2023 Economic Outlook Breakfast & Annual Meeting Booklet

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Annual Board Meeting & Voting

State of: Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce

State of: Sheboygan County

State of: City of Sheboygan Falls

State of : Sheboygan County Economic Development Corporation

State of: City of Sheboygan

State of: Village of Oostburg

State of: City of Plymouth

Agenda 01. 19. 2023
Pine Hills Country Club
Welcome from Dr. Ashok Rai, MD- Prevea
ANNUALMEETING DIRECTORSSLATE JustinSelle 2023BoardPresident HSHSSt.NicholasHospital Samuel Spurney Steimle Birschbach PaulKuplic OostburgState Bank ClaudiaKrepsky RohdeBrothers PaulGriffin MilliporeSigma VoteRequired:FirstTerm VoteRequired:SecondTerm KristinStearns-LakeshoreCommunityHealthCare KristinLiphart-LakeshoreTechnicalCollege JamesSchramm-UW-GB,SheboyganCampus VoteRequired:Resignations MarkSchuh-PlymouthFoam BarbHamann-AdvocateAurora PaulBlackley-SargentoFoods DanaDunton MainstreamBoutique BethBorgen LakelandUniversity LindsayHarrison-Eirich EngagedMarketingCo. NellieWeiss UnitedOneCreditUnion BoardMembersContinuingTerms DanMella PlymouthSchoolDistrict DavidZimmermann ZimmermannCompany ChristineLoose KohlerCo. MaxScheuer WisconsinConsumerCredit

State of: Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce Deidre Martinez, CEO

DeidreMartinez,ChiefExecutiveOfficer oftheSheboyganCountyChamberof

Commerce,transitionedtoSheboyganfromCrystalLake, Illinoisinlate2017whereshewastheMembershipDevelopment ManagerfortheCrystalLakeChamberofCommerce.Priorto hertimeinchambers,shespentmanyyearsinhigher education,leadingteamsofadmissionsadvisorstohelp studentsrealizetheirgoalsofahighereducation.

In2017,Deidrewasrecognizedasa"BestUnder40"recipientinMcHenryCountyfor herworkthroughoutthebusinesscommunity,aswellashervolunteerefforts. Recentlymarried,DeidreandhusbandSamuelMeleisharesixchildrenbetween them,ages26,22,18,18,15,and13.DeidreisanactivememberofSheboyganNoon Rotary;servesonthefollowingboards:InspireSheboyganCounty,GirlsontheRun NortheastWisconsin,SheboyganCountyEconomicDevelopmentCorporation, HarborCentre/BusinessImprovementDistrict,CityofSheboyganMayor’s InternationalCommittee,CityofSheboygan’sRedevelopmentAuthority;andisthe currentPresidentoftheBoardforUnitedWaySheboyganCounty.Deidreisalsoa memberoftheEconomicClubofSheboygan.Inherfreetime,sheenjoysbiking, hikingandspendingtimewithfamilyoutdoors,andiscurrentlyfinishingher graduatedegreeatLakelandUniversitywithafocusonleadershipand organizationaldevelopmentandaminorinfinance.

State of: Sheboygan County

Alayne Krause is the Deputy County Administrator for Sheboygan County, and has worked there for 10 years. During that time, Alayne has had the unique opportunity to work in five different departments, giving her a comprehensive understanding of the organization. She earned her bachelor’s degree from UW-Oshkosh and master’s degree from Lakeland University. She serves on the Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity Lakeside, volunteers for various non-profits in the community, and enjoys traveling, trying new foods, and completing home improvement projects with her husband.

State of the County

Sheboygan County has 850 employees working in 19 departments administering over 200 programs and services. The total budget is $182 million, comprised of $53 million in property tax levy and the balance coming from state and federal revenue, private pay, and fee or service charges The four largest departments are Health and Human Services ($45.2 million), Transportation ($28.6 million), Sheriff ($24.2 million), and Rocky Knoll Health Care Center ($15.9 million) and amount to nearly 2/3rds of the entire County budget. The remaining departments include: Building Services, Clerk of Courts, Corporation Counsel, County Clerk, Court Commissioner, District Attorney, Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology, Medical Examiner, Planning and Conservation, Register of Deeds, Treasurer and Real Property Listing, University of Wisconsin-Extension, and Veteran Services.

Alayne Krause, Deputy County Administrator

Key Accomplishments and Milestones of 2022

Completed Addition for Alternatives to Incarceration

The Sheriff’s Department, in partnership with the Building Services Department, completed a $1 85 million expansion to the Alternatives to Incarceration Unit (ATI) at the Detention Center. This addition includes 8 offices, a reception area, and provides correctional officers and clients with confidential areas to meet and to conduct substance testing. The ATI Unit case load is 300-400 clients per day and the programming helps alleviate the pressure on our Detention Center population, and avoid a significantly more expensive addition.

Stream Restoration at Amsterdam Dunes

To further protect and enhance the ecological integrity of Sheboygan County’s 328acre Amsterdam Dunes Preservation Area and improve the water quality in Lake Michigan, a project was initiated to restore a stream and coastal wetland by realigning two branches of a degraded tributary to Lake Michigan The $700,000 project was primarily grant-funded through Sustain Our Great Lakes, the Fund for Lake Michigan, and Natural Resource Damage Assessment Fund.

Ribbon Cutting at new Kohler Center for Marsh Education

Construction of the $2 million Kohler Center for Marsh Education building is now complete. A ceremonial ribbon cutting was held with major donors and stakeholders present, as well as a public open house to follow, which was attended by nearly 200 people. The newly constructed building houses the YMCA Outdoor Skills Center's Marsh Education program, which services over 1,000 students annually. It also houses new bathroom and shower facilities for the County’s campground. The building is LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified, a showcase of environmental sustainability. The building is available to rent when educational programming is not taking place.

State of: Sheboygan County Alayne Krause, Deputy County Administrator

Economic Support Services Relocation—

The Health and Human Services’ Economic Support division was co-located with the Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) and Elder Services division in Sheboygan Falls. Moving to the ADRC location enhances consumer service and increases opportunities for these divisions to collaborate, as well as with the Veteran Services Department which is also located in this building. The move also provides staffing flexibility, financial savings of $80,000 per year, and improved organizational structure and efficiency. While the volume of walk-in service can be met at the Sheboygan Falls location, a small number of Economic Support staff members were also co-located at the main Health & Human Services location in Sheboygan to make it as easy as possible for people to access services.

Approval of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Initiatives

Sheboygan County established six taskforces seeking community engagement and input on the following priority areas of concern: Affordable Housing, Behavioral Health & Crisis Response, Broadband, Childcare, Transportation, and Workforce Development. The taskforces submitted final reports and recommendations for consideration by the County Board, who ultimately approved a number of proposals, including: A Neighborhood Social Worker pilot program; a Mobile Crisis Response unit in partnership with City of Sheboygan Police; Broadband expansion grants; Childcare expansion grants; Affordable Housing programs; a County-wide public transportation study; and Workforce Development initiatives. The County Board has also approved ARPA funds to make substantial infrastructure and operational investments in our organization.

State of: Sheboygan County Alayne Krause, Deputy County Administrator

Rocky Knoll Health Care Center Maintains Five-Star Quality Rating

Despite the ongoing staff shortages exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, Rocky Knoll maintained their five-star rating from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for the fifth consecutive year. This rating reflects the dedication of our staff and commitment to quality. With the application of ARPA funding, the County made significant investments in the facility and employee retention and recruitment initiatives. Rocky Knoll also partnered with Lakeshore Technical College and Lakeland University to enhance employee training opportunities and resident services

Ribbon Cutting for Highway 23 Expansion

The completion of the State Highway 23 four lane expansion project was celebrated with a ceremonial ribbon cutting event in October. State Highway 23 is an important, east-west route through the state of Wisconsin that connects major interstate highways, I-41 and I-43, and two major population centers, Sheboygan and Fond du Lac. The expansion was key to improving safety, supporting businesses and our economy, and for future economic development. The project also included a 30mile extension of the Old Plank Road Trail.

Improving Services at the Sheboygan County Memorial Airport—

The County Board approved a proposal to allow the County to start dispensing fuel at the Sheboygan County Memorial Airport, while also offering transparent, competitive pricing and enhanced services. For visitors from around the world, the Airport is often their first impression of Sheboygan County. Whether flying in for a business meeting, golfing, auto racing, or considering a new business venture, we want everyone to feel welcome and receive professional, quality services To this end, the County Board made the decision for the County to provide Fixed Base Operator services beginning in 2023. In addition, another primary goal is eliminating the need for any property tax subsidy to operate the Airport.

State of: Sheboygan County Alayne Krause, Deputy County Administrator

State of: Sheboygan County

Strong Fiscal Track Record Continues

Sheboygan County has an impressive fiscal track record, healthy reserves, an excellent bond rating, and provides quality services in a responsible manner In November, the County Board adopted a 1.66% property tax levy increase. Over the last ten years, the average annual levy increase has been just 1.29%. The adopted property tax rate is $4 37, which is a decrease of 8 28% This will be the 7th consecutive year the property tax rate has gone down and is the lowest our property tax rate has been since 1985. The Finance Department has earned the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers’ Association for the last eight years, a testament to the County's fiscal stewardship.

County Administrator Bids Farewell after Two Decades of Service to Sheboygan County—

After 24 years of serving as Sheboygan County’s Chief Administrative Officer, County Administrator Adam Payne announced his impending departure from Sheboygan County in September 2022. Former Administrator Payne helped build a strong team and established a culture of collaboration. During his tenure, Sheboygan County made continuous improvements, engaged others, and worked together to problemsolve and strengthen our community. On January 3, 2023, former Administrator Payne began his new role as Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

Alayne Krause, Deputy County Administrator

RandyMeyerishonoredandprivileged toserveastheMayorofSheboyganFalls andisstartinghistwentiethyearas Mayor. Randydeliversmotivationaltalks acrossthecountryunderhisMeyerMotivatesbrand.Randyis marriedtoTammy,hasadaughter,Natasha,son-in-law, Terrenceandgrandchildren,TatyanaandDiontay,alongwith hisreliableguidedogHank.Personalkeystosuccessinclude: goalsetting,cooperativeteamworkandalwaysbelievingmoreispossible.His campaignsloganfromthebeginningis“itdoesn’ttakesighttoruna community,ittakesavision."

Topicstobediscussed: 1)VisionBusinessPark:PolyVinylcompleteandPros4Technologystarting 2)AmeriVuHotel:Newowner,majorimprovements 3)RevolvingLoanFund 4)Subdivisions 5)Historicdowntown:onlyoneopenspace 6)Opportunities/Challenges
State of: City of Sheboygan Falls
Randy Meyer, Mayor

Brian Doudna joined the SCEDC in October 2020 Within two months, the corporation held a strategic direction planning session and the Board of Directors adopted the results in January 2021. This new strategic direction has focused on reducing the major barriers to growth facing Sheboygan County. Doudna has been in the field of economic development his entire career, serving as the lead executive in non-profits since graduating from UW Madison with a degree in economics. Doudna has connections to most of Wisconsin, having served in similar roles in Eau Claire, Stevens Point, and Oneida County. Prior to moving to Sheboygan, he served as the Executive Director of the State Trade Association for Economic Development, called WEDA, where he oversaw lobbying, educational programming, and new programs.

Topics to be Discussed:

• Affordable Single-Family Homes Initiative

• Talent Recruitment – Someplace Better National Marketing Campaign

• Accelerate Sheboygan & SCALE www.accelsc.com

State of: Sheboygan County Economic Development Corporation

State of: City of Sheboygan Ryan Sorenson, Mayor

RyanSorensonisthe59thMayorofthe City of Sheboygan. He is the youngest servingmayorinthecity’shistory,and heiscurrentlytheyoungestserving

hisbachelor’sdegreeinpoliticalscienceandhistory.WhileatUW-Milwaukee, Sorensonservedasthestudentbodypresident,andwasinthepoliticalscience honorsociety.MayorSorensonalsoservesontheBoardfortheGreatLakesand StLawrenceCitiesInitiative,Bay-LakesRegionalPlanCommission,andisonthe ExecutiveCommitteefortheSheboyganCountyEconomicDevelopment Corporation.

mayorinWisconsin.Priortobeingelectedmayor,Sorenson servedontheCityCouncilandwastheCouncilPresident.
graduatedfromtheUniversityofWisconsin-Milwaukeewith Someprojectsthatareunderwayinclude: Downtown ·WordHavenBookHouse ·Newall-abilitiesplaygroundatAboveandBeyond ·Stefano’sSloFoodMarket ·NewNature'sBestdowntowngrocerystoreexpansion ·RevitalizedBuildingon8thandWisconsinAve ·8thStreetSharrows
OldPicknSaveconvertedtoAshleyHomeFurnitureandDécor OldWorldCreameryexpansion HobbyLobbycomingback Johnston’sBakerymanufactureplantexpansion 48AffordableHousingProjecton14thandIllinois JukumHallPropertyRevitalization NewEbFloCoffeeHouseonSouthPier ConsolidatedConstructionprojectinbusinesspark PetFriendlyCityCertification–FirstcityinWisconsin! Newseniorcenter,UptownSocial,openedup State of: City of Sheboygan Ryan Sorenson, Mayor

AllenWrubbelhasservedonthe OostburgVillageBoardfrom1989tothe presentandwaselectedPresidentin2011.Hemovedto Oostburgin1981duetoachangeinemploymentandhas workedforFrito-Layfor25years+.HeattendedJohnMarshall HighSchoolinMilwaukee.At18yearsold,heenlistedinthe UnitedStatesMarineCorpandspent15monthsinVietnam servingasacombatrifleman.Wrubbelisnotrunningagainfor Presidentandfeelsitistimetostepaside.Hefeelsitwasawonderfulexperience andhasmetgreatpeople,alongwithlearningmoreaboutlocalgovernment.

State of: Village of Oostburg Allen Wrubbel, Village of Oostburg President

State of: City of Plymouth

Don Pohlman, Mayor

Topicstobediscussed: Housingon67acresSWsideofPlymouthalong67curve Closing of TID4 and having excess funds to distribute to the 4 taxing authorities Projects of the dam on the Mill Pond, phosphorus cleanup ordered by DNR andthewesthalfofriverimprovementsalongtheriverrunningbehindthe MillStreetpropertiestoMeyerPark Respondtogreaterinterestinourcommunitysince23isnowcompleted ScoutMeritBadgecounselor.Inhissparetimehedrivespart-timeschoolbus inSheboyganandpart-timeTourCoachacrossthecountry.
DonPohlmanistheMayoroftheCity ofPlymouth.Heholdsadegreein accountingandbusinessadministrationfromConcordia University.PohlmanwasenlistedintheU.S.Armyand servedasamedicduringtheVietnamEra.Heisalife memberoftheVFWPost5612Plymouthanda36year memberofAmericanLegionPost243Plymouth.Heisalso a38yearmemberofthePlymouthRotaryClubandaBoy
upcomingchamber events January 25 Out to Lunch with Deidre Martinez: Ranieri’s Four of a Kind January 31 Ribbon Cutting: MHA Lakeshore February 8 Creating Inclusive Workplaces: A Professional Development Opportunity February 9 Young Professionals & Elevate Yoga Social February 16 Chamber Champions Gala 2023 February 22 Out to Breakfast with Deidre Martinez: Log Cabin
upcomingchamber events March 15 VIBE@5 / Key Insurance March 22 Out to Lunch with Deidre Martinez: Bread & Bean Eatery March 22 Young Professionals: Kohler Power Systems Tour March 23 Executive Series: Steve Duvall of Permanent Progress April 19 Creating Inclusive Workplaces: A Professional Development Opportunity May 4 Best Under 40 Awards Dinner


Splendor of the Seine River Cruise

August 31- September 10

Flavors of India November 3- November 14


Applications due July 14 Course begins in mid-August

Graduation celebration is in mid-May


Junior Leadership seeks to develop individuals to be the next generation of community leaders, challenge them to become engaged citizens, and prepare them to serve in leadership positions within our community, while also thinking seriously about career pathways.

Applications due May 15 Course begins in late August 10-Month Program

roundtableschedule EvenNumberedMonths NonprofitExecutives SafetyManagers Sales&Marketing HRManagers BusinessOwners StrategicSourcing 1stWednesday 1stThursday 1stMonday 2ndTuesday 2ndWednesday 1stThursday 7:30-9:30a 7:30-9:00a 11:30-1:30p 7:30-9:00a 7:30-9:30a 11:45-1:15p Odd Numbered Months Worksite Wellness 1st Wednesday 7:30-9:30a No Regular Schedule Manufacturing 5th Tuesday/ 5th Thursday 7:30-9:30a contact John Rogers with questions / john@sheboygan.org register for events here learn more about programming here
Thank you to our gracious sponsor Thank you to the participating organizations & communities

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