the Solo Ensemble contest alone, the choir got fourth place and the band
got first place in the state for Class B. The OHS Band is a state champion for the first time in school history!”
As of Monday, standings in the Class B division were 1. Monmouth-Roseville, 708; 2. Oregon, 588; and 3. Taylor Ridge Rockridge, 567.
Oregon received a school record 500 Division 1 ratings, Eckardt said, and received 200 Division 2 ratings and 100 Division 3 ratings.
“Furthermore, each judge at the contest gives out a ‘Best of Day’ with several OHS students fortunate enough to receive that award,” he said.
Those receiving “Best of Day” awards were David Eckardt, drum set solo;
Sarah Eckardt, vocal solo; Sarah Eckardt and Gavin Warner, brass duet; Eleanor Guinn, violin solo; and Alexya Tran, flute solo.
Oregon also had the following performers receive perfect scores: Maelah Barker, vocal solo; Isaac Ebert, vocal solo; Isaac Ebert and Gavyn McArthur, vocal duet; Sarah Eckardt, trumpet solo; Sarah Eckardt and Gavin Warner, brass duet; Noelle Girton, Aralin McLain, Lauren Weems, woodwind trio; Collin Kendall, electric bass solo; Elliot Peeling, vocal solo; Madeline Rogers, Alexya Tran, Giselle Zavala, flute trio; Lux Tran, piano solo; Caleb Ward, vocal solo; and Sebastian Wright, vocal solo.
Did You Know?
Public libraries were considered “to be the center of the intellectual activities of the town in which it was located. It is made the repository not only of books for circulation and reference, but of works of art and of historical value. It is the focus around which the young life of the place gathers for mental, moral and social development. Citizens of the Oregon community have shown a deep interest in the library from the start and supported the library by mending books and preparing them for the shelves, financial contributions for repairs to the building, donations of books, reading tables, towel racks, suspended world globe and a water fountain.” (This information was compiled from historical documents found in cupboards in the library office.)
Ogle County Mini Food Center Pantry
A donation box for the Ogle County Mini Food Center Pantry is located in the library’s northwest lobby entrance. A list of acceptable food items is posted along with information about the food center, which is located at Conover Square.
Preschool Story Time
Story time is back at 10 a.m. Mondays for those 18 months to 6 years old. Stories, crafts and friends to share books. Registra-
tion is required. Visit oregonpubliclibrary. com or call 815-732-2724.
Tournament of Books: Through April 4 Got March Madness? Come to the library and participate in our Tournament of Books. It is a battle between the most checked out books at the Oregon Public Library in 2024 and there can be only one winner. Voting will run until April 4. You can vote in person or on our website. Round 1 is March 10-14.
Round 2 is March 17-21. The Top 4 is March 24-28. The Finals are March 31 to April 4.
Book Clubs
Cocktails and Crime will meet March 16. Stop by the library for more details.
Is This Just Fantasy? Book Club will meet at 6 p.m. March 18 at the library to discuss “An Ember in the Ashes” by Sabaa Tahir.
The Afternoon Book Club will meet at 1 p.m. March 19 to discuss “Hamnet” by Maggie O’Farrell.
Books on Tap Book Club will meet at 6 p.m. March 27 at Cork & Tap to discuss “Long Bright River” by Liz Moore.
The 2WBC will meet at 12:30 p.m. April 9 to discuss “Memoirs of a Geisha” by Lucy Fisher.
Ink with A Friend Monthly Card Club
6 p.m. Monday, March 17
Sending personal cards to your friends
Accuracy is important to the Polo Tri-County Press. Please call errors to our attention by email at news@oglecountynews.com.
and family is a way to let them know you care and are thinking about them. All designs include colored cardstock, designer series paper, detailed stamped images, die-cut pieces, matching ink, ribbon and embellishments. All cards come with matching envelopes. Our kits are suited to every skill level. Sign up today to reserve your spot. Oregon patrons only. Registration is required at 815-732-2724 or oregonpubliclibrary.com.
Try It Tuesday
1:30 or 5:30 p.m. (choose your time slot) Tuesday, March 18
Spring Glass Magnets. Let’s welcome spring with these decorative magnets. This is an adult only class for those 18 and older. Registration is required at 815-732-2724 or visit oregonpubliclibrary.com.
Poetry Slam
6 to 9 p.m. Sunday, March 23, at Ogle County Brewery. Event is for those 16 and older. The Oregon Public Library and Ogle County Brewery will host the Dreams vs. Reality Poetry Slam. All material must be original. Participants will be given three to five minues. Material will be judged and there will be prizes. Register at oregonpublic library.com. For more information, call 815-732-2724.
We want to hear from you. Email us your thoughts at feedback@shawmedia.com.
Dixon man charged with trying to kill 3 officers wants Ogle County to pay for change-of-venue expert, survey
Motion arguing for Gounaris’ pretrial release set for March 17
By EARLEEN HINTON ehinton@shawmedia.com
OREGON – The defense attorney for a Dixon man charged with shooting three police officers during a June 24 incident at his home is asking that an expert be appointed to determine if his client can get a fair trial in Ogle County.
Jonathon Gounaris, 32, is charged with four counts of attempted first-degree murder, three counts of aggravated discharge of a firearm, three counts of aggravated battery and two counts of possession of a firearm without a firearm owner’s identification card – all of which stem from a June 12 standoff with police in the rural Dixon subdivision of Lost Lake.
Gounaris has pleaded not guilty to all charges and is being held in the Winnebago County Jail in Rockford.
His attorney, Ogle County Assistant Public Defender Michael O’Brien, filed a motion March 6 asking Judge John “Ben” Roe to “appoint an expert and/or reimburse defense costs to assist in presenting a change of venue request.”
A change-of-venue motion typically asks the judge to move the trial to a different location. Those motions usually cite reasons that the filing party believes would prevent a fair trial in the county in which the case was filed. Pretrial publicity often is listed as a reason for a change-of-venue motion. A survey is one of the tools that can be used by defense attorneys before filing a motion for a change of venue.
In his motion, O’Brien argues the court should allow and pay for a company to “explore the likelihood that this case should be tried” in a different county because there exists “prejudice against” Gounaris and he cannot receive a fair trial in Ogle County.
O’Brien also argues that because of “adverse pretrial publicity” Gounaris cannot obtain a fair and impartial jury. He also questions the use of force by police and the legality of such force in the motion.
Gounaris is charged with shooting three members of the Ogle County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Response Team after a three-hour standoff when police
State’s Attorney J. Hanley independently reviewed the Ogle County Response Team’s use of force and determined the deputies acted in accordance with the law because they only fired their weapons after being shot at by Gounaris.
O’Brien argues in his motion that the officers “have received awards or public commendations (reported in the news), further representing to the public that police conduct was not only reasonable, but also worthy of public praise. Such articles declaring that officer’s conduct was legal, ‘reasonable’ and deserving of honors improperly indoctrinate potential jurors on a material trial issue.”
O’Brien argues that in conjunction with Gounaris’ arrest, the Ogle County sheriff released portions of videos and news releases to the public.
“Such videos and press releases improperly provide highly publicized, edited information to the jury pool,” he argues, adding that social media posts and related comments about the videos and press releases “establish the pervasive nature of the above issues and establish defendant cannot receive a fair trial in Ogle County.”
To view the body camera footage, visit youtube.com/watch?v=7zEhLBrcn0g.
O’Brien is asking Judge John “Ben” Roe to allow the defense to hire Magna Legal Services to conduct the survey.
tried to enter his home at 402 Wild Rice Lane in Lost Lake, a rural subdivision east of Dixon.
During a news conference June 12, 2024, Ogle County Sheriff Brian VanVickle said police were called at 8:39 a.m. that day to the residence with a warning that it could be a “suicide-by-cop” situation. The officers were informed that Gounaris had made suicidal and homicidal threats.
Shortly after officers arrived, the Ogle County Sheriff’s Office’s Emergency Response Team was called. That team is made up of individuals from different agencies, including the sheriff’s office, Oregon and Byron police departments and SWAT medics from the Rochelle Fire Department.
Police attempted more than 60 phone calls to the residence, Gounaris’ cellphone and to a throw phone that was deployed inside the home, VanVickle said.
At 11:53 a.m., police breached the door to the home and immediately were met with gunfire from inside the house, VanVickle said. Three deputies and Gounaris were shot while exchanging gunfire.
Ogle County Sheriff’s Lt. Jason Ketter was shot in the face and taken by air ambulance to OSF Medical Center in Rockford, where he underwent surgery. He was released from the hospital June 14.
Ogle County Sheriff’s Deputy Tad Dominski was shot in the arm and Tyler Carls of the Rochelle Fire Department was shot in the torso. They were treated at KSB Hospital in Dixon and released later that evening.
Gounaris also was shot during the gunfire exchange and taken to KSB Hospital in Dixon, where he was treated before being booked into the Winnebago County Jail on June 18.
In September, Winnebago County
“While the exact fees will vary depending on actual work performed, the above firm estimates expense would be $22,500 as a flat fee to conduct a base study and $7,257 for additional juror review,” O’Brien states in the motion, adding that Gounaris is “indigent and is unable to pay” for the service.
O’Brien argues that the appointment and/or reimbursement is necessary to provide Gounaris with a “fair trial and preserve his right for due process.”
The Ogle County State’s Attorney’s Office has yet to file a response to the motion.
During the March 6 hearing, O’Brien also asked for a new date to hear Gounaris’ argument to be released from custody as his case proceeds through the court system. Roe has denied Gounaris’ pretrial release several times, citing the seriousness of the charges and community safety concerns.
See GOUNARIS, page 8
Earleen Hinton
Jonathon Gounaris looks toward family members after a court hearing March 6 at the Ogle County Judicial Center in Oregon. Also pictured are Judge John “Ben” Roe and Ogle County Assistant Public Defender Michael O’Brien.
Skunk leaves calling card and announces spring is in the air
I woke up to the strong smell of skunk and immediately decided spring is in the air. The smell of skunk means spring.
I remember the time out in Eagle Point when we had a mother skunk set up housekeeping in the corner of our garage. She really was not causing any problems but it made us a little nervous having a skunk in our garage. Also the thought of little ones running around was not something we wanted.
We eventually got rid of her and I do not remember how we did it but she did leave. For years afterward that corner smelled of skunk. They certainly carry a strong odor with just their presence and they do not even have to spray to bring out the smell.
Another skunk story took place on my patio a couple of years ago. Grand-
Betty Obendorf
daughter Lori and I were sitting out on my patio visiting in the early evening. Suddenly I spotted a skunk coming from the grocery store into the yard next door.
I kept my eye on it and Lori turned to see what I was watching. She said, “Is that a cat?” I said, “No, that is a skunk!” I turned back to Lori and she was gone.
The skunk went under the shed next door and evidently found a wonderful new home. Lori and I continued our visit in the house. The smell of
skunk was around for a long time and every once in a while my garage strongly would smell so I knew mama skunk had gone for a walk along the side of my garage. I made certain my door was never open very long.
So I believe spring is here and mama skunk is looking for another new home, but not at my house.
Kevin informed us that the museum was very busy this past weekend. It must have been the weather that brought many people out and about. We are lucky to have Kevin at the museum every Saturday. The new furnace now has the place warmed up so we do not have to have a fan blowing warm air from the back.
Our brick story is ongoing as we find many stories of homes made from early bricks. Kevin even found some
bricks from the Eagle Point School at the museum and we also found some early Polo bricks that say Polo on them. Linda has put together a wonderful notebook of all the places as we get ready for another program.
The April 9 program will be on Harriet Fry and I have been working on it. I have been staying home since I picked up a virus and then had a side effect from some medicine. The program will be at the museum with doors opening at 6:30 p.m.
Come hear about the first airline stewardesses in the world and their experiences as they blazed a new trail for women.
• Betty Obendorf is a retired teacher and volunteer for the Polo Historical Society.
Diary of town’s first mayor recalls Oregon train tracks in 1871
The following information is from James Gale’s diary. He was Oregon’s first mayor.
Saturday, April 1, 1871
“This is a great day for Oregon. The railroad finished about 4 o’clock p.m. in the presence of a large number of our citizens, ladies and gentlemen of Oregon and vicinity. I was requested to drive the last spike for the railroad to Oregon, which I did in the presence of the citizens, great rejoicing among the people. A short speech was given and everyone was pleased and enjoyed it much.
“I then gave notice that this great event would be celebrated in the evening at the courthouse. A supper was given to railroad officials at the Wagner hotel. In the evening, the people of the town made their way to the courthouse. During this time, flags made their way to the courthouse. Flags were displayed all over town and guns were fired and the bells were ringing.
“The meeting was organized by calling James V. Gale to the chair. I called the meeting to order. The house was packed full with ladies and gentlemen. After a few remarks, Mr. Waterman, the mayor of Aurora, was called on to which
was received with great applause. Mr. E.F. Dutcher, Mr. George Jacobs, Col. Sheets, F.G. Petrie, Jas. W. Cartwright, Mr. Bane and Mr. G.W. Clark all addressed the meeting in glowing terms.
“Cheers were given for the road, for road engineer F.E. Hinckley, the workmen, and all seemed to enjoy it. Rev. G.W. Crofts also made a speech. It was probably the best meeting ever held in Oregon.
“After the meeting, an oyster supper was served bonfire and bells rang a merry peal. After the ceremonies were
over, the train left for Aurora about 3 a.m. I was among the first passengers from Oregon. This was the first trip over the Chicago and Iowa railroad.”
It’s interesting that there was opposition to giving bonds to Hinckley for building the railroad. After the bonds were delivered to Hinckley, Gale wrote “the enemies of the railroad who voted against issuing the bonds are our enemies. In every community you will find men so low and mean. Our enemies are now most ready to bury themselves.” So Mayor Gale wrote the citizens voting
against bonds for the railroad were low and mean enemies.
It’s wonderful that Bob Reese and the Depot gang restored our depot. I want to thank Roger Cain for bringing the Silver View to the Oregon Depot. We have a group of people willing to restore the Zephyr View Car that traveled through Oregon on the Chicago and Iowa Railroad.
• Otto Dick is a retired teacher and has researched Ogle County history for several years.
Photo provided by Otto Dick
This old photo shows the Silver View when it was operational. A Silver View car can be seen at the Oregon Depot.
Investigation continues into death of Oregon woman
By EARLEEN HINTON ehinton@shawmedia.com
OREGON – The investigation into the death of an Oregon woman found Friday, March 7, at her residence is ongoing, but there is no threat to the public, Ogle County Sheriff Brian VanVickle said Monday afternoon.
“While the investigation remains ongoing, search warrants, interviews and an autopsy have taken place since the initial call, which lead us to believe no danger to the public exists,” VanVickle said in a news release. “Pending toxicology and continued examination of the evidence, no further information will be released at this time.”
Several law enforcement vehicles, the sheriff’s office’s mobile command center
and a vehicle from the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal were among the vehicles seen Friday afternoon along the driveway of the home at 4165 E. Route 64 where Jill Bier, 67, an aide for the Oregon Elementary School, resided.
Later Monday, Oregon Schools Superintendent P.J. Caposey said the school district had been working with the sheriff’s department as the investigation continues.
“It is with a heavy heart that I share the tragic news that Jill Bier, a staff member at Oregon Elementary School, has passed away. We have been working closely with the Ogle County Sheriff’s Department since Friday, and earlier today, we received confirmation that we could share this information with our staff and families,” Caposey said.
VanVickle confirmed Bier was the woman who was found.
Counselors for students and staff were available at the school Tuesday, Caposey said.
“We know this loss will impact many of our students and we are focused on providing support for them at school. Counselors and staff will be available to help students process their emotions, whether they need a quiet space, someone to talk to or just extra reassurance throughout the day,” he said.
“Every child will handle this differently and we encourage you to talk with your child tonight about their feelings,” Caposey said in a social media post. “If you believe they need additional support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us [principals and homeroom teachers] so
we can ensure they have what they need.
“This is a heartbreaking moment for our school community and our priority is helping our students navigate it with care and support. Please know we are here for them – and for you.”
The sheriff’s office received a call at 9:59 a.m. March 7 of a deceased person at the small rural home located about 3½ miles east of Oregon. Officials remained at the home most of the day. An autopsy on Bier’s body was conducted Monday.
The Ogle County Sheriff’s Office is being assisted by Illinois State Police crime scene investigators, the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal, the Ogle County Coroner’s Office and the Peoria County Medical Examiner, VanVickle said.
A cause of death has yet to be released.
Polo police officer receives state recognition for life-saving response
Kaden Coppotelli
carried elderly man to safety during December house fire
By PAYTON FELIX pfelix@shawmedia.com
POLO – A Polo police officer was recognized by state Rep. Tony McCombie, R-Savanna, for his life-saving actions while responding to a house fire in December.
Patrol officer Kaden Coppotelli was the first to arrive at 611 N. Division St. the morning of Dec. 17, 2024. He was advised that there possibly was a person inside the home, unable to leave because of health issues.
Coppotelli ran into the home and found an elderly man in the kitchen.
Coppotelli carried the man outside to safety as other first responders began to arrive, Polo Police Chief Matt Coppotelli said in an interview with Shaw Local.
McCombie presented the certificate from the state of Illinois to Kaden Coppotelli at the Jan. 20 Polo City Council meeting.
It felt “kind of surreal,” Kaden Coppotelli said in an interview with Shaw Local. “Especially coming from the state of Illinois. It was just really special and caught me off guard.”
“It’s definitely a really special award that very few officers get during their career,” Matt Coppotelli said.
Matt Coppotelli served for 27 years at the Dixon Police Department before becoming Polo’s police chief Jan. 2, 2024.
Kaden Coppotelli, who is the police chief’s son, started at the department about a year ago, Matt Coppotelli said.
“It is a great start. I’m very proud of him,” Matt Coppotelli said.
The Polo Fire Protection District was notified of the fire with the possibility of a person inside at 8:29 a.m. Dec. 17, Polo Fire Chief Jim Ports said in a previous interview with Shaw Local.
Kaden Coppotelli found an open door that led into the kitchen and went inside to find the elderly man standing across from the fire. He tried to put out the fire but was unable to and “he carried the man to safety outside,” Matt Coppotelli said.
Ports said when he arrived at the scene, “the police had the occupant
right here on the north side of the house.”
Polo firefighters cleared the house and recovered three large dogs who survived. The firefighters also recovered two cats but, despite resuscitation efforts, they died, Ports said.
Unfortunately, one of the dogs suffered severe smoke damage to its lungs and a family member made the decision to have it euthanized, veterinarian Dr. Shauna Roberts of the Polo Animal Hospital said in a previous interview with Shaw Local. The family also lost a pet bird in the fire.
“I believe it is a total loss,” Ports said, referring to the damage to the two-story home. “The main fire was in the front living room. It did a lot of damage.”
Area departments providing mutual aid included Dixon Rural, Oregon, Mt. Morris and Milledgeville.
Byron Knights of Columbus to host fish fry throughout Lent
BYRON – The Byron Knights of Columbus 4739 will host its annual all-you-can-eat Fish Fry fundraiser every Friday throughout Lent.
The fish fry runs through April 11. The community event is open to all and promises a delicious meal while supporting Serenity Hospice and Home.
The dinner will run from 4 to 7 p.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church, 226 E. Second St. in Byron. The menu includes a choice of hand-breaded or baked pollock, tartar sauce, fish tacos, macaroni and cheese, clam chowder, coleslaw, fries or baked potato, sour cream, roll and butter, dessert and beverages.
“Our fish fry has grown throughout the years and thanks to the passion of over
50 weekly volunteers, including area high school students, we serve an average of 370 people each week,” said Roy Lorenz, fish fry chairman of the Knights of Columbus. “We pride ourselves on a fantastic quality meal and we are grateful for the continued support of our parish. We look forward to serving our neighbors throughout Lent.”
The Knights of Columbus have organized
fish fry events for about a decade, raising funds for local charities.
The cash-only cost is $12 for adults, $11 for seniors and $5 for children (6 to 11 years). Children 5 and younger eat for free. Families pay only $40. Dine-in and carryout options are available.
For more information or to volunteer, call Roy Lorenz at 779-537-1912.
– Shaw Local News Network
Kaden Coppotelli
Tariffs 101: A history of revenue, protectionism
By TOM C. DORAN tdoran@shawmedia.com
URBANA – The notion of tariffs dates to the first major law passed by the U.S. Congress in 1789 and has evolved over time.
According to the law, “it is necessary for the support of government, for the discharge of the debts of the United States, and the encouragement and protection of manufacturers that duties be laid on goods, wares and merchandise imported.”
There was no federal income tax at the time and the government used tariffs to pay off the U.S. war debt.
The Tariff Act of 1789 levied a 50-centper-ton duty on goods imported by foreign ships and American-owned vessels were charged six cents per ton.
As is the case today, there were disagreements. Alexander Hamilton looked at tariffs as a revenue source and James Madison believed tariffs could lead to trade reciprocity with Great Britain and other nations, said Scott Bomboy, National Constitution Center editor-inchief.
Craig Lemoine, the Agricultural and Consumer Economics Financial Planning Program director and an associate
clinical professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, broke down the complex world of tariffs in a farmdoc video.
“A tariff, simply put, is a tax on imports. For example, let’s say a homebuilder in Wisconsin imports lumber from Canada. If we put a 25% tariff on that lumber and that importer buys $100 of lumber, he cuts a check for $25 to the government as a tax. That lumber now costs the importer $125 instead of $100,” Lemoine said. “[If] that importer sells that lumber or they build a house, they’re going to have to reflect that increased tax they paid the government in the cost of those materials.”
From an economic standpoint, tariffs can be used to raise revenue for the federal government or protectionism.
“Either way is the idea that if we raise the cost of goods from outside the United States, perhaps we’re more likely to use goods generated inside the United States,” Lemoine said.
He recalled what he saw while grow-
ing up in El Paso, Texas, after passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
“You saw a bunch of textile companies like Levi’s and companies that made blue jeans pop up on the border of Mexico and the United States,” he said. “The idea being that you would have American and Mexican management, and you would typically have employees from Juarez, Mexico. They would make the textiles, and the textiles were then shipped to the United States.
“It was a way that they could make textiles without paying United States labor costs, which typically are more expensive than labor costs in Juarez, Mexico, would be. So, the idea of a tariff then kind of flies in the face of that free trade.”
Focus changed
In general, tariffs in recent history are focused on a particular country and not necessarily by industry.
“There’s some industries in the United States that do a very good job, and maybe we have a domestic interest in that industry continuing, such as making cars in the United States,” Lemoine said. “Our ability to produce cars is the
same as our ability to produce and weaponize those kinds of things if we ever needed to.
“So, yes, you can make the argument that we need a strong, healthy car industry in the United States. Maybe if we put tariffs on automobiles or automobile parts, we would then see perhaps more people buying U.S. cars because they would be priced more affordably or cheaper than international alternatives.
“You could make an argument that, perhaps if you’re a big believer in bourbon, we put a big tax on tequila. Tequila is generally made in Mexico and south of there and what was $100 a bottle is now $100 plus that tariff tax put on it.
“So, [to] summarize a little about tariffs, the reason that we use tariffs might be to raise funds. It might be to protect American jobs, to grow American industries, and we can look at that from the slant that, OK, maybe that’ll work.
“The danger in tariffs is that there are local economies and synergy economics and a real global economy that, when we start to introduce tariffs, becomes significantly less efficient and has different middlemen and different costs and fees and structure that weren’t there in the past.”
Polo American Legion Post 83 receives donation from AromasByTam
POLO – Commander Becky Jo Davis of Polo American Legion Patrick Fegan Post 83 received a $140 donation Feb. 11 from AromasByTam, an independent distributor of Mia Bella Candles.
Mia Bella Candles, a family-owned company from Pennsylvania, produces a special veteran candle each year in November. Tammy Merdian, an independent distributor of Mia Bella Candles, made a pledge of $5 from each candle sold to support her local American Legion – Patrick Fegan Post 83 in Polo.
On Feb. 11, Meridian attended the Post 83 monthly meeting to present a check for $140 to Davis.
The money will be used to place veterans grave markers at Fairmont Cemetery north of Polo.
Davis expressed her gratitude for the continued support of AromasByTam and looks forward to working with Merdian on future endeavors.
American Legion Patrick Fegan Post 83 meets at 6 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at 101 E. Mason St. in Polo. For information on joining or helping with community activities, email patrickfeganpost83@gmail.com.
Photo provided by Becky Jo Davis
Tammy Merdian (left) presents a $140 donation from AromasByTam to Polo American Legion Commander Becky Jo Davis.
Craig Lemoine
Plenty of fun at farm toy show
Event is fundraiser for Forreston FFA program
By EARLEEN HINTON ehinton@shawmedia.com
FORRESTON – Sunny skies and spring-like temperatures didn’t deter visitors from stopping inside at the Forreston FFA Alumni’s 37th annual Farm Toy and Craft Show on Saturday, March 8, at Forreston High School.
Farm toy and craft exhibitors, a silent auction, a coloring station for kids and a Farm Toy Display Competition all were part of the fundraiser for the Forreston FFA program.
Dillyn Heslop, 14, of Leaf River took home the Best of Show for his farm toy display competition.
“Hopefully this will be my future farm,” Heslop said.
Cade Hoffman, a Forreston High School FFA member, was manning one of the tables where club members sold this year’s two show toy tractors – a 1:64 scale
Massey Ferguson 1130 with Duals and a Massey Ferguson 8740S. The toy tractors were $35 each.
Visitors could grab a bite to eat at the event’s lunch stand that featured Eickman’s meats along with homemade pies, cookies and brownies.
In the cafeteria area, the Bolen family comprised of Leo 1, Amos 6, and Annie 4, were busy coloring farm scenes at the Little Farmers’ Country Art table under the direction of their mom, Stacy.
The Forreston FFA Alumni Toy and Craft show is held each year in March. For more information, visit www.forrestonffaalumni.org.
For information about Forreston High School’s agriculture and FFA program, call FFA adviser and teacher Kelley Parks at 815938-2036.
Photos by Earleen Hinton
TOP LEFT: Brian Koeller holds Clay Beach, 3, of Forreston as they look over some of the items for sale at the Forreston FFA Alumni’s Farm Toy and Craft Show on March 8. The event was held at the Forreston High School. TOP RIGHT: Dillyn Heslop, 14, of Leaf River took home the Best of Show for his farm toy display competition at the Forreston FFA Alumni’s Farm Toy and Craft Show on March 8. ABOVE: The Bolen family, comprised of Leo 1, Amos 6, and Annie 4, were busy coloring farm scenes at the Little Farmers’ Country Art table under the direction of their mom, Stacy.
Activating background knowledge important for learning to read
Reading researchers have learned that there are several key strategies that good readers use to help them understand what they read. Although good readers use multiple strategies at the same time, it can be helpful for us to talk with our children and grandchildren about these key strategies separately as they are learning to read.
For this month we’ll consider several things we can do before we read that will increase our understanding of what we read.
Let’s think about what we do before we read. We probably read the title of what we are reading. If it’s a book, we read everything on the front and back of the book. We might skim through some of the pages checking illustrations and the table of contents or other
Continued from page 3
O’Brien has filed an 11-page motion outlining all the reasons he believes Roe should grant his release.
Some of those arguments allege Gounaris was alone in the home and did not pose a threat to anyone else, no warrant had been requested to enter the home and officers failed to announce their presence before forcing their way into the home with their weapons drawn.
Born: July 18, 1946 in Rockford, IL
Died: February 23, 2025 in Selma, TX
Rosemarie was born July 18, 1946 at Rockford Memorial Hospital, Rockford, IL and passed away at TruCare Living Center in Selma, TX on February 23, 2025. Rosemarie grew up in Polo, IL where she lived with her mother and father Ralph and Jennie Esterly, sister Priscilla and grandparents Albert and Susan Esterly and aunt Vernie Esterly.
When Rosemarie was in junior high her family moved to Mt. Morris, IL where she attended
Mary Gardner
features. If it’s a website or a blog post, we probably skim through the headings or text boxes before we start reading the details.
We also are likely thinking about the purpose of the reading. It might be to learn something. It might be for entertainment. It might be directions or a recipe that tell us how to do something. Deciding the purpose for reading helps get our brains ready to read.
This also helps us think about how we will read. We read a novel, a newspaper, our tax forms, a magazine, a
The motion argues that police used “military-like arrest tactics to check on a paranoid individual. This is unreasonable and a clear unnecessary escalation of the situation.”
O’Brien argues that Gounaris should be released with conditions set by the court, adding that Gounaris is willing to submit to mental health services and follow any recommended counseling.
“Defendant’s counsel asserts that the alleged facts relied on for the forced entry clearly establish that mental health issues are the underlying problem that should be the focus of pretrial
website and a recipe in completely different ways. We can model all of these before reading activities for our children and grandchildren by thinking aloud as we get ready to read to and with them.
From all of this we begin to determine the topic of the reading. Once we know the topic, we can, and should, begin to consider what we already know about the topic. Good readers activate their background knowledge to help them better understand what they are reading.
If the topic is something I know a lot about, the reading likely is easier than if it is something I know little about. We can model this for our young readers as well. If a child loves Legos and building, they bring a lot of background knowledge to reading a
direction manual or a book about Legos. They are much better at that than I am! Another example would be that someone who lives in the Midwest may not have much background knowledge about the ocean so reading about it may be a bit more difficult. The important thing is to take a few minutes before reading to consider the topic and how much we already know or realize that we don’t know much at all. Doing these things, and helping our children and grandchildren do them, make us all strategic, thoughtful readers!
• Mary Gardner is a retired teacher who specialized in reading and is still an instructor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Northern Illinois University.
school. In 1960, her father passed away. A few years later, her mother married Ardell Yahnke from Milton, WI and she moved to Milton with her mother and stepfather. She graduated from high school in Milton, WI and then attended the University of WisconsinWhitewater where she received her master’s degree in History and Learning Disabilities. After her mother and stepfather passed away, she left the farm and moved to a senior living apartment in Milton, WI. She later developed Alzheimer’s dementia and her sister brought her to Texas where she lived with them for several years before needing nursing home care.
She will be missed by her sister Priscilla and niece Kathryn Macchio for her beautiful smile and humor. She now rests in peace with her Savior.
orders,” the motion states.
During the March 6 hearing, O’Brien asked Roe to set a separate hearing to hear arguments for Gounaris’ release.
Roe set that hearing date for 9:30 a.m. March 17.
At a Jan. 23 hearing, O’Brien said “the call [to police] was made because of mental health concerns” and called the police response a “paradox of a welfare check.”
Assistant State’s Attorney Heather Kruse responded and said Gounaris’ detention has been reviewed many times since his arrest and he should
Born: September 13, 1927
Died: March 8, 2025
MT. MORRIS, IL – L. Maxine Green, age 97, passed away on Saturday, March 8, 2025 in Generations at Neighbors, Byron, IL. Lola was born on September 13, 1927 in Long Island, Kansas, the daughter of Benjamin T. and Zola O. (Smith) Henry. Lola married Glenn Green on July 23, 1948, in Almena, Kansas, and he preceded her in death.
Lola worked as a seamstress, bookkeeper, and was a homemaker. She was a member of the PTA and she loved to hunt and fish.
remain in custody.
She has argued that police made multiple calls to the residence before deploying the throw phone, which was done before entry was made.
Born: September 13, 1927
Died: March 8, 2025
When officers did breach the door to the residence, “the defendant fired before anybody entered the home,” Kruse said, adding Gounaris was wearing a bulletproof vest and began “shooting multiple rounds not only into but also at officers.”
• Shaw Local reporter Payton Felix contributed to this story.
MT. MORRIS, IL – L. Maxine Green, age 97, passed away on Saturday, March 8, 2025 in Generations at Neighbors, Byron, IL. Lola was born on September 13, 1927 in Long Island, Kansas, the daughter of Benjamin T. and Zola O. (Smith) Henry. Lola married Glenn Green on July 23, 1948, in Almena, Kansas, and he preceded her in death.
Lola worked as a seamstress, bookkeeper, and was a homemaker. She was a member of the PTA and she loved to hunt and fish.
Lola is survived by her son, Michael (Julie) Green of Leaf River; two brothers, Leland and Wilbur Henry; and sister, Louise Newbold. She is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Glenn; three brothers, Clarence, Carl, and Harold Henry; and three sisters, Ella Bebb, Oda Stevens, and Marie Murphy.
Cremation rites have been accorded with Finch Funeral Home, 405 East Hitt, Mt. Morris, IL.
How to submit: Send obituary information to saukobits@shawlocal.com or call 815-632-2534. Notices are accepted until 2 a.m. Tuesday for Friday’s edition. Obituaries also appear online at shawlocal.com.
Lola is survived by her son, Michael (Julie) Green of Leaf River; two brothers, Leland and Wilbur Henry; and sister, Louise Newbold. She is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Glenn; three brothers, Clarence, Carl,
Ashton structure fire results in total loss
By PAYTON FELIX pfelix@shawmedia.com
ASHTON – A structure fire along Route 38 near Ashton resulted in a total loss as crews battled strong winds March 5, Ashton Fire Chief Bernard Richter said.
The Ashton Fire Protection District received a call at 1:55 p.m. for a fire at 8423 state Route 38 in Ogle County, with multiple departments called in to assist. The fire was under control late Wednesday afternoon, but a section of Route 38 from South Chana Road to South Brooklyn Road was still blocked off, Richter said.
“It’s pretty much a total loss,” Richter said of the home. “The wind is so strong out there that it was a tough battle with the wind.”
Richter did not assist on scene at the fire and was unable to confirm if it resulted in any injuries.
A partial list of responding departments included Dixon Rural, Amboy, Sublette, Rochelle, Ogle/Lee, Mt. Morris, Stillman Valley, Sterling and Franklin Grove.
As of 4:30 p.m. March 5, the cause of the fire was not known. Richter said it most likely will be under investigation by the Illinois State Fire Marshal’s Office.
Earleen Hinton Firefighters spray water on flames at a house fire at 8423
E. Illinois Route 38 on March 5.
The Roots of Our Community
Farming is more than a job—it’s a legacy passed down through generations. From sunrise to sunset, through every season, our local farmers work with dedication and care to provide for our families, support our economy, and preserve the land we call home.
As we celebrate National Agriculture Week, let’s take a moment to recognize the passion and perseverance of those who grow, harvest, and produce the food we rely on every day. Their hard work sustains us all.
Thank you, farmers, for your strength, commitment, and unwavering dedication to the land and our community.
Robes & Sneakers fundraiser
Ogle County’s four judges raised money for a charity of their choice during the Robes & Sneakers fundraiser in February. A total of $400 in “fines” was generated and sent to the Focus House Foundation. Pictured (from left) are Associate Judge Russell Crull, Circuit Judge Ben Roe, Associate Judge Anthony Peska and Circuit Judge Clayton Lindsey.
CMAAA offers wool felt making workshop
SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com
OREGON – The Coliseum Museum of Art, Antiques & Americana in Oregon will present a wool felt making workshop at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 22.
Joann Murdock, a multimedia fiber artist, will lead the class in which participants will learn to wet felt and create a mini purse to carry phones, credit cards or other small items.
All it takes is a bit of colorful wool and soap and water. Purses can be embellished with texture and sparkle from handmade yarns or designers can give it a luxe sheen with a bit of silk or rayon to adhere to the wool.
Each item is one-of-a-kind, strong and sturdy. Items also are lightweight with recycled Sari silk string used for the adjustable strap.
The class is designed for beginning and intermediate felt makers. All supplies are included. The fee is $60. Registration is required by March 16.
Murdock loves to stretch the boundaries of felt making. She uses silk, sequins, upcycled materials and even
Merry Martha Club quilt raffle underway
SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com
LEAF RIVER – The 2025 Leaf River Merry Martha Club Quilt Raffle is underway.
The quilt pattern is Jenny’s Easy Carpenter’s Star by Missouri Star Quilt Company. The quilt is 81 inches square. The featured fabrics are 100% cotton from Farm Fun, a collection designed by Stacy Lest Hsu for world class textile manufacturer Moda Fabrics. It was constructed by club member Donna Immel of Leaf River and quilted by April Lantz of Simply Sewn 4 Ewe of Byron. Lantz chose a chicken wire quilt pattern by Laurie Thomas of It’s a Quilt Thing to complement the fabric selection.
Raffle tickets cost $1 each or six for $5.
Tickets can be bought at the GFWC Oregon Woman’s Club’s 73rd annual Antique Show & Vintage Market on Saturday, March 22, and Sunday, March 23, at the Blackhawk Center in Oregon. The show will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday.
Tickets also are available by calling the Bertolet Memorial Library in Leaf River at 815-738-2742.
March 22 workshop
Coliseum Museum in Oregon.
paper in her felt creations.
Register online at cmaaa.org/classes--workshops.html. Registration forms also are available at the Coliseum. For more information, call 815-595-5810 or email info@cmaaa.org.
The CMAAA mission is to present art, antiques, Americana and history through permanent and rotating exhibits, workshops, music, theater and more.
More information can be found at cmaaa.org and the Facebook page, facebook.com/ColiseumMuseum.
The raffle drawing will be at 4 p.m. Sunday, June 1, at the Bertolet building following the Leaf River Daze Parade. The winner does not need to be present. All money raised from the raffle will go to local community organizations such as the Leaf River Fire Department, Leaf River Soaring Eagles 4H Club, Leaf River Busy Beavers 4H Club, Leaf River fireworks, Bertolet Memorial Library Kids Reading Program and the Leaf River Mentoring Program.
Hello, my name is Cary Bennett and on April 1, 2025, I am seeking election to be your next Mt. Morris Township Supervisor. My wife Jeanette and I have lived in the Mt. Morris Township over 50 years.
My background includes:
- 1982 Mt. Morris HS graduate
- 1987 Rockford College graduate – BS in Accounting
- 1991-2012 Production Control Manager for 2 Rockford area manufacturing plants
- 2012-Present Promoted to Plant Manager and now have 30 years with this company
Some of the other activities include:
Doing the financials for Sunset Golf Club since 2008 and co-clubhouse manager with my wife since 2012.
I have conducted financial audits for 2 local churches and a food pantry.
I feel my experience and work ethic will bring a new perspective to the position of Township Supervisor.
I would appreciate your support on April 1, 2025!
Sincerely, Cary Bennett
Paid By Cary Bennett
Photo provided by the Leaf River Merry Martha Club
This is the quilt being raffled by the Leaf River Merry Martha Club.
Photo provided by Michael Glenn Wool felt mini purses can be made at a
at the
Photo provided by Lesley Dever
Eastland never trails, punches ticket to state
Cougars step up defense to stop Aurora Christian
Shaw Local News Network correspondent
DeKALB – Eastland never trailed Aurora Christian during Monday’s Class 1A DeKalb Supersectional at the Convocation Center on the campus of Northern Illinois University.
Aurora Christian hung tough until the Cougars finally pulled away in the fourth quarter. Eastland held the Eagles scoreless for more than four minutes in the decisive quarter to earn a 51-43 victory.
Eastland (33-4) advanced to a state semifinal against Peoria Christian on Thursday at the State Farm Center in Champaign.
“These guys have been really driven and motivated and put in a ton of work in the offseason,” Eastland coach Tyler Zumdahl said. “It’s really cool to see that hard work and dedication pay off and make winning plays on the biggest stage and get us down to state.”
Aurora Christian (19-13) pulled to within 34-31 after Jacob Baumann’s drive in the lane that he turned into a three-point play with 6:26 left to play.
The Eagles opened the final quarter trailing 32-25 so Baumann’s basket was a big one, but the Cougars answered with a 7-0 run.
“I feel like that’s just how basketball goes,” Baumann said. “It’s a game of runs. Coach says it all the time. I feel like when you get the momentum, you’ve got to keep it going, keep the intensity on defense and everything. When the help-
side [defense] fails and can’t get back into it, they leave wide-open shots.”
Peyton Spears (seven points, six rebounds, five assists) sparked the run for Eastland with a nice move inside.
Zyacn Haverland (eight points) had a pair of baskets inside and Adam Awender scored on a drive.
Eastland was able to frequently get to the basket, scoring 38 of its points in the paint while limiting Aurora Christian to 16 points down low.
The Cougars also enjoyed a 22-13 rebounding edge and didn’t allow any second-chance points because they didn’t allow the Eagles a single offensive rebound.
“I thought we did a really good job of boxing out,” Zumdahl said. “I thought we were really physical. We really found guys. It’s always key to not give extra possessions, so our ability to turn them over and not give up offensive rebounds was a big key.”
Baumann led the Eagles with 13 points and four assists. Asa Johnson added 11 points and Jordan Weeks had five rebounds.
“[Baumann and Johnson] are juniors in theory, but they played a lot of games and played downstate,” Aurora Christian coach Dan Beebe said. “They are essentially seniors in leadership and mindset. We get them back and the three sophomores that started [Preston Morel, Joe DeCort and Weeks] started as sophomores early in the season, but by the end of the year were grizzly veterans, too. The same thing can be said for James Baker. He started for us a large part of the year and he came along really strong. Landon Schuster is our only senior, which is unfortunate.”
John Starks – jstarks@dailyherald.com
Eastland’s Zyacn Haverland blocks a shot by Aurora Christian’s Jacob Baumann on March 10 in the Class 1A supersectional at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb.
Elect Mark Scholl Mayor of Polo
Slow-down tactic works for Eastland in upset at 1A sectional
The stall tactics employed by Eastland in an upset sectional win over Pecatonica remain a hot topic of discussion.
One side believes a shot clock is needed and what Eastland did could be construed as poor gamesmanship.
Proponents of the slow down in play give credit to Eastland coach Tyler Zumdahl for brilliantly using IHSA existing rules to his team’s benefit. It was a gamble for Zumdahl to employ such a controversial ploy.
But after losing by 31 points to Pecatonica earlier in the season and entering hostile territory at Pec’s home gym with state advancement on the line, something out of the ordinary needed to be done. Radical? Yes. Effective? Double yes.
From beginning to end, Pecatonica appeared flustered and that frustration was exhibited in poor shooting, both from the floor and free-throw line. The Indians played tough defense, but that is much easier to execute under duress than one’s offense.
I remember my old high school Rochelle trying a similar tack against a great team in the 1970s, maybe Freeport. It worked for a short while, but the oppo-
Andy Colbert GUEST VIEW
nent was talented enough to capitalize on any errors Rochelle made and soon it became a runaway win for the superior team.
Watching Eastland adroitly play keepaway from Pec, it soon became apparent that Pec’s talent was not going to be enough to force Eastland into a similar submission. The stalling equalized the athleticism and talent.
There were moments I thought Pec would make a run, but never did that materialize, which is quite odd. Almost all games have runs, but this wasn’t a normal game.
If you are Pecatonica and have never experienced a 1-0 quarter and 8-5 halftime score, it has to be a shock to your system. There was no adapting to it and the longer the chess game went on, the more troublesome it became for Pec.
It was almost like Eastland had them in a vice they couldn’t get out of. If they
Estate Planning
Wednesday, March 19th @ 5:00 pm FSB Shannon - Shannon Wednesday, April 9th @ 5:00 pm Polo City Hall - Polo Wednesday, April 16th @ 2:00 pm Davis Community Center - Mt. Carroll Wednesday, April 23rd @ 2:00 pm Lake Carroll Clubhouse - Lake Carroll
did attempt to break free, Eastland would force them into submission on its next possession.
It was somewhat like a ball-control, ground-attack football team that extends drives to keep the ball away from a more talented, high-scoring opponent. But the dynamics of football and basketball are quite different.
It also should be noted that Eastland wasn’t a total underdog. With three 1,000point career scorers, there was plenty of experience and athleticism.
As an impartial fan, I enjoyed this game as much as any I’ve seen in the past several years, primarily because of the environment at Pec and the strategy employed by Eastland.
Even without a horse in the race, I was tensed up from the drama being played out on the floor. I can’t imagine what it was like for fans of both teams.
Friday’s game was sandwiched around a Thursday and Saturday appearance downstate by the Pecatonica girls basketball team, culminating in the school’s first-ever team championship. For that matter, it was the first time any team from Pec made it downstate.
“This is the best experience of my career,” Pecatonica athletic director Kevin Kunkel told me before tipoff Friday. “I’m so happy for the kids and the coaches. They are living the dream.”
With the girls safely in the state title game and a No. 1-ranked boys team favored to also make it downstate, things could not have been better in all of Pecatonica at 6:48 p.m. when Kevin and I briefly chatted. Unfortunately, a couple of hours later, I watched him stoically carry the sectional title plaque to the scorer’s table. It was not going to his school.
I wonder what emotions were like the next day as the girls played for a state title. Would the sting of losing the sectional be magnified by the girls playing downstate? Or would the boys feel solace from cheering for girls? What about the parents who anticipated their sons having the same experience as the girls?
For sure, there was an overflowing of both joy and sadness around town that weekend.
• Andy Colbert, an avid runner, is a sports writer for Shaw Local covering high school sports in Ogle County.
Eastland slows it down, upsets No. 1 Pecatonica
Shaw Local News Network correspondent
PECATONICA – If your ears are still ringing an hour after a basketball game is over, you can tell it was an electrifying atmosphere. That was the case in the highly anticipated sectional final between Pecatonica and Eastland on March 7.
The sold-out gym at Pecatonica was loud from start to finish in a 36-31 win by Eastland over the No. 1-ranked team in Class 1A. With so many twists and turns, it was high drama for the 1,600 fans in attendance.
How about a 1-0 score at the end of the first quarter? How about Eastland taking an 8-5 halftime lead and each team having only one missed shot?
The weirdness kicked in one minute into the game when Pecatonica coach Bobby Heisler told his team to stop wasting energy trying to guard an Eastland team that was intentionally stalling.
Basically, the court turned into a reallife wax museum as nobody made a move
for several minutes with Parker Krogman of Eastland holding on to the ball with one arm. After five minutes, he made a short pass to teammate Adam Awender.
“We had a terrible start the first two times [67-36 and 63-55 losses],” Eastland coach Tyler Zumdahl said. “We had to do something different and slow it down.”
Even though Eastland turned the ball over on its only two possessions of the first quarter, Pecatonica seemed to be affected by how the game was transpiring.
Trailing 3-0, Eastland made four consecutive baskets before finally missing for the first time with 1:20 left in the second quarter. Meanwhile, Pecatonica went 3-for-8 from the free-throw line and fell behind 8-5.
With points at a premium, missed free throws were crucial and the Indians finished 10-of-18 in free throws. Eastland didn’t do itself any favors either with equally poor shooting from the charity stripe.
Erin Henze for Shaw Local News Network
Eastland players wait to accept the sectional plaque after defeating Pecatonica in the sectional final March 7 at Pecatonica High School.
Continued from page 15
In the third quarter, Eastland turned the ball over on its first three possessions and Pecatonica took a 13-12 lead. Was this the point where the favored Indians would finally take off?
Nope. As the minutes ticked down and the pressure ratcheted up, Pecatonica appeared tight. Uncharacteristic missed shots (9-for-24) were evidence of that as the Indians never were able to play free and easy.
Meanwhile, the Cougars were quite comfortable with their brand of offensive slowdown. The Cougars shot 14-for-22 with Zycan Haverland leading the way with 6-for-8 shooting mostly near the basket.
An advantage to stalling is not taking a shot unless it is high percentage. What also worked in Eastland’s favor was steady ball handling in the face of Pecatonica’s defensive pressure.
“We played smart the whole game,” Zumdahl said. “This group was so hungry after last year. The emotions are incredible right now.”
Last year, Eastland lost 60-50 in the sectional final to Pecatonica and hadn’t beaten the Indians for five years. But
“He means so much to their program.”
About the only thing the fans on both sides could agree on all night was a standing ovation for Hoffman when he eventually was able to stand after the fall. He did try to come back a couple of times, but left after a minute or so and was seen in a walking boot after the game.
Another example of the breaks going Eastland’s way came at the end of the third quarter when senior Brayden Jackson came in for the last three seconds. A rebound of a missed Eastland free throw was fumbled by Pecatonica and Jackson alertly grabbed it and scored at the buzzer for a 22-19 cushion.
“That may have been the play of the game,” Krogman said.
Pecatonica bore the burden of trying to beat Eastland for the third time this year, a feat that is analytically difficult, even for the favored team.
Fate was cruel to the Indians, who desperately wanted to join the girls team in the Final Fours downstate. The worst of it was losing all-time leading scorer and team leader Cooper Hoffman
April 1, 2025
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with 4:19 left in the third quarter.
On a twisting drive to the basket in which he was called for traveling, Hoffman came down on his foot and fell to the floor. Down for a couple of minutes, he limped back to the bench and ended his career with five points in the game, all on free throws.
“You hate to see that,” Zumdahl said.
It was a boost as the Eastland crowd erupted and Haverland staked his team to a 26-19 lead early in the fourth quarter. Brody Black (1-for-7), who was hounded all night by the Cougar guards, then made a much-needed 3-pointer to close his team to within 26-24.
Nobody was guarding Tanner Stern under the basket and he made an easy layup to give Eastland a four-point edge. With Hoffman on the bench and 6-of-7 missed shots to close out the game, the Indians never could regain the lead.
Erin Henze for Shaw Local News Network
Pecatonica’s Cooper Hoffman drives into the paint during the first half against Eastland in the sectional final March 7 at Pecatonica High School.
March 3-9
Warranty Deeds
Black Walnut Investments LLC to Constellation Energy Generation LLC, 4306 N. Black Walnut Road, Byron, $500,000.
Timmie J. Kaffenbarger, trustee, Jennifer A. Kaffenbarger, trustee, and Timmie J. & Jennifer A. Kaffenbarger Rev Living Tr, to Constellation Energy Generation LLC, 4754 N. Black Walnut Road, Byron, and one parcel on Black Walnut Road, Byron: 10-18-400-001, $3,000,000.
Michel Ruter III and Bailey Ruter to Kobe C. Gabbard Polhill and Sidney Cook, 404 E. Mason St., Polo, $127,000.
Melanie K. Pommerening to Robert B. Borgen, trustee, and Robert B. Borgen Rev Tr, 611 N. Division Ave., Polo, $12,500.
James Fairman Campbell to Harrison Scott Miller, 203 W. 4th St., Leaf River, $119,000.
Joseph R. Ferland to Drake Merrick, 215 Main St., Leaf River, $70,000.
Aaron W. Brooks and Nancy L. Brooks to Kristen D. Brooks and Jonathan Laboy, 8682 N. Riverview Drive, Byron, $270,800. 106 West Second LLC to Midway Management Byron LLC, 130 N. Union St.,
Byron, $775,000.
Nancie L. Nelson to Lisa R. Wedig, 103 Katie’s Way, Mt. Morris, $170,000.
Robert J. Faivre and John A. Faivre to Richard D. Faivre and Linda L. Faivre, one parcel in Buffalo Township: 14-02-100-003, and 11242 W. Fairmont Road, Polo, $2,109,590.
Oakwood Real Estate LLC to Down Range Properties LLC, 422 Cherry, Rochelle, $75,000.
Allen V. Berg and Ardith M. Berg to Trent C. Berg, 7732 S. Mulford Road, Rochelle, $42,415.
Robert J. Faivre and John A. Faivre to Benjamin R. Faivre and Heather J. Faivre, one parcel in Buffalo Township: 14-02-100-003, $1,510,000.
Timothy E. Clark to Christian Valin, 10765 N. Marie Lane, Rochelle, $173,500.
Alexander R. Shattuck and Tiffany J. Shattuck to Peyton Lavin and Markie Lavin, 239 S. Walnut St., Stillman Valley, $195,000.
Sandra E. Hamilton-Haley and Sandra E. Hamilton Haley to Alexander Shattuck, 103 Sunnyhill Drive, Davis Junction, $255,000.
James D. Paasch and Cheryl A. Paasch to Austin D. Luepkes, three parcels in Byron
Township: 04-25-100-014, 04-25-100-016 and 04-25-100-018, $405,184.
L H Development Inc. to Jeffrey S. Bain and Sandra L. Bain, 1523 Joanne Tr, Byron, $35,000.
Jodie F. Galik to Trent Dehaan, 608 E. Wayne St., Polo, $191,000.
Kerns Property Management LLC to Jeffrey Board, 325 N. Woodlawn Road, Creston, $170,000.
Matthew J. Merrill to Adam J. Merrill, 410 Barbara St., Mt. Morris, $98,906.
Quit Claim Deeds
Goodwin Heather to Lori Gould, 754 E. Equestrian Pointe Drive, Oregon, $0.
Donald & Arlene Faivre LLC to Robert J. Faivre and John A. Faivre, one parcel in Buffalo Township: 14-02-100-003, and 11242 W. Fairmont Road, Polo, $0.
William C. Orozco and Alisa Patterson Orozco to B & A Real Estate LLC, 203 S. Lafayette St., Byron, $0.
William C. Orozco and Alisa Patterson Orozco to B & A Real Estate LLC, 331 N. Mineral St., Byron, $0.00.
Crest View Farms and Crestview Farms 1 to Pauline P. Meuerer, 23-14-100-001 and
Sherri Goodpaster to Sherri L. Goodpaster and Eric J. Deery, 307 N. Prairie Ave., Polo, $0.
Trustees Deeds
Terry L. Travis, trustee, Harry A. Travis Irrev Standyby Tr0830013, and Martha R. Travis Irrev Standby Tr0830014, to Edward Arnold Travis, one parcel in Oregon-Nashua Township: 16-13-100-002, $71,866.
Alan Keith Dippel, trustee, Frances Helen Dippel Rev Tr1, and Alan Keith Dippel to Lsfm LLC, 10421 W. Judson Road, Polo, $1,164,060.
Deeds in Trust
Ronald W. Tillett and Gretchen L. Tillett to Ronald W. Tillett, trustee, and Ronald W. Tillett Rev Tr, one parcel in Rockvale Township: 09-10-276-010, $0.
Ronald W. Tillett and Gretchen L. Tillett to Ronald W. Tillett, trustee, and Ronald W. Tillett Rev Tr, 3221 E. Mill Road, Byron, $0. Douglas F. Cowan and Denise E. Cowan to Douglas F. Cowan, trustee, Denise E. Cowan, trustee, and Cowan Family Tr1, 5427 Harlan Drive, Rochelle, $0.
Source: Ogle County Recorder’s Office
, Ogle ounty Courthouse, 106 S 5th Street, Oregon, IL 61061, or with the Representatives, or both, on or before September 8, 2025, and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the Repres entatives and to the attorney within ten (10) days after it has been filed.
Dated: February 21, 2025
tors, if mailing ordelivery is required by Section 5/18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975, as amended, whichever date is later
Any claim not filed by the requisite date stated above shall be barred
Claims against the estate may be filed in the Office of the Circuit Clerk, Ogle County Judicial Center, 106 South 5th Street, Oregon, IL 61061 or with the estate legal representative, or both
(6) months from the date of first publication,or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing ordelivery is required by Section 5/18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975, as amended, whichever dateis later Any claim not filed by the requisite date stated above shall be barred.
Gaffey Health Service is in need of RN's and LPN's for Home Care patients in the Walnut and Dixon, IL areas.
Both are Pediatric cases with overnight & day shifts needed M-F. Please call 815-625-5575 for more information or simply apply at GaffeyHealthService.com and click on the jobs link.
Part Ti me / Full Time with grain / cattle employment Call 815-499-0463
OWNER / OP ERATORS needed to pull State Line Leasing new Timpte hopper bottoms trailers O.T.R and local hauling Call Denny Bolin 815-440-0158
Unskilled laborer to perform a variety of manual labor duties necessary as required in a manufacturing production facility.
Skills Req uired and/or Duties: Attend work on the schedule established by the employer without excessive absenteeism; Follow all safe work practices; Be proficient at reading tape measure; Clean production area; Sweep and remove debris; Clean up galvanized parts using hand held die grinders and other hand tools; Grind or clean welded joint; Manually tap drilled holes or re-tap holes of galvanized weldments; Manually assist in cutting and grinding of foam covered padded boards; Manually move and carry raw materials throughout facility; Assist in crating and /or packaging of finished goods in preparation for shipment using packing materials and/or power hand tools; Wash equipment and/or vehicles; Proficient at following directions and instruction; Assist in minor assembly of finished parts; Good communication skills; Clean up work area daily; Ability to lift 60 lbs; Proficient in time management; Ability to multi task; Ability to work well under pressure; Ability to work independently; Willingness to learn new skills.
Hours: Full Time; minimum pay rate $17-$19/hr based on experience. Shifts: Monday thru Friday 7am-5pm, Saturday 7am-12noon Overtime hours may be mandatory
Benefits: Paid holidays; Paid vacation; Paid sick/personal time; Health insurance benefits; Dental/Vision benefits; AFLAC offered; Simple IRA 3% match Opportunities for advancement include Production Welder and Painter
Email cover letter & resume to: todd@shanksvet.com
the names post-office addr of all of the sons owning, c ducting transacting business known as:
TNT General Constructi on loca ted at 15559 W Milledgeville R Polo, IL 61064
Dated March 2025. /s/Laura J. Co Laura J. Co
Copies of a claim filed with the clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed.
202 E. 5th Street P.O. Box 400 Sterling, IL 61081 P: 815.625.8200 baron@wmpj.com
Estate of:
Heavy Highway Contractor looking for Semi Truck Drivers in Sauk Valley Area Dump trailer experience a must. Email resume to: info@martincoinc.net
is coming so start now with 1.4 acres on Penrose Rd at the lowest p rice in the area 23,000 OBO landline 288-5636
urni sh edUtili ti es incl. $175/wk. 815-626-8790
Estate of:
JEFFERY L. CAMLING, Deceased No. 2025 PR 11 CL AIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of JEFFERY L. CAMLING. Letters of Office were issued to NATHAN CAMLING 6322 N IL
No. 2025 PR 11
Notice is given of the death of JEFFERY L. CAMLING. Letters of Office were issued to NATHAN CAMLING, 6322 N IL Rt 2, Oregon, IL 61061, and AMY WOLBER, 6000 W West Grove Rd., Mt Morris, IL 61054, as CoRepresentatives, whose attorneys are WARD, MURRAY, PACE & JOHNSON, P.C., 202 E 5th Street, Sterling, Illinois 61081. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of Court, Ogle County Courthouse, 106 S 5th Street, Oregon, IL 61061, or with the Representatives, or both, on or before September 8, 2025, and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the Repres entatives and to the attorney within ten (10) days after it has been filed.
Amanda J Baron ARDC 6320306 WARD, MURRAY, PACE & JOHNSON, P.C. Attorneys for Estate 202 E. 5th Street
February 28, March 7, 14, 2025
In re the E state of: ARLYS J. CLARK, Deceased 2025 PR 13 CL AIM NOTICE
Notice is given of the death of ARLYS J. CLARK
Letters of Office were issued on February 18, 2025, to RON CLARK, as Independent Executor
Claims against the estate may be filed within six (6) months from the date of first publication, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing ordelivery is required by Section 5/18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975, as amended, whichever date is later
Any claim not filed by the requisite date stated above shall be barred
Claims against the estate may be filed in the Office of the Circuit Clerk, Ogle County Judicial Center, 106 South 5th Street, Oregon, IL 61061 or with the estate legal representative, or both
Copies of a claim filed with the clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed.
By: RON CLARK Independent Executor Law Office s of M. THOMAS SUITS, P.C. 114 W. Mason St. Polo, IL 61064 (815) 946-2276 tom@suitslegal com
February 28, March 7, 14, 2025
I n re the E state of: WILL IAM R. SAMUEL, Deceased 2025 PR 14 CL AIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of WILLIAM R SAMUEL. Letters of Office were issued on February 20, 2025, to TRISHA BOLEN, as Independent Administrator.
Claims against the estate may be filed within six (6) months from the date of first publication,or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing ordelivery is required by Section 5/18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975, as amended, whichever dateis later Any claim not filed by the requisite date stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the Office of the Circuit Clerk, Ogle County JudicialCenter, 106 South 5th Street, Oregon, IL 61061 or with the estate legal representative, or both.Copies of a claim filed with the clerk must be mailed or delivered
Claims against the estate may be filed in the Office of the Circuit Clerk, Ogle County JudicialCenter, 106 South 5th Street, Oregon, IL 61061 or with the estate legal representative, or both.Copies of a claim filed with the clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative andto the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed.
By: RON CLARK Independent Executor Law Office s of M. THOMAS SUITS, P.C. 114 W. Mason St. Polo, IL 61064 (815) 946-2276 tom@suitslegal com
February 28, March 7, 14, 2025
As sumed Name Publication Notice
Public Notice is hereby given that on March 3, 2025, a certificate was filed in the Ogle County Clerk's Office setting forth the names and post-office address of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as: Blackhawk Mechanical loca ted at 628 N Blackhawk Rd, Oregon, IL 61061 Dated March 3, 2025.
Laura J. Cook
Laura J. Cook Ogle County Clerk
March 7, 14, 21, 2025
As sumed Name Publication Notice Public Notice is hereby given that on March 5, 2025, a certificate was filed in the Ogle County Clerk's Office setting forth the names and post-office address of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as: TNT General Constructi
W Milledgeville Rd,
Ogle County Clerk
March 14, 21, 28, 2025
Notice is here given that the posed budget the Village of reston for the cal year beginning May 1, 2025, ending April 2026, is availa for publ ic inspec tion at the reston Village 301 N Walnut enue, Forreston Illinois beginning, March 17, 2024, during normal business hours. Further notice hereby given tha public hearing said tentative b get will be held Monday, April 2025, at 6:30 at the Forreston Village Hall, 301 Walnut Avenue, Forreston, Illino at which time persons will heard thereon. Tanya Shenber Village Cle
March 14, 2025
the names and post-office address of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as:
TNT General Constructi on loca ted at 15559 W Milledgeville Rd, Polo, IL 61064
Dated March 5, 2025.
/s/Laura J. Cook
Laura J. Cook Ogle County Clerk
filed with the k must be iled or delivered he representaandto the atrney within 10 s after it has een filed.
Independent Executor Office s of THOMAS ITS, P.C. W. Mason St. lo, IL 61064 (815) 946-2276 m@suitslegal
February 28, March 7, 14, 2025
Notice is hereby given that the proposed budget for the Village of Forreston for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2025, and ending April 30, 2026, is available for publ ic inspection at the Forreston Village Hall, 301 N Walnut Avenue, Forreston, Illinois beginning, March 17, 2024, during normal business hours.
Further notice is hereby given that a public hearing on said tentative budget will be held on Monday, April 7th, 2025, at 6:30 PM at the Forreston Village Hall, 301 N Walnut Avenue, Forreston, Illinois at which time all persons will be heard thereon.
Tanya Shenberger Village Clerk
March 14, 2025
sumed Name Publication Notice blic Notice is reby given that March 5, 2025, certificate was in the Ogle County Clerk's Ofsetting forth names and st-office address all of the persons owning, concting and ansacting the business known
TNT General Constructi on loca ted at 15559 W Milledgeville Rd,
Many people believe their timeshares cannot be cancelled, but they often can be. Our founder and CEO, Chuck McDowell, has successfully helped over 30,000 families get rid of their timeshare and he can likely help you too. If you were misled, lied to, or pressured, you may have an easy exit with a100%money back guarantee.
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We’ve been able to help many timeshare owners that contact us. You could be one phone call away from complete peace of mind.
We have a dedicated team waiting for your call.
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“Wesley Financial was awesome to work with. They were professional and very understanding of the situation we were in.
Thank you all so much. This has been a huge burden and you all helped relieve that burden.