Putnam County Record_08282024

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Serving Putnam County since 1868



426 Second St. La Salle, IL 61301


9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tues. & Thurs. or by appointment


The Putnam County Record publishes on Wednesdays at Granville, Illinois


$20 per year in advance in Putnam County

$40 a year in advance outside of Putnam County

To subscribe, go online at putnamcountyrecord.com, call 815-875-4461 or send an email to news@putnamcountyrecord.com.

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Deadline: 9 a.m. Friday

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Deadline for obituaries is 5 p.m. Friday for Wednesday’s edition


The Putnam County Record encourages readers to submit news for publication in our paper. Special events, weddings, births, awards and honors, anniversaries, promotions, etc., are welcome items for the paper. Some fees may apply. Schools, businesses, organizations and groups are encouraged to send information on activities and events. Photos should be sent as an attachment.



General Manager/Advertising Director Jeanette Smith 815-220-6948



Derek Barichello 815-875-4461


All rights reserved. Copyright 2024


We want to hear from you. Email us your thoughts at feedback@shawmedia.com.

Shaw Media names Hosey executive editor

Will oversee news operations across northern Illinois

Joseph Hosey has returned to Shaw Media as executive editor for the company’s news operations.

Hosey previously was with Shaw Media as editor of The Herald-News in Joliet from 2018 to 2022. He left to become executive editor of The Times of Northwest Indiana, a position he held until returning to Shaw this week.

“I’m really glad to be back with Shaw Media,” Hosey said. “It’s a great company, and I’m looking forward to working with this talented team.”

Hosey also was a reporter for The Her-

Find a golden ticket in the Putnam County libraries throughout September and receive a prize.

The library district will be closed Monday, Sept. 2, for Labor Day. Facilities will reopen Tuesday, Sept. 3.

Here is the schedule for September 2024.

7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19: Nobody’s Fool: Why We Get Taken In and What We Can Do About It. The library, in partnership with the League of Women Voters of Illinois Mis/ Disinformation Task Force and multiple Illinois libraries, will virtually host Professor Daniel Simons, co-author of “Nobody’s Fool: Why We Get Taken In and What We Can Do About It.”

This program is free and open to the public. It will be presented virtually via Zoom. Registration is required.

6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 24: Thanks to Her: Finding Power and Inspiration in Your Family Photos. Author and former photojournalist Kathleen Geraghty will tell the story of her book, “Thanks to Her: Finding Power and Inspiration in Your Family Photos,” and how it began with a humble garage sale and morphed into a multifaceted research project. More than a recap of American history, from the 1900s to the 1950s, “Thanks to Her,” is a metaphorical snapshot of women’s lives during that period. This program is free and open to the public. It will be presented virtually via Zoom. Registration is required.

Hennepin, 214 N. Fourth St.

6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 5: Honeybees. Jason Spradling is a local beekeeper that will discuss what it is like to take care of bee hives


Putnam County VFW to host picnic for veterans in Granville

Editor’s Note: AnarticleintheAug.21 editionofthePutnamCountyRecordincluded

ald-News from 1999 to 2010, a period in which he reported on the disappearance of former Bolingbrook police officer Drew Peterson’s wife and the death of his previous wife. Hosey’s investigation into the Peterson matter led to his book “Fatal Vows: The Tragic Wives of Sergeant Drew Peterson” and a Lifetime movie adapting the book.

“We are very fortunate that Joe agreed to return to Shaw Media,” said John Rung, president and CEO of Shaw Media. “He did a tremendous job for us as a reporter and an editor for The Herald-News. We were sorry to see him go, but he gained tremendous experience

working for Lee Enterprises in northwest Indiana. I look forward to working with Joe as we strive to better serve readers across northern Illinois.”

Shaw Media owns newspapers and radio stations across northern Illinois and in Iowa, serving markets in 17 counties with editorial content devoted primarily to local news.

Hosey’s past experience includes work as a reporter in Rock Hill, South Carolina, and Lincoln, Illinois.

His work as a journalist has been recognized with several awards, including the National Press Club John Aubuchon Press Freedom Award. He was inducted into the Northern Illinois University Journalism Hall of Fame.

Hosey is originally from Queens, New York.

He lives in New Lenox with his family.


and collect honey. Local honey will be available to purchase after the program.

4 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12: Fall Scented Candles Workshop, teens/adults.

6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18: Putnam County Book Club, Join the library and share your ideas. The library and patrons choose books together and look forward to completing the list for the next year. Looking forward to sharing enthusiasm for books. Follow the group on Facebook.

5 to 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20: Teen After Hours Gaming, 13 and older. Nintendo Switch on the big screen, with games and food. Friday, Sept. 20, and Saturday, Sept. 21: Book sale, stop by the library to pick up books during the townwide garage sales. Saturday, Sept. 21: Hocus Pocus Hags. The famous local witch dance group will perform during the Hennepin Blues and Brats Festival. Time TBA.

All fall: Lego challenges. Stop by and pick up a new challenge card to build something new. All fall: Fall Tranquil Coloring Pages. Stop by to pick up coloring pages for all ages.

Sept. 9-13: Cricut MakerSpace. Learn how to use the Cricut Maker on select Thursdays and Fridays. Crafty adults and teens welcome. All day event. Call ahead. This month is a fall wreath.

Granville, 214 S. McCoy St.

6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3: Apollo to Artemis: Lunar Explorations. From Pioneer to Apollo and now to Artemis, NASA’s missions to the moon have produced unthinkable scientific and engineering achievements, incredible triumphs and heartbreak-

ing tragedies. In celebration of Observe the Moon Night, NASA Solar System Ambassador Scott Pellican will look back and ahead to exploration of Earth’s celestial neighbor. This program also will include a chance for the public to see actual lunar rocks and meteorites on loan from NASA’s Astromaterials Research & Exploration Science Lunar and Meteorite Sample Disk Program. 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 14: New Community Room Open House. Stop by to see the new community room in the back of the library.

All month: Lego Challenge. See how tall patrons can make the library Lego tower. 1 p.m. each Tuesday: Check Out Our Library of Things Together

1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 9, and Monday, Sept. 23: Book Discussion Group. No assigned book to read. Group directed. Instead, share your insights, opinions and views. Make recommendations.

11 a.m. Wednesdays: Story time. The library will share a story, enjoy a snack and offer related art activities.

3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays: After School Art Explorers. Art materials available after school

Putnam, 105 N. Center St. 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 1: Books and Brunch. Food, Books, and Friends

Magnolia, 112 N. Chicago St. Saturday, Sept. 14: Guess How Many Candy Corn Pieces In the Jar, all ages. Saturday, Sept. 28: Blind Date with a Book, all ages.

incorrectinformationaboutthepicnic.Itisfor veteransandtheirfamiliesonly.

The Putnam County VFW Post 8324 invites all Putnam County veterans and their families

to a picnic from noon to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 31, at 401 Laughlin Ave., Granville. There will be food and games for all ages.




during the 169th Bureau County Fair in Princeton.

Thursday that he prepares to show during the Bureau County Fair.

FAR LEFT: Carnivalgoers ride The Pharaoh on Thursday, Aug. 22, during the 169th annual Bureau County Fair in Princeton. ABOVE: Tennyson Sayler (from left), Jenna McNabb, Nora McNabb and Tessa Sayler react while riding the Scrambler carnival ride Thursday
the 169th
County Fair in Princeton. LEFT: Country music star Mitchell Tenpenny signs an autograph Thursday for Charlee Kruse, Little Miss Bureau County Fair,
ON THE COVER: Trandon Kays of Magnolia pets his rabbit
Photos by Scott Anderson

Knights of Columbus to host smoked pulled pork dinner

Knights of Columbus, Fr. Peter Delo Council 11223, will host a smoked pulled pork dinner beginning at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 21.

Proceeds will benefit the Putnam County Food Pantry. Smoked pulled pork sandwich plates including three side dishes can be pre-ordered for $16.

Dinners will be carryout only from Sacred Heart Hall, 311 Hennepin St., Granville. Tickets for this dinner can be purchased from KC Council members, or by calling Phil Edgerley at 815-339-2824.

Design a bookmark, color at Putnam County libraries

The Putnam County Public Library District invites the public to stop by the Granville or McNabb branches, during open hours, to pick up a Design a Bookmark form.

Once the form is completed, return the form to either library branch and staff will scan it and print the design for other library users to enjoy. This program will be available September through November.

The Putnam County libraries also invite

the public to stop by the Granville or McNabb branches, during open hours, to relax and create one-of-a-kind art. Assorted coloring pages will be available as well as colored pencils. Visitors can elect to have their art turned into notecards. This program will be available September through November. Design a Bookmark and Colorful Greetings are free and open to the public. For more information about these programs, call 815-339-2038 or stop in at the Granville or McNabb branches.

Open eBooks available at Putnam County libraries

The Putnam County Public Library District announced a new service for children and young adults. Open eBooks is a free resource provided by First Book that offers access to thousands of popular titles. No library card is needed to access the collection; users receive a unique code and PIN. This resource is available through a free app, which is available on Apple and Android devices, or through a web browser. The service allows a user to check out up to 30 eBooks at a time, and eBooks are checked out for 30 days

before they must be renewed. This new service is free and available to the public. For information about the service, call 815-339-2038 or stop in at any branch during hours of operation.

Marshall-Putnam Extension to host roundtable on cover crops

Sharpen your cover cropping skills and network with fellow growers.

Join the Marshall-Putnam Extension Office for an informal roundtable discussion focused on cover crops. The group will discuss the previous season’s successes and failures and plans for the coming season. This event will be an opportunity for growers to network, share ideas and problem solve about the challenges and benefits that come with using cover crops. This roundtable discussion will bring together both experienced growers and those who may be new to cover crops or looking to refine their practices.

This event will be from 7 to 8 p.m.

Wednesday, Aug. 28, at the Marshall-Putnam Extension Office, 509 Front St, Suite 4, Henry.

To register, visit go.illinois.edu/ CCRoundTable.

To request an accommodation, contact Hansen at emhansen@illinois.edu or 815-224-0896. Early requests are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time to meet your access needs.

Blood drive set for Sept. 6 at Putnam County High School

Putnam County High School Interact Club and Putnam County Rotary will team up to host a Red Cross Community Blood Drive from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Sept. 6, at Putnam County High School, 402 E. Silverspoon Ave., Granville.

Participation offers a chance for repeat and first-time donors to help others in need with their donation of blood. All blood types save lives. Sixteen-year olds may donate with a parent’s permission.

Donations help to determine the amount of Red Cross scholarship money annually granted to the school. Donors also will receive a long-sleeve T-shirt while supplies last.

For appointments, call 1-800-7332767. Donors may register online using RapidPass at redcrossblood.org.

– Shaw Local News Network

NASA ambassador to speak Sept. 3 at Granville library


Pellican to present

‘Apollo to Artemins: Lunar Explorations’

SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com

NASA solar system ambassador Scott Pellican will present a program titled “Apollo to Artemis: Lunar Explorations” at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3, at the Putnam County Library Granville branch, 214 S. McCoy St.

International Observe the Moon Night is an annual event where everyone is invited to learn about lunar science and exploration, take part in celestial observations, and honor cultural and personal connections to the moon. The program is free and open to the public. For more information about the program, call the Granville branch at 815-339-2038.

Scott Anderson

NASA Solar System Ambassador Scott Pellican will present a program, “Apollo to Artemis: Lunar Explorations,” at 6 p.m.

Tuesday, Sept. 3, at the Putnam County Library, Granville branch, 214 S. McCoy St.

IVCC Ag to host Fall Field Day

Event to showcase research conducted at IVCC Research and Demonstration plots

SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com

Illinois Valley Community College Agriculture in partnership with University of Illinois Extension will host its annual Fall Field Day from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Sept 6, at the IVCC Ag machine shed, located just south of campus at 815 N. Orlando Smith Road, Oglesby.

This year’s event will showcase research being conducted at the IVCC Research and Demonstration plots and throughout the state by University of Illinois researchers. Attendees will walk away with valuable insights into industry trends and best practices. The field day will include presentations from industry and university experts on a variety of topics, including:

• Insect Pests – Nick Seiter, Extension entomologist

• Soil Health – Emily Hansen, Extension agriculture educator

• Industrial Hemp – Chance Riggins,

University of Illinois crop sciences professor

• Corn and Soybean Traits – Kevin Rothzen, Channel Seed technical agronomist

“We are excited to invite both students and the community to our Fall Field Day,” said Emily Hansen, Extension agriculture educator. “This is a fantastic opportunity to show the public the research being done at IVCC and throughout the state.”

Willard Mott and Jennifer Timmers, IVCC Ag instructors and program coordinators, also will give an update on the research trials conducted at IVCC and the ag program’s growth.

“Attendees at the field day will get a close-up look at the IVCC Ag and Illinois Extension corn and soybean research and demonstration plots,” Mott said. “There is something for everyone at the Fall Field Day.”

This event is free and open to the public. Lunch will be provided. Register online at go.illinois.edu/IVCCFieldDay by Sept. 2.

To request an accommodation to participate, contact Emily Hansen at emhansen@illinois.edu or 815-224-0896. Early requests are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time to meet your access needs.

Tri-County Opportunities council announces energy aid program

assistance or furnace assistance benefit(s).

• 1019 N. Main St., Princeton, 1-888-225-2099

ROCK FALLS – The Tri-County Opportunities Council, as administrator of the Energy Assistance Program in Bureau, Carroll, La Salle, Lee, Marshall, Ogle, Putnam, Stark and Whiteside counties, has announced that funds are available to assist income-eligible households with their natural gas, propane and/or electric bills and furnace assistance for inoperable heating systems.

The program will begin taking applications Oct. 1 for older adults age 60 and older; individuals with disabilities; families with children younger than 5; and households that are disconnected from their utilities, have a disconnection notice or have less than 25% in their propane tank.

All other income-eligible households can start applying Nov. 1. Applications will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis through Aug. 15, 2025, or until funding is exhausted.

If needed, households that receive a one-time benefit may return during the program year for a reconnection

Households must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty level to receive a benefit from LIHEAP. The 30-day income guidelines for LIHEAP are based on federal poverty guidelines, state median income and the number of people living in a household.

The income guidelines are as follows: one, $2,510; two, $3,407; three, $4,303; four, $5,200.

Go to liheapillinois.com to know income limits for households with five members and more. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program provides one-time benefits to income-eligible homeowners and renters to help with energy bills and for the reconnection of energy services.

Propane customers who are part of the priority group are encouraged to apply when the program opens in October. Propane prices typically increase during the winter months, so by applying, early propane customers will see their LIHEAP benefit go further.

Applications will be taken at certain locations by appointment only:

• 425 1st Ave., Savanna, 1-815-273-0318

• OSF medical center, 111 Spring St., Streator, 815-673-3222

• The Salvation Army, 516 W. Madison St., Ottawa, 815-434-0406

• 308 Civic Road, La Salle, 1-815-223-2333

• 735 N. Galena Ave., Dixon, 1-815-994-4979

• 309 5th St., Lacon, 1-309-246-2200

• Rock River Center, 810 S. 10th St., Oregon, 1-815-732-2907

• 306 N. 6th St., Rochelle, 1-815-562-6938

• The Resource House, 102 N. 7th St., Wyoming, 1-309-695-2004

• Main office, 405 Emmons Ave., P.O. Box 610, Rock Falls, 1-800-323-5434

Other options are mail-ins, auto enroll (if applicable) and emergency walk-ins.

To submit an application, you must submit all documentation required:

• Proof of gross income from all household members for the previous 30-day period beginning with the date of application

• For all customers new to LIHEAP and/or for new household members of previous customers, proof of Social Security numbers or individual taxpayer identification number for all household members. Individuals without a SSN or ITIN still can apply, and the Tri-County Opportunities Council will advise accordingly.

• A copy of current heat and electric bills issued within the past 30 days.

• A copy of the rental agreement (if renting) showing that utilities are included, the monthly rental amount and landlord contact information.

• Other documents based on your household situation.

For information, call the TriCounty Opportunities Council at 800323-5434 or visit the website at www. tcochelps.org for outreach locations and schedules.

Beginning Oct. 1, income-eligible LIHEAP customers of Ameren Illinois, Nicor Gas, North Shore Gas and Peoples Gas will receive a monthly discount on their natural gas bill through the new low-income discount rates. Visit liheapillinois.com for details.

WIN grant applications open through Sept. 30

SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com

Women Inspired Network, an initiative of the Starved Rock Country Community Foundation, has opened its grant application season, which runs through Sept. 30.

Local nonprofit organizations offering programs that empower and enhance the lives of women and children in the Starved Rock Country region are encouraged to apply at srccf.org/women-inspired-network-grants. The grant finalist(s) will be announced and funding awarded during WIN’s annual Celebration of Giving.

To date, WIN has raised more than $147,000 and awarded 19 competitive grants and scholarships totaling more than $97,000. In 2023, the Chaplain Division of the La Salle County Sheriff’s Office received $4,500; Safe Journey’s Women Employed/ Women Empowered program received $4,500; and Our Saviors Lutheran Church Packs for Pal program received $2,633. The WIN membership also established an Endowment Fund in 2017 to support the organization in perpetuity and in 2021 created the Young Women Leaders Scholarship.

WIN welcomes new members to its group of caring and engaged women. Annual donations are made at a variety of giving levels to support the grant program. To learn more about charitable giving through WIN, visit srccf.org/women-inspired-network. To join WIN, contact SRCCF Director of Operations Janice Corrigan at 815-2522906, ext. 2, or janice@srccf.org.

Photo provided by Pamela Beckett
The 2023 WIN Celebration of Giving Grant Recipients were Chaplain Dave Van Laar, La Salle County Sheriff’s Chaplain Division; Pastor Kris Zierke, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church; Safe Journeys Executive Director, Susan Bursztynsky; WIN Grants Committee Chair Debbie Buffington; Melissa Engel, Safe Journeys Community engagement director; and Starved Rock Country Community Foundation President Fran Brolley.

2 - PCCC is closed for Labor Day – Stay Safe & Enjoy!

3 - 12:30 pm- Card Making with Tina (Join us for some fun!)

5 - 12:30 pm- Movie and Popcorn

10 - 9:30 -11 am- Free blood pressure & glucose checks 10:30 am- Site Council meeting 12:30 pm- Bingo

12 - 12:30 pm- Trivia with Melanie (Virtual & in-person)

13 - 9:30 am- PCCC Board Meeting

16 - 8:30 – 12:30 pm- AARP Safe Drivers Class 10:00 – 11:30 am- Outreach @ McNabb Library

17 - 8:30 – 12:30 pm- AARP Safe Drivers Class

20 - 4:00 – 7:00 pm- Italian Night (Curbside Pickup)

24 - 12:30 pm- Adult coloring

25 – 9:00-10:00 am-Medicare Part B Prevention & Wellness benefits, Extra help/LIS, MSP program & BA enrollment

26 - 12:30 pm- Music Therapy with Michelle (Virtual & in-person)

Did you know?

We offer lunches at the center! To view our menu, please go to our website at pcaservices.org

We kindly ask that you call the center by noon the day prior.

The Putnam County Community Center does not discriminate in admission to or treatment of employment in programs or activities in compliance with the Illinois Human Rights Act, the U.S. Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the U.S. and Illinois Constitutions. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you have a right to file a complaint with the Illinois Department on Aging, call 1-800-252-8966 (Voice and TDD) or contact the Program Manager at WIAAA 1-800-322-1051. PCCC is partially funded by the Western Illinois Area Agency on Aging.


PCCC would like to know!

If PCCC were to offer meals on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays, along with our normal Tuesdays and Thursdays, what days each week could you attend?

Call or stop in and let us know.


* Adults 60 years of age and older

* Even if you have previously attended

* Anyone interested in improving balance, flexibility, and strength

* Anyone who has fallen in the past or is concerned about falls

* Anyone who has restricted activities due to falling concerns

James Keen, Jr.

June Gouck

Linda Bean

Lynn Acuncius

Fay Malavolti

Ona Rehn

Jack & Cheryl Grasser

Larry & Kathy Carr

Jim & Linda Carboni


* View falls as controllable

* Set Goals for increasing activity

* Make changes to reduce fall risks at home

* Exercise to increase strength and balance

Pre-registration is required


James & Gladys King

Anonymous Donor

Marsha Passini

Bernard Ernat

Paul H. McCauley

Eric Toedter

Kathleen Dorff

Shore Law & Mediation

Robert & Deborah

In Memory of

Jerry Bejster - Dena & Edward Kowalski

Betty Campbell - Dr. John & Vicki Ehrhardt

Judith Bryan- Holly Faletti

Bill Steck - Putnam Co. Public Library District

Sean Egan - Nickole Barto

Gene Keyt - Deb Holmes

Duane Carr - Randall & Lane Keller, Darlene Mekley

Joe Faletti - Sheila & Bill Haage

Lucille Easton - R. Kevin Platt


Lorraine & Mike Terando

Patrick & Diana O’Connor

George & Nancy Yauch

Paul Meismer

Edward Daniels

Chris Verda

Richard Gimbal

Albert Segars

Chuck Berry (Many years served on PCCC Board) - Donna Berry



1950: Althea Gibson becomes the first black player to compete in the U.S. Open. 1994: Tiger Woods, 18, becomes the youngest winner in the history of the U.S. Amateur Golf Championship.


Maggie Spratt to lead Lady Panthers

Maggie Spratt will lead the Putnam County volleyball team this fall as she returns for her third season on varsity.

Spratt will play middle hitter for the Panthers as they look to replace 2023 NewsTribune Volleyball Player of the Year Maggie Richetta, who ranked second in the area in kills (3.4 per set), blocks (0.9) and third in digs (4.7) last year along with NT All-Area second-team pick Megan Wasilewski (area-best 8.2 assists per set) and Ava Hatton.

“Maggie Spratt is ready for her third year on varsity and will play a key role in the middle of the offense,” Putnam County coach Amy Bell said.

Several players are competing to see time at the hitting spots around Spratt.

Kacie and Cadence Coleman, Ella Pyska, Chloe Andersen, Addy Leatherman, Myah Richardson and Chloe Parcher could all contribute in the front row.

“We have several girls who could fill different roles in the lineup to give us depth and diversity, “ Bell said.

Eme Bouxsein steps into a new role this season as one of the team’s setters along with Richardson.

“Eme Bouxsein and Myah Richardson will play key roles in running the offense this year,” Bell said.

Hannah Taliani, Sydney Samek, Cadie Bickett, Ashley Cano and Sarah Wiesbrock will all contribute defensively.

The Panthers went 23-12-1 last season, including 7-2 in the Tri-County Conference, and advanced to a regional final.

“We are striving to improve every day, get comfortable in a lineup and communicate effectively,” Bell said.

Game time: Friday, 7 p.m., Nesti Stadium

Last matchup: Orion 20-14 (2023)

About the Red Devils: Hall kicks off a new era under new head coach Logan Larson. He is the first head coach with no ties to Hall football since John Fippinger was hired in 1979. Larson previously was on staff for 2A state runner-up Athens. He inherits a Red Devils program that looks to get back to some of its tradition, having

gone 10-27 since its last winning season, 7-4 in 2019. Big production from juniors

Aiden Redcliff (RB/LB), Braden Curran (RB/DB) and Jacob Mongan (OL/DL) and seniors Jack Jablonski (RB/WR/DB) and Cameron Spradlings (OL/DL) will go a long way in getting the Red Devils back on the winning side.

About the Chargers: The Chargers had a run of six straight playoff appearances, but have gone 12-19 (3-6 last year) since

their last berth in 2019. Orion beat the Red Devils 20-14 in last year’s season opener at Orion to raise its all-time series record to 8-1. ... Junior Kale Fuller returns for his third year as the quarterback for his dad’s Chargers. He completed 147 of 252 pass attempts for 2,038 yards and 23 TDs with three interceptions. Other returners on offense are senior RB Aiden Fisher (385 yards, 5 TDs) and senior wide receiver Jake Bainbridge (55-872, 12 TDs) and

junior wide receiver Owen Voorhees (40-765, 8 TDs).

FND pick: Hall

Other area games

Bureau Valley at Monmouth United East Moline UT at LaSalle-Peru Macon Meridian at Fieldcrest Newman at Princeton Riverdale at Mendota St. Bede at Tri- Valley

Scott Anderson
Putnam County’s Maggie Spratt gets the ball past Marquette’s Lilly Craig during a match last season.

New coach Larson looks to return Hall to playoffs

Red Devils going ‘to rely on a lot of juniors’

For the first time since Gary Vicini’s 25-year tenure as Hall coach ended in 2008, the Red Devils will have a non-Red Devil alumnus leading the program as Logan Larson takes over.

Larson is a former assistant coach at Athens, which finished as runner-up in Class 2A last fall. He takes over for Randy Tieman, who went 53-50 with seven playoff appearances in 10 seasons over two stints as head coach.

“I thought overall we had a really good summer,” Larson said. “It’s been a little slow installing stuff. Everything is new for us right now. Overall, I think the guys have been great. The guys who are here are showing up and giving great effort. We’re trying to get a little more physical.

“We’re building on everything.”

Junior Braden Curran said Larson has been a positive influence on the Red Devils.

“He’s been great,” Curran said. “He keeps us on our feet and makes us physical. Practices have been hardcore. I love it.”

Larson said his goal is to help the Red Devils return to the playoffs after they fell short last year, going 3-6.

“We want to be the best we can be, and we want to get better every single week,” Larson said. “The first year, that’s the process of it. It’s just learning things.

“We’re young. We don’t have a lot of seniors. We’re going to rely on a lot of juniors. Even though we’re experienced, they’re still juniors. We want to keep improving and get to Week 9 and have a chance and see what happens.”

Offensively, the Red Devils will look to establish the run.

“We’re going to get the ball to our athletes, and then we’re going to execute,” Larson said. “That’s ultimately what it has to be. No matter what you do, you have to be able to run the ball. Any teams that are winning state championships, they can run the ball, and they’re really good at it. So we have to run the football, we have to to execute, and we have to hang onto the football.”

Hall will have a veteran offensive line to run behind with senior Cameron Spradling back at left tackle and juniors Jacob Mongan and Kaiden

Kenny also returning. Senior Ben Heerdt and sophomores Alex Tucker and Caden Ellena also will be in the mix.

Juniors Braden Curran and Aiden Redcliff will be the team’s primary ballcarriers, while senior Jack Jablonski also will run the ball. Jablonski also will see time at receiver. Last fall, Curran ran for 374 yards and four touchdowns while catching 13 passes for 257 yards and two scores. Redcliff ran for 232 yards and four TDs.

Junior Dylan Glynn takes over at quarterback.

“I think we’re going to be tough,” Curran said. “We’ll be able to trust our linemen. Up front, we’re very improved this year. I think we have a lot of guys who are stepping up and being physical. I think we have the speed to do some damage.”

Defensively, Larson said he wants the Red Devils “to run to the football and play with relentless effort.”

“We want that five seconds of chaos and giving your best effort,” Larson said.

Spradling, Kenny and Mongan will anchor the defensive line with other offensive linemen rotating in as well. Redcliff is back to lead the linebacking corps after recording 43 tackles, 11 tackles for loss, three sacks, a forced fumble and a fumble recovery last year. Juniors Aidan McMahon and Hunter Corsolini also

will play linebacker. Braden and Jack Curran will play cornerback, while Jablonski and junior Gabe Wamhoff also will be contributors in the secondary.

“I think our defense will be really good this year,” Jablonski said. “We have a lot of fast guys, so we can get to the ball.”

Alex T. Paschal file photos
Hall’s Braden Curran (8) snags an interception during a game last season. Curran returns at running back and defensive back for the Red Devils.
Hall’s Jack Jablonski makes a tackle during a game last season. Jablonski returns at receiver and defensive back.

• Mobile Home Sales


All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subjec t to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any prefer ence, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an inte ntion, to make any such preference , limita tion or discrimination .” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 livin g with parents or le gal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of child ren under 18. This newspaper will not know in gly ac cept any advertising for real estat e which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call, HUD toll-free at 800- 669-9777. The toll-free telephone numbe r for the he aring impaired is 800-927-9275





445.2 ACRES± • 5

Tract 1 is located 3 miles north of Bishop Hill, IL in Section 36 of Cambridge Township on E 1700th St . Tracts 2 & 3 are located 3 1/2 miles northwest of Bishop Hill, IL in Section 3 of Weller Township on N 570th Ave. Tracts 4 & 5 are located 4 1/2 miles south of Orion, IL on Hwy 150 to County Hwy 7 then west 2 miles to E 100th St then south 1 mile in Section 19 of Lynn Township.

All 5 tracts represent productive tillable cropland! JANE E. DOSS TR CHLOE E.

Representing Attorney: Barash & Everett, LLC

Reynolds M. (“Rip”) Everett & Robert Lindstrom 110 N. Exchange Street, Galva, Illinois 61434 | (309) 932-2001

Auction Manager: Jim Sullivan (217) 440-8172

The date for the September 2024 meeting of Senachwine Township is going to be moved fr om September 1 2th to September 1 9th. The meeting w ill be held at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall, Putnam. A ll ar e welcome to attend. (Published in Putnam County Record August 21, 28, 2024)2186444




TIME: 10:00 AM

View Li sting & Photos on website: www.tumblesonauction.com

Signature Series 1984 Lincoln Tow n Car w/ Approx 98000 Miles w/ Title (As Is Condition); Old 446 Case Tractor (Runs-No Mower) 24 Drawer Lg. Snap On Tool Box (1000 Series)

LG Assortment of Snap-On, Mac & Matco Tools: Including Standard & Metric Socket s, Box End & Open End Wrenches (X L/ Reg) , Torque Wr enches (1/2 & 3/8), Ratchets w/ Assorted Lengths, 1/ 2 & 3/8 Extensi ons, Screwdri vers, Pliers, Brake Wrenches, 1/2 In Air Wr ench, Impact Grinders, Hammers, Gauges & More! Matco Yellow Roll Around Tool Caddy.

SHOP EQUIPMENT, TOOLS & BOAT RELATED ITEMS: Kohl er Gen 5.0 Generator; Briggs & Stratt on Generator; Port able Air Tank; Upri ght Coleman Power mate Air Compress or ; O verhead El ectric Wi nch; Lg Test Tank for Outboard Motors w/ Electric Wrench ; Bench Drill Press & Cent ral Machinery 13 Inch Standing Drill Press; Carolina Shop Hand Hyd Cherry Picker; Milwaukee ½ In Mag. Dril l; Pressure Washer; Squirrel Cage Bl ow er ; Hyd. Floor Jacks; Toro El ectri c Snow Blower; Bench Grinder; Kell er & Werner Step Ladders; Ext. Ladder; Parts Washer; Arbor Press; Wheel Pull ers; Drive Stands; Chainsaw ; Weed Ea ters; Outboard Motors & Stands; Lg Gr oup of Outboard & Stern Drive

Parts- NIB ; Several Manuals; Adv. Signs; Engine Jack St and; New Batteri es & Batt er y Charger; Salt Water Soft ener Tank; Lg Work Bench; Appliance Cart ; Parts & Parts Cabi net w/ Accessories; Spar k Plugs; Lawson Cabi net; Vari ous Tool Boxes; Hayracks of Tools, Chemicals, Shop Suppli es, Lg. Amount of New Oil; Washer & Dryer.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a Large Auction!!! Plan to Attend



Ralph and Rebecca have moved to assisted care and have no further use for the following items to be sold at a 2 day Public Auction held at: Rediger Auction Service, 107 South West St., Wyanet, IL 61379 on :

SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 2024 @ 10:00 AM




The LI VE IN-P ERSON AND ON-LINE Auct ion to be held at the Tumbleson Auct ion Center, 1635 Nort h Main Street, Princeton, IL , located 10 0 miles west of Chicag o, just off I-80, Exit 56, sout h on Rt. 26 on:

ANTIQUE & VI NTAG E FURNITURE AN D COLLEC TIB LES: Oak ki tchen cabinet w/ gl ass top; lg pi ne kitchen cabi net; pa inte d pi ne cabinet base; Oak 40” round pe dest al table; Sideboard w/ mi rror; washstand; wood hi gh chai r w/ fl ip up tray; library table; Bookcase/dis pl ay cabinet w/single gl ass fr ont door; drop front desk; several si de and parl or tables; sever al sets of wood chai rs; mahogany arm chair; 4 draw er chest w/ ha nkie drawers; 3 drawer dresser w/ mirror; Afgan mult i dr awered cabinet w/brass hardware; American Drew full size bed; pr ni ghts tands; wicker day bed; pr wicker chairs; whit e wi cker end tabl es; J&P Coates 6 drawer spool cabinet ; 3Cast treadl e sewing machine bases w/ register gr at e and glass top; sewing machine drawers; maple rocki ng chai r; 2 vel veteen occasional chairs; wing back chair; steamer and dome top trunks; wood ironing boar ds; wood spindl e candl e stands; ETHA N ALLEN: 2 - hutch top buff ets; dining table w/2 leaves; 8 ladder-back chai rs w/rush seat; end tables; desk w/ bookcase top; be dr oom suites including ki ng and queen beds, chests of drawers, dressers and ni ghtstands; FENTO N LAMPS: Hand painted “Cabin in the Woods” signed st udent lamp; 21” gl ass lamp, Poppy, GWTW, yellow satin w/ pink ruffle; Oversized 29” embossed rose GWTW, satin w/pink ruff le; 38” Pi ll ar lamp 38” embossed rose, satin yell ow w/ pi nk ruffle; 2 - 24”, GWTW, Satin powder bl ue, poppy; extra shade for this descripti on; 2 - powder blue sati n, poppy, marble base; Hobnail bl ue student lamp; CLOCKS: Lessio ns, Giles Bros & Co, Waterbury Clock Co Vict orian mantel clocks; USA walnut 8 day mantel cl ock; Seth Thomas el ectric marble cl ock; New Haven school house wall clock; Pendulum Regulat or wall clock; GLASSWAR E, CO LLECTIB LES AND PR IMITIVES : Several pieces of Fenton art glass; lg coll ection of cobalt bl ue gl ass pieces; Depressi on glass dishes (pink and green), hundreds of pi eces; milk glass; cl ear gl ass; Iris Pi tcher and foot ed gl asses; Splatt er pa tterned glass pi tcher and tumblers; Curr ier and Ives blue and white steamboat china; Wedgewood Country si de china; Wm Shakespeare cast 6” figure (vintage 40's); Isabel le Bloom fi gures - 100+; Longaberger baskets and st ands - 25+; Guardi an Service - 25+; cast iron skillets, kettle & teapots; pcs of enam el ware and gr anitew are; Corni ngware (C ornflower); Pyrex; #10 West ern crock; 5 gal. Bl ue Ribbon crock; Blue band and green cr ock bowls; wall coffee grinder; Dazey butter churn; kerosene lamps; costume jewelr y (l g amt) ; quilts - ol d & new; linens; cookbooks; numerous JD toy impl ements & collectibles; binoculars; Holiday decorati ons; mult iple Chri st mas trees and hundreds of ornaments (old & new); HO US EH OLD ITEMS: typical kitchen and household it ems too numero us to mention.


TOOLS & GA RA GE ITEMS: John Deere GX 335, 20 hp, g as lawn mower, 48” cut, 1051 hrs, ps, runs and looks good; Stihl SH 56C lawn blower; Precision lawn sweeper; Craftsman cordless 3/ 8 drill & circ Saw 18V w/char ger; B&D 12v drill; B& D elec. circ Saw; air nail guns; Craftsman shop vac; Schumacher battery charger; 5” bench vise; lots of air hose and drop cords; bench grinder; al um. Square; dril l bi ts; tape measures; drivers; hammers; portable air tank; cl amps; hardware; aerosol paints & cleaner s; 6' al um stepladder; hand tool s; brooms; rakes; wheel barrow; handi- man j ack; metal shel ves; treadmill; LAWN ITEMS AN D YARD AR T: Ideal well pump; JD mailbox on st eel wheels; 3 wrought iron tables and chai rs; um brel la; 2 - implement seats on stands; swing on st and w/ canopy; park be nches; wood be nches; cast iron kettle; wood and steel wheel s; gl azed flow er pots; bi rd baths; 2 - bottle trees and blue bottl es; rotary hoe sunf lowers ; wood angels on stakes; concrete goose and clothes; wash tub; Red jacket cistern pump and si nk in homemade cabi net; smal l dinner bell; smal l windmil l; gas grill; mi sc holiday yard art; appl e baskets; homemade wood benche s, chai r plant st ands; 50+ wood bi rd houses and feeders.

This is a 2 day live auction only with no buyer premiums Go to Redi gerA ucti onService. com for item photos Pre-sale viewing avai lable the week prior to aucti on from 9 am to 3 pm


SUNDAY, SEPT 1st & MO NDAY, SEPT 2nd, 2024 TIME: 10:00 AM (Preview: 8:00 AM Day of Auction)

Absentee or Live On-Line Bidding on website: www. tu mb les onauction .com or Bid Live thru Prox ibid


2006 GMC Sierra 1500 Work Truck: w/ Approx 88,400 Miles 4.3L V6-8Ft Box & 34 Gal Gas Tank w/ Title

ATV, GOLF CARTS, GO-KAR T, KAYAKS & BOATS: 2012 Honda Model TR X500FMC ATV w/ Snow Blade, Yamaha Gas Golf Cart (Approx. 2008) Carter Go-Kart, Yard Machine Riding Lawnmowe r, Generator & 2-Pelican 10 Ft Kayaks, Pontoon Boat w/ Trailer & 1996 Bass Tender Leisure Life Boat



LG COLL ECTION OF QUALITY COINS: Including 4 Un-Circulated Carson City Morgan Silver Dollars, Many Morgan & Peace Dollars, Walking Liberty, Kennedy & Franklin Half Dollars, Eisenhower Dollars, Liberty & Washington Quarters, Mercury & Roosevelt Dimes, Buffalo & Jefferson Nickels, Indian Head & Wheat Pennies, Lg. Amount of Mint & Proof Sets, Paper Currency & Foreign Co ins

SELL ERS: George Campbell Estate, Pekin, IL / Ron Heitzman, Geneseo, IL & Others



PLEASE NOTE: Tables of Box Lots to be sold to ON SITE BIDDERS ONLY at end of auction. *** ATTEND IN PERSON ***


E- mail: ttaucti on@yahoo.com or Phone 815-872- 1852 Aucti oneer s: TO M & MA RY TUMBLES ON & TI FFANY FOES Terms: 10% Buyer's Premium for This Auction / Cash or Check / CC Accepted wi th 5% Fee

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