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The Putnam County Record publishes on Wednesdays at Granville, Illinois
$20 per year in advance in Putnam County
$40 a year in advance outside of Putnam County
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Deadline: 9 a.m. Friday HELP WANTED employment@shawlocal.com
Deadline for obituaries is 5 p.m. Friday for Wednesday’s edition
The Putnam County Record encourages readers to submit news for publication in our paper. Special events, weddings, births, awards and honors, anniversaries, promotions, etc., are welcome items for the paper. Some fees may apply. Schools, businesses, organizations and groups are encouraged to send information on activities and events. Photos should be sent as an attachment. 815-875-4461 news@putnamcountyrecord.com
General Manager/Advertising Director Jeanette Smith 815-220-6948 jmsmith@shawmedia.com, Editor Derek Barichello 815-875-4461 dbarichello@shawmedia.com
All rights reserved. Copyright 2025
We want to hear from you. Email us your thoughts at feedback@shawmedia.com.
Henry Harbor Marina announces move to Hennepin
Business moves over differences in its lease
By MARIBETH M. WILSON mwilson@shawmedia.com
Henry Harbor Marina will have a new home and name in Hennepin: Hennepin’s Big Bend Marina, the company said on its Facebook page.
“This decision is bittersweet for our family,” the company said in its post.
“Henry has been like a second home to us for decades. Our connection to the
IVCC choir invites new singers
The Illinois Valley Community College choir invites singers from the community to join the group.
Beginning Jan. 27, the group meets from 6 to 8 p.m. Mondays (except Feb. 17 and March 10) in Room D-223.
The choir is open to anyone age 16 and older, and no experience is necessary.
“Singing in a group is a proven way to improve your health and mood,” choir director Jenilyn Roether said. “Our choir is very welcoming of new singers, as we are all here with the same goals in mind.”
The spring semester will culminate with a Spring Vocal Concert at 7 p.m. Monday, April 28. For information or to join, email jenilyn_roether@ivcc.edu.
Chief Senachwine Chapter
NSDAR to meet Feb. 1
Members of the Chief Senachwine Chapter
Daughters of the Revolutionary War will meet at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 1, at the Henry Public Library, 702 Front St.
Members are invited to wear red for Women’s Heart Health Month. The program “The Suffragettes” will be presented by Bob and Sharon Bittner.
–Shaw Local News Network
marina dates back to the 1970s, when my grandfather kept a boat there, long before we took over operations.”
The marina said it ultimately chose to move locations “due to differences over the terms of our lease.” But the business said it is amicably parting ways with the city of Henry.
“We are deeply grateful to the town and the friends we have made along the way, and we wish Henry nothing but the best as we move forward,” the marina said on Facebook.
The marina announced on Facebook that the relocation process has begun.
The new location will have more than 30 individual slips, linear docking, multiple amenities, a bathhouse, and pontoon rentals.
The marina business said it chose Hennepin for the charming and convenient setting for its members. The name “Big Bend Marina” is inspired by the natural geography of the Illinois River.
“We are excited to join this welcoming community and to offer you an even better marina experience in this vibrant town,” the marina said.
For information, visit Henry Harbors Facebook page or call 309-364-2181.
Balkema to collect Valentine’s Day cards for seniors
With Valentine’s Day approaching next month, State Sen. Chris Balkema, R-Channahon, is asking for help to brighten the day of senior citizens across the 53rd Senate District.
“My hope is that everyone, especially those in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, feels loved and remembered this Valentine’s Day,” Balkema said in a news release. “By leading with love and taking just a few moments to create a card, you can make a meaningful difference in someone’s life and show them they matter.”
To achieve his goal, Balkema is asking students, Scout groups, churches and other
groups to consider creating homemade cards that will be delivered to nursing homes, assisted-living facilities and other long-term care facilities throughout the 53rd Senate District, which includes La Salle, Livingston and Putnam counties. Cards can be mailed or dropped off from now until Feb. 7. Drop off or mail your cards to either of these offices: Pontiac Office: 305 W. Madison St, Pontiac, IL 61764, or Dwight Office: 132 E. Main St, Dwight, IL 61738.
A drop box will be inside the office during business hours from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
A small mailbox outside where cards can be dropped after hours. For questions, email mmays@sgop.ilga.gov.
– Derek Barichello
Photo provided by Peggy Schneider
The Illinois Valley Community College Choir welcomes new voices to join as spring rehearsals get underway. Comprised of college students and community members who enjoy making music, the choir stages public performances each semester.
Marshall-Putnam County 4-H Junior Meats Judging Team takes 3rd place
SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com
The Marshall-Putnam County 4-H Junior Meats Judging Team competed at their first Meat Judging Contest on Saturday.
The team consists of Raylen Campbell, Hunter Heckman and Carter Keller. All three are members of the PC Progressors 4-H Club and first-year members of the M-P Junior Meats Judging Team. The other members of the team are Chase Hattan and Cooper Hattan of the Steuben Rangers 4-H Club.
The team has been practicing grading carcasses, identifying cuts and evaluating the quality of carcasses and cuts. Saturday, the team put its knowledge to the test and placed third overall in its first competition. The M-P 4-H Junior Meats Judging Team is coached by John Heiser and Darin Blunier. The invitational contest was at Raber Packing Company in West Peoria. The competition was organized by the Illinois Association of Meat Processors and the University of Illinois Meats Judging. The next Meat Judging competition will be on Saturday, Feb. 8, at Eickman’s Processing in Seward.
Photo provided by Raylen Campbell
The Marshall-Putnam County 4-H Junior Meats Judging Team competed at their first Meat Judging Contest on Saturday. The team consists of Raylen Campbell, Hunter Heckman and Carter Keller. The other members of the team are Chase Hattan and Cooper Hattan of the Steuben Rangers 4-H Club.
VAC finalizes buying former Peru Pizza House property
By MARIBETH M. WILSON mwilson@shawmedia.com
The Voluntary Action Center of La Salle, Bureau, and Putnam counties has a new home at the former Peru Pizza House, 1702 Fourth St. in Peru, the nonprofit said in a Friday news release.
“This significant achievement will mark a new chapter for VAC, enabling the organization to expand and enhance its operations to better serve those in need,” the news release said.
VAC is a nonprofit organization committed to serving the community through essential programs such as Meals on Wheels and congregate dining.
The newly acquired building will provide a modern, spacious environment that will accommodate the growing needs of VAC’s services.
“This purchase could not have come at a more opportune time,” said Nate Kloster, CEO of Voluntary Action Center.
are essential for preparing and delivering meals to the community.
“With these improvements, VAC anticipates gains in operating efficiency, which will allow the organization to reduce costs, improve its purchasing power for food and supplies, and ultimately provide more meals to those who need them most,” the news release said.
“We are thrilled to reach this milestone and are deeply grateful to our Meals on Wheels Sustainability Campaign supporters and donors who have made this possible,” Kloster said. “Our campaign is not over! We are now shifting our focus to sustaining our operations and funding the growth in demand that we are currently experiencing”.
“We are experiencing unprecedented demand for our services and acquiring a larger space is the first step in being prepared for what lies ahead.”
During a November Peru City Council, Kloster said that the center has outgrown its space in La Salle on St. Vin-
stay warm
winter long by keeping your furnace maintained. Catch small problems before they become BIG problems. Call today to schedule an appointment.
cent’s Avenue and purchased the property at 1702 Fourth St. in Peru for $450,000.
According to the news release, the facility will feature expanded cooking space, increased refrigeration and additional nonperishable storage, all of which
The new building will require minimal remodeling to create office space and a more efficient streamlined area for meal assembly and preparation, according to the news release. VAC anticipates transitioning from its current site in La Salle to this facility in March or early April.
For information about Voluntary Action Center or to learn how you can support the organization, visit vacdk. com.
prevention strategies
Photo provided by Sarah Kinkin Voluntary Action Center has officially purchased the Peru Pizza House. VAC employees are pictured (from left) Jennifer Schrader, Kathy Buckley, CEO Nate Kloster and Justin Dooley.
Putnam County High School announced its honor roll for the first semester of the 2024-25 school year.
Maddox Barto, Nora Bertalot, Sofia Borri, Ariel Dorado, Brodee Grandadam, Avery Grasser, Kennedy Holocker, Jackson Miller, Maddox Poole, Edilson Ruiz, Seth Sandberg, Lydia Schaper, Sarah Schennum, Ella Schrowang, Mackenzie Sherman, Ian Siekierka, Quincy Smith, Piper Terando, Claire Walder, Tyson Zuniga
Patrick King, Maya Lenczewski, Alexis Margis, Payton Olson, Timmber Skinner, Rodolfo Villagomez, Sarah Wiesbrock, Kennedy Worby
Nolan Bence, Braden Bickerman, Cadience Bickett, Jaden Busch, Ashley Cano, Johana Del Abra, Sydney Emanuelson, Nathaniel Johll, Addalynn Leatherman, Ryan Oliver, Ella Pyszka, Alexander Rodriguez, Sydney Samek, Teaghan Sarver, Johnathon Stunkel, Eric Vipond, Brayden Zuniga
Holocker, Phoebe Kammer, Meredith Lamis, Garret Luke, Miles Main, Lisa Myres, Courtney Oliver, Anna Sandberg, Matthew Schennum, Ayden Serrine, Jaden Siegmann, Hannah Taliani, Lily Thompson, Valeria Villagomez, Amos Vincent, Madison Wasilewski
Aurora Bickerman, Lilly Breckenridge, Eden Carlson, Tessa Gerling, Dylan Scott Haycraft, Madeline Magnuson, Logan Mertel, Charley Phillips, Andy Poignant, Ariadne Romero, Carter Smoode, Natalia Villagomez, Ian Walder
Leonel Dorado, Hayleigh Green,
Julian Guadiana, Kaylynn Hill, Veronika Mack, Justin Murphy, Shany Ochoa, Chloe Parcher, Adrian Rivera, Andrew Taylor, Paige Tonioni, Jaxon Weger
Maxwell Brester, Alan Castro, Angel Correa, Jackson Delhotal, Ella Irwin, Derick Kauffman, Traxton Mattingly, Payton Scott-Rexroad, Zackery Siegmann, Annamae Smith
As shared previously, there are essential repairs and maintenance needs across the buildings in our District. Addressing these needs is crucial to ensure the continued learning of our students and the safety of everyone who serves or visits our schools. Thoughtful and collaborative planning will be required to meet these challenges.
To begin this new stage of planning, the Board of Education has approved a comprehensive facilities assessment in partnershipwith Larson & Darby Group, the District’s architectural firm. This study will include a thorough evaluation of all interior and exterior spaces across the four schools. Key focus areas will include recommendations for capital projects, safety and security enhancements, and accessibility improvements. The updated and detailed assessment will provide the District with the foundation to develop a long-term plan for its schools.
Once the study is complete, the Board of Education will actively engage with the community to gather feedback and collaboratively develop this long-term plan. While the details of this engagement are still being finalized, we have gained valuable insights from the recent referendum and plan to create ongoing and direct opportunities for community involvement. Also, we are committed to keeping everyone informed by regularly sharing updates in the PC Record and other communication channels.
In the meantime, the Board of Education will prioritize facility projects to enhance safety and functionality throughout the buildings. Some smaller projects are already being planned for Summer 2025, including HVAC upgrades in the PCHS Agriculture Shops, a project that is partially fundedby a grant from the State. Other projects, such as the wastewater treatment plan at PCJH and various updates at PCES, will require more time and coordination but remain a key focus.
If you have any questions, we encourage you to contact Dr. Clayton J. Theisinger, Superintendent, at theisingerc@pcschools535.org or (815)882-2800 ext. 5.
Thank you for your continued support of our students, staff, and schools!
Michael Borri, BoardPresident Nate Bird, Board Member Keith King, BoardMember ChivohnHolocker, BoardVice President Matt Holst, BoardMember Tom Wiesbrock, BoardMember Reed Wilson, BoardMember Dr. Clayton J. Theisinger, Superintendent
Veteran stage performer to lead IVCC’s spring musical cast
Performances set April 3-13
By DEREK BARICHELLO dbarichello@shawmedia.com
Illinois Valley Community College’s spring musical will feature a special guest performing the title role.
Peoria-area dancer, choreographer and director Tamra Challacombe will star as Dolly Levi in “Hello, Dolly!” Challacombe has operated dance studios, worked for the Peoria Ballet and appeared on stage in productions at Peoria-area community theaters. She also appeared on stage at Zellmer’s Dinner Theatre in Farmington, where she became friends with Don Grant Zellmer, IVCC’s director/choreographer.
She is no stranger to “Hello, Dolly!” having performed in the role of Minnie Fay, a hat shop assistant, IVCC said in a news release.
“Minnie Fay was my first featured role ever, and I have had the opportunity to play her twice,” Challacombe said in the release. “Now, I’m very
excited to play Dolly.”
“In a way, she is already a ‘Dolly,’” Zellmer said in the release. “I’m so very happy to be able to work with Tamra again, all these years after we first performed together. She is the consummate professional triple-threat, warm and wonderful, and no one is a stranger for very long. I think everyone involved is going to not only enjoy working with a guest artist but learn a lot and have a ball doing it.”
Challacombe heads a cast of IVCC
The Village of Hennepin would like to remind Putnam County graduating Seniors that the deadline is fast approaching to apply for the Adam and Ida Deck College Scholarship. The scholarships will be subsidized through proceeds realized from the Adam and Ida Deck Scholarship Fund. First-place recipient will receive four consecutive yearly payments of $2000, and the Second-place recipient will receive $1500 per year. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of scholastic ability.
The Hennepin Vocational Grant provides for a grant of $2000 for first place, $1500 for second place and $1000 for third place. This Grant is also subsidized through the Adam and Ida Deck Scholarship Fund. These grants are for one year only.
Applicants for the above awards must live in Hennepin Township. Deadline for application submission is February 15th.
In addition, Kenney grants are also available with a one-time award of $500. This Grant is subsidized through proceeds realized from the Harold and Julia Kenney Education Fund. No limit of recipients. Applications must be received no later than 90 days after the student begins their first year of study beyond High School. For the Kenney grant, applicants must reside in the Village of Hennepin. For guidelines and applications, visit our website at www.villageofhennepin.com.
students and community members that features other familiar faces and much new talent. They include Greg Tullis as Horace Vandergelder, Jake Jakielski as Cornelius Hackl, Gennaro Piccolo as Barnaby Tucker, Rebecca Eltrevoog as Irene Molloy and Ali Rimmele as Minnie Fay.
Rounding out the cast are Kelly Johnson as Ernestina, Seth Edwards as Ermengarde, Xavier Barham as Ambrose Kemper and Doug Bartlet as Rudolph Reisenweber.
Forming the company are Tyler
Bienemann, McKenzie Bruce, Azlyn Buchman, Ethan Darrow, Lucas Fraga, Eva Horwath, Matt Masters, Katie Monaghan, Ellie Radtke, Jacob Roller, Reid Rynke, Michael Shaw, Alex Stafford and Nikki Walsh.
The play will be performed from April 3 to 13. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday and at 2 p.m. Sunday. Online ticket sales begin Monday, March 3, and a link to the online box office will be available at the IVCC Theatre website at ivcc.edu/theatre.
Scott Anderson file photo
Illinois Valley Community College is located at 815
N. Orlando Smith St., Oglesby.
IVCC Continuing Education Center to offer pilot training
SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com
Illinois Valley Community College’s Continuing Education Center offers a 12-session Private Pilot Ground Training course on Tuesdays from Feb. 4 through April 29.
Offered on IVCC’s main campus, the course prepares students for the FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Exam (there is an additional fee for the test). Class meets 6 to 9 p.m. with instructor Joseph Nimee.
The course provides knowledge of flight controls and instruments, airport and airspace considerations, aircraft
weight and balance, aircraft performance tables, basic weather meteorology, federal aviation regulations, flight psychology and emergency preparedness.
Students will tour Illinois Valley Regional Airport and experience a flight simulator from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday,
March 1. Class will not meet on Feb. 25 or March 11.
The cost of the class is $359 and the course is open to ages 15 and older. Materials are included in the cost of the class. Class ID is 18269.
For information, visit www.ivcc.edu/ enroll or call 815-224-0427.
Marshall County Historical Society to host annual meeting
SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com
The past few years have been difficult for the Marshall County Historical Society, the organization said in a news release.
Several Board members have been lost to death or moved away.
For the past few months, a new board has been working on reorganizing the historical society and museum.
An annual meeting has been set for 1 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 23, at the Henry Presbyterian Church. All members of the Society are invited to attend.
New members are invited to join. The annual dues, to help continue the work of the Society, cost $15 a year for individ-
uals and $25 for a family membership. The society also offers Affiliate Membership to businesses for $25, $50 and $100. These members are listed as supporting members in the quarterly newsletter.
After a brief business meeting to elect new officers for 2025, Bob Watkins of Henry and Dave “Barney” Erickson of Lake Wildwood will provide enter -
tainment including bluegrass, country and folk musical varieties.
Reservations must be made by Feb. 17 by calling Connie Quinn at 309-2380432 or email barnlady61537@yahoo. com or Terri Taylor at 815-326-1179 or email tntimages318@gmail.com.
The dinner will include apple pulled pork at $12 a plate. The church, 511 Wirt St., is handicap assessable.
The power of soup to be presented in 3 programs
SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com
Chase away the winter chills with a bowl of soup.
Soup nourishes, comforts, hydrates and might even keep the sniffles away. Soups are healthy, easy on the wallet, quick and fill a person up with fewer calories.
Learn to heighten the flavor with homemade garnishes and how to make a soup bar. Join University of Illinois Extension nutrition and wellness educator Susan Glassman in partnership with the Bureau, Marshall-Putnam and La Salle county farm bureaus for their Heart Healthy Soups, Stews & Slow Cookers class.
Learn how to create a soup bar and taste a sample of a delicious homemade slow cooker soup and take-home recipes. Get new ideas for family meals, and make your next pot of soup
something super special to serve. This class is sponsored in part by the Illinois Farm Bureau Consumer Grant. Seating is limited. Call your local farm bureau office to register:
5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10: La Salle County Farm Bureau, 1691 N. 31st Road, Ottawa. Call 815-433-0371, register by Feb. 3.
6 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20: Bureau County Farm Bureau, 1407 N. Main St, Princeton. Call 815-875-6468, register by Feb. 14.
6 to 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24: Marshall-Putnam Farm Bureau, 509 Front St., Henry. Call 309364-2501, register by Feb. 18. For reasonable accommodations to participate or for information, call Glassman at 815-2240894. Extension offices are located in Princeton, Ottawa and Henry as well as in Oglesby on the Illinois Valley Community College campus.
Benefits of chocolate program to be offered in Utica, Ottawa, Princeton
SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK contact@shawmedia.com
Explore the beloved treat of chocolate.
Many chocolates are considered indulgent, but some can offer health benefits when consumed mindfully.
Get the scoop on the science behind different types of chocolate and taste the difference. Join the University of Illinois Extension’s Susan Glassman, a nutrition and wellness educator, and learn how chocolate can be part of a healthy lifestyle. Take home a recipe and resources, and enjoy dark chocolate hot cocoa in class.
The Health Benefits of Chocolate will be offered in February at the following locations:
• 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4: Utica Public Library, 224 Mill St., Utica. Register at go.illinois.edu/uticachocolate.
• 6 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13: Reddick Public Library, 1010 Canal St., Ottawa. Register at go.illinois.edu/ottawachocolate.
• 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25: Bureau County Senior Center, 16 W. Marion St., Princeton. Register at go.illinois.edu/bcscchocolate.
Job change?
Get the scoop on the science behind different types of chocolate and taste the difference. Join the University of Illinois Extension’s Susan Glassman, a nutrition and wellness educator, and learn how chocolate can be part of a healthy lifestyle. Take home a recipe and resources, and enjoy dark chocolate hot cocoa in class.
To register, call 815-224-0894. For accommodations to participate, email Glassman at susang@illinois.edu. Early requests are encouraged to allow sufficient time to meet access needs.
There are four potential options for your 401(k) when leaving an employer:
• Leave it in your former employer’s 401(k) plan, if allowed by the plan.
• Move it to your new employer’s 401(k) plan, if you’ve changed employers and your new employer plan allows for it.
• Roll the account over to an individual retirement account (IRA).
• Cash it out, which is subject to potential tax consequences.
We can talk through your financial goals and find the option that works best for you.
Whether retiring or changing jobs, you’ll want to know your retirement account options. Mary F
Shaw Local News Network file photo
Putnam County senior takes the stage at Mad Hatter Ball
Sandberg performs on marimba
By KYLE RUSSELL Shaw Local News Network correspondent
Putnam County High School’s Anna Sandberg was one of eight honorees Jan. 17 at the eighth annual Mad Hatter Ball in Peru.
Sandberg is a Putnam County High School senior and the daughter of Brandy and Ryan Sandberg. Sandberg
has played the marimba for four years; her teacher is Natalie Hulstrom. She is involved in band, theater and Scholastic Bowl and participates in community theater in the summer. This year, she is participating in an internship at her district’s primary school, getting early work experience. She loves being a part of band because of the sense of community created in her class and the joy of playing music. She believes the arts are essential to uniting people and creating safe places to learn and grow.
Photos by Kyle Russell for Shaw Local News Network
TOP LEFT: Anna Sandberg of Putnam County High School plays the marimba during her performance at the Mad Hatter Ball on Jan. 17 at the Westclox Event Center. TOP RIGHT: The Mad Hatter and host of the night, Don Zellmer welcomes the crowd of people to the Mad Hatter Ball on Jan. 17 at the Westclox Event Center. ABOVE: Peggy Arter was crowed the Mad Hatter Art Queen of 2025 at the Mad Hatter Ball on Jan. 17 at the Westclox Event Center.
Week 25 TV Peoria
Weather. Closures will be listed on our Facebook Page, Radio Stations 103.9, 99.3 & 96.5 , and on Week 25 TV Peoria
3 - 10:00 – 11:30 am – Outreach McNabb Library
10:00 – 11:30 am – Outreach McNabb Library
4 - 12:30 pm – The Life of Johnny Carson presented by Jim Gibbons (Virtual & in-person)
Please note the PCCC will close if Putnam County School District 535 closes due to Inclement Weather. Closures will be listed on our Facebook Page, Radio Stations 103.9, 99.3 & 96.5, and on Week 25 TV Peoria
4 - 12:30 pm – The Life of Johnny Carson presented by Jim Gibbons (Virtual & in-person)
6 - 10:30 am – Site Council Meeting 12:30 pm – Bingo
6 - 10:30 am – Site Council Meeting 12:30 pm – Bingo
3 - 10:00 – 11:30 am – Outreach McNabb Library
4 - 12:30 pm – The Life of Johnny Carson presented by Jim Gibbons (Virtual & in-person)
10 - 9:00 - 10:00 am - Medicare Part B Prevention & Wellness benefits, Extra help/LIS, MSP program & BA enrollment
6 - 10:30 am – Site Council Meeting 12:30 pm – Bingo
Please note the PCCC will close if Putnam County School District 535 closes due to Inclement Weather. Closures will be listed on our Facebook Page, Radio Stations 103.9, 99.3 & 96.5 , and on Week 25 TV Peoria
10 - 9:00 - 10:00 am - Medicare Part B Prevention & Wellness benefits, Extra help/LIS, MSP program & BA enrollment
3 - 10:00 – 11:30 am – Outreach McNabb Library
10 - 9:00 - 10:00 am - Medicare Part B Prevention & Wellness benefits, Extra help/LIS, MSP program & BA enrollment
11 – 9:30 - 11 am- Free blood pressure & glucose checks 12:30 pm – Fire Safety & Prevention Hosted by the Standard Fire Dept. (Virtual & in-person)
11 – 9:30 - 11 am- Free blood pressure & glucose checks 12:30 pm – Fire Safety & Prevention Hosted by the Standard Fire Dept. (Virtual & in-person)
Life of Johnny Carson
Putnam County Community Center Tuesday, Feb. 4th at 12:30 P.M.
4 - 12:30 pm – The Life of Johnny Carson presented by Jim Gibbons (Virtual & in-person)
13 – 12:30 pm – Valentines Day Party
11 – 9:30 - 11 am- Free blood pressure & glucose checks 12:30 pm – Fire Safety & Prevention Hosted by the Standard Fire Dept. (Virtual & in-person)
13 – 12:30 pm – Valentines Day Party
13 – 12:30 pm – Valentines Day Party
6 - 10:30 am – Site Council Meeting 12:30 pm – Bingo
Historical Presenter, Jim Gibbons, will take you into the life of iconic talk show host, Johnny Carson. Johnny Carson was best known for his beloved talk show, “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson,” that ran from 1962-1992 and featured numerous actors, actresses, comedians, and more. Carson, a director, producer, comedian, television and radio host, received numerous awards in his honor and was inducted into the Television Academy Hall of Fame in 1987. Taking over from former host, Jack Paar, Carson would work with co-host Ed McMahon and interview guests in a conversational one-on-one style which brought delight to audience members, tv show viewers and interviewed guests. Due to his charming personality, quick-wit humor and long-time stance as an American TV icon, Carson would become referred to as, “The King of Late-Night Television.”
David & Donna Giudici Bess Moore
David & Donna Giudici Bess Moore
Gerald & Kathleen Lenkaitis Georgianne Grant
Gerald & Kathleen Lenkaitis Georgianne Grant
Eugene & Pat Pattelli Cheryl Mennie
18 – 12:30 pm – The Carter Family Chronicles presented by Michelle Gibbons (Virtual & in-person)
David & Donna Giudici Bess Moore
Eugene & Pat Pattelli Cheryl Mennie
Willie & Janice Holmes Barbara Holly
Willie & Janice Holmes
Gerald & Kathleen Lenkaitis Georgianne Grant
Gerald & Janet Pecchio Terry & Barbara Judd
20 – 12:30 pm – Cuba presented by Mark Walczynski (Virtual & in-person)
Gerald & Janet Pecchio
Barbara Holly
Eugene & Pat Pattelli Cheryl Mennie
Paul & Carol Byrd Alan & Karleen Pinter
Terry & Barbara Judd
25 – 12:30 pm – Pictionary
Paul & Carol Byrd
Susan Motley Evangelic Emmaus Church
Willie & Janice Holmes Barbara Holly
Alan & Karleen Pinter
Susan Motley
Roselynn Coleman Association Lake Thunderbird
Gerald & Janet Pecchio Terry & Barbara Judd
27 – 12:30 pm – The 5 Second game
Evangelic Emmaus Church
Paul & Carol Byrd Alan & Karleen Pinter
Jean Doyle – Bill & Norma Doyle
Barb Hrovat – Norma & Bill Hrovat THANK YOU DONORS!
Joseph Lukosus – Sharon Lukosus
Roselynn Coleman Lake Thunderbird Association In Memory of
When you hear about June Carter Cash, there is one additional person that comes to mind - her famous husband, Johnny Cash.
Susan Motley Evangelic Emmaus Church
David & Donna Giudici Bess Moore
Jean Doyle – Bill & Norma Doyle
Joseph Lukosus – Sharon Lukosus
Roselynn Coleman Lake Thunderbird Association In Memory of Jean Doyle – Bill & Norma Doyle
Gerald & Kathleen Lenkaitis Georgianne Grant
Did you know?
Eugene & Pat Pattelli Cheryl Mennie
Barb Hrovat – Norma & Bill HrovatDid you know?
Willie & Janice Holmes Barbara Holly
We offer lunches at the Center! To view our menu, please go to our website at pcaservices.org
Gerald & Janet Pecchio
Joseph Lukosus – Sharon Lukosus
Terry & Barbara Judd
Barb Hrovat – Norma & Bill HrovatDid you know?
We offer lunches at the Center! To view our menu, please go to our website at pcaservices.org
Paul & Carol Byrd
Alan & Karleen Pinter
June Carter Cash, portrayed by historical presenter, Michelle Gibbons, will discuss her unconditional love and admiration for Johnny Cash. With her charm, determination, and grace, June Carter Cash will explain how she helped Johnny Cash to “Walk the Line” and how she wrote and performed “Ring of Fire,” one of Johnny’s greatest hits. She will discuss her childhood, touring with her famous family members, the Carter family, and how her love story with Johnny would becaome a famous, heartwarming movie, Walk the Line, implemented by the couple’s son, John Cash.
We kindly ask that you call the Center by noon the day prior.
We kindly ask that you call the C enter by noon the day prior.
Roselynn Coleman Lake Thunderbird
We offer lunches at the Center! To view our menu, please go to our website at pcaservices.org
Susan Motley Evangelic Emmaus Church
Association In Memory of
We kindly ask that you call the C enter by noon the day prior.
2005: Serena Williams fends off six break points in the fifth game of the second set, then wills herself to overcome an aching back in a 2-6, 6-3, 6-0 victory over Lindsay Davenport in the Australian Open final.
Putnam County crowned Little Tri-County Conference champions
Putnam County used a 17-0 start to defeat Fieldcrest 47-17 to capture the Little Tri-County Conference seventh-grade tournament championship on Saturday, Jan. 18. Brennen McDonald led the Pumas with 24 points and 17 rebounds. PC beat Roanoke-Benson 39-29 in the semifinals as Luke Gabrielse and McDonald each scored 13 points. Team members are (front row, from left) Luca Carboni, Davis Carlson, Cayden Bush, Hayden Doyle, Calvin Fiedler, Anthony Popurella and Garett Billups; and (back row) Caius Luncsford, Camden Moriarty, Geoffrey Pagani, Nolan Weddell, Brennen McDonald, Luke Gabrielse and Christian Harris.
Beckham Baker, L-P co-op drop times in wins over Morrison, Olympia
By KEVIN CHLUM kchlum@shawmedia.com
PERU – Last winter, La Salle-Peru junior Bo Weitl had tendinitis in his left shoulder, which caused him to miss a large part of the swimming season.
During his time away from the pool, Weitl joined tennis and track and field to help him stay in shape.
After a lot of physical therapy, Weitl is back in the pool this season.
On Wednesday, Jan. 22, Weitl won two individual events and swam on two winning relays as the L-P/Putnam County co-op won duals against Olympia (104-28) and Morrison (102-19) at the Illinois Valley YMCA.
Weitl won the 200-yard individual medley in 2:23.74 and claimed the 100 backstroke in 59.54 seconds.
He swam with Tucker Ditchfield, Vince Wargo and Caleb Strand to win the 200 medley relay (1:55.36), and teamed
with Wargo, Strand and Jonathan Neu to win the 200 free relay (1:44.64).
“I’m really happy with how I did,” Weitl said. “I was injured in January last year, so I couldn’t swim. I got back into swimming this season. Basically, it was a clean slate. I’m right about back where I need to be in my 100 backstroke.”
Weitl’s 100 backstroke time was his best this season.
“He had some technique issues that I had been working on him with, and he has worked real hard to improve those technique issues,” L-P coach Rob McNally said. “Because of that, this is the first time he’s been under a minute this year. There’s still some work to be done, but he was happy with his time. The nice thing about that is, if you’re happy with your time, you’re going to respond to instruction and you’re going to get better.”
See BOYS SWIMMING, page 12
Photo provided
Scott Anderson
L-P co-op swimmer Beckham Baker of Putnam County competes in the 500-yard freestyle event during a triangular meet against Morrison and Olympia on Wednesday, Jan. 22, at the Illinois Valley YMCA in Peru.
Continued from page 11
With the Normal Community Sectional a month away, the Cavaliers had several swimmers who dropped time Wednesday.
L-P won all 11 events and also had the second-place finisher in six events.
“We had a whole bunch of times drop,” McNally said. “I was on vacation for a week, so I was pleasantly surprised when I came back because they really swam some really good times. Today we’re four weeks away from sectional, so I’m optimistic about how much more improvement we can get before the sectional. We haven’t tapered them yet. I think we still have a whole bunch of upside, and I’m looking forward to getting as much out of them as I can.”
Like Weitl, senior Tucker Ditchfield also won two individual events and was part of two winning relays.
Ditchfield won the 500 free in 5:25.68 and the 100 breaststroke in 1:10.88. He also swam on the 200 medley relay and was on the winning 400 free relay (4:22.13) with Beckham Baker of PC, Kaiden Lemke and Henry Pinter.
“I placed first in all my events, so being a senior, it’s nice to show that all the hard work has paid off,” Ditchfield said. “I’m right at my time I swam last year at sectional [in the 500 free]. Being that we’re getting toward the end of the season, I’m right where I should be. I’ve got a little bit more work to do, but it’s not too bad.
“I have to keep working on my endurance. Other than that, I have to keep working hard at practice and the results will come.”
Other winners for the Cavs were Jonathan Neu in the 200 free (1:54.59) and 100 free (51.05), Baker in the 50 free (28.23) and Strand in the 100 butterfly (1:04.21).
“I think we did really well,” Weitl said. “I think most of us dropped time in at least one event, so I’m happy about that.”
Balanced attack lifts Marquette past Putnam County
Graham chip
in to help Crusaders beat Panthers
By CHARLIE ELLERBROCK cellerbrock@shawmedia.com
OTTAWA – It certainly doesn’t hurt Marquette’s chances when junior guard Alec Novotney goes off for 15 points in a quarter and 30 in a game like he did recently in a win over St. Bede, the last time the Crusaders took the Bader Gym court.
But having a little more balance in the scoring column, proved just as successful against Putnam County this time around.
Lucas Craig and Matt Graham – two starters known a little more this season for their rebounding and playmaking skills, respectively – teamed up for 25 points to lead the Cru to a 61-40 TriCounty Conference victory over the Panthers on Friday, Jan. 17.
Craig popped in 15 points, seven in the third quarter, and snagged a team-best seven rebounds, while Graham netted all 10 of his points in the second half.
Novotney still had a solid game with 14 points, and MA’s No. 2 scorer this season, Griffin Dobberstein, added 11, but the more balanced attack made things a little easier, including staving off a third-quarter charge that nearly got PC back in the ballgame.
“I thought Lucas Craig had probably his best offensive game of the season, and he rebounded well, too,” Marquette coach Todd Hopkins said. “The same with Matt Graham. We’ve been talking to him, telling him, ‘You need to shoot it, you can make it,’ and he did a nice job in the second half burying some shots. It makes us better when he does that.
“We have to clean up our rebounding. We gave up too many second chances, but give Putnam credit. They played hard and out-hustled us in the third, no question. We hit the coast button too early, but we got it back in the fourth with a nice run to get the lead back.”
Marquette (9-10, 2-3 in the Tri-County) got out of the gate well, getting five points each from Novotney and Dobberstein in a first period in which it hit 9 of its first 14 shots. Still, it took scoring 11 of the last 12 points in the quarter to come away on top, 20-9.
In the second quarter, Putnam County began to assert itself more on the boards and outrebounded the Cru 20-11 in the
middle two stanzas. The Panthers trailed by as many as 16 in quarter two, but despite Craig’s efforts in the third, they played the home team virtually even thanks to its work in the paint. Six players scored, with Braden Bickerman and Johnathon Stunkel each netting three.
But after a 3-pointer by Miles Main and a putback by Jaden Stoddard early in the fourth cut the deficit to 12 points, 50-38, the Crusaders put the game away by scoring the next 11 points, five of those from Graham.
“Jonathan did a great job on Novotney tonight,” said PC coach Harold Fay, his club now 0-23. “We just tried to contain, don’t try blocking his shots, because he’s a good player and he’s going to hit some. … Unfortunately, they had some others step for them.
“The two things all year for us have been shots underneath – scoring in the post, having the shots right there but rolling off – and the second-chance opportunities, where we’ve struggled on the offensive glass. We did those pretty well in the third quarter tonight, but we need to keep working on it … but even the way the season’s going, the kids don’t quit.
“They challenge, they compete, and they work hard. We’re holding it together.”
Tri-County Conference boys basketball tournament update
Saturday’s games
(7) St. Bede 66, (10) Putnam County 54 (8) Midland 58, (9) Henry-Senachwine 46
Remaining games held at Putnam County High School
Monday’s games
Game 3 - (1) Seneca vs. (8) Midland, 5:30 p.m.
Game 4 - (2) Roanoke-Benson vs. (7) St. Bede, 7 p.m.
Tuesday’s games
Game 5 - (3) Woodland vs. (6) Marquette, 5:30 p.m.
Game 6 - (4) Dwight vs. (5) Lowpoint-Washburn, 7 p.m.
Wednesday’s games
Game 7- Winners 3-6, 5:30 p.m.
Game 8 - Winners 4-5, 7 p.m.
Thursday’s games
Game 9 - (10) Putnam County vs. (9) Henry-Senachwine, 5 p.m.
Game 10 - Losers 3-6, 6:30 p.m.
Game 11 - Losers 4-5, 8 p.m.
Friday’s games
Consolation finals - Winners 10-11, 5 p.m.
Third place - Losers 7-8, 6:30 p.m.
Title - Winners 7-8, 8 p.m.
Scott Anderson
Putnam County’s Miles Main shoots over Marquette’s Blayden Cassel on Friday, Jan. 17, in Bader Gym at Marquette Academy.
IN RE: The Estate of Kimrey D. Alleman, Deceased
Case # 2 5 PR 1
Notice is given of the death of Kimrey D. Alleman on January 3, 2025, and that Letters of Office as Executor were issued on January 16, 2025 to Benjamin Alleman, who may be contacted c/o his attorney as set forth below.
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IN RE: The Estate of Kimrey D. Alleman, Deceased
Case # 2 5 PR 1
Notice is given of the death of Kimrey D. Alleman on January 3, 2025, and that Letters of Office as Executor were issued on January 16, 2025 to Benjamin Alleman, who may be contacted c/o his attorney as set forth below.
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Claims may be filed six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this Notice of Claim Date or three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery, whichever is later, and any claim not filed on or before that date is barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Fourth and Court Streets, Hennepin, IL 61327, or with the Repres entative c/o his attorney, or both Within ten (10) days after a claimant files its claim, if filed with the Court, the claimant must mail or deliver a copy of the claim to the Repres entative c/o his attorney of record AND file with the Court proof of mailing or delivery of said copies
Dated January 20, 2025 /s/ Scott A. Shore, Attorney for Executor Scott A. Shore, Attorney At Law 227 E. Court St.P.O. Box 231 Hennepin, IL 61327 Tel. 815- 925- 7117 ShoreLaw And Mediation@gmail. com
(Published in Putnam County Record January 29, February 5, 12, 2025) 2220559
The Gumm farm is located approx. 3.5 miles southeast of Galesburg, IL and 2.5 miles west of Knoxville, IL along Knox Rd 1250 N and Fleisher Rd. and is further described as being located in Section 36, T11N - R1E, Galesburg Township, Knox County, Illinois.
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