Shen He Final Por.olio Architecture 101 City College of San Francisco 05/19/2014
Project DescripBon • According to this semester’s topic – “the wall transfigured”, we are required to explore the “memories resurrected, reconfigured, and propagated”. This is a 1:1 full size construcBon which is located in the second floor of Batmale Hall. Although our group did not have a specific name for our design, I named it as “spider web”
Spider Web
LocaBon Batmale Hall
Site Sunlight Analysis
Individual Design I
• The requirement of this model is secBoning. I had the idea from propeller. I made two circle as the connecBon. Then, I put different shape connected to the circle.
Individual Design II
I had the idea from spiral staircases. So I aLached triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon and round together to make a cumulaBve shape.
Group Conceptual Design
InspiraBon and Research • Most of the quesBons Jerry posed during the brainstorming sessions had us tesBng designs with tessellaBons, and folding techniques . We also studies Ron Resch, Shigeru Ban, Original folding and the different users of material that go into construcBng planes and shadow effects.
Design Concept • In our iniBal design, we planned to use wood, but through our prototyping we discovered that the wood would be very heavy and it would be difficult to archive our goal. With our design, we also wanted to emulate the Japanese original folding technique, so chipboard would be the most easily manipulated material we could use to create this intricate structure.
Ron Resch • The design was an example of his geometric development of “the Space Curve as a Folded Edge”. The method of making the animated film turned out to be of historic importance. His credits include patents for “self-‐supporBng structural units” using tessellaBon techniques, as well as “geometric designs”
We used SketchUp to simulate the model.
This is the first fixed simulator. According to the actual operaBon, we changed it during the construcBon process.
This is the basic principle of our model. We called those principles -‐-‐ “stars”.
Cut the board into triangles with different sizes. There are total 608 triangles.
During the processing, we found that it was difficult to make the “stars” unfolding. We tried to put balloons and tennis ball in the middle of the star, but it did not work.
We finally decided to use a square in the middle of the stars in order to stretch the stars.
The final version of the star.
Materials • • • • • • • • • • •
Chip Board: 200 sq _ U-‐Bolts: 7 Steel Galvanized cord: 44_ Anchor Bolts: 3 Eye Hooks: 5 2*4: 2 2*2: 1 Quick Links: 12 Stucco Corner Piece: 1 Fishing Line: 500 yards Silver Acrylic Paint: 1 24oz
• • • • • • • • • • • •
4-‐ 3/ 4 “ Hex Bolts 22 Wire Cable Ferrules 5 Large Stars – 4 _ 8 Medium Stars – 3 _ 11 Small Stars – 2 _ 4 Square Stars – 1 _ 41 Sheets of Chipboard 200 sq _ 24 cut triangles per piece 608 Triangles 28 squares 636 total kit of parts
Conclusion I ended up enjoying most of the construcBon process. Working as a group make things more easier. Although it was hard to gather team members to gather, it open my eyes to different ideas. And I find this class is more pracBcal than the boring textbook knowledge.
Finished!!! Â