Putnam County Record_03272024

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SM-LA2130614 Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm * Sat-Sun by Appt siegtire.com 620 OLD HWY 26, HENNEPIN, IL CALL NOW for Maintenance done on your Tractor before the season starts! $105 Service Call! “PRSRT STD.” US Postage Paid No. 486 SHAW MEDIA POSTAL PATRON LOCAL R.R. BOXHOLDER CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT PUTNAM COUNTY’S ONLY NEWSPAPER • ShawLocal.com Wednesday, March 27, 2024 • 50 CENTS FINE DAY FOR FISHING Masters Walleye Circuit returns to Spring Valley / 6 Vol. 152 No. 13 One section 16 Pages © The Putnam County Record LOCAL NEWS Man charged in Putnam County burglary / 8 SPORTS Three PC players named to All-Area Basketball Team / 12 ELECTION 2024 County registers 20.2% voter turnout for primary / 3

Serving Putnam County since 1868



426 Second St. La Salle, IL 61301


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Deadline for obituaries is 5 p.m. Friday for Wednesday’s edition


The Putnam County Record encourages readers to submit news for publication in our paper. Special events, weddings, births, awards and honors, anniversaries, promotions, etc., are welcome items for the paper. Some fees may apply. Schools, businesses, organizations and groups are encouraged to send information on activities and events. Photos should be sent as an attachment.

815-875-4461 news@putnamcountyrecord.com

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815-875-4461 dbarichello@shawmedia.com

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The Putnam County Library District will host a number of activities in April.

The library district will virtually host at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 3, “Illinois Libraries Presents: The Hidden Gifts of Visual Thinkers with Dr. Temple Grandin.” A Zoom link will be available at putnamcountylibrary.org.

Join the library for a special event with Grandin, one of the world’s most accomplished and well-known adults with autism. Grandin has been at the forefront of research and activism for autism and neurodiversity for decades. Her memoir, “Emergence: Labeled Autistic,” was published in 1986 and she has continued to write about autism and neurodivergence over the decades. Her most recent book is “Visual Thinking: The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think in Pictures, Patterns and Abstractions.”

Hennepin, 214 N. Fourth St.

6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, April 5: Game Night Competition, third through eighth grade. Nintendo Switch on the big screen projector. The library will provide pizza, soda and chips.

12:30 p.m. Monday, April 8: Solar Eclipse at Wetlands. Meet at the library first before heading over to the Dixon Waterfowl Refuge outside of Hennepin. The group also will be handing out solar eclipse glasses for third through fifth grade students of Putnam County elementary schools. Pick up a pair at the library for yourself.

April 8-12: Cricut MakerSpace. Learn how to use the Cricut Maker on select Thursdays and Fridays. Crafty adults and teens welcome. All day event. Call ahead. This month is Glass Subway Tiles.

1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 13: Library mini golf, National Library Week is the second week of April. The library is opening after hours once more for a fun activity for the whole family. All ages are welcome. April 15-19: Essential Oil Bracelets, all day. Make your own essential oil bracelets at the library.

11 a.m. Thursdays, March through May:


Illinois Valley Democrats to meet March 28

The Illinois Valley Democrats are scheduled to meet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 28, at the La Salle Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4668, 2325 Donahue St.

The group will be discussing the recent primary election results and focusing on a strategic plan for the general election in November. All Democrats are invited to attend. Food can be bought through the La Salle VFW.

Library of Things demos. The library will be demonstrating an activity from our Library of Things together with patrons.

All month long: Steam 2 Go!: STEAM Craft to go project. Pick up during library hours. April at the library is making Anemometers.

Granville, 214 S. McCoy St.

Pick up viewing glasses for the April 8 eclipse. Supplies are limited.

Tuesday, April 9: National Library Week. The library will have family activities available. Make your own bookmark, story time trivia and library scavenger hunt, guess how many book worms!

Saturday, April 13 and 27: Make seed bombs during library hours.

March through May: Coloring is not just for kids: Join the library at the Granville branch to express your creative side and reduce stress while creating one-of-a-kind art. You can choose to turn your artwork into a personal set of note cards.

Tuesday afternoons, 3 to 5 p.m. and Saturdays, 10 to 11 a.m.: It’s raining cats and dogs. It’s raining cats and dogs at the library with cat and dog activities available. Make and take will be available to pick up. Materials also are available to complete at the library as well.

11 a.m. Fridays, March through May: Library of Things demos. The library will be demonstrating an activity from our Library of Things together with patrons. The library will be demonstrating an activity together with patrons.

1 p.m. second and fourth Monday: Book discussion group. No assigned book to read. Group directed. Instead, share your insights, opinions and views. Make recommendations.

11 a.m. Wednesdays: Story time. The library will share a story, educational activities and a snack. The children’s room always offers educational games, puzzles and blocks.

Putnam, 105 N. Center St.

9 a.m. Saturday, April 6: Books and

Brunch. Food, books and friends.

Magnolia, 112 N. Chicago St.

Tuesday, April 2: Tell a joke, all ages, during library hours.

Saturday, April 13: Group puzzle, all ages, during library hours.

Tuesday, April 23: Earth Day craft, children.

Saturday, April 27: Movie, all ages, during library hours.

McNabb, 322 W. Main St.

Wednesday, April 4: The American Civil War, Putnam County Junior High, for seventh graders only. The American Civil War is said to be one of the bloodiest wars in American history. The war, which lasted from 1861 to 1865, was between the Confederate States of America and the remaining states of the Union. In 1861, seven of the slave states in the South decided to secede from the U.S. and form the Confederate States. They attacked Fort Sumter and the confederacy grew to 11 of the 34 states. Historian Jim Gibbons will discuss the events that took place before, during and after the Civil War and how it claimed the lives of more than 700,000 American soldiers. Gibbons will explain how after the war, slavery was abolished in the country and national unity was restored. He also will discuss the importance of Juneteenth and how it commemorates the emancipation of African American slaves. Gibbons will explain the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, signed by President Joe Biden in 2021, to officially make June 19 a National Holiday of Freedom. McNabb library branch will be hosting this event.

Wednesday, April 10: Library card sign up or renew, during library hours, with door prizes and snacks.

4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 24: Professionals Day. Come in to tell the library what or who you want to be when you grow up with giveaways

3:30 to 7 p.m. every Wednesday: Homework Helper

Putnam County blood drive to host 2 Red Cross blood drives

Two Red Cross blood drives will be hosted in Putnam County during the week of April 22 – doubling the opportunity to give and doubling the impact.

The Methodist churches will host a Red Cross community blood drive from 1 to 6 p.m.

Monday, April 22, at Goldasich Hall in the McNabb Fire Department, 391 N. Route 89.

Putnam County High School Interact Club and PC Rotary will host a second drive from

9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Friday April 26, in the PCHS gymnasium, 402 E. Silverspoon Ave., Granville, for students, staff, faculty and the public as well. In addition to saving lives, donations also will increase the school’s eligibility for Red Cross scholarships.

April donations bring May gift cards –$10 to a merchant of a donor’s choice, plus a chance to win one of two $7,000 gift cards to be given away.

Register via RapidPass at redcrossblood. org or call 1-800-733-2767.

2 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD

Putnam County registers 20.2% voter turnout for primary

With few contested primaries, 814 Putnam County votes were cast out of 4,026 registered voters in the March 19 general primary election. The result was a voter turnout of 20.2%.

There was no Democrat running in the primary. The winner of the November general election will succeed state Sen. Tom Bennett, R-Gibson City, who is retiring.

Balkema declared himself the victor.

814 residents voted March 19 Scott

Of those 814 votes, 634 were made at the polls and 180 were cast early.

Grundy County Chairman Chris Balkema carries big lead in 53rd Senate District

Grundy County Board Chairman Chris Balkema held almost a 2:1 lead March 19 in Illinois’ 53rd Senate District race for the Republican nomination.

He recorded 10,999 votes to Jesse Faber’s 6,962, Mike Kirkton’s 2,173 and Susan Wynn Bence’s 1,784 across the La Salle, Bureau, Putnam, Grundy, Marshall, Woodford, Tazewell, Livingston, McLean, Ford and Iroquois counties race.

“I want to thank my incredible volunteer team and express my immense gratitude for the faith Republican voters placed in me to be our next state senator,” Balkema said in a news release March 19.

“We have a lot of work to do in Springfield, and I will work as hard as I have as Grundy County Board chairman in bringing about conservative results.”

In his candidate questionnaire for Shaw Media, Balkema said he believes illegal immigration and the increased cost of living are his district’s top issues, and he would work toward property tax reform and to walk back the SAFE-T Act.

Balkema garnered 55.3% of the unofficial vote in La Salle County, 70.6% of the vote in Grundy County and 59.6% of the vote in Putnam County, where he finished on top March 19.

With few contested primaries, 814 Putnam County votes were cast out of 4,026 registered voters in the March 19 general primary election. The result was a voter turnout of 20.2%.

Faber recorded 54.9% of the vote in Bureau County and 43.5% in Livingston County, in which he carried March 19.

State Rep. Dennis Tipsword receives 71.1% of votes, holds lead in 105th District primary Incumbent state Rep. Dennis Tipsword, R-Metamora, is sitting in a good position to gain the Republican

nomination for the November general election.

Tipsword garnered 6,969 votes to Donald Rients’ 2,830 votes in unofficial results, earning 71.1% of the vote in the La Salle, Bureau, Putnam, Marshall, Woodford, Tazewell, McLean and Livingston counties race.

If the results hold, Tipsword will face Democrat Morgan Phillips, of Lostant, who was unopposed in the primary.

Tipsword said in a news release March 19 that it appeared he was heading for a landslide victory.

“I have worked hard over the last 14 months I have served the people of the 105th as their state representative,” Tipsword said. “It is fulfilling that the voters approve of the job I’ve begun in representing them, and I look forward to continuing to serve.”

Tipsword has served for 17 years with the Woodford County Sheriff’s Office and the past nine years as its chief deputy, the second in command in the department.

Phillips has worked as campaign manager for state Rep. Lance Yednock, D-Ottawa, and worked as a muralist.

ELECTION 2024 OTE H H H H H H 2024 3 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Time For Spring Connecting Point Computer Center is offering a spring-cleaning special!!! Spring Cleaning Special: $75.00 Perform manufacturer’s hardware diagnostic tests. Scan & clean up any spyware/malware or viruses infections. (Excludes nonremovable items) Update Windows, Web Browsers, System Drivers Optimize for maximum performance. Clean system’s interior to make sure fans and heat sinks are clean. Clean exterior so system “looks like new”. 30 day guarantee on all work performed!!! UPGRADE SPECIAL!! Increase your Systems Performance! Replace your old mechanical hard drive with a new fast solid state hard drive. You will be amazed of the speed boost!! Install a new Solid State Drive and transfer everything to the new drive. Offer ends June 20th. 321291 Open Monday - Friday 9am-6pm 500gb drive upgrade for $199.99. (labor included) 1TB SSD drive upgrade for $239.99. (labor included) SM-LA2148708 HomeSweet Home 250 Marquette St. LaSalle, IL 61301 1300 13th Ave. Mendota, IL 61342 105 West 1st South St. Wenona, IL 61377 2959 Peoria St. Peru, IL 61354 101 N. Columbia Ave. Oglesby, IL 61348 Se habla español

Putnam County Junior High School announced its honor roll for the third quarter of the 2023-24 school year.


Sixth grade

Anahi Avila, Garrett Billups, Lillian Bouxsein, Luca Carboni, Davis Carlson, Jiovany Castro, Chloe Christianson, Ayden Dienst, Calvin Fiedler, Luke Gabrielse, Makenna Goulding, Savannah Grasser, Natalie Guadiana, Murphy Hopkins, Anni Judd, Nathaniel Lenczewski, Avery Lenkaitis, Brendan Linton, Andrew Matheny, Brennen McDonald, Jolene Poole, Anthony Popurella, Garrit Smith, Annabella Sondgeroth, Daniel Watson, Nolan Weddell

Seventh grade

Mason Askeland, Jace Boedigheimer, Emeryson Carboni, McKlay Gensini, Brooklyn Gorski, Naomi Hammerich, Gwen Heeley, Hannah Heiberger, Joselyn Lopez, Emmett Main, Damian Marcum, Carson McDonald, Kami Nauman, John Placher, Anna Poignant, Tula Rue, Sawyer Smith, Bailee Vice

Eighth grade

Siofia Borri, Ariel Dorado, Brodee Grandadam, Avery Grasser, Kennedy

Holocker, Andy Poignant Jr. , Maddox Poole, Myah Richardson, Finley Ruiz, Roberth Ruiz, Seth Sandberg, Lydia Schaper, Sarah Schennum, Ella Schrowang, Piper Terando, Alicia Vazquez-Barreras, Tyson Zuniga


Sixth grade

Izzy Bartoluzzi, Avery Borrio, John Cooper, Hayden Doyle, Alexander Kloet, Emily Konczak, Caius Luncsford, Kohlton Mateika, Colton Nicoli, Adam Passini, Kinsey Pierski, Luis Ramirez, Isaac Rodriguez, Jayden Serna, Dylan Spratt, Kynzie Thomas

Seventh grade

Riley Doehling, Ian Durdan, Tori Eutis, Kya Fox, Richie Glenn, Eli King, McKenzie Setters, Makenna Wrobleski

Eighth grade

Maddox Barto, Carter Baxter, Nora Bertalot, Aurora Bickerman, Eden Carlson, Matthew Davis, Jaycee Dickey, Diana Ely, Payson Fiorentini, Dylan Haycraft, Jack Jessen, Madeline Magnuson, Cohen Pierski, Riley Rocha, Ariadne Romero, Wyatt Sheppard, Parker Shurts, Quincy Smith, Carter Smoode, Bailey Terzick, Meghan Wiley

The Putnam County School District announced the breakfast and lunch menus for April 2024. The district is on spring break from April 1-7.

Monday, April 8

Breakfast: Doughnut or cereal, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Corn dog, baked beans, fruit, pudding, milk

Tuesday, April 9

Breakfast: Pop tart or cereal, string cheese, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Chicken patty on bun with lettuce and tomato, cheese, fruit, yogurt, milk

Wednesday, April 10

Breakfast: Breakfast sandwich or cereal, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Pork chop, cheesy hash browns, dinner roll, applesauce, milk

Thursday, April 11

Breakfast: Pancakes or cereal, string cheese, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Popcorn chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, fruit, milk

Friday, April 12

Breakfast: Cereal and toast, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Cheese stuffed breadstick with marinara, veggie sticks with dip, fruit, sherbet, milk

Monday, April 15

Breakfast: Sausage and toast or cereal, string cheese, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Pizza, salad, fruit, brownie, milk

Thursday, April 18

Breakfast: Pigs in a blanket or cereal, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Chicken nuggets, oven potatoes, cottage cheese, fruit, milk

Friday, April 19

Breakfast: Cereal bar or cereal, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Toasted ravioli with marinara sauce, broccoli, breadstick, fruit, ice cream cup, milk

Monday, April 22

Breakfast: Funnel cake or cereal, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Taco in a bag with meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa and sour cream, muffin, fruit, milk

Tuesday, April 23

Breakfast: Breakfast wrap or cereal, string cheese, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Cheeseburger, corn, chips, fruit, milk

Wednesday, April 24

Breakfast: Muffin or cereal, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Pasta with meat sauce, green beans, garlic bread, fruit, milk

Thursday, April 25

Breakfast: Biscuit and gravy or cereal, string cheese, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: French toast, veggie sticks with dip, fruit, cookie, milk

Friday, April 26

Breakfast: French toast or cereal, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Sub sandwich, veggie sticks with dip, fruit, cookie, milk

Tuesday, April 16

Breakfast: Waffle or cereal, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Chicken wrap with lettuce, tomato and cheese, fruit, yogurt, milk

Wednesday, April 17

Breakfast: Bagel with cheese or cereal, string cheese, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Pulled pork barbecue on bun, pickles, green beans, chips, fruit, milk

Monday, April 29

Breakfast: Breakfast pizza or cereal, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Hot dog on bun, baked beans, fruit, rice krispy treat, milk

Tuesday, April 30

Breakfast: Cinnamon roll or cereal, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk

Lunch: Chicken strips, corn, fruit, sherbet, milk

4 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, March 27, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Peru • Streator • Princeton 815-224-2200 • 815-672-1900 • 815-875-6600 www.simplythefinest.net Not-For-Profit Providers Hawthorne Inn Assisted Living • Daily Social Activities • Personal Assistance with Daily Needs • Medication Assistance • Private & Companion Suites • Free membership to AJ’s Fitness Center, located on-site SM-LA2144410 LEONORE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. Friday, April 5th Doors open: 6PM Non-tax supported district Euchre Tournament: 7PM • $10 Entry SMOKER SM-PR2147418 $15 Door Entry

IVCC to use new system for registration, payment processes

When class registration opens in a few weeks, Illinois Valley Community College students will be logging into a new registration and payment system.

On Monday, March 18, the WebAdvisor platform was discontinued and replaced with IVCC Self Service. Students will not yet be able to register, but many who want to explore course offerings and plan their summer and fall schedules now can manage those academic tasks through Self Service.

Registration dates are later than usual in anticipation of the transition, and students have been notified of the

change and were reminded again this weekend. Old WebAdvisor links will redirect to Self Service.

Self Service also will become the gateway to a wide range of features, including access to academic records, financial aid information, payment options and course planning tools, he said.

Students will use their existing WebAdvisor log-in credentials, but can reset forgotten passwords on the Self Service site if necessary.

They should contact IVCC’s Student Help Desk if they hit any snags in migrating over to the new platform.

Priority registration opens March 26, summer registration on April 10 and fall registration on April 11.

On May 1, 2024, Shaw Local News Network will publish “Thank You, First Responders” across many of our publications. We are dedicating May 1 editions of our newspapers to first responders as a “Thank You” for their selfless service and dedication as our community lifelines. The “Thank You, First Responders” contest asks communities for nominations of outstanding first responders in their local areas. Once all nominations have been submitted, a random drawing will determine the winning submission. One lucky winner will receive a $100 Visa gift card!

Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, con dence, and character who make the world a better place.
5 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Photo provided by IVCC Community Relations The Easter Bunny enlisted some Illinois Valley Community College students to complete deliveries this spring. IVCC’s Project Success Leadership Team raised funds and received contributions from the campus community to assemble 100 baskets for the Youth Service Bureau to distribute to children in its care. Thanks to campus generosity, the group collected an assortment of items ranging from stuffed animals and jump ropes to candy
and coloring books.
IVCC Project Success Leadership Team collects items to assemble 100 baskets for Youth Service Bureau

Masters Walleye Circuit returns to Spring Valley

Almost 100 teams of anglers competed in the Masters Walleye Circuit on Saturday in Spring Valley. The NWT is a national tournament of professional fishermen, or anglers, who take part in all-day competitions to catch the largest fish. The tour includes four qualifiers and a championship with each competition including tens of thousands of dollars in possible winnings.

6 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, March 27, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Zac Lehn NMLS 1593736 815-894-2386 Dean Colmone NMLS 1454481 815-925-7373
Photos by Scott Anderson TOP: Anglers fish for walleye and sauger during the National Walleye Tour Masters Walleye Circuit on Saturday in Spring Valley. LEFT: An angler drives a Cabela’s boat near the Spring Valley Boat Club during the National Walleye Tour Masters Walleye Circui. ABOVE: Adam Sandor of Ottawa poses with his Walleye fish during the National Walleye Tour Masters Walleye Circuit. ON THE COVER: Steve Skupien of Monee holds up his Walleye during the National Walleye Tour Masters Walleye Circuit.


Born: December 13, 1934 in Putnam, IL

Died: February 3, 2024 in Henry, IL

Ellen “Louise” Johnson, 89, of Magnolia passed away Saturday February 3, 2024, at Country Comfort Retirement Home in Henry, IL.

Louise was born December 13, 1934, in Putnam, IL to Oliver and Ellen Fulks and resided in Senachwine Township. She was a graduate of Henry Senachwine High School. On August 16, 1953, she married Ronald Johnson and had two children, Gene and Linda. Louise and Ron raised their children on the Johnson family farm located west of Magnolia, IL. Louise was a farm wife and worked outside the home when her children were grown. She worked various jobs, retiring from St. Joseph Nursing home after 20 plus years. She was a long-standing member of First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Varna, where she was involved in many church activities. She was an avid reader, birdwatcher, and spent time rooting for the Cubs and Illini. Louise most enjoyed spending time with


Born: May 21, 1961 in Hammond, Indiana

Died: March 18, 2024 in Birchwood, Wisconsin

Cynthia “Cindy”

Massino, 62 of Birchwood, Wisconsin, formerly of Hennepin, Illinois, died in Wisconsin on Monday, March 18, 2024.

Cindy was born May 21, 1961 in Hammond, Indiana to Pantaleon and Dolores Garcia. She married Randall “Randy” Massino on October 3, 1992 at St. Patrick’s Church in Hennepin, IL.

Cindy graduated from Thornton Fractional South High School in 1978. She then went to work as a school nurse at Depue School District.

Cindy loved dancing, spending her time outdoors, her dog Dakota, and enjoying time with her family. Cindy and Randy spent their lives raising Julia in Hennepin, IL before moving full-time to Birchwood, WI. Before her passing she got to meet her grandson, Dax and spent his first Christmas at the cabin.

family, especially her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. She loved to bake, making delicious treats while keeping a smile on everyone’s face with her loving demeaner. Surviving are her children Gene (Nancy) Johnson of Henry, IL; Linda (Jeff) Lutes of McNabb, IL; grandchildren Jordan (Meghan) Lutes of Peru, IL and Kylee (Trent) Wilkinson of Varna, IL; three great grandchildren Carson Leroy Lutes, Liv Louise Lutes, and Palmer Louise Wilkinson; step granddaughters Nicole (Ryan) Bechtel of Morris, IL and Jaclyn (Scott) Mounts of Pontiac, IL; step great grandchildren Micaiah Bechtel and Evan, Elsie, Carter, Annalie, and Clara Mounts; sister in laws Lonna Nauman and Jean Fulks, brother in law Donald Schlosser. Louise was preceded in death by her husband, Ron in February 2002; brother Donald Fulks; and sisters Luella Robison and Carol Schlosser.

A service for Louise was held on Monday, February 12, 2024, at the Varna United Methodist Church at 11:00 am. Cremation rites have been accorded. Burial will be in First Lutheran Cemetery #1, Varna. Calvert & Johnson Memorial Home, Henry is in charge of arrangements. Memorials may be directed to Putnam County Library-Magnolia Branch or Putnam County Achievement Services.

Online Condolences may be made to: www. calvertmemorial.com.

Survivors include her daughter Julia (Derek) Yuhas; her mother, Dolores Garcia; brothers Timothy (Kim) Garcia, ViDal (Rosie) Garcia, Daniel Garcia; sister, Zonia (Rob) Flynn; her grandson, Dax Yuhas; brother in law, Greg (Pam) Massino and their family.

She was preceded in death by her father; her husband Randy Massino in 2021; brothers, Enricke and Daniel Garcia; sister, Rosalinda Casey; and her in-laws Joseph and Johanna Massino.

The Dysart - Cofoid Funeral Chapel in Granville, IL is in charge of arrangements and will be assisting the family. Cremation rites will be accorded.

Memorial Visitation will be held on Monday, March 25, 2024, from 4-7p.m. at the Dysart-Cofoid Funeral Chapel, 208 S. McCoy St., Granville, IL 61326.

Memorials may be made to the donor’s choice.

Online condolences can be made to her family at www.dcfunerals.com

How to submit: Send obituary information to putnamobits@shawlocal.com or call 815-632-2534. Notices are accepted until 5 p.m. Friday for Wednesday’s edition. Obituaries also appear online at shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record, where you may sign the guest book, send flowers or make a memorial donation.

7 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, March 27, 2024 815-339-2231 Unique designs with the traditions of the past. We can duplicate any monument. Please contact us to assist you in designing your lasting tribute. Serenity Monuments SM-PR1500753 Dysart-Cofoid Funeral Chapel 815-339-2231 www.dcfunerals.com R.L. Cofoid, Director Serving Putnam County & surrounding areas for over 100 years SM-PR2131509 Specializing in Prearranged and Prepaid Funerals & Cremation Services Janice Shields 815-339-6234 Serving area families since 1913
1-844-476-4463 www.girlscoutsni.org Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, con dence, and character who make the world a better place.

Standard firefighter takes part in 18-week training course

Training educates firefighters to operate safely and effectively on the fireground

SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com

Firefighter Kyle Camatti from the Standard Fire Protection District is enrolled in the Illinois Fire Service Institute Basic Operations Firefighter/NFPA Firefighter I Blended course.

This 18-week program is designed to give firefighters the training needed to operate safely and effectively on the fireground. Unlike a traditional resident fire training academy, the BOF program affords students a flexible training schedule with the use of instructor supported online classrooms and regional training locations for hands-on practical training. Students will complete nine hands-on practical weekends at regional sites across Illinois, includ -

ing Cherry Valley, Marion and Streator. Training sites rotate regularly throughout the state to allow for accessibility for all.

The BOF Program is offered at no cost to Illinois students and departments thanks to a grant offered through the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. Upon successful completion, the student will meet OSFM and national NFPA Firefighter I requirements for certification. All are distinguished achievements and a statement of success and an indisputable mark of performance belonging to individual fire service professionals.

“The IFSI BOF program provides critical information and essential skills training to fire departments across Illinois and ensures that firefighters have the necessary information to safely perform the demanding duties of their jobs,” IFSI Director Jim Keiken said in a news release.

“Firefighters enrolling in this program are showing their true commitment to serving and protecting their communities and themselves.”

For information, contact Jill Kraft at jillks@illinois.edu or 217-300-6036.

Man charged in Putnam Co. burglary

SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com

Caleb J. Prose, 45, of Girard, was charged Saturday with burglary, the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release Wednesday.

Prose was arrested after a traffic stop in Hennepin Township and after a brief investigation into a burglary of the closed Illinois Power plant facility in rural Hennepin.

Prose is being housed at the Putnam


Chief Senachwine DAR to meet April 5 in Henry

County Jail after being remanded following a detention hearing March 17.

Prose was on pretrial release from Montgomery County for a burglary to a closed power plant in February that led to the recovery of about $500,000 in property, police said.

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The Chief Senachwine Chapter National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution will meet 1:30 p.m. Friday, April 5, at the Henry Public Library, 702 Front St.

The program, “Exercise,” will be presented by Tim Collins, DPT, of Athletico, who will discuss physical therapy and physical fitness.


Read from anywhere: The Putnam County Record is available online as an interactive PDF. Scan or visit shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record/enewspaper.

— J. Fitzgerald, VA

and promotes back pressure relief, to prevent back and muscle pain. The overstuffed, oversized biscuit style back and unique seat design will cradle you in comfort. Generously filled, wide armrests provide enhanced arm support when sitting or reclining. It even has a battery backup in case of a power outage.

White glove delivery included in shipping charge. Professionals will deliver the chair to the exact spot in your home where you want it, unpack it, inspect it, test it, position it, and even carry the packaging away! You get your choice of Luxurious and Lasting Brisa, Genuine Italian Leather, stain and liquid repellent Duralux with the classic leather look, or plush MicroLux microfiber, all handcrafted in a variety of colors to fit any decor. Call now!

8 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, March 27, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD
Because each Perfect Sleep Chair is a made-to-order bedding product it cannot be returned, but if it arrives damaged or defective, at our option we will repair it or replace it. © 2022 Journey Health and Lifestyle. ACCREDITED BUSINESS A+ enjoying life never gets old™ mobility | sleep | comfort | safety Pictured is Luxurious & Lasting Brisa™. Ask about our 5 Comfort Zone chair. REMOTE-CONTROLLED EASILY SHIFTS FROM FLAT TO A STAND-ASSIST POSITION Now available in a variety of colors, fabrics and sizes. MicroLux™ Microfiber breathable & amazingly soft Long Lasting DuraLux™ stain & liquid repellent BurgundyTan Chocolate Blue Genuine Italian Leather classic beauty & style Chestnut Brisa™ luxurious & lasting Light GraySaddleChocolate 3CHAIRS IN ONE: SLEEP/RECLINE/LIFT Please mention code 601448 when ordering 46622
Caleb J. Prose, 45, of Girard

The Putnam County Community Center was founded in 1975 by a group of older adults looking for a place to gather and socialize. For over 40 years, we have served our community with a special focus on the aging and people with disabilities.

1 – 9 am – 10 am Medicare Part B Prevention & Wellness benefits, Extra help/LIS, MSP, & BA Enrollment Event

2 – 10 am-11 am Tri-County Opportunity Council ( Virtual & in-person)

12:30 pm – Liberty Village Bingo

4 – 12:30 pm – Adult Coloring

5 – 10 am – 11:30 pm – Stress Busting Program

9 – 9:30 am – 11:30 am – Blood Pressure & Glucose Checks 10:30 am – Site Council meeting 12:30 pm – Social Hour

11 – 12:30 pm – Popcorn & Movie (sponsored by the Putnam County Library)

12 – 9:30 am – PCCC Board Meeting

10 am – 11:30 pm – Stress Busting Program

15 – 10 am – 11:30 am Outreach @McNabb Library

16 – 12:30 pm – Game Day

18 – 12:30 pm – Liberty Village Bingo

19 – 10 am – 11:30 pm – Stress Busting Program

23 – 12:30 pm – Pictionary

25 – 12:30 pm – Bingo with Melanie

26 – 10 am – 11:30 pm – Stress Busting Program

30 – 12:30 pm - Bunco


Did you know?

We offer lunches at the center! To view our menu, please go to our website at pcaservices.org

We kindly ask that you call the center by noon the day prior to ensure that a meal will be available for you.

CENTER – April 2024


Are you a veteran or family member of a veteran and in need of information on Veteran Benefits? Please contact PCCC at 815-339-2711 or come to 128 First St. Standard, IL. to let us know if you are interested. We have an Outreach Coordinator, with the Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital, who can share information and provide resources. They will also provide assistance with registering and inform you about the benefits offered by the VA Healthcare Services.

Tri-County Opportunity Council – Carissa Conley will be presenting information about the programs and benefits offered, like Weatherization, Home Maintenance, LIHEAP, Foster Grandparent Program, Essential Wellness, Disaster Services, and much more available to seniors, staff, and caregivers.

April 02, 2024

1030 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. at PCCC

This program will be in-person and live streamed through Zoom. For more information on how to attend virtually, call the PCCC.

Stress-Busting Program - Caregivers of people with Chronic Illnesses

Anybody offering care for another person with any chronic illness can find things a bit stressful. Putnam County Community Center is offering the Stress Busters Program. Learn stress management techniques, relaxation, and coping strategies. This is a holistic program focused on you the caregiver. Please call to register 815-339-2711, classes offered every Friday from 10 am – 11:30 am for 9 weeks. We care about caregivers and hope to see you here.

Joanne Jacobs

Linda Bean

Nancy Milton


Global Technology

McNabb United Methodist Church

Thank you to our various tax

Joan Kotewa donors and volunteers

Jeff & Ranee Dauphin

Charlene Gallagher

In Memory of

Ellen “Louise” Johnson – Stephen & Karen Mecagni, David & Mary Jo

Robinson, Jeff & Wendy Rehn, Karen Karczewski, Cynthia Carr, First State Bank-McNabb, Bonnie & Carlton Berg

Gerald “Jerry” Bejster – David & Paulette Trainor, Candace & Richard Haar, George & Nancy Yauch

Jeanne Naumann – Darlene Mekley

My Brother Mike Hooper – Lisa Hooper

9 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, March 27, 2024 SM-LA2145522
128 FIRST ST., P.O. BOX 208 STANDARD, IL 61363 HOURS: MONDAY- FRIDAY 8 AM - 3 PM PHONE: 1 (815) 339-2711 OR 1 (800) 757-4579 WWW.PCASERVICES.ORG
Putnam County Community Center does not discriminate in admission to or treatment of employment in programs or activities in compliance with the Illinois Human Rights Act, the U.S. Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the U.S. and Illinois Constitutions. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you have a right to file a complaint with the Illinois Department on Aging, call 1-800-252-8966 (Voice and TDD) or contact the Program Manager at WIAAA 1-800-322-1051. PCCC is partially funded by the Western Illinois Area Agency on Aging.
10 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, March 27, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD It’s Time to GOLF!! Caring People... Caring Tradition . ing People.. www.cg hmc.com 613 1st Street, LaSalle 815.223.1795 130 3rd Street · LaSalle www.DrGergovich.com (815) 223-0647 130 3rd Street · LaSalle www.DrGergovich.com (815) 223-0647 Sue Heider, Mark Witek CFP, Steven Witek-CFP, Kristy Pytel and Amy Noy 613 First Street • La Salle 815.223.3332 witekwealthmanagement.com Registered Representatives with and Securities and Advisory Services offered through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor. Member FINRA & SIPC Sue Heider Spencer Luecke Mark Witek Steve Witek Kristy Pytel Amy Noy Pro Shop • Lessons Driving Range Just 1 mile west of Princeton off Route 6 & 34 815-872-2641 wyatonhillsgc@comcast.cnet The 2024 Starved Rock Country Discount Golf Card entitles the golfer whose name appears on the card to one (1) round of golf with FREE CART for only $25.00 at each of the 16 courses listed on the card. Good through 12/31/2024. Some restrictions. 800 Clinton Street, Ottawa (815)-433-2680 mylocalagent.com Pete McGrath Jay Bottarini You deserve more than 15 minutes! SM-SPAD1027152455 509 LaMoille Rd. Sublette www.woodhavenassociation.com 815-849-5476 High quality. Low prices. Get yourself some clubs without putting a dent in your wallet. OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK! 2950 Kane Rd, Leland Varna Computer Recycling 309-481-4028 Business Pickups Available Visit starvedrockcountry.dailydealbuilder.com to purchase yours today! Card may only be purchased online. 16 Courses! ONLY $80! Hammers Hearing Care Center With over 90 years of experience and 4 locations LASALLE, MENDOTA, OTTAWA, PRINCETON 815-224-2445 800-937-2609 hammershearing.com WE’RE ALWAYS HEAR FOR YOU! Not Pictured: Tricia Mudge myhtnb.com La Salle • Peru • Joliet SM-LA2129522



1939: Oregon beats Ohio State 46-33 in the NCAA’s first national basketball tournament.

1942: Joe Louis knocks out Abe Simon in the sixth round at Madison Square Garden to retain his world heavyweight title.

Dave Shepard gets the call back to state

Dave Shepard was all set to make his debut officiating the IHSA state boys basketball tournament in March 2020.

He was excited to earn the honor and anticipated walking onto the Carver Arena floor in downtown Peoria.

Then COVID-19 hit, sending him and the teams home the night before the games were to begin.

Four years later, Shepard received a call back from the IHSA to work the 2024 state finals, officiating the Class 2A semifinal between Byron and Benton.

He also worked the Class 3A third-place game between Richwoods and Mt. Zion.

“It was a great experience. The refs that are down there are top notch. Everything I got was positive, so I was real happy about that,” Shepard said. “It was really awesome. I enjoyed the whole thing. I got to ref Byron, which I already had a couple times, so I felt pretty comfortable there. Everything went well.”

The only thing that would have made the experience even better is if he got the assignment to work a state finals game. But he knows his time will come as it did for the girls state tournament a decade before, when he worked two finals in three trips.

“You get a little bummed out you didn’t get a final, but I also remembered it was my first year,” he said. “Six of us were not going to get finals. It just so happened that’s the way it turned out this year. So hopefully, next year or the year after, I’ll get a return trip and hopefully get a final that year. That’s the goal when you get down there.”

As disappointed as he was, Shepard hurt even more for the kids and teams that lost out.

“I was pretty confident that I was going to get another chance. Where the kids, everything has to fall in to place,” he said. “I felt worse for the kids than I did for myself. But we were there. We were ready to go.

“That was the year Roanoke-Benson was there. To get down there and then asked to go home. It’s tough for a small school to get down there again. So I really felt bad for them. I felt bad for us, too, but it was tougher on the kids.”

Shepard was more than ready for the state tournament the second time around. There was no state tournament held in 2021 when the IHSA held a limited COVID season. Then 2022 was his scheduled “off” year and last year he was sidelined with a scheduled mid-season hip surgery.

He worked the Class 1A supersectional at Normal between Chicago Hope Academy and Heyworth for his final tuneup for Champaign.

Shepard’s not sure if every ref is going to get three state tournaments like they use to.

“It went from 24 officials to taking down 18, so it’s a little harder to keep everybody happy and work everybody in,” he said.

He said there’s really no differences between officiating the girls and boys state tournaments, other than there might be “more hype” in Champaign and the brightness on the floor of the State Farm Center.

“It’s amazing how bright it is on the floor. It’s as bright as day out there,” he said. “We’re there to try to do the best job we can do. To say one is more exciting than the other, I would never say that. I was blessed with that opportunity (girls), too.”

The IHSA does a good job in keeping you on top of your game, Shepard said.

“You have a pregame (meeting) and meeting at halftime and then you have the postgame,” he said. “Trust me, they let you know anything and everything, good or bad. It’s all good, constructive criticism.”

Even in a big arena like the State Farm Center, Shepard said you can hear people yelling from the stands, but “it’s not like being in a regular high school gym where you can hear every single person.”

Shepard has heard a lot of comments thrown his way in 33 years officiating. One stands out the most.

“The funniest thing I was doing a girls game probably 20 years ago and their dad yelled, ‘She didn’t fall down on her own. She’s been walking

since she was 2,’ And I still laugh about that. That was probably the funniest thing I remember,” he said.

Shepard, 61, said he was still working his way back from his hip surgery this year.

“I’m not 100% and I noticed that going to a college floor which is 10 foot longer. Hopefully by next year when the reffing season starts, I’ll have a little more hop in the step,” he said.

With the pool of officials declining with older officials retiring soon and a lack of new ones coming in, Shepard encourages kids with a sports background going into college to give it a try.

“I think it’s a great part time job and do something you love to do and make money doing it,” he said. “The bottom line is we have to start supporting them. There’s going to be fewer and fewer, because there’s a lot of officials that are retiring this year.

“You’re always going to have people yelling or questioning you. I just hope that they realize to help the game, they’ve got to support the officials.”

•KevinHieronymushasbeentheBCRsportseditorsince1986. Emailhimatkhieronymus@bcrnews.com

11 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Kevin Hieronymus Hieronymus’ Hypothesis Mike Vaughn for Shaw Local News Network Wyanet’s Dave Shepard, shown in a game at Bureau Valley this year, officiated his first IHSA Boys State Tournament this year in Champaign. He has worked three IHSA State Girls Tournaments, including two championship games.

IVCC men’s basketball players, coach earn postseason honors

Three IVCC men’s basketball players earned All-Arrowhead Conference honors, and Chris Herman was named the conference’s coach of the year.

Freshmen Wade Sims and Roderick Watson-Pearcey were named first-team all-conference, while freshman Qu’Amar Hobbs was named to the second team.

Herman was voted coach of the year after leading the Eagles to the conference title with a 4-2 record.

“This is the first time that IVCC men’s bas -

Three Putnam County players were named to the News-Tribune All-Area Basketball Team.


First team

Ava Hatton, Putnam County, sr., G: Hatton was one of the best scorers in program history, finishing third on PC’s all-time scoring list with 1,441 points. She averaged 13.1 points per game, which tied for sixth in the area,



Seneca 12, Putnam County 1 (6 inn.) : Kylee Moore drove in a run in the first inning, but the Panthers didn’t score again in a Tri-County Conference loss in Seneca.

Gabby Doyle had the only hit for PC (2-2).

ketball has won the Arrowhead Conference and the first time an IVCC men’s basketball coach has won coach of the year,” IVCC athletic director Cory Tomasson said in a news release. “We’re really proud of how this young team came together so quickly to have such a successful year. Coach Herman and the players really earned these athletic honors.”

Sims also was voted second-team All-Region IV.

Brimfield 13, Putnam County 1 (5 inn.) : Paxton Stunkel had the Panthers’ lone hit in a nonconference loss in Granville.

Kylee Moore scored the only run for PC (2-3).

Seneca 12, Putnam County 4: Maggie Richetta was 2 for 4 with a double, two RBIs and a run as the Panthers lost a Tri-County Conference game Thursday, March 21, in Granville.


Seneca 12, Putnam County 2 (5 inn.) : Drew Carlson doubled, drove in a run and scored a run as the Panthers lost a Tri-County Conference game March 21 in Granville.



while leading the area in assists at 3.6 per game. She also was seventh in the area in steals at 2.7 per game and averaged 6.2 rebounds. Hatton was unanimous All-Tri-County Conference.

Second team

Maggie Richetta, Putnam County, sr. BOYS

First team

Owen Saepharn, Putnam County, sr. –ShawLocalNewsNetwork

12 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, March 27, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD
Scott Anderson file photos Putnam County’s Ava Hatton runs in for a layup between Mendota defenders Crystal Garcia and Ava Eddy during the Princeton Holiday Tournament this past season. The PC senior was named to the NewsTribune First-Team All-Area. Maggie Richetta shoots for the Lady Panthers this season. Owen Saepharn fires away for the Panthers this season.
13 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Directory Business Directory Marketplace Business Directory Marketplace Marketplace ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICES RIGHT HERE! Call 815-875-4461 SHOP THESE AREA BUSINESSES AND SEE HOW THEY CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR VARIOUS NEEDS! SM-PR2131577 Plumbing * Heating * Appliances Air Conditioning * Electrical 815-882-2111 www.grassersplumbingheating.com PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. SM-PR2146346 Get the BEST CARE For your mom • Assistance with bathing and toileting • Medication reminders • Companionship - 24hr. Care JPO Retirement Home Dalzell, IL • 815-202-4607 • 815-663-4233 40 Years of Caring 24 Hour Service 107 East Harrison St. • Granville, IL www.kettmanheating.com • 815-339-6124 LOOK FOR THE MAN IN THE ORANGE & WHITE VAN SM-PR2131581 Call Today! 815-339-4108 116 South 2nd Street Standard, IL 61363 davidpassini@hotmail.com DAVID PASSINI Licensed • Bonded • Insured 058129420 A Division of Ed Hartwig Trucking & Excavating, Inc. The perfect way to discard old roofing materials. SM-PR2131463 FOLEY MOTORS Inc. QualityPre-Owned Vehicles Sales&Service Rt.29,Henr y, IL309-364-4711 Towing Available Full Service Store www.foleymotorsinc.com Granville, IL • 815-339-2345 Mon-Wed, Fri 9:30am-4pm • Thurs 9:30am-12pm • Sat by appointment granvillefloorsil.com We have a great selection of Hardwood, Laminate, Vinyl, Tile, & Carpet! Stop in and Check out our Showroom! SM-PR2131591 Sieg Tire & Tube Repair Shop II Selling & Repairing all makes of tires 112 S. St. Paul St. Mark, IL 61340 Interstate Battery Sales Now accepting all major credit cards! Johnny Sieg Owner/Operator 815-878-7367 Cars, Trucks, Trailer, Motorcycles, ATVs, & Lawn Mowers also Bicycles Mounting, Balancing, Rotating, Patches, Plugs and all tire repairs plus Small Implement Farm Tires Where We Always Keep You Rollin! siegtire.com 620 Old Highway 26 Hennepin, IL 61327 Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm - Sat/Sun by appt Auto Body Specialists 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 EMERGENCY: 815-252-0032 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” SM-PR2129388 Mike Supan Jr. Linda Supan Michele Straughn 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 EMERGENCY: 815-252-0032 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” Auto/truck/SUV detailing Window tinting Truck Accessories GLYNN’S DEMOLITION DEMOLITION & EXCAVATING Raejean Glynn, Owner Terry Glynn, Owner 815-878-8948 Free Estimates Fully Insured 9286 East Power Plant Rd. Hennepin, IL 61327 Fax 815-925-7475 gngdemolition@yahoo.com 202 W Harper Ave PO Box 326 Granville, IL 61326 PH: 815-339-9181 FAX: 815-399-9182 route71autobody@frontier.com Mon-Fri 8AM - 5PM ROUTE 71 AUTO BODY JODY TALIANI Owner SM-PR2131579 SM-PR2147743 Commercial | Residential Mowing • Tree Trimming • Debris Clean Ups Gravel • Sand • Dirt • Bulk Mulch Lawn Care SMITH SMITH SMITH 815-257-0841 815-257-0841 815-257-0841 SM-PR2131596 Kitchen • Office • Bath • Entertainment Ph 815-339-4108 Cell 815-481-7664 | thecabinetgirl@hotmail.com MaryFrances Passini • Owner | 116 2nd St. • Standard PRECISION EXTERIOR WASHING • Exterior Washing • Brick • Steel Buildings • Stucco • Store Fronts • Industrial Cleaning & Painting • Walk Ways • Parking Areas • Tanks • Barns • Heavy Equipment • Form Machinery • After Hours Services Commercial Soft Washing / Pressure Washing • Vinyl Siding • Brick or Stone • Aluminum & Steel Siding • Wood Siding • Stucco • Sidewalks/Driveways • Vinyl or Wood Fence • Pavers • Decks - Staining • Steel Buildings Residential Fully Insured 815-830-3428 1 0 YEARS in the washing business! OVER softercleaning@gmail.com To add your lisTing To This page conTacT ashley aT 815-872-6903

court by petitioner against you for Dissolution of Marriage and other relief.

Unless you file your Answer or otherwise file your appearance in this case in the office for the Circuit Clerk of this Court in the Putnam County, Courthouse,Hennepin, Illinois, on or before 9:00AM, April 18,






Dated 3/12/24







All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subjec t to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any prefer ence, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an inte ntion, to make any such preference , limita tion or discrimination .”

Familial status includes children under the age of 18 livin g with parents or le gal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of child ren under 18. This newspaper will not know in gly ac cept any advertising for real estat e which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

To complain of discrimination call, HUD toll-free at 800- 669-9777.

IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF: Eric Cisketti, Petitioner, vs. Amy Russell Cisketti, Respondent. Case No. 22 DN 10


The requisite affidavi t for publication having been filed.


BY GIVEN YOU , Amy Russell Cisketti, that this case has been commenced in this court by petitioner against you for Dissolution of Marriage and other relief.

Carly R. Zielinski Clerk of the Circuit Court

Eric Cisketti 302 E Hennepin St Mark, IL 61340 815.876.7351

(Published in Putnam County Record March 20, 27, April 3, 2024) 2150521



CH ANGE (Adult Name Cha nge)



Kyler James Williams No. 2024 MR 1

My cu rrent name is: Kyler James Williams


Public Notice is hereby given that on Monday, March 18, 2024, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of PUTNAM County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as ELLI E'S CRIT TER RESCUE located at 1 929 E . 930TH ST MAGNOLIA, IL

6 1336

Dated this 18th day of March, 2024.

/s/Tina Dolder Clerk & Recorder No DBA 24-001

999 • Legal 999 • Legal




TH E ESTA TE OF HA RO LD MAU LFAIR JR Deceased No: 202 4- PR- 000 00 1 CLAIM NO TICE

Notice is given of the death of HAROLD MAULFAIR J R of Granville, Illinois, who died on December 2, 2023

Letters of office were issued on February 15, 2024, to DANIEL MAU LFAIR, 10327 IL Highway 71, Granville, IL 61326 whose attorney is Perona, Peterlin, & Associates, LLC, 170 E. Walnut Street, Oglesby, Illinois.

999 • Legal 999 • Legal


Putnam County Planning and Zoning Board of A ppeals Public Hearing

Wednesday April 17th, 202 4, at 7:00 p.m. County Court Room

Putnam County Courthouse 120 N Four th St., Hennepin, IL . 61327

Meeting is in person.

This hearing is to consider the following:

ZBA# 24- 03 Application for Special Use requested by Darren D. Brown on behalf of Mostid Holding LLC. to develop a Private Fam ily Cemetery on a 1- acre footprint of an existing 141 82- acre parcel in an AG Zoned district

Legal description

08-32- 400- 005




TN Rocket Mo LLC f/k/a PLAINTIF

Vs Tonia Lester estate of Co-Adminis Lester; To Heirs an



NOTICE IS Tonia Lester estate of Ha Ean Lester of Harvey Tonia Lest Ean Lester

Unknown Lester


The toll-free telephone numbe r for the he aring impaired is 800-927-9275





MARRIAGE OF: Eric Cisketti, Petitioner, vs. Amy Russell Cisketti, Respondent.

Case No. 22

DN 10


The requisite affidavi t for publication having been filed.


BY GIVEN YOU , Amy Russell Cisketti, that this case has been commenced in this court by petitioner against you for Dissolution of Marriage and other relief.

Unless you file your Answer or otherwise file your appearance in this case in the office for the Circuit Clerk of this Court in the Putnam County, Courthouse,Hennepin, Illinois, on or before

9:00AM April 18

Unless you file your Answer or otherwise file your appearance in this case in the office for the Circuit Clerk of this Court in the Putnam County, Courthouse,Hennepin, Illinois, on or before 9:00AM, April 18,





Dated 3/12/24

Carly R. Zielinski Clerk of the Circuit Court

Eric Cisketti 302 E Hennepin St Mark, IL 61340 815.876.7351

(Published in Putnam County Record March 20, 27, April 3, 2024) 2150521

I wish my na me to be c hanged to: Kyler James Soule

The Court date for the R equest I filed is scheduled on: May 2, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. at 120 N 4th St., Hennepin, IL, 61327 in Courtroom A.

/s/Kyler Jame s Williams

(Published in Putnam County Record Mar. 13, 20, 27, 2024) 2149372




Public Notice is hereby given that on Monday, March 18, 2024, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of PUTNAM County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as ELLI E'S CRIT TER RESCUE located at 1 929 E . 930TH ST MAGNOLIA, IL 6 1336

Dated this 18th day of March, 2024.

/s/Tina Dolder Clerk & Recorder No. DBA 24-001

(Putnam County Record March 27, April 3, 10, 2024) 2151712

(Putnam County Record March 27, April 3, 10, 2024) 2151712



Public Notice is hereby given that on Monday, March 18, 2024, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of PUTNAM County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as REDBUD L ANE GLASS CRAF TS & PLANTS located at 1 929 E . 930TH. ST MAGNOLIA, IL

6 1336

Dated this 18th day of March, 2024.

/s/Tina Dolder

Clerk & Recorder No DBA 24-001

(Putnam County Record March 27, April 3, 10, 2024) 2151611

Notice is given to any unknown heir or legatee whose names or addresses are not stated in the petition for letters of office or are unknown, that an order was entered by the Court on February 15, 2024 admitting the decedent's Will to probate. Within 42 days after the date of the order of admission you may file a petition with the Court to require proof of the Will by testimony of the witnesses to the Will in open court or other evidence, as provided in Section 6-21 of the Probate Act of 1975 (755 ILCS 5/6- 21). You also have the right under Section 8- 1 of the Probate Act of 1975 (755 ILCS 5/8- 1) to contest the validity of the Will by filing a petition with the Court within 6 months after admission of the Will to probate.

Claims against the estate may be filed in the Office of CARLY ZIELI NS KI , Circuit Clerk, Probate Division, 120 N. 4th St Hennepin, Illinois 61327, or with the representative, or both, on or before September 14, 2024 If a claim notice is mailed or delivered personally to a creditor of the decedent, the creditor's claim may be filed on or before the date stated in that notice, if later than the date shown above. Any claim not filed within the time allowed is barred.

Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the Representative and to the Attorney within ten days after it has been filed.

Perona, Peterlin & Associate s, LL C 170 E. Walnut St., PO Box 35 Oglesby, IL 61348

Tel: 815- 883-4102

(Published in the Putnam County Record March 13, 20, 27, 2024) 2148922

Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 31 North, Range 1 West of the Third Principal Meridian, Putnam County, Illinois, more particularly described as follows:

Comm encing at a stone found at the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 23 minutes 08 seconds West (bearings referenced to Illinois State Plane Coordinate System , NAD83 (2011), West Zone) along the north line of said Southeast Quarter 1026.73 feet to the intersection of said north line and the east line extended of a 0.859- acre tract as shown on Plat of Survey, recorded October 21, 1982, in Plat Cab. I, No 95-A; thence South 00 degrees 44 minutes 04 seconds East along said east line 228.26 feet to an iron pipe found marking the southeast comer of said 0.859- acre tract; thence South 09 degrees 34 minutes 30 seconds East 829.92 feet to an iron rod set at the Point of Beginning of the Cemetery Tract to be described: From the Point of Beginning, thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 208.71 feet to an iron rod set; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 208.71 feet to an iron rod set; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 208.71 feet to an iron rod set; thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 208.71 feet to the Point of Beginning

The above- described Cemetery Tract contains 1.000 acres. More or less

ADDRESS: 11747 Stagecoach Road, Magnolia, IL 61363

County: Putnam

PIN: part of 08-32-400- 005

OW NER: Mostid Holdings, LLC

At this hearing, the Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals will hear evidence for and against the Application for Special Use Permit ZBA # 24-03 and make recomm endations to the Putnam County Board to grant or deny the Application at the next County Board Meeting, which will be held at the Putnam County Courthouse on Monday May 13th, 2024, at 5:30 pm

This Application is on file and available for review at the Putnam County Courthouse

(Published in Putnam County Record March 27, 2024) 2152504

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• Help Wanted
• Help Wanted
• Help Wanted Lake Thu nderbird Association is currently looking to fill the following positions: L ife gua rds Season Starts Saturday, May 25, 2024 Part -time flexi bl e schedul e wi th day and evening hours (10am- 8pm). Current Li feguard Cert if ication required ** weekends required ** St arts at $14. 00 an hour depending on experience Secu rity / B each Season st ar ts May 25, 2024 Part -time Tuesday- Saturday evening hours Saturday thru Monday at the beach St arts at $14. 00 an hour depending on experience.
ications avail able at our websit e www.lakethunderbird.us or call the of fice 815-437-2757
• Mobile Home Sales
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Rocket Mortgage, LLC f/k/a Quicken Loans, LLC f/k/a Quicken Loans Inc.



Tonia Lester, as Co-Administrator of the estate of Harvey L. Lester; Ean Lester, as Co-Administrator of the estate of Harvey L. Lester; Tonia Lester; Ean Lester; Unknown Heirs and Legatees of Harvey L. Lester; Unknown Owners and Nonrecord Claimants


No. 20 24F C1



Tonia Lester, as Co-Administrator of the estate of Harvey L. Lester

Ean Lester, as Co-Administrator of the estate of Harvey L. Lester

Tonia Lester

Ean Lester

Unknown Heirs and Legatees of Harvey L. Lester

Unknown Owners and Nonrecord Claimants

That this case has been comm enced in this Court against you and other defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain Mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to-wit:


8418 Spotted Dutchman Hill Rd Magnolia, IL 61336 and which said Mortgage was made by: Harvey L. Lester

the Mortgagor( s), to Mortgage Electronic Registration System s, Inc., as mortgagee, as nominee for Quicken Loans Inc., as Mortgagee, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Putnam County, Illinois, as Document No 18-0212 Book 126 Page 2721; and for other relief; that summons was duly issued out of said Court against you as provided by law and that the said suit is now pending

NOW, THEREFORE, UNLESS YOU file your answer or otherwise file your appearance in this case in the Office of the Clerk

15 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, March 27, 2024
of this Court, Cathy J. Oliveri Clerk of the Circuit Court 120 North 4th Street P.O. Box 207 Hennepin, IL 61327 on or before April 12, 2024, A DEFAULT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU AT ANY TIME AFTER THAT DAY AND A JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PRAYER OF SAID COMPLAINT. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 15W 030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100 Burr Ridge, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 DuPage # 15170 Winnebago # 531 Our File No 14-24- 00599 NOTE: This law firm is a debt collector I323 96 45 (Pu blished in Putnam Coun ty Recor d March 13, 20, 27, 20 24) Receive a free 5-year warranty with qualifying purchase* - valued at $535. Call 844-377-3452 to schedule your free quote!
16 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, March 27, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD 102 S. FRONT ST. HENNEPIN, IL • 815-925-7308 • HENNEPINFOODMART.COM $1.99 lb. OUR FAMILY HAM PORTIONS $16.99 lb. CHOICE BONELESS PRIME RIB ROAST CAMPBELL'S CREAM OF CHICKEN OR MUSHROOM SOUP 10.5 OZ 2/$ 3 LAYS CLASSIC POTATO CHIPS 8 OZ $2.99 KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 30 OZ $ 5.99 CRISCO COOKING OILS 40 OZ $ 4.99 GM CHEX CEREALS 12 OZ 2/$7 PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES 15.25 OZ 2/$ 3 GROCERY SPECIALS Our Family Stuffing Mix 6oz $1�69 Welch's 100% Grape Juice 64oz $3�99 French's French Fried Onions 6oz $3�99 Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad Mixes 7�25oz 2/$5 Carnation Evaporated Milk 12oz $1�89 Swanson Chicken or Beef Broth 32oz 2/$5 Betty Crocker Potato Mixes 4�7oz 3/$5 Our Family Parchment Paper 30ft 2/$5 Our Family Chunk Tuna in Water 5oz ������������ 99¢ Our Family Ripe Pitted Olives 6oz �������������� $1�99 Our Family Cranberry Sauce 14oz ��������������� 3/$5 Gold Medal All Purpose Flour 5lb ���������������� 2/$7 Angel Soft Mega Bath Tissue 8 Roll ����������� $6�99 DELI Lean Kraukas Ham lb $6�99 Walnut American Cheese lb $3�99 Kretschmar Bologna lb $4�99 Fresh Chicken Salad lb $6�99
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