Putnam County Record_05152024

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Granville ALCIONIFORD.COM • 815-339-2511 Memorial Day Tire Sale Event May 17th-June 10th SM-LA2159575 Buy 4 select tires, get a $100 rebate by mail or 22,000 FordPass Rewards! Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm * Sat-Sun by Appt siegtire.com 620 OLD HWY 26, HENNEPIN, IL CALL NOW for Maintenance done on your Tractor now that the season has began! $105 Service Call! “PRSRT STD.” US Postage Paid No. 486 SHAW MEDIA POSTAL PATRON LOCAL R.R. BOXHOLDER CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT PUTNAM COUNTY’S ONLY NEWSPAPER • ShawLocal.com Wednesday, May 15, 2024 • 50 CENTS FUSING INTERESTS IVCC welding grad takes on commercial diving training to become underwater welder / 4 Vol. 152 No. 20 One section 24 Pages © The Putnam County Record SPORTS PC’s Ken Jenkins to take his place in IV Hall of Fame / 19 ILLINOIS VALLEY County Health Departments accepting birds for West Nile virus surveillance / 2

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County health departments seeking birds for West Nile testing

SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com

Bureau, Putnam & Marshall County Health Departments are accepting crows, blue jays and robins for West Nile virus testing.

Collecting and testing dead birds is a component of the West Nile virus surveillance program. A mosquito acquires West Nile virus from biting an infected bird. The mosquito can then bite and transfer the virus to humans. Monitoring bird populations helps to predict when and where humans will be at higher risk for virus infections.

The public is encouraged to help locate birds that may have died from the disease. To qualify for testing, birds must meet these guidelines:

Dead birds must be fresh (usually dead less than 12 hours) and the carcass must not have obvious signs of trauma (struck by a vehicle, window, or animal attack), decay or strong odor. Birds dying from West Nile virus usually are found singly, scattered over a wide area. In contrast, birds that die from other causes (storm mortality, food poisoning, toxicants) often die in groups or clusters.

Eligible birds include crows, blue jays and robins. Ineligible birds include waterfowl, gulls, vultures, turkeys, chickens and eagles.


Hennepin Park District to host pickleball workshop

The Hennepin Park District will sponsor a pickleball workshop at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 8.

Attendees will learn the basics and rules of pickleball. Attendees will have the opportunity to play with experienced players at their level. Attendees also will learn how they can join others for weekly play. Paddles and balls will be provided but if an individual has their own equipment they are invited to bring them. Participants must wear court shoes. This event is free for all ages.

To register, contact the pool at 815-9257319 or hennepinparkdistrict@mchsi.com.

Webinars available to help farmers interested in a conservation plan

It is unclear when the U.S. Congress will pass the next Farm Bill. It is clear, however, starting with a conservation plan is the best first step farmers can take to the best advantage of the programs in that bill, the Marshall Putnam Soil and Water Conservation District

Only adults should handle dead birds. Pick up the bird with gloves, a plastic bag, tongs or a shovel. Each bird should be double-bagged in clear plastic bags. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling the bird.

The Bureau, Putnam and Marshall County Health Departments urge the public to take precautions to protect you and your family from mosquito bites. Outbreaks of West Nile virus occur each sum-

Bressner file photo

The Hennepin Park District will be sponsoring a pickleball workshop at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 8.

said in a news release.

The Soil and Water Conservation District and Natural Resources Conservation Service staff and the Wetlands Initiative’s Smart Wetlands Team are sponsoring two webinars designed to help farmers interested in developing a conservation plan for their operation and learning how they can use the Conservation Stewardship Program and Environmental Quality Incentives Pro-

mer in the U.S., warmer temperatures mean more mosquitoes. Take these common precautions to minimize mosquito bites this summer:

• Avoid being outdoors at dusk/night and early morning, when winds are light and mosquitoes are active.

• When outdoors, wear light colored clothing and apply insect repellent.

• Ensure that doors and windows have tight, properly fitting screens.

• Eliminate all sources of standing water that support mosquito breeding (i.e. bird baths, wading pools, and flowerpots, tires, cans, buckets, clogged gutters and abandoned swimming pools. This is especially important because large numbers of mosquitoes that carry WNV can emerge from even one shallow containers of stagnant water.

For information about WNV or to submit a bird for testing, call Bureau, Putnam & Marshall County Health Department at 815-872-5091 to determine if the bird is eligible before you touch or handle it.

Below is a list of helpful links regarding West Nile virus and eligible bird species. For information about WNV, visit IDPH West Nile virus page at dph.illinois.gov/ topics-services/diseases-and-conditions/ west-nile-virus or CDC West Nile virus page at cdc.gov/westnile/index.html. To help identify birds, visit whatbird.com/birdexpert/StateColorSize/2/6430/birdexpert.aspx.

gram to implement that plan.

“Conservation planning is the foundation for all successful farming endeavors,” said Dick Marshall, soil conservationist – Henry field office. “Conservation planning is the key to finding the right conservation program to fit your needs and farming operation. By identifying key resource concerns, our office can help you improve soil health, reduce erosion, increase productivity, provide the opportunity to sample new technology and innovative ideas and enhance wildlife and pollinators.” These programs will be presented via Zoom at 10 a.m. June 5 and June 12 and should run for about an hour. There will be time for questions at the end of both programs. Additional resources will be provided to help attendees integrate conservation into their farming operations. Recordings of the programs will be available for those unable to attend the live webinar.

To register for the webinars, visit smartwetlands.farm\events.

2 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD
Photo provided by La Salle County Health Department Bureau, Putnam & Marshall County Health Departments are accepting crows, blue jays and robins for West Nile virus testing.

granted the opportunity to testify during the hearing. Courtney Carlson also is seated with the duo.

State Sen. Rezin pushes for public accessible adult changing stations

Rezin’s legislation, Sami’s Law, would require public buildings to install them

SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com

The Senate Executive Committee held a subject matter hearing Wednesday on state Sen. Sue Rezin’s legislation that she said will improve accessibility and inclusivity for individuals with disabilities and their caregivers in public spaces.

Senate Bill 2908, also known as Sami’s Law, as written, would require certain public buildings, the State Capitol building and state rest stops to install at least one publicly accessible adult changing station if the building is constructed two or more years after the effective date of the act or if a building is seeking altercations or additions that are valued at $50,000 or more four or more years after the law takes effect.

“Adult changing stations will help ensure that individuals with severe disabilities and their caregivers are able to enjoy things that most people often take for granted,” said Rezin, R-Morris, in a news release. “Five states have successfully passed legis-

lation that requires some form of adult changing station accessibility, and 12 more states have introduced similar types of bills.”

During the hearing, Rezin expressed her willingness to work with stakeholders to make amendments to the version of Sami’s Law to minimize concerns.

“This subject matter hearing is the first step in building a larger conversation about the necessity to provide desperately needed accessibility for individuals suffering from severe disabilities,” Rezin said. “I hope with Sami’s Law, we can provide this vulnerable population with the dignity that they rightfully deserve.”

Sami’s Law was created as an initiative of one of Rezin’s district staffers, Renee Abraham. The bill is named after Abraham’s 26-year-old daughter, who has Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Abraham was granted the opportunity to testify during the hearing.

“Our family has faced many obstacles during Sami’s life. Like many people with physical disabilities, Sami is incontinent,” Abraham said. “Over 8 million Americans need help with daily self-care, and over 20 million have limited mobility. But 100% of these individuals deserve inclusion, dignity and respect.”


Photo provided by Marcus Durrett
3 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 must have lived in the area during his or her accomplishments or have attended an area high school and must be five years removed from high school. The inductees will be announced in a random order. Join us for the Class of 2024 Induction Ceremony Thursday, June 6 | 5:00 pm Auditorium Ballroom, La Salle S c a n t h e Q R c o d e t o p u rc h a s e t i c ke t s o r v i s i t [ s h o r t e n e d U R L ] . CLASS OF
must have lived in the area during his or her accomplishments or have attended an area high school and must be five years removed from high school. The inductees will be announced in a random order. Join us for the Class of 2024 Induction Ceremony Thursday, June 6 | 5:00 pm itorium Ballroom, La Salle S c a n t h e Q R c od e t o p u rc h a s e t i c ke t s or v i s i t [ s h or t e n e d U R L ]
OF 2024
Happ Family Foundation Mendota Booster Club Silver Sponsors Bronze Sponsors Hall High School | State Farm - Kurt Bruno | Ottawa High School Princeton High School/Princeton Tiger Athletic Booster Club | Prescott Brothers | St. Bede Academy The Locker Room | AAA Tree Service | Black Bros Co. | HCC Inc. | Grassers | Maze Lumber Sullivan Foods - Mendota & Princeton | Marquette Academy | Judd Construction La Salle-Peru High School | Meyers, Flowers, Bruno, McPhedran & Herrmann McDonald’s - Spring Valley, Mendota & Princeton To be considered for the Shaw Media’s Illinois Valley Sports Hall of Fame, an athlete or coach must have lived in the area during his or her accomplishments or have attended an area high school and must be five years removed from high school. The inductees will be announced in a random order. must have lived in the area during his or her accomplishments or have attended an area high school and must be five years removed from high school. The inductees will be announced in a random order. Join us for the Class of 2024 Induction Ceremony Thursday, June 6 | 5:00 pm Auditorium Ballroom, La Salle S c a n t h e Q R c o d e t o p u rc h a s e t i c ke t s o r v i s i t [ s h o r t e n e d U R L ] .
Sami’s Law was created as an initiative of one of Sen. Sue Rezin’s (center) district staffers, Renee Abraham (left). The bill is named after Abraham’s 26-year-old daughter, who suffers from Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Abraham was
must have lived in the area during his or her accomplishments or have attended an area high school and must be five years removed from high school. The inductees will be announced in a random order. Class of 2024 Induction Ceremony Thursday, June 6 | 5:00 pm Auditorium Ballroom, La Salle S c a n t h e Q R c o d e t o p u rc h a s e t i c ke t s o r v i s i t [ s h o r t e n e d U R L ] . Scan the QR code to purchase tickets or visit shawmediaevents.com/e/2024-shaw-mediaillinois-valley-sports-hall-of-fam 2005 Bureau Valley Football Team SM-LA2162810 Shaw Media File Photo

IVCC welding grad takes on commercial diving training

Caleb Savitch heading to the School Ocean Corp. commercial diving school in Houston

Caleb Savitch happily goes where many welders don’t. For him, welding and water are a good mix.

After graduating from Illinois Valley Community College’s welding program in December 2023, Savitch headed to the School Ocean Corp. commercial diving school in Houston where he is training in underwater welding. He’ll spend a little more than seven months diving almost daily, completing classroom and practical instruction.

He’d always loved tinkering with the family cars and discovered welding and mechanics classes in high school satisfied his need to work with his hands. Ironworking and pipefitting seemed a good bet for his skills, until recruitment materials from diving schools began arriving. He’d enjoyed scuba diving but hadn’t realized until then there was a way to combine two of his interests.

“As a commercial diver, you can do all kinds of diving, working offshore on oil rigs and pipelines,” Savitch said. “Inland, you name it, divers are doing it,” from ship and boat maintenance and repair to bridge inspections to sewer repairs and more, he said.

His career move had wholehearted support from IVCC welding program coordinator Theresa Molln.

“He is a very good welder in almost any process and position,” Molln said. “That is why I encouraged him to go after this when he mentioned it to me.”

Savitch spent the first several weeks of training in a classroom learning “a lot of formulas” that govern diving, decompression risks and safety practices.

Schoolwork calls for precision. A mistake off

paper, a misjudgment or omitting a step can be fatal in action.

“We get our fair share of horror stories from the instructors,” he said.

Still, he says he feels safer diving with ample breathing equipment and a crew on the surface monitoring and ready to help divers below – two factors that scuba diving doesn’t offer.

He mastered diver-rescue drills.

“I was paired with a 6-foot 4-inch, 260-pounder and had to lift him out of the water with 80 pounds of gear,” Savitch recalled with a chuckle. “I was huffing and puffing so hard!” but notched a successful “rescue.”

His eight-person crew became the first class to finish a job of assembling pipe from an oil rig to ocean floor and back up to the rig in one day, he said proudly.

Graduation will launch him into an apprenticeship of sorts as a tender.

“That job gets divers ready and takes care of them,” Savitch said. “If you’re a good tender, a good rigger, you might break out to be a diver in a year or year and a half.”

Envisioning his future, he doubts that offshore diving will be the life he chooses. Being confined to an offshore rig for months “is a single man’s job.” Instead he hopes to bring girlfriend Jayden Jones to join him.

There’s plenty of opportunity inland, and he’s optimistic about his options.

“This school has a 90-plus percent placement rating, and most graduates start a job within a week after graduating.”

He hopes to make it home briefly in the space between school and work.

As a high school athlete, Savitch tackled football, track, wrestling, golf and was a state-bound pole vaulter twice. He hoped to continue athletics in an Iowa university until shoulder surgeries soured him on playing sports. When his parents encouraged him to continue his education and get a degree, he looked to IVCC.

“I’d heard nothing but good things about the IVCC welding program,” Savitch said. “The instructors are all amazing. Theresa (Molln) is my role model. My first semester, she let me complete my last eight-week course in four weeks because I had to leave early for shoulder surgery and I wouldn’t have physically been able to finish.”

Student and instructor devoted extra time to complete the accelerated course, and Savitch was determined to do it.

“I take pride in what I’m learning, especially if it’s something I’m passionate about. I had to see it through,” he said.

The Spring Valley resident kept active in wrestling and pole vaulting as a coach.

“I come from a family of teachers, and explaining how to do sports comes naturally to me. I’m able to explain well, and I enjoy it.”


4 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Finance your new or used vehicle up to 72 months for as low as *Annual Percentage Rate based on an example loan amount of $40,000 with an interest rate of 5.95% for 72 months, and a monthly payment of $663.66. Rate also reflects a 0.25% interest rate reduction for automatic loan payments deducted from a GNB checking or savings account which must be active at the time of loan closing. If the above requirement are not met, discount will not apply, and 0.25% will be added to the rate. We will finance up to 100% of new vehicle loans. Borrowers must meet credit, income and other underwriting standards. Rate applies to new, untitled 2023 and 2024 vehicle purchases only, terms up to 72 months. Qualified borrowers only, other conditions may apply. Rates are accurate when published, but are subject to change.
APR Member
Photo provided by Peggy Schneider Illinois Valley Community College graduate Caleb Savitch of Spring Velley happily goes where many welders don’t. For him, welding and water are a good mix. ON THE COVER: Savitch suits up in diving gear to show family and friends back home.

IVCC buys robotic welding system

Purchase funded through grant

SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com

The Illinois Valley Community College Board of Trustees on Thursday purchased a robotic welding system for the welding program.

The board accepted the bid of Aidex Corp. of Rossville, Indiana, at $100,400. The purchase is funded through a grant.

The board also renewed a lease for the University of Illinois Extension Program to use six rooms totaling 1,300 square feet in the IVCC main campus building. Annual rent will be $18,204 and the lease extends through June 30, 2027.

In her monthly report, President Tracy Morris informed board members:

Upcoming events include commencement on May 18, nurse pinning ceremonies on May 18 and July 10, Adult Education Recognition on May 22, IVCC Alumni Night at the Illinois Valley Pistol Shrimp game May 31 and a theater department alumni celebration June 29.

Fall enrollment increased in headcount and credit hours over last fall, and summer enrollment also saw increases over a year ago in all categories: traditional credit, dual-credit and online courses.

Eagles Peak usage peaked in February and April, averaged 38 visits a month in January through April, and served an average of 24 households occupied by 31 children.

The board approved a two-year employment con-

Chief Senachwine NSDAR votes Nancy Gillfillan as



The members of the Chief Senachwine Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution voted at its May 4 meeting to have Nancy Gillfillan serve in 2024-25 as its new chapter regent.

tract for Vice President of Business Services Kathryn Ross and appointed Ellen Evancheck as the director of Learning Resources. Heather Seghi and Jennifer Scheri were approved to provide interim Workforce Development support while a vacancy in that division is being filled.

The board learned:

• Katelyn Vigars was appointed head volleyball coach

• Nursing instructor Marjorie Francisco retires this month after 20 years

• Nursing instructor Cathy Lenkaitis was selected for an Illinois Board of Higher Education Nurse Educator Award. The fellowship awards 10,000 to nursing faculty for professional development, conference expenses, and continuing education. A total of 80 fellowships was awarded.

Gillfillan was installed by District II Director Catherine Carlton of Woodstock. Carlton also presented the program for the day, titled, “Good for the Heart, Good for the Soul,” describing the positive impact that volunteerism exerts on the physical and mental health of a participant.

A memorial service was held for Janice Talsky of Maryland who died April 11. Reports were given by the following committee chairmen: American History, American Indians, Commemorative Events and Flag of the USA. The Service for Veterans chairman reported on the chapter’s donation that enabled the purchase of wish list items for the Illinois Veterans Home in La Salle.

Attendees reported on the Illinois State Organization’s State Conference held April 25-28 in Bloomington. Attending were delegates Nancy Gillfillan and Sharon Bittner with Diana Williamson and Jean Galetti, alternate delegates.

To conclude her term as 2023-24 regent, Dolores Dace presented the gavel and chapter pin to Gillfillan. The next meeting of the Chief Senachwine Chapter will be Sept. 7.

5 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 It’s easy! Call today 1-888-261-5798 or go to Dental50Plus.com/Shawmedia Get your FREE Information Kit from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company DENTAL Insurance Great coverage for retirees. Helps cover over 400 procedures 100% preventive care when you see in-network provider Go to any dentist, but save more with one in our network No deductible, no annual maximum Product/features not available in all states. Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation. To find a network provider, go to physiciansmutual.com/find-dentist. This specific offer not available in CO, NV, NY, VA – call 1-800969-4781 or respond for a similar offer in your state. Certificate C254/B465, C250A/B438 (ID: C254ID; PA: C254PA); Insurance Policy P154/B469, P150/B439 (GA: P154GA; OK: P154OK; TN: P154TN). 6347
Scott Anderson file photo The Illinois Valley Community College Board of Trustees on Thursday purchased a robotic welding system for the welding program.

IVCC students create Hispanic cultural mural

Painting incorporates symbolism about cultural history and education

SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com

A new painting rich with symbols and colors will greet passersby in an Illinois Valley Community College corridor near a popular student gathering spot.

The 13-by-10-foot canvas – created by IVCC’s Hispanic Leadership Team and conceived by the group’s president, Ariana Benitez – is on display in the hall leading to the Student Life Space.

The Graduate, Benitez’s central figure in the mural, wears an oversized graduation gown and is being cradled by a large pair of hands. The gown symbolizes “all the possibilities you can grow into,” and the hands are symbolic of “all the hard work of our ancestors to make us what we are now,” Benitez said.

Draped over the Graduate’s shoulders is a rainbow-colored scarf like a traditional serape, and behind the figure is a sunny disc featuring flags of the Latin America region. The figure’s mortar board tilts over its eyes, which Benitez said is a nod to muralist Diego Rivera’s spirit of universal-

ity and timelessness.

Classmates spent the school year completing the mural, stopping in for an hour or two between classes to surround Benitez’s centerpiece with scenes framed in triangles.

“We did it in sections to give everybody a way to contribute. You feel what you feel and put it on canvas,” Benitez said.

Cultural elements featured in the triangles include an Aztec calendar and a temple to familiar musical instruments, a dancer, foods, national sports such as soccer and boxing, and familiar plants such as a cactus and agave. The popular game loteria is represented, as well as a tree with multicolored leaves symbolizing family. Aztec influence and traditions carry over into modern Mexico.

The minor elements are as important as the central character and carry on the theme that “this mural only works because of the help of others,” Benitez said.

Plants, foods and scenery rooted in Hispanic cultural and physical landscape reminded Yair Santiago of when he was a child and moved with his family back to Mexico briefly.

“Everything’s so familiar,” Santiago said as he studied the painting. He said family ties made adapting to and learning about that new culture enjoyable.

See MURAL, page 9

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6 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD PUTNAM COUNTY COMMUNITY CENTER 128 FIRST ST STANDARD, IL 61363 1(815)339-2711 or 1(800) 757-4579 WWW.PCASERVICES.ORG
Achievement Services”. 815-339-6010 218 S. McCoy St. Granville, IL Come for dinner, stay for the party! FULL BAR & FOOD SERVICE Congratulations Putnam County Graduates!
Photo provided by Peggy Schneider The Hispanic Leadership Team at Illinois Valley Community College exhibits a newly completed cultural heritage mural May 1. The mural is now displayed in a hallway leading to the Student Life Space. Presenting the artwork are (from left) Emily Tran, Ashton Watkins, Emma Coss, Ariana Benitez, Jennifer Cortes, Allayna Elnicki, Azul Flores and Lynn Keyt.

chancellor for enrollment management; Sheryl Tucker, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs; Sarah Jiter, director of undergraduate admissions; and Josi Rawls, associate director for transfer relations.

IVCC partners with SIU to offer remote bachelor’s degrees

SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com

Illinois Valley Community College students will have the opportunity to earn bachelor’s degrees remotely and at a lower cost in 12 academic programs through a partnership between IVCC and Southern Illinois University-Carbondale.

SIU-Carbondale Chancellor Austin A. Lane and IVCC President Tracy Morris signed an agreement for the Saluki Step Ahead program May 8 during a virtual ceremony.

Established in 2021, the program enables students who graduate with an associate degree from partnering community colleges to complete their SIU bachelor’s degrees online in accounting, business administration, criminology and criminal justice, early childhood, elementary education, health care management, history, industrial management and applied engineering, information technology, nursing (RN to BSN), psychology and radiologic sciences.

“We are pleased to collaborate with Illinois Valley Community College to provide another option for place-bound students in this region,” Lane said in a news release from IVCC. “If these students cannot come to Carbondale to complete their education, we will bring the experience and resources of a doctoral research university to them.”

IVCC was established in 1924 and is the second-oldest community college in the state. It has 21 associate degree programs, 59 certificate programs and four transfer degree options.

IVCC’s district encompasses more than 2,000 square miles, covering all of Putnam County a majority of La Salle and Bureau counties and portions of DeKalb, Grundy, Lee, Livingston and Marshall counties. About 145,000 residents live in the college district.

“This is such a great opportunity for our students to complete their baccalaureate degree completely online. And for our community, this will create even more access to bachelor’s degrees,” Morris said in the release.

Jim Moskalewicz, an IVCC counselor, said the Saluki Step Ahead “offers discounted options for placebound students seeking a high-quality online baccalaureate degree.”

Students in the Saluki Step Ahead program pay the community college rate for their first two years. In the third and fourth years, they receive annual $4,000 scholarships.

SIU Carbondale has about 50 Saluki Step Ahead partnerships with community colleges in Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee and Texas, including pacts with 43 of the 48 community colleges in Illinois.



7 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 must have lived in the area during his or her accomplishments or have attended an area high school and must be five years removed from high school. The inductees will be announced in a random order. Join us for the Class of 2024 Induction
La Salle S c a n t h e Q R c o d e t o p u rc h a s e t i c ke t s o r v i s i t [ s h o r t e n e d U R L ] .
Thursday, June 6 | 5:00
Auditorium Ballroom,
Silver Sponsors To be considered for the Shaw Media’s Illinois Valley Sports Hall of Fame, an athlete or coach must have lived in the area during his or her accomplishments or have attended an area high school and must be five years removed from high school. The inductees will be announced in a random order. must have lived in the area during his or her accomplishments or have attended an area high school and must be five years removed from high school. The inductees will be announced in a random order. Join us for the Class of 2024 Induction
S c a n t h e Q R c o d e t o p u rc h a s e t i c ke t s o r v i s i t [ s h o r t e n e d U R L ] .
Ceremony Thursday, June 6 | 5:00 pm
Ballroom, La Salle
must have lived in the area during his or her accomplishments or have attended an area high school and must be five years removed from high school. The inductees will be announced in a random order. Class of 2024 Induction Ceremony Thursday, June 6 | 5:00 pm Auditorium Ballroom, La Salle S c a n t h e Q R c o d e t o p u rc h a s e t i c ke t s o r v i s i t [ s h o r t e n e d U R L ] . Scan the QR code to purchase tickets or visit shawmediaevents.com/e/2024-shaw-mediaillinois-valley-sports-hall-of-fam 1987-88 IVCC Men’s Basketball SM-LA2162809
Bronze Sponsors Hall High School | State Farm - Kurt Bruno | Ottawa High School Princeton High School/Princeton Tiger Athletic Booster Club | Prescott Brothers | St. Bede Academy The Locker Room | AAA Tree Service | Black Bros Co. | HCC Inc. | Grassers | Maze Lumber Sullivan Foods - Mendota & Princeton | Marquette Academy | Judd Construction La Salle-Peru High School | Meyers, Flowers, Bruno, McPhedran & Herrmann McDonald’s - Spring Valley, Mendota & Princeton
Photo submitted by IVCC Happ Family Foundation Mendota Booster Club Photo provided by Peggy Schneider Southern Illinois University Chancellor Austin Lane (center) signs the Saluki Step Ahead agreement with Illinois Valley Community College during a virtual ceremony Wednesday with (from left) Wendell Williams, associate vice

Arukah Institute addresses mental illness, substance abuse in Illinois Valley

New facility in Princeton will provide wrap-around services

Individuals with mental illness and substance abuse disorder often are faced with the burden of having their chronic illness stamped with stigmas holding them back from reaching out for help.

Dr. Sarah Scruggs, chief executive officer for the Arukah Institute of Healing, addressed these issues as well as how to build wisdom within the community, the tools to handle these challenges and the future of the institute during a dinner meeting Wednesday with Rotary clubs in La Salle.

Scruggs read quotes from individuals struggling with mental health or substance abuse during her presentation to show the impact stigma has on those facing these challenges.

“No addict wants to be an addict, but every addict is scared of getting clean,” a person with a substance use challenge said.



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8 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Time
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Maribeth Wilson Dr. Sarah Scruggs, chief executive officer for the Arukah Institute of Healing, addressed Wednesday the stigma of reaching out for help with mental health issues as well as how to build wisdom within the community, the tools to handle these challenges the future of the institute during a Rotary dinner in La Salle.

Alzheimer’s support group to meet May 20 in Peru

The Illinois Valley Alzheimer’s Caring Friends Support Group will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, May 20, in the lower level of the Peru Public Library, 1409 11th St.

Share concerns you have about loved ones who have Alzheimer’s, ask questions and listen to others who are coping with the disease.


Continued from page 6

Ashton Watkins said the Illinois village where he grew up didn’t expose him to much variety of cultures, but HLT and IVCC have supplied plenty of diversity.

“I always wanted to travel, and HLT helped me learn about other cultures,” he said.

“We embrace and celebrate different cultures wherever we come from,” HLT

For information, call Joanne Milby at 815-228-1858, Peg Gonet at 815-4816465 or Bob Frig at 815-220-0202.

Stage 212 in La Salle to offer 2 workshops for vocalists

Stage 212 in La Salle is offering two workshops for vocalists Saturday, May 18, at the theater.

Acting Through Song I, from 10 to 11 a.m., is designed for ages 10-14. Acting

adviser Sara Escatel said. “We pass on our appreciation of our culture and make sure people are proud of where they’re from.”

When HLT was established about 14 years ago, it opened a welcome committee and a support system for incoming students as Hispanic-language enrollment started to rise, Escatel said. The organization had 19 members this school year.

Aseret Loveland, a counselor for Project Success, remembers needing the HLT role models and peer models who

Through Song II, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., is designed for ages 14 and older. Each of the workshops will be conducted in the format of a masterclass. Four participants (six for the older age group) will be accepted as “singers,” and the remaining participants will be “observers.” Those who register to be “singers” should come prepared with a song and accompaniment. Instructor Ashley Hurst will work with each singer

emerged during her student years.

“I only knew Sara [Escatel]. I didn’t see many people who looked like me,” Loveland said.

Escatel said many students may be first-generation college students competing with cultural expectations and not knowing how to reach their graduation or career goals.

Benitez said she remembers when she started college last year feeling “super alone. It was hard to engage.” Since then, she’s raised her visibility on campus and found a voice. Art provided

individually, coaching them to act through their song. The observers will have the opportunity to pick up pointers along with the singers.

The cost of Acting Through Song I is $12 a person. The cost of Acting Through Song II is $15 a person. Space is limited, and registration is required. Registration and more information are available at www.stage212.org.

– Shaw Local News Network

an outlet and a solace, and she wants to pursue it through a career in art therapy. She said she hopes to help people use art the same way it helped her.

“I want to help people and children to express themselves when words don’t help,” Benitez said.

The painting doesn’t have a title yet, but a brief brainstorm among its creators yielded a possible one. A quote from civil rights activist Cesar Chavez –“Si, se puede!” – has become a slogan in Spanish culture, Escatel said. It means, “Yes, it can be done.”

9 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 Receive a free 5-year warranty with qualifying purchase* - valued at $535. Call 844-377-3452 to schedule your free quote!


Continued from page 8

“It came from my side, I’ve got the guilt ... if I hadn’t had him, he wouldn’t be like that. If I had known at the time, I probably wouldn’t have had any children because of what I’ve seen happen to him ... I didn’t think about this being passed on when I was 23 years old. You think ‘This will never happen to me,’” a sentiment from a father with a mentally ill child.

Scruggs said the impact stigma has in rural communities has a detrimental effect on treatment outcomes for people with mental illness and substance abuse disorder.

“People often say substance abuse, mental illness is a disease, just like cancer,” she said. “It’s treatable. So why is that so much harder to believe? That it’s a disease. It’s not a moral issue.”

Scruggs said she believes it’s

because the signs and symptoms of mental illness and substance abuse often are items that are offensive to other people; excessive drinking, erratic behavior, irritability, lying, impulsivity, anger, unreliability and others.

Environmental and genetic factors affect an individual’s vulnerability to having a mental illness or a substance abuse disorder.

Environmental factors include trauma, discrimination, birth complications, poverty, immigration, illicit drug use, abuse/neglect, major sources of stress or social isolation/ loneliness. Genetic factors could include a change in DNA sequence.

Scruggs said the community can assist people struggling with addiction or mental illness by mitigating those environmental factors by enhancing the protective factors.

The community is able to accomplish that through acceptance, social support, coping skills, faith, medication, exercise, sleeping and having

goals, Scruggs said.

“Honestly, many things every single person can do, “ she said. “You can impact people in your community by accepting them. Maybe they’re a little strange. Maybe they smell. Maybe they’re kind of a bummer to be around. You have the opportunity to accept them to meet them right where they are at.”

Future of Arukah

Arukah purchased a new site in September, commonly known as Perry Plaza at 526 Bureau Valley Parkway in Princeton. Construction is underway.

Arukah’s current facility is located at North Main Street in Princeton, which has 12,000 square feet. The new building will have 38,000 square feet.

The health department will stay in the building as tenants, Scruggs said. Crews are renovating 7,000 square feet for them on the north side of the property by the library.

Once completed it will either be a rural health clinic or a federally qualified health center, Scruggs said.

“The cool thing about that is it has dentistry, primary care and then Arukah will provide behavioral health, so it’s a wrap-around model that serves anyone regardless of their ability to pay,” she said.

The facility also will feature a training room that will fit 120 to 150 people, a clinical psychologist who will be performing neuropsychological testing, private rooms for keeping people overnight, a family wing, more restrooms to provide hot showers and more laundry facilities.

In Ottawa, Arukah is leasing space from North Central Illinois Council of Governments, Scruggs said. The space is packed and the agency already is looking for a larger facility to accommodate its needs.

She said Arukah is growing rapidly and is seeing an increased need for psychiatry, counseling and substance services.

at shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record,

10 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD 815-339-2231 Unique designs with the traditions of the past. We can duplicate any monument. Please contact us to assist you in designing your lasting tribute. Serenity Monuments SM-PR1500753
Funeral Chapel 815-339-2231 www.dcfunerals.com R.L. Cofoid, Director Serving Putnam County & surrounding areas for over 100 years SM-PR2152140 Specializing in Prearranged and Prepaid Funerals & Cremation Services Janice Shields 815-339-6234 Serving area families since 1913 Mark and Tom Ptak 1026 4th Street, Peru 815.223.0172 Affiliated with Helmer Shields Funeral Home. Offering a full line of Granite Memorial Products. SM-PR2129384 For more information check out website at: PtakFh.com or call 815-223-0172 Ptak Monuments Submit obituaries: Send obituary information to putnamobits@shawlocal.com or call 815-632-2534. Notices are accepted until 5 p.m. Friday for Wednesday’s edition. Obituaries also appear online
where you may sign the guest book, send flowers or make a memorial donation.
11 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 2024 HENRY-SENACHWINE HIGH SCHOOL ST. BEDE ACADEMY PUTNAM COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Celebrating 2024’s seniors
12 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 GRADUATION 2024 SM-PR2162161 108 N Front St Hennepin, IL | (815) 925-9100 Congrats PC Graduates! SM-PR2163047 TO ALL 2024 GRADUATES Congrats! Hennepin ~ Ladd Congrats Grads! Best Wishes in Your Future Endeavors www.northcentralbank.com SM-LA2162710 SPRATTS TAP 2X5.5 - 4C 2162161 VILLAGE OF HENNEPIN 2X2.75 - 4C 2163047 NORTH CENTRAL BANK 2X2.75 - 4C 2162710 Putnam County Class of 2024
Kylee Allen Esmeralda Avila
Boedigheimer Madison Boggio Salina Breckenridge Camryn Christiansen Gavin Cimei Hailey Cimei Adan Coronel Hayden Dauck Ryan Davis Josh Dove Gabrielle Doyle Alyssa Durbin Landon Glynn Hannah Gorisek Neveah Goulding Hayden Grandadam Emelia Grant Tucker Gualandi Orlando Harris Ava Hatton Emma Henderon Lauren Henderson Sarah Johnson Logan Keesee Roman Mack Claire McCook Chasity Missel Kylee Moore Avery Moutray
Alex Myres Jose Ochoa Kaitlyn Pacholski Noah Pohlson
Miguel Reveles
Richetta Gia Rigazio Owen Saepharn
Spencer Samek Gabriel Sandoval Bryce Smith Hannah Strack Paxton Stunkel Drew Taliani Haley Tanner Jonathan Taylor
13 GRADUATION 2024 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 SM-PR2162117 New Homes • Additions • Kitchens Decks • Remodeling • Custom Woodwork Contact us today to arrange a consultation and project quote. Pederson Construction Hennepin • 815.925.7535 CONGRATS, GRADUATES! GOOD JOB GRADS! Hopkins & Associates, CPAs Offices in Granville, Peru & Princeton • www.hopkinsilcpa.com 815-339-6630 SM-PR2162146 Congrats to all 2024 Graduates! “Friends by Accident” 202 W Harper Ave. • PO Box 326 • Granville, IL 61326 815-339-9181 ROUTE 71 AUTO BODY SM-PR2162530 ROUTE 71 AUTOBODY 2X5.5 2162530 - BW HOPKINS & ASSOC 2X2.75 2162146 - BW PEDERSON CONST 2X2.75 2162117 - BW PUTNAM COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Class of 2024 Hannah Gorisek Neveah Goulding Hayden Grandadam Emelia Grant Tucker Gualandi Orlando Harris Ava
Lauren Henderson Sarah Johnson Logan Keesee Roman Mack Claire McCook Chasity Missel Kylee Moore Avery Moutray Alex Myres Jose Ochoa Kaitlyn Pacholski Noah Pohlson Miguel Reveles Maggie Richetta Gia Rigazio Owen Saepharn Spencer Samek Gabriel Sandoval Bryce Smith
Strack Paxton Stunkel
Taliani Haley Tanner Jonathan Taylor
14 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 GRADUATION 2024 The Washington Mills-Hennepin team would like to congratulate all our area Graduates! We are so proud! 13230 Prairie Industrial Parkway Hennepin, IL 61327 www.washingtonmills.com SM-PR2162351 Brandon Mennie, President 239 Mark Industrial Park • Mark, Illinois 815.339.6267 We offer you.. Machining & Fabrication Services Custom Needs & Commitment Precision & Reliability 1993 SM-PR2162347 Congratulations Graduates! Congrats Class of 2024! 411 W. Main St. l McNabb firststatebank.biz | 815.882.2146 SM-LA2164151 Washington Mills Hennepin Inc. 4X5.5 2162351 - 4C PUTNAM COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Class of 2024 Putnam County Class of 2024 Ricardo Trinidad Annabel Vincent Cole Vipond Miles Walder Megan Wasilewski Kyler Williams Trinity Wrobleski TAYLOR MADE MACHINING INC 2X2.75 22162347 - 4C FIRST STATE BANK 2X2.75 2164151 - 4C
15 GRADUATION 2024 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 Issued by COUNTRY Mutual Insurance Company®, Bloomington, IL 1112-500HO Matthew Hostetter Granville 815-339-6136 matt.hostetter@ countryfinancial.com SM-PR2162154 SM-PR2162133 Congratulations, Graduates! 815-339-2511 alcioniford.com 504 S. McCoy, Granville “NO BALONEY AT AL CIONI” EST. 1968 326 S. Milan St, Hennepin, IL 815-925-7319 SM-PR2162150 328 S. McCoy St. • Granville, IL • (815) 339-2222 • (800) 259-1383 • www.GNBonline.com AL CIONI FORD 2X2.75 2162133 - 4C GRANVILLE NAT’L BANK 2X2.75 2162162- BW HENNEPIN PARK DISTRCT 2X2.75 2162150 - 4C COUNTRY FINAN. GRANVILLE 2X2.75 2162154 - BW St. Bede Academy Class of 2024 Aubree Acuncius Alex Ankiewicz Yigit Arslan Joseph Bima Samuel Bima Johnna
Macklin Brady Maximus Bray Ella Burris Summer Conlin Madelyne Dalton Rubi De La Torre Erin Dove Tessa Dugosh
Evan Englehaupt Evan Entrican Aleah Espel Daliayah Farris Seth Ferrari Milana Gayan Molly Gonzales Georgina Guo Isabella Hagenbuch Gavin Hahn Makenzie Hanson Katelyn Harth Macy Hartt Mariella Hermes Teagan Hewitt Kylie Hill Nathan Husser Jeanna Ladzinski Jadyn Martin Henry Mertel Ariella Mudge Ava Mueller Kyra Newman Khue Nguyen Olivia Orteza Kristina Penaverde Isabella Pinter Zachary Popurella Logan Potthoff Matteo Pullara Allison Rimmele ST. BEDE ACADEMY Class of 2024
Ella Englehaupt
16 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 GRADUATION 2024 SM-PR2162190 Licensed and Bonded Trustee for Pre-arranged and Pre-paid Funerals R.L. Cofoid, Director 815-339-2231 Congrats Class of 2024! 3004 E. 12th Street • Mendota GRAIN COMPANY SM-PR2163355 Congrats Area Graduates! Helmer - Shields Funeral Home Serving area families since 1913 Janice Shields 815-339-6234 SM-PR2162892 815-339-6333 Great Job, Graduates! THE VILLAGE OF GRANVILLE ADM GRAIN 2X2.75 2162722 - BW DYSART COFOID FUNERAL CHAPEL 2X2.75 2162190 - BW ST. BEDE ACADEMY Class of 2024 Ella Englehaupt Evan Englehaupt Evan Entrican Aleah Espel Daliayah Farris Seth
Milana Gayan Molly Gonzales Georgina Guo Isabella Hagenbuch Gavin Hahn Makenzie Hanson Katelyn Harth Macy Hartt Mariella Hermes Teagan Hewitt Kylie Hill Nathan Husser Jeanna Ladzinski Jadyn Martin Henry Mertel Ariella Mudge Ava Mueller Kyra Newman
VILLAGE OF GRANVILLE 2X2.75 2162892 - BW HELMER SHIELDS 2X2.75 2163355 - BW
Khue Nguyen Olivia Orteza Kristina Penaverde Isabella Pinter Zachary Popurella Logan Potthoff Matteo Pullara Allison Rimmele
18 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 GRADUATION 2024 SM-PR2162547 CITY OF HENRY 514 FRONT STREET • HENRY, IL 61537 VISITHENRYIL.COM SM-PR2162145 CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE GRADUATES!! HERE’S TO YOUR FUTURE! Henry-Senachwine Class of 2024
Zachary Barnes Olivia Bergfeld Marshall Bischler Cheyenne Cordes Ericka Dixon Nolan Dunshee Timothy Ehrat Emily Graham Mason Guarnieri Nathaniel Guarnieri MacKenzie Hartwig Hayden Holocker Jersey Johnson Daphaney Kessling Lance Kiesewetter Parker Krafft Roman Lemons Brendan Lester Faith Manzanares Howard Martin Andon McQuade Brookelynn Miller Annabelle Myong Alec Neuhalfen
Alisyn Read Preston Rowe Abbie Stanbary Richard Varcho Teagan Williams Nicolas Yee

2015: Stephen Curry scores 32 points, including a 62-footer to end the third quarter, and Golden State advances to its first Western Conference finals since 1976.

PC’s Ken Jenkins to take his place in Illinois Valley Hall of Fame

Ken Jenkins is getting his call to the Shaw Media Illinois Valley Hall of Fame.

The legendary Putnam County High School baseball coach is one of 16 honorees in this year’s Hall of Fame class to be inducted on Thursday, June 6, at the Auditorium Ballroom in La Salle.

As PC baseball coach from 1979-2008, Jenkins finished with 517 wins, seven regional titles and three sectional titles. He led three PC teams to state: 1982, 1998 (fourth) and 2008 (third).

Jenkins was named IBCA Coach of the Year in 1982, 1998 and 2008 and is a member of the PC Hall of Fame & IBCA Hall of Fame

He also coached basketball at PC from 1984-90, finishing with a career record of 78-67

2024 IV Hall of Fame inductees

• Rhonda Morel, La Salle-Peru/IVCC

• Hollis Vickery, La Salle-Peru/IVCC

• Dale Pienta, Hall

• Ken Jenkins, Putnam County

• Bob Beals, Mendota/IVCC

• Mike Kilmartin, Mendota

• Amy Johnson Deverteuil, Ottawa

• Craig McCormick, Ottawa

• Guy Hoffman, Marquette

• Ted Schmitz, Streator

• 1987-88 IVCC Men’s Basketball Team

• 2005 Bureau Valley Football Team

• Distinguished Media Award: Tom McGinnis, St. Bede

• Lanny Slevin Lifetime Achievement Award: Tony Causa

• Legacy Individual: Russ Meyer, L-P/IVCC

• Legacy Team: 1954-55 Princeton Boys Basketball


Panthers celebrate Senior Night

19 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 SPORTS TODAY IN SPORTS HISTORY
Shaw Local News Network file photo Legendary Putnam County High School baseball coach Ken Jenkins is one of 16 honorees in this year’s Hall of Fame class to be inducted on June 6 at the Auditorium Ballroom in La Salle. Photo provided by Putnam County High School Putnam County High School recognized its two senior baseball players and their parents. Pictured are (from left) Ricardo (Rikki) Trinidad Jr. and his parents, Agustina Castro and Ricardo Trinidad, and Cole Vipond and his parents Jim and Tayor Vipond.


Lady Panthers’ track season ends at sectional

PC baseball tops Newark; PC softball earns TCC wins over Midland, Dwight

SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com

Putnam County ended its season Wednesday at the Class 1A Bureau Valley Sectional in Manlius.

The Panthers’ best finish was in the 4x200-meter relay as the foursome of Chloe Andersen, Brooklyn Brown, Haleigh Green and Emberlyn Cwikla placed 13th in 2:16.24. Andersen was 15th in the long jump with a leap of 4.17 meters.


St. Bede 3, Putnam County 2 (8 inn.): In a game that was twice postponed because of weather and restarted Saturday with the score tied 2-2, the Bruins pulled out the Tri-County Conference win in extra innings on an RBI single by Alan Spencer in the top of the eighth.

Spencer finished 2 for 4 with two RBIs and earned the win on the mound as he gave up two earned runs on three hits with eight strikeouts and five walks in eight innings.

Nathan Husser was 2 for 4 with a home run, a double, two runs and an RBI for St. Bede (18-14, 9-7 TCC).

Johnathon Stunkel doubled, scored a run and drove in a run for PC (7-18, 5-11).

The Bruins and Panthers will both compete next week in the Class 1A St. Bede Regional.

Putnam County 5, Newark 3: Traxton Mattingly went 2 for 4 with a double, an RBI and a run as the Panthers earned a nonconference victory in Newark.

Jaden Stoddard was 1 for 2 with an RBI for PC (7-17).

Johnathon Stunkel was the winning pitcher in relief.

Dwight 10, Putnam County 3: Johnathon Stunkel doubled and scored a run as the Panthers lost a Tri-County Conference game in Dwight.

Henry-Senachwine 1, Putnam County 0: Carson and Preston Rowe combined for a three-hit shutout to lead the Mallards to a Tri-County Conference victory at Dozer Park in Peoria.

Carson Rowe threw 6 2/3 innings, allowing three hits while striking out seven batters and walking two, while Preston Rowe struck out the only

batter he faced.

Preston Rowe scored the only run for Henry (12-11-1, 10-6 TCC), while Lance Kiesewetter was 3 for 3 with a triple and double.

Johnathan Stunkel and Miles Main each doubled for PC (6-16, 5-9), while Drew Carlson took the loss on the mound as he gave up one unearned run on four hits with three strikeouts and no walks in a complete game.


Putnam County 10, Midland 1: Kylee Moore went 3 for 4 with a double,

three RBIs and two runs to help the Panthers to a Tri-County Conference victory in Varna.

Valeria Villagomez doubled twice, drove in two runs and scored twice for PC (10-13, 5-9 TCC), while Gabby Doyle went 3 for 4 with two runs and an RBI.

Putnam County 3, Dwight 0: Paxton Stunkel pitched a two-hit shutout with four strikeouts and one walk to lead the Panthers to a Tri-County Conference victory in Dwight.

Henry-Senachwine 6, Putnam County 3: Kaitlyn Anderson belted a threerun home run to lead the Mallards to

a Tri-County Conference victory in Henry.

Anderson finished 2 for 3 with a double.

Lauren Harbison was 2 for 3 with two runs and an RBI for Henry (10-12, 6-10 TCC), while Lexi Serpette was 1 for 3 with two RBIs.

Rylan Davis pitched five innings, allowing two runs on six hits with four strikeouts and one walk, while Rachel Eckert gave up one run on one hit with one strikeout and no walks in two innings.

Maggie Richetta went 3 for 3 with a triple for PC (10-13, 4-9 TCC).

Scott Anderson
20 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD
Marquette’s Olivia Tamblyn and Putnam County’s Haleigh Gren compete in the 800 meter run during the Class 1A sectional on Wednesday, May 8, at Bureau Valley High School.


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21 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024
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460 • Garage Sales 767
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22 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD B B D Business Directory Marketplace Business Directory Business Directory Marketplace Marketplace ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICES RIGHT HERE! Call 815-875-4461 SHOP THESE AREA BUSINESSES AND SEE HOW THEY CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR VARIOUS NEEDS! To add your lisTing To This page conTacT ashley aT 815-872-6903 Call Today! 815-339-4108 116 South 2nd Street • Standard, IL 61363 davidpassini@hotmail.com DAVID PASSINI Licensed • Bonded • Insured 058129420 Sieg Tire & Tube Repair Shop II Selling & Repairing all makes of tires 112 S. St. Paul St. Mark, IL 61340 Interstate Battery Sales Now accepting all major credit cards! Johnny Sieg Owner/Operator 815-878-7367 Cars, Trucks, Trailer, Motorcycles, ATVs, & Lawn Mowers also Bicycles Mounting, Balancing, Rotating, Patches, Plugs and all tire repairs plus Small Implement Farm Tires Where We Always Keep You Rollin! siegtire.com 620 Old Highway 26 Hennepin, IL 61327 Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm - Sat/Sun by appt Granville, IL • 815-339-2345 Mon-Wed, Fri 9:30am-4pm • Thurs 9:30am-12pm • Sat by appointment granvillefloorsil.com We have a great selection of Hardwood, Laminate, Vinyl, Tile, & Carpet! Stop in and Check out our Showroom! SM-PR2152589 A Division of Ed Hartwig Trucking & Excavating, Inc. The perfect way to discard old roofing materials. SM-PR2147743 Commercial | Residential Mowing • Tree Trimming • Debris Clean Ups Gravel • Sand • Dirt • Bulk Mulch Lawn Care SMITH SMITH 815-257-0841 815-257-0841 SM-PR2152147 Plumbing * Heating * Appliances Air Conditioning * Electrical 815-882-2111 www.grassersplumbingheating.com PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. SM-PR2152100 FOLEY MOTORS Inc. QualityPre-Owned Vehicles Sales&Service Rt.29,Henr y, IL309-364-4711 Towing Available Full Service Store www.foleymotorsinc.com Auto Body Specialists 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 EMERGENCY: 815-252-0032 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” SM-PR2129388 Mike Supan Jr. Linda Supan Michele Straughn 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 EMERGENCY: 815-252-0032 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” Auto/truck/SUV detailing Window tinting Truck Accessories 24 Hour Service 107 East Harrison St. • Granville, IL www.kettmanheating.com • 815-339-6124 LOOK FOR THE MAN IN THE ORANGE & WHITE VAN SM-PR2152159 GLYNN’S DEMOLITION DEMOLITION & EXCAVATING Raejean Glynn, Owner Terry Glynn, Owner 815-878-8948 Free Estimates Fully Insured 9286 East Power Plant Rd. Hennepin, IL 61327 Fax 815-925-7475 gngdemolition@yahoo.com Decks, Deck Repair, Porches, Doors, Garages, Sheds, Remodeling, & much more! 38 yrs experience KTM CARPENTRY Kevin 815-503-3390 MAGNOLIA 202 W Harper Ave PO Box 326 Granville, IL 61326 PH: 815-339-9181 FAX: 815-399-9182 route71autobody@frontier.com Mon-Fri 8AM - 5PM ROUTE 71 AUTO BODY JODY TALIANI Owner SM-PR2152150 “Friends by Accident”

999 • Legal



NOTICE IS GIVEN that Tentative Budget & Appropriation Ordinances for Hennepin Township and the Hennepin Township Road District, Putnam Co., IL for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2024 & ending March 31, 2025 are on file & available for public inspection at the Hennepin Township Road District Building, 6235 Route 26, Hennepin, IL NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Public Hearings on the Tentative Budget & Appropriation Ordinances w ill be held at 7 PM on June 19, 2024 at the Hennepin Village Hall, 627 E. High St., Hennepin, IL & that final action on the Budget & Appropriation Ordinances will be taken by the Town Board at a meeting to be held at that time & place.

Dan DeMattia, Clerk

Call or email

(Published in Putnam County Record May 15, 2024) 2164454


Notice is given of the death of DARLENE L. SIEGMAN, deceased, 108 W Lafayette Street, Magnolia, Putnam County, Illinois. Letters of Office were issued on May 1, 2024, to Linda C. Holz, 500 Pine Street, Varna, Illinois, 61375, whose attorney is Ryan J. Anderson, 611 Second Street, P.O. Box 174, Henry, IL 61537.

Claims against the Estate may be filed in the Office of the Clerk of said Court at the Putnam County Courthouse, 120 N 4th Street, Hennepin, IL 61327, on or before November 15, 2024, or, if mailing or delivery of a notice from the representative is required by 755 ILCS 5/18-3, the date stat ed in that notice Any claim not filed on or before said date is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered by the claimant to the representative within 10 days after it has been filed and proof of such mailing must be filed with the Court.

Dated: May 15, 2024

Linda C. Holz

Independent Executor of the Estate of Darlene L. Siegman, deceased

Ryan J. Anderson

Attorney for the Executor 611 Second Street, PO Box 174, Henry, IL 61537 (309)364- 2354

(Published in Putnam County Record May 15, 22, 29, 2024)2164458

23 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 Business Directory Business Directory Marketplace Marketplace SERVICES RIGHT HERE! Call 815-875-4461 SHOP THESE AREA BUSINESSES AND SEE HOW THEY CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR VARIOUS NEEDS! ng, Inc. discard IL309-364-4711 Full Service Store Shop II Battery Sales credit cards! Motorcycles, also Bicycles Balancing, Rotating, tire repairs Farm Tires Sat/Sun by appt SM-PR2152169 Kitchen • Office • Bath • Entertainment Ph 815-339-4108 | Cell 815-481-7664 | thecabinetgirl@hotmail.com MaryFrances Passini • Owner | 116 2nd St. • Standard Softercleaning PRECISION EXTERIOR WASHING 815-830-3428 15 YEARS in the washing business! OVER - Vinyl Siding - Brick or Stone - Aluminum & Steel Siding - Wood Siding - Stucco - Sidewalks/Driveways - Vinyl or Wood Fence - Pavers - Decks - Steel Buildings - Deck Washing & Staining - Fence Staining - Exterior Washing - Brick - Steel Buildings - Stucco - Store Fronts - Walk Ways - Parking Areas - Tanks - Barns - Heavy Equipment - Form Machinery - After Hours Services Residential Commercial Fully Insured Locally Owned & Operated Operatedsoftercleaning@gmail.com SM-PR2160804 999 • Legal 999 • Legal PUBLIC NOTICE IN
State Contractor and Home Improvement Licenses: Arizona 321056. California 1005986. Connecticut HIC.0644950. New Jersey 13VH09390200. Oregon 209181. Pennsylvania PA107656. Tennessee 10020. Washington 3DAYBDB842KS. County Licenses: Nassau County, NY H0107310100. Rockland County, NY H-12401-34-00-00. Licensed through Great Windows Services, LLC: Virginia 2705172678. West Virginia WV061238. Various City Licenses Available Upon Request. © 2024 3 Day Blinds LLC. WE DESIGN, WE MEASURE, WE INSTALL, YOU RELAX!® 866-740-2031 CALL TO SCHEDULE FREE in-home design consultation with no obligation! CUSTOM BLINDS, SHADES, SHUTTERS & DRAPERY on Custom Blinds, Shades & Drapery 50 BUY ONE GET ONE % OFF *
to place your ad

Friday & Saturday, May 24th & 25th 8AM - 4PM



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Snack Pak Pudding Cups 4pk 2/$3

Duncan Hines Cake Mixes 15�25oz 2/$4

Manwich Sloppy Joe Sauce 15oz ������������� $1�79

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Hungry Jack Pancake Mix 32oz 2/$6

Kretschmar Honey Turkey

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MARK WEIR-OWNER B & M Concrete, Inc. “WE DO ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE CONSTUCTION” Magnolia, IL 61336 815-488-7210 cell 815-866-7177 office Fully Insured Free Estimates • Driveways • Patios • Curbs • Steps • Garage Floors • Sidewalks • Pole Barns • Retaining Walls • Parking Lots SM-PR2152182 SM-PR2163200 Bake Sale Friday & Saturday
Available at the Clubhouse and Lake Entrances

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