1 minute read
Bruce Sychuk Says Goodbye at Final JCB Meeting, Jim Paquette in Attendance
Jim Paquette, retired Local 280 business manager; Richard Mangelsdorf, current Local 280 business manager; Jeremy Hallman, in-coming SMACNA-BC executive director; and Bruce Sychuk, out-going SMACNA-BC executive director.
On June 21, the Joint Conference Board met with SMACNA- BC’s out-going executive director Bruce Sychuk for the last time. The group met at Paris Park behind Apollo Sheet Metal Ltd., where Sychuk was a long-time employee and from which his replacement—Jeremy Hallman—hails. The meeting was productive and was followed by BBQ’ed steaks and casual merriment. The group presented Sychuk with a gift card to buy a bottle of Caymus wine.

The SMACNA-BC-SMART Local 280 Joint Conference Board, with out-going SMACNA-BC executive director Bruce Sychuk and retired Business Manager Jim Paquette, centre.
The SMACNA-BC and Local 280 JCB meets nine times a year, and each June the meeting is held at Paris Park. Because of COVID-19, Jim Paquette, former Business Manager of Local 280, was not able to attend the June JCB meeting in 2021—the last of his tenure. Instead, he attended this 2022 meeting, with a chance to say goodbye to his retiring counterpart. ■