OUIL501 Context of Practice Post Christmas Review
What is the main subject area / question the illustrator is looking into? Fairy tales and their effects on society What are the strengths in how they have responded to this subject area? (Breadth of research? Criticality of image analysis? Effective Triangulation?) Good amount of research and critical understanding. Started to effectively compare and contrast theories How have they responded to the Visual Journal element? (ideas, content, materials, process, experimentation, crafting‌) List 3 positive points: Good ideas based on the research carried out Beautifully crafted work, well thought out and presented You’ve incorporated your ability to do great handwritten type And 3 areas that could be developed further: Try other materials? Experiment with colour Use further research to generate more ideas How effectively is the illustrator synthesising research, contextual analysis and their own practical explorations? (Does it all make sense together? Do elements feel connected?) Yes, the research gathered so far is cohesive with the practical explorations. What are the next steps with the research project, practical and theoretical? (Is a more experimental approach required? Do they need to find more imagery? Is there a particular practical focus they should continue with? Be Honest, Critical and Helpful as to how this project can grow from this point.) Papercut is working well, I like the combination with typography, continue to develop more ideas. Carry on researching and exploring theories this will help to inform your practical work.