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Headmaster's Message

2019Philanthropy 2020Report

2. Headmaster's Message 3. Governors & Directors 4. Chair's Message 5. Current Student Perspective 6. Recent Graduate Perspective 7. Parent Perspective 8. Philanthropy Statistics I 9. The Long View 10. Philanthropy Statistics II 11. Scholarships at Shawnigan 12. Diversity at Shawnigan 13. Alumna Perspective 14. Philanthropy Statistics III 15. Legacy Giving Lifetime Cumulative Giving 16. & Named Funds 17. Our Donors 21. Community Partnerships 22. Executive Director's Message

The Shawnigan Lake School community has distinguished itself dramatically in the face of extraordinary world events that have deeply impacted all of our lives and the manner in which education is delivered. The generosity of spirit and support flowing from our donors, as well as our staff and student families, in this historic time have been inspiring and have set the stage for Shawnigan to emerge from “We are committed to using the opportunity that this crisis has presented us to accelerate growth and development.” “ the pandemic stronger than ever.

From a 40% increase in the Annual Fund to the quick and generous response to our appeal for COVID emergency funding, all the way through to the innovative minds and hard work that allowed our successful pivot to Shawnigan Online Unique Learning (SOUL) in the final term of 2019-2020, mountains have been moved to ensure that all that we hold dear at Shawnigan is preserved.

Now, as we reopen campus and embark on the challenging journey ahead, we are buoyed by unprecedented demand for admission to our School and longer than ever waiting lists. This, no doubt, is fueled by the successes we have achieved together in recent months, and the enviable position of strength that we hold in the face of adversity. One example is our ground-breaking new timetable, which leaps us forward in our approach to education, health and wellness of students and staff and the development of the next generation of global leaders.

We are deeply grateful to all who have stepped forward in so many ways, and we count on your continuing support to see us through the next stages. ‘Project Future’ is upon us, and we are committed to using the opportunity that this crisis has presented us to accelerate growth and development. Our three strategic pillars—Academic Excellence, Co-curricular Distinction, and Student Life Unparalleled—will be our rallying call, and our ambitions will be realized through a foundation of financial resilience that our community can help us achieve. Stay tuned.

We thank you for your support through to our launching point for an exciting future. We look forward to sharing our continuing journey with you, and I eagerly await a time when we will again share our progress in person.

Until then, I send my deepest appreciation and best wishes,

Richard "Larry" Lamont Headmaster

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