Heathscene Summer 2017

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heathscene great place | great community | great future summer 2017

Live music and family fun

Summer activities & events Sports Awards now open Camberley Enterprise Expo


Message from the



Chief Executive

Join in the conversation on Sport & Leisure

Surrey Heath Sports Awards

Summer is here and in Surrey Heath we have such wonderful open spaces to enjoy, especially when the sun is out! This year there’s been a wealth of fantastic events throughout the borough to keep everyone busy and entertained - with plenty more to look forward to.

Community Grants Update

We are proud to have delivered the 2nd Camberley International Festival last month, which saw a diverse and exciting 10-day celebration of the arts across the town centre - more on page 7.

Nominations now open!


See how the funding makes a difference


The ever popular Frimley Lodge Live is back this August - have you got your tickets yet? - while the Surrey Heath Show at Frimley Lodge Park was a roaring success, celebrating its 10th birthday in style. See page 20 for more on this great community event.

Parish news

The latest borough-wide news

There’s also an update on our green spaces on page 6, including newlylaunched day fishing at Lightwater Country Park and the official opening of our beautiful Chobham Water Meadows.

Copywriting by Kate Noviss and Joanne Atkinson, Surrey Heath Borough Council Designed and printed by Frontline, Ashdown House, Charlwoods Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 2HJ Published by Surrey Heath Borough Council, Email heathscene@surreyheath.gov.uk Tel: 01276 707100. If you require this magazine in a different format, please call the media & marketing team on 01276 707312. Copyright © Surrey Heath Borough Council. Surrey Heath Borough Council does not accept responsibility for the views expressed by advertisers in this magazine, nor does it necessarily endorse products or services advertised.

Promote your business with Surrey Heath Borough Council

Would you like the opportunity to promote your business to 37,000 households in Surrey Heath? Surrey Heath Borough Council offers advertising space at competitive rates in Heathscene magazine, distributed to every household in the borough. For further information contact Frontline on 01342 312570 or email frontline@frontlinedesigners.co.uk

It’s not all parks and fun events though there’ve been crucial developments in the regeneration work going on in Camberley Town Centre (see page 5), and we hope you are making the most of the shops being open later on Thursdays. In our key role supporting economic development in Surrey Heath we are pleased to support the first Camberley Enterprise Expo in September - turn to page 22. Someone who is sure to have a busy year ahead is Cllr Valerie White, who we’ve welcomed as the new Mayor of Surrey Heath. We wish her a successful fundraising year - read more on page 9. We hope you enjoy a fantastic “Surrey Heath summer”,

Karen Whelan Chief Executive

www.surreyheath.gov.uk I Heathscene I 3


#TalkSurreyHeath Sport & Leisure In the latest of our innovative live online Q&A sessions, Surrey Heath residents and business owners had the chance to ask SHBC officers and councillors about issues that matter to them. Sport and Leisure was discussed at the fourth #TalkSurreyHeath live streamed event on 24 July coinciding with the publication of this edition of Heathscene.

The planned panel consisted of Leader of the Council, Cllr Moira Gibson, SHBC Chief Executive Karen Whelan, Surrey Heath Executive Head of Business Daniel Harrison and Cllr Craig Fennell, Portfolio Holder for Business. Areas up for discussion included a wide range of sports and leisure related subjects - from sports facilities, leisure centres, and playgrounds, to parks, the theatre and heritage services. Sports development, the Council’s Walking for Health scheme, and the recently opened Chobham Water Meadows site were also

potential topics of interest. During the event, broadcast via Facebook Live from the Council Chamber at Surrey Heath House, members of the public could follow the live video stream on the SHBC Facebook page (www.facebook. com/SurreyHeath) - there is no need to have a Facebook account in order to view. If you’d like to watch the video of the hour-long session after the event it can be found on the same page. Before and during the event, questions were submitted via Facebook, Twitter, or email on talk@surreyheath.gov.uk

and taken part, and we’re always keen to hear your views on ways of reaching as many parts of the community as possible. For details of future #TalkSurreyHeath events follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and check the News section of our website, www.surreyheath.gov.uk

The Council is organising these interactive online events to encourage as many residents, business owners and interested parties to have their say on issues that are important to them. Feedback so far has been positive from those who have tuned in

4 I Heathscene I www.facebook.com/surreyheath

camberley town centre

Camberley Town Centre latest There’s been significant progress in crucial Camberley Town Centre projects over recent months. As you may have noticed, the first phase of the £8m refurbishment of the Mall Shopping Centre is now well under way. This investment will ensure that the centre is an attractive and vibrant place for people to shop and spend their leisure time. The revitalised Mall will be an important component in the wider Camberley Town Centre offer to residents, visitors and businesses. Leading shopping centre architects Haskoll are overseeing the design, and phase one of the revamp in Grace Reynolds Walk will continue to October. There will then be a break to ensure that the refurbishment does not interfere with Christmas shopping! The second phase will start in January with the work due to be completed by late 2018. Exciting new branding for the centre has also been prepared by property marketing specialists Halogen. This is due to be launched this summer as part of the first phase of works.

The branding and refurbishment aims to ensure that the shopping centre - and the wider town centre - is contemporary and remains able to attract top-level brands to the town. Gerwyn Jones of Halogen said, “The new branding is all

The main contractor for the refurbishment is Paragon, and most of the work will be carried out overnight to minimise disruption to shoppers. Plans are also in place to undertake environmental improvements to ‘public realm’ spaces on the High Street and Princess Way. This work will aim to prioritise the High Street for pedestrians and reduce conflict between cars and pedestrians.

about putting what is so special and unique about Camberley back in to the town centre. The Mall was a big national shopping centre brand whereas the new name and branding will celebrate what’s good about Camberley and the shopping centre not just as a place to shop but as a place to be. It will be the means to promote and publicise the significant investment and enhancements that are planned.”

The work will be funded by a combination of developers’ contributions and a pending grant from the Local Enterprise Partnership. If the grant application is successful, the improvements will be due to start next year, following public consultation.

www.surreyheath.gov.uk/camberley I Heathscene I 5




There’s been plenty going on in our beautiful parks and open spaces

Chobham Water Meadows officially opened The new Mayor of Surrey Heath Cllr Valerie White has formally opened the Chobham Water Meadows site.

A number of works to improve drainage and tree safety, and alleviate local flooding, have been carried out. An ongoing management plan at the site will see the installation of benches, bins and information boards. Both the purchase and the improvements were at no cost to Council tax payers, being funded through developer contributions.

Visitors are welcome to exercise their dogs, run, or just enjoy the special views.

The main entrance to CWM is easy to find, with a car park located just behind the Chobham Rider shop in the High Street.

At the opening in May, following a speech and ribbon-cutting ceremony, Cllr White and SHBC Chief Executive Karen Whelan planted a commemorative oak tree on the site.

The Thames Basin Heaths SPAs are internationally important heathland sites that support rare birds such as the Dartford warbler and Nightjar that are highly sensitive to visitors.

Alan Meeks

A scenic and peaceful 23.5 hectare SANG site, it offers many natural walking paths, and includes a 2.5km circular route along the banks of the River Mill Bourne.

SANG stands for Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace. These areas are created as enhanced and attractive greenspaces that provide an enjoyable natural environment for recreational use, and are provided as an alternative to the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA).

Cllr White said: “I am pleased to officially open this beautiful space - we encourage people to use Chobham Water Meadows for recreation and dog walking, to help avoid unsettling wildlife in the nearby Special Protection Areas (SPAs).” The site was purchased by the Council in Spring 2015.

New - Day Fishing at Lightwater Country Park Day fishing is now available at Hammonds Pond in Lightwater Country Park, offering mixed course fishing ideal for pleasure angling. There are 10 ‘swims’ (fishing spots) available on the pond. A valid Environment Agency rod

licence is required. Day fishing is offered from dawn to dusk during the fishing season (until mid-March 2018). Permits must be purchased from the LCP café during opening hours. More info: www.surreyheath.gov.uk/LCP

6 I Heathscene I www.surreyheath.gov.uk/leisure


Colourful Culture at Camberley International Festival

The second CIF saw 10 amazing days of music, film, comedy and the arts in the heart of Surrey Heath, with the relaunched Camberley Carnival as its finale. It all culminated with the glorious Camberley Carnival parading through town on Saturday 17 June, leading to the London Road Recreation Ground where more than 1,000 people enjoyed a sunny afternoon of music, gymnastic displays, art workshops and retro-gaming. The Mayor of Surrey Heath, Cllr Valerie White, took part alongside groups including the Sandhurst Silver Band, the Camberley Nepalese Society, the Camberley Sikh Association and many other local organisations. Camberley became a centre for a wide variety of festival events from June 7-17, with the fantastic weather playing its part too. Saturday June 10 saw a host of free music, literary and family events throughout the town, including amazing performances from the Rajasthan Heritage Brass Band on Park Street. Camberley Theatre played host to a Z Cars party where a vintage episode of the iconic BBC police series was shown, complete with directors not only from Z Cars but also Doctor Who swapping anecdotes and answering audience questions. The next generation of film-makers were celebrated via the Short Film Competition, whose judging panel included BAFTA-Award winning actress and CIF patron, Juliet Aubrey.

The competition attracted entries from as far afield as Spain and Italy, with worthy winners Farnborough Sixth Form College students Evie Gordon and Francis Cousins with their film, ‘Cipid’s House’. Live music saw five-time BBC Folk Award winners Oysterband celebrating 40 years of making music together at Camberley Theatre, while BlackWaters and other bands still in their teens played at The Central Bar. Not forgetting great drama, literature, street performances and award-winning comedy!

CIF patron Juliet Aubrey with Short Film competition winners

After the success of this year’s Festival, plans are already afoot for 2018. Corporate Portfolio holder, Cllr Josephine Hawkins, said “Camberley International Festival is proving to be a real jewel in the Surrey Heath calendar and I was delighted to see it return bigger and better for 2017. It was wonderful to see the addition of the short film competition, live street music and a Carnival with a truly international flavour.”

www.camberleyinternationalfestival.com I Heathscene I 7

Frimley Lodge Live

Frimley Lodge Live is back!

Bigger and better than ever before, the fantastic music festival returns for its fourth fabulous year! Make a date in your summer calendar of fun - Frimley Lodge Live is back. Jam packed with music, a new Kids’ Zone, and great food and drink, all in the beautiful award-winning grounds of Frimley Lodge Park.

before dusting off your dancing shoes again for Nat Augustin as Stevie Wonder, and top David Bowie tribute Starman.

On Saturday 5 August , you can dance yourself dizzy to the best tribute acts around, featuring Abba Fever, Vogue Madonna, 80s cover band Electric Heart and headliners for the night, Prince Revelation. All this followed by an ‘80s disco.

New for this year, the Kids’ Zone theme is ‘Escape to Neverland’, where there’ll be a host of activities and games to keep the little ones entertained.

On Sunday 6 August you can enjoy the delights of Blobbie Williams, then relax in the reggae vibe of The Trenchtown Experience (a fantastic Bob Marley tribute),

There’ll also be loads of talented local bands to start each day off.

All this plus a licensed bar, delicious food and drink and loads of stalls to get your shopping fix - grab your tickets now before it’s too late! Gates open at 11am, with local bands on from 11.30am.

Book online: www.camberleytheatre.co.uk or call 01276 707600

Half price Theatre Club offer If you love theatre, we have a fantastic offer exclusively for Heathscene readers. Camberley Theatre Club members receive many benefits

including discounted ticket prices, 10% bar discount, and free parking when attending shows. This usually costs £25 for the year, but until the end of August it is available for half price - just

8 I Heathscene I www.camberleytheatre.co.uk

£12.50 - if you bring your copy of Heathscene to the Box Office, or quote ‘Heathscene’ when calling the Box Office on 01276 707600.


New Mayor elected

Introducing Councillor Valerie White - the 45th Mayor of Surrey Heath.

Cllr White has lived in the borough for 30 years, and a councillor for Bagshot ward since 2011. She was last year’s Deputy Mayor.

The chosen charities for her Mayoral year are the Lisa May Foundation and Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue.

Cllr White has served on various committees including Planning, Licensing, Audit and Standards, and the Local Area Committee.

Cllr White added: “‘Both of these charities are close to my heart I have worked closely with local charity the Lisa May Foundation for many years, and more recently with Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue, and look forward to fundraising for them throughout my mayoral year.”

She has also been a Windlesham Parish Councillor since 2003, serving as chair three times, and is currently vice-chair.

Outgoing Mayor Cllr John Winterton said: “The office of Mayor is indeed a highly privileged one, and I wouldn’t have missed it for anything. “Above all, I shall remember the rich blessing of so many varied and dedicated volunteers in Surrey Heath who have helped to make this community such an amazing place to live.”

At the Mayor-making ceremony in May, Cllr White was sworn in as Mayor of Surrey Heath for the forthcoming year, receiving the Mayoral robe and chain of office. Cllr White succeeds the previous Surrey Heath Mayor, Cllr John Winterton. Cllr Dan Adams, who represents St Paul’s ward, was elected Deputy Mayor. Cllr White and her husband David have run a local aerial photography company for the last 25 years. She is also active in Bagshot Business Association, Bagshot Society, and community events. Cllr White said: “I am honoured to become the 45th Mayor of Surrey Heath, and look forward to a busy year serving the community where I have lived for the past 30 years.”

Deputy Mayor Cllr Dan Adams and Mayor Cllr Valerie White

www.surreyheath.gov.uk/mayor I Heathscene I 9

business awards

Business Award winners Our congratulations go to the winners of the Surrey Heath Business Awards 2017, announced at a ceremony at Camberley Theatre.

Council, Cllr Moira Gibson said: “This event is key in recognising the borough’s best businesses, but also in encouraging and supporting local firms who contribute so much to the Surrey Heath economy. “With such a wide range of businesses entering the various categories, we were delighted by the quality of the submissions, which made the judging process all the more difficult. More than 150 delegates attended the annual awards in March, hosted by the Surrey Heath Business Breakfast event. Returning for a fourth year, the awards showcased the achievements of businesses big and small, spanning the length and breadth of Surrey Heath, from Bagshot to Frimley, and Bisley to Camberley. Recognising the great people and ideas that keep the local economy thriving, the shortlist featured a wide range of industries and professions, from fishing to hospitality, and catering to pottery. The six categories and their winners were: Best New Business Mrs Potts’ Place Corporate Social Responsibility Sainsbury’s, Camberley

Business Innovation of the Year - FairWeatherGolf Developing Talent - Exclusive Chefs Academy - Exclusive Hotels and Venues (Pennyhill Park) Best Small/Medium-Sized Business - The Massage Company Outstanding Achievement This special award celebrates a company or individual who has significantly contributed to the growth and success of the Surrey Heath community over a number of years. Winner: Frimley Park Hospital Each winner received a specially commissioned award, with Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust Chief Executive Sir Andrew Morris accepting the Outstanding Achievement Award on behalf of Frimley Park Hospital. Leader of Surrey Heath Borough

10 I Heathscene I www.surreyheath.gov.uk/shba

“This successful event is enjoyed and appreciated by the many firms who attend, and of course our congratulations go to all the winners!” The next Business Breakfast event is on 29 September. It’s an excellent networking opportunity and free to attend for all Surrey Heath businesses. To register to exhibit or attend, please go to www.surreyheath.gov.uk/ businessbreakfast.

sports development

Bringing sport to a new generation The lead up to this year’s Specsavers Surrey Youth Games saw more than 300 young people in Surrey Heath take part in 6-8 weeks of free training sessions in a total of 15 sports across the borough.

Nominations now open!

The Surrey Heath Sports Awards provide a fantastic opportunity to recognise and reward talented local athletes, coaches, volunteers, teams and clubs for their outstanding commitment and achievements in sport over the past 12 months.

The event, coordinated by Active Surrey, aims to get more 7-16 year olds active and engaged in sport to help combat sedentary lifestyles and promote the countless benefits of sport and physical activity. The training sessions culminated in an extravaganza of sport at Surrey Sports Park on the weekend of 17-18 June, with “Team Surrey Heath” showing off their new skills against the other 10 boroughs and districts. The team did brilliantly, achieving an impressive medal haul and the ‘Fair Play’ trophy. None of this would be possible without the dedicated coaches, clubs and volunteers that we are lucky enough to have in Surrey Heath, as well as the support from local schools to promote healthy lifestyles in young people - thank you! www.surreyheath.gov.uk/syg

2016 Young Sports Team - Camberley Town U13 boys

Nominations for a range of individual, team and club awards are open now - award categories include: • Young Sports Team of the Year • Sports Team of the Year • Club of the Year • Young Volunteer of the Year

at a ceremony held at Camberley Theatre on 23 October. For more information including award criteria and to make a nomination, visit www.surreyheath.gov.uk/ sportsawards Reward those who make sport happen in Surrey Heath and make a nomination today.

• Disability Sport Award • Coach of the Year • Young Sports Personality of the Year • Sports Personality of the Year • Outstanding Service to Sport The deadline for nominations is 31 August, with the winners announced

12 I Heathscene I www.surreyheath.gov.uk/leisure

2016 Sports Personality - Phil Burgess


Stay happy and healthy this summer As we welcome long, warm summer days it’s important to remember to stay healthy, making sure that the hot weather doesn’t harm you or your loved ones. This includes ordering your repeat prescriptions in plenty of time before any holidays. Contact your GP or local pharmacist regarding repeat prescriptions and please allow at least 48 hours before you travel.

have the letters “UVA” in a circle logo and at least four-star UVA protection and a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15.

• Wear loose, cool clothing, and a hat and sunglasses if you go outdoors.

Hot weather can affect anyone, but especially: • Older people

For summer health advice and information visit NHS Choices at www.nhs.uk

• Babies and young children

For further information or to contact NHS Surrey Heath CCG visit www.surreyheathccg. nhs.uk or email shccg. communications@nhs.net

• People with a serious chronic conditions • People with mobility problems The main risks posed by hot weather are: • Sunburn • Dehydration (not having enough water) • Overheating, which can make symptoms worse for people who already have problems with their heart or breathing • Heat exhaustion and heatstroke You can get sunburnt in the UK even if it’s cloudy. Sunscreen isn’t enough to protect you from the sun so wear suitable clothing and spend time in the shade during the hottest part of the day. When buying sunscreen, the label should

• People with serious mental health problems • People on certain medications that affect sweating and temperature control • People who are physically active Tips for coping in hot weather: • Shut windows and pull down the shades when it is hot. You can open the windows for ventilation when it is cooler. • Have cool baths or showers, and splash yourself with cool water. • Drink cold drinks regularly, such as water and diluted fruit juice. Avoid excess alcohol, caffeine (tea, coffee and cola) or drinks high in sugar.

• Check up on friends, relatives and neighbours who may be less able to look after themselves.

Save the date! NHS Surrey Heath CCG & Surrey County Council’s next Public Meeting, including the CCG’s AGM, will be on: Tuesday 19 September 2017, 5-8pm, at Camberley Theatre, Knoll Road, Camberley. To book a space please email shccg.communications@ nhs.net

www.surreyheathccg.nhs.uk I Heathscene I 13

camberley theatre

Coming up at Camberley Theatre

We have so many amazing shows at Camberley Theatre in the coming months - these are just a few of the highlights. For full listings visit our website.

Theatre in the Park: Potty Pirates Thurs 24 Aug, 2pm, Full £10, Child £8, Family of 4 £30 Climb aboard me hearties for lots of silly slapstick and comedy capers with Captain Cranky and his crazy crew at London Road Recreation Ground. Potty Pirates is a swashbuckling panto-style show with sing-along songs, games and loads of audience interaction.

The legendary Three Degrees are well known for their soulful voices, beautiful gowns, and fabulous stage shows. Famous all around the world for songs like ‘When Will I See You Again’ and ‘Take Good Care Of Yourself’, they’ve been continuously touring for more than 40 years - amazing. Talon - The Best of Eagles Sat 30 Sept, 7.30pm, Full £23, £22 Theatre Club

Why not come to the show dressed as a pirate? Prizes for the best costumes! The Three Degrees Thurs 21 Sept, 7.30pm, £36 inc. meet and greet (first two rows), £26 all other seats

Only Fools and Boycie Sun 1 Oct, 7.30pm, £17

Talon’s 20th Anniversary Tour will feature all the classic Eagles Greatest Hits from their timeless back catalogue including ‘Hotel California’, ‘Take It Easy’, ‘One Of These Nights’, Take It To The Limit, ‘Desperado’, ‘Lyin’ Eyes’, ‘Life In The Fast Lane’ and many more.

TV star John Challis is best known for his role as Boycie in BBC’s Only Fools And Horses - and more recently Monty in ITV’s smash hit comedy Benidorm. Now he plans to reveal the secrets of what goes on behind the scenes, including his relationships with stars like David Jason and Nicholas Lyndhurst. Post-show ‘Meet and Greet’ is also available.

Did you know we have flexible and professional meeting rooms and facilities to hire? From 2 to 200 visit our website or call 01276 707600 for more details. 14 I Heathscene I www.camberleytheatre.co.uk


County Council Election Results On Thursday 4 May voters in Surrey Heath went to the polls for the election of six County Councillors to represent the six county divisions in the Borough.

The following councillors were elected: Mike Goodman


Bagshot, Windlesham and Chobham

Bill Chapman


Camberley East

Charlotte Morley


Camberley West

Paul Deach


Frimley Green and Mytchett

Edward Hawkins


Heatherside and Parkside

David Mansfield


Lightwater, West End and Bisley

The full results can be viewed at www.surreyheath.gov.uk/council/elections-voting/surreycounty-council-elections

Electoral Review of the Borough The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has conducted a review of the Borough because of electoral inequality in some wards. The review determines the total number of councillors (council size); the pattern of wards for the borough; the number of wards;

the names of wards and the boundaries of wards. Following an extra consultation period during June and July, the Commission’s final recommendations are due to be published next month. The new warding arrangements will come into effect at the Borough Elections in May 2019 and will be available to view at www.lgbce.org.uk.

Your vote matters During late summer all households will receive a form from the Council asking you to confirm whether the information that appears on the electoral register for those living at your address is correct. This is particularly important if you have moved home recently as you won’t be registered at your new address automatically, even if you pay council tax. There are no scheduled elections in 2018, but it is important to be registered in case of a by-election being held. It can also help with your credit rating. Registering is quick and simple. All you have to do is: • Go to www.gov.uk/registerto-vote • Complete the online registration form with your name, address, date of birth and your National Insurance Number. • We will send you confirmation once you are registered. If you don’t have access to the internet, please contact the Electoral Registration Office on 01276 707100. Your vote sends a powerful message, please don’t waste it… it counts!

www.surreyheath.gov.uk/elections I Heathscene I 15



of the community More local groups receive support through the Council’s Community Fund Grant Scheme (CFGS).

The CFGS provides grants of up to £25,000 to assist groups and organisations in Surrey Heath with projects which will benefit local communities. Awards are agreed by the Council’s decision-making Executive. In the latest round:

Frimley Cricket Club have received two CFGS grants - their chairman, Gary Dunford, explains how they’ve helped the club…

Nicholas Young

Chobham Village Hall Charity will be awarded £5,000 to rebuild and resurface the existing car park, to make it safe and free from flooding. This traditional village hall hosts a wide variety of community events, shows, clubs and meetings.

Windlesham and Camberley Camera Club will receive £1,484 towards the purchase of a replacement digital projector. The club meets weekly at St Paul’s Church, Camberley. Applications to the Community Fund Grant scheme are considered twice a year, with the next deadline on 31 December.

“Our club is very much in the heart of the community, given its location on Chobham Road Recreation Ground, close to Frimley town centre. We are a very inclusive club - keen for anyone and everyone to have a go at cricket, of all ages and abilities. We run three Saturday league teams, a Sunday friendly team and have a thriving Junior Section. We are also home to Surrey County Cricket Club’s Visually Impaired Squad. In 2013 we applied for a Community Fund Grant from SHBC to replace our practice nets - our old ones were

16 I Heathscene I www.surreyheath.gov.uk/communityfundgrants

Opening of Nets. Left - Paul Taylor, Director of Cricket Development, Surrey Cricket Foundation. Centre - Gary Dunford, Chairman, Frimley Cricket Club. Right - Adrian Bunting, President, Frimley Cricket Club

concrete based, often vandalised, time consuming to prepare and very worn. New all-weather nets would mean players could practice at any time, but would cost around £45,000. We were pleased to be awarded £9,500 towards this cost, and the new nets were installed at the end of 2013. They’ve proved a huge asset, particularly among youngsters - in 2012 we only had around 5 colts players (under 16s) - by 2016 we had more than 100, and we’ve also set up a girls’ team. Last year we applied for a further CF grant to erect a fence to deter vandalism of the clubhouse, and replace the ancient boiler. The £6,000 we were awarded for this has been invaluable the efficient boiler means the clubhouse is a more flexible venue now used by many more community groups for their own events, while the fence has saved the club thousands in repairs. I would recommend any community groups to apply for funding from this scheme for suitable projects - it was a straightforward process, and the positive impact on our club has been fantastic.”

Surrey VICCC 2016 Winners


Recycling Top Tips!

The recycling rate in our Borough is around 62% - one of the highest in the country, and reflecting residents’ excellent efforts to recycle. But we are always looking to increase this figure - check out our advice to maximise your recycling and reduce waste. As you know, a wide range of materials can be put in your green recycling bin - however there are some items that are recyclable but not acceptable in that bin. To help us improve still further please: Check what is acceptable We all know that paper, card, cans, plastic and glass bottles can be recycled. Plastic pots/trays, aerosols, foil trays and cartons can also be recycled - but there are some things that must not be put in the recycling bin. These include: • Textiles & electrical items can be recycled, but only if they are kept separate so please do not put these in your recycling bin. These can all be collected separately as part of your household waste collection service. Simply place items in a labelled carrier bag and put alongside your bin on collection day. Small electricals and household batteries are collected on recycling week and textiles are collected on refuse week. • Food waste can also be

recycled but only if you use the caddy provided. You no longer need to use compostable liners - any plastic liners can be used to contain your food waste. Find out more at www.surreyheath.gov.uk/ food-waste Start with the key items These are some of the easiest items to recycle: • Newspaper, junk mail & cardboard packaging • plastic bottles • drinks cans • glass bottles Don’t forget that items should be loose in the recycling bin. Please make sure that containers are empty before recycling. Sort as you go! Separating out acceptable items as you go can save you time. Having a small ‘recycling bin’ upstairs in your home can make

18 I Heathscene I www.surreyheath.gov.uk/recycling

collecting recyclable items from areas such as the bathroom easier. Did you know… The biggest contaminant in the recycling is nappies, closely followed by food, wood/metal items and polystyrene. Please take care to put these in your grey refuse bin.


Safe and sound Read Louise’s story of how our GPS Location Service has allowed her grandfather to retain his independence, while giving the family invaluable peace of mind. “My grandfather Derek is 82 years old and wants to live independently. He has dementia and has a tendency to walk off without telling anyone. What if one day something awful happened?

He was referred for SHBC’s GPS Location Service, following an incident where he walked from his home in Camberley towards the M3.

location and contact me to get him safely back home. There’s also a ‘safe zone’ feature - we set a perimeter within which my grandfather can travel freely. If he goes outside this, the monitoring centre is alerted, and they will identify his location, contact me, and monitor him until I can get to him. A couple of weeks later, my grandfather got on a bus to Farnborough, meaning he went out of his ‘safe zone.’ A member of the public also noticed the GPS pendant, so pressed the button to get him some help. The monitoring centre contacted me and we got him safely home, unharmed.

Since having the GPS pendant, it’s been a huge weight off our minds that my grandfather’s whereabouts can be identified easily and quickly if we have any concerns. Having the monitoring centre take the alerts means we don’t have to constantly worry, as we know they will contact us if he needs help. The GPS means my grandfather has been able to maintain his independence, dignity and freedom, and given us peace of mind. We’re so grateful to the team for providing such a valuable service.” Louise Abbotts, Camberley For more information on the GPS Location Service, which is available for a monthly charge to anyone who feels vulnerable when out and about, call 01276 707659 or visit www.surreyheath.gov.uk/gps

Community Services staff visited and showed us how the GPS device works. It was straightforward - my grandfather can press the button on the device if he gets lost or confused when out. This alerts the 24-hour monitoring centre whose staff will speak to him via the pendant to reassure him, identify his

www.surreyheath.gov.uk/gps I Heathscene I 19

surrey heath show


Surrey Heath Show Over 8,000 people flocked to Frimley Lodge Park to help the Surrey Heath Show celebrate its 10th anniversary in style. This fantastic fun-filled event for all the family featured long-standing favourites such as the Companion Dog Show and Classic Car Show, arena events, a wide range of stalls and heaps of children’s activities.

Each year the Surrey Heath Show distributes some of its proceeds to local charities and community groups. Last year over £10,000 was donated to 22 local organisations to help fund worthy projects.

Mayor of Surrey Heath Cllr Valerie White attended the long-standing community event on 20 May, and even had time for a quick photo with Surrey Heath Show mascot Spike The Hedgehog!

Anthony Moore, Chairman of the Surrey Heath Show Committee, said: “It’s hard to believe that we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Surrey Heath Show. We started it off in 2008 as a one-off fundraising event for the Mayor’s Charity Appeal. It was so successful that we felt obliged to repeat it the next year and have been doing so ever since!”

The Mayor also judged the Classic Car Competition and presented winner, Keith Pinnick, with a certificate and prize for his pristine Vauxhall Cresta 1962.

miniature railway and excellent Punch and Judy performances. The Council’s mascot Heath The Hare helped Camberley Theatre staff promote some of their great events, while music was provided throughout the day by the Farnborough Concert Band of the Royal British Legion.

Radio Frimley Park guided the main arena though a variety of activities including Zumba, party games and a tremendous performance from Sandhurst and District Corps of Drums. The children’s entertainment included fairground rides, the 20 I Heathscene I www.surreyheathshow.org

For details about next year’s event visit the Show’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/ surreyheathshow or the website www.surreyheathshow.org


Parking update Have you tried Glide yet?

Earlier this month the Council introduced another quick and convenient way for customers to pay in our multi-storey car parks. Glide Parking is a parking payment app, which customers can download on to their smartphones to make payment fast and painless.

Following the recent successful introduction of contactless payment at Knoll Road and Main Square car parks in Camberley, Glide gives customers even more choice when it comes to swift and easy ways to pay. To create a Glide account, simply download the Glide parking app from Google Play or the App Store. Paying for parking is a simple three button process to confirm payment.

Once payment has been made, there is a 10 minute ‘grace period’ to leave the car park. Free wi-fi in the Mall and Camberley Theatre make using Glide Parking even easier. There’s a convenience fee of 20p per transaction when using the app. Surrey Heath Business Portfolio Holder Cllr Craig Fennell said: “The Glide Parking App gives our customers the ability to pay for their parking on the way to their car, avoiding having to divert to a pay station. As well as being quicker for the individual, this has the potential to reduce the queues that invariably form at pay stations during busy periods.” For more info go to www.surreyheath.gov.uk/glide In March, the Council added Contactless card payments and Apple Pay to their multi-storey car parks.

The introduction of these new payment methods followed customer feedback from an online survey last year, where almost 60% of respondents said they would like to see Contactless/ Apple Pay introduced.

Parking plus • Levels 4 and 5 of Main Square car park have been recently resurfaced as part of the ongoing ‘Life Care’ programme - we hope you have noticed the improvement! • If you’d like a little more room to park, there are almost 300 wide parking bays on level 4 and 5 of Main Square, and 96 on levels 4a and 5 of Knoll Road - why not try them out? • Have you used Car Park Spaces Live? The useful feature on our website means you can check the latest information on available car park spaces in our multistoreys. www.surreyheath.gov.uk/carparkspaceslive www.surreyheath.gov.uk/parking I Heathscene I 21


Enterprise Expo The first Camberley Enterprise Expo takes place in September - here’s how you can be involved…

If you are involved in business in or around Surrey Heath, the Camberley Enterprise Expo is a crucial event not to be missed. The Council is pleased to host our first ever Expo this year. With virtual interactions increasingly replacing opportunities to meet existing and prospective clients face to face, the Camberley Enterprise Expo offers a fantastic opportunity to showcase your products and services, build key relationships and gain valuable sales leads. This local event at Camberley Theatre on September 13 is not just another business to business exhibition. It’s open to exhibitors who wish to reach local consumers as well as other businesses - encouraging a wide

range of attendees, including venues, banks, IT companies, professional services and retailers. To ensure the event gets off to a flying start, the Council are hosting a pre-Expo breakfast seminar, including presentations from Chief Executive Karen Whelan and Surrey Heath MP Michael Gove. A series of business seminars led by local business leaders will also take place throughout the day. Leader of Surrey Heath Borough Council, Cllr Moira Gibson, said: “We are pleased to support this important new business event in Surrey Heath, as part of our key objective to support and promote our local economy so that people can work and do business across Surrey Heath.”

Fit for summer! Why don’t you ‘Go-Tri’ Triathlon? Have you ever wanted to take part in a triathlon but don’t know where to start? GO-TRI Camberley at the Arena Leisure Centre is the event for you.

With short, manageable distances, GO-TRI on 10 September features a 200m swim in the Arena swimming pool, an 8km cycle through Camberley, before a 2km run around London Road Recreation Ground. Entry is just £10. www.surreyheath.gov.uk/tri

22 I Heathscene I www.surreyheath.gov.uk/shba

The Expo is supported by The Camberley Society and Surrey Chambers of Commerce, and is being organised by Webster Consultancy and The Best Of Camberley, both of whom have significant experience in delivering successful networking and exhibition events across Surrey. A range of stand sizes are available, with prices starting at £380. There will also be a smaller, lower cost area for charities, not-for-profit organisations and community groups. Thanks to event sponsors McCarthy & Stone, Watchmoor Park, Dolphin Head, Basepoint Camberley and The Mall Camberley for their continued support. Visit www. camberleyenterpriseexpo.com Give Footgolf a go! Now available at Frimley Lodge Park, Footgolf is a fun combination of football and golf. The aim is to get the ball into a Footgolf-specific hole using your feet in the fewest number of shots possible. Footgolf is available every Saturday from the FLP café. Nine holes costs £5 for adults, £4 for U18/Senior Citizens. www.surreyheath.gov. uk/footgolf

youth theatre

Creative Minds Do you have the acting bug? Or would you rather be busy behind the scenes? Whatever your performing passion, there’s a class to suit you at Camberley Theatre...

The Creative Minds Academy, in Arts Partnership with Camberley Theatre, offers excellent youth theatre training and education programmes for students aged 4-16 in performance and technical production skills. The Youth Theatre is designed for students aged 8-16 who want to create theatre and focus on either performance or technical theatre skills. These two hour sessions give students the opportunity to explore their

discipline with guidance from the tutor to create, develop and perform using technical skills and performance techniques. These run every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening. The Saturday Academy Classes (for age 4-12) cover the basics in the disciplines of Acting, Musical Theatre, Singing and Dance, with students offered performance opportunities through the year, culminating in a whole school performance showcase at the end of the Summer Term. Holiday workshops (age 4-16) are run by experienced staff who inspire students to produce a show in a week for family and friends to watch. It’s great for students to build their confidence, learn and develop new skills, and make new friends - no prior experience is necessary!

Interested? For more info go to www.cmacademy.co.uk

www.cmacademy.co.uk I Heathscene I 23


A much better Meadows

There’s been a lot going on around Camberley’s Meadows roundabout lately - and there’s more to come. Find out how the changes will improve your journey. The overall aim of the changes around the Meadows gyratory is to relieve congestion and give people alternative ways to get around. In turn that means Camberley will be more likely to prosper. Walk to work, for leisure or to keep fit It’s now easier to walk between the Meadows and Watchmoor Park, Hawley Meadows and Sainsbury’s with a new path along the A331 that makes it safer and more enjoyable to go on foot. Residents are also able to walk or cycle to Hawley Meadows and onwards into the Blackwater Valley Leisure Route along the river. Getting across

to give feedback on what’s being planned to ease traffic flow while we’re doing this work.

There are also now ‘on demand’ crossing points where previously it was almost impossible to cross the A331. Fear not, drivers, this won’t cause bigger queues for you as there are now new traffic lights to help reduce tailbacks on the road itself. Fewer hold ups The next improvement, with the first phase due to start in early 2018, involves the Meadows roundabout itself. There are always long queues leading to the roundabout so this work aims to reduce those delays and improve access to Camberley town centre.

Beyond 2018

When it’s all done it will be quicker to drive across the junction which means less standing traffic. You can leave feedback on what’s planned at https://www.surreysays.co.uk/ei-highways-and-transportmeadows-improvement. Later this year you’ll also get the chance

24 I Heathscene I www.surreycc.gov.uk

Finally, further improvements to the A30 and in Camberley town centre will take place during 2018 - they should help reduce delays on the A30 and make it easier to get around on foot and by bike. Search ‘A30 and town centre improvements’ on the Surrey County Council website to find out more. We’d like to thank everyone for their constructive comments and feedback during our recent consultation.

parish news

Parish news The latest news and events from across the Borough

Windlesham loves hedgehogs!

Amazing Grace is a joint campaign run by Windleshambased Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue, the British Hedgehog Preservation Society and the Save

more info on making your space hedgehog friendly go to www.gracethehedgehog.co.uk Chobham Carnival The Chobham Carnival celebrated its 30th birthday with a fantastic Movie Blockbuster themed day on May 1.

After the traditional parade, including the May Queen, attractions included world class Mountain Bike Stunt Team Savage Skills, and Surrey Fire and Rescue with an impressive display. Alongside a fairground, Morris Dancers and plenty of stalls, it made for a brilliant family day out.

Me Trust, raising awareness of the plight of hedgehogs, whose numbers are in serious decline. Windlesham has become one of the first hedgehog friendly villages in the UK by encouraging all residents to get involved in creating habitats for wildlife in their gardens and open spaces. A well-attended awareness day at The Sun Pub in Windlesham in April was supported by local councillors, including the nowMayor Cllr Valerie White, and Michael Gove MP. The team are keen to help other local villages to do the same - for

The Carnival Association was set up in 1987 to raise funds for local community groups, and this year more than £5,000 will be distributed to good causes. www.chobhamcarnival.co.uk Traditional Village Show

The West End, Windlesham & District Agricultural & Horticultural Society Show is widely recognised as the best traditional village show in North West Surrey. This year’s events start with a Ploughing Match on 3 September at Manor Farm, Stoke D’Abernon, followed by the Annual Show on Saturday 9 September at Tringham Hall, West End, at 2pm. There’ll be competitions in traditional subjects such as fruit, flowers and vegetables, along with art, photography, cookery, handicrafts, wine-making and honey, as well as poultry and pets. There’s also a Dog Show, Morris Men, tractor rides, and a Barn Dance at 8pm. More info: www.facebook.com/wewdahs/

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Surrey Heath Museum Your Heritage... Your views... Surrey Heath Museum has existed since the 1930s and our collection, donated by local people, covers the local history of the area from the Stone Age through to modern day. It includes art, archaeology, archival material, costume plus industrial, agricultural, military and domestic items. We produce a programme of exhibitions, events and outreach projects, plus run an education service for local schools and deliver reminiscence workshops for the elderly.

Heritage services Exhibitions Take Ten until 2 September which features images of the Borough and its people from 1947 to 1990s.

We are now looking to the future and would like to seek feedback from residents to help us shape the service as we move forward. Please let us know your views as it is your heritage service; 1. Find out about the work of the museum at www.surreyheath. gov.uk/museum by downloading our leaflet and the 2013-2016 Museum reports. 2. Fill out our online questionnaire available from the Museum website. 3. Attend one of our consultation sessions where you can complete a feedback sheet (please visit our website for dates). 4. Email us with your opinions - museum@ surreyheath.gov.uk 5. Telephone us or visit us - we are open 11 to 5, Wed to Sat and situated at Surrey Heath House, Knoll Road, Camberley, GU15 3HD (Tel: 01276 707284).

We would very much appreciate your views.

The rich cultural make-up of our area is the inspiration behind this exhibition which features 10 people who have made Surrey Heath their home. We look at where people grew up, what attracted them to this area, whether they lived here all their lives or have moved here, and why Surrey Heath has become their home. “Don’t Take Chances, Go to Francis” until 2 September An exhibition featuring the work of local photographer Ron Francis. Although Ron passed away in 2010, his photographic legacy lives on through Surrey Heath Museum who were bequeathed his archive

26 I Heathscene I www.surreyheath.gov.uk/museum

Exhibition talk and tour Wed 23 Aug 11.30am-12.30pm Thurs 31 Aug 6-7pm Tercentenary of the Freemasons 13 - 30 September Celebrating the 300th anniversary of the formation of the first Freemasons Grand Lodge in England.

Heritage Walks Thurs 24 August - ‘Inbetween Walk’ - Camberley to Yorktown 6-7.30pm, £2.50 Thurs 21 September - Frimley 5.30-7pm, £2.50 Local History Events Heritage Open Days, 7-9 Sept see our website for more details.

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