A Beginners Guide to Astrology (1st Edition)

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A Beginners Guide to Astrology

Contents Introduction ................................................... The 12 signs ................................................... Ophiuchus ..................................................... Fire element ................................................... Aries ............................................................. Leo ............................................................... Sagittarius ..................................................... Earth element ................................................. Taurus ........................................................... Virgo ............................................................ Capricorn ...................................................... Air element ................................................... Gemini .......................................................... Libra ............................................................ Aquarius ....................................................... Water element ................................................ Cancer ........................................................... Scorpio .......................................................... Pisces ...........................................................

Introduction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

This books explains the basics of Astrology and the Zodiac signs. The contents includes the facts and information about each of the 12 signs including the mysterious 13th sign which not many people may know of or realise exists.

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The 12 signs

Astrology is the study of stars and planets that are aligned in the galaxy in which the Greeks came up with the idea of the ‘star signs’. Astrology is a superstition in which people are curious to believe that their Zodiac sign may influence their lives as it offers information and assurance of their future and possibly determine relationships with others such as partners, friends and family. The alignment of the stars, planets, sun and moon at the time of a person’s birth is what astrologers believed would shape their personality and their future.

Star sign: Ophiuchus (13th sign) Ruling planet: Unknown Birthstone: Unknown Dates: 30 November - 18 December

Astrology falls in the category of metaphysics which is a study of what is beyond the physical. As we orbit around the sun, a different constellation appears in the sky each month. The zodiac means the ‘circle of the animals’.

There is a mysterious 13th sign called Ophiuchus that lies in between Scorpio and Sagittarius. This star sign was deliberately left out of the original Zodiac over 2000 years ago even though the sun passes in through Ophiuchus for a full 19 days. We have very limited knowledge about this sign and are unsure as to why this star sign had been left out; many believe it was because it would be easier to have 12 equal for each sign that would make 30° which in turn would work out to be 360°. If you think your sign is Sagittarius you may need to reconsider this if you were born between 30th November to the 18th December, Ophiuchus is your actual sign.

There are 12 constellations Zodiac which are also known as “star signs”. In order, the signs are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Each sign lasts almost one month in turn every year.

People born with under the Ophiuchus sign are represented by unity and are seekers of knowledge and truth which make them strive to learn new things. Ophiuchans are especially talented in the field of language, arts and writing and are passionate in what they do and are driven to succeed.

Astrologists claim that nothing in life is a coincident and everything happens for a reason, everything that happens to, however insignificant or small, astrologers believe that event had happened so that it affects a persons’ life journey.



Fire element

The signs that are born under the Fire element are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. These three signs have similarities but are also different; Aries is Cardinal, Leo is fixed and Sagittarius is mutable. People born under the Fire element are often described as passionate, warm, energetic, spontaneous and intuitive. They tend to make quick decisions based on their gut-instincts that are formed by a powerful intuition. They all have a common characteristic which is confidence as they are willing to take risks in situations. These three signs have a love for life. They are curious people and like to learn things. They like to live the high life and live in luxury whether that may be by travelling or materialistic luxury. As Fire signs, Arieans, Leos and Sagittarians expect to have a friends and people cheering them on in life as they like to be surrounded and needed by people. While being described as ambitious, they can sometimes be over-determined, overwhelming and bossy as they may come across too forceful with others.


Star sign: Aries Ruling planet: Mars Birthstone: Diamond Dates: March 21 - April 19 The Ram constellation brings strength to the Zodiac. Personalities that are born under the Aries sign tend to be courageous, confident, competitive, passionate, optimistic and natural leaders. Arieans are full of life and energy which makes them curious about new things. As they are the first sign in the Zodiac, they manage to be first at everything. Arieans are very active people and likes physical challenges and different types of sports. Sometimes an Arieans competitiveness can come across as selfish to others as they feel they constantly be the best in everything meaning they would rarely allow other people to win. They often become impatient or aggressive if they don’t accomplish something they want on time.


Star sign: Leo Ruling planet: The Sun Birthstone: Peridot Dates: July 23 - August 22 The Lion constellation represents passion and is ruled by the Sun. Leos are natural born leaders, they are generous, warm-hearted and cheerful which makes them selfless. They love life and are self-confident which makes them attract new people as they are also very loyal. Leos love materialistic and luxury goods and want the people they love to experience the more expensive things in life. They enjoy the simple things in life and they don’t worry about complicated and insignificant things as they have no patience for it. When Leos feel like they are being ignored or unappreciated, they can become self-centred and stubborn towards others. They can also become lazy and can take other people for granted when they know that someone will clean up after them.


Star sign: Sagittarius Ruling planet: Jupiter Birthstone: Turquoise Dates: November 22 - December 21 The Archer constellation is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Sagittarians are very open-minded people and live for adventures and freedom of the open road. They wander around earth to learn and enjoy the feeling of freedom. They love change as opposed to sticking to the same routine everyday as they can easily become bored. Most Sagittarians are extroverts which allows them to feel comfortable in new places, meeting new people and being around people. Sagittarians also have the traits of being impatient and giving false hope. When a Sagittarian promise something, it may not be what you expect as they may over-estimate themselves sometimes and their ability and the outcome may not be what you want.


Earth element

The signs that are born under the Earth element are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Capricorn is the Cardinal sign, Taurus is the fixed and Virgo is the mutable sign. People born under the Earth signs are described as being responsible, reliable and grounded. People trust them to get a job done as they know that they will not be easily distracted by those or situations around them. They work hard in what they do and a very focused as they determined to succeed. The signs born under the Earth element are adaptable people, making them likeable as friends or in relationships. Being practical, loyal and stable means that they are great acquaintances as they will not let you down. They take time appreciating things in life as they find everyday as important as the last. Earth people also love their materialistic goods and overtime, as it collects, it may appear to others that they are greedy and maybe even selfish. As they are seen as hard-working people, they have a ‘work and no play’ reputation and can be difficult to organise plans with as they are constantly busy.


Star sign: Taurus Ruling planet: Venus Birthstone: Emerald Dates: April 20 - May 20 The Bull constellation is ruled by the planet Venus. People born under this sign are great at adapting and adjusting to new circumstances. Taurians love living the luxury lifestyle and love materialistic things. They like to get stuff done and will not rest until they have successfully completed their project. Taurians are very reliable and patient people, this makes create excellent friendships and relationships. They like to cook, music and working with their hands as it allows them to be creative and practical. As Taurus is the sign of the Bull, when they get irritated or disturbed, they can become hot-tempered and aggravated. This can make them difficult to get along with and seem unappealing to other people.


Star sign: Virgo Ruling planet: Mercury Birthstone: Sapphire Dates: August 23 - September 22

Star sign: Capricorn Ruling planet: Saturn Birthstone: Garnet Dates: December 22 - January 19

The Maiden constellation is ruled by the planet Mercury.

The Goat constellation is ruled by the planet Saturn.

They come across as loyal, hard-working and calm people. They have vivid imaginations therefore their mind is constantly thinking and assessing everything.

The traits of the Capricorn-born are hard-working, strong willed, confident, responsible, self-controlled and calm. This makes them natural born leaders; possessing the roles of politicians, mathematicians, scientists and other intellectual roles.

Virgos are kind-hearted people and have a willingness to help others as long as they feel appreciated and needed by others. Virgos are very caring people and look at things in the smallest details in order to appreciate things. Because of their good nature and their positivity in life, they are very family orientated people. Virgos can also be very opinionated; whether good or bad. Their judgemental trait could be unattractive to other people.


Capricorns work extremely hard and are driven to succeed in life despite the hard times they may need to surpass in order to be successful. Their relationship with other people can be quite difficult as they are used to having control which makes them feel the need to control other people but this is only because they guard their hearts closely and don’t want to get too close too quickly. Other people may find people of this sign very irritating as they can easily come across as stuck up and know-it-all.


Air element

The signs that are born under the Air element are Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Libra is the Cardinal, Aquarius is fixed and Gemini is mutable. People born under the Air sign are well-known as being very social and they communication. They always try and look for new information and are always thinking, using their intellect. They always come up with new and interesting ideas so that they care share it with others. In relationships, you will never get tired of them as they always have new and interesting information to share and you will undoubted have no worries with communication! They love to go out to learn about new places and communicating with others as this is what makes them especially happy. They love to go out to learn about new places and communicating with others as this is what makes them especially happy. Sometimes people born under the Air element seem to be detached or no-all-there as they are lost in their own mind, trying to analyse information. Although they love giving advice, they can be superficial as they think they know-it-all.

Star sign: Gemini Ruling planet: Mercury Birthstone: Pearl Dates: May 21 - June 20 The Twins constellation is ruled by the planet Mercury. The Gemini sign represents two different sides of personality in which you will never be sure as to who you will face. One side of a Gemini, they are sociable, fun and talkative whereas on the other side, they can be very serious, cold and indecisive. Being born under the Gemini Twins mean that a Geminian often feel like their other half is missing and they are forever seeking new people to try and feel complete. Geminians rarely likes doing things alone as they are people persons. Communication is the key element of the Gemini sign, it is what they crave and what makes them happy. Geminians are great conversationalists and they like to charm people with their great sense of humour. This makes Geminians excellent artists and writers. However, Geminians always like to be the centre of attention in all areas of their life.



Star sign: Libra Ruling planet: Venus Birthstone: Opal Dates: September 23 - October 22

Star sign: Aquarius Ruling planet: Uranus Birthstone: Amethyst Dates: January 20 - February 18

The Scale of Justice constellation is ruled by Venus. Librans have a lot of love to give and have sensitive characteristics.

The Water Bearer constellation brings philosophy to the Zodiac. Aquarians are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people. Their sign, The Water Bearer shows that they are resourceful in what they have.

They are gentle, gracious, fair-minded and they are peaceful. Their ruling planet which is Venus, is a lover of beautiful things and are often surrounded by their love of music, art and places. They are often seen as being indecisive but only because they generally want to please others and are willing to sacrifice their own comfort for the happiness of others which makes them selfless. Although Librans try to stay away from conflicts, they are huge believers in harmony and fairness to everybody, they dislike injustice and violence. Librans cannot stand to be alone and they value partnerships a lot as they like to do everything in pairs.


Aquarians are very friendly people and they like to be social in order to meet new people. They are highly interested in helping others and would generally reach out to people they haven’t spoken to in years. Although they like helping others, they also often seek independence in order to think and reflect as they want their freedom. People born under the Aquarius sign are not often emotional as they tend to save their emotions towards something that they are passionate about such as protests and fighting for causes.


Water element

The signs that are born under the Water element are Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer. Cancer is the Cardinal sign. Scorpio is the fixed sign and Pisces is the mutable sign. People born under the Water element tend to have common traits such as being sensitive and emotional as they tend to over-think and imagine situations more than others. They can absorb ambiances from other people and can pick up on their negativity or sadness and in turn can affect them. As they are Water element signs, they are very self-less and like to help other people and do not expect anything in return which makes them great friends. Family and friends are very important to people born under the Water element as they require their support and acceptance as they give in return. Others may find the three signs as being mysterious as others may question their willingness to help others as a sign of being too nice and may manipulate them. They may feel vulnerable in romantic relationships as they are very self-protective and have a higher intensity of emotion which could make them seem highly guarded and others may struggle to understand them.


Star sign: Cancer Ruling planet: The Moon Birthstone: Ruby Dates: June 21 - July 22 The Crab constellation represents nurture and is ruled by the Moon. Because their ruler is the Moon, Cancrians can seem more mysterious. Cancrians are extremely emotional and sensitive, they care a lot about their family and friends. This means that they are very loyal and sympathetic towards others which makes them become easily attached. People born under the Cancer sign are very humorous and are good listeners which makes them a true friend to others. Although they are loyal and dependable people, they can become tremendously insecure if they are about to lose a relationship close to them. Cancer can show common traits such as mood swings, selfishness and rage when they feel that they have been misunderstood.


Star sign: Scorpio Ruling planet: Pluto Birthstone: Topaz Dates: October 23 - November 21 The Scorpion constellation represents innovation and is ruled by the planet Pluto. People that are born under the Scorpio sign tend to have positive traits such as being brave, assertive and passionate. Scorps tend to have strong self-control in many aspects of their lives and expect others around them to have the same. They are not fearful and are very self-aware so they can be stubborn but also determined and decisive in what they do. Their behaviour means that they can be a true friend and be honest in their relationships with others.

Star sign: Pisces Ruling planet: Neptune Birthstone: Aquamarine Dates: February 19 - March 20 The Fish constellation is ruled by the planet Neptune and represents spirituality in which Piscenes are compassionate, faithful and selfless. Pisces are friendly people, they are selfless and willing to help others but they also like being alone as helps them feel independent and at one with themselves. As Neptune is their ruling planet, it has a massive influence to people born under the Pisces sign. Neptune is connected to music so Pisces people are really into their music and are artistic.

Scorps are known to be very mysterious and can be secretive and jealous towards other people which in turn can make them violent. Once a Scorp is crossed, they would never forget it and would have a vendetta towards them. They can be paranoid for no reason.

Piscenes are romantics, they are caring towards their partners and understand how to achieve the best emotional relationship with others. However, people born under the Pisces sign can be overly trusting towards others therefore can easily get hurt. They are also fearful and they do not like to hurt peoples feeling and this could lead to their indecisiveness as they would become conflicted when it comes to decision making.



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