The Lesser Known Facts About Darjeeling Black Tea and its Key Health Benefits
The ‘champagne of teas’ as it is often called, the Darjeeling beverage is one of the most sought after beverage. Here are some of the prime characteristics of Darjeeling tea that makes them the best in the world.
The quality of the Darjeeling tea is one thing that makes it so special. Ask anyone to state one thing about Darjeeling tea and pat would the reply come that it is of premium quality. Darjeeling tea leaves have the best essence and a good shelf life as well. They have small tips. The first flush of Darjeeling tea is considered to be the best among all the four flushes. The reason as to why Darjeeling tea tastes to fantastic is owing to the weather of the place. Darjeeling’s receives the right kind of rainfall which further helps in growing the best quality of tea.
The aroma is another characteristic that make the Darjeeling black tea all the more special. Darjeeling tea comes with a muscatel flavor which makes the tea so amazing. After the tea is steeped the rich aroma that comes out of the Darjeeling black tea is simply quite ecstatic. It is therefore quite a necessary factor to buy black tea and then steep it in the correct procedure to get the best results.
There are numerous health benefits of having Darjeeling black tea as well. The first and foremost benefit is that it boosts up the energy levels instantly due to the caffeine that is present. Though caffeine is considered to be harmful for health but in limited quantity that is present in the quality Darjeeling black tea is considered harmless.
Darjeeling black tea is also known to boost the immune system and prevent various types of heart ailments. It has been noticed that people who has been taking Darjeeling black tea over a long period of time had complaints less than what the nondrinkers did. However it must be noted that adding sugar and milk to tea might dampen its qualities and make it adverse for heath. Sugar is a strict no-no as it increases the body glucose levels dramatically and also is a root cause of acid influx. So, those already suffering from acid influx must make sure that they avoid tea with sugar.
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