Shengran zheng 710821 algorithm sketch book

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ALGORITHM SKETCH BOOK Shengran Zheng 710821

CONTENT WEEK 1: Design a vase using lofting and patterning skills WEEK 2: Point Curve Surface WEEK3: WEEK4: WEEK5: WEEK6: WEEK7: WEEK8: WEEK9: WEEK10: WEEK11: WEEK12:

WEEK 1 Lofting and Patterning

Vase 1 Spiral lofting


Using polar point to make spiral. Move and scale the spiral along z axis. The spiral pattern is followed certain math rule.


Vase 2

Merge Rotate LOft Isometric

Bottom shape is a circle and gradually change to a triangle. The section twisted along the z axis. lines of section

Vase 3

Merge Scale Rotate Loft


Bottom shape is a circle and gradually change to a triangle. The section rotated and scaleed along the z axis. LInes of section

Vase 4

Graft Mapper and Rotate

Changing the parameters result in different shape and pattern.


Create two curve and rebuilt with control point

WEEK 2 Point Curve Surface

Practice 1 Morph

Loft the curves into surface

Divide the surface with ”divide domian” Set twist boxes along the surface

Using “Morph“ Function Set different Geometry, Target and Refernece

Create Square points and force feild (linear field & sping field) Set the strength and radius

Practice 2 Field force

Evaluate the feild and using feild strength as the p of Gradient Using “Costom Preview“ to show the color at the e



Merge and Evaluate the force field and create Feild Line

WEEK 3 patterning list

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