Shelford Prospectus 2023

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See her thrive as

Shelford Girls’ Grammar

While the treasured history and traditions of our school guide everything we do, a focus on providing a contemporary, future-focused education pursuing excellence is our point of difference. Today, more than ever, we must prepare our girls to adapt, evolve and problem solve. To expect the unexpected, and take a proud step forward into a world where change is the only constant.

A values-led education

Our values of respect, creativity, passion and integrity underpin a culture in which strong, independent and inspiring young women are nurtured. Here, our girls are encouraged to explore the power of creativity and independence, to unearth a passion for learning, and to develop a respect for themselves and others.

A trusted community

At Shelford, we firmly believe that our greatest asset is our people – the students, staff, alumni and parents that shape our past, present and future. The strength of this community is what nurtures, stimulates and challenges our students, creating courageous young women who are encouraged to flourish.

I am confident your daughter will thrive as a Shelford girl and look forward to welcoming your family to our school.

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Katrina Brennan Principal
Since Shelford was first established in 1898, the future has never held more possibilities for our daughters

Our vision and mission


Shelford Girls’ Grammar is a model of inspiration and excellence, where young women discover their authentic self and go on to achieve, accomplish and thrive.


We are informed by our heritage and tradition as we step confidently into the future. Through extraordinary care and passion for learning, we empower every girl to unlock her extraordinary.

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Our values

Respect Integrity

We are mindful of the needs of others. We treat everyone with respect and humility. We care for our friends, our family, our school and the environment.

We are courteous and kind. We respect and listen. We are trusting and supportive. We give of ourselves to each other and the community.

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Our values are the foundations of a culture where strong, independent and inspiring young women will thrive.

Passion Creativity

We have a love of life and learning. We are determined to make a difference. We have the courage to speak up and the determination to strive for what is right.

We embrace the challenges of a continually changing world. We approach each and every day with curiosity and imagination. We believe we can make magic happen.

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Our learning culture

We are dedicated to delivering an excellent education for our students. One that’s underpinned by the proven efficacy of High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) and supported by an engaging and challenging curriculum.

Shelford’s exceptional learning culture enables students to:

• achieve their absolute best

• be flexible in the face of change

• grow into independent learners

• become critical, analytical and creative thinkers

• problem solve confidently

• develop a lifelong love of learning

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Through extraordinary care and passion for learning, we empower every girl to unlock her extraordinary.
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Why a girls’ school?

Research by the Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia shows girls perform better in girls’ schools. The key benefits of girls’ schools are:

Single-sex schools create a culture of strong academic achievement, at girls’ schools students are better academically.

Girls’ schools buck the trend in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths). Participation in STEM is higher at girls’ schools

Students feel empowered to defy gender stereotypes

Girls’ schools build self-esteem and enhance wellbeing.

Girls’ schools tailor teaching to girls and girls hold every leadership position

At girls’ schools, there are higher participation in sport and physical activity.

Students in girls’ schools have higher participation and ambition

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Our teachers

The one thing all of our educators have in common is that they are recognised experts in their fields.

Our staff’s passion extends far beyond the gates of Shelford. We encourage each and every one of our teachers to pursue opportunities for professional development, with many becoming key advisors in their Subject associations.

At Shelford, we firmly believe that extraordinary teachers play an instrumental part in shaping extraordinary futures. As mentors, they encourage a lifelong love of learning and an invaluable sense of independence.

From Prep to VCE, our staff include some of the most motivated and exceptional educators in Victoria.

Our Junior School is home to numerous learning leaders across a number of disciplines who are passionate about delivering outstanding learning experiences. Meanwhile many of our VCE teachers play a critical role in examination assessment, textbook development, course writing and text selection.

Our own internal Professional Learning Model invites collaboration, self-reflection, feedback and professional goal setting. This creates a culture of continuous development and excellence within both our students and our staff.

We recruit and develop passionate educators who are highly qualified in their field.
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Our teachers are important mentors who encourage a lifelong love of learning.


Our unique wellbeing approach is designed to understand the needs of our students, support them with powerful responsive structures, and facilitate management and prevention through dedicated Prep–Year 12 programs.

We understand that wellbeing is paramount to effective learning. As a result, we are committed to providing opportunities for students to pursue their interests and passions in an inclusive and safe environment that still challenges them to grow and flourish.

Through a focus on creating lifelong skills, Shelford students are empowered to become independent, confident, self-aware and resilient young women.

Ethical Leadership

Shelford offers a bespoke school-wide leadership program that empowers our students to be ethical leaders who live purposeful lives.

Guided by our alumni, students develop the skills required to pursue their passions and purpose meaningfully, enabling them to transition successfully to study, work and community life as modern leaders.

Learning from real-world figures from within our own community enables each of our students to envision themselves as a changemaker. One with autonomy, an independent voice, and a preparedness for action.

Our wellbeing team

Wellbeing at Shelford is achieved via a school-wide network of care. It is led by the Deputy Principal, Student Wellbeing and Development, and supported by our wellbeing mentors, Year Level Coordinators, Head of Junior School Student Wellbeing and Development, School Psychologists, Learning Enrichment and Support staff, International Student Coordinator and School Nurse.

The Quærite Wellbeing Program

Our bespoke school-wide Quærite Wellbeing Program was developed to address the greater need for innovation, creativity, communication, empathy, adaptability and social skills in an ever-changing and unpredictable world. This is achieved through weekly sessions on topics such as healthy relationships, cyber safety, positive mindsets, resilience, study skills, time management, sleep, nutrition, mental health and financial literacy.

Shelford’s motto from when our school was established in 1898 is Quærite Primo Regnum Dei.

The Latin word Quærite is derived from Quære meaning to seek, search, investigate or inquire, and it is the inspiration for the innovative Quærite Wellbeing Program at Shelford.

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Student enrichment and support

We offer school-wide initiatives that enrich and support individual students, both in the classroom and through targeted programs. These are designed to support our students’ educational and developmental needs as they progress through their years at Shelford.


We acknowledge that no two students are the same, which is why Shelford caters for students with a wide range of skills and abilities, with a focus on sustained individual growth. The Student Enrichment and Support (SEAS) Department works with staff, students and their families to tailor a range of resources for students with identified/diagnosed learning difficulties/disabilities, enabling each student to experience success at their level of ability.


For students requiring extension in specific subjects or areas, the SEAS Department collaborates with classroom and subject teachers to further extend the curriculum. Enrichment opportunities include bespoke programs and competitions that empower girls to develop their curiosity, take measured risks with their learning and relationships, engage with like-minded peers, think critically, and ultimately reach their full potential.

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Learning in Junior School

Prep to Year 2

Our Junior Discovery Centre (JDC) is purpose built to deliver play-based experiences that encourage collaboration, problem solving, experimentation and exploration from Prep to Year 2. Core literacy and numeracy skills are also developed through multisensory programs such as Jolly Phonics, which open the door to a lifelong love of learning.

With the aim to unearth individual interests and nurture social skills, the JDC lays a strong foundation for your daughter’s educational journey. It is a wise investment in your daughter’s future.

Years 3 to 6

The teaching and learning environment cultivated in the later years of our Junior School supports every student to achieve independent excellence.

Our girls are encouraged to be critical and creative thinkers through bespoke Literacy programs, which pave the way for distinction in all areas of the curriculum. Strong Numeracy and problem solving skills are developed through the use of explicit instruction and varied learning settings, while Humanities and Science open up a world of discovery where students are encouraged to share their ideas and learn to take action.

Specialist programs that include Art, Digital Technology, French, Japanese, Drama, Music, Health and Physical Education are designed to nurture budding passions. Meanwhile, extracurricular opportunities – such as the Junior Leadership program, school camps, House sporting carnivals, choirs, instrumental music programs, after school clubs and our biennial musical – give our girls every opportunity for a well-rounded and fulfilling early education.

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Year 9 Challenge Program

The Year 9 Challenge is a series of independent learning opportunities outside the classroom that invite students to develop a variety of life skills. These include the City Challenge, Arts Alive, STEM, Environment, and an Outdoor Journey Challenge.

A unique delivery of the curriculum, the Year 9 Challenge Program caters for a range of individual differences and interests, with an emphasis on hands-on project and inquiry-based learning.

This program offers a dynamic and memorable learning experience that encourages:

• greater responsibility for independent learning and reflection

• development of collaborative strategies

• a sense of belonging

• an increased awareness of diversity within our community

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The Year 9 Challenge is a unique opportunity for students to

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Embracing opportunity and becoming VCE ready


The VCE program at Shelford represents the pinnacle of our students’ journey with us, laying a strong foundation for the future. Providing more than 20 VCE subjects, taught by specialist and expert teachers, our students pursue their passions and develop their strengths.

Whilst learning and studying in subject domains is important, we value continued holistic development and encourage our girls to participate in the many opportunities at Shelford. This includes leadership roles, community service, sporting and fitness programs, the performing arts, debating and public speaking, environment group and other interest areas.

Our senior girls occupy a special place at the heart of our community and we are proud to see them emerge from their studies as strong and capable adults, empowered to take on a wide variety of travel, study and work options in the future.

ATAR Plus Curriculum

At Shelford, we understand the power of a great ATAR (or VCE score), but we also know it’s not the only determinant for a rewarding professional future. Critical, creative and interdisciplinary thinking, coupled with problem solving, technical, collaborative and presentation skills will help our students take their next step confidently.

We are developing new ways to empower students with a well-rounded skills and knowledge base. This includes school-based experiential curriculum, projects and activities; short courses through external providers; internships; and diverse experiences afforded by our partnership with Swinburne University of Technology.

At Shelford, our classroom learning is designed to prepare students for the future of work. Metacognitive strategies, dialogic classroom settings, problem solving, innovation and entrepreneurship, design thinking and other strategies, such as hybrid learning in VCE classes, are preparing students for lifelong learning.

Senior Innovation and Learning Centre (SILC)

Our Year 12 students inhabit the vibrant space of the state-of-the-art SILC. They’re invited to use this space to gather, study, discuss and collaborate, as well as access staff support and career planning resources.

STAR Program

2022 marked the launch of our Shelford Tertiary Alliance Register (STAR) program where students work in partnership with tertiary education bodies to enhance their knowledge of, and access to, future study. As part of the program, each student develops a portfolio of skills and credentials to assist them in pursuing their career dreams.

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Year 10 program was developed to educate students emotionally, socially, intellectually and physically so as to transition them to become independent and mature learners.

Sport and fitness

We understand the link between a healthy body and mind at Shelford. We aim for our students to have a life-long love of fitness and activity. From Prep to Year 12, We encourage participation in individual and team sports, so students can develop new skills, experience a sense achievement, and become a team player.

Junior School

Junior School students take part in House carnivals for swimming and diving, cross country and athletics where girls of all ages and abilities can enjoy friendly competition in a supportive and encouraging environment. Students in Years 5 and 6 have weekly Interschool Sport, competing against eight schools in a range of sports within the South Yarra District.

Top performers in carnivals and team sports have the opportunity to represent Shelford in a variety of trials for School Sport Victoria (SSV) state representative teams in a range of sports.

Senior School

Our senior students have the opportunity to be involved in Girls Sport Victoria (GSV) – one of the largest independent girls’ schools sporting Associations in Victoria.

GSV encourages all girls to participate in school sport, whether it be trying a new sport in a non-competitive environment or representing Shelford in GSV competitions and carnivals. GSV also offers a number of opportunities for girls wishing to compete at an elite level.

You can find out more about GSV at

Shelford Rowing

Shelford is proud to have been represented in Rowing since 2003, with the sport offered to students from Years 9 to 12.

Shelford crews compete in a number of regattas during the season, culminating in the Head of Schoolgirls’ Regatta held every March in Geelong. Each year, successful rowers are also invited to be involved in the National Rowing Championships.

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An active lifestyle is an

School Prospectus

Performing Arts

Shelford has a renowned Performing Arts program that incorporates training and opportunities in the important technical and staging aspects that bring productions and recitals to life.


The Music Department fosters a love of music through innovative classroom programs, individual tutoring, school musicals, house performing arts events and participation in our dedicated co-curricular program.

Our students are also provided countless opportunities to perform at school events, as well as to the local community.


Drama is introduced as a compulsory subject in Prep, with the aim to develop girls’ public presentation, communication and team building skills. In these formative years, the focus is on fostering creativity, confidence, fun and performance.

From Year 9, students can elect to extend their confidence and performance skills through an elective subject, the Arts Alive Challenge and the Senior Play.

Shelford Dance Company

Shelford Dance Company is a co-curricular program that caters for passionate and aspiring artists from Years 7 to 12. The company sessions run once a week with students engaging in classes and workshops of many dance styles including classical ballet, contemporary, lyrical, musical theatre, jazz and hip hop. Students will have the opportunity to lead classes, choreograph routines and share their talents by performing at school and external events.

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Students from Years 3–11 are invited to attend school camps so as to develop stronger relationships with their peers, meet personal goals, experience a sense of adventure, and revel in the enjoyment of active learning. Our girls are challenged to participate in a range of outdoor adventure activities while on camps ranging from 3–5 days across Victoria.


In order to extend their understanding and support their education, French students at Shelford are encouraged to visit a French speaking country. These exchanges are invaluable in terms of language immersion and cultural understanding.

Shelford also enjoys a close relationship with its Japanese sister school.


Today, a global and cultural awareness is a highly prized attribute, which is why international expeditions are offered to our Senior School girls. With a focus on creating global citizens who possess an international understanding of justice, equality and social service, past trips have ventured to Cambodia, China, Borneo, Vietnam, Nepal and Thailand.

Students from Shelford have access to the NASA (space) trip to the USA exploring NASA and STEAM sites with other students from around Australia.

Participating in enriching experiences outside the classroom is an important element of the Shelford student journey. Our experiential learning programs focus on developing resilience through exposure to new environments and challenges.
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School Prospectus
offers a number of enriching opportunities outside the classroom that allow students to become resilient global citizens.

A World of Possibilities

Involving our students in community-based activities allows them to be courageous, constructive and compassionate citizens with a drive to always give back. Linking specific learning outcomes with genuine opportunities for service, Shelford’s program empowers our girls to make a real-world difference within their community.

The focus of Service Learning is varied and changes as new opportunities arise. Examples of some recent learning initiatives include:

• Community Service Committee

• Youth in Philanthropy Program

• National Tree Planting Day

• Shelford Winter Appeal

• Solar Buddies

• RCD Foundation

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Service Learning is an educational approach that provides a practical and progressive learning experience. It meets the needs of our society while giving our students the opportunity to think critically, creatively and collaboratively.

Future pathways planning is an essential part of our Senior School Programs, tailored to individual needs and incorporating a range of activities, events and immersions.


Years 7–9

Clarify passions, skills and interests. Identify how to develop employability skills, such as leadership and teamwork.


Years 10–12

Develop connections with potential employers, training providers and alumni. Includes mentoring and setting up a LinkedIn profile.


Years 9–11

Embrace opportunities to explore career paths. Includes work skills and experience programs, presentations from speakers and tertiary educators.


Years 10–12

Create an individual Career Pathway Plan. Includes counselling sessions and the utilisation of career profiling tools.

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Outlining the development of each student’s career knowledge and skills throughout their Year 7–12 journey, the Career 4sight Program assists students in making informed decisions about their study, training and career options.

Community engagement

Parent communication

Our students’ families are a valued part of the Shelford community. We are committed to communicating in an open, honest and informative way that supports the parenting journey and helps parents understand the processes in place at Shelford.

This includes providing a series of information sessions, parent evenings and webinars, as well as Parent–Teacher discussions, continuous online reporting and semester reports.

Shelford Parents’ Association

Opportunities to volunteer time and skills are available and greatly appreciated by the whole Shelford community.

Our thriving Shelford Parents’ Association (SPA) presents the opportunity for networking and socialising, while Class Representatives play a valuable role in organising a rich calendar of events that offer an enjoyable and fun way to bring our community together.

Shelford Sisterhood

Our Alumni networks comprise an incredible group of women spanning decades of Shelford graduating classes, they occupy all four corners of the globe in any number of roles and industries. This rich network is strengthened through regular events, reunions, Alumni Newsletters and Q Magazine updates.

After all; once a Shelford girl, always a Shelford girl.

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Scholarships and fees


Shelford offers a range of scholarships including:

• mid-year general excellence Q Scholarships

• an end-of-year Scholarship program with a variety of academic and music scholarships, and general excellence awards

Scholarship details can be found on our website or by contacting our Registrar for further information.


Our fees represent an outstanding value proposition for the families of Shelford. Our beautiful grounds and well-resourced spaces, outstanding educators, small class sizes, extraordinary care, individualised attention, and extensive range of opportunities will help your daughter thrive.

More information on the Fee Schedule can be found on our website at

Total annual fees include camps, curriculum programs and excursions. They do not include specialist lessons and optional co-curricular excursions.

For full details on terms and conditions of enrolment, contact our Registrar.

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School tours Enrolling

We invite you to experience the Shelford difference for yourself on a School Tour. Please join us in exploring our campus and envisioning all the ways your daughter will thrive here.

Bookings are essential and can be made online at

There are three key steps in the enrolment process:

1. Online application: our application form introduces your family to us. An application needs to be submitted for each child and supporting documents are to be provided during the online process. An application fee is paid online as part of the process.

2. Admissions interview: closer to the time of entry, you and your daughter will be invited to attend an interview with our Principal. It provides an opportunity for us to get to know her, as well as the chance for you both to ask questions.

3. Acceptance offer: upon completion of the interview, families are notified of the admissions decision by telephone or email. Families have one week to pay the Enrolment Fee to confirm acceptance of their daughter’s place.

Enrolment applications are made online at

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We invite you to contact our Registrar, Marie De Sousa, to discuss enrolling your daughter at Shelford.

Telephone: 9524 7413


Further information

For more information about our school, including recent editions of our school magazine and our Strategic Plan 2021–2024, visit our website.

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Shelford Girls’ Grammar 3 Hood Crescent, Caulfield 3161 CRICOS Provider 00339F

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