Experiencing domestic violence or sexual assault can be a traumatizing and confusing experience, and it's normal to feel unsure about how to work through that trauma. Shelterhouse is here to support whatever decision you make. We can talk you through options, advocate for you, help you navigate the legal system, or just provide a listening ear. We offer free & confidential Sexual Assault Nursing Examinations where we can collect and store evidence for up to a year. We have advocates who can walk you through the legal process and/or accompany you to court if needed. Our team of therapists and social workers can offer one-on-one counseling or recommend support groups for you. If you need shelter to escape from your abuser, we offer safe refuge for both you and your children, if necessary.
24-Hour Help Line Call: 877-216-6383 Text: 989-200-5122 Shelterhouse serves all victims of domestic and sexual violence regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, income, or ability level. Services are confidential and free of charge.
SERVICES 24-hour help line Safe shelter Support groups Counseling & advocacy Housing assistance Legal advocacy & court accompaniment Sexual assault medical forensic examinations
The choice is yours! You are welcome here.
Identifying Abusive Behaviors You are not alone. Help is here for you: 877-216-6383
Power & Control Wheel
LGBTQ Power & Control Wheel
Respect & Equality Wheel
Abuse is always about power & control, and never about love.
LGBTQ individuals often face higher rates of domestic and sexual violence than their heterosexual counterparts, though abuse can sometimes look different within these relationships.
This respect & equality wheel represents attitudes and behaviors that foster healthy and supportive relationships.
This wheel represents unhealthy, and potentially abusive, behaviors that occur within romantic and intimate relationships. Individuals can experience some or all of these behaviors, and this wheel is useful in identifying behaviors that survivors may not realize are abuse.
Threats related to "outing" their partner, or verbal/emotional abuse aimed at their partner's sexual orientation, are classic abuse tactics within LGBTQ relationships. It's important to make LGBTQ survivors of domestic & sexual violence feel both seen and heard, and remind them that they are deserving of love and respect.
Healthy relationships are founded on trust, respect, and equality between partners. Pursuing relationships based on these supportive and respectful attitudes and saying "no" to relationships based on power & control is a key way to help prevent domestic & sexual violence.