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ECCO Supply hosts approximately four Customer Appreciation BBQs each summer to celebrate the company’s customers with refreshments and tasty food.
“These are a chance for us to express our gratitude for our customers’ on-going support,” says sales manager Norm Grusnick. “The BBQs are open to anyone who does business with us, and they are usually very well attended.”
This July, Local 280 jumped on board and sponsored one of ECCO’s customer appreciation BBQs as a way to connect with and thank its customers and to reach potential recruits.

“We thought it be a good way to connect with union and nonunion contractors, workers, and other trades that purchase products from one of our suppliers,” says Steve Davis, Local 280 organizer. “It is important to let members and contractors know we are all part of the same team. Also, non-union workers have the chance to see what being union is all about.”
Throughout the day, around 150 people came and went, enjoying burgers and refreshments, including Local 280 SMART water.
“We wanted to thank our customers for purchasing from us over the past two years when times were particularly difficult,” Grusnick says. ʻWith covid being just about over, this was a great opportunity to meet again face to face. These get-togethers are more important than every after more than two years of not seeing each other.”

“This event was extremely successful,” Davis says. “We were able to connect with several employees and employers. I felt that we were able to open the conversation with many workers and contractors with the possibility of being union members or contractors one day.”
Local 280 considers ECCO an important business partner as one of the largest suppliers in the province. “ECCO was amazing for allowing us to hold such an event at the Burnaby location,” Davis says. “They were so accommodating throughout all aspects of the event.”
James Barry of VETS Sheets Metal won the door prize—a fabulous Napoleon TQ 285X portable BBQ.
Learn more about ECCO | eccosupply.ca Discover Local 280 | smw280.org ■