1 minute read
Community Outreach & Education
Touchy Subjects, a collaboration with Underground Railroad and Bay Area Women's Center, explores topics surrounding domestic violence and sexual assault in conversation as part of the podcast's mission to spark dialogue and change culture. Each episode explores topics that affect violence, gender roles, and social norms in America.
The show has over 3,600 downloads in 494 cities and 44 counties.
Midland and Gladwin County Community Partnerships
Our community partnerships are made up of the courts, law enforcement, health care, community and family foundations, the Department of Health and Human Services, the faith community, United Way, non-profit services, educators, and many more. Success goes beyond the four walls of Shelterhouse empowerment is infused throughout our community.
C o m m u n i t y O u t r e a c h & E d u c a t i o n
Our community education, outreach, and prevention programs were severely disrupted due to COVID-19. However, to ensure continued community engagement, our team flexed their creative muscles and engaged with community groups via distance-learning platforms, virtual presentations, live-streaming, social media campaigns, and other novel avenues. Despite the challenge, Shelterhouse was able to still provide educational programming.