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Shenandoah Today FY2021: Notes from the Principal

Principal Short (5th); Board Chair Elder Charles Tapp (8th); building committee, student, alumni, and teacher representatives celebrate gym groundbreaking.

Thank you! Once again you invested in Shenandoah Valley Academy to support the mission of educating students as disciples of Jesus.


This special school is sustained by you Alumni and Friends, by your incredible generosity, with God’s blessing.

I am so very grateful. WE are all so very grateful. Your affirmation of our efforts to educate students in a Christ-centered boarding school program is deeply appreciated. Also, I want you to know that in this challenging time, we couldn’t have done or continue to do this without you.

For fiscal year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 here is what you made possible: Your financial gifts combined with the gifts of others, for operations, tuition assistance, and projects, totaled $2,996,490 to the SVA Annual Fund and the Zirkle Gymnasium Renovation project currently under construction (see page 3). And because of your consistent and ongoing support, SVA has had an operating increase for the seventh consecutive year.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, your generous financial gifts helped provide more than $1,000,000 in tuition assistance and scholarships to qualified students, supporting the highest enrollment in a decade. Your faithful gifts made possible appropriate student financial contracts meaning students’ bills were paid with zero outstanding student accounts at school year end. Yes, even in a pandemic.

In a year when carrying on with a semblance of normalcy seemed to require extraordinary resolve, praying and working together—students, families, teachers, administrators, Alumni and Friends— because of you, school was open. It was a good year of student decisions made, victories won, academic challenges and triumphs, an amazing Student Week of Prayer, beautiful (socially distanced) music, fun intramural sports, and extra time in “God’s works in nature multiplied.” Most of all, there was time to nurture relationships with God, teachers, and friends, a stark contrast to the making it possible isolation many were and are feeling in the for SVA to be a world outside.

As you read the student testimonies throughout this report reflecting upon the value of SVA relationships with God, family, teachers, and friends, please know the personal impact you have on student lives. Thank you for making it possible for SVA to be a haven for students who are loved and educated in a caring school. It is your support that ensures students can learn and connect with Christian teachers and mentors, establish lifelong friendships, and have the opportunity to know and love Jesus.

With deepest gratitude

Donald R. Short, Principal

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