Community Newsletter 2015 About Self Design and Seven Summits: Seven Summits Centre for Learning is a community-run campus of SelfDesign, offering a learner-centered, inquiry-based learning approach, including the entire B.C. grade 8-12 high school graduation program. We offer core academic and elective studies, as well as participate in many community-based programs and initiatives including yoga, mountain biking, avalanche and backcountry training, website development, theatre, woodworking, foods and more. SelfDesign Learning Community, an independent distributed learning school, is an internationally recognized and awardwinning leader in the field of education including the “Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Education Innovation.” All courses are certified by the B.C. Ministry of Education and all SelfDesign mentors are certified teachers with the Ministry of Education. All learners are enrolled In SelfDesign as the school. Red Mountain Academy athletes also attend Seven Summits, and work with flexible hours so they can focus on their training and racing. The majority of our students are local, but we also have international and out-ofprovince students who homestay, providing a great cultural experience for our learners and the families they live with. The learner/mentor ratio is low and mentors are available to collaborate with parents on individual learner needs. Learners will be challenged to think for themselves, to be accountable for their studies and deadlines, and to organize their thoughts in order to communicate clearly and well. In short, learners will be given good foundations to help them meet the challenges of the future.and succeed no matter their individual goals.
Celebrating our second year!
t’s hard to believe that it was only two years ago that we the parents and children of Rossland found out that RSS would no longer offer grades 10 to 12. In that short time, a dogged group of volunteers established a thriving, high-quality educational alternative —Seven Summits Centre for Learning. With our education partner, SelDesign Learning Community, we offer Rossland learners the full range of courses, electives and community-based “extras” here in town. And now we’re well into our second year and planning for our third.
Our mentors and learning consultants (B.C. certified teachers) Jonny Coleshill, Mélanie Boothe, D’Arcy Ziprick and Sue McBride are inspiring 45 full and part-time learners to work hard at their core academic and elective studies. We encourage interested youth and families to come and check out the Centre. Why not book a tour or shadow a learner to see what we’re all about? Send us an email or call the Centre and we will arrange an on-site experience for you. | | |