Putnam County Record_02152023

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SM-PR2050336 504 S. McCoy St. Granville | 815-339-2511 | alcioniford.com $1000 FLEX BUY CASH ON 2022 FORD F150 & FORD EDGE! 2022 FORD EDGE 2022 FORD 150 SPORTS Wrestling: Bailey Herr advances to girls state / 13 LOCAL NEWS Eliza Ehnis represents Marshall-Putnam counties at Illinois 4-H Junior Livestock Conference / 2 LOCAL NEWS St. Margaret’s officials ask for state, federal funds / 10 Putnam County second graders receive hundreds of Valentines from around the globe / Page 4 WORLDWIDE LOVE “PRSRT STD.” US Postage Paid No. 486 SHAW MEDIA POSTAL PATRON LOCAL R.R. BOXHOLDER CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT PUTNAM COUNTY’S ONLY NEWSPAPER • ShawLocal.com Wednesday, February 15, 2023 • 50 CENTS Vol. 151 No. 7 One section 20 Pages © The Putnam County Record Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm * Sat-Sun by Appt siegtire.com 620 OLD HWY 26, HENNEPIN, IL COME IN FOR A SWEET DEAL! TIRE SALE! CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY!

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Deadline for obituaries is 5 p.m. Friday for Wednesday’s edition


The Putnam County Record encourages readers to submit news for publication in our paper. Special events, weddings, births, awards and honors, anniversaries, promotions, etc., are welcome items for the paper. Some fees may apply. Schools, businesses, organizations and groups are encouraged to send information on activities and events.



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Dan Goetz




Jayce Eustice



Eliza Ehnis represents Marshall-Putnam counties at Illinois 4-H Junior Livestock Conference

Shaw Local News Network

More than 100 youth attendees from 50 counties across Illinois took part in this year’s Illinois 4-H Junior Livestock Conference from Jan. 21-22 in Decatur.

Eliza Ehnis, a member of the Bell Plain Hustlers in Varna, represented the Marshall-Putnam 4-H during the event.

The event gave teen leaders a chance to share their knowledge and skills with the youth that will follow in their footsteps in the livestock industry.

“It’s fun to watch the next generation pick up and enjoy the livestock area,” Livestock Ambassador Team member Makenna Green of Douglas County said. “I had a lot of people do that for me when I was younger and it’s fun to give back. We’re developing skills as teachers at the same time they’re developing hands-on skills.”

Attendees participated in Glove-Up Sessions throughout the conference, which allowed them to work on


Tri-County Opportunities Council offers 2023 scholarships

Tri-County Opportunities Council will offer at least 12 scholarships to income-eligible students residing in the agency’s service area. The scholarships are worth up to $1,250 and have been made available by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Development through its Community Services Block Grant funds.

To be eligible for the scholarship competition, applicants must be a member of an income-eligible household and must plan to attend an Illinois-accredited post-secondary institution in the fall.

Applicants must reside in Bureau, Carroll, La Salle, Marshall, Ogle, Putnam, Stark or Whiteside counties. They also must be considered full-time students to

The event gave teen leaders a chance to share their knowledge and skills with the youth that will follow in their footsteps in the livestock industry.

hands-on skills such as giving injections, wound suturing, product quality, marketing and more.

The event focused on education, but

qualify for the full $1,250.

The application deadline is March 24. More information and application forms can be obtained by callling 800-3235434, ext. 710, or visiting www.tcohelps. org.

Acoustic jam to take place Feb. 19 in Peru

An acoustic jam is set for 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 19, at Music Suite 408 in Peru with facilitators. Michael and Lisa Templeton of Lostant.

Do you play bluegrass, folk or pop music? Guitar, fiddle, banjo, mandolin and bass players are welcome to jam. Everyone is welcome to attend. A freewill offering will be taken at the door. Light refreshments will be provided. To attend, call 815-223-4408. Music

also created great opportunities to build camaraderie and a sense of teamwork around a shared passion for the livestock industry.

2 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD
Photo provided Suite 408 is located in the west wing of the Westclox Building in Peru (U.S. 6 and Walnut Street). – Shaw Local News Network Photo provided An acoustic jam is set for 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 19, at Music Suite 408 in Peru with facilitators Michael and Lisa Templeton of Lostant.

Henry’s Cindy Salisbury named 2023 Friend of Illinois County Fairs

Salisbury helped create the M-P fair’s annual Family Fun Night Shaw Local News Network

At the 112th annual convention of the Illinois Association of Agricultural Fairs, volunteers were acknowledged for their service to agriculture, county fairs and youth and Cindy Salisbury of Henry was selected to be a 2023 Friend of Illinois County Fairs.

In the spring of 2011, Salisbury approached the board of the Marshall-Putnam Fair with the idea of a Family Fun Night during the fair. It was her dream to offer an event where local families could come to the fair and enjoy an evening of fun activities at little or no cost.

The annual Family Fun Night has grown every year since and the Marshall-Putnam Fair said it is “very lucky to have such a devoted volunteer willing to undertake so many roles to help promote agriculture.”

Salisbury donates countless hours of her time to the event, including canvassing local financial support, scheduling various activities, advertising the events and soliciting volunteers to

supervise the happenings.

The event attracts hundreds of families from several neighboring counties each year.

“Salisbury’s energy is never-ending,” Marshall-Putnam Fair officials said. “Each year she brings back family favorites and adds additional attractions to reach more age groups. Her dedication and love for the fair keeps improving our family-oriented event yearly.”

Salisbury also often takes on the responsibility of designing and creating a float for the local Fourth of July parade to advertise the fair. She has organized workdays for the float and recruited volunteers to pass out fair information flyers along the parade route.

The Marshall-Putnam Fair Board directors hosted a surprise reception in Salisbury’s honor Feb. 4 at the fair office.

Rod Rumbold, M-P Board vice president, presented Salisbury with the IAAF award, an engraved glass cookie jar. The directors presented her with a floral arrangement and served desserts.

The Marshall-Putnam Fair congratulated Salisbury on receiving the award of IAAF Friend of Illinois County Fairs.

3 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 108 N Front St Hennepin, IL • (815) 925-9100 Serving Thursday-Sunday
SERVING BREAKFAST! Side orders Comes with choice of sausage patty (3) or bacon (3) and white or wheat toast. Add hashbrowns $2, with cheese $3 Eggs 2 eggs your way $8 Sunny side up, over easy, over medium, over hard Pancakes 2 Sweet Cream pancakes $7 3 Sweet Cream $8 French Toast 1 Texas Toast $7 2 Texas Toast $8 Biscuits and Gravy 1 biscuit $7 2 biscuits $8 1 egg $2 Side Gravy $2 Biscuit plain $3 1 Pancake $3 Bacon (1) $2 Extra Toast $1 1 French Toast $4 Sausage (1) $2 LIBERTY VILLAGE Medicare, Medicare Replacements and Insurance Suites with Private Bath/Shower 3230 B ecker D rive , P eru • 815-224-2200 140 N. 6 th S t ., P ri N ceto N • 815-875-6600 Stop in for a tour & see our stateof-the-art therapy equipment. BOUNCE into 2023 with us! www.simplythefinest.net Not-For-Profit Providers
Photo provided by the Marshall-Putnam Fair Rod Rumbold, M-P Board vice president, presented Cindy Salisbury with the IAAF award, an engraved glass cookie jar. The directors presented her with a floral arrangement and served desserts.

PCPS students receive Valentines from around the globe

Students learned that love, kindness stretches far beyond Illinois

Putnam County Primary School

second graders received an outpouring of letters, postcards and valentines from friends, family and strangers around the globe.

Second grade teachers Amy Bell, Ashley Bush and Taylor Kimble made a post to the school’s Facebook page asking the public to send their classes valentines or postcards. The post was shared to the teachers’ personal pages, by parents and many others. The response was massive.

“We’ve received hundreds of letters,” Kimble said. “It’s gone much further than we ever thought possible.”

Each day the classes would open the mail as a class and then show the students on a map where the card came from. They then would place the cards on the maps posted in the hallway with strings, connecting the cards to their origins.

At first, most of the cards were sent from students’ relatives, but as the cards continued to roll in, the teachers were surprised to find many of them were from strangers.

“Our purpose spread very quickly

and we even received postcards from other countries, people we really don’t know, and also we received a few from individuals in the military,” Kimble said. “One of the cool ones we got was from Guam and it was a person who used to be from the Putnam County area.”

Bell added that many people didn’t send just one card, but rather one to each of the three classes.

“I think it’s really cool, too, people are so generous,” Bell said. “People will include stickers or really cool

postcards to show the landmarks in their state or their country and all kinds of really neat things, so it’s always a surprise when we open the letter.”

Some senders even sent cards from their pets and included pictures, which the kids enjoyed. Others took the time to include interesting facts and landmarks about their city and gave tips to the students in case they ever traveled there.

“One of the biggest impacts I’ve seen is that [the students] were

amazed that kindness can come from somebody who has no idea who they are,” Kimble said. “It has inspired them to pass on that kindness to others as well.”

Many of the letters they received were from Florida, Bell said, which also served as a lesson in different climates. They explained to the students that some Illinois residents live in the Sunshine State part of the year to escape the cold winter months.

“Learning about where we live on the map in relation to other people has been important to them,” Bell said.

Bell said she knew of another teacher who implemented this project and thought it would be worthwhile to do with her students.

“[The teacher] had really good success with her first graders,” Bell said. “I know it aligned really well with our curriculum, because we study holidays around the world during Christmastime and we learn about all different countries and their traditions. We also do a mapping unit, so it’s fun to talk about the different directions and where these places fall on the map and how you could get there.”

The teachers were appreciative of the Putnam County community and beyond for supporting their project and helping the students reach so many people.

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4 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD CALL 815-339-2222 WWWW.GNBONLINE.COM
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Photo provided by Taylor Kimble Putnam County Primary School second graders received hundreds of valentines from people around the globe after the teaching team of Amy Bell, Ashley Bush and Taylor Kimble sent out a message for participation.
5 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 333 MAIN, PEORIA • 676-2341 or 1-800-654-8734 www.janssenlawcenter.com SM-PR2050540 Leading American Attorneys Illinois Super Lawyers American Trial Lawyers Association Illinois Trial Lawyers Association Illinois Appellate Lawyers Association Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers Martindale AV -highest national rating Who’s Who - 24 years in a row Number 1 Journal Star Readers Choice Award - every year Past Chairman of Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois University of Illinois Distinguished Alumni Award Fortune Magazine’s America’s Premier Lawyers Fellow of American Academy of Trial Council The National Trial Lawyers - Top 100 Trial Lawyers

Chief Senachwine DAR members learn citizenship

IVCC educator Sandra Woest delivers presentation

Shaw Local News Network

The Chief Senachwine DAR Chapter heard Feb. 4 from presenter, Sandra Woest, about U.S. Citizenship and the Naturalization Process. Woest has been a teacher at Illinois Valley Community College for 14 years after serving as as teacher and principal in the Putnam County School District.

Woest explained the process for becoming a citizen of the United States, legal residence for a specific period of time and the 14-page application with fees. A background check also is required.

Those desiring citizenship must demonstrate the ability to speak, read and write the English language one-on-one before examiners. They must also prove their knowledge of U.S. civics, Constitutional gov-

ernment and historical background by answering questions selected by the examiner from a 100-question quiz.

If a prospective citizen fails their first attempt, the entire process must be repeated including legal residence proof, background check, application, expensive fees and tests by an examiner.

Woest also added attending a ceremony for admitting citizens is inspiring. She related that the majority of those taking her classes state there are two reasons for desiring citizenship including the opportunities America affords and for safety.

The next meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. Friday, March 3, at Henry’s First Presbyterian Church, 511 Wirt St., following a reception and program for the chapter’s Good Citizens from the senior classes at Henry-Senachwine, Midland and Putnam County schools.

Presenter of the program, “Darlene’s Silver Streaks and the Bradford Model-T Girls,” will be author John Butte.


A $2,000 scholarship will be awarded to a senior Granville Township student from the Putnam County High School Class of 2023 during the spring awards ceremony. Those eligible are:

1. Senior students who have been a resident of Granville Township for at least 2 years

2. The student is currently enrolled and has attended PCHS for at least 2 years

3. The student is planning to attend a school that awards college credit or a certificate of advanced learning.

The first scholarship of $1500 was awarded in 2008 and since 2012 additional scholarships of $1000 have been awarded. This year we plan to award a $2000 scholarship as well as additional $1500 awards to deserving students

Over the past 15 years 36 students have received a total of $45,500 from the Hopkins Alumni Scholarship funds.

PCHS senior students should contact the Guidance Counselor for an application and additional information.

Elmer and Adolf Pletsch Charitable Trust Scholarships Available

Members of the Elmer and Adolph Pletsch Charitable Trust Scholarship Committee are announcing the availability of scholarship funds for the 20232024 school year. Eligibility is limited to applicants who are graduates of Putnam County High School. Both current college/university undergraduate students and current Seniors at Putnam County High School who will be pursuing an undergraduate degree in agriculture or agriculture related fields of study at a college/university that has an agriculture program or agriculture curriculum in the 2023-2024 school year are encouraged to apply. Scholarship awards are intended to be applied to the cost of tuition, textbooks, fees, and other expenses normally associated with attending undergraduate courses of study, as determined by the Committee. The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to make judgments on whether applicants have satisfied all scholarship requirements. Graduation from Putnam County High School is a requirement. Scholarship Guidelines and Application forms may be obtained from the Putnam County High School Counselor’s office or printed from the PCHS Guidance Counselor’s website which is accessible through the Putnam County School District website under PCHS - Guidance Services. Completed applications are required to be returned to the office of the Superintendent of Putnam County School District 535 located at the Putnam County Primary School in Granville, Illinois no later than Wednesday, March 15, 2023.

Trustee: Gayle Reno

Attorneys: Gary Peterlin & Enrico Eattoni

Perona, Peterlin & Associates, LLC.

Photo provided by Sharon Bittner On Feb. 4, the Chief Senachwine DAR Chapter heard from presenter, Sandra Woest, about U.S. Citizenship and the Naturalization Process. Woest has been a teacher at IVCC for 14 years after serving as as teacher and principal in the Putnam County School District.
6 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD
7 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Downtown Peru 800-352-7018 1622 Fourth Street Just West of the Post Office When You Think Computers, Think SERVICING THE ILLINOIS VALLEY FOR OVER 56 YEARS WHEN PERFORMANCE MATTERS. Jeff
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Tom Hancock
Photo provided by Jerry Masini
Granville Knights of Columbus donates $1,784 to Putnam County schools’ special needs program
The Granville Knights of Columbus donated $1,784.51 to the Putnam County schools’ special needs program from its Tootsie Roll fundraiser to benefit people with intellectual disabilities. Accepting the donation are Becca Herrmann, special education teacher; Kristin Erickson, special education teacher; Doug Ossola, Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll chairman; and Susan McNelis, director of student services.

fair exceeded expectations by attracting 17 businesses and about 50 students.

Freedom House opens satellite office in Lacon

Freedom House, the state-mandated agency providing free services for victims of domestic and sexual violence, is opening a satellite office located at 415 Fifth St. in Lacon.

The office is one block from the Marshall County Courthouse and will serve the legal advocacy and mental health counseling needs of adult, teen and child clients.

“This new office reinforces our long-standing commitment to serve the residents of Marshall County and nearby Putnam and Stark counties,” Freedom House Board of Directors member Jennifer Beaver said.

The agency has its headquarters in Princeton, located at 440 Elm Place, that houses a 32-bed emergency shelter with addition satellite offices in Geneseo, Cambridge and Kewanee.

Since 1983, Freedom House has provided a secure, confidential haven for victims of domestic and sexual violence.

The nonprofit offers free emergency shelter, legal advocacy, medical advocacy, counseling and prevention education with funding from government grants and community donations. –ShawLocalNewsNetwork

Photo provided by Fran Brolley
IVCC ag program receives 2nd $1K donation from Wenona man SM-PR2054732 BI-COUNTY LITTLE LEAGUE REGISTRATION Ages 4-16 based on USA Little League Players Chart www.bicountyll.com Open through 2/25 SM-PR2054864 * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 02/09/2023. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit www.fdic.gov or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). FDI-1867L-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AECSPAD > edwardjones.com | Member SIPC 9-month 4.70% APY* 1-year 4.75% APY* 2-year 4.50% APY* Mary F Chambers, AAMS™ Financial Advisor 329 Fifth Street Lacon, IL 61540 309-246-2008 Call or visit your local financial advisor today. Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured 8 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD
Daryle Wragge of Wenona recently made his second $1,000 donation to the Illinois Valley Community College agriculture program. Wragge (center) is joined by IVCC President Jerry Corcoran (left to right) and ag program co-coordinators Willard Mott and Jennifer Timmers. Wragge made the gift at IVCC’s Jan. 26 Agriculture Job and Internship Fair. The first-time
9 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Take advantage of the new 30% Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) with PWRcell, Generac’s fully-integrated solar + battery storage system. PWRcell will help you save money on your electric bill and be prepared for utility power outages. Plus it’s compatible with most existing solar arrays. Now’s the Right Time Purchase a PWRcell and Receive a Free Ecobee Smart Thermostat Enhanced – valued at over $189!* *Scan the QR code for promo terms and conditions. SAVE 30% WITH THE SOLAR Call to request a free quote! (888) 969-4166 TAX CREDIT ^Consult your tax or legal professional for information regarding eligibility requirements for tax credits. Solar panels sold separately. Terms and conditions: O er redeemable only when customer purchases a qualifying Generac PWRcell Solar + Battery Storage System from an authorized Generac dealer* and registers the PWRcell Solar + Battery Storage System on Generac.com. O er not available at retail, wholesale, or e-commerce businesses where Generac PWRcell Solar + Battery Storage Systems are sold. Refurbished products are excluded from this o er. PWRcell Solar + Battery Storage System must be installed and activated in order for the customer to be eligible to receive the Ecobee Smart Thermostat. Proof of purchase along with other documentation may be required to be submitted to receive this o er. Individual prices may vary. Generac reserves the right to modify and/or rescind this o er at any time without notice. O er valid only on qualifying purchases made in the United States (excluding American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands) and Canada. Customer has 60 days from the day of PWRcell Solar + Battery Storage System registration to redeem their o er for an Ecobee Smart Thermostat.

state, federal funds to

Hours after Illinois Valley lawmakers urged St. Margaret’s to develop a plan for expectant mothers following the recent Peru hospital closure, St. Margaret’s officials issued a five-page statement Monday evening saying they will need “an immediate infusion of state support” in order to continue operations and services.

The letter issued by St. Margaret’s President and CEO Tim Muntz and Board Chairperson Terry Judd was provided to state Sen. Sue Rezin, R-Morris, and state Rep. Lance Yednock, D-Ottawa.

St. Margaret’s has said it intends to convert the Peru hospital, which closed Jan. 28, to a Rural Emergency Hospital, a new designation that allows the hospital to collect more funding, but officials said in the letter they “may not have the finances to convert SMH-Peru to an REH without financial assistance from state or federal monies.”

“Without an immediate infusion of cash, we cannot pursue an REH in Peru,” St. Margaret’s officials said in the letter.

In the letter, St. Margaret’s officials said they would like to bring back obstetrics services, but called it a challenging service to provide because of the economics of reimbursements and other factors that have resulted in other Illinois hospitals to discontinue the ser-


St. Margaret’s officials also said they need to shore up the financial situation with their Spring Valley hospital, which remains open as a full-service hospital and emergency room. Officials said they have a backlog of bills for both facilities.

“The amount needed to accomplish both opening the REH and temporarily reopening OB in SMH-Peru, and continuing operation in SMH-SV is significant,” St. Margaret’s officials said in the

letter. “The reason OB would be temporarily at SMH-Peru is that it would need to move to SMH-SV if SMH-Peru is designated an REH.”

Officials acknowledged that they are exploring options, including acquisition by a larger health system.

“We would like to engage state policy markers in a pilot or demonstration program, which keeps OB available in our area and in similar areas across the state who have faced this dilemma or

will face it in the near future,” St. Margaret’s officials said in the letter, adding that the financial crisis facing St. Margaret’s in Spring Valley and Peru is not unique to the region. “Just a few days ago, the Illinois General Assembly and governor recognized the crisis in health care finance by approving $460 million in emergency relief funds for hospitals statewide. As two general acute care hospitals, SMH will receive a combined $1.2 million approximately, once approved by CMS, expected in April. This is greatly appreciated, but more is needed immediately.”

Officials outlined within the letter the background of St. Margaret’s acquiring IVCH in 2021, a process that started in 2018. St. Margaret’s assumed responsibility for underfunded pensions, to the tune of several millions, in the acquisition.

Despite a shared $8 million in COVID relief funds within its Sisters of Mary of the Presentation, revenue was lost from suspending elective surgeries and a drop in outpatient and inpatient activity.

Staff shortages also became problematic for the Peru hospital, officials said. Staff wages were increased, but could not compete with wages offered by agencies of larger, competing health systems. Retention bonuses and sign-on bonuses were offered, but did not prove successful.

10 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD We’re ready to lend! Zac Lehn zlehn@northcentralbank.com 815-894-2386 NMLS# 1593736 Dean Colmone dcolmone@northcentralbank.com 815-925-7373 NMLS# 145488 Apply online 24/7 www.northcentralbank.com 1st Time Buyers • Conventional Loans • Refinancing • Pre-Approvals
hospital officials ask for
continue services
St. Margaret’s
Scott Anderson file photo – sanderson@shawmedia.com Hours after Illinois Valley lawmakers urged St. Margaret’s to develop a plan for expectant mothers following the recent Peru hospital closure, St. Margaret’s officials issued a five-page statement Monday evening saying they will need “an immediate infusion of state support” in order to continue operations and services. See ST. MARGARET’S, page 12

LZ Resale and Indoor Shooting Range reopens in Spring Valley

LZ Resale and Indoor Shooting Range, 120 E. St. Paul St., Spring Valley, recently reopened after closing in December 2021.

Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Guests are required to bring their current FOID card and ear and eye protection. Targets are available. No ammo is for sale.

Reopened by former owner Ed Zeglis, Zeglis said he also will be buying gold, silver and guns and will be buying and selling other items as well.

For information, call Zeglis at 815-326-5544.

Ashley Furniture opens

An Ashley Furniture Outlet store recently opened at 1651 38th St., Peru.

The 25,000-square-foot store will sell indoor and outdoor furniture, as well as mattresses.

“(The outlet store is) a more causal atmosphere,” said owner Mike Bruegge, who also has stores in Peoria, Champaign and Mt. Vernon. “We have the same product as a HomeStore. The way it’s laid out we’ll have a high density of items, so we’ll have more product is a smaller space, which will give Peru a big selection of Ashley. The largest selection of Ashley in the area.”

A grand opening is planned Thursday, March 2, through Sunday, March 5, with local food trucks and an axe-throwing station. The storefront had been vacant since the closing of MC Sports in 2017.

Garbage disposal company offers residential service for rural customers

All American Disposal in Granville recently began offering residential service for rural customers in Hennepin, Granville, McNabb, Magnolia and La Salle/Dimmick.

Family-owned and operated by Mandy Burash, All American Disposal also offers commercial garbage service.


Quotes can be requested at info@allamericandisposal.net or by calling 815-339-2248. For information, go online to allamericandisposal.net or find All American Disposal on Facebook.

Ottawa skating rink adds Sunday hours

Paramount Skating Arena, 1511 Chestnut St., Ottawa, recently announced the addition of Sunday hours.

Beginning Feb. 5, the rink began opening every other Sunday from 2 to 4:30 p.m. For information, visit fb. com/paramountskate.

• The Times / NewsTribune / Bureau County Republican is committed to keeping readers up to date with business happenings in the area. Much of our reporting relies on what we see and hear, but we’re also reaching out to readers for tips on business items. If you have a tip to share for Eyes on Enterprise, email newsroom@mywebtimes.com.

Magnolia Cemetery Spring Clean Up March 1st

Spring clean up of the Magnolia Cemetery begins March 1st. All Fall, Winter, Christmas decorations are to be removed. Items to be saved should be removed before this time. Any items remaining are assumed not wanted and will be disposed of by the grounds keeper.

Magnolia Cemetery Association Board

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Stephanie Jaquins for Shaw Local News Network LZ Resale and Indoor Shooting Range, 120 E. St. Paul St., Spring Valley, recently reopened after closing in December 2021.
EYES ON ENTERPRISE 11 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Stephanie Jaquins

Sublette’s Deb Schultz presented 2023 Outstanding Business Woman of the Year Award

Shaw Local News Network

Sublette’s Deb Schultz recently was awarded the 2023 Outstanding Business Woman of the Year at the IL Agri-Women annual meeting.

Schultz was nominated by her peers in recognition of her loyalty, devoted service and outstanding contributions to agriculture and the IL Agri-Women organization. IL Agri-Women is a statewide organization comprised of women from all walks of life involving agriculture.

Schultz graduated from Amboy High School in 1982 and then started her 30-plus year career in banking including a 10-year hiatus to stay home with her kids while babysitting several neighbor kids.

Schultz has worked from the teller line to her current position as vice president for North Central Bank in Hennepin and Ladd.

Schultz is a 2012 graduate of the IL Ag Leadership program, IAW VP of Education 2017-19, IAW president from 2019-22.


Continued from page 10

“For instance, on the day SMH-Peru temporarily suspended inpatient services, there were 300 unfilled job openings across the SMH organization,” St. Margaret’s officials said in the letter. “As a result, SMH has been forced to pay contracted labor agencies almost $16 million of unbudgeted monies in the last 12 months.”

Officials also pointed to how a cyberattack in February 2021 halted billing for a period of time.

In the letter, St. Margaret’s said significant capital investments were needed in Peru’s facility, and, because of that, the original plan to make Peru an acute care hospital and Spring Valley an outpatient center was nixed, and services with the exception of OB and ICU had moved to Spring Valley’s facility. St. Margaret’s also said the Peru hospital had difficulty in attracting and retaining hospitalists to provide care.

St. Margaret’s consolidated its obstetrics into one unit in Peru, but officials said they still lost money.

“For every dollar of delivery, SMH receives ten cents, resulting in a $3.5 million loss annually,” St. Margaret’s officials said in the letter. “It is SMH’s wish to support OB services in the Illinois Valley, if adequate funding is made

available from state or federal government sources.”

St. Margaret’s said its hopes relied on gaining the Rural Emergency Hospital status at the beginning of the year. Necessary legislation passed in both chambers and Gov. JB Pritzker signed the bill into law, but the necessary rule making was not ready from the Illinois Department of Public Health.

St. Margaret’s officials said in the letter that the last straw was in December, when St. Margaret’s was notified by its Peru ER physician provider that it had not received payment for August, September and October, totaling $698,000.

St. Margaret’s said it paid these balances by Dec. 30 as agreed, but received a letter Jan. 13 terminating ER physician services in 15 days. Officials said they couldn’t find an alternative to cover the emergency room.

The end result was an announcement Jan. 19 to close the Peru hospital on Jan. 28, officials said.

“We realize our error now in not reaching out to our legislators sooner to inform them of this crisis,” St. Margaret’s officials said in the letter.

Lawmakers have been critical of St. Margaret’s for not notifying them until after the closure announcement. Earlier Monday, Yednock said that if St. Margaret’s had alerted them sooner to the possibility of a suspension of closure, “maybe we have could have helped stave this off.”

12 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Come foratourtosee what we have tooffer! Peru •Streator•Princeton 815-224-2200 •815-672-1900 •815-875-6600 www.simplythefinest.net Comeoutofthe cold andintothecare of... Haw thor ne InnAssistedLiving at Not-For-ProfitProviders DAILYS OCIAL ACTIVITI ES PersonalAssistancewithDailyNeeds MEDI CATIONAS SISTANCE Private &CompanionSuites FR EEMEMBERSHIP TO AJ’SFITN ES SCENTER, LOCATE DON-SITE SM-LA2050105 Come out of the cold and into the care of... DAILY SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Personal Assistance with Daily Needs MEDICATION ASSISTANCE Private & Companion Suites FREE MEMBERSHIP TO AJ’S FITNESS CENTER, LOCATED ON-SITE Come for a tour to see what we have to offer! Peru • Streator • Princeton 815-224-2200 • 815-672-1900 • 815-875-6600 www.simplythefinest.net Hawthorn Inn Assisted Living at Not-for-ProfitProviders PUTNAM COUNTY COMMUNITY CENTER 128 FIRST ST STANDARD, IL 61363 1(815)339-2711 or 1(800) 757-4579 WWW.PCASERVICES.ORG Program is available in-person or virtual. To register for the class or for more information on how to attend virtually, call the PCCC
Photo provided by Amy Golightly Sublette’s Deb Schultz poses for an undated photo after being awarded the 2023 Outstanding Business Woman of the Year at the IL Agri-Women annual meeting.


Bailey Herr going to girls state

Putnam County-Hall’s Bailey Herr earned a berth to the girls state wrestling tournament out of the Geneseo Sectional by placing in the top four on Saturday, Feb. 11.

After losing in the 170-pound semifinals to eventual champion Nydia Martinez of Joliet Catholic, Herr bounced back with a 49-second pin in the wrestleback.

In the third-place match, Herr pinned Minooka’s Sidney Ray in 4:25.

The state tournament is Feb. 24-25 in Bloomington.


Newark 32, Putnam County 19: The Lady Panthers lost to the Norseman in a nonconference game in Granville in a potential regional title game preview Wednesday, Feb. 8.

Putnam County is the No. 2 seed in the sub-sectional, while Newark is No. 3. Both teams will compete in the Class 1A Putnam County Regional next week.

Ava Hatton led the Panthers with


Team(s) to beat: (2) Putnam County (21-9), (3) Newark (21-7)

Saturday, Feb. 11 – (9) Midland 26, (10) Henry-LW 24 (6) St. Bede 55, (11) DePue 12

Mon., Feb. 13: Game 3 – (2) Putnam County vs. (9) Midland (9-22)

Game 4 – (3) Newark vs. (6) St. Bede (9-20)

Thursday, Feb. 16: Championship – Winners 3-4, 7 p.m.

At a glance: Newark just scored a 32-19 win Wednesday on the Lady Panthers’ home court in a probable title-game preview. PC coach Jared Sale said the regular season matchup would be a “chess match” in which neither team wanted to show much. “My initial thought was I absolutely do not like having to see them twice in 10 days,” Sale said. “The more I thought about it, I actually like it a little better. It really gives you a chance to see what they’re going to do against you. Part of our job as a coaching staff is to find a way to exploit things we see and make some adjustments.” However, Sale is not looking past the semifinal game against Midland. The Lady Panthers have beaten Midland three times. Last year, PC beat Midland three times in the regular

nine points, while Maggie Richetta added seven points and six rebounds.


Putnam County 56, Henry-Senachwine 39: Austin Mattingly scored 18 points to lead the Panthers to a Tri-County Conference victory at Senior Night on Friday, Feb. 10. Jackson McDonald had a double-double of 17 points and 10 rebounds for PC.


Lady Bruins, who reached the regional finals last year, would have to get past Newark to return.

Last year’s regional finals: Newark 64, St. Bede 35

Next: The regional winner advances to the Serena Sectional to play the Des Plaines winner (Willows Academy is 1 seed) on Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 6 p.m.


At Amboy (1A): Team to beat – (1) Amboy (24-4).

At Dwight (1A): Team to beat – (1) Serena (22-8). Area team: (4) Marquette (15-16).

At Wethersfield (1A): Team to beat – (2) Brimfield (20-9). Area teams: (3) Annawan (22-7), (6) Wethersfield (19-12).

At Bureau Valley (2A): Team to beat – (2) Princeton (26-4). Other area team: (5) Hall (17-13), (9) Bureau Valley (15-15).


Putnam County will host a boys Class 1A Sectional.

The No. 3 Panthers will play out of the Dwight Regional, opening with a home game at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 18 vs. No. 13 South Holland Unity Christian Academy.

Here’s a look at area postseason pairings:

Putnam County Sectional

Tue., Feb. 28

Game 1 at 7 p.m.: Winner Chicago Corliss Regional vs. Winner Dwight Regional

Wed., Mar. 1

Game 2 at 7 p.m.: Winner Midland Regional vs. Winner Chicago Horizon/Southwest Chicago) Regional

Fri., Mar. 3

Game 3 at 7 p.m.: Winner Game 1 vs. Winner Game 2

Dwight Regional

Sat., Feb. 18

Game 1 at TBA: (14) Chicago Morgan Park Academy at (2) Serena

Game 2 at TBA: (8) Gardner (G.-South Wilmington) at (7)


Game 3 at 6 p.m.: (13) South Holland Unity Christian Academy at (3) Putnam County

Game 4 at 1 p.m.: (9) Chicago Fenger at (5) Yorkville Christian

Wed., Feb. 22

Game 5 at 6 p.m.: Winner Game 1 vs. Winner Game 2

Game 6 at 7:30 p.m.: Winner Game 3 vs. Winner Game 4

Fri., Feb. 24

Game 7 at 7 p.m.: Winner Game 5 vs. Winner Game 6

Midland Regional

Sat., Feb. 18

Game 1 at 2 p.m.: (11) Streator Woodland at (10) St. Bede

Game 2 at TBA: (15) DePue at (4) Midland

Game 3 at TBA: (12) Henry at (6) Newark

Wed., Feb. 22

season before losing to the Timberwolves in the regional. “You just never know when you have to play a team that many times,” Sale said. “All it takes is one bad night by you or one good one for them.” ... St. Bede ended the regular season on a high note with a 44-42 win over Ridgeview and opened the regional with a 55-12 route over DePue. The

At Wilmington (2A): Team to beat –(1) Fieldcrest (28-3). Other area team: (4) Seneca (21-9).

At Dixon (3A): Team to beat – (1) Dixon (26-5). Other area team: (7) Sterling (3-26).

At Ottawa (3A): Team to beat – (1) Geneseo (25-6). Other area teams: (4) Ottawa (24-6), (6) La Salle-Peru (16-13), (9) Streator (4-27).

Game 4 at 6 p.m.: (1) Ottawa Marquette vs. Winner Game 1

Game 5 at 7:30 p.m.: Winner Game 2 vs. Winner Game 3

Fri., Feb. 24

Game 6 at 7 p.m.: Winner Game 4 vs. Winner Game 5

13 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Photos provided PC-Hall’s Bailey Herr wrestles at the Geneseo Sectional. Herr (left) placed third at the Geneseo Sectional. Mike Vaughn for Shaw Local News Network Putnam County will battle for the regional championship at home.

Joy & Ed’s in Utica made me love fried pickles

I hate pickles. But the Joy & Ed’s fried pickles turned me into a pickle lover for an evening.

I have friends and family who love ordering fried pickles at restaurants, as was the case during this visit to Joy & Ed’s in Utica. Naturally, because of this, I’ve sampled a variety of them from different restaurants in the Illinois Valley and beyond.

As someone who doesn’t care much for pickles, I’ll usually sample one or two, and leave it at that. But not with these.

Let me begin by saying they were some of the best fried pickles I’ve had. They were extremely fresh and hot; I probably should’ve let them cool down, but had a hard time waiting because they were so good. The fried pickles ($7.50) were slightly seasoned with the perfect amount of salt, and were served with a side of ranch that complemented the flavors nicely.

As a second course, I sampled the stuffed pepper soup and a cup of chili ($4); both were specials of the day.

The stuffed pepper soup had great flavor, and was what I needed on a cold January day. The chili was similarly enticing. It wasn’t spicy, but had a slight zest to it I found terrific. Both came with crackers to add an extra crunch.

For the main course, I ordered a plate of fried chicken. The menu offers a half or quarter portion, and then a selection between light meat, dark meat or a mix ($11 to $16). It comes with the choice of French fries, bar chips, tater tots or baked potato and a salad. I chose French fries, and substituted for the salad with the stuffed pepper soup.

My colleague ordered a simple ham and cheese sandwich ($10). It was a hot sandwich served on Texas toast with a side of pickles. You can’t go wrong with this classic and delicious combination.

Joy & Ed’s specializes in burgers, fried chicken, handheld sandwiches, starters, beer and wine, according to its website. Next time, I’d love to try the burgers and explore the drinks menu. They have outdoor entertainment and dining during the warmer months. While I dined for dinner, they also have a breakfast

and lunch menu I’d like to come back and try.

Not only was all the food delicious, the service was fantastic. We were greeted immediately upon arrival and seated right away. It’s a casual and welcoming ambiance, an overall comfortable experience. While we didn’t venture into the drinks menu, the


WHAT: Joy & Ed’s

WHERE: 113 Mill St., Utica

PHONE: 815-859-2008

INFORMATION: www.joyandedsbarandgrill.com

Fresh, hot and irresistible, the fried pickles at Joy & Ed’s in Utica were emblematic of the delicious fare at great value.

restaurant has a full bar in an adjoining room.

I’d say Joy & Ed’s is an inviting option if you want appealing food and service for a great price. Set in the heart of Utica, its location enables patrons to hop over to Bruce & Ollie’s for a quick ice cream dessert or to savor a post-meal walk to enjoy downtown.

•TheMysteryDinerisan employeeatShawMedia.The diner’sidentityisnotrevealed totherestaurantstaffbefore orduringthemeal.TheMysteryDinervisitsadifferent restaurantandthenreports ontheexperience.IftheMysteryDinercannotrecommend theestablishment,wewillnot publishastory.

14 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD
Shaw Media photos LEFT: The appetizing chili wasn’t spicy, but had a welcome slight zest. RIGHT: The half order of fried chicken filled my plate, and came with an option for French fries.
Restaurant reviews
15 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 It’s Time to GOLF!! Caring People... Caring Tradition . aring People.. www.cg hmc.com 613 1st Street, LaSalle 815.223.1795 130 3rd Street · LaSalle www.DrGergovich.com (815) 223-0647 130 3rd Street · LaSalle www.DrGergovich.com (815) 223-0647 Sue Heider, Mark Witek CFP, Steven Witek-CFP, Kristy Pytel and Amy Noy 613 First Street • La Salle 815.223.3332 witekwealthmanagement.com Registered Representatives with and Securities and Advisory Services offered through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor. Member FINRA & SIPC Sue Heider Spencer Luecke Mark Witek Steve Witek Kristy Pytel Amy Noy Pro Shop • Lessons Driving Range Just 1 mile west of Princeton off Route 6 & 34 815-872-2641 wyatonhillsgc@comcast.cnet The 2023 Starved Rock Country Discount Golf Card entitles the golfer whose name appears on the card to one (1) round of golf with FREE CART for only $25.00 at each of the 17 courses listed on the card. Good through 12/31/2023. Some restrictions. 800 Clinton Street, Ottawa (815)-433-2680 mylocalagent.com Pete McGrath Jay Bottarini You deserve more than 15 minutes! SM-SPAD1027152455 509 LaMoille Rd. Sublette www.woodhavenassociation.com 815-849-5476 High quality. Low prices. Get yourself some clubs without putting a dent in your wallet. OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK! 2950 Kane Rd, Leland Varna Computer Recycling 309-481-4028 Business Pickups Available Visit newstrib.com, mywebtimes.com or bcrnews.com to purchase yours today! Card may only be purchased online. 17 Courses! ONLY $80! Hammers Hearing Care Center With over 90 years of experience and 4 locations LASALLE, MENDOTA, OTTAWA, PRINCETON 815-224-2445 800-937-2609 hammershearing.com WE’RE ALWAYS HEAR FOR YOU! Not Pictured: Tricia Mudge myhtnb.com La Salle • Peru • Joliet

767 • Mobile Home Sales


All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subjec t to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any prefer ence, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an inte ntion, to make any such preference , limita tion or discrimination .”

Familial status includes children under the age of 18 livin g with parents or le gal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of child ren under 18. This newspaper will not know in gly ac cept any advertising for real estat e which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

To complain of discrimination call, HUD toll-free at 800- 669-9777. The toll-free telephone numbe r for the he aring impaired is 800-927-9275


Not anymore!

We’ve got tons of reliable vehicles at prices you can afford. Come in today and get back behind the wheel.


No. 202 2F C5


PUBLIC NO TICE IS H EREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on 01/12/ 2023, the Sheriff of Putnam County, Illinois will on March 9, 2023 at the hour of 9:00 AM at Sheriff's Office at the Putnam County Courthouse 120 North 4th Street Hennepin, IL 61327, or in a place otherwise designat ed at the time of sale, County of Putnam and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate:

PIN 02-00- 071- 020

02-00- 071- 030

Improved with Residential COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 305 E South St Granville, IL 61326

Sale term s: 10% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within tw enty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessm ents, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.

If the property is a condominium and the foreclosure takes place after 1/1/2007, purchasers other than the mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under The Condom inium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4).

If the property is located in a common interest comm unity, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).

If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney.

Upon paym ent in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject prem ises

The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information.


For information: Exam ine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: Codilis & Associates, P.C., 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, IL 60527, (630) 794- 9876. Please refer to file number 14-22-05721.

1, 8, 15, 2023 )


The James E. Crisman farm is located approximately 4 miles southwest of Buda, Illinois or 18 miles southwest of Princeton, Illinois. The property is further described as being located in Section 17, T15N•R7E, Macon Township, Bureau County, Illinois. The land represents highly productive, well maintained, Class A soil and a small wooded area suitable for recreational purposes.


Attorney: Michael L. English | Russell, English, Scoma & Beneke, P.C. Ten Park Ave. West, Princeton, IL 61356 | (815) 875-4555

Auction Manager: Dale Jones (309) 299-6400

16 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD
228 • Help Wanted 228 • Help Wanted MECHANIC Full ti me Mechanic needed in Ohio, IL Diesel mechan ic knowledge is preferred but wi ll train. Fl exible hours during the week but ne ed to work Saturdays. Co mpetitive pay and insurance benefi ts For more information call 815- 376- 2792 779 • Legal Foreclosure 779 • Legal Foreclosure 779 • Legal Foreclosure 779 • Legal Foreclosure IN THE CIRCU IT
First State Bank PLAINTIFF Vs Charles E. Weir; et. al. DEFENDANTS
I321 20 68 (Published in Putnam County Record February
VIRTUAL ONLINE 432 • Auctions 432 • Auctions 432 • Auctions
The Classifieds: Your Ticket to Local Finds Call or go online to browse, buy or sell! Shaw Media est . 1851 est. 1851 est . 1851

432 • Auctions 432 • Auctions 432 • Auctions 432 • Auctions 999 • Legal 999 • Legal


Online Auction Friday March 3rd, 2023 @ 10:00 AM

240 Acres MOL offered in 3 Tracts

Legal Description: Tract 1- 80 acres the S ½ of the NE 1/4 of section 15, Westfield Twp., Bureau Co., IL

Tract 2 - 80 acres MOL the N ½ of the SE ¼ of section 15, Westfield Twp., Bureau Co., IL

Tract 3 - 80 acres MOL the S ½ of the NW ¼ of section 23, Westfield Twp., Bureau Co., IL

Taxes: Tract 1 & 2 part of PIN 12-15-200-002 $ 7908.22 (Tract 1 & 2 currently one parcel)

Tract 3 - PIN 12-23-100-003 $ 4,317.06

Soils: The predominant soils are Osco silt loam, Sable silty clay loam, Muscatune silt loam, Sable silt loam, Catlin silt loam and Buckhart silt loam.

For inspection or further information visit our website www.mcconvillerealty.com or contact the auctioneers.

For online bidding visit www.proxibid.com/mcconville

Sellers: Lois M Flaherty Trust

Attorney: Michael English

Auctioneers: McConville Realty & Auctioneering

Joe McConville 815/910-5673




Case No. 2 023- PR-1 CLAIMS NOTICE

Notice is given of the death of ELMER WALDSCHMIDT, deceased, 14949 N. 600th Avenue, Granville, Putnam County, Illinois. Letters of Office were issued on January 26, 2023, to Mary D. Waldschm idt, 14949 N. 600th Avenue, Granville, Illinois 61326, whose attorney is Ryan J. Anderson, 611 Second Street, P.O. Box 174, Henry, IL 61537.

Claims against the Estate may be filed in the Office of the Clerk of said Court at the Putnam County Courthouse, Box 207, Hennepin, Illinois 61327 on or before August 8, 2023, or, if mailing or delivery of a notice from the representative is required by 755 ILCS 5/18-3, the date stat ed in that notice

Any claim not filed on or before said date is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered by the claimant to the representative within 10 days after it has been filed and proof of such mailing must be filed with the Court.

Dated: January 31, 2023.

Mary D. Waldschmidt

Independent Executor of the Estate of Elmer Waldschmidt, deceased Ryan J. Anderson Attorney for the Executor 611 Second Street, PO Box 174 Henry, IL 61537 (309)364- 2354

(Published in Putnam County Record February 8, 15, 22, 2023)2052602

999 • Legal

999 • Legal






ROBERT DIXON as Highway Comm issioner of Granville Township, Putnam County, Illinois, under the provisions of 605 ILCS 5/6- 305 and 605 ILCS 5/6- 311, does give notice that a hearing on this petition of twelve or more persons being legal voters in the Township for the vacating of certain roads shall be held at the Granville Township Office located at 212 S. McCoy Street in Granville, Illinois on February 21, 2023 at 7:00 o'clock p.m ., at which time the Highway Commissioner shall examine the routes and roads to be vacated pursuant to Statute and hear reasons for or against the vacating. The road(s) to be vacated is described as:


A portion of East 1100th Street of Granville Township, a north-south road with a variable width right- of-way existing in Sections 17 and 18, Township 32N, Range 1 West of the Third Principal Meridian, with a starting point 435 feet north of the Southwest Corner of said Section 17, north along the Section Line to the existing right-of-way of N. 945 Avenue which is a distance of approxim at ely 2,011 feet, said point being approximately 220 feet South along the Section line from the Northw est Corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 17.

Dated this 1st day of February, 2023.

Robert Dixon Highway Commissioner Granville Township



Publication Date: February 15, 2023


As required by Executive Order 11988, this is a notice of findings and public explanation for proposed activity in a 100- year floodplain.

The Village of Granvill e proposes to use funds allocated through the Comm unity Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending funds for the following proposed project: Wastewater Treatm ent Plant Improvem ents. The proposed project consists of draining down the existing tanks to make necessary repairs to the tank wall and make weir repairs While the tank is drained, the interior walls of the tanks will be re-coated. The aeration system will be reconfigured, and new diffusers will be installed with new air piping around the circumference of the tanks. Installation of a safety railing around the circumference of the tanks will be installed. Miscellaneous repairs to the clarifier scum arm will also be performed. Narrow walkways along the interior clarifier will be replaced with a wider and safer walkway. The Village is applying for $350,000 from Comm unity Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending funds administer ed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The Village of Granville hereby states that this proposed project would occur within an identified 100- year floodplain. However, the Village of Granville has reached a decision that this is the only practicable alternative for this proposed project.

This decision is based on an evaluation of the following alternatives: There are no alternatives that would accompli sh the same goals as this project without work taking place in the floodplain. The only alternative would be to not complete the project, in which no preventative repairs to the system are made to decrease the chance of major system failures. The Village of Granville would, however, ensure that this proposed project conforms to all state and local floodplain protection standards and would implem ent the following mitigation measures to minimize the potential adverse impacts: The project is not expected to have any im pacts on the base floodplain The tanks are preexisting and will be repaired and recoated All other additions and replacements will take place within the perimeter of the clarifier tank walls.

Interested citizens are invited to provide comments regarding these issues by prior written statement. Interested persons may also call Shug Grosenbach at (815) 433- 5830 for additional inform ation about this proposed project Written comments on this proposed project are invited and must be received by Shug Grosenbach at North Central Illinois Council of Governments, 613 W. Marquette St., Ottawa, IL 61350 by February 23, 2023. All such comments will be consider ed by the Village of Granville prior to its decision on the proposed project.

(Published in Putnam County Record February 15,, 2023)

17 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Advertise your goods and services in the Classifieds and reach hundreds of potential buyers daily. Call today to place your ad and make a sale quickly.
Marty McConville 815/200-2233
999 • Legal 999 • Legal
Jared Baker, Granville Village President


The Estate of Sharon L. Clausen, Deceased Case # 23 PR 2


Notice is given of the death of Sharon L. Clausen on January 3, 2023 and that Letters of Office as Executor were issued on February 9, 2023 to Sidney Whitaker, who may be contacted c/o his attorney as set forth below.

Claims may be filed six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this Notice of Claim Date or three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery, whichever is later, and any claim not filed on or before that date is barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Putnam County Courthouse, Hennepin, IL 61327, or with the Representative c/o his attorney, or both Within ten (10) days after a claimant files its claim, if filed with the Court, the claimant must mail or deliver a copy of the claim to the Representative c/o his attorney of record AND file with the Court proof of mailing or delivery of said copies

Dated February 9, 2023

/s/ Scott A. Shore, Attorney for Executor

Scott A. Shore, Attorney At Law 227 E. Court St - P.O. Box 231 Hennepin, IL 61327 Tel. 815-925- 7117 ShoreLawAndMediation@gmail.com

(Published in Putnam County Record February 15, 22, March 1, 2023) 2054725



Notice is hereby given that on March 15, 2023, the Lostant Community Unit School District No. 425 Board of Education, of LaSalle County, Illinois will sell at public sale at Lostant Comm unity Unit School District No 425 Board Room 315 W. 3rd Street, Lostant, IL 61334 at 6:00 p.m. by taking sealed bids which shall be accepted until 12:00 p.m. on March 13, 2023, at the Lostant Community Unit School District Administrative Office, 315 W. 3rd Street, Lostant, IL 61334 which bids will be opened at 12:00 p.m. on March 13, 2023 in the Lostant Comm unity Unit School District Board Room , 315 W. 3rd Street, Lostant, IL 61334 the following described property: Outlot 12 in Richey's Second Addition to the Village of Lostant, LaSalle County, Illinois EXCEPT the following described parcel:

The North part of Outlot 12 in Richey's Second Addition to the Village of Lostant, LaSalle County, Illinois described as follow s:

BEGINNING at an iron bar with cap at the Northwest corner of said Outlot 12; thence North 85 degrees 59 minutes 37 seconds East on the North line of said Outlot 12 302.13 feet to an iron bar with cap at the Northeast corner of said Outlot 12; thence South 04 degrees 06 minutes 53 seconds East on the East line of said Outlot 12 430.54 feet to an iron bar with cap; thence South 85 degrees 59 minutes 37 seconds West parallel with said North line 300.90 feet to an iron bar with cap on the West line of said Outlot 12; thence North 04 degrees 16 minutes 43 seconds West on said West line 430.54 feet to said iron bar with cap at the PO INT OF BEGINNING;

ALL containing 2.980 acres, more or less, subject to the rights of the public to any portion being used for roadway purposes and subject to any unrecorded easements and all easements of record, situated in the Village of Lostant, LaSalle County, Illinois.

Split from PIN #30- 24-307-010

Property Address: S. Main St., Lostant, IL 61334

Said sale will be made pursuant to the following terms to-wit: Terms as set forth in the Resolution authorizing the sale and Contract attached thereto. Interested parties are encouraged to review the Resolution and associated Contract to be entered into by and betw een the District and successful bidder, and are encouraged to request and review any other information that may be in the District's possession regarding the property The proposed Resolution, Contract and all such other available information is available upon request by visiting or calling the Superintendent's Office (815-368- 3392) or by email to: malahys@lostantcomets.org. By Order of the Board of Education of Lostant Comm unity Unit School District No. 425, LaSalle County

(Published in Putnam County Record February 8, 15, 22, 2023) 2053083


First State Bank PLAINTIFF Vs Charles E.



No. 202 2F C5


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on 01/12/ 2023, the Sheriff of Putnam County, Illinois will on March 9, 2023 at the hour of 9:00 AM at Sheriff's Office at the Putnam County Courthouse 120 North 4th Street Hennepin, IL 61327, or in a place otherwise designat ed at the time of sale, County of Putnam and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate:


PIN 02-00- 071- 020

02-00- 071- 030

Improved with Residential COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 305 E South St Granville, IL 61326

Sale term s: 10% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within tw enty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessm ents, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.

If the property is a condominium and the foreclosure takes place after 1/1/2007, purchasers other than the mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under The Condom inium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4)

If the property is located in a common interest comm unity, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).

If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney.

Upon paym ent in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject prem ises.

The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information.

IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOM EOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15- 1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Exam ine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: Codilis & Associates, P.C., 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, IL 60527, (630) 794- 9876. Please refer to file number 14-22-05721.

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(Published in Putnam County Record February 1, 8, 15, 2023 )

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