A Detailed Information on Tea Flushes and What Exactly does it Mean
In plain and simple words tea flushes refers to the various tea growing seasons. There are usually four tea flushes and each one has its own distinct set of characteristics. Darjeeling usually has three major tea flushes. The first flush of tea is grown between mid of March to the end of April. The second flush is grown between June to the mid of August. The third flush of tea is also known as the Autumn flush and it is grown between October to November. It must however be noted that the exact time of flush is not always the same in each year. It depends on the rainfall and the weather condition of Darjeeling each year. For instance excessive rainfall reduces the time period of second flush plantation. The price of tea that is decided by the wholesale tea suppliers also depends to a great extent on the weather conditions and the harvest.
Darjeeling First Flush Darjeeling First Flush tea has a clear texture and is light. It has a floral note to it and has a lively aroma which makes it a great afternoon drink.
Darjeeling second Flush Darjeeling tea grown in the second flush has a darker liquor than the first flush. The second flush tea has a fruity flavor. The tea has a muscatel grape flavor which is quite unique.
Darjeeling Third Flush Tea Darjeeling tea that is grown in the third flush has a dark texture, which is more or less coppery. Also known as Autumn flush the third flush of Darjeeling tea has a subtle taste.
Which Flush of Darjeeling Tea is Most Expensive?
Usually first flush tea is more expensive because besides its subtle taste and lively character there is a special mode of plucking it. First flush tea needs to be plucked with two leaves and a bud. Moreover, this Darjeeling tea also needs to be plucked within a short span of time.
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