March 2011
4255 W. Risinger Road Ft. Worth, TX 76123 Tel: 817.346.3641 email:
!"##"$%&'()*)+,$-*$./0)*-)$1,23/0,4$52)67-)$)*7$"*)8!)&-)9 Praise the Lord for everything!! We are glad to tell you that we got two more girls at the orphanage, seven and three years old.! These girls are sisters of Bella, a girl already at the orphanage. The oldest one is going to start school tomorrow.! ! When they came!they were so attached to me that! when they had to say bye to their mom they did not want to.! Because they were raised in the country! and did not have an indoor bathroom, instead of going to the toilet inside, the little one pulled down her underwear and did what she had to do on the carpet in the bedroom!! After we told her that it was not good to do that she went outside in front of the door and then again later on the stairs!! They are so cute, and I love them! ! Rica and Cathy Gonciulea Romania
"$:/0,$.6*$;/&$<(,$5(-27&,*$/;$=)/4 Playing good softball and winning games matters to this hard working and determined team from Keller High School of Keller, TX.! They"ve won state championships in 2003 and 2005, and have been named the top high school program in the nation by USA Today / National Fastpitch Coaches Association Poll.!! Many of the children in Southeast Asia are at a crossroad that will determine whether they find meaning and purpose in life or end up in some form of child trafficking within the region.!
Softball team member, Halee Done, shared this need with her coach, Mrs. Ashley Strong, who then challenged the team to reach around the world.! When all was said and done, the Lady
Indian"s softball team embraced this opportunity to make a difference and gathered several large boxes of backpacks filled with school supplies for the students who attend the MANNA English Training Campus in Pakse, Laos!! Some of them have already been delivered, while the rest will be delivered by another MANNA team traveling this summer.! These supplies, providing hope and long-term development for a brighter future through education, are priceless in the lives of these precious children.!Through this group effort the girls are learning that teamwork really does make the dream work…on and off the field!
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!"#$#%&'$(')%$*$ We are so thankful for all the Lord has done for us in 2010 and we continue to look for His blessings in the coming year! In spite of many troubles last year, the Lord showed us His power and loving kindness. He preserved us from the earthquake, cholera epidemic and from other types of disasters t h r o u g h o u t o u r c o u n t r y. I n f a c t , t h e circumstances became gateways for us to share more of the Gospel.! Several thousand were saved through our services and ministries, many returned to the Lord and were baptized and the attendance in our church increased. Your faithful prayers and support were big factors. Thank you to MANNA Worldwide for your continued partnership with us here in Haiti. This year we have set up a program to boost the ministries in our church. During the month of January, our theme was Global Missions. We encouraged our people to be strong in the Lord and to help us build a solid church. The whole month was blessed tremendously with high attendance and increased giving. The highlight was getting more people involved in faith promise, giving to local and foreign missions. The results were wonderful and we were able to fulfill our mission commitments. Thank God!! In February we had a mission conference where 150 pastors and their wives attended, along with Bible students and church leaders. Once again, we were challenged to respond to
the Great Commission of winning the world to Christ. The activities refreshed us, and gave us momentum to be on fire for God"s service. Each night we had services with a total of 70 first time visitors, thirteen of which were saved. Again, thank you for partnering with us in God"s business that He entrusted to us here on earth. Your co-laborer in the Lord, Bro. Leny Funtecha and Family