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Shell Point was recently honored to partner with the Bailey-Matthew’s National Shell Museum for a series of lectures that examined mysterious mollusks and the great shells that are native to Florida. Senior marine biologist Rebecca Mensch introduced residents to the varied world of mollusks through photos, videos, and specimens brought from the museum. She shared a fascinating video of an octopus she raised that could play with a ball, much as a dog would do. She explained the clever and teachable nature of the octopus, which we learned is the correct plural form—not “octopi,” as so many think! Dr. Jose Leal examined the wide variety of unique shells that come from Florida, and residents were able to see and touch the shells to appreciate their unique patterns, colors, shapes and textures. Sam Ankerson, the museum’s Executive Director, also gave residents an update about the facility, which will not be able to fully open for at least a year or two due to Hurricane Ian damage. For now, the museum will be open Tuesday through Fridays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. with limited exhibits such as the Hall of Shells and “Shell and Tell” displays; there will also be special art project comprised of community photos from the hurricane. The Academy will be partnering with the Shell Museum for more lectures and educational opportunities in the future as we continue to learn from this valuable local resource.