Assisted Living Newsletter-March

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March 2020

2020 Assisted Living

Initiatives By Rita Southern, Director of Assisted Living and Resident Support Services

King's Crown Grand Salon


uilding on the accomplishments of this past year, the Shell Point Assisted Living team’s 2020 initiatives reflect a focus on ensuring each assisted living community is meeting the needs of its residents, striving to exceed the individual’s expectations and encouraging a sense of pride to call their community home. This year will see a strong continued capital investment as The Arbor and King’s Crown prepare for renovation projects throughout the year. The Arbor common areas slated for refreshing include the Community Room, Beauty Salon, and library. It is also anticipated that residential hallways will be receiving a fresh coat of paint and new carpeting. Renovations are now under way in King’s Crown as the nursing station is currently receiving a facelift. Work will then move to refresh the

Grand Salon, which will also be expanded to offer an additional seating area overlooking the King’s Crown fountain courtyard. The building’s elevators will receive a refurbishment once the other projects have been completed. Assisted living residents will continue to have the opportunity to express their thoughts, ideas and suggestions through the Assisted Living Resident Engagement Survey process. This process formalizes feedback from assisted living residents, establishing survey data that can be used in driving the development of programs and services. These survey results also create an industry benchmark that allows for a nationwide comparison to other assisted living communities. A primary goal for this year is to “reboot” assisted living programming

with the intent of mirroring the program offerings in independent living, creating engaging experiences with a focus on the six dimensions of wellness represented by Shell Point’s LifeQuest program.

Published monthly for assisted living residents at Shell Point.

THE ARBOR 8100 Arbor Court (239) 454-2292

KING’S CROWN 3699 King’s Crown Court (239) 454-2175

THE SPRINGS 13901 Shell Point Plaza (239) 600-6400

Shell Point is a nonprofit ministry of The Christian and Missionary Alliance Foundation, Inc.

2020 Assisted Living Initiatives: Continued These efforts will be supported by a new LifeQuest Program coordinator who will work closely to support the assisted living team’s outstanding activities leaders, working tirelessly to promote programing that is designed to focus on each individual’s abilities and interests. Assisted living residents will be seeing an increase in Academy classes offered in each building, coupled with special monthly signature programs. The new LifeQuest Program coordinator will be tasked with recruiting and building volunteer opportunities both from within assisted living communities as well as those

residents residing in independent living. Recruiting efforts are currently focused on seeking resident volunteers to serve as Fitbit coaches, FaceTime tutors and gardening partners. The team is also looking for volunteers who are musically talented and willing to share their gift with assisted living residents. These initiatives would not be successful without the unfailing support of the Assisted Living team! In an effort to reduce turnover and retain direct care

staff, a Navigator program was initiated over the past year to provide additional support to new team members. Each Navigator is chosen because he or she is a role model to the rest of their team, demonstrating the ability to guide new staff as they acclimate to their new position. This year, the Navigator program will be extended to the Nursing team. The Assisted Living team will remain focused on continuing to create options for Shell Point assisted living residents to explore new opportunities, establish meaningful relationships and live the best life possible!

By Amanda Pendergrast, Springs Activities Leader


ssisted living residents enjoyed an exclusive, VIP visit to the LifeQuest Expo held at The Village Church in early January. Themed Walking on Sunshine, the community event offered displays and interactive exhibits of the numerous resort-style amenities and lifecare services

at Shell Point, as well as the more than 100-plus volunteer, church and service groups. If you would like more information about any of the services, groups and amenities featured during the expo, please contact with your building’s activities leader.

Celebration 2020 The Best Is Getting Better


hell Point’s annual celebration offers assisted living residents the opportunity to join their independent living friends and celebrate the unique people, places, programs and projects that comprise this special community. This year’s theme, A New Wave of Healthcare, was inspired by the future Larsen Health Center, located in the Waterside neighborhood. Once

complete, the six-level, 200,000-square-foot skilled nursing facility will feature 180-beds, a full service health clinic, physical therapy services, pharmacy and more. Entertainment was provided by the talented Voices of Lee, a 15-member a cappella ensemble from Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee. In addition to inspiring words from the Shell Point

Leadership Team, residents also watched a video summary of all that Shell Point accomplished in 2019. As the event wrapped up, residents received a complimentary Community Report that traced the highlights of the previous year, from programs and construction projects to philanthropy and volunteerism.


Birthday The Arbor Marcia Stokes.................................2 AJ Marinin.....................................4 Dick Boynton.................................7 Robert Crossman...........................7 Frank Divesta.................................8 Lester Davidson...........................10 Shirley Robbins............................13 Wally Mercer................................15 Jane Cole......................................17 Cecil Wallace...............................18 Ethel Kurtz...................................20 Eugenia Bacon.............................26 Barbara McMaster........................26 Cathy Armstrong.........................29 Margaret McIntyre.......................29 Susan Moore................................30 Doris Nandal...............................30 King’s Crown Melvin Bleiberg............................21 Nancy Morris...............................21 Marlene Skidmore.......................25 Jane Hanks...................................27 Eunice Hoisington.......................29 The Springs Beryl Bouchard..............................2 Renee Budke..................................4 Elizabeth Bullock...........................4 Edith Johnson................................6 Louis “Bob” Jeffrey.........................7 Dolores Serra...............................20 Barbara McClure.........................24 Stephen Zaverdinos......................28 Louis Freyre..................................29

In Loving


Wayne Spielman............... (The Springs).Jan. 28 Gordon Johnson................(The Springs).Feb. 4 Marie Hadwen..................(The Springs).Feb. 5 Mary Ann Thompson .....(The Springs).Feb. 10

Don’t Forget To “Spring Ahead” for Daylight Saving Time on Sunday, March 8!

New Life By Vicky Kennedy, Assistant Chaplain

“Behold I am doing a new thing; We are clothed with garments of now it springs forth, do you not salvation and wrapped in a robe of perceive it?” –Isaiah 43:19 righteousness. Spring is the season of new Because we can do all things beginnings. Everything in nature through Him who strengthens us, wakes up from the long sleep of the we have the power and strength winter season. Flowers to walk through the bloom, trees don new storms of life and face leaves, animals awaken health crises or loss. “Behold I am from hibernation, We can love those who fields become full of doing a new thing; would hurt or abuse us. new grasses, and all of We have life eternal to now it springs nature looks fresh and forever praise and glogreen. rify Him. forth, do you not The day we accept Adrian Rogers, pasJesus Christ as our Savtor and author, wrote, perceive it?” “The same Jesus who ior, we become a new creation. Our sins have –Isaiah 43:19 turned water into wine can transform your life been forgiven, and He and future. He is still will remember them no in the miracle working business, more. We are remade, like a newborn and His business is the business of baby with a clean slate, and our lives transformation.” If you have not already expehave new meaning and direction. We’ve been given a clean heart and rienced a season of spring in your a steadfast spirit. Our minds have life, it is never too late. God will give been renewed with truth about a fresh start to you if you’ll come who He is and our purpose in Him. to Him.

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