Shengchen yang portflio 2013

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Shengchen Yang +4407598971528

architecture portfolio

Detriort mix-use complex 2012 solo work

Architecture design work

position of two towers were placed according to the arraignment of circulation and maximum sunlight. Skyscraperskirt's entrance facing south and main street, in order to put sunlight into indoor garden. Study from building mass, a cut in the mass minimums the impact towards the garden and maximum getting sunlight. At the same time creating a conversation between auditorium and residential terrace. From building mass, twisting two towers to minimums the impact to existing context, increasing sunlight area and minimums high rise wind load.

The connection between two towers set apar t from residential a n d c o m m e rc i a l , creating a public space, generating the conversation between the complex and the city. The garden in the skirt building is another public space providing the leisure space for whole complex.

twisted floor and terrace

31th floor/Air Club plan

main structure frame

4nd floor/Auditorium level plan

sub-structure frame

twisted structure construction 2nd floor/indoor graden plan

Hybrid stacked 2011 solo work

Suburban Typology

(Mix-use housing project) parking

There are four lanes of traffic on 9 mile road. The proposed scheme turns two of them into a green buffer, to make it more friendly and creat a stronger connection with the proposed green space.

Creating a new small scale porous urban space to create microurbanisms for the residents of Ferndale The project promotes interactions between a variety of people and encourages encounters in the public spaces that vary from commercial, residential, educational and recreational. Penthouse Plan







Green park


typical american suburban lifestyle

typical american suburban lifestyle

replace by

Urban Typology

green space

The fourth floor has three lofts and two three-bedrooms. A numbers of balconies provide outdoor space. The huge exhibition space connecting the two big public terraces provide a flexible space, which can hold many kinds of city events.

Upper level

4th Floor Plan

Under level

The second Floor has a public space. The restaurant takes one of the four wings to encourage people to enjoy urban life.

South Elevation massing study mass on site

circulation study )

North Elevation

All public functions are on the ground level, including a Bar, art gallery, retail space and amphitheatre. It has connections with the green spaces surrounding and penetrating the project.

2nd/3rd Floor Plan One Bedroom Unit(650sf)

Program Layout

All public functions are on the ground level, including a Bar, art gallery, retail space and amphitheatre. It has connections with the green spaces surrounding and penetrating the project. Ground Floor Plan

East Elevation

The underground floor solves the parking problem. It also offers storage rooms for the residents. There are 9 underground, sound insulated musicians studios, which have sky light.

The underground floor solves the parking problem. It also offers storage rooms for the residents. There are 9 underground, sound insulated musicians studios, which have sky light.

Undergound Floor Plan

Two Bedrooms Unit (900sf

Perspective section

A-A section

B-B section

Building Sturcture The structure is a flat slab concrete construction with concrete columns. The 8 inche concrete slab with reinforced steel bars can hold the entire load of the building without using beams.

HVAC System Proposed HVAC system is central air conditioning units. Since the building is nearly symmetrical, two rooftop single-packaged units are locate on each side of rooftop. Heating and cooling pipes are connecting furnaces of each of the units of the building.

wall section


Interchange City (high density mix-use tower research project ) 2011 group work

Acdamic research

3D garden study

Interchange city is an urban/architecture study of density compact traditional chinese courtyard/garden, and city fabric or formation of big city like shanghai. Making a residential/commercial personal for shanghai at the same time.

unit agregation Li long stackinganalysis

Chinese courtyard stacking analysis




Tower section analysis Twin tower development































Robotic Arm Fabrication

Modelling and physical properties exploration

Physical simulation

( Swarming Robotic braiding project) The bartlett school of architecture March GAD 2013 group of 3 Borrowing the ideas of the model we did above, we also trying to simplify the logic and transfer it into something easy to fabricate. The series diagram indicate the study of depositing wire on rigid frames from bottom to top. The process is very easy and can be complete by robot arm.

Building mobile robots

Multi-robotic system fabrication MANUFACTURING ASSEMBLE Components preparation

Laying out all the component and ready to put them together.

We got involved in a 9 days summer workshop with Tsinghua University in Beijing. Local human resource and goods supply really increase the efficiency of the assembling and lower the coat a lot. 9 days workshop was spend in Beijing with 5 students built robot from scratch. Including purchasing parts, laser cutting, assembling, adjustment, and many other processes. 30 mobile robots was made using local material and resources in Beijing to create multi-robotic swarming system to braid structures. With larger population of this robots, higher resolution fabric can be fabricated.

Half done robots Robots armyďźš 30 mobile robots was made using local material and resources in Beijing to create multirobotic swarming system to braid structures. With larger population of this robots, higher resolution fabric can be fabricated.

Colum Representation With the study and development of agent behaviors, we achieve the ability to create different characters and texture of the braided fabric. Then we focus on creating smaller scale architectures components to test out our theory and techniques.

Project Brief This is the project using agency to create dynamic woven fabric. Not only surfaces, but also three dimensional organism tissue like architecture. Programming agents to control space configuration, quality and structure distribution and performance, simultaneously enjoying properties of living organic structure. Porosity, adhesion, structural integrity, and adaptation.

Braided Elevation The elevation of the column reveal not only evolve and massive trend of the structure, but local detail texture and intricacy as well. Rendering shows internal space and detail of adhesion. Even if thread was braid into clear cluster, a subconnection and adhesion could still be achieved to create integrity of whole structure.

Resolution of structure The layers of agents can be represent the hierarchy of threads. In variation of scale and resolution, one thread in macroscopic scale can be composite by a cluster thread microcosmic scale.

A rc h i t e c t u r e h a s b e e n a l way s faced different difficult situation and crisis. In order to survive in changing environments, adaptability should be given to architecture. By learning from biological selforganizing system, designers could create buildings enjoy an openend adaptability, throughout all design phase, construction phase and occupation phase. So, we come up with a hypothesis that selforganized behavior based system can be a mean to make architecture more adaptive and achieve biological open-ended adaptability with decentralized, parallel and redundancy building system, throughout design phase, construction phase, and the occupation phase. The adaptability will be truly dynamic and consistently ke e p a d a p t i n g eva l u a t i n g a n d mutating. Complex adaptive behaviors frequently found in biology _ such as collective organization of locks of birds and school of fish were deployed as a model f or robotic manufacturing of increased resolution fabric of space. This model was applied to the behavior of robotic swarms as possible speculative scenario for the future of construction. Such algorithmically trained swarm is designed to weave intricate spatial fabrics. In so constructed design ecology, students worked on simulation processes to develop series of speculative designs for the space ďŹ lling fabrics. These kind of light tensile structures are characterized by high intricacy, ability to organize heterogeneous spatial sequences and yield fresh aesthetics for architectural and design applications. Recent developments of ďŹ bers and new high-performance materials can help us envision high performance structures, whereby different ďŹ bers of architectural fabrics such as infrastructural elements (light, energy storage and transmission, multi-colored patterns and similar) can be interwoven into super-structure.

Redundancy study

PRARNET ////////////// Directed by Alisa Andrasek / Daghan Cam / Maj Plemenitas Shengchen Yang / Tianqi Wang / Mo Wang ////(Braid) Scripting / Simulation: Softimage ++ Arduino

This is one section piece of the column showing the space quality the structure can achieve. Within increasing the density of braiding, the structure can also appear to be very solid and begin to form a certain geometry.

Braiding structure enjoy very high structure performance created by these individual interlocking strand. By programming agent behavior, a global geographic emigration can be achieved. In this global pattern, one thread was structurely spport by many of others, even if one or a few threads fail, it wouldn't affect on the whole systems. As one of results using self-organized multi-agent system, the structure will acquire the features which make building's system more adaptive and resilient-decentralization and parallelism. Hundreds of continues threads go across from top to bottom are braided into one integral structure. According to law of physic, load will be distributed almost evenly to each of thread.

By giving them behaviours like agents in simulations, robots are Multi-robotic programmed to be controlled by a computer code just like how we Behavior-based control agents in simulation, also the way they interact with the system neighbouring agent to build up a structure. bricks and system should be merged between human and machine, rather than using robotic B - B O T c o u l d duplicate human or the replacement for labour. Instead of design of h ave a b e h av i o r of their own, to the layout is already predefined and programmed for the drones. acquire swarming intelligence, B e h a v i o r- b a s e d robotic system need to be developed. It could adapt to local environment and the system will be flexibility scalability and self organize, also can be controlled by feeding data. Instead running a predetermine paths simulated i n c o m p u t e r. The robots could have behaviors of their own, and become real agent themselves. In order to achieve a selforganizing systems and swarming intelligence, B e h a v i o r- B a s e d Robotic system need to be created, which have the ablity to adapt to local environments. It will be flexibility scalability and self organize, also can be controlled by feeding data. We believe that the mobile robots have a better application than just placing of bricks and system should be merged between human and machine, rather than using robotic duplicate human or the replacement for labour.

Parasite structure We are developing a system could lead to space creation, space filing and organization and deployment strategies for many different site conditions. The tensile structure will also be parasite structure, survive upon host structure. The structure has a big variation of scales. It could be as small as a pavilions as a section built under bridges of highways, or as large as a inhabitable parasite structure built on a suspension bridge.

High population agent systems increase the resolution of the fabric of architecture through local interaction and replication these systems generate a heterogeneous intricacy. The open nature of Processing enables agency to be encoded within diverse substrates. Consequently the notion of the agent can be expanded from a position or vector to consider the agency of a line, network, surface or component.

The diagram shows the prototype of the braiding robots--B-BOT. Built in with 7 infrared sensors and 3 light sensors, B-BOT has the ability to detect surrendering obstacles, other B-BOT, boundary condition and lightness of environments. In order to create knots, we programmed the robots to move circling around each other as basic fabrication behaviour.

Multi-robotic Fabrication In near future, the whole robotic systems can function all bases on physical sensing and reacting. For the experiment of bridge scenario, we can put the save sensors monitoring the bridge into these mobile robots. A huge numbers of the robot provide a wider sensing range and more accurate data. On the other hands, this local data collect by local robots can also feed on them and lead their behaviours. Then, after setting up this system, we can deploy a few hundreds or thousands of these robots and they will behave fully on their own. They can finish constrictions without further interfere of human beings only adapt to their environments. These robots will work like silkworms weaving it own cocoon.

As we have explained before, a light projector was used to feed light data to the robot the control their distributions and global behavior. With this global control, we can distribute the robotic systems to create the structure where we want or simulated.Globally speaking, we can simulated the agents swarming in computer according to the space or any form we designed and project to the robot. Locally speaking, B-BOT can only recognize the very neighbor robots around them, the individual doesn't have the concept of clustering or grouping. With the control of projector, we can divided them into different clusters and then switch the members to create the bifurcate and branching.

Competition entry 2010 group work

2012 eVolo competition entry honorable mention work with Ying Xiao

2012 d3 competition entry work with Ying Xiao

housing units




Zombie safe house competition comic






Other work

11 7




shanghai internatioal sicence and art exhibition & shenzhen workshop

Digital Fabrication

Fasion Show


Design and making CNC milling shelf

shanghai international science and art exhibition shanghai international science and art exhibition

2013 Bartlett exhibition 2013B-RPO Bartlett B-RPO exhibition


occupy skyscraper

occupy skyscraper

evolo skyscrapers

future architecture magazine

occupy skyscraper



March. GAD

publisher: eVolo (1 July 2012) ISBN: 978-0981665849

publisher: Boundaries.International Architectural magazine ASIN: B008PYADZ0


publisher: Future Arquitecturas ISBN: 9788461388554

graduate architectural design

publisher: Bartlett school of Architecture, UCL ISBN: 978-0-9572355-6-4

Intern work

Work Experience

Shengchen Yang

Architectual Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University Designer Assistant (Intern) ROSSETTI Research Assistant (part time) Jiuyuan International Construction Consultants Ltd Designer Assistant (Intern) Beijing Jimei Design Co., Ltd Designer Assistant (part time)

Nationality: China Room 438, 65 Three Colts Ln London Borough of Tower Hamlets, E2 6BF

Email: tel: +44 07598971528

Education Master University College London The Bartlett school of Architecture March Graduate Architectural Design Bachelor Lawrence Technological University College of Architecture and Design (30 out of approximate 500 architecture college in U.S) Bachelor of Architecture Design Deans’ honor student

London, UK Sep.2012—Sep.2013

Southfield, MI, USA Sep, 2011- May, 2013

Jun.2012- Sep.2012 May. 2012 Jun.2011- Sep.2011 Jun.2010- Sep.2011

Academic workshop experience Tsinghua Architecture Summer School Parametric Design Workshop Teaching assistant Smart Geometry 2013 Conference attendee Shanghai non-linear design workshop , China , group project leader

summer 2011, summer 2012, summer 2013 Apr. 2013 Jun. 2010, Jun.2011

Publications/website: GENWARE| Biothing's Kernel

Sichuan University (top 10 in China, 985 project university) School of Architecture Bachelor of Architecture Design

Chengdu, China Sep. 2007- Sep.2011

Sep. 2013

March. GAD, (2012-2013) The bartlett school of architecture Revealing Architecture Design : Method, Frameworks and Tools

Mar. 2013 Dec. 2012

ISBN-10: 0415639026 | ISBN-13: 978-0415639026

School Internship Experience

future 未来 arquitecturas 建筑

Nov. 2012

Vice-president of Badminton Association of SCU Vice department director of artistic literature department of SCU

BOUNDARIES International Architecural Magazine eVolo skyscrapers (magzine)

Jun. 2012

Nov. 2011

Symbolic City Shanghai International Design and Art Exhibition 2010 Chinese Elements Shanghai International Design and Art Exhibition 2011

Academic achievement: competition honor/awards : eVolo skyscraper competition 2012 Honorable Mention (Occupy Skyscraper/ ranked 5th) d3 Natural Systems competition 2010 special mention (Sponge City)& A Tsinghua Architecture Summer School Parametric Design Workshop 2013 First Prize

exhabitions Interactive Shanghai Digital Architecture-Bejing Design Week 2013 The Bartlett B-Pro Show Shanghai International Design and Art Exhibition 2011 Shanghai International Design and Art Exhibition 2010

scholarship awards : Deans Honor, Lawrence technological university, U.S

Aug. 2013 Oct. 2013 Sep. 2013 Jun. 2011 Jun. 2010

Personal skills Software: Rhino, Grasshopper, Maya, Softimage, Processing, Audruino, Auto CAD, Sketch up, Revit, llustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Microsoft office. Basic Architecture design skills Languages: Chinese (Mandarin), English(Fluent speaking and writing) Recommended professor: Alisa Andrasek BIOTHING | principal BLOOM GAMES | partner UCL Bartlett | director GAD 0044(0)754 533 8136

Nov. 2011 Jun. 2011

I am genuinely applying a position in your reputable company. Those projects has been done over years are very appealing to me, and it will be a valuable and productive experience working there. At the meanwhile, I believe I can also bring efficiency and contributions to the firm. Five years of experience studying aboard(over U.S. and UK) combine with my own culture, I have been trained to think on many angles and many ways. I can speak Chinese and English, and also my professional education background on both country can help your project oversea in a lot of ways. Also, 5 years basic training in architecture and an half year of internship let me can develop scheme through two dimensional plan, section drawing as well as three dimensional modeling and rendering. What's more, lots of award winning completion projects show my conceptual development ability. I have been in touch with parametric design since freshman and I mainly study computational design in The Bartlett school of architecture with Alisa Andrasek, who also highly recommend me. I have a abundant teaching experience of different workshops in China or oversea. I am a talent designer and also a fast learner. I can use many software to develop a project form different angle or one to dig deeper. It will be my great honor to be one of you. Looking forward to talk further.


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