Engdahl 1 Southern Comfort; How My Time as a Hospice Worker Changed My Life Her hand trembles as she grips the puzzle piece. I have been here over an hour waiting patiently for her to place the pieces together. Her mind has withered away, riddled by dementia. She struggles to connect her thoughts just as she struggles to complete this puzzle. I watch her eyes light up as a memory creeps its way across her frontal cortex, tiptoeing across huge gaps in her history. When she notices some of the images placed across the US puzzle map, with cows in Texas and corn in Iowa, she recalls that she used to have a farm and that her husband and their family drove across the country once. The memories slip away as quickly as they appeared and I try to reason with her when she gets frustrated that a piece won’t fit into a spot not made for it. I struggle. At this point, I had been visiting with her long enough to understand her and her illness as best as one can from a distance. I wasn’t her daughter or her doctor, but I felt the ripples of her dementia just the same. When I got the volunteer request all those months ago, I prepared myself for someone to die in front of me. I reread the books, went over the training, talked to other volunteers. I am taking a step in my hopeful medical career, I told myself. I walked into the long-term care center imagining a crumpled old man, ready to tell me his old war stories as he realizes the light is fading. I anticipated someone with cancer, dying slowly in front of me, begging me to remember them or to simply listen. I wanted to be the family they were missing in their dying moments. When I walked in that day, I was unaware of the extent of her illness. I had no idea she was incapable of recalling her name or where she was. When the nurse took me to her room, I tried to keep it together. She was in her wheelchair, facing the wall, shivering. No matter what we did, she was never warm. We spent months together, and I knew she felt no closer to me than