Shenandoah Today FY2022 Annual Giving Report

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Shenandoah Valley Academy Annual Giving Report • 2021-2022

Giovanna Moraes ‘22 Graduation Weekend Testimony

The past four years have been an absolute blessing. I made so many friends I will keep for all my life. I also found a friend in Jesus. Through different Bible classes, vespers, and Weeks of Prayer, I learned who Jesus really is.

Life is not always easy, but God has never and will never abandon me or any student on this campus. SVA pushed me to call on God at any moment in my life. When I first came in 2018, I was so scared. I didn’t know who I was or what was to come. Here I learned to be responsible, to put myself first when needed, and to not give up. I might still be learning who I am, but I am very happy with who I have become so far. Activities like 30 Hour Famine, homeless trips, and community service days showed me how much I love to help people. SVA helps those in need and I’m so grateful I was a part of that. Shenandoah Valley Academy will always hold a special place in my heart. This campus is my second home, and I hope others to come will feel the same way. Thank you to all the teachers, staff members, and donors who have made the school a better place. God built this school for a reason and has brought each and every one of us to this campus. I pray God continues to bless this school and that one day I can give back and help students come here.

God built this school for a reason and has brought each and every one of us to this campus.

Shenandoah Today is a publication of the Office of Development and Alumni Relations © 2022 Shenandoah Valley Academy Janel Ware, Director of Development and Alumni Relations 234 W. Lee Hwy., New Market, VA 22844 240-401-1169

Campus Graphic Art: Jessa Kinney ‘22

Photos: Carrie Heilman, Jaclyn Knight, Laura Short, Mike Miriello for Harman Construction, Swartz Photography


Donald Short, Principal Kaleb Leeper, Vice Principal Wendy Dean, Registrar

Board of Trustees

Geraldo Alonso

Shane Anderson

Bobby Belleza ‘88

Cristian Barrera

Pamela Consuegra ‘78 Shernett Dalhouse Don Feltman

Mission: Shenandoah Valley Academy, established in 1908, exists to provide a distinctly Seventh-day Adventist college preparatory program through experiences to produce disciples of Jesus who are compassionate citizens prepared for college and careers. Vision:

Graduating Adventist Christians who will...

Richard Hevener ‘76 Janine Hudson Kelli Hanon ’88, Alumni Association President Steve Laing Jerson Malaguit Robert McLennan ‘03 Jacqueline Messenger ‘77

Louise Phanstiel ‘76 Daniel Royo Mariano Samayoa Karen Senecal

2 Notes from the Principal 3 Zirkle Gym Progress 4 SVA News: It's All About Relationships 5 From the Director of Development and Alumni Relations 6 Honor-Memorial Gift Key Acknowleging Gifts from Alumni 9 Acknowledging Gifts from Individuals 11 Community & Corporate Giving 12 Endowment & Scholarship Recipients
Donald Short, Principal Nigel Standish Charles Tapp, Chair Jose Vazquez, Vice Chair Annual Giving
God Value Knowledge Accept a Life of Service Objectives: Spirituality, Relationships, Academics, Work Ethic, Character Development, Health & Wellness, Fun
Report 2021-2022

Notes from the Principal

Reviewing the history of Shenandoah Valley Academy, Pastor Buz Menhardt recently preached: “117 years ago God stirred Charles Zirkle’s heart to ‘build a school on the land of my family inheritance.’ He wanted to follow the instruction of Ellen White to build a school where students learn to Serve Christ, Value Knowledge, and Accept and Life of Service. We are here because Charles had a generous heart and a clear vision of how such a school would bring blessings to untold generations of students.”

SVA is sustained similarly by you, Alumni and Friends. Your generous hearts are stirring with the same clear vision to educate current and future generations of students as disciples of Jesus. Thank you for your vision and ongoing financial investment that is essential to sustaining this all-important mission.

Here is what you made possible for fiscal year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Thank you for your financial gifts combined with the gifts of others, for the school program, tuition assistance, and projects, totaling $2,831,480 for the SVA Annual Fund and the wonderful the Zirkle Gym Project (see page 3). Because of your faithful financial support SVA had an operating increase for the eighth consecutive year. Because of you!

MOST IMPORTANTLY your generous financial gifts helped provide more than $875,000 in tuition assistance and scholarships to qualified students. This is less student aid awarded than in previous years. The reason? In 2021-2022 student labor costs increased by more than $200,000 because of government required wage increases. Higher student wages offset the need for tuition assistance, but not the need for unrestricted gift dollars to help fund student wages. Your unrestricted gifts helped fund the wage increases AND your worthy student gifts helped fund needs-based tuition assistance. Your generous gifts helped meet this $1,000,000+ challenge for SVA and worthy students. Thank you very much!

For 2022-2023, there is an enthusiastic, positive, spiritual tone among the students. During Week of Prayer 18 students came forward asking for baptismal studies. Joseph Pelote ’24 was the first student baptized in the Shenandoah River on Parents Weekend. Praise the Lord! The academic program is growing this year with three new full-time faculty positions: a Spanish-ESL teacher; a “Dream Manager” developing an academic success and guidance program to support students in achieving their personal, academic, professional dreams; and an agriculture director who is teaching an Agriculture Science class and training students for mission and community service. Already fresh produce is being served in the caf and has been gifted to the community! As you read this inspiring report, please know the important impact your kindness and generosity has on student lives. You make it possible for Shenandoah to be a haven for students to learn from Christian teachers, establish lifelong friendships, and have the opportunity “to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that [they] may be filled with all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:17-19 NKJV

With deepest gratitude,


Nagy ‘24 SVA History Sermon Response

What I took to heart is how the Holy Spirit inspired Charles Zirkle. He created not only a school, but a community, a family, a church. And I think through the trials and tribulations, the [school] fire, the pandemics, God really used them to build a foundation, to build our character, our faith. And I think it’s amazing we have built such a family here. I think it is really inspiring. Thank you past teachers, staff, pastors, for really encouraging us and giving us the opportunity for over 100 years, and even more hopefully by the grace of God, that we can continue this education.

2 Shenandoah Today

The Zirkle Gym Project is very near full completion! A dizzying amount of work since the summer of 2020 has resulted in attractive, modern spaces for students and visitors alike. Plumbing inspection? Check. Mechanical and electrical inspection? Check. Life safety inspection? Check. The final inspection was completed and Occupancy Certificate received in time to hold August registration in the new addition and updated gym! Right now, donor funded landscaping, fire pit delivery, gas line hook-up, and final touches are happening to be ready for a ribbon cutting celebration Alumni Weekend. We can’t wait to celebrate with you, SVA Alumni and Friends. What an incredible difference your generous investment has made! A special thank you to the four leadership donors including Alumni families and the Potomac Conference, and to ALL who have given to make this campus transforming project possible.

Thank You, Zirkle
Donor-Investors! Shenandoah Today 3
Progress – Because of You! YOU'RE INVITED! Zirkle Gym Ribbon Cutting Celebration • Alumni Weekend • April 15, 2:30pm


Partnering For Eternity (PFE) With Katie

When Katie Pacylowski ’24 arrived at my home for her first weekly PFE visit, it felt so right. We talked about our interests and talents, her classes, family and dreams. She loves art and wants to be a graphic designer.

My dream is to put the book of Revelation into a format young and old can understand. Could a board game be a learning tool to understand Revelation? If so, Katie’s computer and design skills could be a real asset.

Each week we played games to harvest ideas. Developing a game would take time, so we made a Phase I: cards to outline the seven churches, seals and trumpets. I collected texts that Katie interpreted through her designs.

A favorite moment was creating the card of “Jesus’ Presence” in the church of Thyatira. The text says, “These things says the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass” (Rev. 2:18, NKJV). Katie’s response was, “Oh, that’s up close and personal!”

Once Phase I was complete, we played with friends and family. The cards are only the beginning. There is much work ahead to complete the game!

Katie’s creativity and energy astounds me. She is a gift God brought to me in the right time and way. Thank you SVA, PFE Foundation, and donors who make this wonderful work program to connect students and senior citizens possible.

—Renee Ford ’74, SVA Alumna

Student-Led Mental Wellness Program Launch

As 28 students filed into the classroom, “We saw expressions of curiosity and expectation, but we could also see a protectiveness—and lots of skepticism,” observed music director Daniel Biaggi, an adult advisor for the Sources of Strength (SOS) program.

Students representatives from each class and a variety of friend groups were carefully chosen to train as peer leaders for SOS, a strength-based wellness program that focuses on suicide prevention and also impacts issues such as substance abuse and violence.

About Relationships

Girls’ dean Stephanie Powell, campus nurse Darlene Anderson, and program founder Mark LoMurray led students in games, activities, and times of sharing and learning. SOS trained faculty, staff, and SVA volunteers participated as adult advisors.

“Students began to participate, to become open and vulnerable,” observed Biaggi.

Everyone laughed as they mimicked the mountains, chicken farms, and rivers of the Shenandoah Valley. Then the room filled with the sound of students sharing in small groups. Games, activities and sharing times help students have fun

as I shared my personal rehabilitation journey from COVID pneumonia. I told the young men that to gain strength, every day I must decide to workout even if I don’t feel like it. I choose to do what’s best for my recovery.

Which led the discussion to the importance of self-discipline. That’s when Emmanuel raised his hand and wanted to know how he could learn selfdiscipline. I affirmed him for asking such a mature question. Often we best learn self-discipline when others hold us accountable and keep us focused on our personal, spiritual, and academic goals. As class ended, I asked Emmanuel if I could email his mother and share the class conversation with her. He agreed, so here’s the email exchange with Lillian, Emmanuel’s mother:

Hello Lillian,

while learning messages of hope, help and strength. Research shows these messages are protective factors against the many risks students face.

Students and adults quickly observed the same messages in the Bible, Ellen White’s writings, and in themes already emphasized at SVA. “It isn’t about learning something new; it’s about discovering strengths we already have,” says Olivia Patrick ‘23, peer leader.

Developing and using strengths such as spirituality, physical health, generosity, gratitude, and adult mentors as tools to navigate difficult times is what the program is all about. Students share these tools with peers to create a strength-focused school culture where health-seeking behavior is the norm.

As the day drew to a close, we saw expressions of hope on the students’ faces like, ‘We are willing to help. This could really make a change on our campus!’

Self-Discipline: A Freshman Life Skill

Teacher Mrs. Short invited me to meet with the young men’s Freshman Life Skills class. The semester theme is “Do Hard Things” and includes discussion of challenging subjects and practical handyman skills. We drifted from the suggested topic

I must tell you when I visited Emmanuel’s Life Skills Class on Tuesday, he asked a very mature question. We were discussing self-discipline, and he wanted to know how he could best learn selfdiscipline when he would be out on his own. His own house, etc.

I told the young men that coming to boarding school was the beginning of learning how to be disciplined, how to follow a routine of success. I’m sure if you ask him about the discussion he will tell. He seems to be doing very well.

Blessings to my friend, Lillian’s reply:

It is true as soon as he came home [for homeleave], after dinner he washed the dishes. I was pleasantly surprised.

Then he sat down and wrote his to do list for tomorrow. He even went to bed without a fight. Oh he is a changed young man. I like the new him. I cannot thank every member of SVA enough.

God bless you all and give you strength to encourage and mold the youth in their life journey. Sincerely, Emanuel’s mom

I am thankful Shenandoah Valley Academy is a place where young people learn about God in such practical ways.

4 Shenandoah Today
NEWS: It's All

Thank you, Alumni and Friends. It is your faithful financial gifts that sustain SVA and worthy students. SVA depends on your charitable donations to be sustainable and provide quality programs. And because of you, SVA keeps the bold important promise that “no qualified student is turned away from Shenandoah because of finances.” Year-to-year it is your generosity that makes everything possible for students. YOU are safeguarding SVA sustainability today and into the future.

Giving Highlights - July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022

• SVA Alumni and Friends Giving Gifts from individuals totaled $1,848,650 and represent 66% of all gifts received this year, with alumni gifts totaling $1,563,980! Again, evidence of your exceptional commitment to no qualified student being turned away from Shenandoah. THANK YOU for sustaining Shenandoah Valley Academy!

• Eighth Consecutive Year 100% Board of Trustees Giving THANK YOU for your leadership, Mr. Chairman and Trustees!

• Eighth Consecutive Year 100% Faculty and Staff Giving THANK YOU for your tireless investment in your students and school, devoted Faculty and Staff!

• Bainum Family Foundation Worthy Student Gift in Memory of Jane Bainum ’38. The Bainum Family honored the life of Jane Bainum ’38, beloved matriarch and leading philanthropist, with a special memorial gift for worthy students. Their gift honors Mrs. Bainum by supporting the school Jane loved and invested in throughout her life in a way that is life-changing for many worthy students. THANK YOU Bainum Family, for your generous worthy student gift in memory of your mother and grandmother.

• Honor, Memorial, and Estate Gifts It is longstanding tradition among Alumni to honor loved ones with honor and memorial gifts, and to include Shenandoah in their estate plans. Notable gifts this year include a generous estate gift for worthy students from Hilton ’42 and Doris ‘41 Suddarth. Also, a generous bequest from David Wilkens ’65, part of which will fund much needed pianos for the music department. THANK YOU SVA Family, for your legacy gifts that sustain Shenandoah today and for the future.

• 2021 Year-End Match Giving Challenge For the seventh year, generous donors pledged to match all unrestricted and worthy student year-end gifts dollar-for-dollar up to $165,000. Alumni and Friends, your giving response of more than $258,000 to the Match Chal lenge meant that total Match giving was responsible for more than $423,000—an incredible blessing especially for worthy students! THANK YOU for your consistent generous support, year-end Match Donor-Investors—let’s do it again!

• Zirkle Gymnasium Project Completion and Upcoming Celebration

In addition to sustaining unrestricted and worthy student gifts this year, you generously gave $735,000 for the Zirkle Gymnasium Improvement Project. Because of you, beautiful new updated Zirkle Gym facilities are now enjoyed by energetic students. You also made this a fully funded, zero debt project, with 96% of gifts given by Alumni. You’re invited to celebrate the completion of this wonderful campus transforming gift that you have made possible on Alumni Weekend Sabbath (see pg. 3). THANK YOU, Zirkle Gym Investors one and all!

My dear SVA Alumni and Friends, your prayers and unwavering financial investment sustains this special school and its precious students. Your legacy of love and generosity is having an incredible and miraculous impact for Shenandoah students now and for the future. THANK YOU!!

Sending so much love and thanks to you all -

Shenandoah Today 5 *FY2022 Giving total does not include $950,000 Potomac Conference operating subsidy. **Alumni giving total includes business and foundation gifts from alumni. 2022 Alumni Weekend Fiscal Year 2022 Giving Total: $2,831,480* Alumni** $1,563,980 56% Churches $111,130 4% Businesses & Church Entities $564,435 19% Friends $284,670 10% Gifts fromAlumniand F r i e dn s Foundations $307,260 11% Foundations 11% Alumni 58% Friends 10% Churches 4% Businesses 17% 169 Community & Corporate Gifts (13%) 1149 Gifts from Individuals (87%)
Janel Haas Ware ’86 Director of Development & Alumni Relations From the Director of Development & Alumni Relations

Honor-Memorial Gift Key

Bolded Names:

3+ consecutive years giving


Honor-Memorial Gifts

1 In honor of 1960 Classmates

2 In honor of the Class of 1978

3 In memory of Jean Hicks Alexander '73

4 In honor of English teacher Gloria Vega Allen

5 In honor of mother Lenora Mae Carter Altman who attended in 1943 during WWII

6 In memory of wife Phyllis Amos

7 In memory of Jane Goyne Bainum '38

8 In memory of Frank and Emily Banzhaf

9 In memory of grandson Christopher Beers '06

10 In memory of Richard W. Bendall

11 In memory of Julia K. Blair '97

12 In honor of William Brent Coffman '64

13 In memory of mother Esther Brent Coffman '37

14 In memory of father William Henry Coffman '39

15 In memory of Rick Cooper '85

16 In loving memory of husband Glenn Darr ‘63

Gifts from



Doris (Smith) Suddarth*

1942 Hilton Suddarth*


Della (Sincavage) Heisey 31


Jean (Quimby) Bakland 31 Alfred Hess


Estelle (Stigler) Johnson Jean (Lesher) Krenrich Elaine (Willis) Williams


Corinne (Spangler) Reasner

1951 Carl Miller


Elaine (Lord) Ellis

Ruth (Lillya) Gainer

Coralee (Errigo) Herbst 50 Neil Palmer 50

Junice (Sowers) Patton 52


Elvin Hold 66

Helen (Hornbaker) Martin 43 Richard Schell

Bonnie (Bowman) Showalter


Doris (Novak) Sheer

Patricia (Tucker) Hold 66 1956

Ina (Fox) Masters

John Stant

Sam Wine

17 In memory of Pearl E. Deiter

18 In honor of sons Desmond '02 and Marcus '04 Deshazor

19 In memory of Doug Dunbebin '80

20 In memory of Sandra Wayner Dunlap '61

21 In memory of Walter "Bickett" Eubanks

22 In memory of Kathy Wu Facemire '87

23 In memory of William and Virginia Fagal

24 In honor of Susan (Dickson) Finlaw '65 for her dedication to serving students and the community through the ASSIST-PFE work program

25 In memory of Lois Fleckenstein

26 In memory of Prof. Francis, a great Bible teacher

27 In memory of Orlo Gilbert

28 In memory of Kent Grimm '11

29 In memory of Steve Grimsley '70

30 In memory of Scott Handel '82

31 In memory of Bonnie Jean Hannah '37

32 In memory of Mrs. Angela Bee Harris '39 on the occasion of her 101st birthday January 27, 2022

33 In memory of Darwin C. Heisey, attended but did not graduate because he was called to serve in WWII

34 In loving memory of Betty (Mace) Hevener '55

Total: $1,563,980.00


Tom Amos 6

Jean (Cash) Minton

Gloria (Shauf) Rickard

Alice (Mace) Thomas

Patty (Murray) Thompson 46

Connie (Tucker) Wagner John Wagner 69

Charles Wilkens*


Carl Blackburn

Gayle (Lockwood) Fell 26

Bonnie (Kelchner) Hannah 9 Manfred Heinrich

Donna (Tucker) Read

Ellie (Stant) Scheresky 64

Owen Van Kirk

Bonnie (Boyts) Wilkens*

Clifford Yarnell attended


Claire (Eckenroth) Blackburn

Richard Brown

Donald Clark

Patricia (Runion) Craw

Ardebella (Dean) Fox 17

Gary Langston

Janet (Sorensen) Langston

Nancy (Waddell) Schell

Jackie (Witt) Yarnell


Elmer Armstrong

Carlene (Jones) Baugher

Forrest Blood

Less Chafen 1

Maryanne (Lord) Clark

Joel Dortch

Joyce (Hicks) Ellington 59

Brenda (Rhodes) Fluharty

35 In memory of Cindy Lindsey Irby '73

36 In honor of Jedamski sons

37 In memory of Paul Jones '86

38 In memory of Paul Jones '86 who was worth knowing

39 In memory of Lillian Shanko Koliadko 1920

40 In honor of Dr. Young Lim

41 In memory of Donna Sue Malin '65

42 In memory of Donna Sue Malin '65 from Priscilla (Philips) and James Walters

43 In memory of James Martin '53

44 In memory of Marilyn Moon

45 In memory of Livia Modra Freyman Murphy '56

46 In memory of Janet Murray '62

47 In memory of David Napier '67

48 In memory of my son Tracy Dean Pack

49 In honor of Olivia A. Patrick '23

50 In memory of Lester Patton '52

51 In tribute to our parents who believed in Adventist Education from Dwight and Ellen Morgan

52 In memory of husband Lester Patton '52

53 In memory of Reba Williams Philips '22 who worked her entire way through SVA

54 In memory of Mary Juanita Purdie H'62

55 In memory of Dorothy Rhodes Champion

56 In memory of Wendi Hales Rhodes '90

57 In memory of James "Jay" Shanko, Jr '43 attended

58 In memory of Walter B. and in honor of Doris (Novak) '55 Sheer

59 In memory of Wilmyrna "Lou" Jenkins Smith '52 and others no longer with us

60 In memory of Carlton Starling '87

61 In memory of Carlton Starling '87 who inspired me to always look up

62 In memory of Bill and Jean Strickland

63 In memory of Hilton Suddarth '42

64 In memory of Arty Tauro '58

65 In honor of Dean Nelson Thomas

66 In honor-memory of the Tucker Family

67 In honor of Dale and Connie Twomley H'09

68 In honor of Clarence Williams

69 In memory of Dr. Charles Wilkens '57

70 In memory of David Wilkens '65

71 In memory of Tammi Rae Wolosuk '79

SVA Music Is On The Road Again!

After a three-year hiatus, SVA Music hit the road for Spring Tour. For many students this was their first music tour ever. “Morale was high. We laughed and enjoyed being together,” said Jonathan Pelote ‘24. “It was nice to have long stretches time on the bus to talk about light-hearted and difficult topics.”

Concertmaster Hania Kantzer ’22 shared, “It was meaningful that what I view as a fun activity [music] is so impactful to other people. The tour affirmed music as a lifelong calling and something SVA is called to do because it benefits others.”

Dennis Norris

Reg Woodruff

Gerald White 54


Marjorie (Disney) Ivany

Kathryn (Fagal) Prall 23

Richard Tucker


Ruth Ann (Barron) Boston

Nancy (Coleman) DeFluiter

Joy (Pennington) Faehner

Ann (Thompson) Fisher

Richard Griffin

Eddie Haas

Ron Lane

Rusty Litten

Ina (Dunn) McFarland

Mary (Purdie) McPherson

Jacqueline Miller

Sam Schutte

Donald Wood


Jim Brodersen

Sandra (Eller) Clatterbuck 41

Marshall Conner

John Donaghue

Tom Evans

Peggy (Charles) Halifax John Hanson

6 Shenandoah Today
Bill Hooker

Sue (Harless) Henson

Paul Noblitt

Norma (Maberry) Phillips

David Stewart

Rick Stewart

Silas Still

Caroline (Purdie) White 54


Jim Callan

William Coffman 12 13 14

Barbara Graves

Betty (Davis) Haas

Diane (Wilson) Hall

Blainette (Ullom) Hanson Verne Kemerer 10


Steve Blackwell

Linda Gay (Capman) Booth

Tim Bryant

Cheerie Lou Capman

Jim Davis

Robert Deery 8

Art Grimes

Donald Jackson

Daniel Lewis

Gil Lewis 70

Bill McGhinnis

Kitty (Bird) McGhinnis

Jay Nixon 41

Carl Showers

Linda (Yates) Showers

Ellen (Witt) Tucker attended

Priscilla (Philips) Walters 42 53

David Wilkens*

Joanie (Hooker) Wilson Carl Zentz


John Bennett

Jean (Bender) Eckler

Faye (Holland) Horner

William Mansfield

Dawn (Tattrie) Mayers47

Reginald Sherrill

Carol (Johnson) Tol 10 Dianne (Knight) Watts


Daniel Altman

Gail (Hevener) Melkersen

Laura Benn 65

H Allen Beckwith 21

David Mayers 47

Kathryn (Thornton) Parrish 10 27 44


Michael Carpenter 10 24 63

Gregory Isaacs

Bill Liers

Gerald Ramsey

Sherry (Newman) Ramsey

Sarah (Myers) Smith

Marvin Gingerich attended

Ken Wilson attended


John Clark

Deborah (DeBois) McMillen

Kendell Snedden

1970 Bill Dodge

George Gainer

David Richards

Anita (Bestpitch) Richards

Rick Shull Bill White George Brill 29

Debra (Clements) Brill 29 1971

Patty (Hevener) Lemon

Susan (Koliadko) Shull

Debbie (Donachy) White 1972

Don Correia

Delsie (Pack) Knicely 48

Lou Ann Liers 3

Tom McNeilus

Sharon (Turner) McNeilus

Sharon (Shanko) Pelton

Marilyn (Miles) Perez 4 James Shanko 57 Keith White


Susan (Davis) Faulconer 35 Susan (Altman) Fritts 5

Colleen (Harnett) Isbell Rick Perez 4

Melanie (Clemmer) Rapp attended 1974

Deanna (Stevens) Brown John Burton Carol (Lester) Elliott Renee (France) Ford Donna (Hoffman) Mashburn Jan (Strickland) Osborne


Susan (Belote) Altman

Mark Midkiff Mark Mitchell Doug Sheffer

Dena Shumate


Tim Burton Shellie (Shanko) Campbell Becky (Cabrera) Feltman Dickie Hevener

Louise (Hart) Phanstiel John Shanko

John Thompson 1977

Cheryl (Thompson) Adams Clint Davis

Jacqueline (Wheatley) Messenger

Deborah (Farsht) Miller

Jacquelyn (Hume) Mitchell Carol (Hare) Pack

Josef Spencer Mark Thomas Rick Thompson

Donna (Bondranko) Wampler

Charlene (Koliadko) Wiedemann 39


Rhonda Champion

Pamela (Napier) Consuegra

Jonna (Freeman) Davis

John Hudgins

Ruth Anne (Mayers) Labate

Jeffrey Lingerfelt

John Nunes

Laurie (Reinhardt) Salmons 2


Steve Blackburn Roland Caton

Apryl (Runyon) Donovan attended Cheryl (Jewett) Mauer attended Shawn McCrery

Kelly (Stebbins) Menhardt Mike Onoffrey attended Raymond Shields 71

Duane Swanson Stuart Ware 67


Anonymous 18 Debbie (Hevener) Battle Mark Battle attended Rocky Corner

Keli (Sheer) Mace 58

Jim Nestler Mike Price

Sandra (Johnson) Rice Rosemary (Bendall) Wilhelm 1981

Judy (Moog) Beers Kevin Beers

Mike Gentry

Joanne (Thompson) Gentry Dan Koliadko

John Meier

Janice (Henderson) Onoffrey Bonita (Joyner) Shields 1982


Randy Beers

Lisa (Saveikis) Burrow Bill Champion attended

Kimberly (Onoffrey) Heckler Stewart Hoskins attended Rose (Patton) Lang

Jenny (Young) Lingerfelt attended

Patricia (Holder) Lipscomb Perry Mace 58

Todd Martell

Brenda (Decker) Meadows Gus Mendez

Debbie (Stone) Messinger

Brenda (Hess) Peach Colt Peyton David Reile

Debbi (Mattox) Romano

Naomi Snowdy

Eric Umali

Dale Wilhelm Tony Williams 20

Daniel Wood 1983

Sheri (Bracy) Anderson Eldy Chavez

Cameron Cole

Kimberly (Hegstad) Handel 30

Louise (Ballweg) Jedamski 36 Kurt Moon

Susan (Sheer) Perkin

Elizabeth (Knickerbocker) Pettit Kerry Pryor

Pauline (Prasada-Rao) Roberts Darla (Reese) Stong Paul Ware 1984

Randy Aybar William Dawson Sydney Moon Julio Narvaez

Kellie (McCrery) Nunley Mark Rollins

Sheri-Lyn Sapp 1985 Will Anderson

Kimberly (Hudson) Bennett Pam (Alignay) Hile 1986

Philip Bennett

Aimee Ellington

Robert Knickerbocker Joseph Lowe

Donald Spady

Janel (Haas) Ware 67 Susan (Stout) Ware Duane White

1987 Troy Clark Mark Norris 15 22 37 56 60 62

Deb (Lawrence) Pizzimenti Heidi (Richards) Smith 1988

DeAnn (Champion) Bell 55 Bobby Belleza

Traci (Clark) Brossfield Eric Ellington Kelli (Fluharty) Hanon Ginger (Shutte) Manning 38 61 Jared Thompson 1989 Scot Blackburn 1991

Sherri (Vasquez) Andersson Jim Callan

Tommy Diller Todd Hollis

Sarah Jane Liers honorary Laura (Rulona) Lowe

Ruth (Halter) Straley

Cathy (Hevener) Wright 34 1992

Timothy Arena

Julie (Kumalae) Fairbank

Kristin (Shelton) Fulton Kimberly (Wilson) Wilbur 1993

Tonya (Williams) Baitinger Kebrina (Martell) Vinglas Rich Vinglas Jeremy White Shane Williams Roy Wu 22

Shenandoah Today 7

Seth Mace ‘22 Graduation Weekend Testimony

Four years have flown by so quickly. It feels like yesterday I was beginning freshman year, going to my first handshake, eating watermelon, and meeting my class. And now I’m on stage at my graduation.

I’ve made a lot of memories and friends over these last years. Some of my fondest include music tours, the New Mexico Mission Trip, class trip, baseball team, swimming down at the river with the guys, and having fun with all my friends. Many people here at SVA will go on to be my life-long friends. I have also learned many things and have grown spiritually because of the Christian atmosphere, multiple outreach opportunities, and a family of peers and mentors. I had many great mentors while attending here, but the most influential one was PH [Chaplain Tim Harley] who taught me to love the Lord and baptized me. I cannot say thank you enough for how this place has helped me grow as an individual rooted in Christ. Thank you, Shenandoah Valley Academy.

I cannot say thank you enough for how this place has helped me grow as an individual rooted in Christ.


Jeff Lowe 1995

Susan (Brighton) Banks Seth Bata

Sylvia Mack

Jennifer (LeVos) Renton Shelley (Cothern) Tenali 1996

Carin (Orange) Bata Ricky Flores Kristy Hodson James Pacylowski Paul Pelley 1997

Amber (Davis) Carr Marsha Cato

Jennifer (Lemon) Hocking AmiKay (Hebard) Pacylowski Ed Tenali Keith White 1998 Jeff Davis Rebecca (Jackson) Iwanczyk Kathy (Burgess) Corby 11 1999

Stephen Jetter Adam Lacy Kristina Zanotti Clarence Williams honorary 2000 Eric Garman Mark Mendizabal 2001

Shalyn (Crawford) Garman Katie (Whitman) Jetter 2002

Shellie (Pires) McLennan Kimberly (Schneider) Westfall 2003

Jonathan Burishkin Robert McLennan Lucy (Ramsey) Vinson Kelly Wiedemann 39 2004

Michael Miller 2006

Amanda (Lanning) Pickett Dale Pickett 2007

Heather (Blackburn) Richardson Brody Wiedemann 39 2008

Justin Feltman 2009

Richie Hevener

Dale Twomley honorary Connie Twomley honorary 2011

Justin Thompson 28 Renee (Tetz) Thompson 28 Emely Umaña 28


Chelsea (Campbell) Flores Randy Wiedemann 39 2014

Dorenda Dodge honorary Buz Menhardt honorary

2016 Nigel Msipa Jim Little honorary 2017 Madeleine Ware 2018 Taylor Belleza Trisney (Bocala) Wiedemann 39 2022 Alicia Anderson Daniel Balcarcel Colin Browne

Josiah Burge

Miguel Castillo-Cruz Nevyn Dahlberg

Aaliyah Dalhouse

Cindy De Carvalho Reis

Jenayah Dunn

Dariela Escudero Gerber

Dulce Espinal

Linton Feitosa

Sabrina Fernandez Cameron Gillett

Judah Hammond Noland Hernandez

Javier Hernandez Flores

Felicia Herrera

Hania Kantzer

Elsy Kersey

Fionette King

Jessa Kinney

Giovanna Lucasin Seth Mace

Mikaela Maloney

Caleb Roblero Melgar

Giovanna Moraes

Amaris Moreno

Calla Morgan Allen Moulder

Jessica Palacios Seth Pitton

Irma Ramirez-Garcia Sherlyn Ramos

Matthew Reedy

Ethan Reinoehl

Eliazar Sanchez

Lisbette Sanchez-Ramirez

Cathrina Schoonard

Alexa Sepúlveda Silvestre

Danyelle Slack

Elijah Smith

Barbara Suddarth honorary

Lea Swanson

Tumelo Tembo

Lex Titus

Abigail Touma

Isabelle Touma

Miguel Valdez

Judith Vargas Mendoza

Kirsten Wilkens

Abigail Willis

8 Shenandoah Today

Gifts from Individuals

Cheryl (Thompson) Adams

Imogene Akers

Alpha Joy Albeza

Geraldo Alonso

Daniel and Susan (Belote) Altman

Tom Amos 6

Alicia Anderson

John and Aleteia Anderson

Myrna Anderson

Shane and Darlene Anderson

Sheri (Bracy) Anderson

Will Anderson

Erik and Sherri (Vasquez) Andersson

Charles & Catherine Angier

Anonymous (14+)

Timothy and Heather Arena

Elmer Armstrong

Randy Aybar

Sherri Babcock

Robert Bainum

Tonya (Williams) Baitinger

Dennis Baker

Jean (Quimby) Bakland 31

Daniel Balcarcel

David Ball

Ricky and Vina Ball

Susan (Brighton) Banks

Seth and Carin (Orange) Bata

Mark and Debbie (Hevener) Battle

Carlene (Jones) Baugher

H Allen Beckwith 21

Kevin and Judy (Moog) Beers

Randy Beers

DeAnn (Champion) Bell 55

Bobby Belleza

Taylor Belleza

Eric and LuAnn Bender

Laura Benn 65

John Bennett

Kimberly (Hudson) Bennett

Philip Bennett

Timothy Best

Daniel Biaggi

Guillermo Biaggi

Patricia Bickford

Carl and Claire (Eckenroth) Blackburn

Steve and Brenda Blackburn

Scot Blackburn and Nirmala Abraham

Steve Blackwell

Forrest Blood

Linda Gay (Capman) Booth

Ruth Ann (Barron) Boston

Alex and Kelli Brady

Jared and Ashley Briggman

George and Debra (Clements) Brill 29

Jim Brodersen

Ryan and Traci (Clark) Brossfield

Deanna (Stevens) Brown

Richard Brown

Colin Browne

Faith Brown-Edwards

Lisa Bruce

Tim Bryant

Josiah Burge

Jonathan and Jennifer Burishkin

Lisa (Saveikis) Burrow

John Burton

Total: $1,848,650.00

Tim Burton

Jim and Jeannie Callan

Jim and Pam Callan

Dennis and Shellie (Shanko) Campbell

Payton and Tonya Campfield

Cheerie Lou Capman

Michael Carpenter

Amber (Davis) Carr

Donald and Adelle Carter 57

Kennedy and Helen Carter 57

Miguel Castillo-Cruz

Marsha Cato

Roland Caton

Less Chafen 1

Bill and Cindy Champion

Rhonda Champion

Eldy Chavez

Lester Chavez

Donald and Maryanne (Lord) Clark

John Clark

Troy Clark

Sandra (Eller) Clatterbuck 41

William Coffman 12 13 14

Cameron Cole

Norman Connell

Marshall Conner

Pamela (Napier) Consuegra

Florin and Adriana Copaceanu

Kathy (Burgess) Corby 11

Rocky Corner Don Correia

Wilfredo and Jocelyn Cosme

Frank and Cherith Cox

Patricia (Runion) Craw

Kevin Crawford

Nevyn Dahlberg

Aaliyah Dalhouse

Tony and Joan Daniels

Barbara Darr 16

Clint and Jonna (Freeman) Davis

Jeff Davis

Jim Davis

Randy and Ruth Davis

Ron Davis

William Dawson

Cindy De Carvalho Reis

Wendy Dean

Edward Decker

Robert Deery 8

Nancy (Coleman) DeFluiter

Morris Deshazor 18

Jean Desmarais

Jackson and Isabel DeSousa

Wayne Dickson

Tommy Diller

Bill and Dorenda Dodge

John Donaghue

David and Apryl Donovan

Joel Dortch

Eileen Dubberstein

In memory of Doug Dunbebin ‘80

Jenayah Dunn

Jean (Bender) Eckler

Aimee Ellington

Doug and Joyce (Hicks) Ellington 59

Eric Ellington

Carol (Lester) Elliott

Albert and Elaine (Lord) Ellis

Timothy & Rebecca Erdelyi

Dariela Escudero Gerber

Dulce Espinal

Tom and Shirley Evans

Joy (Pennington) Faehner

Hans and Julie (Kumalae) Fairbank

Mary Farrow

Susan (Davis) Faulconer 35

Linton Feitosa

Nikki Feliz

Gayle (Lockwood) Fell

Don and Becky (Cabrera) Feltman

Justin Feltman

Sabrina Fernandez

David Ferrell

William and Sandra Field

Ann (Thompson) Fisher

Robert J Fleckenstein 25

Chelsea (Campbell) Flores

Ricky Flores

Ingrid Flowers

Jim and Brenda (Rhodes) Fluharty

Helen Fogg

David Forbes

Renee (France) Ford

Ardebella (Dean) Fox 17

John French

Lynda French

Michael French

Susan (Altman) Fritts 5

Kristin (Shelton) Fulton George and Leanne Gainer

Ruth (Lillya) Gainer

Mike and Shirley Gammon

Eric and Shalyn (Crawford) Garman

Mari and Derek Gawrilow

Mike and Joanne (Thompson) Gentry

Devon and Hillary Genus

Cameron Gillett

Marvin Gingerich

Cliff and Sue Gleason

Barbara Graves

Richard Griffin

Art Grimes

Eddie and Betty (Davis) Haas

Leroy and Janet Haas 41

Walter Hadley

Peggy (Charles) Halifax

Diane (Wilson) Hall

Keith and Kandyce Hallam

Judah Hammond

Kimberly (Hegstad) Handel 30

Bonnie (Kelchner) Hannah 9

Kelli (Fluharty) Hanon

John and Blainette (Ullom) Hanson

Tim and Donna Harley Mark Harris

William Harris 32

Doug and Cindy Harsany

Kimberly (Onoffrey) Heckler

Ryan & Carrie Heilman

Manfred Heinrich

Della (Sincavage) Heisey 33

Sue (Harless) Henson

Coralee (Errigo) Herbst 50

Joyce Hermann

Noland Hernandez

Javier Hernandez Flores

Andrew and Esther Herold

Felicia Herrera

Alfred Hess

Dickie and Denise Hevener

Lacy Hevener 34

Richie Hevener

Les and June Highsmith 57

Pam (Alignay) Hile

Dave and Denise Hintz

Richard and Marta Hintz

Jennifer (Lemon) Hocking

Wanda Hodges

Kristy Hodson

William and Laura Hoffman

Elvin and Patricia (Tucker) Hold

Todd Hollis

Bill Hooker

L. Faye (Holland) Horner

Stewart Hoskins

Vernon and Joan Hsu

John Hudgins

Ruth Imbraguglio 39

Gregory Isaacs

Colleen (Harnett) Isbell

Marjorie (Disney) Ivany

Rebecca (Jackson) Iwanczyk

Donald Jackson

Shanteny Jackson

Matthew and Bonita James

Mary Jaroche

Bernhart and Louise (Ballweg) Jedamski 36

Stephen and Katie (Whitman) Jetter

Estelle (Stigler) Johnson

June Jordan

James Joseph

Sharyn Joseph

Hania Kantzer

Verne Kemerer 10

Elsy Kersey

Cwilla Kincaid

Fionette King

Francis and Sally King

Clayton and Ausma Kinney

Jessa Kinney

Delsie (Pack) Knicely 48

Robert Knickerbocker

Ryan and Jaclyn Knight

Dan Koliadko

Jean (Lesher) Krenrich

Ruth Anne (Mayers) Labate

Adam Lacy

Steve Laing

Dolores Lam

Ron Lane

Steven and Rose (Patton) Lang

Gary and Janet (Sorensen) Langston

Andrew Lechler

Kaleb and Heather Leeper

Wayne and Patty (Hevener) Lemon

Dan and Carol Lewis

Gerard and Sophia Lewis

Gil Lewis 70

Bill and Lynn Liers

Lou Ann Liers 3

Shenandoah Today 9

Sarah Jane Liers

Jeff and Jenny Lingerfelt

Patricia (Holder) Lipscomb

Rusty Litten

Jim Little

Rene and Evelyn Lopez

Jeff Lowe

Joseph and Laura (Rulona) Lowe

Giovanna Lucasin

Perry and Keli (Sheer) Mace 58

Seth Mace

Sylvia Mack

Jerson Malaguit

Carolyn Malin Brown 41

Mikaela Maloney

Ginger (Schutte) Manning 38 61

William Mansfield

Todd Martell

Helen (Hornbaker) Martin 43

Charles and Juanita Martin

Mark and Donna (Hoffman) Mashburn

Ina (Fox) Masters

Cheryl Mauer

David and Dawn (Tattrie) Mayers 47

Shawn McCrery

Ina (Dunn) McFarland

Bill and Kitty (Bird) McGhinnis

Robert and Shelley (Pires) McLennan

Vincent and Deborah (DeBois) McMillen

Tom and Sharon (Turner) McNeilus

Mary (Purdie) McPherson

Brenda (Decker) Meadows

John Meier

Ole and Gail (Hevener) Melkersen

Gus Mendez

Mark Mendizabal

Buz and Kelly (Menhardt) Menhardt

Jason Merryman

Jacqueline (Wheatley) Messenger

Debbie (Stone) Messinger

Mark Midkiff

Carl Miller

Deborah (Farsht) Miller

Gordon and Rita Miller

Jacqueline Miller

Michael and Christina Miller

Jean (Cash) Minton

Mark and Jaquelyn (Hume) Mitchell

Kianna Mohns

Nelson Molina

Cynthia Montalban

Kurt and Jill Moon

Sydney Moon

Giovanna Moraes

Amaris Moreno

Calla Morgan

Dwight and Ellen Morgan 51

Cheryl Morrisette 57

Allen Moulder

Nigel Msipa

Gerald and Bonnie Muhs

Daniel Mundy, Sr

Teresa Munoz

Maria Munoz Aneiros

Julio Narvaez

Jim Nestler

Orlando and Sara Newball

Victoria Nicolaus

Jay Nixon 41

Paul Noblitt

Mark Norris 15 22 37 56 60 62

Dennis Norris and Shelva Elliott

John Nunes

Kellie (McCrery) Nunley

Carolyne Onkoba

Mike and Janice (Henderson) Onoffrey Bill and Jan (Strickland) Osborne

Maria Osvold

Carol Pack

James and Ami (Hebard) Pacylowski

Arul Pakkianathan

Jessica Palacios

Neil Palmer 52

Betty Park

Kathryn (Thornton) Parrish 10 27 44

Joyce Patrick 49

Mike and Becky Patrick

Junice (Sowers) Patton 52

Lynne Patton

Brenda (Hess) Peach

Paul Pelley

Sharon (Shanko) Pelton

Rick and Marilyn (Miles) Perez 4

Ron and Susan (Sheer) Perkin

Herbert and Katie Perry

Stig and Kari Petersen

Elizabeth (Knickerbocker) Pettit

Colt Peyton Howard and Louise (Hart) Phanstiel

Norma (Maberry) Phillips

Dale and Amanda (Lanning) Pickett

Barbara Pierce 57

Janine Pierre-Louis Hudson

Seth Pitton

Deb (Lawrence) Pizzimenti

Julio and Mirta Portillo-Rodriguez

Andy and Stephanie Powell

Cayse Powell

Kathryn (Fagal) Prall 23

Mike Price

Kerry Pryor

Alviria Quispe

Irma Ramirez-Garcia

Sherlyn Ramos

Gerald and Sherry (Newman) Ramsey

Melanie (Clemmer) Rapp

Derek and Yani Raymond

Clay and Donna (Tucker) Read

Corinne (Spangler) Reasner

Matthew Reedy

David Reile and Barbara Suddarth

Ethan Reinoehl

John and Jennifer (LeVos) Renton

Gary Reynolds

Max Ribeiro

Sandra (Johnson) Rice

David and Anita (Bestpitch) Richards

Jeff and Heather (Blackburn) Richardson

Gloria (Shauf) Rickard

Pauline (Prasada Rao) Roberts

Robert Robinson

Caleb Roblero Melgar

Mirta Rodriguez

Gordon and Ellen Rogers

Stephen and Emily Rogers

Mark Rollins

Debbi (Mattox) Romano

Vernal Roseval

Daniel Royo Melba Rulona

Marsha Rumsey

Laurie (Reinhardt) Salmons Mariano Samayoa

Eliazar Sanchez

Lisbette Sanchez-Ramirez

Sheri-Lyn Sapp

Rosimar Savegnago

Richard and Nancy (Waddell) Schell

Ellie (Stant) Scheresky 64

Cate Schoonard

Sam Schutte

Karen Senecal

Alexa Sepulveda Silvestre

James Shanko 57

John and Patti Shanko

Karen Shea

Doris (Novak) Sheer

Doug Sheffer

Reginald Sherrill

Raymond Shields 71

Roy and Bonita (Joyner) Shields

Donald and Laura Short

Bonnie (Bowman) Showalter

Carl and Linda (Yates) Showers Rick and Susan (Koliadko) Shull Dena Shumate Nye Simmons

Danyelle Slack

Brenda Smith

Eli Smith

Heidi (Richards) Smith Sarah (Myers) Smith Kendell Snedden

Naomi Snowdy

Kenny Sobremisana

Donald Spady

Josef Spencer

Nigel Standish John Stant

David and Linda Stewart Donald and Linda Stewart Rick Stewart

Silas Still

Jeff and Darla (Reese) Stong

Ruth (Halter) Straley

Bryce Strawderman

Hilton and Doris (Smith) Suddarth*

Lea Swanson

Richard and Linda Taliaferro 40

Charles Tapp

Thomas and Bennessa Tarbay Tumelo Tembo

Ed and Shelley (Cothern) Tenali Alice (Mace) Thomas

Dustin Thomas Mark Thomas Nelson Thomas

Jared Thompson John Thompson

Justin and Renee (Tetz) Thompson 28

Patty (Murray) Thompson 46 Rick Thompson

Lex Titus

Carol (Johnson) Tol 10

Abigail Touma

Isabelle Touma

James and Freida Townsend

Richard and Ellen Tucker

Merlin and Anita Tweedy-Debusk Dale and Connie Twomley

Eric Umali

Emely Umaña 28

Miguel Valdez

Glenis Valera

Owen Van Kirk

Robert Van Ornam

David VandeVere

Abel Vargas

Judith Vargas-Mendoza Dyanne Vasquez

Jose Vazquez

Gamaliel Velasquez

Rich and Kebrina (Martell) Vinglas

Lucy (Ramsey) Vinson

Connie (Tucker) Wagner

John and Lilya Wagner 69

James Walker

James and Priscilla (Philips) Walters 42 53

Donna (Bondranko) Wampler

Henry and Harriett Ware

Madeleine Ware

Paul and Susan (Stout) Ware

Stuart and Janel (Haas) Ware 67

Luz Washington

Dianne (Knight) Watts

Yenerlly Waugh

Shirley Westberg

Kimberly (Schneider) Westfall Bill and Janet White

Duane and Tammy White

Gerald and Caroline (Purdie) White Jeremy and Deborah White Keith White Keith E White

Ron and Debbie (Donachy) White Cezar and Helena Wichert

Brody Wiedemann 39 Kelly Wiedemann 39

Randy and Trisney (Bocala) Wiedemann 39 Werner and Charlene (Koliadko) Wiedemann 39 Warren and Kimberly (Wilson) Wilbur

Dale and Rosemary (Bendall) Wilhelm

Kirsten Wilkens

Charles and Bonnie (Boyts) Wilkens* David Wilkens*

Clarence Williams

Elaine (Willis) Williams

Shane Williams

Tony and Tracey Williams 20

Abigail Willis

Bruce and Joanie (Hooker) Wilson David and Theresa Wilson 24

Ken Wilson

Sam Wine

Daniel and Anda Wood

Donald Wood

Reg Woodruff

John and Daveen Woods

Cathy (Hevener) Wright 34

Roy Wu 22

Clifford and Jackie (Witt) Yarnell

Kristina Zanotti

Carl Zentz

10 Shenandoah Today

Juridia (Juri) Castellanos ‘25 Parents Weekend Testimony

I have wanted to come to SVA since I was in sixth grade. I don’t know how many times I’ve prayed that if it’s God’s will I would come to SVA, and now I’m here.

So far I have loved almost every part of SVA. I say almost because there are some struggles and challenges. Overall, I love it here. I love my friends, the activities, and the opportunities SVA has for each one of the students. But over all that, I love my roommate Yuri. One of my favorite memories so far in the dorm has been cooking tacos and pupusas with my roommate and inviting friends to come eat some good food. We also have daily worships when our deans tell us stories about when they’ve really seen Jesus work in their lives, or they share devotionals, and they also give us life lessons. I’ve learned that God can work in people’s lives, and I’ve seen it while at SVA. I am grateful to my parents for the sacrifices they have made that makes it possible for me to be here today. I am looking forward to the rest of my years here, to keep seeing God work in my life, and to continue growing in my relationship with Him.

I love my friends, the activities, and the opportunities SVA has for each one of the students.

Community & Corporate Gifts

Total: $1,267,600.00

7th Day Grace SDA Church

Adventist Health Care

Shady Grove Medical Center

Alexandria SDA Church

Community Praise Center

Amazon Smile Foundation

Andrews University

Anonymous (3)

Bainum Family Foundation 7

In memory of Jane Goyne Bainum ‘38

Bealeton Spanish SDA Church

Beltsville SDA Church

Benevity Community Impact Fund

Big Daddy Diesel

Bladensburg SDA Church

Buena Vista SDA Church

Burnt Mills SDA Church

Canon City SDA Church

Carter Memorial SDA Church

Champion Lawncare

Columbia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Courthouse Road SDA Church

Culpeper Hispanic SDA Church

Davis Dental Centers

Delancey Spanish SDA Church

Dominion Foundation

Eastwood SDA Church

Edge Design Build Inc

El Paso Central SDA Church

Elkton SDA Church

Fordham Spanish SDA Church

Fredericksburg SDA Church

G Gordon Hadley MD Foundation

General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

GHRoW Foundation Inc

Gloucester SDA Church

Goldsboro SDA Church

Hanon Pediatrics LLC

Harrisonburg SDA Church

Harrisonburg Spanish SDA Church

Hevener’s Cars and Trucks

Iglesia Adventista Hispana Norwalk

Kroger School Rewards

Langley Park Spanish SDA Church

Laurel Maranatha SDA

Mainely Properties

Manassas SDA Church

McKee Foods Corporation

Merck Foundation

Murphy Family Giving Fund 45

In memory of Livia Modra Freyman Murphy ‘56

Network for Good

New Market Rotary Club

New Market SDA Church

New York Life - Blackbaud Giving Fund YourCause

North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists

Ohio Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Olney SDA Church

Paul Davis Restoration

Peninsula Korean SDA Church

Pennsylvania Avenue SDA Church

Potomac Conference

Education Foundation

Potomac Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Redeeming Grace Fellowship SDA Church

R/S Foundation

Saint Paul Spanish SDA Church

Seventh Day Grace Church

Seventh-day Adventist Church of Burr Ridge

SFFC Foundation - Partnering for Eternity (formerly ASSIST)

Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative

Silver Spring SDA Church

Silver Spring Spanish SDA Church

Southern Adventist University

Southern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Staunton SDA Church

Tappahannock SDA Church

Texico Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Timothy J. Burton Construction

Tranquility SDA Church

University SDA Church

Valley Christian Assembly, Inc

Vienna SDA Church

Washington Brazilian SDA Church

Waynesboro SDA Church

Weeks Spanish SDA Church

Wheaton Spanish SDA Church

Woodstock Spanish SDA Church

Educational Subsidy

Total: $950,000.00*

Potomac Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

*Subsidy not included in FY2022 Giving Total, see pg. 5

Shenandoah Today 11

Total: $39,770.00

Endowment Scholarship Recipients

Cynthia Alejandre-Palacios

Excellentia Worthy Student: $1,550

Ellie Anderson

Feltman Family Spiritual Leadership: $497

Angela Bravo Clarence & Elsie Pohle Worthy Student: $280

Avery Browne

Ellen Quackenbush Carey: $110 Feltman Family Spiritual Leadership: $497

Walter B. Sheer MD & Doris Sheer: $220

Zion Calvin Don & Becky Feltman Baseball: $244

Saray Castillo

Special Worthy Student-Medical Career Interest Scholarship in Memory of Betty Mace Hevener ‘55: $1,000

Nolynn Dahlberg Josef Spencer Music: $150

Emma Davis Julia Kay Blair Mission Trip: $212

Nathaniel Fairbank Herb Copenhaver Science: $190

Joey Franco

Jean Hicks Alexander Worthy Student: $210

Lucas Ferrez

Excellentia Worthy Student: $500 Special Worthy Student-Medical Career Interest Scholarship in Memory of Betty Mace Hevener '55: $1,000

Raquel Gomez

Shirley Cruze John ‘49 Worthy Student: $150

Kevin Guzman

Excellentia Worthy Student: $1,000

Colten Hartman

Claoma Suhrie Fearing Worthy Student: $200 Don & Becky Feltman Baseball: $244 Wilfred Meyers Worthy Student: $530

Donovan Hernandez

Frank E. Shaw Worthy Student: $410

Katherin Hernandez

Class of 1977 Friendship Worthy Student: $300

Kristiana Hoffman Feltman Family Spiritual Leadership: $497

Hania Kantzer Edward O. Spencer Worthy Student: $220*

Leo Lam Don & Becky Feltman Baseball: $244

Jeanette Mahoro Excellentia Worthy Student: $2,000

Nancy Majano Lester Patton Worthy Student: $390

Anaiah McCalla

Kathleen Wu Facemire Basketball: $200

Omaris Mercado

Excellentia Worthy Student: $1,000

Kylie Mitchell Chuck & Sarah Jane Liers Worthy Student: $120

Nicanor Montiel de la Cruz Frank & Emily Banzhaf: $750

Daniela Munoz John Minesinger Worthy Student: $800

Marietta Nagy Pearl Dieter Worthy Student: $60

Chase Parnell Don & Becky Feltman Baseball: $244

Anisa Phillip Wiedemann-Koliadko Music in Memory of Lilian Koliadko Shanko 1920: $500

Melissa Portillo

Class of 2013 Worthy Student: $190

Rebecca Reiss

Wilfred Meyers Worthy Student: $530

John Minesinger Worthy Student: $800

Mia Rivera Earnest & Louise Thompson Worthy Student: $1,000

Jose Roblero Don & Becky Feltman Baseball: $244

Ettienne Rodriguez Paul & Doris Riley Worthy Student: $150

Carla Rosas John & Vilas Mansfield Worthy Student: $160

Alonso Sanchez Samuel Aitchison Worthy Student: $160

Eunice Sanchez W. C. Hannah Worthy Student: $140

Micah Shull Don & Becky Feltman Baseball: $244 Kent Sterling Grimm Memorial: $270

Camila Soriano Thoma Suzanne Alderman Worthy Student: $110

Guerdy Thomas Excellentia Worthy Student: $500 Edna Stoneburner Worthy Student: $40

Samantha Trigo Carolyn Madden Nash Music: $120

Crystal Vargas Class of 1974 Worthy Student: $70

Heily Vigil Allan Blackburn-DiAnn Copenhaver Sportsmanship: $350

Jazmine Willis William & Jean Quackenbush Strickland Worthy Student: $300

Scholarships and Programs Supported by Endowments & Special Gifts
12 Shenandoah Today
*Scholarships applied to student contracts for the 2022-2023 school year, unless applied in 2021-2022 which is noted by an asterisk.

Ann (Gaby) Goncalves ’23

Parents Weekend Testimony

I’d been in public school my whole life and when we went online because of Covid I really wanted to be somewhere in person. My plan was to stay for one year, but I ended up really loving it here and now I’m graduating.

I see Christ at SVA in the way the students serve in many ministries on and off campus Whether mission trips, church services, music, or Week of Prayer, students are involved and put so much work into the things they love to do to minister to others. We have a variety of students with many different talents and the ways they use them shows me God is here at SVA working through us. As part of the New Mexico Mission Trip last year, what I did there helped me grow closer to God because I saw how our work impacted others. I see how God works through us to spread His love.

SVA has given me the opportunity to learn more about Jesus. I grew up in an Adventist home and went to church my whole life. However, attending public school, what I learned from my parents and church was all my knowledge about God. I’ve learned many new things in religion classes and it’s brought me closer to God because now I know Him in ways that I didn’t before. SVA has been a life-changing experience and I am forever grateful.

I see how God works through us to spread His love.

When I first came to SVA, I was happy to be here and thought I was ready for the challenge to be on my own. But what I thought was going to be a great year was my worst year in high school.

In a few weeks I started failing my classes and my parents found out. They talked to me about applying myself in school. But I didn’t listen to them and got annoyed every time they talked about my grades. My 10th grade year, I decided to do better, so I prayed and asked God to guide me. And that is what He did. He put mentors in my life like Mr. Lowe and Mr. Leeper, and all the deans. They talked to me and helped me understand the importance of doing well in school. They worked with me and encouraged me to get my studies done, and I listened and applied myself to my classes. And my parents didn’t have to tell me to do better any more… because I was doing better on my own. Now I apply myself the best way I can in all my classes. And now I remember God has a plan for me. And I have a plan for myself. And I continue to let God guide me in the right direction.

I prayed and asked God to guide me. And that is what he did.

Shenandoah Today 13
Zion Calvin ’23 Parents Weekend Testimony

Come home to Shenandoah!

Alumni Weekend April 14-16, 2023

Honor Classes:

Friday, April 14

8:00am Golf Tournament 6:00pm Reception, Registration, Business Meeting 8:00pm Vespers

Sabbath, April 15 9:00am Registration 10:00am Church Service (No Sabbath School) 12:00pm Honor Class Photos 12:00pm Lunch for All & Honor Reunions

2:30pm Zirkle Gym Ribbon Cutting Celebration

Saturday Night, April 15 9:00pm Alumni Basketball (Ladies First)

Sunday, April 16

9:30am Principal’s View Breakfast Talk about SVA today!

Alumni Orchestra Contact:

Weekend and Golf Contact: 540-740-2202

234 W Lee Hwy, New Market, VA 22844

Shenandoah Valley Academy


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