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Shawn Nolan
I am High Funtioning Autistic called Aspergers. Means I dont understand social behavior, to the point I dont have the same body language as most people because I couldnt learn it as a child. I can sit in a room reading a book and creep people out. I can talk about the weather and people think I am hitting on them. Or I can hit on someone and they think I am talking about the weather ;) Dad, Husband, Viking - King, Warrior, Magician, Lover - Reiki Master/Teacher, Massage Therapist, Cook, Martial Artist, in short- Wizard :) I am High Functional Autistic with Aspergers, it means I dont understand social clues and situations, and among other things it means I have ADHD which is a learning disability which made it hard for me in school to pay attention. Aspergers is a Social Larning Disability (I may seem wierd, or seem creepy, I am not its just that I just dont get it). For example with the aspergers- I was sitting outside of a building on a park bench reading a book wait