BEYOND IBA HAMBURG BEYOND IBA MUDD19 MUDD19HAMBURG HAFENCITY SOUTH HAFENCITY SOUTH Alice Reilly, James Arnold, Momke Sosna, SunSun Xiao, Xu Xu Yi Yi Alice Reilly, James Arnold, Momke Sosna, Xiao, HAMBURG BEYOND IBA: Alice Reilly, James Arnold, Momke Sosna, Sun Xiao, Xu Yi HAFENCITY SOUTH The Kleiner site is identified for The Grasbrook Kleiner Grasbrook site is identified for Issues future urban as part of futuredevelopment urban development as the part of the ‘Leap across Elbe’the metropolitan strategystrategy ‘Leapthe across Elbe’ metropolitan of the City of Hamburg. ofThe the City of Hamburg. Kleiner Grasbrook site is identified for future urban development as part of the ‘Leap Kleiner Grasbrook is an island Kleiner Grasbrook is anwithin island within across theon Elbe’ metropolitan Hamburg Port located the south Hamburg Port located on theside south side strategy of the City of Hamburg. of the River Elbe, geographically isolated isolated of the River Elbe, geographically from thefrom centre Hamburg to the north theofcentre of Hamburg to the north Kleiner Grasbrook is anImproving island within Hamburg Port located on the south side of the River and Wilhelmsburg to the south. and Wilhelmsburg to theImproving south. accessibility to and within Kleiner Grasbrook accessibility to and within Kleiner Grasbrook Elbe, geographically isolated from the centre of Hamburg to the north and Wilhelmsburg to is required in activating the site.the At present, is required in activating site. At present, the south. Improving accessibility to and within Kleiner Grasbrook is required in activating public transport access isaccess limited the to the public transport is to limited S-Bahn S-Bahn station at Veddel on the extreme station Veddel on the extreme the site. Atatpresent, public transport access is limited to the S-Bahn station at Veddel on west of the westsite. of the site.
the extreme west of the site.
Kleiner Grasbrook once operated as a fully functioning industrial port, however its use is in decline as port operations have been relocated west to new container terminals. This extensive tract of city owned land, 160 hectares in extent, thus provides potential to be redeveloped, although east-west road and rail infrastructure on the south side of Kleiner Grasbrook must be retained for port uses, isolating the site from the newly-opened Spreehafen waterfront of Wilhelmsburg. Remediation of the extensive brownfields site will be necessary. Preservation of existing heritage buildings is integral in retaining aspects of the site’s history and character. The Hamburg waterfront is subject to daily tidal changes of 3m or more and is also prone to flooding in extreme weather events. Since the Kleiner Grasbrook island is outside the historic dyke structure of the city, water management and flood control must form the basis of redevelopment.
Master PlanMaster Plan
Master Plan 1 | University of New South Wales
Kleiner Grasbrook once operated as a fully as a fully Kleiner Grasbrook once operated functioning industrialindustrial port, however its use is its in use is in functioning port, however decline asdecline port operations have been relocated west as port operations have been relocated west to new container terminals.terminals. This extensive tract to new container This extensive tract of city owned land, 160land, hectares extent,inthus of city owned 160 in hectares extent, thus provides provides potential potential to be redeveloped, although although to be redeveloped, east-westeast-west road and road rail infrastructure on the on the and rail infrastructure south side of Kleiner must be retained south side ofGrasbrook Kleiner Grasbrook must be retained for port uses, isolating site from the from newlyfor port uses, the isolating the site the newlyopened Spreehafen waterfront of Wilhelmsburg. opened Spreehafen waterfront of Wilhelmsburg. Remediation of the extensive brownfields site will site will Remediation of the extensive brownfields be necessary. Preservation of existing be necessary. Preservation of heritage existing heritage buildings buildings is integralisin retaining aspects ofaspects of integral in retaining the site’s the history character. The Hamburg site’sand history and character. The Hamburg waterfront is subjectistosubject daily tidal changes 3m waterfront to daily tidal of changes of 3m or more and is also prone to prone flooding extreme or more and is also to in flooding in extreme weather events. theSince Kleiner island weatherSince events. theGrasbrook Kleiner Grasbrook island is outsideisthe historic structure of the city, outside thedyke historic dyke structure of the city, water management and floodand control form water management floodmust control must form the basis the of redevelopment. basis of redevelopment. The site has across theacross Elbe to traditional Theviews site has views thethe Elbe to the traditional city skyline the new development cityand skyline and waterfront the new waterfront development of HafenCity on the north bank of the river, with of HafenCity on the north bank of the river, with the landmark structurestructure of the Elbphilharmonie the landmark of the Elbphilharmonie designed designed by Herzog de Meuron a spectacular by&Herzog & de-Meuron - a spectacular element. element. The structure of the port its quays The structure of with the port with its quays and innerand waterways also provides water views inner waterways also provides water views Neighbourhoods within the site. 2009 reports the City within the site. 2009by reports by of the City of Neighbourhoods HamburgHamburg EducationEducation Department and the Hamburg Department and the Hamburg ChamberChamber of Commerce, together with design of Commerce, together with design studies by von Gerkan + Partner, studies by vonMarg Gerkan Marg + identified Partner, identified Kleiner Grasbook as the site future Kleiner Grasbook asfor thea site for campus a futureof campus of HamburgHamburg University. University. As part ofAsthe Elbe visionthe forvision for part of Islands, the Elbethe Islands, ‘HafenCity South’ is South’ for a waterfront development ‘HafenCity is for a waterfront development different different in character from the from HafenCity project project in character the HafenCity on the north which haswhich been has designed as a on the north been designed as a seamless seamless extensionextension of the traditional city, intensely of the traditional city, intensely urban likeurban the Speicherstadt warehouse district district like the Speicherstadt warehouse it adjoins.itCurrently in construction on a site on a site adjoins. Currently in construction of comparable scale (157 ha),(157 HafenCity is due of comparable scale ha), HafenCity is due for completion in 2025 with GFAwith of 2.32 for completion in 2025 GFAmillion of 2.32 million m², 6,000m², dwellings and 45,000 The jobs. future 6,000 dwellings andjobs. 45,000 The future ‘HafenCity South’ atSouth’ KleineratGrasbrook will have will have ‘HafenCity Kleiner Grasbrook a greateraproportion of residential to commercial greater proportion of residential to commercial Inner City in its landinuse itsdue location from its mix land due use to mix to itsaway location away from Hafencity the city centre. is seenItasisaseen ‘green set city’ set the cityItcentre. as city’ a ‘green Kleiner Grassbrook Inner City Hafencity Veddel within landscape to express the earth shaping and within landscape to express the earth shaping and Kleiner Grassbrook Veddel Wilhelmsburg ecologicalecological transformations of its siteof remediation transformations its site remediation Wilhelmsburg Neighbourhoods Neighbourhoods and floodand control, evoke theevoke special landscape Landuses floodand control, and the special landscape Landuses charactercharacter of the Elbe a dispersed of Islands the Elbecreated Islandsby created by a dispersed pattern ofpattern urban of development protectedprotected by urban development by dykes, bunds and causeways within meadows and dykes, bunds and causeways within meadows and marshes.marshes. At the same time, by flanking At the same time, by HafenCity flanking HafenCity North on North the historic of Hamburg, it will on theriverfront historic riverfront of Hamburg, it will contribute to the future of future this great trading contribute to the of this greatport trading port as a Global of the 21st century. as City a Global City of the 21st century. The project the potential to extendtothe Thehas project has the potential extend theCommercial district
Inner City Inner City Hafencity Hafencity Kleiner Grassbrook Kleiner Grassbrook Veddel Veddel Wilhelmsburg Wilhelmsburg
The main objectives of ‘HafenCity South development project for Hamburg Beyo • to develop the extensive city-owned p Kleiner Grasbrook as a new urban pre same flood protection measures and d model as HafenCity, which is due for 2025; • to complement HafenCity on the nort Commercial River Elbe with a development of com Commercial district district theuse south bank, distinctive in its Elbe Mixed Mixed use Mainly as aCommercial ‘green city’ in landscape with a g Mainly Commercial Mixed use Mixed use of residential to commercial in its land Mainly Residential Mainly Residential respectful of Hamburg’s great history Residential Residential andspace contributing to its 21st century f Green Green space City; Industrial Industrial Heritage sites • to overcome the physical isolation of t Heritage sites Grasbrook site by connecting it to the Strategic Strategic Plan Plan Hamburg, HafenCity and the adjacent of Veddel and Wilhelmsburg with pub links; • to create an urban precinct that is bo and takes advantage of its water sett riverfront; • to make green landscape elements th
As part of the Elbe Islands, the vision for ‘HafenCity South’ is for a waterfront development different in character from the HafenCity project on the north which has been designed as a seamless extension of the traditional city, intensely urban like the Speicherstadt warehouse district it adjoins. Currently in construction on a site of comparable scale (157 ha), HafenCity is due for completion in 2025 with GFA of 2.32 million m², 6,000 dwellings and 45,000 jobs. The future ‘HafenCity South’ at Kleiner Grasbrook will have a greater proportion of residential to commercial in its land use mix due to its location away from the city centre. It is seen as a ‘green city’ set within landscape to express the earth shaping and ecological transformations of its site remediation and flood control, and evoke the special landscape character of the Elbe Islands created by a dispersed pattern of urban development protected by dykes, bunds and causeways within meadows and marshes. At the same time, by flanking HafenCity North on the historic riverfront of Hamburg, it will contribute to the future of this great trading port as a Global City of the 21st century. The project has the potential to extend the Hamburg IBA themes of METROZONES, COSMOPOLIS and CITIES & CLIMATE CHANGE by creating a dynamic fusion of residential and employment uses, integrated through social mix and affordable housing with the existing community of the Elbe Islands, incorporating advanced systems of ecological design and flood control.
Development Stages
Super Dyke Sections
Long Section 2013 - 2014 Master of Urban Development & Design | 2
Green space Industrial
Heritage sites
Commercial district Mixed use Mainly Commercial Mixed use Mainly Residential
Strategic Plan 1928
Residential Green space Industrial Heritage sites
Strategic Plan
Landform Transformation
Existing Site
Source: http://www.hzg.de/imperia/md/images/gkss/presse/pressemitteilungen/2010/09112007152.jpg
Flooding of Hamburg Harbour in 1962
mburg Harbour in 1962 Bird's Eye View 3 | University of New South Wales
Green Space
riverfront; • to construc • to make green landscape elements the infrastructu visual feature when viewed from the ri • to build a p expression of the site’s constructed eco form within Island setting; a distinct, l • to construct sustainable urban forms, p existing urb infrastructure and building types; • to focus on • to build a permeable, easy to navigate, Objectives supporting form within a green matrix to provide The main objectives of ‘HafenCity South’ as a future oriented lan development project for Hamburg Beyond IBA are: a distinct, lively neighbourhood in harm City; existing urban character ofofWilhelmsbu • to develop the extensive city-owned port lands • to retain an Kleiner Grasbrook as a new urban precinct using the • to focus on residential and institutiona same flood protection measures and development history and modelsupporting as HafenCity, which is due for completion in and supplementing the com 2025; Port; Transportation • to overcome the physical of the oriented land isolation use mix ofKleiner the Hamburg to develop Grasbrook site by connecting it to the centre• of City; Hamburg, HafenCity and the adjacent urban districts the Univers of Veddel and Wilhelmsburg with public transport • to retain and integrate important aspe links; • to develop • to create an urbanand precinct that is bothin protected history heritage, particular the M from and takes advantage of its water setting on the as an integ Port; Elbe riverfront; the traditio • to make green landscape elements the distinctive • to develop a world-class campus for th visual feature when viewed from the river as an the Elbphilh expression of the site’s constructed ecology and Elbe the University of Hamburg; Island setting; augmenting • to construct sustainable forms, processes, • to develop a urban world class convention cen infrastructure and building types; Center Ham asa permeable, an integral ofdense HafenCity South, • to build easy to part navigate, urban century fac form within a green matrix to provide a platform for thelively traditional Hamburg and a distinct, neighbourhoodskyline in harmonyof with the existing urban character of Wilhelmsburg; the Elbphilharmonie on the north bank • to focus on residential and institutional development STRATEGIE supporting and supplementing the commercially augmenting the 1970s facilities of the oriented land use mix of the Hamburg CBD and Hamburg at the city’s trade fair Hafen Center City; Based on the • to retain and integrate important aspects of the sites’ century facilities of a Global history and heritage, in particular the Museum of the City. have been ad Port; • to develop a world-class campus for the extension of next 20 year the STRATEGIES University of Hamburg; extension o • to develop a world class convention centre • and hotel as an integral part of HafenCity South, with HafenCity t views to the traditional skyline of Hamburg and Based on the objectives, the following de complementing the Elbphilharmonie on the north stations in bank of the Elbe, augmenting the 1970s facilities of have been adopted for a development st the Congress Center Hamburg at the city’s trade fair further plan sitenext with 21st century facilities of a Global City. Green Space Barriers 20 years: Wilhelmsbu • extension of the new U-Bahn U4 subw • constructio HafenCity to HafenCity South with two level as in H stations in the new development precin based on th further plans to serve the Reiherstieg d Barriers green slope
form within a green matrix to provide a platform for
• to develop lively a world-class campusinfor the extension of a distinct, neighbourhood harmony with the
the University Hamburg; existing urban of character of Wilhelmsburg;
• world class convention centre and hotel • to to develop focus on aresidential and institutional development Landforms
Proposed 1928
as an integral of HafenCitythe South, with views to supporting andpart supplementing commercially the traditional skyline of the Hamburg and CBD complementing oriented land use mix of Hamburg and Hafen the City;Elbphilharmonie on the north bank of the Elbe, augmenting 1970s important facilities ofaspects the Congress • to retain andthe integrate of the sites’ Center Hamburg at the city’s tradethe fairMuseum site with history and heritage, in particular of21st the century facilities of a Global City. Port;
• to develop a world-class campus for the extension of
STRATEGIES the University of Hamburg;
• to develop a world class convention centre and hotel Proposed
Green Space
Green Space
Analytical Diagrams
3D Model
3D Model
Univercity Campus Aerial View
Univercity Campus Aerial View
University Pespective
Convention Centre Precinct Aerial View
Waterfront Park Pespective
Based the objectives, the following design as anon integral part of HafenCity South, withstrategies views to have adopted for aof development staged over the the been traditional skyline Hamburg and complementing next years: the 20 Elbphilharmonie on the north bank of the Elbe, • augmenting extension of the the 1970s new U-Bahn U4ofsubway line from facilities the Congress HafenCity to HafenCity with two Center Hamburg at the South city’s trade fair underground site with 21st stations in the new development century facilities of a Global City. precinct and further plans to serve the Reiherstieg district of Wilhelmsburg; STRATEGIES • construction of building platforms on fill above floodlevel as in HafenCity but using ‘superdyke’ profiles Based on the objectives, the following design strategies based on adopted the Rotterdam Stadionparkstaged projectover to create have been for a development the green next 20 slopes years: to the riverfront as the signature ‘green city’ element of HafenCity South in accordance with • extension of the new U-Bahn U4 subway line from the Cities & Change of the Hamburg HafenCity toClimate HafenCity Souththeme with two underground IBA; stations in the new development precinct and • further extension of the greenthe dykes into parklands plans to serve Reiherstieg district of maximising public access and open space along the Wilhelmsburg; including Hamburg’s only city centre • waterfront, construction of building platforms on fill above floodmetropolitan park on the River Elbe; level as in HafenCity but using ‘superdyke’ profiles • based creation a world-class onofthe Rotterdam waterfront Stadionparkuniversity project tocampus create for theslopes University Hamburgas onthe thesignature Hamburg‘green green to theofriverfront Convention Centre Precinct Pespective IBA Metrozone integrated residential city’ element ofprinciple HafenCity South in with accordance with development and employment uses of in the Kleiner the Cities & Climate Change theme Hamburg Grasbrook, served by one of the U-Bahn stations; IBA; • creation ofofa the world classdykes Convention Centre and hotel, • extension green into parklands integrated with theaccess heritage of the Hamburg maximising public andbuildings open space along the Port Museum with views to the traditional skyline of waterfront, including Hamburg’s only city centre Hamburg andpark Elbphilharmonie, served by the second metropolitan on the River Elbe; U-Bahn station; • creation of a world-class waterfront university campus • excavation of a canal to make the Convention Centre/ for the University of Hamburg on the Hamburg heritage precinct a special place as an island and to IBA Metrozone principle integrated with residential improve tidal flushing; development and employment uses in Kleiner • construction of bridges across theU-Bahn canal and port Grasbrook, served by one of the stations; basins toofprovide integrated grid of pedestrian and • creation a worldanclass Convention Centre and hotel, cycle ways;with the heritage buildings of the Hamburg integrated • construction of floating open space and building types Port Museum with views to the traditional skyline of in the portand basins on the model served of HafenCity Hamburg Elbphilharmonie, by themarina second elementsstation; and the IBA-Dock to take advantage of U-Bahn distinctive changes; • Hamburg’s excavation of a canal totidal make the Convention Centre/ • heritage provisionprecinct of ferry astops in the waterways to connect special place as an island and to HafenCity South with HafenCity, the Hamburg CBD, improve tidal flushing; Elbe Islands and riverfront suburbs; • the construction of bridges across the canal and port • basins protection of external and internal from the and to provide an integrated gridviews of pedestrian raising of building platforms by creating view corridors cycle ways; private development and positioning public • through construction of floating open space and building types buildings maximise water views; in the porttobasins on the model of HafenCity marina • provision infrastructure development blocks elements of and the IBA-Dockand to take advantage of by the City of Hamburg on the HafenCity model adopted Hamburg’s distinctive tidal changes; by the publicly-owned HafenCity • provision of ferry stopsHamburg in the waterways toGmbH connect development agency, tenders forHamburg fully-serviced HafenCity South with with HafenCity, the CBD, urban blocks evaluated on a 70% concept / 30% the Elbe Islands and riverfront suburbs; financials basis; • protection of external and internal views from the • construction of mixed-use developments in thecorridors form raising of building platforms by creating view of street and square defining continuous urban fabric through private development and positioning public set withinto a green matrix of avenue buildings maximise water views; plantings and courtyards on the European model,blocks the by • landscape provision of infrastructure and development overall a focus onmodel residential the Citydevelopment of Hamburg to onhave the HafenCity adopted use,the accommodating a broad range of socio-economic by publicly-owned Hamburg HafenCity GmbH groups, from high income development agency, with housing tenders to foraffordable fully-serviced housing, including student urban blocks evaluated on aaccommodation, 70% concept / on 30% the Hamburg IBA Cosmopolis model; construction financials basis; a staged development the 160 ha site with • as construction of mixed-useon developments in the form completion in 2035 comprising 1.8 million m² GFA, of street and square defining continuous urban fabric 12,000 dwellings, population of 30,000 and 28,000 set within a green amatrix of avenue plantings and jobs. landscape courtyards on the European model, the overall development to have a focus on residential
Strategies Based on the objectives, the following design strategies have been adopted for a development staged over the next 20 years: • extension of the new U-Bahn U4 subway line from HafenCity to HafenCity South with two underground stations in the new development precinct and further plans to serve the Reiherstieg district of Wilhelmsburg; • construction of building platforms on fill above flood-level as in HafenCity but using ‘superdyke’ profiles based on the Rotterdam Stadionpark project to create green slopes to the riverfront as the signature ‘green city’ element of HafenCity South in accordance with the Cities & Climate Change theme of the Hamburg IBA; • extension of the green dykes into parklands maximising public access and open space along the waterfront, including Hamburg’s only city centre metropolitan park on the River Elbe; • creation of a world-class waterfront university campus for the University of Hamburg on the Hamburg IBA Metrozone principle integrated with residential development and employment uses in the Kleiner Grasbrook district, served by one of the U-Bahn stations; • creation of a world class Convention Centre and hotel, integrated with the heritage buildings of the Hamburg Port Museum with views to the traditional skyline of Hamburg and Elbphilharmonie, served by the second U-Bahn station; • construction of bridges across the canal and port basins to provide an integrated grid of pedestrian and cycle ways; • construction of floating open space and building types in the port basins on the model of HafenCity marina elements and the IBA-Dock to take advantage of Hamburg’s distinctive tidal changes; • construction of mixed-use developments in the form of street and square defining continuous urban fabric set within a green matrix of avenue plantings and landscape courtyards on the European model, the overall development to have a focus on residential use, accommodating a broad range of socio-economic groups, from high income housing to affordable housing, including student accommodation, on the Hamburg IBA Cosmopolis model; • construction as a staged development on the 160 ha site with completion in 2035 comprising 3.3 million m² GFA, 26,000 dwellings, a population of 65,000 and 45,000 jobs.
2013 - 2014 Master of Urban Development & Design | 4
Sun Xiao
This waterfront development on the third island of Kleiner Grasbrook will be transformed into a commercial centre with residential apartments and a waterfront park. The commercial centre will include retail uses, cafés, restaurants and offices grouped around a town square with access to the proposed U-Bahn station on the U4 line extension from central Hamburg, which will also serve the International Convention Centre across a new canal to the east. The residential development will include a mix of housing typologies from garden apartments to terrace houses and urban villas, many with roof gardens and park outlooks for people to live in ‘Elbe Island’ greenery. All residential buildings in the precinct will be 3 to 6 storeys, ensuring views to HafenCity and the traditional skyline of the inner city.
Community Centre Development Master Plan 5 | University of New South Wales
To develop this district into a livable and sustainable neighbourhood requires effective and specific principles on accessibility, flood protection and character. For accessibility, this previously-isolated port district needs a new transit system, most significantly an extension of the U4 U-Bahn line from the inner city through Hafen City North to Kleiner Grasbrook on the south bank of the River Elbe. Station location is a critical aspect of this proposal, and the third island of the development zone provides space for ‘transit oriented development’ around the station exits. For flood protection, this new district – located outside the historic dykes of the Elbe Islands – needs to be built on extensive fill, protected by Superdyke construction, to create a platform elevated above flood level while maintaining direct access to the waterfont.
Waterfront Park
Long Section
Courtyard in Residential Precinct
0 5
2013 - 2014 Master of Urban Development & Design | 6
DARLING HARBOUR - EVELEIGH LIGHT RAIL CORRIDOR: Mohammad Shahrokhian, Sun Xiao, Wang Youding, Xu Zhaoming REDFERN CENTRE Redfern City Centre Issues and considerations: • Proposed light rail system • Existing Redfern train station • Lack of public facilities • Existing surrounding human activities Goal: • Creating a new city centre to integrate transit network to land uses and people Design Principles: • Interchange station • Multifunctional buildings • New civic centreMaster Plan
Master Plan 7 | University of New South Wales
Green Spaces & Cycling Routes
Redfern aboriginal community Issues and considerations: • Historically strong community • Isolated community on the west side of the railway area • Lack of effective public and open spaces • Not enough housing suited for the requirements of the aboriginal community • Many buildings in a poor condition Goal: • Improving the area and the living conditions of the community while keeping the historical and heritage characteristics Design Principles: • Retaining the street pattern • Retaining the terrace houses • Introducing a public green space • Introducing new residential projects adapted to the requirements to this community such as special floorplans and communal rooms
Park Cafe Pespective
Section A-A
Section B-B
Bird's Eye View 2013 - 2014 Master of Urban Development & Design | 8
9 | University of New South Wales
Sun Xiao, Xiao Ruyu
2013 - 2014 Master of Urban Development & Design | 10
Sun Xiao, Xiao Ruyu, Xu Yi
Our scenario transforms the current Our scenario transforms the current Chinatown to a highrise area through Chinatown to a highrise area through amalgamation and development of the site as an extension of the northern amalgamation and development of the CBD to accommodate new demands for residential and commercial space. site as an extension of the northern CBD to accommodate new demands for Our scenario transforms the current to aspaces. highrise area Theand current Chinatown gathering Newthrough spaces are residential commercial space.has very limitedChinatown
amalgamation and development of the
provided tohas boost tourism and a new image stimulates investment and local The current Chinatown very limited gathering site as an extension of the northern spaces. New spaces are provided to boost tourism micro economy. Our visions for this project increase of floorspace CBD to include accommodate new demands for and a new stimulates investment inimage Chinatown both for and residential and commercial uses; to strengthen residential and commercial space. local micro economy. Our visions for this project the pedestrian link in the site area; toTheencourage 24-hours economy current Chinatown has very limited gathering in include increase of floorspace in Chinatown both spaces. New spaces are provided to boost tourism Chinatown and to increase the quality of life in Chinatown according to for residential and commercial uses; to strengthen and a new image stimulates investment and the pedestrian link in the site area; to encourage projected demographic change in Chinatown in the following 20 years. local micro economy. Our visions for this project 24-hours economy in Chinatown and to increase include increase of floorspace in Chinatown both for residential and commercial uses; to strengthen the quality of life in Chinatown according to To achieve our visions we considered futurelinkdemographic changes the pedestrian in the site area; to encourage projected demographic change in Chinatown in the 24-hours economy in Chinatown and to increase in Chinatown, transport links to Chinatown, open space provisions in following 20 years.
Ruyu Xiao, Xiao Sun, Yi Xu
the quality of life in Chinatown according to
Our scenario transforms the current Chinatown, urban design fundamentalsprojected and design controls and codes demographic change in Chinatown in the to Chinatown toconsidered a highrise area through To achieveensure our visions we future following 20 years. our proposed concept. amalgamation and development oftothe demographic changes in Chinatown, transport links an extension the northern Chinatown, site openas space provisions inofChinatown, urban
To achieve our visions we considered future
and commercial space. ensure our residential proposed concept.
Chinatown, open space provisions in Chinatown, urban
CBD to accommodate newand demands design fundamentals and design controls codes to for The current Chinatown has very limited gathering City of Sydney. 2010, Chinatown Public Domain Plan 2010, City of Sydney, Sydney City of Sydney. 2008,spaces. Sustainable Sydney the Vision, Cityprovided of Sydney, Sydney New2030: spaces are to boost tourism Lehnerer A. 2009, Grand Urban Rules, Rotterdam: 010 Publishers and a Long new image stimulates investment andfor NSW Government. 2012, NSW Term Transport Master Plan, the Director General of Transport NSW local micro economy. Our visions for this project include increase of floorspace in Chinatown both for residential and commercial uses; to strengthen the pedestrian link in the site area; to encourage 24-hours economy in Chinatown and to increase the quality of life in Chinatown according to projected demographic change in Chinatown in the following 20 years.
demographic changes in Chinatown, transport links to design fundamentals and design controls and codes to ensure our proposed concept. City of Sydney. 2010, Chinatown Public Domain Plan 2010, City of Sydney, Sydney City of Sydney. 2008, Sustainable Sydney 2030: the Vision, City of Sydney, Sydney Lehnerer A. 2009, Grand Urban Rules, Rotterdam: 010 Publishers NSW Government. 2012, NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan, the Director General of Transport for NSW
To achieve our visions we considered future demographic changes in Chinatown, transport links to Chinatown, open space provisions in Chinatown, urban design fundamentals and design controls and codes to ensure our proposed concept. City of Sydney. 2010, Chinatown Public Domain Plan 2010, City of Sydney, Sydney City of Sydney. 2008, Sustainable Sydney 2030: the Vision, City of Sydney, Sydney Lehnerer A. 2009, Grand Urban Rules, Rotterdam: 010 Publishers NSW Government. 2012, NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan, the Director General of Transport for NSW
Current Chinatown
Current Chinatown
Current Chinatown
Bird's Eye View
Existing & Proposed Building Heights
3. Green space between Ultimo Road and Thomas Street
11 | University of New South Wales 3. Green space between Ultimo Road and Thomas Street
1. Bridge on Goulburn Street over New Dixson Street
New Chinatown
4. Parkland in Darling Harbour
6. Highrise buildings and New Dixon Street
New Chinatown
New Chinatown
3. Green space between Ultimo Road and Thomas Street
Tenancy Mix 1. Bridge on Goulburn Street over New Dixson Street
Change of Tenancy Mix
2025 2020
2. Lightrail on George Street
Development Stages
Tenancy Mix
6. Highrise buildings and New Dixon Street
4. Parkland in Darling Harbour
Floor Space
2038 2030
5. Metro system under George Street 3.
Change of Tenancy Mix
Floor Space
Demographic Change
Long Section 2013 - 2014 Master of Urban Development & Design | 12
a new pedestrian connecting Darling the middle to cater to high network rise building. Secondly, Harbour and Central Station will be introduced Harbour and Central Station will be introduced a new pedestrian network connecting Darling within Chinatown to solve its high volumes of within Chinatown solve its high volumes of Harbour and Central Stationtowill be introduced traffic. Little Hay Street will be extended to traffic. Little Hay Street will be extended to within Chinatown to solve its high volumes of proposed pedestrianised George Street and Kimber proposed pedestrianised George traffic. Little Hay Street will be extended to Street and Kimber Lane will be widened to better present the public will be widened to Street better and present the public proposedLane pedestrianised George Kimber art. To deal with high density of pedestrians we To deal with high density pedestrians we Lane will art. be widened to better presentof the public will design a metro system throughout Chinatown willwith design metro system throughout art. To deal highadensity of pedestrians we Chinatown district and place two stops near Chinatown. district andsystem place two stops near Chinatown. will design a metro throughout Chinatown Besides, the proposed light rail on George Street Besides, rail on George Street district and place the twoproposed stops nearlight Chinatown. will also help to decrease the high volumes of willproposed also help light to decrease the highStreet volumes of Besides, the rail on George walkers. Finally, in the existing fabric, there is walkers. Finally, in the existing fabric, will also help to decrease the high volumes of there is less tall buildings in Chinatown than the buildings less tallinbuildings in Chinatown than walkers. Finally, the existing fabric, there is the buildings in northern CBD so that low rise buildings in less tall buildings in Chinatown in northern CBD so thatthan lowthe risebuildings buildings in To achieve these visions, Chinatown will be transformed into high riseDixon ones Street and Sussex in northern CBD so that rise buildingsinto in high rise ones Chinatown willlow be transformed will be combined into a new wider pedestrianised to increase the total floor space. Chinatown be transformed intospace. high rise ones to will increase the total floor
Pedestrian Network Pedestrian Network
Street Dixon Street with retails and restaurants alongside and high to increase the total floor space. rise offices and apartments will be introduced onto them. To design the high rise district, we fellow grand urban rules such as shot front diversity, setback street ratio, 2h shadow, plaza bonus and etc.
Pedestrian Network
In our project, we came up with four major strategies for the design. Firstly, around existing Chinatown, there are only green spaces like Chinese Garden and Belmore Park whereas there is no green space within Chinatown. Therefore, the intersection of Thomas and Ultimo Road will be designed into a small parkland and most streets within Chinatown will have more tree planting to increase the green areas. Also, the new Dixon Street will be planned with some green space in the middle to cater to high rise building. Secondly, a new pedestrian network connecting Darling Harbour and Central Station will be introduced within Chinatown to solve its high volumes of traffic. Little Hay Street will be extended to proposed pedestrianised George Street and Kimber Lane will be widened to better present the public art. To deal with high density of pedestrians we will design a metro system throughout Chinatown district and place two stops near Chinatown. Besides, the proposed light rail on George Street will also help to decrease the high volumes of walkers. Finally, in the existing fabric, there is less tall buildings in Chinatown than the buildings in northern CBD so that low rise buildings in Chinatown will be transformed into high rise ones to increase the total floor space.
Transport System Transport System Transport System
Green Space Green Space Green Space
Highrise buildings Highrise buildings Highrise buildings
Green Space Green Space Green Space
Development Strategies
Analytical Diagrams 13 | University of New South Wales
Pedestrian Pedestrian Pedestrian
New Dixon New Dixon New Dixon
City Circle
City Circle City Circle
Light Rail
Light Rail Light Rail
Metro Metro
Green Space
New Dixon
Green Space
City Circle
Light Rail
City Circle
Light Rail
New Dixon
New Dixon Street Pespective
Kimber Lane Kimber Lane
Kimber Lane Pespective
Application of Grand Urban Rules 2013 - 2014 Master of Urban Development & Design | 14 Pedestrian Network
Sun Xiao This proposal aims to create a public open place for the new Chinatown Core to provide people a sustainable, livable and walkable environment, and most of the streets will be transformed into pedestrianised streets and people will more relay on public transportation. Within this public space, a small scale entertainment centre with Chinese culture performance will be constructed, because now Chinatown is short of Chinese characters. Additionally, this open space can also solve the crowding people in Chinatown and from Northern CBD and Central Station.
Bird's Eye View 15 | University of New South Wales
Function Analysis
The new square is chosen to be built between Ultimo Road and Thomas Street, because this area is near Railway Square and Central Station (many people travelling from there), and this square can make Chinatown more connected to Central Station. Additionally, there are The Quay (under construction), Market City surrounded by, which are the areas accomodating half of the residents in Chinatown core. Also, because of lack of green space, roof garden will be built on the top of Market City to provide resting spaces for residents and visitors, so that this garden will be public, not only to the residents. Chinatown core is probably the lowest area within the city centre, so that it is significant to govern the water system. In order to achieve a more sustainable context, water sensitive urban design (WSUD) approaches are introduced into this proposal, which is about integrating water cycle management into urban planning and design. In this proposal, WSUD treatment will be adapted to cope with its existing environment, such as swales, infiltration trenches, bio-retention systems, porous paving and etc, managing stormwater and recycling it in the landscape.
Quay Street Pespective
Section Across New Open Space 2013 - 2014 Master of Urban Development & Design | 16
17 | University of New South Wales
Sun Xiao
2013 - 2014 Master of Urban Development & Design | 18