41-year-old Des Moines area man killed in head-on crash in Jasper County
Sheriff’s office said 62-year-old Monroe man survived with
By Christopher Braunschweig PCM Explorer
A 41-year-old Des Moines area man is dead after his vehicle collided head on with another vehicle just before noon on July 24 along Jasper County
Highway S-74 South, the sheriff’s office said in a press release. Authorities also said the accident remains under investigation.
Michael Croy was driving northbound near the 5100 block of the county road when, for
minor injuries
unknown reasons, his vehicle went left of center and struck an incoming vehicle driven by Karl Peters, 62, of Monroe, who was traveling southbound. Dispatchers were notified of the accident at 11:29 a.m.
Peters’ vehicle ended up in

PCM’s county fair princess
PCM Senior Meredith Chipps earned the title of Jasper County Fair Princess and had a week at the fair like no other
By Jamee A. Pierson PCM Explorer
Between caring for, preparing, showing and animals, the day is busy from sunrise to far past sunset for 4-H and FFA kids at the county fair. For Jasper County Fair Princess Meredith Chipps the week got even busier with additional responsbilities of the
crown. But she wouldn’t have it any other way. Chipps shared why she wanted to try for fair queen and what it means to her to earn the title of princess. Why did you want to try for fair queen? I wanted to try for fair queen because ever since I was little I always looked up to the queen and princess so, I hope that I can be that for
some little girl now.
What did you think of the process? I really enjoyed the process. I thought that the way that everything was set up really made the girls feel comfortable with each other and become friends!
What is a fun memory you made? I would say a fun
Jasper County Fair celebrates parade in red, white and blue fashion in downtown Colfax

the west ditch. Croy’s vehicle was still on the roadway. Croy was pronounced dead at the scene. Peters sustained minor injuries from the accident. Iowa State Patrol was contacted to assist the sheriff’s office by providing a technical accident investigator.
In addition to the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office, the Newton Police Department, Jasper County Emergency Paramedics and Jasper County Emergency Management Agency staff responded to the accident. Jasper County Roads Department assisted with closing the roadway during the investigation.
From behind the fence
PCM softball parents share how it feels to watch their kids on the biggest stage

It may seem like the players of the field feel the most pressure and stress at the ballpark as they work to score runs and record outs. But the parents sitting just outside of the fence are right with their kids, holding their breath with each pitch, celebrating every run and ready to be there at the end — win or lose.
“Oh gosh, that is hard. I’m confident that my blood pressure was very high during these last few weeks of the season. It wasn’t that I was stressed about the girls ‘winning’ (although we all love to win), it was more about wanting the girls to feel that they played their best and handled what they could control,” Tammy Steenhoek, catcher Addi Steenhoek’s
Prairie Days 2024 had kids playing in foam, racing across the grass and much more during the 4-day event

Explorer PCM
Worth Mentioning
Send your event to news@pcmexplorer.com
Events at The Gathering Place
Thursday, Aug. 1
• 9am Crafts with Jamee ($4 for craft)
• 12:15pm Matter of Balance
Friday, Aug. 2
• Closed for Old Settlers (Open for Congregate Meals)
Monday, Aug. 5
• 8am Coffee & Prayer with Pastor Ann
• 10am Video Exercise Class
• 12:15pm A Journey through Parkinson’s Disease
Wednesday, Aug. 7
• 1pm “Get Fit, Move More” with Amy S.
• 6pm BINGO
Thursday, Aug. 8
• 10am Patty Richards Music Show
PCM Food Pantry
The PCM Food Pantry at the Monroe Presbyterian Church, 113 S. Main St. in Monroe, is open 9 a.m. to noon and 6 to 7 p.m. Mondays and 9 a.m. to noon Thursdays.
TOPS 1025 meets at 5:30 p.m. every Monday at the First Reformed Church in Prairie City for weigh-in, with meeting to follow. Go to the north side parking lot at the church and enter in the north door. Call 515-994-2200 for information.
Men’s Recovery meeting
Lighthouse Recovery Ministries hosts a Men’s Recovery meeting at 6:30 p.m. each Monday at Grace Alive Church, 703 W. Second St. in Prairie City. Contact Barb at b.miller@lighthouserecoveryia.com with questions.
PCM Clothing Closet
The PCM Clothing Closet, on the second floor of the Family Life Center at 105 S. Sherman St. in Prairie City, will be open from 3:30 to 7 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday and 2 to 4 p.m. Sundays. Message volunteers through the PCM Clothing Closet Facebook page to schedule a time for donations.
Janet Sue Antle
July 23, 2024
Janet Sue (Thomasson) Antle, age 85 of Newton, passed away on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at Traditions Memory Care in Newton. Private graveside services were held at Silent CIty Cemetery in Monroe. Memorials may be directed to the family and checks made payable to Steve Antle and mailed to Coburn Funeral Home
As families plan for the upcoming school year, State Treasurer Roby Smith is reminding Iowans how the College Savings Iowa 529 plan can be used to achieve a variety of education savings goals, including K-12. “College Savings Iowa continues to expand the mindset that 529 plans can only be used for traditional two- and four-year college,” Smith said. “For families that want to put money aside to pay for K-12 tuition at a public or private school, while also receiving all the tax benefits 529 plans provide, College Savings Iowa could be the answer.
Up to $10,000 per year per student can be withdrawn from a College Savings Iowa account to pay for tuition expenses in connection with enrollment at a K-12 institution. “We’re here to help support families in their education savings journey, whatever that may be for them and their student,” continued Smith. “It’s what College Savings Iowa is all about.”
In addition to K-12 tuition, money invested in College Savings Iowa can be used to pay for tuition; room and board; computers; textbooks and other qualified education expenses at any

at 24 West Howard Street Colfax, Iowa 50054. Condolences may be left for the family at www.coburnfuneralhomes.com
Sue is survived by her husband of 67 years, Delwin; two sons, Shane (Tara) Antle and Steve (Tina) Antle; five grandchildren, Zach (Emily) Antle, Chas (Brenna) Ant-
le, Kendall (Hailey) Antle, Caitlynn (Colten) McKinney and Matthew Antle; four great grandchildren, Kenny, Keslea, Sawyer and Koda and a brother, Lynn Thomasson. Preceding her in death were her parents, Delbert and Wilma (Shannon) Thomasson and a sister, Shriley Farver.

eligible higher education institution in the U.S. or abroad. This includes colleges, universities, trade schools and apprenticeship programs. Additionally, up to $10,000 can be used for repayment on any qualified education loan of the Beneficiary or a sibling of the Beneficiary.
As a 529 plan, College Savings Iowa also offers tax advantages such as tax-deferred earnings and tax-free qualified withdrawals.
Plus, there is an added tax benefit of deducting up to $5,500 in contributions per Beneficiary account from 2024 Iowa income taxes. To learn more about the Plan, visit CollegeSavingsIowa.com or call (888) 672-9116. Connect with College Savings Iowa on Facebook, Instagram and X to stay informed on current events and updates. For additional details about the Plan, read the Program Description.
Celebrate Bison Day Saturday at NSNWR
Mark your calendar for this free, fun, family-friendly event, Bison Day, at Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 3 Bring your friends and family and join us to celebrate and learn about bison and the tallgrass prairie.
Many bison and prairie themed activities will be available, including a

variety of crafts such as making a wildlife charm necklace; face painting; viewing a live hawk and owl display; playing a ring toss game; taking group photos at our bison photo booth area; making and taking prairie seeds in a peat pot; and going on a bison trivia themed self-guided walk on the 1/2-mile Overlook Loop Trail.
Drive the Prairie Wildlife Drive five-mile loop to look for bison and elk, including 13 bison calves. Free loaner binoculars will be available. Pack a lunch and or snack to eat in the indoor/outdoor eating areas. No food will be for sale.
For additional information, contact nancy_ corona@fws.gov or call 515-994-3400.

Communities gather for the 2024 Jasper County Fair Parade

memory I made was before the crowning I got to go talk to a bunch of my family that came and supported me!
How did you feel when you were crowned? When I got crowned I was really excited and happy. I just felt very proud of myself that I could accomplish something like this.
What were you most looking forward to at the fair? I looked forward to meeting new people and creating more memories. How will it be different having this addi-
tional responsibility? This county fair was definitely a lot different for me with having more responsibilities. Each year I usually am still busy during county fair with activities and taking care of my animals but this year pretty much each day my schedule is full of activities and more. I was super excited to participate in maybe some fair activities I haven’t done before.
I am so, so excited and blessed to be the 2024 Jasper County Fair Princess!
• Chipps is the daughter of Mitchell and Melissa Chipps. She is currently about to go into her senior year at PCM High School. Some activities she is involved in are golf, FFA, 4-H, FCA and National Honor Society.
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mom, said. “It has been so much fun seeing the Mustangs successfully handle the pressure of winning the conference title, winning substrate and then playing at state. There were many times that they needed to bounce back from a situation and a teammate always came through. What’s so cool about this current team culture is that every parent and fan truly believed that any kid in the lineup could contribute in a big way at any given time. This is something special to be a part of. We all supported one another’s kids. We loved celebrating every player’s shiny moments throughout the season.”
The parents have been there from the start. From bam bam ball to little league, travel teams and playing for their school, the journey has seen many ball fields in what can seem like a blink of they eye.
“It’’s been rewarding to see them learn the game and grow in each position,” Christy Lindsay, shortstop Tori Lindsay’s mom, said. “When they first start out, you play them in every spot so they learn and develop. When they get older, you see them flourish in one position but also quickly adapt to whatever position they are needed in. I love watching the bonds with their teammates and have lasting friend-
ships with the girls who have joined their teams while growing up and creating new with friendships on other teams who have asked them to sub from other communities. Now that they are in high school, we see those other teams in other sports and join in their successes for their daughters.”
With so many games comse countless hits, plays, runs and more. While they all produced memories, the final game was extra special for the mom of the only senior.
“Hands down her last game playing at state. On the third pitch of the game she hit a home run and ended up three for four at bat,” Sarah Lark Drake, senior Lark Drake’s mom, said. “During the state tournament she played stellar defense, but most importantly, she was smiling ear to ear and just had a blast. We are so extremely proud of her and her team.”
While the historic season for PCM softball has come to an end, the future is bright for the squad.
“It has been amazing,” Adam Millang, eighth-grader Hadley Millang’s dad, said. “It’s crazy how well she does in pressure situations, I know that I get nervous for her, but it doesn’t seem to phase her. She trusts in her ability and there is no bigger critic of her performance than herself. She also understands that her last at bat is over and her team needs her in the next one. I love that about her, among many other things.”

Carol Remick’s Belted Galloways
You might know, Carol’s husband, Joe, was gone, the temperatures outside were soaring, and Carol was home alone when her first three Belted Galloways (Belties) calved. She was excited, nervous and very unsure of her abilities in this situation. But she knew she had to assist them – somehow. Fortunately, her son Carson was available to help, and the calves arrived with no complications. Two new Beltie calves were born on July 9; and one on July 10. The first calf was a heifer. Carol named her Liberty Belle after the 4th of July. The bull calves are yet to be named. She prefers them to have strong names, like Independence, Revolution, or even Revere, after Paul Revere.
What are Belted Galloway cattle?
The Belted Galloway is a traditional Scottish breed of beef cattle, originating from the Galloway region of Scotland. This smaller, stocky breed are most often black, like Carol’s, but other colors, can occur. “Oreo Cows,” as many call them, have a distinctive broad white belt around their mid-section. This

Curt Swarm Empty Nest
makes them unique and somewhat of a novelty in our area. Belties are known for their lean beef, efficient grazing, and quiet temperament — except for when they calve! Belties have a very strong maternal instinct.
How did Carol Remick get involved with Belties? She and her husband Joe farm west of Salem, on the beltway (get it?) between Salem and Hillsboro. Their three childrenSpenser, Morgan, and Carson - all went to Central College in Pella, so there were many trips in that direction. As y’all may have observed, just east of Fairfield on Highway 34, there is a farm on the south side of the highway that has Belties. Carol always admired the cute black-and-white cattle as she sped by. She happened to mention them to
How Biden’s last few months could be his most effective
By Thomas L. Knapp
Following Joe Biden’s July 21 withdrawal from a seemingly doomed re-election campaign, Democrats instantly re-focused on picking/backing a new candidate (at the moment, vice-president Kamala Harris seems well on her way to nailing the nomination down), while Republicans took up the cry “if he’s unable to run, he’s unable to serve, and should resign or be removed.”
I’m not seeing much speculation — yet — from either camp on the equally interesting subject of what Joe Biden’s final six months in office might look like.
There’s an old, apparently incorrect but highly applicable, western saying that the Chinese word for “crisis” embodies the written characters representing “danger” and “opportunity.”
The “danger” part of the Biden equation is easy to see: To the extent that his Democratic successor gets blamed for his mistakes, anything he does could potentially damage that successor’s prospects in November.
But what if Biden doesn’t believe Harris (or some other prospective nominee) can win the election anyway? What if he believes he’s a true “lame duck?”
If that’s the case, he doesn’t need to give a [word that rhymes with “duck”], does he? He can do as he pleases without facing much in the way of consequences.
The overbearing 21st century power of the imperial presidency, combined with extreme unlikelihood that a Democratic cabinet would invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him, or a a split Senate convict him upon impeachment, leaves him sitting pretty to do things he couldn’t do if he was worried about his re-election (or his chosen successor’s election).
On the trivial end, he could, for example, pardon his son Hunter, recently convicted on (wholly unconstitutional) federal gun charges. Heck, he could probably sell pardons and other executive branch favors to the highest bidders without worrying much about how that looked.
He could also do more consequential things. For example, in his meeting with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week, he could put his foot down: No immediate and unconditional Gaza ceasefire, no more US weapons (and the usual welfare checks might get lost in the mail, too).
He could pick up the phone and tell Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy something similar: Open real peace talks with Moscow or the weapons shipments stop.
He could re-commit the US, fully and unconditionally, to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, aka the “Iran Nuclear Deal.”
He could end the US embargo on Cuba and fully normalize diplomatic relations with its regime.
Of course, he could go in the opposite direction, dragging the US into all-out wars with any or all of several adversaries. But based on his decision to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan instead of nullifying his predecessor’s deal with the Taliban, I suspect there may be a “peace president” trapped in the body of America’s current “war president.”
In fact, the Afghanistan withdrawal had me thinking, at the time, that he INTENDED to be a one-term president with a “peacemaker” legacy. Now he has multiple opportunities to be exactly that ... if that’s what he wants.
Thomas L. Knapp is director and senior news analystattheWilliamLloydGarrisonCenterforLibertarian Advocacy Journalism
Joe. Well, that Christmas of 2018, Joe said he had a surprise for her. She weaseled the secret out of him. He had made plans to purchase Belties for her. They went to Bloomington, IL and bought four registered Belties, three were heifers, and one was bred. They had their first baby Beltie in 2019.
So, Carol was born a muck-boot farm girl, right? Nope. She’s a tried-and-true city girl from Burlington who married a farmer 40 years ago. But she eats challenges for breakfast, after choring, of course. She also credits making an investment in herself by hiring a personal trainer. She does strength training twice a week, for what she calls “functional fitness,” enabling her to lift heavy gates, carry buckets of water, wrangle baby calves, and face down Marcee, aka “Salty Girl” (their most aggressive cow) when she gets vocal and rambunctious.
The Remick’s now have six Beltie heifers. For their first breeding cycle, they used artificial insemination. On the second go-around, however, AI failed. What to do? Finding a registered Beltie bull was the solution. But a Beltie bull that would fit into their herd was scarce as hens’ teeth. Carol didn’t want to go all the way to Texas, Colorado, or farther for a bull. Lo-and-behold, they were able to locate a one-year-old, Beltie bull at Sperry, Iowa. They brought
registered Highland Oaks Farm King Hercules home, and he went right to work. He is now a proud father, passing on his wide white belt, thick black coat, and calm temperament. Carol claims his calves weigh 50 – 55 lbs when born; at least that’s what her son Carson estimated as he carried one of the calves from the pasture to the barn. Hercules had been raised as a county fair show animal and had lots of attention. He is quite gentle, affectionate, and Carol loves him.
The heat and humidity have been hard on the baby Belties as well as the mamas. Joe and Carol set up a little child’s pool outside the barn, and Carol has been hand bathing one of the weaker babies. They have also been bottle feeding it electrolytes. Will that child’s pool still be used by the Remick’s grandchildren? Not likely, but that’s life on the beltway.
What is Carol’s goal with her herd of Belted Galloways? As a “farmer,” she doesn’t want to go in the hole feeding animals. For now, she plans to continue the breed with registered cattle, make a little cash selling the offspring, and enjoy the novelty and nature of her small herd on their beltway farm. And she wants to have fun. Check!
Contact Curt Swarm curtswarm@ yahoo.com
Chick-Fil-A is running a child labor summer camp
“Summertime, and the living is easy, fish are jumping, and”… wait a minute, what is this?
It’s a summer camp for kids — but with a disturbing corporate twist. Some outlets of Chick-fil-A, the fast food chicken chain, are now promoting a summer camp where children as young as 5 can learn “how to be a Chick-fil-A worker.”
Isn’t this fun? The corporation says that while the chickadees won’t actually be doing the work of regular employees, they will learn how to “take orders, deliver orders, make drinks, and be a hostess.”
Of course, the little campers don’t get paid — indeed their families must pay to let the company give them an early dose of the good ol’ American work ethic and a “be-
The transition
It has begun — the transition. We are beginning slowly. It has been, for four years now, Biden’s fault. Just generalized fault. According to our erstwhile representative, Ms. Marionette Miller-Meeks it is now Biden-Harris’s fault. The fault is expanding. It now includes the vice-president, previously ignored totally, now gaining fault points. Most surely before the election it will be Harris only. Why blame a lame duck.
The new fault is the lack of after school child labor at fast food establishments. Apparently our governor and Ms. Miller Meeks think our kids should have longer after school work hours than the feds think appropriate and our local businesses are suffering because of it. They could hire legal or illegal immigrants to solve the problem, but Oh No! Not that. Rather we would rather have our children

hind-the-scenes look” inside the hierarchical corporate order. You can’t start ‘em too young on these life lessons! The kiddos do get compensated, sort of, with their very own Chick-fil-A nametag and t-shirt.
Okay, this is not the Dickensian dystopia of 19th century England… but is that our modern standard? There is nothing wrong with kids working. But 5-year-olds?
When I was a pre-teen, I helped out with my father’s small business and on my Aunt Eula’s farm.
learning how to flip hamburgers and turn out ice cream treats to other adolescents with money to burn. Money may be needed to buy another pair of sneakers. What could be more important?
But we do need to commend our congresswoman once again in identifying a problem. Biden and Harris are impeding our kids from earning money and learning the trade of flipping burgers or making tacos. It is federal bureaucrats who are causing the conflict and fining small businesses when they violate the laws passed by Congress and enforced by the Bureau of Labor. It needs to stop. She or Reynolds should get on the phone and find somebody to talk to about this.
Our local governor and legislature do have it right, though. Kids need to work so that small businesses, such as MacDonald’s, Burger King, Subway, Hardee’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Jimmy John’s, et al, can make a decent
I wasn’t learning how to be indoctrinated into the corporate culture of low-wage franchises. Rather, I was learning to help the family and how to contribute to the larger community. My reward was not merely a token stipend, but a recognition that I belonged – that I had a role and was valued as part of that community. People didn’t need a corporate name tag to know who I was.
There’s so much more that an $11 billion nationwide giant like Chick-fil-A could do for the communities that provide its profits. Can’t they think of anything less selfish than promoting a fast-food future for children?
Columnist Jim Hightower is a radio commentator, writer, and publicspeaker
profit. What can be more important than a kid putting in hours at work after being at school all day? They don’t even have to know how to make change any longer. It’s a snap. And they don’t need to participate in extra-curricular activities either. Those activities don’t add much to a kid’s education; work is better. Why go to band practice or theater or speech practice after school when work is to be had. We need to keep our priorities straight in this country. Of course, football practice might be an exception. In any event, the transition has begun. Whatever the issues are, whatever problems exist, it is now the fault of Biden and Harris. It really is surprising that we have missed this connection for the last four years; soon it will be just Harris, though, who we blame for whatever and deservedly so. Richard E. H. Phelps II Mingo

6:30 a.m. • Methodist Church Pancake Breakfast
7 a.m.
• Registration for MAMM at Red Rock Park — 8 a.m. MAMM Race Starts
8 a.m. • Horseshoe Pitch Tournament
8 a.m. • Car Show Registration
9 a.m. • Children’s Sports
9:30 a.m. • Tractor Show
10 a.m. • Registration for Adult Bags Tourn 11:30 a.m. Adult Bags Tournament
10:30 a.m. • Money Toss
10:30 a.m. • 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament at Tool’s Point Park
11 a.m. • Frog Jumping Contest
11 a.m. • Kids Water Fights
Noon • Watermelon Feed
Noon • Monroe Library Pet Parade
12:30 p.m. • PEO Memorial Service
12:40 p.m. • Flag Ceremony
12:45 p.m. • Recognition Awards

10 a.m. • Sand Volleyball Tournament Arts and Crafts Displays • Food Stand Bingo • Registration in the Park • Raffles Car Show • Rides and Concessions
1 p.m. • Wilson Dance Co
1:45 p.m. • Steppin Out Dance Studio 2:30 p.m. • Car and Tractor Show Awards
6 p.m. • Parade Registration
7 p.m. • Parade
8 p.m. • Kiwanian Award 8:15 p.m. • Parade Awards & Raffle Winners
8:30 p.m. • Damon Dotson

4-H and FFA kids stay busy throughout the fair preparing and showing animals, entering static exhibits and participating in fair fun and games

Mustangs rebound after loss, take down No. 7
FORT DODGE — Lark Drake led off the game with a solo home run, Libby Winters added to her team-best RBI total for the game-winning runs in the sixth inning and Rylee Parsons controlled seventh-ranked Sumner-Fredericksburg-Tripoli in the circle during the PCM softball team’s 3-1 victory in a Class 3A consolation game at the state tournament on July 23.
The Mustangs lessened their sadness and heartbreak from the quarterfinal loss the night before by ending their season with one final victory.
“We gave them last night to flush the loss and let the experience sink in,” PCM head softball coach Shaun Hudnut said. “And then as we prepped this morning we talked about being on the field one last time together even though it wasn’t the game we wanted to be in. We wanted to go out and play loose and have fun. It was nice to end the season on a win.”
Drake helped break in brand new turf on Yankee Field with a solo dinger to start the game.
It’s very hard to make the all-tournament team from a squad which doesn’t reach the semifinals, but Drake finished her two days at the state tournament with five hits and ended the season with a team-best .467 on-base percentage.
“I just wanted to end things strong,” said Drake, who will play softball at Grand View University next season. “I definitely didn’t expect that home run, but that felt really great. Getting a win was awesome. We were already proud to get here and so just the fact that we could end our year on a win was nice.”
Hudnut said Drake took every opportunity and just came up to Fort Dodge ready to play.
“That’s what you have to do, especially as a senior,” Hudnut said. “She hit really well and played great defense for us. That’s who she’s been for five years. We don’t expect anything less from her. She rose to every challenge we had for her this year.”
The Mustangs’ lead against Sumner-Fredericksburg-Tripoli (33-5) was short-lived though. The Cougars scored an unearned run in the bottom of the first to tie the game, but Parsons limited the damage with a pair ground outs. Camden Webb opened the second with a hard single to right field, but Sumner-Fredericksburg-Tripoli starting pitcher Addi Murray ended that frame with a 6-4-3 double play.
The Mustangs (25-5) threatened again in the third. Drake reached on a one-out single but was called out later for leaving first base early. Addison Steenhoek was then hit by a pitch, but the Mustangs were held off the scoreboard.
Murray got PCM in order in the fourth and fifth, but the Mustangs jumped back in front for good in the sixth.
Steenhoek reached on a out-out error and then Tori Lindsay blasted a double to put runners on second and third with one out.
After Hudnut called for an offensive conference, Winters took a deep breath in the on-deck circle. And like she’s done so many times this season, the eighth-grader came through with the game-winning

two-run double.
The Cougars committed all three of their errors in the sixth, but Murray limited the damage to just two runs. Still, it was enough for Parsons and the Mustangs to walk out of Rogers Park winners at the state tournament.
“I do that sometimes to calm myself down,” Winters said about the deep breath before the at-bat. “We had two runners on base, and I knew it was a big at-bat. I knew the hit would probably win it. I was just trying to focus myself on getting the bat on the ball.
“It feels great to win. Yesterday was hard. We talked last night about keeping our heads up and staying confident. We knew we could do it.”
Hudnut said he called for an offensive conference to remind Winters to let the ball travel. He also wanted her to just be her.
“She’s a fantastic player,” Hudnut said about Winters. “She’s harder on herself than anyone else and I knew she was not happy with how she played in the Williamsburg game. I’m excited to see her the next four years. She has a whole other level to unlock, and we are excited to see grow.”
Hudnut gave Parsons the ball longer than normal in this one, but the sophomore delivered in her final appearance of the season. She improved to 16-2 after allowing no earned runs, five hits and two walks in 6 1/3 innings.
Sumner-Fredericksburg-Tripoli threatened in the third. The Cougars hit backto-back singles with two outs, but Parsons ended the threat when she got the next batter to hit it back to her in the circle.
The Cougars managed just one hit off Parsons in the next three innings. She was
pulled after allowing a single and a walk to lead off the seventh.
The Mustangs erased the lead-off hitter on the bases after she slid past second attempting to steal the bag.
Webb got the next batter to hit it back to her in the circle and the game ended when Lillian Humpal ran down a ball near the foul line in left field.
Parsons lowered her earned run average to 1.21 and finished the season with 101 strikeouts.
Webb earned her state-leading 12th save. She did not allow a hit or a run but hit one batter in 2/3 innings of work. Webb’s final season ERA was 1.50.
“They weren’t getting a whole lot of hard contact against Rylee today,” Hudnut said. “We just let her go, and we knew after the fourth if we needed Cam she would be ready and she did get the final two outs for us. That was huge. Rylee just pitched her heart out today. She did a good job.”
Parsons said after the win that the team talked a lot the night before about getting one final win for Drake, the team’s lone senior.
Lindsay, who had two hits in the win, said a big part of their overnight conversations at the Iowa Central Community College campus dorms were about enjoying the moment and recognizing what they accomplished this season.
“We talked about recognizing that we made history at PCM,” Lindsay said. “We made it this far. Why not enjoy everything around us. We are proud of everyone and the coaches are beyond proud of all of us and they’ve expressed that a lot. We are just lucky to be here.”
Drake led the Mustangs at the plate with three hits, including her third dinger of the season.
Lindsay doubled, scored one run and stole two bases and Winters’ double produced the game-winning runs. Addi Hudnut had one hit and one steal, Webb tallied one hit, Steenhoek was hit by a pitch and Ryan DeVore scored one run.
Lindsay ends the season with a teambest 32 runs and 54 total bases and Winters registered a team-most 34 hits and 34 RBIs.
“It feels really good (to get a win),” Lindsay said. “We thought we could do a lot more. Just being here is the best feeling ever and going out on a win was better than we thought.”
Notes: The game was played on Iowa Central’s new turf field inside Rogers Park. Hudnut said the Mustangs prepared for the game by practicing on the turf baseball field inside the complex, but his team also plays spring league games on turf facilities at Southeast Polk and Johnston. He said Sumner-Fredericksburg-Tripoli was playing on turf for the very first time though. That may have caused the Cougar to slide past the base in the seventh. “You slide further on turf.” Hudnut said. “This was there first game on turf ever. So that would be a challenge for them.” ... Jamie Jones led the Cougars with two hits and one RBI. Murray (31-4) allowed two earned runs in seven innings in the circle. ... The Cougars came into the state tournament on a 15-game win streak but lost 9-8 to Dubuque Wahlert on July 22 in their quarterfinal game. ... PCM was 2-0 against the two teams with the most wins in 3A this season. Both Sumner-Fredericksburg-Tripoli and Clarinda finished the summer with 33 victories. ... There was only one strikeout in the game.

Explorer PCM

Williamsburg 8, PCM 3
When teams advance to the state tournament in any sport, taking advantage of opportunities and cashing in on opponent’s mistakes are usually a must.
When the opponent is the defending 3A state champions, it becomes even more crucial to cash in.
While PCM led second-ranked Williamsburg after two innings on July 22, the eighth-ranked Mustangs stranded two runners on base in the first, second and sixth frames during an 8-3 loss to the Raiders in their state quarterfinal matchup on Channel Seeds Field inside Rogers Park in Fort Dodge.
“You have to capitalize. The first inning was the big one,” Hudnut said. “We get two on and nobody out but don’t score. I think if we score there and it gets to 5-1, that’s a completely different game. That would have put more pressure on them. Any time we miss out on runs like that, at this stage, it’s a big deal.”
The Mustangs were limited to five hits and the 3-4-5-6 hitters went a combined 0-for-13 at the dish.
With just one senior and one junior on the roster, it may not be PCM’s last shot on the big stage. But Williamsburg is coming off a state championship and advanced to at least the semifinals in each of the past five seasons.
The Raiders (33-12) have four straight 30-win seasons. They were definitely the team with the most state tournament experience.
“That’s a really good hitting team,” Hudnut said. “They have some experience up here and got some big hits in some big moments.”
Williamsburg defeated Dubuque Wahlert, 3-2, in one semifinal game on July 24 and then downed Davenport Assumption, 12-9, in the 3A championship game on July 26 to go back-to-back.
Drake opened the state quarterfinal game against Williamsburg with a single on a 1-2 pitch. Steenhoek then reached on a bunt single to put two runners on with no outs.
Unfortunatley, Raider sophomore Jersey Metz got out of the inning with three straight outs, including two pop ups in the infield.
Trailing 1-0, the Mustangs scored all three of their runs in the second. Hadley Millang registered a one-out single before taking second on a wild pitch. She advanced to third on a ground out by Addi Hudnut.
With two strikes against her, Ila Keuning tied the game with a pinch-hit RBI single that scored Millang. Drake followed with an infield single and then the Mustangs scored two more runs on back-toback Williamsburg errors. Both Steenhoek and Lindsay were stranded on base though.
Metz got PCM in order in the third, fourth and fifth. Humpal reached on an error to lead off the sixth and Addi Hudnut drew a two-out walk to put two runners on base.
After both runners moved up a bag, Metz got out of the jam with a ground ball to second base.
Parsons, PCM’s starting pitcher, retired the first two batters in the first, but Williamsburg made it 1-0 after Taylor Pitlick doubled and Alley Gorsh singled.
“We knew it would be difficult, but we battled,” Parsons said. “It was a tie game after three innings. We tried our hardest and did our best.”
The Mustangs assisted the Raiders with two errors in the third. The Raiders tied the game at 3-all after Shannon Finn doubled and moved to third on an error. Parsons got the next batter but a sacrifice bunt and another error led to two unearned runs for the Raiders.
Webb (7-2) pitched the fourth, fifth and sixth and allowed five earned runs on five hits and one walk. She fanned one and took the loss.
Williamsburg did not score in the fourth but plated three runs in the fifth thanks to an RBI double by Pitlick and a two-run homer by Taylor Sanchez.
The homer bounced off the glove of PCM right fielder Kyra Naeve, who made a great leaping effort on the play. The homer made it 6-3.
“That was probably the turning point in the game. It was just bad luck though,” Coach Hudnut said about the homer. “(Kyra) almost made a fantastic play. I told her there’s nothing to be ashamed of. She gave it her all and that would have been a big play for us. It just happened to bounce off her glove and then went over. She was inches from making that catch.”
The Raiders added two more in the sixth as the first two batters reached on a single and a bunt single. Webb did not allow any more hits in the inning but Carly Rich’s fielder’s choice ground ball to Lindsay at shortstop produced two runs.
Williamsburg out-hit PCM 9-5 and there were five combined errors. Metz improved to 22-6 after allowing one earned run and striking out six in seven innings.
Parsons took the no decision after surrendering one earned run on four hits and one walk. She struck out two in three innings.
“Rylee and Cam pitched really well. They just got a few to the gaps,” Coach Hudnut said. “That’s what good hitting teams do. We thought the girls battled all night long. We gave them quite a fight.”
Drake led the PCM offense with two hits and one run. She now has 30 hits and 29 runs this season, which are both top four on the team.
Keuning finished with one hit and one RBI, Millang tallied one hit and one run and Steenhoek had the other hit. Carly Wilkerson scored one run.
Pitlick laced two doubles for the Raiders, while Finn had two hits and one run and Rich tallied two runs and two RBIs.
“We put up a good fight and were even up for a bit,” Drake said. “It was sad, but we are just happy to have that opportunity.”
Notes: The game started 1 hour and 15 minutes after the scheduled 7 p.m. start. ... Four of PCM’s five losses came against teams which were ranked at some point in the season. ... The Mustangs won the only other matchup against these two schools, 13-3, back in 2013.

Explorer PCM


PCM Mustangs
on your 5th Place Finish at the State Softball Tournament

The following business would like to congratulate the PCM Mustangs Softball team on their 5th Place finish at the State Softball Tournament.