2 minute read
Exercise During Pregnancy
Exercising for a Healthier Pregnancy
Exercise is a vital aspect of our whole health, especially during pregnancy. Even if your energy is low, it’s time to get moving. During pregnancy, exercise can: 3 Reduce backaches, constipation, bloating and swelling 3 Boost your mood and energy levels 3 Help you sleep better 3 Prevent excess weight gain 3 Promote muscle tone, strength and endurance.
Prior to working out in your first trimester, explain your exercise goals to your OB/GYN and be aware of any concerns he or she may have. Here is a list of exercises and workout recommendations based on trimester.
It’s important to watch for signs of a problem. Stop exercising and contact your health care provider if you have: 3 Vaginal bleeding 3 Dizziness 3 Headache 3 Increased shortness of breath before you start exercising 3 Chest pain.
During this phase, you can lie on your back, which activates your deep core muscles and helps build a strong foundation to help support your lower back during pregnancy. Examples of good exercises for your first trimester include: 3 Bridges 3 Clam Shells 3 TA Contractions.
Avoid lying on your back for long periods of time, which can decrease blood flow to the uterus. Examples of good exercises for your second trimester include: 3 Cat/Cow Stretch 3 Bird Dog 3 Wall Sits.
Any exercising you do in your third trimester will help you through a safe (and possibly faster) delivery and recovery. Try to find activities that have both your feet on the ground or in a seated position. Examples of good exercises for your third trimester include: 3 TA Pull Downs 3 Squats 3 Lateral Band Walks (Resisted).
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The material in MyHealthKC is not intended for diagnosing or prescribing. Consult your physician before undertaking any form of medical treatment or adopting any exercise program or dietary guidelines.
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Summer 2021
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