Putnam County Record_04172024

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Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm * Sat-Sun by Appt siegtire.com 620 OLD HWY 26, HENNEPIN, IL CALL NOW for Maintenance done on your Tractor now that the season has began! $105 Service Call! Granville ALCIONIFORD.COM • 815-339-2511 SM-LA2152463 $2,800 off MSRP! 2024 Bronco Raptor $5000 off 2023 F350 Super Duty Priced at MSRP! 2024 Bronco Heritage Limited “PRSRT STD.” US Postage Paid No. 486 SHAW MEDIA POSTAL PATRON LOCAL R.R. BOXHOLDER CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT PUTNAM COUNTY’S ONLY NEWSPAPER • ShawLocal.com Wednesday, April 17, 2024 • 50 CENTS LIFE-SAVING EDUCATION 15 graduate from Putnam County course to become EMTs / 4 Vol. 152 No. 16 One section 20 Pages © The Putnam County Record PHOTOS Eclipse viewers gather at waterfowl refuge / 12 SPORTS Fast start helps Putnam County snap 8-game losing streak / 15 LOCAL NEWS Mitchell Tenpenny, Lauren Alaina to headline Bureau County Fair in Princeton / 6 SM-LA2153316 Offer expires June 30, 2024 107 East Harrison St. • Granville, IL www.kettmanheating.com Call NOW for your Spring Maintenance! 815-339-6124 SPRING MAINTENANCE SPECIAL

• Wednesday, April 17, 2024

County since 1868



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McNabb library to host Putnam County 7th graders for Civil War program

Program to be led by historian Jim Gibbons

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Historian Jim Gibbons will lead a program Wednesday, April 24, on the American Civil War for Putnam County Junior High seventh graders only at the McNabb library.

The American Civil War is said to be




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Deadline for obituaries is 5 p.m. Friday for Wednesday’s edition


The Putnam County Record encourages readers to submit news for publication in our paper. Special events, weddings, births, awards and honors, anniversaries, promotions, etc., are welcome items for the paper. Some fees may apply. Schools, businesses, organizations and groups are encouraged to send information on activities and events. Photos should be sent as an attachment.


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Putnam County High School announced its honor roll for the third quarter of the 2023-24 school year.


Peyton Barto, Cadence Breckenridge, Brooklin Brown, Itaty Castro, Emberlyn Cwikla, Caden Ellena, Daphne Heeley, Patrick King, Maya Lenczewski, Veronika

Mack, Payton Olson, Chloe Parcher, Adrian Rivera, Timmber Skinner, Andrew Taylor, Rodolfo Villagomez, Jaxon Weger, Sarah Wiesbrock


Beckham Baker, Nolan Bence, Cadience Bickett, Cole Boedigheimer, Maxwell Brester, Ashley Cano, Nathaniel Johll, Addalynn Leatherman, Traxton Mattingly, Ryan Oliver, Ella Pyszka, Alexander Rodriguez, Sydney Samek, Teaghan Sarver, Annamae Smith, Eric Vipond


Chloe Andersen, Ethan Askeland, Emelia

Bouxsein, Mason Brannon, Brooklyn Brester, Drew Carlson, Cadence Coleman, Kacie Coleman, Deacon Cwikla, Jacob Edens,

one of the bloodiest wars in American history. The war, which lasted from 1861 to 1865, was between the Confederate States of America and the remaining states of the Union. In 1861, seven of the slave states in the South seceded from the U.S. and formed the Confederate States. They attacked Fort Sumter and the confederacy grew to 11 of the 34 states.


Alexis Glenn, Bailey Herr, Enzo Holocker, Phoebe Kammer, Meredith Lamis, Garret

Luke, Miles Main, Lisa Myres, Caitlyn Sager, Anna Sandberg, Matthew Schennum, Ayden

Serrine, Jaden Siegmann, Margaret Spratt, Hannah Taliani, Lily Thompson, Valeria Villagomez, Amos Vincent


Kylee Allen, Esmeralda Avila, Madison

Boggio, Salina Breckenridge, Hailey Cimei, Conlan Cwikla, Hayden Dauck, Joshua Dove, Gabrielle Doyle, Alyssa Durbin, Alyssa

Fluech, Emelia Grant, Ava Hatton, Emma

Henderson, Lauren Henderson, Sarah

Johnson, Logan Keesee, Claire McCook, Kylee Moore, Avery Moutray, Alexander Myres, Christopher Nelson, Kaitlyn

Pacholski, Maggie Richetta, Spencer Samek, Hannah Strack, Paxton Stunkel, Drew

Taliani,Jonathan Taylor, Annabel Vincent, Cole Vipond, Miles Walder, Megan Wasilewski



Braiden Actis, Natalie Brandner-Dinoto, Maxamillyan Chiado, Kale Coleman, Leonel Dorado,Hayleigh Green, Kaylynn Hill,

Gibbons will discuss the events that took place before, during and after the Civil War and how it claimed the lives of more than 700,000 American soldiers. Gibbons will explain how after the war, slavery was abolished in the country and national unity was restored. He also will discuss the importance of Juneteenth and how it commemorates the emancipation of African American slaves. Gibbons will explain the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, signed by President Joe Biden in 2021, to officially make June 19 a National Holiday of Freedom.

Zachary LeQuia, Trey Lieske, Alexis Margis, Justin Murphy, Shany Ochoa, Dakota Robbins, Seth Saepharn,Paige Tonioni, Kannon Tune, Waverly Watson, Kennedy Worby


Adam Acquisto, Madison Ahlstrom, Jonathan Avila, Braden Bickerman, Jaden Busch, Greta De Boer, Jackson Delhotal, Sydney Emanuelson, Ella Irwin, Derick Kauffman, Mariah Sager,Carson Schlosser, Johnathon Stunkel, Brayden Zuniga, Devin Zupec


Cole Abraham, Nathaniel Baratta, Isabelle Brown, Preston Faletti, Kade Gensini, Julian Goulding, Ayden Lawless, Courtney Oliver, Broedy Sandberg, Griffin Smith, Cameron Spradling, Jaden Stoddard, Madison Wasilewski, Daric Wiesbrock


Blake Baker, Trevor Balma, Brock Boedigheimer, Gavin Cimei, Tucker

Gualandi, Roman Mack, Chasity Missel, Julia Mosqueda, Noah Pohlson, Josiah Stunkel, Hayley Tanner, Ricardo Trinidad Jr.

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Al Cioni Ford in Granville wins 2023 President’s Award

Dealership has won award 4 years in a row


Al Cioni Ford in Granville has been awarded the 2023 President’s Award, which is Ford Motor Company’s highest dealer honor.

For the 11th time, including the last four consecutive years, Al Cioni Ford has won this award for outstanding achievement for both sales and service of excellence.

“We couldn’t be more proud of our Al Cioni Ford Team!” the dealership said in a news release.

In order to achieve the President’s Award, dealers must exceed customer expectations and experiences every day, the news release said. The pursuit of excellence requires passion, tenacity and hard work. The President’s Award salutes those top performing Ford dealerships that embrace these philosophies, achieving among the highest levels of customer satisfaction – in both sales and service in the automotive industry.

“Thank you to our amazing team and thank you to our great customers who give us the opportunity to serve them each and every day,” the dealership said. SHAW

3 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Zilm - Biscuits & Gravy Benefit
- Noon
until we are
of food)
Hennepin Fire Department 201 East High Street, Hennepin, IL
Biscuits & Gravy, Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage Links, Apple Sauce, Orange Juice, Milk, & Coffee!
Dan Zilm
Trades Scholarship
with the Hennepin Fire Department & PC Educational Foundation! the Hennepin SM-PR2157720
Donations can also be sent directly to the Hennepin Fire Department. Breakfast For
April 28th • 7am
Cost: DONATION ONLY! Location:
All Proceeds from this event will go towards the
in partnership
Photo provided by Al Cioni Ford Al Cioni Ford has been awarded the 2023 President’s Award, which is Ford Motor Company’s highest dealer honor.

15 graduate from Putnam County course to become EMTs

Fifteen first responders completed the first – and longest – step in becoming an emergency medical technician Saturday.

The group celebrated the achievement of completing 8 hours per week training since November with a graduation at the McNabb fire station.

“It was certainly the longest step of the three needed to achieve your goal, but hopefully we have succeeded in preparing you for steps two and three,” said Andy Jackson, EMT instructor and director of Putnam County Emergency Medical Services, to the graduates. “Passing the national exam and passing your EMS system entry exam are next. By competing all three steps, you will feel a feeling of great accomplishment and we will feel that accomplishment as well.”

Fifteen students was a jump in enrollment from the five students in the prior class taught by Jackson and Mark Hameister, assistant director at Putnam County EMS.

“Get the test done, get your license and get out there and help those who are begging for EMTs,” Hameister told the graduates during the graduation.

Several of the graduates already work with fire departments, including Robert Mellentine, who is a volunteer firefighter in Granville. He said getting the certification allows him to bring more specialized qualifications to the department.

Jim Rinaldi, of the Tonica Volunteer Fire Department, said he was one of four within his department who completed

the certification to bolster their department’s qualifications.

“It helps everyone in the department to get your certification, because then those who have it don’t have to work as long of hours,” Rinaldi said. “It doesn’t just help us, either. It helps all the other communities, because we all help each other and the more of us that are out there, the better.”

Rinaldi, 54, said it was personally gratifying to complete the training course, because he didn’t graduate college, like his children.

“This was a difficult program, but it has to be,” Rinaldi said.

Graduate Steve Maltas said he was grateful to Jackson and Hameister, who have a system down for teaching the

course. Jackson even snuck in some questions to quiz the graduates during the ceremony, such as the proper dosage of Narcan for a patient with an overdose, or Nitroglycerin to a patient with a heart attack.

“For most of us, this is a way to continue our careers in a positive direction,” Maltas said.

Along with being an instructor, Jackson is an advocate for EMT legislation, regularly taking trips to Washington D.C. to push for laws that help the career field, Hameister said. The assistant director cautioned the soon-to-be EMTs to practice balance in their life, leaving time for family and away from the fire house or ambulance station.

“You are now prepared to help oth-

ers, often during the most difficult times of their lives, and you will do so with. a confidence that we instilled in you,” Jackson told the graduates. “You can and you will be the best EMT you can be because you have been trained to respond that way. You have been taught methods and lessons learned from past EMTs, physicians, nurses and first responders. You are ready to help others in their time of need. You will be forging the future of EMS for decades to come.”

The graduates are: Brady Hunter, Kelsey Haeffner, Michelle Garcia, James Rinaldi, Robert Mellentine, Jesse Breit, Brooklyn Harzheim, Megan Valvo, James Breit, Vicki Maltas, Steve Maltas, Jorden Sons, Justine Evans, Marley Dunseth and Morgan Krewer.

4 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Finance your new or used vehicle up to 72 months for as low as *Annual Percentage Rate based on an example loan amount of $40,000 with an interest rate of 5.95% for 72 months, and a monthly payment of $663.66. Rate also reflects a 0.25% interest rate reduction for automatic loan payments deducted from a GNB checking or savings account which must be active at the time of loan closing. If the above requirement are not met, discount will not apply, and 0.25% will be added to the rate. We will finance up to 100% of new vehicle loans. Borrowers must meet credit, income and other underwriting standards. Rate applies to new, untitled 2023 and 2024 vehicle purchases only, terms up to 72 months. Qualified borrowers only, other conditions may apply. Rates are accurate when published, but are subject to change.
APR Member
Derek Barichello Graduates of the EMT course provided by Putnam County EMS receive their certificates Saturday at a graduation ceremony held at the McNabb fire station. ON THE COVER: Fifteen students graduated the Putnam County EMT course Saturday at the McNabb fire station. They are joined by instructor (far left) Mark Hameister, assistant director of Putnam County EMS, and Andy Jackson, director of Putnam County EMS.

IVCC to launch distance learning, telemedicine initiative

College’s share comes from $890,000 federal grant

Illinois Valley Community College’s Board of Trustees launched the Distance Learning and Telemedicine initiative Thursday by authorizing the purchase of equipment to outfit classrooms at IVCC and remote classrooms or mobile units at 10 area high schools.

Once the equipment is in place, IVCC instructors will be able to deliver dual-credit and adult education course instruction to students and the community in those high schools, and mental health and substance abuse professionals will be able to provide preventive education and counseling services.

Nine classrooms at the college and a more private space for telehealth discussions, as well as a classroom at each high school, will be equipped at a cost not to exceed $1.02 million. The college share will come from an $890,000 U.S Department of Agricul -

ture Rural Development grant. The schools will match with funds totaling $133,500.

In her monthly report to the board, President Tracy Morris:

• reported that through American Rescue Plan Act scholarships, offered in conjunction with the La Salle County Board and the Regional Office of Education, assisted more than 100 nursing, emergency medical technician and certified nursing assistant students to continue their education this year.

• noted that the Eagles Peak Food Pantry and YMCA Little Eagles continues to serve students and their families.

• noted spring enrollment at IVCC and most community colleges in the state saw upticks over spring 2023, as dual-credit enrollment climbed steadily over the past three years, and as distance education remained a popular, prevalent and flexible form of course delivery statewide.

• reviewed upcoming events, including music concerts and commencement ceremonies.

• updated the progress on the institutional strategic planning process.

Minutes before graduating student Trustee Libby Boyles was recognized for her service on the board, she gave her final monthly report, including the following updates:

• The College Student Government Association is hosting a picnic on campus to celebrate the college’s centennial and provide a study/work break. The inaugural event is Wednesday, April 17, in the courtyard for students and employees.

• Incoming student Trustee Emma Garretson was chosen in the recent SGA election to succeed Boyles.

In other action, the board:

• approved a change order totaling $70,000 to relocate a water main at the salt storage facility, bringing the contract total to $369,989.

• authorized upgrading service with the Illinois Century Network at a cost of $24,000 for three years, which would double overall computer bandwidth to support a growing campus need.

• accepted the $42,700 bid from HFO Chicago LLC of Elk Grove Village for a Haas CNC MiniMill for the manufacturing program.

• continued updating board policies.

• nominated Amber Robertson for the Illinois Community College Trustees Association 2024 Outstanding Full-Time Faculty Member Award and counselor Debbie Burch for ICCTA’s Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Member Award.

The board also learned:

• a $100,000 grant from the Illinois Community College Board will increase training opportunities for skilled workers in business, manufacturing and health care.

• of the appointments of Joseph Mead, IT programmer analyst; Dan Rice, part-time welding instructor; Phillip Love, part-time welding lab assistant; Megen Berg, part-time academic support technologist, and Kirsten Kasperski, part-time accounting instructor.

• of the resignations of Patrick Guilfoyle, head golf coach; Rahim McKee-Strong, assistant men’s basketball coach; Mary Smith, educational technologist; and Hailey Williams, bookstore assistant.

• that the college received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, from the Government Finance Officers Association.

SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2024

5 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 Friday April 19th Karaoke 9pm with Maxx Music 815-339-6010 218 S. McCoy St. Granville, IL Come for dinner, stay for the party! FULL BAR & FOOD SERVICE HIDDEN
W h a t s t o r i e s a r e b u r i e d i n o u r c e m e t e r i e s ? M a g n o l i a T o w n s h i p h a s 7 c e m e t e r i e s , a n d w e h a v e g a t h e r e d h i d d e n h i s t o r i e s f r o m e a c h o f t h e m
by an Activate History Grant from Illinois Humanities
Township Preservation Association Presents: This mission of the Magnolia Township Preservation Association is to research, collect, preserve, promote, and communicate the history of Magnolia Township to educate future generations.
2 PM

Mitchell Tenpenny, Lauren Alaina to headline Bureau County Fair in Princeton

Country pop star Mitchell Tenpenny will take the Bureau County Fair stage Thursday, Aug. 22, with special guest Lauren Alaina, keeping a tradition of headline county stars performing in the annual event in Princeton.

Tenpenny is a multi-faceted entertainer, singer, songwriter, producer and performer. Since the release of his debut three-times platinum-certified No. 1 hit single, “Drunk Me,” he’s set new standards for breakout success in country music. He was recognized for surpassing the one billion streams threshold, now surpassing 1.5 billion global streams. Tenpenny’s latest album “This Is The Heavy” contains the platinum-selling No. 1 hit “Truth About You,” a song that made chart history with shortest span between No. 1 songs since 1982 with just three weeks since his last chart topper. “Truth About You” followed Tenpenny’s co-penned No. 1 collaboration with labelmate Chris Young on the ACM Music Event nominated “At The End Of A Bar.”


6 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD SM-PR2156001 FRIDAY & SATURDAY, APRIL 26 TH & 27 TH 8 AM - 3 PM Maps available at North Central Bank and Hennepin Food Mart! Maps and clean restrooms available at the Hennepin Pool. Something on every street in Hennepin! HENNEPIN TOWN WIDE GARAGE SALES MARK WEIR-OWNER B & M Concrete, Inc. “WE DO ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE CONSTUCTION” Magnolia, IL 61336 815-488-7210 cell 815-866-7177 office Fully Insured Free Estimates • Driveways • Patios • Curbs • Steps • Garage Floors • Sidewalks • Pole Barns • Retaining Walls • Parking Lots SM-PR2148496 Let us build you a Villa! • Spacious 2 or 3 Bedroom Floor Plans • Full-size Kitchen • Invitations to Events at Retirement Campus • Maintenance Free Exterior • Grounds Maintenance • Attached Garage Liberty Village www.simplythefinest.net 2322 Eastwood Avenue • Streator 815-672-1900 140 N. 6th Street • Princeton 815-875-6600 Liberty Lane • Peru 815-224-2200 SM-LA2151994
Photos provided by Kyle Barrows
SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com
Mitchell Tenpenny will headline the Bureau County Fair’s musical performance Aug. 22 with special guest Lauren Alaina.
Tickets on sale Friday

SRCCF Spring Appeal culminates with May 2 Giving Day

The Starved Rock Country Community Foundation board is encouraging contributions to its 2024 Spring Appeal that will culminate with an online Giving Day on Thursday, May 2.

Contributions to the Appeal and Giving Day help sustain SRCCF’s essential administrative functions, strengthen its ability to serve local nonprofits and individuals, and enable it to expand its impact across La Salle, Bureau and Putnam counties.

“Each much-needed contribution allows SRCCF to fulfill its mission and uplift those in need,” said President and CEO Fran Brolley.

The Foundation advances education, mental health, local history, fine arts, entrepreneurship, local theatre, downtown revitalization, disaster relief and much more.

To donate online, visit srccf.org/make-a-donation and scroll down to “Fund that I am donating to.” Select the first option, “2024 Spring Appeal” and fill out the remainder of the form.

Checks can be mailed to 2024 SRCCF Spring Appeal, 241 Marquette St., La Salle, IL 61301.

To receive the appeal, including SRCCF’s “Genuine Impact” publication, call 815-252-2906, ext. 2, or email Director of Operations Janice Corrigan at janice@ srccf.org.

Since 2015, SRCCF has created 110 charitable funds, converting donor values and passions into action. It has invested over $1.8 million in the Starved Rock region. The foundation is one of 35 community foundations in Illinois and more than 900 across the U.S.

Janice Corrigan and Community Outreach and Donor Engagement Manager Sally Van Cura. Vice Chair/Treasurer Tracy Bedeker and board member Sue Schmitt were unavailable for the photo.

7 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 815-339-2231 Unique designs with the traditions of the past. We can duplicate any monument. Please contact us to assist you in designing your lasting tribute. Serenity Monuments SM-PR1500753 Dysart-Cofoid Funeral Chapel 815-339-2231 www.dcfunerals.com R.L. Cofoid, Director Serving Putnam County & surrounding areas for over 100 years SM-PR2152140 Mark and Tom Ptak 1026 4th Street, Peru 815.223.0172 Affiliated with Helmer Shields Funeral Home. Offering a full line of Granite Memorial Products. SM-PR2129384 For more information check out website at: PtakFh.com or call 815-223-0172
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SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com
Photo provided by Jen Heredia of Jen Heredia Studios The Starved Rock Country Community Foundation board includes (from left) CEO Fran Brolley, Shelly Carey, Robb Hasty (seated), Tom Heitmann, board chair Reed Wilson (seated), founder and secretary Pamela Beckett, Pierre Alexander, Norma Cotner, Martha Small (seated), Deborah Anderson, Michael Stutzke (seated), Bill Hunt, Tara Bedei, Director of Operations

Biscuits and gravy breakfast in Hennepin to benefit Dan Zilm Memorial Trades Scholarship

A biscuits and gravy benefit for the Dan Zilm Memorial Scholarship will be conducted 7 a.m. to noon Sunday, April 28, at the Hennepin Fire Department, 201 E. High St.

Biscuits and gravy will be served with buttermilk pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage links, apple sauce, orange juice, milk and coffee.

Donations will be accepted at the breakfast. All proceeds from this event will go to the Dan Zilm Memorial Trades Scholarship in partnership with the Hennepin Fire Department and the Putnam


Continued from page 6

HIs latest release is “Break My Heart.” His radio single “We Got History” is making its way up the charts and he recently released a digital song, “Bigger Mistakes,” for his fans in time for his performances as the direct support act on Jason Aldean’s “Highway Desperado Tour” this year. In addition to Jordan Davis’s “Damn Good Time Tour,” Tenpenny also will guest on Luke Comb’s Growin’ Up and Gettin’ Old Tour stadium dates in 2024.

County Educational Foundation. Zilm dedicated his life to emergency services, the trades and was on the hunt for the best off the beaten path restaurants. In honor of the department’s late assistant chief, the Putnam County Educational Foundation and the Hennepin Fire Department are supporting a scholarship in Zilm’s name that will provide funding to Putnam County students seeking tuition and supply assistance for the fields of emergency services and nursing, the trades as well as those seeking careers in hospitality.

Donations also can be sent directly to the Hennepin Fire Department. –ShawLocalNewsNetwork

Grand Ole Opry member and Big Loud Records powerhouse Alaina released “Unlocked.” Alaina has earned three chart-topping hits: RIAA platinum-certified “Road Less Traveled,” seven-time platinum “What Ifs” with her childhood friend Kane Brown, and two-time platinum “ONE BEER” with labelmate HARDY + Devin Dawson. The Georgia-born singer has shared the stage with Alan Jackson, Blake Shelton, Carrie Underwood, Luke Bryan, Martina McBride and Jason Aldean. She’s headlined two tours, the sold-out That Girl Was Me Tour and bar-raising On Top Of The World Tour presented by Maurices.

The gold-medal vocalist has performed on some of the highest-profile stages in the world including PBS’ A Capitol Fourth, Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, CBS’ Beyond The Edge, TODAY, Good Morning America, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Tonight Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, ABC’s CMA Fest specials, CMA and ACM Awards, Nickelodeon’s All That, Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving Day halftime performance, MLB’s World Series national anthem performance, a performance at the White House for President Obama, among others.

The concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 22, at the Bureau County Fair. Online ticket sales begin at 10 a.m. Friday, April 19. All tickets will be sold online at www.bureaucountyfair.com

Go to mitchell10penny.com and laurenalainaofficial.com to learn more about the artists.

For complete ticket information including ticket prices, see www. bureaucountyfair.com. The 169th Bureau County Fair runs Aug. 21-25 in Princeton.

8 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD must have lived in the area during his or her accomplishments or have attended an area high school and must be five years removed from high school. The inductees will be announced in a random order. Join us for the Class of 2024 Induction Ceremony Thursday, June 6 | 5:00 pm Auditorium Ballroom, La Salle S c a n t h e Q R c o d e t o p u rc h a s e t i c ke t s o r v i s i t [ s h o r t e n e d U R L ] . CLASS OF 2024 INDUCTEE Scan the QR code to purchase tickets or visit shawmediaevents.com/e/2024-shaw-mediaillinois-valley-sports-hall-of-fam Happ Family Foundation Mendota Booster Club Basketball Player / Coach La Salle-Peru High School / IVCC / University of Hawaii Bronze Sponsors Silver Sponsors To be considered for the Shaw Media’s Illinois Valley Sports Hall of Fame, an athlete or coach must have lived in the area during his or her accomplishments or have attended an area high school and must be five years removed from high school. The inductees will be announced in a random order. Hall High School | State Farm - Kurt Bruno | Ottawa High School Princeton High School/Princeton Tiger Athletic Booster Club | Prescott Brothers The Locker Room | AAA Tree Service | Black Bros Co. | HCC Inc. | Grassers | Maze Lumber Sullivan Foods - Mendota & Princeton | Marquette Academy | Judd Construction La Salle-Peru High School | Meyers Flowers Bruno McPhedran & Herrmann SM-LA2156654 Photo Submitted by the University of Hawaii HOLLIS VICKERY
9 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 MALPRACTICE AND NURSING HOME NEGLECT THE JANSSEN LAW CENTER WILL REVIEW MEDICAL RECORDS (FREE) WITH OUR INDEPENDENT DOCTORS 333 MAIN, PEORIA • 676-2341 or 1-800-654-8734 www.janssenlawcenter.com Top 100 National Trial Lawyers Injury & Death Claims Free Office Conference

IVCC scholars honored at annual ceremony

Six students recognized as Thomas McCormack Scholars

SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com

Illinois Valley Community College recognized Thomas J. McCormack Scholars and other academic honorees at its annual student Academic Awards ceremony April 3.

McCormack Scholars are Jennifer Horton, Streator; Eric Lockwood, Peru; Madeline Klicker, Seneca; Sydney Miller, Tonica; Taylor Wetsel, Princeton and Kendall Schmidt, La Salle.

To earn the college’s highest academic achievement, McCormack Scholars must maintain a minimum 3.75 GPA in at least 14 credit hours over three consecutive semesters.

In addition, all six were recognized for academic honors over three consecutive semesters.

Other students recognized for academic achievement were:

Phi Theta Kappa All-Illinois Academic Team: Grace Irwin, Peru

IVCC recognized McCormack Scholars, Phi Theta

Earning academic honors for three consecutive semesters: Maxwell Anke, Peru; Arthur Argubright, Spring Valley; Elizabeth Bradley, Streator; Logan Brandner, Mendota; Elizabeth Browder, Earlville; Adam Brown, Serena; Isabella Caruso, Mendota; Leena Dean, McNabb; Emma Depauw, Tiskilwa; Alex Doll, Spring

Valley; Erin Dunlap, Ottawa; Mikayla Durland, Sheridan; Cali Edwards, Sheridan; Addison Ernat, Peru; Colin Finklea, Spring Valley; Joseline Flores, La Salle; Sydney Galvan, Utica; Jenna Gamons, Ottawa; Christopher Garcia, La Salle; Lyan Gonzalez, La Salle; Nora Groesbeck, Streator; Colin Hart, Diamond; Ethan Hassler, Princeton; Hayleigh Hauppa, Sheridan; Anthony Hewitt, Peru; Chloe Hillyard, Mendota; Jennifer Horton, Streator; Jayden Huebbe-Faso, La Salle; Laci Irvin, Streator; Grace Irwin, Peru; Emma Kamin, Mendota; McKenna Klein, LaMoille; Madeline Klicker, Seneca; Andrew Knipper, Princeton; Jennifer Knudson, Marseilles; Isabella Lambert, Tonica; Deborah Lengsfeld, Mendota; Eric Lockwood, Peru; Brandon Lomeli, Grand Ridge; Justus Mason, Ottawa; Gage Mickley, Oglesby; Sydney Miller, Tonica; Colin Nave, Granville; Earl

Mitchel Pantig, Ottawa; Rebecca Peura, La Salle; Gennaro Piccolo, Spring Valley; Joel Renner, Princeton; Zachary Riggenbach, La Salle; Wesley Ruppert, La Salle; Caleb Savitch, Spring Valley; Colton Schafer, Princeton; Kendall Schmidt, La Salle; Holly Schriber, Peru; Rilee Sterling, La Salle; Avery Stiegler, Seneca; Maggie Stisser, Ottawa; Alexandra Stremlau, Mendota; Lauren Summers, Ottawa; Zachary Swart, Ottawa; Thomas Swartz, Monticello; Natalia Thome, Oglesby; Leighanne Turner, Peru; Tyler Valdez, Mendota; Harleigh Varland, Seneca; Kiersten Vincent, Peru; Ella Ware, Peru; and Taylor Wetsel, Princeton.

Earning academic honors for two consecutive semesters: Tara Alnwick, Ottawa; Tyrese Baijnath, La Salle; Katie Bates, Princeton; Zander Baxter, Ottawa; Ariana Benitez, Ottawa; Karrington Benson, Ottawa; Megen Berg, Streator; Jake Bradach, Oglesby; Kaitlyn Brannon, Granville; Carley Brewick-Pointer, Ransom; Gabrielle Buendia, Ottawa; Caleb Burrell, Peru; Abbey Calkins, Princeton; Lily Craig, Ottawa; Dylan Crank, Toluca; Zoe Crawford, Streator; Lydia Dornick, Peru; Ashley Dresen, Marseilles; Nora Eiken, Tiskilwa; Cody Ewers, Ottawa; Marisol Felix, Mendota; Riker Fesperman, La Salle; Zoe Finley, Mendota; Caitlyn Fiocchi, Princeton; Ethan Fox, Lacon; Lauren Frost, Princeton; Olivia Gonzalez, Hennepin; Joshua Grob, Utica; Alexia Gross, Mendota; Kayla Guerra, Peru; Austin Hack, Wenona; Zoe Hanson, Mendota; Elaina Harris, Mendota; Anna Hoffmeyer, Streator; Alex Jagers, Princeton; Maera Jimenez, Ottawa; Emily Joanis, Ottawa; Ivy Jones, Marseilles; Kaitlyn Kelly, Oglesby;

See IVCC SCHOLARS, page 14

10 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD SM-PR2156977 Get Your Orders In! Valentine’s Day Cinnamon Rolls Half Dozen Rolls for $15.00 Individual Rolls for $2.50 each Call Now to Order! To order, call Ginny 815.228.2732 Orders can be picked up Friday, Feb. 10th and Saturday Feb. 11th 9am-12pm. Order ahead or stop in. United Church of Christ 103 N. Church St. • Granville, IL Individual $2.50 each 6 Rolls - $15 12 Rolls - $30 United Church of Christ 103 N. Church St. • Granville, IL Call or Text to Order! Contact: Ginny 815.228.2732 Sale Dates: April 26th & 27th during Granville Garage Sale Days! Time For Spring Connecting Point Computer Center is offering a spring-cleaning special!!! Spring Cleaning Special: $75.00 Perform manufacturer’s hardware diagnostic tests. Scan & clean up any spyware/malware or viruses infections. (Excludes nonremovable items) Update Windows, Web Browsers, System Drivers Optimize for maximum performance. Clean system’s interior to make sure fans and heat sinks are clean. Clean exterior so system “looks like new”. 30 day guarantee on all work performed!!! UPGRADE SPECIAL!! Increase your Systems Performance! Replace your old mechanical hard drive with a new fast solid state hard drive. You will be amazed of the speed boost!! Install a new Solid State Drive and transfer everything to the new drive. Offer ends June 20th. 321291 Open Monday - Friday 9am-6pm 500gb drive upgrade for $199.99. (labor included) 1TB SSD drive upgrade for $239.99. (labor included)
Photo provided by JH Studios Natalia Webb, of Streator, accepts a certificate from Illinois Valley Community College President Tracy Morris during the annual Student Academic Awards Ceremony last week. Kappa All-Illinois Academic Team and Richard Publow Memorial Writing Award winners, as well as students who earned academic honors in two and three consecutive semesters.

IVAR nonprofit to host annual auction April 20 at Grand Bear

Illinois Valley Animal Rescue was founded in 1999. For the founders, volunteers, adopters and supporters of the organization, the past 25 years have been rewarding and successful.

The rescue will celebrate 25 years of service and support with its annual Building Care & Fund Auction from 4 to 9 p.m. Saturday, April 20, at Grand Bear Resort at Starved Rock on Route 178, just south of Utica.

The rescue is located 116 Industrial Drive in La Salle. In 25 years, IVAR has saved more than 25,000 animals including cats, dogs, rabbits, snakes, birds, goats, chickens, peacocks, ferrets, pigs and horses. The mission of IVAR is not just to rescue animals, but also to rehome, prevent cruelty, care for, comfort and heal stray and abandoned ani-

mals. What is often overlooked, is the support and help given to humans through IVAR rescues and assistance, the organization said.

IVAR has a base of volunteers that span a range of ages from teens to elderly. Volunteers have different roles at the shelter, from cleaning kennels and changing litter boxes, to washing dishes and doing laundry. Some volunteers do not step foot in either the cat or dog building; they write thank you letters, do fundraising, promote and attend events and help with finances. Each volunteer has a different reason for coming to IVAR whether it be community service, court mandated or personal, volunteers love their time and animals at the shelter. The animal rescue has a good working relationships with all police departments and reciprocate help and support. The organization also works with La Salle County Animal Control, Illinois

State Police, La Salle County Sheriff’s Office and the State Humane Investigator. In the 25 years of IVAR, the group has built trust and teamwork to the point that IVAR has helped authorities acquire animal abuse convictions.

To keep IVAR afloat, the yearly cost since the pandemic has gone from $300,000 to $500,000. This cost covers building maintenance, kennels, dumpster service, power bills, insurance, animal food, animal medical care and several paid employees. Often, emergencies happen that raise this cost, and we have been blessed with supportive community members that help.

For people who can’t attend the auction, there are other ways to help IVAR. Individuals can purchase items on IVAR’s Amazon Wishlist (accessible through its website), donate through PayPal, donate adoption fees, volunteer, donate auction items and baskets, collect

aluminum cans (drop off at shelter) and bring donations to the shelter.

“Illinois Valley Animal Rescue has focused on serving this community for 25 years, and we say, Thank you for your continued local support,” the organization said in a news release.

For information, call 815-224-0061, follow on Facebook @Illinois Valley Animal Rescue AKA IVAR, or visit https:// www.illinoisvalleyanimalrescue.net/.

Illinois Valley Animal Rescue’s mission is to rescue, provide care and comfort for abused, neglected and homeless animals in the Illinois Valley area through its care center, foster homes and veterinarian sources. It also promotes responsible pet ownership through spay/neuter and animal behavior education. Its goal is to unite animals with people who need the love and comfort the appropriate pet can bring them. IVAR is a nonprofit, 501c3 organization.

11 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday,
April 17, 2024
SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com

Eclipse viewers gather at waterfowl refuge

The Dixon Waterfowl Refuge outside of Hennepin was a popular destination for partial eclipse viewers Monday. About two dozen people scattered about the nature area, including atop

the watch tower, at the nature preserve viewing the eclipse with special glasses. The Putnam County Library District led viewers to the location.

While Southern Illinois was treated to a total eclipse, viewers in the Illinois Valley were treated to more than 90% coverage.

The Putnam County Community Center would like to introduce you to our Outreach Coordinator, Rhonda Aimone. Rhonda has been working with us now over a year and she enjoys reaching out and visiting the aging and disabled community, in Putnam County. Her forte is educating clients and caregivers on benefits and services for which they are eligible and assisting them with gaining access to those services. Rhonda will be visiting Standard, Granville, Mark, McNabb, Putnam, Magnolia, Hennepin and Lake Thunderbird in the next couple of months. You can always stop in to see her at the local li- braries, schedule below. If you wish to meet with Rhonda, please call the Putnam County Community Center at 815-339-2711 to set up a visit with her or you can always come in to our facility at 128 First St. Standard, IL. Mon-Fri 8am-3 pm.


McNabb-April 15th

Magnolia-May 16th

Lake Thunderbird-June 20th

Granville-July 15th

12 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD SAUK VALLEY PRINTING A Division of Sauk Valley Media Located in downtown Dixon business cards letterhead envelopes trifolds invoices carbonless forms raffle tickets postcards magazines sports guides newsletters fliers notepads church bulletins calendars menus gift certificates and more! GOOD THINGS ARE IN BLOOM AT W2ndSt. 113 S. Peoria Ave., Dixon, IL 61021 Located inside the Dixon Telegraph 815.632.2577 ksands@saukvalley.com PUTNAM COUNTY COMMUNITY CENTER 128 FIRST ST STANDARD, IL 61363 1(815)339-2711 or 1(800) 757-4579 WWW.PCASERVICES.ORG
Photos by Derek Barichello TOP RIGHT: Ben Fogle of Cedar Point and his wife Macy watch the partial solar eclipse Monday from the boardwalk of the Dixon Waterfowl Refuge outside of Hennepin with their daughters Vada and Indie. ABOVE LEFT: Pam Hafley of Granville views the partial solar eclipse Monday from the trail at Dixon Waterfowl Refuge outside of Hennepin. ABOVE: A viewer lies on his back to get a better view of the partial solar eclipse Monday from the tower at the Dixon Waterfowl Refuge just outside of Hennepin.

The 2024 Starved Rock Country Discount Golf Card entitles the golfer whose name appears on the card to one (1) round of golf with FREE CART for only $25.00 at each of the 16 courses listed on the card. Good through 12/31/2024. Some restrictions.

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Sally Van Cura joins Starved Rock Country Community Foundation staff

Van Cura recently coordinated Coldest Night of the Year

SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com

Sally M. Van Cura recently joined the staff of the Starved Rock Country Community Foundation as community engagement and donor relations manager.

“With more than eight years of nonprofit leadership in the region, coupled with 35 years of business ownership, Sally brings a wealth of expertise to our SRCCF team,” Foundation President and CEO Fran Brolley said. “Sally’s collaborative spirit, strategic vision and dedication to our mission


Continued from page 10

Emily Kestner, Streator; Samantha Kielski, Marseilles; Chase Kreiser, Lostant; Kyle Kuntz, Streator; Hannah Larsen, Ottawa; Gianna Lopez, La Salle; Cassandra Lowande, Putnam; Kain MacFadgen, Ottawa; Adrian Macias, Spring Valley; Amy Marek, Marseilles; Miranda Mazzorana, La Salle; Kailey McCauley, Peru; Olivia McCauley, Peru; Liam McGann, Earlville; Callie Meyer, Spring Valley; Nicole Morones, Ottawa; Nathaniel Nelson, Ottawa; Cody Nettleton, Mendota; Lannie Newberry, Princeton; Emma Nicoli, Hennepin; Aaron Noble, Ottawa; Ava Pagakis, Oglesby; Jaydan Polhemus, Princeton; Jonathan Polhemus, Princeton; Gracie Pollok, Dover; November Rhodes, Ottawa; Giovanni Rios, DePue; Molly Roach, Hennepin; Franchesca Rodriguez, Streator; Elijah Safranek, Peru; John Salz, Marseilles; Tyler Shannon, Serena;

will make her an invaluable asset to our team and the communities we serve.”

Van Cura, who recently coordinated the successful Coldest Night of the Year walk for Illinois Valley PADS in downtown Ottawa, is eager to join the foundation.

“I am motivated by a profound sense of purpose, and I am prepared to engage stakeholders, foster partnerships and empower donors to create a lasting impact,” Van Cura said.

Contact Van Cura at 815-252-2906, ext. 3, or at sally@srccf.org.

Ella Sibert, Streator; James Sokol, Streator; Taylor Staton, Serena; Drew Stoudt, Ottawa; Emily Strehl, Tonica; Nolund Stueckrad, Streator; Jayden Tiemann, Princeton; Bich Tran, Peru; Erin Uphoff, Princeton; Alexa Warwick, Peru; Natalia Webb, Streator; Dean Welte, Princeton; Matthew Wiggins, Ottawa; Charles Woods, Sheridan; Paige Worden, Ladd; Tyler Wrobleski, La Salle; Isaac Yanez, Princeton; and McKenzie Yarger, Granville.

Richard Publow Memorial Writing Award winners: Stephanie Bernhard, Mazon; Adam Brown, Serena; Travis Dougherty, Marseilles; Analiyah Flores, Mendota; Sarah Grever, Ottawa; Brianna Lipe, La Moille, Alexander Myres, Hennepin; and Christina Snook, Grand Ridge.

The Publow rewards the best essays written each year in English Composition courses.

IVCC President Tracy Morris was the keynote speaker for the event, addressing a crowd of about 200 students, parents, faculty and administrators who attended.

14 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD must have lived in the area during his or her accomplishments or have attended an area high school and must be five years removed from high school. The inductees will be announced in a random order. Join us for the Class of 2024 Induction Ceremony Thursday, June 6 | 5:00 pm Auditorium Ballroom, La Salle S c a n t h e Q R c o d e t o p u rc h a s e t i c ke t s o r v i s i t [ s h o r t e n e d U R L ] . CLASS OF 2024 INDUCTEE Happ Family Foundation Mendota Booster Club Bronze Sponsors Silver Sponsors To be considered for the Shaw Media’s Illinois Valley Sports Hall of Fame, an athlete or coach must have lived in the area during his or her accomplishments or have attended an area high school and must be five years removed from high school. The inductees will be announced in a random order. Hall High School | State Farm - Kurt Bruno | Ottawa High School Princeton High School/Princeton Tiger Athletic Booster Club | Prescott Brothers The Locker Room | AAA Tree Service | Black Bros Co. | HCC Inc. | Grassers | Maze Lumber Sullivan Foods - Mendota & Princeton | Marquette Academy | Judd Construction La Salle-Peru High School | Meyers, Flowers, Bruno, McPhedran & Herrmann e Scan the QR code to purchase tickets or visit shawmediaevents.com/e/2024-shaw-mediaillinois-valley-sports-hall-of-fam Player / Coach Hall High School SM-LA2156655 Photo Submitted by the Hall High School DALE PIENTA
1-844-476-4463 www.girlscoutsni.org Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, con dence, and character who make the world a better place.
Sally M. Van Cura



2011: Jimmie Johnson wins the Aaron’s 499, edging Clint Bowyer by about a foot. The official margin of 0.002 seconds, ties for the closest finish in NASCAR Sprint Cup history.

Stunkel’s 2 homers power Panthers

Fast start helps Putnam snap 8-game losing streak

RURAL STREATOR – The Putnam County Panthers came to rural Streator on an eight-game losing skid and looking for a spark to get things going in the right direction.

Sophomore shortstop Johnathon Stunkel’s leadoff homer to right-center on the game’s second pitch and grand slam to left-center in the top of the second inning provided that spark perfectly Tuesday, setting the tone in the Panthers’ 11-0, five-inning victory over the host Woodland/Flanagan-Cornell Warriors.

“I was looking for a first-pitch fastball, really,” Stunkel said of his game-opening at-bat. “It was outside, I took a pitch, and then the next one I was just looking for whatever I could smash, you know? I feel like I squared it up pretty well.

“[On the grand slam], I was definitely just trying to stay composed, breathe and just barrel the baseball. It went in my favor, and I hit one out again.”

Stunkel provided half of Putnam County’s 10 runs batted in on the day during his 3-for-4, three-run performance. Drew Carlson (two hits) added two RBIs on a third-inning double, and AJ Furar (two hits) contributed two as well with his second-inning single and third-inning RBI groundout. Jaden Stoddard added two hits and a pair of runs scored, with Traxton Mattingly contributing the other RBI for PC.

The Panthers (2-8 overall, 1-4 TriCounty Conference) proved to be equally dominant in the bottom halves of innings, where right-hander Miles Main threw five shutout innings with two hits allowed and six strikeouts backed by errorless defense.

“We’ve had the tough run here after winning the first one,” Putnam County coach Chris Newsome said. “So it’s certainly nice when Johnathon can provide that shot in the arm with a leadoff tater

like that, and then Miles came in and gave us a quick inning defensively.

“He was throwing strikes – I don’t think he walked anybody – and I don’t think we had any errors. It’s a good recipe and a different change of pace, which I think is what we needed.”

Freshman Reece Pelnarsh broke up Main’s perfect-game bid, beating out an infield single to the hole at shortstop to lead off the third. Heads-up baserunning took Pelnarsh to third on a sharp single from junior No. 8 hitter Theron Essman and seemed to have the Warriors (1-5 overall, 0-4 TCC) in business. But a caught stealing, shallow fly out and strikeout allowed Main to escape unscathed.

“Hopefully, that was going to be our little spark there to try to get a few runs,” WFC coach Dan Essman said of the once-promising third. “One little mistake there again, though, and we kind of fell off the face of the earth. We’ve just got to learn for it.

“For some reason our kids sort of got down there after that first home run. It

was only 1-0. You try to keep the kids’ heads up, but then it gets from 1-0 to 4-0, 5-0, and we kept struggling as we went.” Pelnarsh and Theron Essman were the only Warriors to reach base. WFC starting pitcher Sam Schmitz (2 IP, 7 ER, 7 H, 2 BB, 3 K) suffered the loss before being relieved by Dylan Jenkins (3 IP, 3 ER, 7 H, 1 BB, 2 K). The Warriors’ highlight on the day came in the fourth on what was colloquially referred to as a

the singer used to say, in reference to the pitcher, catcher and first baseman’s scorecard designations – to get out of a bases-loaded jam.

The Warriors are scheduled to visit the Panthers in Granville to complete the Tri-County series Thursday. In between, Putnam County is set to host Sterling Newman on Wednesday.

15 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Lawrence Welk double play – “and-aone, and-a-two, and-a-three,” as Photos by Scott Anderson Putnam County’s Cameron Spradling connects against Woodland/Flanagan-Cornell on Tuesday at Woodland High School. Putnam County’s Drew Carlson smacks a hit against Woodland/ Flanagan-Cornell on Tuesday. Johnathon Stunkel

Lady Panthers top WFC, fall to Eureka

SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com

Eureka 6, Putnam County 5: The Lady Panthers scored four runs over the final three innings but their rally fell short in a nonconference game Saturday in Granville.

Alexis Margis was 3 for 4 and scored two runs for PC (7-6), while Maggie Richetta and Sarah Johnson each had a hit and two RBIs.

Putnam County 6, Woodland/Flanagan-Cornell 4 (5 inn.): Gabby Doyle was 3 for 3 with a double, two RBIs and two runs scored to help the Lady Panthers to a TriCounty Conference victory Thursday, April 11, in Granville.

Maggie Richetta went 2 for 3 with a triple, two runs and an RBI for PC (7-5, 2-3 TCC), while Paxton Stunkel earned the win as she allowed four runs (two earned) on four hits in a complete game.


Fieldcrest 4, Putnam County 2: Layten Gerdes went 2 for 3 with a double and two runs to help the Knights to a nonconference victory on Saturday, April 13, in Wenona.

Lucas May was 1 for 3 and drove in two runs for the Knights (5-5), while Tyler Serna earned the win on the mound, allowing two earned runs on six hits with four strikeouts and one walk in six innings.

Daric Wiesbrock was 1 for 3 with two RBIs for Putnam County (3-10).

Putnam County 3, Woodland 0: Traxton Mattingly threw six scoreless innings, allowing two hits while striking out seven batters and walking two in six innings to lead the Panthers to a Tri-County Conference victory Thursday, April 11, in Granville.

Johnathon Stunkel pitched a scoreless seventh to earn the save, giving up one hit with one strikeout and two walks.

A.J. Furar was 1 for 2 with a run scored for PC (3-9, 2-4 TCC).


PC’s Heuser named IBCA District 12 Coach of the Year

Putnam County Junior High School coach Nick Heuser was named the IBCA District 12 Junior High Girls Coach of the Year.

His seventh grade Pumas basketball team brought home a fourth-place trophy from the Class 2A IESA State Basketball Tournament. They lost to Mt. Pulaski, 34-14, in the third-place game, finishing with a record of 20-5.

The Pumas beat Henry 20-8 and host Fieldcrest 13-9 for the regional championship.

PC punched its ticket to state by defeating Peoria St. Vincent de Paul 30-24 for the Peoria Sectional championship.

At state, the Pumas beat Indian Creek 23-17 and lost to Springfield Calvary 28-27 in the semifinals before falling to Mt. Pulaski in the thirdplace game.

Puma team members were McKenna Wrobleski, Kami Nauman, Hannah Heiberger, Anni Judd, Avery Lenkaitis, Millie Harris, McKlay Gensini, Tula Rue and Murphy Hopkins.

16 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD
Photo provided The Putnam County seventh grade Pumas basketball team brought home a fourth-place trophy from the IESA State Basketball Tournament. They lost to Mt. Pulaski, 34-14, in the third-place game on Dec. 7, finishing with a record of 20-4. Team members are McKenna Wrobleski, Kami Nauman, Hannah Heiberger, Anni Judd, Avery Lenkaitis, Millie Harris, McKlay Gensini, Tula Rue, Murphy Hopkins and coach Nick Heuser. Scott Anderson file photo Members of the Putnam County baseball team take a knee as they gather in the outfield after defeating Woodland/Flanagan-Cornell on April 9 at Woodland High School.


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Case No. 2 015C H6

1 Wood Court, Putnam , IL 61560

Judge Michael P. Mc Cuskey NO TICE O F SALE

PU BLIC NO TICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on February 15, 2024, Joshua B. Boedigheim er will on M ay 16, 2024, at the hour of 9:00AM at the Putnam County Sheriff's Office, 120 N. 4th Street (Lobby), Hennepin, IL 61327, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real estate: Comm only known as 1 Wood Court, Putnam, IL 61560

Parcel Number(s): 03-00- 047- 115

or Phone 815-872- 1852


The toll-free telephone numbe r for the he aring impaired is 800-927-9275

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The real estate is improved with a Mobile Home Sale terms: Bidders must present, at the time of sale, a cashier's or certified check for 10% of the successful bid amount The balance of the successful bid shall be paid within 24 hours, by sim ilar funds. The subject property is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the Court. The property will NO T be open for inspection

If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than the mortgagee shall pay the assessm ents and the legal fees required by the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4)



17 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 CLASSIFIED SM-PR2157512 211 E. Court St, Hennepin $142,000 FOR SALE! Angie Heckman Local Realty Group 318 S. McCoy St. Granville, IL 61326 Local-realtygroup.com Angie.heckman@yahoo.com 309-312-0180 768 • Homes For Sale 768 • Homes For Sale 432 • Auctions 432 • Auctions 432 • Auctions LARGE LIFETIME COLLECTION ESTATE AUCTION A Li feti me Co llection From the Muhl ach Estate to be Sold - LI VE IN PERSON ONLY at the DOWNTO WN ON SI TE LOCATION of 604 8th St. (Old City Brick Buil di ng by RR Tracks) in Mendota, IL on: SA TURDAY, AP RI L 20, 202 4 TI ME: 10 :00 AM View Li sting & Photos on website: www.tumblesonauction.com FURNITURE, TOYS, TRAINS, OLD BOOKS, OLD PHOTOS, ELECTRONICS, MANY CAMERAS & PHOTOGRAPHY RELATED ITEMS & Many more Items to Un-Cover from Leo's Studios - Many Surprises! ESTATE OF LEO A. MUHLACH & NORMA LE E HOTCHKISS-MUHLACH, Mend ota, IL TT TUMBLESON AUCTION COMPANY, PRINCETON, IL E- mail: ttauction@yahoo.com
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incl ud ed Call 815- 739-2279
18 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Business Directory Marketplace Business Directory Marketplace arketplace ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICES RIGHT HERE! Call 815-875-4461 SHOP THESE AREA BUSINESSES AND SEE HOW THEY CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR VARIOUS NEEDS! To add your lisTing To This page conTacT ashley aT 815-872-6903 SM-PR2152147 Plumbing * Heating * Appliances Air Conditioning * Electrical 815-882-2111 www.grassersplumbingheating.com PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 24 Hour Service 107 East Harrison St. • Granville, IL www.kettmanheating.com • 815-339-6124 LOOK FOR THE MAN IN THE ORANGE & WHITE VAN SM-PR2152159 Call Today! 815-339-4108 116 South 2nd Street • Standard, IL 61363 davidpassini@hotmail.com DAVID PASSINI Licensed • Bonded • Insured 058129420 202 W Harper Ave PO Box 326 Granville, IL 61326 PH: 815-339-9181 FAX: 815-399-9182 route71autobody@frontier.com Mon-Fri 8AM - 5PM ROUTE 71 AUTO BODY JODY TALIANI Owner SM-PR2152150 A Division of Ed Hartwig Trucking & Excavating, Inc. The perfect way to discard old roofing materials. Auto Body Specialists 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 EMERGENCY: 815-252-0032 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” SM-PR2129388 Mike Supan Jr. Linda Supan Michele Straughn 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 EMERGENCY: 815-252-0032 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” Auto/truck/SUV detailing Window tinting Truck Accessories SM-PR2152100 FOLEY MOTORS Inc. QualityPre-Owned Vehicles Sales&Service Rt.29,Henr y, IL309-364-4711 Towing Available Full Service Store www.foleymotorsinc.com GLYNN’S DEMOLITION DEMOLITION & EXCAVATING Raejean Glynn, Owner Terry Glynn, Owner 815-878-8948 Free Estimates Fully Insured 9286 East Power Plant Rd. Hennepin, IL 61327 Fax 815-925-7475 gngdemolition@yahoo.com Granville, IL • 815-339-2345 Mon-Wed, Fri 9:30am-4pm • Thurs 9:30am-12pm • Sat by appointment granvillefloorsil.com We have a great selection of Hardwood, Laminate, Vinyl, Tile, & Carpet! Stop in and Check out our Showroom! SM-PR2152589 PRECISION EXTERIOR WASHING • Exterior Washing • Brick • Steel Buildings • Stucco • Store Fronts • Industrial Cleaning & Painting • Walk Ways • Parking Areas • Tanks • Barns • Heavy Equipment • Form Machinery • After Hours Services Commercial Soft Washing / Pressure Washing • Vinyl Siding • Brick or Stone • Aluminum & Steel Siding • Wood Siding • Stucco • Sidewalks/Driveways • Vinyl or Wood Fence • Pavers • Decks - Staining • Steel Buildings Residential Fully Insured 815-830-3428 1 0 YEARS in the washing business! OVER softercleaning@gmail.com Sieg Tire & Tube Repair Shop II Selling & Repairing all makes of tires 112 S. St. Paul St. Mark, IL 61340 Interstate Battery Sales Now accepting all major credit cards! Johnny Sieg Owner/Operator 815-878-7367 Cars, Trucks, Trailer, Motorcycles, ATVs, & Lawn Mowers also Bicycles Mounting, Balancing, Rotating, Patches, Plugs and all tire repairs plus Small Implement Farm Tires Where We Always Keep You Rollin! siegtire.com 620 Old Highway 26 Hennepin, IL 61327 Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm - Sat/Sun by appt SM-PR2147743 Commercial | Residential Mowing • Tree Trimming • Debris Clean Ups Gravel • Sand • Dirt • Bulk Mulch Lawn Care SMITH SMITH SMITH 815-257-0841 815-257-0841 815-257-0841 SM-PR2152169 Kitchen • Office • Bath • Entertainment Ph 815-339-4108 | Cell 815-481-7664 | thecabinetgirl@hotmail.com MaryFrances Passini • Owner | 116 2nd St. • Standard
Sometimes it really is as simple as black & white. We have advertising solutions to fit your needs!

999 • Legal 999 • Legal


Bids for Seal Coat Work at Conser vation District

Putnam County Conservation District is requesting sealed bids for the following:

A2 SealcoatingApproximately: 9, 000 squar e yards of Base Pr eparation, 2, 000 gallons of Pr ime Coat, 5,00 0 gallons of PG 46-28, 100 tons of CA-14, and 100 tons of CA- 16 Specifications are available upon request at no charge to prospective bidders. Please contact the Marshall-Putnam County Highway Department for more info - (309) 246-6401

Sealed bids will be accepted at the MARSHALL-PUTNAM COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT OFFICE until 10:00 AM on Wednesday, April 24, 2 024

All bids must be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the bidder and clearly marked - Attn: PC Conservation DistrictSeal Coat Bid.

999 • Legal 999 • Legal


The Village of Mark has adopted Ordinance 2024- 04-02-01 Establishing Rules and Regulations Regarding Utility Solar Energy Systems. A copy of this ordinance is available at http://www.municode.com/library or by calling the village office at 815- 339- 2454.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Ordinance No 2024-02, adopted on April 8, 2024, the Hennepin Public Water District of Putnam County, Illinois ("District"), intends to enter into a Loan Agreement with the Illinois Environm ental Protection Agency in an aggregate principal am ount not to exceed $1,409,713.20 and bearing annual interest at an amount not to exceed the maximum rate authorized by law at the time of execution of the Loan Agreem ent, for the purpose of paying the cost of certain improvement to the public water supply system of the District A copy of the Ordinance is available from the District Clerk.

NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that if a petition signed by 92 or more electors of the Distri ct (being equal to 10% of the registered voters in the District) requesting that the question of im proving the public water supply system and entering into the Loan Agreem ent is subm itted to the District Clerk within 30 days after the publication of this Notice, the question of improving the public water supply system of the District as provided in the Ordinance and Loan Agreement shall be submitted to the electors of the District at the next election to be held under general election law on November 5, 2024. A petition form is available from the office of the District Clerk.

Hennepin Public Water District Clerk

(Published in Putnam County Record April 17, 2024) 2157334

Case No. 2 015C H6

that pursuant

Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on February 15, 2024, Joshua B. Boedigheim er will


in Plat No 3 of Lake Thunderbird Hills, According to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 3, at Page 162, on January 5, 1970 in the office of the recorder of deeds of Putnam County, Illinois, situated in Putnam County, Illinois.

Lot 542 in Plat No 3 of Lake Thunderbird Hills, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 3, at Page 162, on January 5, 1970 in the office of the recorder of deeds of Putnam County, Illinois, situated in Putnam County, Illinois.

Comm only known as

1 Wood Court, Putnam, IL 61560

Parcel Number(s): 03-00- 047- 115

(Published in Putnam County Record April 17, 2024) 2156911

Sealed bids may be hand delivered, mailed or shipped The bid most advantageous to the Conservation District will be selected and the District reserves the right to waive any technicalities and reject any or all proposals. Mailing

999 • Legal 999 • Legal


The real estate is improved with a Mobile Home Sale terms: Bidders must present, at the time of sale, a cashier's or certified check for 10% of the successful bid amount The balance of the successful bid shall be paid within 24 hours, by sim ilar funds. The subject property is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the Court. The property will NOT be open for inspection

If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than the mortgagee shall pay the assessm ents and the legal fees required by the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4)


in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in the Hennepin County Courthouse, at 120 N. 4th Street, Hennepin, IL 61327, or with the representative, or both, on or before October 12, 2024, and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within ten (10) days after it has been filed. Dated this 1st day of April, 2024.



(Published in Putnam County Record April 10, 17, 24, 2024)2155492


of the Court, Putnam County Court House, 120 N. 4th St., Hennepin, Illinois 61327, or with the Executor or both, on or before October 17, 2024. Any claim not filed on or before said date is barred Copies of a claim filed with the clerk must be mailed or delivered by the claimant to the Executor and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. E- filing is now mandatory for documents in civil cases with limited exemptions. To e- file, you must first create an account with an e-filing service provider Visit http://efile illinoiscourts.gov/service- providers.htm to learn more and to select a servi ce provider If you need additional help or have trouble e-filing, visit http://www.illinois- courts.gov/ FAQ/gethelp.asp , or talk with your local circuit clerk's office

Dated this 12th day of April, A. D. 2024.

Jacob J. Frost Attorney for Estate

19 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record
• Wednesday, April 17, 2024 999
Legal 999
No. 2 024- PR-3
Notice is hereby given of the death of Robert Henry Ruehmann Letters of Office were issued on April 11, 2024 to Nicole Welch, 1339 Appaloosa Circle, Bartonville, TX 76226, as Independent Executor, whose attorney and resident agent is Attorney Jacob J. Fr ost, 102 East St Paul Street, Spring Valley, Illinois 61362.
against the estate may be
in the
of the Clerk
102 East St Paul Street Spring Valley, IL 61362 Telephone (815) 323- 4851 (Published in Putnam County Record April 17, 24, May 1, 2024) 2157682 999 • Legal 999 • Legal IN THE CIRCUIT COU RT FOR THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCU IT PU TNAM COUNTYHE NNEPIN ILLINOIS MidFirst Bank Plaintiff, vs Martin
L. Gibbs, II;
Thunderbird Association; Unknown Owners and Nonrecord Claimants; The Estate of Susan Knotts Defendants
1 Wood Court,
Michael P.
on M ay 16, 2024, at the hour of 9:00AM at the Putnam County Sheriff's Office, 120 N. 4th Street (Lobby), Hennepin,
sell to the highest bidder for
Putnam , IL 61560 Judge
Mc Cuskey
hereby given
to a
IL 61327,
following described mortgaged
MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For inform ation call Plaintiff's Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski LLC, One East Wacker, Suite 1250, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone number: 312- 651- 6700. Attorney file number: 18- 025909. Andrew K. Weiss MANLEY DEAS KO CHALSKI LLC Attorneys for Plaintiff One East Wacker, Suite 1250 Chicago, IL 60601 Telephone: 312-651-6700 Fax: 614- 220-5613 Attorney No.: 6284233 Em ail: StateEFiling@ manl eydeas.com 8144- 941306 April 17, 24, 2024 May 1 , 202 4 Putnam Count y Record 941 30 6 999 • Legal 999 • Legal PUBLIC NOTICE NO TICE OF INTENT TO BORROW FUNDS AND RIG HT TO FILE PET ITIO N
PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCU IT C OURT OF THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCU IT PUTNAM COU NTY, HE NNEPIN, ILLINOIS IN R E THE ES TATE OF: PATRICIA GIST, Deceased No. 20 24- PR-2 NO TICE FOR PUBLICATION - CLAIM S NOTICE IS HERE BY GIV EN of the death of PATRICIA GIST, late, of 3877 W. Fish and Fun Road, McNabb, Illinois. Letters of Office were issued on March 21, 2024, 2024, to SAMANTHA GUTIERREZ, whose attorney is APLINGTON, KAUFMAN, MCCLINTOCK, STEELE & BARRY, LTD., 160 Marquette St., P.O. Box
LaSalle, IL 61301. Claims against the Estate may be filed
Address: PC Conservation District Bid C/O Putnam County Highway Department 552 State Route 26 Lacon, IL 61540 (Published in Putnam County Record April 10, 17, 2024) 2156005 County Highway Department for more info - (309)
on Wednesday, April 24, 2 024
246-6401 Sealed bids will
a sealed envelope
the name and address of the bidder and clearly marked - Attn: PC Conservation DistrictSeal Coat Bid. Sealed bids may be hand delivered, mailed or shipped. The bid
the Conservation District
be selected
the District
the right to waive any technicalities and reject any or all proposals. Mailing Address: PC Conservation District Bid C/O Putnam County Highway Department 552 State Route 26 Lacon, IL 61540 (Published in Putnam County Record April 10, 17, 2024) 2156005
All bids must be

Kool Aid Drink Mixes �14oz 3/$1

A-1 Steak Sauce 10oz

Bush Baked Beans 28oz $2�79




Walnut Calico Cheese lb $4�99

Kretschmar Genoa Salami lb���������������������� $6�99

Asiago Cheese Wedges lb $8�99


Bud or Bud Light Beer 24pk Cans $19�99

Beringer White Zinfindal Wine 1�5 Liter ������ $9�99


Black Angus Swiss Steak lb $5�99

Our Homemade Pork Fairburgers lb $3�99

Amish Spiral Ham Portions lb $3�99

Lean Pork Butt Roast lb $1�99

Boneless Stuffed Porkchops lb $4�99

Our Family Corned Beef Flats lb $4�59

Imitation Crab Meat lb $3�99


Our Family Orange Juice 59oz ����������������������� 2/$7

ICINB Tubs or Spray 8-15oz 2/$7 Our Family Natural Cheese Slices 8oz 2/$5

Rotel Canned Tomatoes 10oz 3/$5
Chips Ahoy Cookies 13oz $3�99
Prego Pasta Sauce 24oz 2/$5 Our Family Tomato or Chicken Noodle Soup 10�5oz �������������������������������������������� $1�19 Our Family Potato Chips 8oz
Creamette Assorted Pasta 16oz ������������������ 4/$5
Popcorn 6pk
Our Family Ketchup 24oz �����������������������������
Our Family Coated Paper Plates 150ct
Our Family Bleach 121oz
Oven Roasted Turkey lb ���������� $6�99
4/$5 Our Family Waffles 10ct 2/$5 Mr Dells Shredded Hashbrowns 30oz 2/$7 PRODUCE Our Family Russet Potatoes 5lb Bag ������������� 2/$5 Our Family Yellow Onions 3lb Bag ��������������� $2�99 Our Family Navel Oranges 4lb Bag �������������� $4�99 Jumbo Colored Peppers Each ����������������������� 2/$3 C O U P O N OUR FAMILY LAUNDRY DETERGENT 50 OZ $2.99 Limit Two With Coupon and $20 Order SIZZLING SAVINGS AT HFM!!! Win Big At HFM Gaming!!! SM-PR2152135 HENNEPIN FOOD MART CINCO DE MAYO Taco Dinner! SUNDAY, MAY 5TH Curbside Pickup Only by Advance Ticket Purchase Available for pickup 4pm, 4:30pm, 5pm or 5:30pm SACRED HEART PARISH HALL • GRANVILLE, IL SPONSORED BY SACRED HEART ALTAR AND ROSARY SOCIETY Tickets available from Society members, or by calling (815) 339-2138 3/$10 Tacos Freezingfor $22/dozen Friday - April 26th & Saturday - April 27th No map will be provided this year GRANVILLE TOWNWIDE GARAGE SALES SM-PR2149599
FROZEN FOODS Jack's Pizzas All ��������������������������������������������� 2/$7 Our Family Steamable Corn, Peas, Green Beans, Mixed Veggie 10oz

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