Organize your life, benefit someone else's. THRIFT. Empower. DONATE. REPEAT. GetOrganized! The Shelterhouse Resale Shop is a great place to bring all of your gentlyused items, including clothing, furniture, housewares, and more! PackUp! Load up your car with the items you'd like to donate, and drop them off at the Shelterhouse Resale Shop during donation hours! EmpowerSurvivors! Your donation goes directly to a survivor or local shopper 100% of all proceeds go towards transformational services for our clients at no cost. ShelterhouseResaleShop ShelterhouseResaleShop Shelterhouse Resale Shop 989-486-8776 2 1 ResaleShop 1830 S Saginaw Rd Midland, MI 48642 2 BringDonationsHere! 1-3 bags/boxes can be donated during regular donation hours All other donations are by appointment only Please visit ShelterhouseResaleShop to learn more Monday - Friday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM