1 minute read

What Shelterhouse clients, survivors, are saying.

I am much more equipped to navigate systems because I was able to trust my staff member and ask for help when I finally felt ready, which without them never would have taken place to begin with.

My daughter has received therapy services for about six months now, and has gained many skills in expressing her feelings as well as learning about changing what she can, and accepting what she cannot change. Our Therapist* has been a God-send for our family. My daughter is much happier and healthier now.

This is a wonderful place that provides the shelter and safety needed for women+ in this situation. The opportunities made available to us are life changing and more appreciated than could ever be put into words.

I am thankful for the consistency and availability I have received from my counselor. She * has been a blessing for my family and taken time to counsel all of us as we needed. She has never judged or made us feel like we needed to stop and find someone else. Due to her walking beside us we have tightened as a family and moved from the places we were stuck. We feel safer and secure now.

+ Shelterhouse serves all genders.

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