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Coosa Valley Academy
18 graduates 163 Park Place • Harpersville, AL 35078 Rebels • 237 students • 60 percent of students go on to attend a four-year college
Bailey looking to make a new home away from home
Coosa Valley Academy senior Skylar Bailey will miss feeling at home at her school.
“I have attended CVA since I was 5,” Bailey said. “I grew up in that place, and it has always been my home away from home. I’ve created bonds with other students and teachers that I see lasting for years after graduation. I am going to miss walking through the halls and seeing my family. It will be the biggest change of my life.”
Bailey has loved participating in art shows since being in middle school.
“Up until my senior year, I had a few pieces place in the school show each year,” Bailey said. “In my junior year I

had a piece place first at the district show. In ninth grade, I participated in a writing contest for high school students in central Alabama and placed first, which was so cool.”
Bailey was also awarded highest class average her sophomore and junior year, and was the second highest average her freshman year.
Bailey said her favorite subject is English, which she credits to her English teacher helping to make it a favorite subject.
“To me, the teacher really makes or breaks the subject,” Bailey said. “I have been lucky enough to have an awesome English teacher for every year of high
Skylar Marie Bailey Dylan Brett Benton Carson Allen Brown Kinley LeAnn Bryant Collin Troy Darty Hayley Alexandra Franklin Shelby Kay Gerald
Cole Scott Hapach Marlee Marie Harmon Jordan Ray Ann Hartzog Samuel Franklin Hendon
Zane Michael Jantz Brianna Lee Judd Madelyn Grace Lee Kaylee Alexis Smith Samuel Trent Spratlin Andrew Drake Stiles Walker Brady Whitten
school, making it my favorite subject. I love to write, and English class allowed me to explore new styles of writing and dive into new ideas without hesitation.”
When senior year was cut short, Bailey said she really struggled.
“Losing the remainder of my senior year was very upsetting,” Bailey said. “The people I have grown up with are suddenly gone, and I am wondering what final experiences I may have lost due to all of this. I am, however, very grateful that I was able to attend my senior prom. I know many kids didn’t, and it was the last time I was with all my classmates. I am very happy that I had that time with them before graduation.”
Bailey said she will never forget all the mornings she spent with other students before their first class started.
“Some mornings we would meet up early and huddle up in a car to blare music,” Bailey said. “Other times we would rush into our homeroom and jump onto homework together. Birthdays were the best, as I got to spend time before school decorating lockers and cars for a fun surprise for my friends. Those moments were so quiet and seemed ordinary, but created genuine memories that bring me comfort and happiness.”
Bailey said her math teacher Nancy Ingram’s iconic words of wisdom in AP calculus to “get on the struggle bus,” will also be a memory she will take with her after high school.
Bailey said she plans to attend the University of Montevallo in the fall. She is still undecided on her major, but is leaning toward art or education.
Bailey is the granddaughter of Djuana and Jeff Myers.

Dear Coosa Valley Academy’s Class of 2020, Coosa Valley Academy
On the day Governor Ivey closed our schools, my first thought was, “Have I given my students everything they need to complete this school year?” I thought about the precious elementary art pictures hanging on the walls, science experiments in the middle school classroom and the locker doors opening and closing and the sound of the cleats on game nights. Realizing how lucky I was to watch the juniors and seniors enjoy the prom in their beautiful clothes, which was an unforgettable experience. Seeing little Charlotte walking with her walker down the high school hall and watching the students make sure that she has plenty of room to complete her PT exercises. The faces of students during weekly Chapel hoping that the Christian message hits home and maybe changed a life and saved a soul. Monitoring the security cameras to make sure all the students are safe, walking to check the doors and seeing the teachers teach with passion the subject that they really love.
Each day we start our day off with a Christian devotion, a prayer and standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to our beautiful American Flag. My thoughts were interrupted by a text message, “Mrs. Pam will you call me when you can.” A senior student called to say, “Mrs. Pam our school is closing for this year and I want to thank you for giving me the best two years of my high school life and I love you.” Of course, I could not hold back the tears, but my questions have been answered.
Yes, I have given them everything they needed to complete this year. A sweet spirit, prayer guidance to love one another, to know everyone has strengths and weaknesses and confidence to stand up for what is right in a safe Christian Academic Environment.
To our CVA Parents, thank you for allowing me to watch your children grow in every way and allowing me to have them in my life. Love you always, Pam Lovelady Coosa Valley Academy Headmaster