POST DISASTER STEEL--FRAME SHELTER STEEL Experiences and lessons learned Steel Days Conference Esch-Belval, Luxembourg. November 8, 2011
Present two applications of steel technology in post-disaster transitional shelter programs
Review application of steel technology
Provide recommendations and perspectives regarding the use of steel in transitional shelter
CHF International
US-based American NGO, based in Maryland/DC
Development agency with humanitarian response capacity, largely in transitional shelter
Working in transitional shelter since 1999
Transitional shelter programs in: Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Pakistan, Georgia, Peru, Haiti, Afghanistan, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Iraq, and Colombia.
Disaster Context
Haiti 2010
Sri-Lanka 2005
‌Sri Lanka context
On December 26, 2004 a major tsunami hit the Southern and Eastern costs of SriLanka. National authorities reported 30,196 deaths, the displacement of one and a half million people and the destruction of nearly 100,00 houses. In 2005 CHF implemented the 9 months Recovery Assistance for Southern SriLanka Program or RASSL providing 1,068 four-truss metal transitional shelters. Shelters were built in the Galle and Matara districts, where villages were densely populated and the land use pattern consisted of rural and semi urban settlements.
…Haiti context
On January 12, 2010 a 7.0 Mw earthquake hit Haiti killing more than 220,000 people and destroying over 105,000 homes. The devastation was widespread in Port Au Prince (PaP), its surrounding areas, as well as communities located in Ouest Department of Haiti. In February 2010 CHF International launched the Community Livelihoods and Economic Assistance through Rubble Removal and Shelter (CLEARS) program. The Program was designed to provide a range of context-driven and flexible shelter solutions in earthquake affected areas. By February 2011 CHF had provided 5,140 transitional shelters, out of which 2,000 were cold formed/light gage steel frame shelters built for the semi-urban and rural settlements in Petit Goâve, and Léogâne.
Shelter Designs Similarities and Differences
Sri Lanka vs. Haiti FEATURES
Construction period
February- October 2005 (9months)
March 2010- February 2011 (12 months)
Why steelframe shelters?
Rapidly assembled and reusable material that can Multiple hazards including earthquakes and aftershocks, heavy be utilized in housing construction or rerains (March-May), hurricanes and high winds (June-November) construction. and infestation (termites etc). Opportunity to pilot an innovative technology where all shelter construction materials must be imported.
Design type
Locally developed and produced, 3.75 m wide, 5.40 m long (20 m2) structure consisting of a light weight, four-truss metal frame with metal roof sheeting that did not require skilled labor for assembly. This model was first introduced by CHF in 2003 when implementing an innovative transitional shelter pilot project for 212 IDPs living in transitional centers in Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
Pre-fabricated unit, produced in the United States, including cold formed/light gage steel components for a transitional housing unit in Haiti that is approximately 3 m wide, 6 m long (18 m2 ) and 2.15 m high to bottom of truss with a 0.30m eave overhang around the perimeter. 29ga galvanized steel roofing. Production and assembly required local capacity building.
Meets Sector Meets SPHERE standards for an average family Standards size of 5 persons
Meets SPHERE standards for an average family size of 5 persons
Total Shelters 1,068 steel-frame
2,000 steel-frame (part of a larger initiative that also included 3,140 wood –frame shelters)
Sri Lanka Steel Shelter
Intermediate shelter structures consisting of vertical metal frames with plastic sheeting applied to the sides, and corrugated metal roofs. Shelters that allow the most vulnerable affected families’ privacy, reasonable comfort and a reusable building resource that can be utilized in housing construction or re-construction.
Sri Lanka Technical Specs A 0.15 m high, concrete and rubble mix foundation was incorporated in the design to provide a dry interior floor. The bottom section of the wall was constructed with concrete blocks to a height of 0.6 m. The section between the masonry and the roof edge was covered by tarpaulin. Additional reinforcements, including heavy anchors for each column and J-hooks attaching roofing sheets to perlins.
Sri Lanka Upgrades and Add-ons Construction of a 5 square meter covered food preparation area adjoining the shelter. Electrical reticulation of the shelter to include 2 plug points and 2 light points (Due to the steel framing and the openness of the shelters, all wiring was shielded in an electrical conduit). This was a Government requirement resulted to comply to local standards Installation of gutters and a 500-liter water tank for harvesting of rain water Reinforced USAID tarpaulin walls by adding supportive plywood boards to provide additional security and more robust shelters. Reduction of heat radiation from the metal roof sheets by the application of ‘MACFOIL’™ heat insulation sheeting to the underside of the roof sheets (CHF considered painting the roofs of the shelters white to increase the reflectivity of roofs and reduce the heat transfer; however, we were concerned that the paint would leach into the rain catchment system incorporated in the roofs. The system was not intended to be used for potable water, but it would be difficult to ensure that some of the water does not get used for drinking or food preparation).
Sri Lanka Modifications and Upgrades Frames were locally produced, in workshops in the Galle area and easily adapted by local communities. Modifications and upgrades made later using steel as a material, and local production sources, resulted in quick and easy design changes, which beneficiaries could do themselves Community consultation resulted in other improvements, including: upgrading of the walls from plastic sheeting to plywood, giving each family greater control over where they could put windows or other apertures. Beneficiaries completed some of their own upgrades, but were less inclined to complete significant changes to the “box� structure of the steel frame
Sri Lanka Beneficiary Satisfaction
CHF’s steel-frame shelter in Sri-Lanka carried the approval of the affected communities, held up well in the Sri Lankan weather and was easily assembled and disassembled. It became a favorite among the affected communities.
Haiti Steel Shelter
Transitional shelter that provides a durable shelter solution that allows households to regain a sense of normalcy. Shelters that are likely to be exposed to Multiple hazards including earthquakes and aftershocks, heavy rains, hurricanes and high winds and infestation (termites etc). A transitional shelter model that demonstrates risk reduction techniques in anticipation of the reconstruction phase.
Haiti Steel as a Shelter Option In 2010 CHF responded to the Haiti earthquake by using both wood-frame and steelframe shelters that were constructed in urban and semi-urban environments, respectively. The primary reasons for proposing the integration of steel frame shelters in the Haiti context included: Timber was not a locally produced commodity and was imported, allowing for reasonable exploration of other imported materials and designs; High local hazard risk required a long lasting, multiple hazard-resistant (primarily earthquake, hurricane resistant) solution; Given the durability of the material, the shelter frame is easily convertible to a permanent solution with some small adjustments.
Haiti Steel vs. Wooden Shelter Model Criteria Advantages
Wood-frame shelter Culturally known material, assembled using commonly found tools and inputs Familiar procurement mechanisms Lower cost of materials More flexible application in urban environment
Steel-framed shelter Hurricane Resistant to 120 miles per hour
Quality (durability and structural integrity) Material availability
3-4 years
20 years
Imported material but locally available.
Semi-Skilled Labor
Existing in country (carpenters and masons)
Not available in the local market, nor produced locally Critical need for training and capacity building in assembly line systems and use of power tools
Earthquake resistant
If upgraded properly, the unit could become a permanent solution Viewed as a more “permanent” shelter by beneficiaries Not a locally produced or widely used commodity Disadvantages Limited time span in extreme weather Thermal conductor, transmits heat into living area conditions, climate sensitive material Pest-vulnerable Relatively unknown construction material Viewed as “temporary” by beneficiaries Assembly requires tools, equipment and considerable add-ons that increase price and delivery time. Pre-fab sizing prevents use in congested urban settings Construction Complexity Despite simple structural design features, Because the shelter was a pre-fabricated design, a consistent capacity building and oversight was significant amount of training and mobilizing was required to assure proper construction and required to establish appropriate fabrication systems. handling of shelter materials. Costly transportation of containers from customs as well as transportation of units to installation points.
Haiti Technical Specs Pre-fabricated cold formed/light gage steel transitional shelter, approximately 3 m wide, 6 m long (18 m2 ) and 2.15 m high to bottom of truss. 29ga galvanized steel roofing. Concrete foundations and flooring. Wood frame doors and windows Factory-grade plastic sheeting as initial wall cover
Haiti Construction and Delivery Components were shipped pre-cut, from an American company in 40 containers of 50 shelters per container. A prefabrication facility was set up to assemble the structures in each town, with 220 local labourers working in Léogâne and about 30 in Petit Goâve. Different teams offloaded the containers, assembled the parts, loaded and offloaded pre-fabricated structures and installed the shelters on site. The program trained approximately 100 local workers, both men and women to become proficient with the use of drills in the assembly of metal parts. Once the shelters were installed, an additional 6-8 three man crews of masons were used to install the cement floors. In total, this project provided income and jobs to the local community for 250 – 300 people.
Haiti Construction and Delivery
NOTE ON TIMEFRAMES: CHF was able to start producing wood-frame shelters one month after the program started, however It took 5 months to start delivering steel frame shelters due unforeseen challenges such as customs, logistics, the need for capacity building, transportation, powered tools, spare parts, etc. The following chart shows CHF’s shelter delivery rate from which conclusions can be drawn. 3500 WFS 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0
Haiti Steel Frame Cost Steel-frame shelter cost was roughly 2- 2.5 times higher than the wood- frame shelter. Basic core materials costs were equivalent to wooden shelters. However, assembly and installation of the unit required additional inputs that added significant cost, including: Customs fees Storage Onsite labor/assembly Concrete foundations Technical assistance and training Equipment rental Power tools and generators Flatbed transportation Bracing materials, tarp fasteners Doors and windows (wood frame)
Steel Shelter Outcomes
Upgrades and Modifications Steel frame shelter are conceived as a transition towards a permanent solution, and therefore a higher investment for the use or more durable materials are incorporated when improving or expanding the shelters. This trend responds to CHF’s initial assumptions for using steel frame shelter due to its potential to become a permanent solution. Some examples include: Porch addition Room or kitchen addition New siding material Electricity and plumbing As of October 2011, based on the program’s final evaluation: •The improvement rate of a steel frame shelter is 23% at an average cost of $100. •Nearly 5% of the steel frame shelters were upgraded for an average cost of $375. •Higher improvements and expansions rates are found in steel-frame shelters; the level of investment is 4 times higher when compare to the wood frame shelter.
Disassembly and Re-Use Significant steel shelter beneficiaries have disassembled or expanded their shelter unit to meet personal needs or preferences. This has resulted in varying degrees of structural instability or improper use and extension of steel components. Households did not have access to power tools or generators following the completion of the shelter unit by CHF teams. Improvisation in construction and assembly frequently created dangerous or nonhazard resistant shelter features
Livelihoods‌ Recipient households frequently converted their steel framed shelters into productive enterprises, including restaurants, bars, beauty salons, grocery stores, and repair shops. Often they also maintained a residence in the unit simultaneously
Market Impact CHF’s steel shelter program in LÊogâne created a new steel market throughout the region. Through observation and consultation, CHF learned that beneficiary households were creating a market value for their shelter based on demand from other non-shelter beneficiaries, resulting in: Increased vulnerability for households who sell their home Misuse of materials in rebuilding, often creating new structural hazards Shelter components supporting commercial interests rather than household interests
October 2011
Steel Transitional Shelter in Emergencies
Lessons Learned In order to assure safety and beneficiary comfort, shelter designs must include: Features to mitigate extreme temperatures created by thermal conducting frames Training for households regarding use and addition of electricity, plumbing, and water services Proper wall materials that provide security, privacy, and that mitigate extreme climatic effects Shelter recipients are likely to adapt or change their shelter (or move it). Therefore, agencies using steel must: Provide easy to use, simple technologies that are transferrable and structurally applicable Raise awareness on site placement, and provide a guide or catalogue of possible adjustments and modifications, including locally available BOQs and technical guidelines
Lessons Learned With correct use and application, steel technologies have a place in transitional shelter provided that: Technologies and supporting inputs are available locally, easily accessible, and familiar to the local community Households are adequately trained in the disassembly, adaptation, and modification of steel shelters through extensive training, construction modules, and consistently available guidance Steel is a valuable material, with much benefits when use in construction. Depending on the social-economic environment it shall be expected that at some point shelters will be traded for non shelter purposes. To mitigate this possibility, agencies should: Conduct a thorough market evaluation of the local availability, costs, and market volatility of steel for shelter construction Educate households who receive shelter on the economic value and potential of their shelter asset
Recommendations CHF recognizes the potential for using steel, and recommends that the use of steel is supported by the following : The humanitarian community and the steel industry work jointly as partners in the design and evaluation rather than just suppliers and buyers. There is an investment on research on steel-framing sheltering to draw lessons learned from past or current experiences for an improved future response. A minimum of cultural sensitiveness and climatic appropriateness is incorporated in the shelter design. A cost-effective and long-lasting to permanent solution is offered to the beneficiaries and the donor community.
At CHF, we believe there is future for the steel industry in humanitarian response therefore we keep on innovating ‌.
Two stories steel-frame shelter in Ravine Pintade, Port-au-Prince, November 2011