Print Edition: Jan. 23, 2020

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Association of Alternative Newsweeklies

Cover Illustration by Melissa Lee Johnson and Anna Ward


JANUARY 23, 2020 | 3


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Influenza Hospitalizations Increase in Milwaukee ::BY ERIN BERGE

high fever, nasty cough, scratchy throat and a stuffy nose are all signs of the flu and can lead to missed work or school days. From Sunday, Sept. 1, 2019, to Friday, Jan.10, 2020, Milwaukee County has had 208 influenza-associated hospitalizations, according to Lindsey Page, MPH, City of Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) infectious disease program manager. This time last season, there were just 46 such hospitalizations in the county. “The flu season hasn’t peaked yet this year, and it’s difficult to predict when and how much longer it will last,” says Page. The flu shot is the best way to prevent the flu in the begin! ning of the season, but shots are also effective in January. Because the flu strain changes from year to year, it’s impor!

4 | JANUARY 23, 2020

tant to get a flu shot every season, according to Page. Flu vaccines can reduce doc! tor visits, missed work or school and hospitalizations, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Julie Katrichis, MSN, RN CNL, MHD director of clinic operations, says influenza is commonly mistaken for the stomach flu. Influenza is, instead, a respiratory virus that mainly causes a fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, head! aches, chills and fatigue. If someone has the flu, it’s necessary for them to cover their coughs and sneezes to help prevent spreading germs to others. Staying home from work or school for rest also helps prevent the spreading of the virus, she says.

Get Vaccinated The vaccination reduces the number of people in the hospital, the number of deaths, the amount of intensive care admissions and a patient’s overall duration at the hospital, according to Katrichis. Even if a person gets the flu after getting the vaccination, the illness won’t last as long and won’t be as severe. “Getting vaccinated protects you, and it also protects people around you,” says Page. Symptoms usually start one-to-four days after exposure to the flu virus. People usually spread the virus by close contact, since the virus can be found in nose and throat droplets. According to Page, people should take every day preventative mea! sures by eating healthy, staying active and getting plenty of sleep. Doctors can prescribe anti-viral medication, but the medication only reduces the severity of the illness and how long it lasts. According to the MHD, most people will get better without medicine, since antibiotics do not work to fight the flu. Complications from the flu can include pneumonia, sinus and ear infections and multi-organ failure, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. Peo! ple with health conditions, children under five and older people are most at risk for flu complications that could lead to death. Free flu shots are available at the Keenan Health Center (3200 N. 36th St.), North! west Health Center (7630 W. Mill Road) and the Southside Health Center (1639 S. 23rd St.) during walk-in immunization hours. !"##$%&'(&')*$+$,-$.+,$))/0"#'n



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lderman Cavalier Johnson created the Millennial Task Force to address the brain drain in Milwaukee. “It’s important to listen to [Millennials] about what’s important to continue to make our city more attractive for them,” says Johnson. Sixteen members will present their ideas in June 2020 on how to stop educated people from leaving Milwaukee, otherwise known as the brain drain. According to a 2019 report from the Department of Workforce Development (DWD), the national rate people move out of state is 7%. For Wisconsin, the number of people aged 25 to 29 who moved out of state was 9% between 2010 and 2014. Alderman Johnson believes Millennials can provide a grassroots point of view as to how Milwaukee can keep recent graduates. “The data shows that in both the city and state, we’re lagging behind in growth amongst this group, and the goal should always be to attract and retain diverse, young and talented individuals to Milwaukee,” says Johnson in a press release. According to the DWD report, Milwaukee is seeing a decrease in young educated workers, and the city is having a difficult time retaining and attracting young skilled workers. These findings show a negative impact on the city’s economy. “It is important to pin down this group and see what is attractive to them,” says Johnson. Reasons for leaving Milwaukee could be because of the weather, professional growth and high crime rates in the city. According to Johnson, Milwaukee can’t control the weather, but the city has seen a recent decrease in homicide rates. “I’m engaged with number of meetings encouraging people to call and report to the police. In my own district, we’ve seen a decrease in overall [criminal] activity,” says Johnson. Crime is an issue, but high financial debts also need to be considered. Millennials are postponing large purchases like homes, which means they are able to move from city to city easily. Affordable rent, parks or hiking trails, as well as local restaurants (non-chain) were three qualities Millennials wanted in a city, according to a survey cited in the DWD report. The report also found Millennials want flexible schedules at work, along with an employer that gives them a sense of purpose. Millennial readers of the Shepherd Express are encouraged to send in their ideas and input to Alderman Johnson at Comment at!n

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Why Milwaukee’s Hate Rally Doesn’t Matter

I Kimberly Gleffe & Joanna Demas



xecutive Director Kimberly Gleffe leads the team at the River Revitalization Foundation (RRF), Milwaukee’s urban rivers land trust devoted to the protection and restoration of the county’s rivers and adjacent green space. “We need to take care of our environment in order to take care of ourselves and all the other creatures that depend on it,” Gleffe says. “How can we isolate ourselves from climate change? Where is our food going to come from? Maybe we can solve these problems, but you can’t recreate a natural system.” “And it shouldn’t be used as a commodity,” adds Stewardship Director Joanna Demas, who is responsible for habitat restoration. Former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson created a Milwaukee River Revitalization Council in the 1980s to advise the Department of Natural Resources on the environmental quality of the Milwaukee River basin. The Council published a River Way Plan in 1991. The Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs of Milwaukee responded by creating the RRF in 1994. Most of the work has been on the Milwaukee River. Gleffe was a volunteer on the United Way’s Basic Needs Committee, reviewing grant-funded agencies providing education and social needs, until she took the RRF job in 2001. Now, she’s an activist spreading the message that the environment—healthy soil, clean air and water—is also a basic need, one that funding agencies haven’t prioritized. Demas’ college studies were in biology and environmental science. After graduation, she volunteered for the Urban Ecology Center, Schlitz Audubon Nature Center “and all the environmental orgs, until RRF had a job opportunity,” she says. Her work includes removing invasive species and planting native ones. The planting of more than 800 trees of several native species stands among her accomplishments. “Most of our work will definitely benefit the climate,” she says. “But it’s also a struggle deciding what native species should be reintroduced, because the climate we have now is not the climate we’ll have in years to come. There are plants I would love to reintroduce, but the way climate projections are going, they might not be able to survive. But that also leads to some great opportunities to plant species that we’re on the northern range of. We can introduce more diversity. That being said, we might get more invasive species we don’t currently see.” The women are gratified by the animals that have returned to the riverfront thanks to their work: birds of all sizes, beavers, coyotes, red fox and otters. RRF’s annual Woolly Bear Winter Festival is named for the fuzzy black and brown caterpillars, which are common to arctic regions and proliferating here. They burrow, freeze and hibernate all winter, then emerge alive in spring to turn into tiger moths. “We want to get the community down here to enjoy nature, even if it’s a little cold,” Demas says. “If the river’s frozen, we’ll have ice skating. You have to bring your own skates. There’s a fire and sledding and music and bird feeding. We even did a play one year about woolly bears.” The free festival takes place Saturday, Feb. 8, at 2134 N. Riverboat Road along the Milwaukee River east of Humboldt Avenue. Visit for volunteer opportunities or to donate to RRF. 6 | JANUARY 23, 2020


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Driving Farmers Into Bankruptcy

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Bias and Bigotry

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J A N UA RY 2 3 , 2 0 2 0 ! 7

::SAVINGOURDEMOCRACY ( JAN. 23 - 29, 2020 ) Shepherd Express serves as a clearinghouse for all activities in the greater Milwaukee area that peacefully push back against discriminatory or authoritarian actions and policies of the Trump regime, as well as highlighting activities that promote social and environmental justice. To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to

Thursday, Jan. 23 Rethinking Justice and Incarceration in Wisconsin: ‘Re-entry: Ready or Not’ @ Turner Hall Ballroom (1034 N. Vel R. Phillips Ave.), 6:30 p.m. The last of a five-part series, “Re-entry: Ready or Not” confronts incarceration in Wisconsin through academic discussions with the community. Panelists include Kevin Carr, Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC) secretary; Christine Apple, chief DOC psychologist of Milwaukee; and Sylvester Jackson, community organizer from Ex-Prisoners Organizing.

Impacted Neighbors of WE Energies’ Coal Plant Featured in Documentary and Coal History Presentation Co-Sponsored by Clean Power Coalition @ River Bend Nature Center (3600 N. Green Bay Road), 6:30-8:30 p.m. The River Bend Nature Center will feature a free screening of the documentary We Neighbors, focusing on those who live near We Energies’ coal plants.

Saturday, Jan. 25 Peace Action of Wisconsin: Stand for Peace @ the corner King Drive and North Avenue, noon-1 p.m. Every Saturday from noon-1 p.m., concerned citizens join with Peace Action of Wisconsin to protest war and literally “Stand for Peace.” Signs will be provided for those who need them. Protesters are encouraged to stick around for conversation and coffee the protest.

‘Missing Daddy’ Reading @ Milwaukee Public Library, Martin Luther King Jr. Branch (310 W. Locust St.), 1-2 p.m. DQSH Milwaukee Branch and Black and Pink Milwaukee will read Missing Daddy, illustrated by Bria Royal and written by Mariame Kaba, which shares a young girl’s story about having an incarcerated father.

Register to Vote-Registrarse Para Votar @ Voces de la Frontera (1027 S. Fifth St.), 10 a.m.-noon If you haven’t had the chance to register to vote in Wisconsin, stop by Voces de la Frontera with proof of residence (a letter sent to you containing your name and address will do) to easily register and make an impact on the upcoming elections. To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to Comment at n 8 | JANUARY 23, 2020


!"#$%"&'()*+,-)./$ 0'1"$23+'1)4 ::BY PHILIP CHARD


thought it would be better this time around,” Sheila told me, referring to her second marriage. “What tells you it isn’t?” I asked. “I’m seeing the same patterns as with my first husband. At first, I figured I’d made that classic mistake of subconsciously choosing someone just like him, but that’s not it. I think it’s mostly me,” she explained. Several years into her second marriage, and with the honeymoon phase in the rearview mirror, Sheila found herself playing out many of the same interpersonal “dances” that characterized her first couple. And, as before, these were undermining the relationship. “I’m pretty critical of him, have a lot of pet peeves, get suspicious sometimes, and I expect a lot more communication than he’s used to, which was pretty much the deal with my first husband,” she explained. “After your first marriage ended, did you assess what went wrong so you could learn from it?” I asked. She had not. In my experience, few folks in this situation do. Upon exiting a dysfunctional liaison, most of us assign the lion’s share of blame to our spouse or partner, or simply assume we chose poorly (“We just weren’t right for each other”). Unfortunately, absent some measure of ownership, those like Sheila rarely pause to contemplate how they contributed to what went awry. Without this marital postmortem assessment, there’s no opportunity to recognize and correct the interpersonal tendencies that made a mess of things.


Of course, that’s not always the case. So-called “selection errors” occur, those in which one fails to accurately perceive some personality-based poison pill in the other person’s character before it’s too late. Early in a romantic pairing, many folks play nice. Only later, after familiarity sets in, do they display their true emotional colors. However, this scenario was not true in Sheila’s second marriage. “I took time to size him up,” she told me. “Nobody’s perfect, but he’s a good man overall.” A well-designed study from Canada showed that Sheila has plenty of company. The researchers followed over 500 people for eight years, all of them in their second marriages. They examined several relationship characteristics, including overall satisfaction, frequency of sex, emotional openness, expressions of appreciation, mutual trust and confidence in the strength of the bond. The study measured these elements during the participants’ first marriages, as well as the second ones, providing a reliable before-and-after comparison. As you might expect, because the initial marriages ended badly, at first, most of the subsequent ones showed improvements in all these relationship elements, but only during the honeymoon phase. Once business-as-usual set in, the interpersonal dynamics largely reverted to those present in the first marriage. One exception was frequency of sex, which increased in second pairings. However, most participants expressed the same level of sexual satisfaction with partner number two as their prior mate. In keeping with the adage that failing to learn from history dooms us to repeat it, many relationship experts strongly advise would-be spouses or partners to explore and compare their respective interpersonal tendencies before committing fully to each other. This proves essential when these folks have a track record of unsuccessful couplings. By examining what didn’t work and constructively modifying dysfunctional patterns, we can avoid a circular cycle of same old, same old. “I don’t think you should pursue couples counseling right away,” I told Sheila after she suggested it. Instead, I recommended she engage in individual therapy to increase her self-awareness and expand her range of interpersonal behaviors to alter the ingrained patterns undermining the relationship. The bottom line? The expectation that finding a new partner will cure what ailed a prior liaison, while true in some instances, often proves a wild goose chase. If you don’t want that second time around (or third, etc.) to leave you running in circles, first look back to learn from your interpersonal past. Then, look in the mirror. For more, visit







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J A N UA RY 2 3 , 2 0 2 0 ! 9


Poll Results: Last week, we asked if you believed President Donald Trump when he said that an attack on the U.S. was “imminent” and that U.S. embassies were targeted by Iran were reasons why he ordered the killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. You said: n 57% No n 43% Yes

What Do You Say? The U.S. Senate has begun its impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. To prevent the appearance of this being a totally political exercise, do you believe the Senate should call witnesses? n Yes n No Vote online at We’ll publish the results of this poll in next week’s issue.


e advertise with the Shepherd Express because they provide us with the ability to reach a unique demographic that we cannot access through other publications. Their customer service has been exemplary and allows us to create the best marketing plan that is affordable and effective for our family-owned Supper Club. – Stelio Kalkounos Managing Partner


10 | J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0



FEBRUARY 8, 2020

WISCONSIN CENTER MILWAUKEE exhibitors and speakers an estimated 2,000+ attendees

an opportunity to learn more about the innovative and exciting cannabis, cbd, and hemp industry

tickets are on sale now! !"#$"#%&'#($%#!! !

J A N UA RY 2 3 , 2 0 2 0 ! 11


We will keep you informed each week about the growing availability of legal cannabis products in Milwaukee and what’s happening at the state level with respect to Wisconsin’s movement towards legalization, what’s happening in other states and in the rest of the world.

! #$%&'!(%%)*+,! " -)*./**$*! 0$12! 3$*$45.#! 4,6!789 :46)*+,;*! <,6/*=5)4%! 0$12!>+/5*$ ::BY SHEILA JULSON


he College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the UW-Division of Extension launched a hemp research program last spring. Through this program, UW-Madison Department of Horticulture assistant faculty associate Shelby Ellison is working with a multidisciplinary team of scientists and extension agents to create a foundation of best production practices for industrial hemp in Wisconsin. Ellison has a doctorate in genetics from the University of California-Davis and has created UWMadison’s first industrial hemp course, which begins on Monday, Jan. 27. What are some of the projects you’re working on? This first year, it was mostly learning and collating information we could find from universities or scientific publications and collecting data from other farmers to create sources for Wisconsin to make sure everybody was on the right footing. The big thing was how to harvest the material to get it ready for processing or making connections to processors that are available; that was the primary objective this year. With the information that we learned this past year, we’re setting the stage for moving forward to research the areas we need to focus on, like what varieties do well in our wet, humid environment. My colleagues specialize in all types of areas: weed science, plant disease and my focus, which is plant breeding. What will UW-Madison’s first industrial hemp course cover? The class is an introduction into all things hemp: the history, the legality and the production of growing different types of hemp, as well as the science of breeding new varieties and what genes control which traits in the

12 | J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0

crop. It also covers the economic aspect of selling hemp and what to consider if you’re interested in that. Did farmers have difficulty getting certain seeds and strains of hemp? Buying seeds, whether feminized or nonfeminized, or buying clones will be easier and cheaper because there’s going to be more supply. People are getting into the game of selling those materials. I still think people don’t really understand that, just because you cross two different varieties, it doesn’t mean you have a new variety. It means you have an unstable product that’s going into the field, and if you’re selling that, you’re selling something new. It’s not going to be very consistent for the farmer you’re selling it to. There are several companies that have been around for a long time, and people are still buying seeds from Oregon or Colorado because they’re much more consistent. They’ll be more expensive, but that’s because the breeders have done their due diligence to make a good product. They’re going to make sure they’re compliant with the federal THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) levels (below 0.3%) at the end of the season. It’s going to take a few years to develop new varieties that are acclimated to our climate and are consistent with the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) ruling on what the THC percentage needs to be. What do you hope to see in Wisconsin’s hemp industry over the next couple of years? There are single-purpose varieties grown for either flower, fiber or grain production, and then there are dual purpose varieties, from which you could harvest the stalk for fiber and the seed for grain. I’d like to see breeding of potentially new varieties where you might either have the fiber and flower production—or different combinations of those that are more acclimated to the Midwest—with appropriate disease resistance. If you could get two or three products to potentially sell instead of relying solely on one product, you’ll increase the chance of having some economic viability. I see us continuing to work with other people in different areas of plant sciences and figuring out the agronomic practices of what makes it grow well here: nitrogen levels, how to harvest with equipment and what storage conditions create the best harvest quality. It’s exciting, and it’s in its infancy right now, so there are a lot of really important things we’ll figure out within the next few years. For more information, visit fyi.extension. Comment at n

New Crop Insurance Coverage Available for Wisconsin Hemp Farmers ::BY JEAN-GABRIEL FERNANDEZ


isconsin is among 21 states where hemp farmers will be eligible for a new pilot insurance program for their crops starting this year.!"#$%!&'()'*+!,$--!+*./!0123*-!4'(5312$(6!7$%2('8!9047:! 1(;/'*)/! 365/'! <3-2$=4/'$-! >'(&! ?6%3'*61/! *;*$-*@-/! 2(! A$%1(6%$6! B*'+/'%C! "#/! &$-(2! &'()'*+! ,$--! @/! *;*$-*@-/! 2(! B*'+/'%! ,#(! )'(,! hemp for fiber, grain or cannabidiol (CBD) in the 2020 crop year. ! D047! &(-$1$/%! $6%3'/! &'(531/'%! *)*$6%2! 8$/-5! -(%%/%! 53/! 2(! 6*23'*-! 1*3%/%! %31#! *%! drought, excessive moisture, hail, wind, frost, insects and disease,” the U.S. Department (B!0)'$13-23'/ (USDA) explains. Farmers can choose up to 85% of the average yield to insure, as well as a percentage of the crops’ value between 55% and 100%. The other states that will benefit from this pilot program are Alabama, California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Virginia.

Another Win for Hemp

"#$%!'/&'/%/62%!*6!$+&('2*62!%2/&!2(,*'5!2#/!'//%2*@-$%#+/62!(B!#/+&!*%!*!-/)$2$+*2/! and important crop. When President Donald Trump signed the 2018 Farm Bill into law in December 2018, hemp was federally legalized, designating it as a commodity crop. But it took nearly a fully year for the USDA to draft the roadmap to bring hemp into the realm of legitimacy, and we are still in that transition period. Starting Thursday, Oct. 31, 2019, and until the same date next year, interim regulations will rule the budding market %3''(365$6)!#/+&C One of the key issues that required regulation by the USDA is crop insurance. It’s incredibly risky to bet one’s livelihood on a crop that could be wiped out by bad weather or a single natural disaster. This is particularly true in Wisconsin, where the cold and wet climate is not best suited to grow hemp. “This crop, whether growing it for grain, fiber or CBD, doesn’t like wet weather,” said Bryan Parr, agronomist for Minnesota-based company Legacy Hemp. “That’s unfortunate, because for the two years that we’ve been able to grow this crop in Wisconsin, that’s the type of weather we’ve had to deal with. It’s difficult for farmers, because they can’t get their work done on time, and it created additional challenges such as weeds and diseases.” In August, 2019, the USDA initially announced! 2#*2! %(+/! $653%2'$*-!#/+&! )'(,/'%! would be able to obtain crop insurance under the Whole-Farm Revenue Protection program in 2020, but that it would be limited to “hemp grown for fiber, flower or seeds.” This excludes farmers who cultivate hemp for its CBD and represent a large portion of lo1*-!#/+&!)'(,/'%!$6!A$%1(6%$6C!06(2#/'!(&2$(6!B('!(3'!B*'+/'%!,$--!@/!2#/!E3'%/'8!>'(&! Insurance program, which will be available starting 2021. Once the U.S. leaves its current transitionary period, hemp will be treated as the commodity crop the law now designates it as; meanwhile, the insurance pilot program serves to protect hemp farmers. ! <3-2$=4/'$-! >'(&! ?6%3'*61/! ,$--! (6-8! @/! *;*$-*@-/! 2#'(3)#! &'$;*2/! 1'(&! $6%3'*61/! agents. To be eligible for it, Wisconsin hemp growers must comply with the state’s hemp pilot research program, which was established in March 2018. They must also have “at -/*%2!(6/!8/*'!(B!#$%2('8!&'(531$6)!2#/!1'(&!*65!#*;/!*!1(62'*12!B('!2#/!%*-/!(B!$6%3'/5! hemp,” according to a USDA statement, which also warns that “hemp having THC [tet'*#85'(1*66*@$6(-F! *@(;/! 2#/! B/5/'*-! %2*232('8! 1(+&-$*61/! -/;/-! ,$--! 6(2! 1(6%2$232/! *6! insurable cause of loss.” !"##$%&'(&')*$+*$,-$.+,$))/0"#/ n SHEPHERD EXPRESS

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DUTIES: • Developing and implementing social networking strategies for Shepherd Express content • Covering local issues and writing daily articles on Milwaukee topics • Editing and sending e-newsletters • Assisting with online Listings REQUIREMENTS: • Have strong communication skills • Must be able to work Independently • Be organized, creative, motivated and have the ability to meet deadlines in a high paced environment • Have a minimum of two years of relevant experience • Available for full time employment WE OFFER: • Company provided laptop • Medical and dental benefits • Retirement Plan with company match • Paid time off and holidays • A work environment that won an award for one of the Best Places to Work in the Milwaukee Area Please e-mail your cover letter and resume to with “Web Editor” in the subject line. No calls please. !"#$"#%&'#($%#!!

Joan Lunden, journalist, best≠ selling author, former host of Good Morning America and senior living advocate. J A N UA RY 2 3 , 2 0 2 0 ! 13



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J A N UA RY 2 3 , 2 0 2 0 ! 55




For more Dining, log onto

Alem Ethiopian Village

Breaking Bread at Milwaukee’s Ethiopian Restaurants

include many of the same dishes, including lamb, beef, chicken and cooked vegetables often served in the form of a spiced stew called wat. The heart of an Ethiopian meal is the injera—a spongy, flat bread with a slightly tart flavor that traditionally serves as the plate holding the wat and as the eating utensil. Just break off a piece and scoop. The injera can also temper the fieriness of the hotter dishes. The spices at both Alem and Ethiopian Cottage range from mild to hot. Eating with injera can be messy for the uninitiated, but no worry: Forks are available. Alem has the advantage of a lunch buffet for those unfamiliar with the ::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN cuisine. A vegetarian can thrive in this environment with choices that include collard greens, red lentils, split peas, cabbage, cold lentil salad and a carrothe first thing you notice is the aroma of spices. It’s a and-potato wat. striking and pleasant welcome upon entering any Ethiopian Cottage no longer has a lunch buffet, but it serves several comEthiopian restaurant. bination entrees that allow a wide sampling of its menu. The platter of beef, Ethiopia developed a unique civilization in the highchicken and vegetables is an extraordinary experience. The tenderness of the lands of the Horn of Africa and fended off invaders for beef and chicken (the meat falls off the bone) testifies to a long simmer in centuries. It was the last African flavorful spices. The combo is a delightful mélange of nation to fall to European impecolors, textures and tastes and includes a boiled egg; rialists and was ruled by foreigners for less Alem Ethiopian Village feta cheese; a salad of tomatoes, onions and lettuce; than a decade. Ethiopia can also be proud of a cabbage; peas and red lentils. Arranged across a plate 307 E. Wisconsin Ave. • $$ unique and healthy cuisine along with its hisof injera, the individual dishes are hot and cold, spicy 414-224-5324 or 414-698-1257 tory. In the last century, Milwaukeeans had to and mild, crunchy and soft. drive to Chicago to partake. Now, we can Alem Ethiopian Village and Ethiopian Cottage choose from two restaurants—Alem EthiHandicap access: Yes Restaurant are comfortable places for lingering. On opian Village in Downtown and Ethiopian Ethiopian Cottage Restaurant a cold day, a pot of aromatic Ethiopian tea is just the Cottage Restaurant on the East Side. thing. Or, how about a glass of tej (Ethiopian honey Both inhabit pleasant and simply laid1824 N. Farwell Ave. wine) or a bottle of Ethiopian beer? Alem and Ethioout rooms decorated with carved, woven 414-224-5226 • $$ pian Cottage offer a glimpse into the culture and hosand painted artifacts representing homeland scenes pitality of East Africa and shareable meals that don’t and Ethiopian Orthodox iconography. Their menus Handicap access: Yes stint on flavor.

56 | J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0


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Saturday, April 18, 2020 WI State Fair Park Expo Center .../)"+0&%&,,0&+12+/341 !"#$%#&'$()$*'$+)*&'$,-.$"/$*0)$'"$)1')2$'34&$)5)1'6 !"#$"#%&'#($%#!!


J A N UA RY 2 3 , 2 0 2 0 ! 57



Heaven’s Table BBQ

!"#$"%&'())*(#+( ,-.//-.#0/(,.&&"1+2$" ::BY JAMIE LEE RAKE

If there’s smoked and grilled meat in the afterlife, it could well taste like what can be had at Heaven’s Table BBQ (2238 N. Farwell Ave.). The small enclave in the Crossroads Collective food mall is inversely proportional to the sizeable flavor achieved by chef and lifelong barbecue aficionado J. Alston. A recent two-meat meal featuring beef brisket and a half-chicken boasted meat that nearly melted in my mouth, with a balance of smokiness and juiciness that less expert grillmasters may envy. Possibly because of space considerations, there’s only one sauce available; but its thick mixture of sweetness and heat more than suffices. The side dishes merit mention for their creativity. A bowl full of what Alston calls his house-baked beans contain about as much pulled meat as legumes, and his Brew City grits are cheesy—in the good, dairy way. Cornbread is, alas, available only as an extra, and it is one to try upon my next visit. Heaven’s Table also offers combination dinners intended to serve three to eight diners and offers an alternative to Milwaukee’s fish fry tradition with a Friday grilled salmon special.

!"#$%$"& Located in the Country Inn & Suites • 350 E Seven Hills Rd • Port Washington (414) 803-5177 • Food & Beverage Specials | Made from Scratch Pub Favorites Live Entertainment & Karaoke | Famous Friday Night Fish Fry

350 E Seven Hills Rd • Port Washington • (262) 284-4691 58 | J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0


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Johanna’s Cakes & Desserts Café Offers Puerto Rican Specialties ::BY SHEILA JULSON



ohanna Ortiz might not have guessed that her baking hobby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lion things to do with flour!” Their staples were M$'2*#!N/3+)!2/3'!+)&!!"#$%$&%<!+!2##*!('J'*+1%'! 5*'"!"/*9!:#247! W9/%'!+**')&/)J!H#$*9!A/(/5/#)!X/J9!H39##%<! Ortiz took a culinary class. Her vanilla flan, a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Treats from Johanna’s Cakes & Desserts SHEPHERD EXPRESS



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att Kemple, Greg Bach and Kaitlin McCarthy, co-owners of Milwaukee’s newest comedy venue—The Laughing Tap (706B S. Fifth St.)—are slumped together on a couch, exhausted. As they should be because, in addition to working their day jobs and producing several monthly shows for Milwaukee Comedy (where Kemple is the founder and creative director, and Bach and McCarthy are show producers), they’ve also been working at night to get The Laughing Tap ready for a soft opening show, just a couple of days away. There’s still a lot of finishing touches. The stage, which will feature dozens of comedians in the next couple months, needs to be painted. Chairs need to be moved into the room, and the bar needs to be stocked. “Yeah, we’re real tired,” Kemple admits. “That doesn’t mean we’re not excited!” McCarthy adds. “The reason we’re so tired is there’s a lot of passion we’re putting into this. We didn’t sit on top of a golden throne and pay people to build our dream, we’re building it ourselves,” Kemple explains. Milwaukee Comedy produces shows all over the city (as well as the annual Milwaukee Comedy Festival), but, as Bach notes, for years “there hasn’t really been a dedicated spot for stand-up in the city.” It’s something that’s been sorely missed by “producers, comedians and, most importantly, the audience. It was always in our plans to do something down the road, and we were given this amazing opportunity and decided to go with it,” Bach says. “We really lucked out.” Kemple agrees. “We looked at a lot of spaces, but for me, this checked all the boxes.” With the space secured, the trio dove into the project, with Milwaukee Comedy financing the new business. Fortunately, they had a good structure in place to work with. The bar area is left over from when the space was Brenner Brewing Company. Their location in Walker’s Point is hot with development, and the co-owners say they are looking forward to becoming part of the neighborhood. Dinner and drinks before or after a show are easy to find with neighbors like Fuel Café 5th Street, Hamburger Mary’s and other nearby options.

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Nowadays, the comedy biz is not without its challenges. The last couple years have seen controversies with comedians Louis C.K. (for offstage sexual harassment), Kevin Hart (homophobic tweets) and Shane Gillis (who was going to join “Saturday Night Live” until racist material surfaced) blow up. So how does The Laughing Tap tread the line between good comedy and material that will offend and possibly turn away their audience? “We just don’t hire people like that, we’re not interested,” Kemple explains, talking about comedians who have racist or homophobic sets. “Occasionally, someone like that will come through and we typically won’t work with them again. It doesn’t matter what someone’s political affiliation is, but it does matter how they treat fellow human beings.” “Comedy is better when everyone is in on the joke. Punching down is something we frown upon and a lot of comedy fans frown upon,” McCarthy says. “We want this to be a place where people are coming to have a good time, a worst-case scenario for us is for someone to leave one of our shows upset that something was said that hurt them,” Bach adds, noting they put a lot of work into carefully curating their line-ups. “You’re talking to three really big fans of comedy, so the screening process for us isn’t a grind.” The Laughing Tap opened the weekend of Jan. 10 with headliner Sam Tallent (from Denver) and locals AJ Grill and Dana Ehrmann opening. Upcoming headliners include Whitney Chitwood (Jan. 24-25) and Chris Fairbanks (Jan. 31-Feb. 1). The Laughing Tap plans to be open Wednesday through Sunday, with weekly open mics, showcases and weekend comedy shows. An exciting feature of The Laughing Tap’s building space is the possibility to expand. The back part of the building currently has dismantled brewing equipment, and the plan is to create a second stage venue in this area that can seat a couple hundred people. That’ll happen in a year or so, depending on how things go, the co-owners say. But let’s not talk too much about that, right now—these comedians are tired, and the floor still needs to be swept. Find out more about upcoming shows at


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J A N UA RY 2 3 , 2 0 2 0 ! 61



::PERFORMINGARTSWEEK For More to Do, visit


Happy Days


Before you get carried away with thoughts of the Cunninghams, Ralph Malph, Chachi and The Fonz upon encountering Happy Days as the title of a live theater piece, let me quickly dissuade you of such notions (wonderful though they may be). Rather, I write here of playwright Samuel Beckett’s 1961 play of that name that examines, masterfully, the often-fragile relationships that bind us one to another. In Happy Days, Nobel Prize-winner Beckett explores existential questions such as life’s purpose, hope, happiness, love, marriage, aging and the inevitability of death. “For years, it’s been my dream to work on Happy Days, especially with actors as fine as Laura Gordon and Todd Denning,” says the show’s director, Renaissance Theaterworks’ Marie Kohler. “First introduced to Beckett in high school, I struggled to read Waiting for Godot in its original language, but I was fascinated by his dark comedy. I’ve seen as many of Beckett’s plays as possible ever since; Happy Days is my favorite.” (John Jahn) Jan. 24-Feb. 16 in the Studio Theatre of the Broadway Theatre Center, 158 N. Broadway. For tickets, call 414-273-0800 or visit

A Wrinkle in Time

First Stage fuels the imaginations of audience members with its mainstage production of A Wrinkle in Time, based on the bestselling book by author Madeleine L’Engle and adapted for the stage by John Glore. The play explores the adventures of female protagonist Meg Murry with her brother, Charles Wallace, and their new friend, Calvin O’Keefe. On one of those time-honored “dark and stormy nights,” a mysterious stranger arrives at Meg’s home, and she embarks on a wild, empowering journey of self-discovery. The play is full of fascinating characters, space and time travel and, of course, an epic battle pitting good against evil. “A Wrinkle in Time is one of my all-time favorite novels,” says First Stage artistic director Jeff Frank. “Madeline L’Engle was among the first authors to look at the deep, delicate issues confronting young people: loss, social conformity and love. The novel accomplishes all of this, while sharing a grand adventure… Ultimately, the story celebrates the power of love—for one another, as well as for oneself, as a tremendous force against the evil in our world—and that’s a story we all need to be reminded of.” (John Jahn) Jan. 24-Feb. 23 at the Marcus Center’s Todd Wehr Theater, 929 N. Water St. For tickets, call 414-273-7206 or visit

Hedwig and the Angry Inch

Hedwig and the Angry Inch, with text by John Cameron Mitchell and music and lyrics by Stephen Trask, is a trailblazing rock-musical and winner of four Tony Awards, including Best Musical Revival. Hedwig played to record-breaking sell-out crowds on Broadway (where it landed in 2014; it opened Off-Broadway in 1998), telling the story of one of the most unique characters to ever hit the stage. The musical follows Hedwig Schmidt—a genderqueer East German singer of a fictional rock band. The story draws on Mitchell’s own life as the child of a U.S. Army major general who once commanded the U.S. sector of West Berlin. The character of Hedwig (played in this Milwaukee Repertory Theater production by Matt Rodin) was inspired by a German divorced U.S. Army wife who was Mitchell’s family babysitter and moonlighted as a prostitute at her trailer park home in Junction City, Kan. As Hedwig’s life changes and with nothing left, she returns to her first love: music. (John Jahn) Jan. 28-March 8 in the Stiemke Studio of the Patty and Jay Baker Theater Complex, 108 E. Wells St. For tickets, call 414-224-9490, email or visit

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Exuberant Preaching at ‘Colonus’ ::BY HARRY CHERKINIAN


V($.,&%"8.&C.@"0/,&2&,'3($%9&3"#+&12,,&'+2'&)"BB,& '+.&,'2%.&*"'+&2&'+/$@.3(/,&03.,.$#.>&V/D'20(,.& '+2'& *"'+& '+.& 0/3.9& #B.23& '.$(3& ()& E.8"$& V2-.,& 6".8.3'&2,&'+.&J2BB2@..39&2&'($.&'+2'&",&2,&0".3#"$%& 2,&"'&",&"$$(#.$'>&6".8.3'&*2,&2&,'2$@(/'&"$&6!47 B"%+'H,&!%&"'@*D#'9-8";':3"&B2,'&,.2,($9&2$@&+.& ($#.&2%2"$&3.#B2"-,&'+2'&0(,"'"($>& As the sisters-daughters, Tasha McCoy (An7 tigone) and Raven Dockery (Ismene), play well off each other, vocally and otherwise, McCoy’s ,'3($%9& '+3(2'"$.,,& ,/00(3'"$%& 5(#!.34H,& 0B2"$7 tive pleas in “Love Unconquerable.” And as the Messenger (think: preacher), Marvin Hannah’s 03.#",.&.$/$#"2'"($&2$@&.D#B2-2'(34&3.8.B2'"($,& %3(/$@&'+.&O(,0.B&'(&"',&/0@2'.@&,.''"$%>& There’s still plenty of snow and ice just wait7 "$%&'(&,+(*&/0>&M$&'+.&-.2$'"-.9&?1"'@3#A"B'-$' C3B3.*#&-.B',&2*24&2$4&#+2$#.&()&'+(,.&*"$'.3& blues sticking around. After all, who knew that 2& #B2,,"#& O3..!& '32%.@4& #(/B@& 1.& ,(W& *.BBW& .$'.3'2"$"$%X ?1)3*<1' E-.4' FG' %.' $1"' H)3-;I-D' ?1"-$")' C".$")=#'C-23$'?1"-$)"J'KLM'94'H)3-;I-D4

n the bleak mid-winter that is Wisconsin in January, there’s a “fire burnin’” on stage at the Skylight Music Theatre,&2$@&"'H,&3.2#+.@&2&).8.3& 0"'#+&*"'+&"',&3.@7+('&03(@/#'"($&()&?1"' @3#A"B'-$'C3B3.*#>& Conceived and adapted by Lee Breuer with -/,"#& 14& J(1& G.B,($9& '+",& 3.'.BB"$%& ()& 6(0+(7 #B.,H'(";%A*#'-$'C3B3.*#&,.',&'+.&#B2,,"#&O3..!& '32%.@4&*"'+"$&2&1B2#!&I.$'.#(,'2B&,.38"#.&2,&C.7 @"0/,&$.23,&'+.&.$@&()&+",&B").>&N.,9&$1-$'C.@"0/,& *+(& !"BB.@& +",& )2'+.39& -233".@& +",& -('+.3& 2$@& *+(,.& ,",'.3,& 23.& 2B,(& +",& @2/%+'.3,>& ?(&*($@.3&+.H,&/$*2$'.@&$.23&'+.&,27 cred ground of Colonus. J/'&'+.&Q03.2#+"$%R&"$&'+",&C3B3.*#& ",&)"BB.@&*"'+&2$&.D/1.32$'&,#(3.&()&%(,7 0.B&2$@&1B/.,&'+2'&",&2,&/0B")'"$%&2,&"'&",& )(3.1(@"$%>&G+.&.D#.BB.$'&:=7-.-1.3& #2,'& /$@.3& '+.& -2,'.3)/B& @"3.#'"($& ()& 6+.3"& K"BB"2-,& I2$.BB& '/3$,& C.@"0/,H& '32%"#&,'(34&"$'(&2&+"%+7,0"3"'.@&+(-2%.& '(&'+.&#"3#B.&()&B").S2$@&"',&"$.8"'21B.& aftermath—throughout its journey. G+.&6!4B"%+'&,'2%.&13"-,&(8.3&*"'+& Skylight’s ‘The Gospel at Colonus’ BY MARK FROHNA ,(-.& 2-2T"$%& 8(#2B& '2B.$'U& J43($&

Fiery Virtuosity at the MSO’s Russian Festival ::BY RICK WALTERS


he Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra began a three-week Russian Festival last weekend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ergei Prokofiev’s Concerto No. 3 in C Major for Piano and Orchestra is an opportunity for fiery 8"3'/(,"'4&)(3&'+.&,(B(",'>&I"2$",'&6.3%."&J21242$&'((!&2$&/$)/,,4&2003(2#+9&0B24"$%&*"'+&#B2,,4&'($.& and touch, creating a sound that effortlessly filled the hall. After several curtain calls from the audi7 .$#.9&"'&*2,&,/303","$%&'+2'&J21242$&@.#B"$.@&'(&0B24&2$&.$#(3.&($&62'/3@24&.8.$"$%>& Wit is not something associated with Russian composers, but Alfred Schnittke (1934-’98) showed a playful, light touch in his (56"%.'7388").-,1$#$)-*8'(93$'-':%;#*88")'9%<1$=#'>)"-8). Mo7 zartean style begins with piano and violin, then with flute. But soon, other styles intrude, creating a mash-up where the listener has no idea what’s coming next. At times, it was like listening to two 32@"(&,'2'"($,&2'&'+.&,2-.&'"-.>&K+2'&)/$&"'&*2,L +%,$*)"#'-$'-.'/01%2%$%3.9&(3"%"$2BB4&#(-0(,.@&)(3&0"2$(9&",&2B-(,'&2B*24,&+.23@&"$&'+.&(3#+.,'327 tion by Maurice Ravel. Masur instead chose the orchestration by Sergei Gorchakov (1905-’76). The 0.3)(3-2$#.&()&'+",&8.3,"($&M&)(/$@&($&N(/G/1.&*2,&B.@&14&F2,/3H,&)2'+.39&E/3'&F2,/39&*+"#+&-/,'& have been an influence. I admit I struggled with comparing it to the familiar Ravel orchestration '+3(/%+(/'>&6'"BB9&"'&*2,&2$&"$'.3.,'"$%&.D0.3".$#.>&O(3#+2!(8H,&8.3,"($&",&@23!.3&2$@&*."%+'".3&'+2$& P28.BH,>&G+.&(3#+.,'32&#.3'2"$B4&%28.&"'&2&%(9&*"'+&2BB7"$&0B24"$%> SHEPHERD EXPRESS

J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0 | 63


Harmonies and Comedy in ‘The Marvelous Wonderettes’



asey is an enthusiastic Elvis Presley impersonator with one major problem: O3>354"&3(0."-3".00"!)("J0+?3+("%-"9$03D.="-!0"&$2>"/!0+0"!0D." .2JJ3.05"-3">0"J%&'),*"D0("),:"L,-0+"1).."H+%&4"1)$$."%,5"!0+".J)+)-05".)50P kick, Anorexia Nervosa, “Rexy” for short. These “ladies” are actually men ),"5+%*="?0(%$0")(J0+.3,%-3+.="%,5"-!0".!3/",3/"*30."3,"/)-!"-!0"$%5)0.")," waiting—and without “Elvis.” #2-="/!0,"G064"J%..0."32-"&3$5"+)*!-">0?3+0"%".!3/="9%.04".-0J."2JQ%,5"32-Q),"?2$$" female regalia. And “Georgia McBride” is born. It’s the audience who gets to fully enjoy this /3,50+?2$$4"&3()&"%,5"/0$$P%&-05"J+352&-)3,">4"-!0"<0+4"-%$0,-05"J$%4/+)*!-"1%--!0/"Y3P pez (currently represented on Broadway with his transplanted London hit, /"*(G&"*0%6#&4*). V)+0&-3+"10+05)-!"1&V3,32*!"!%."%..0(>$05"%"-3JP,3-&!"*+32J"3?"%&-3+."?3+"/"*(H*2I *&C(1J(E*102%#(34,0%C*, a delightful “outing” which pits Casey’s macho stance against the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he performances excel throughout. Kevin Kantor is engaging from start to finish in his transformation into “Georgia.” This simple macho dude starts out awkwardly as Edith Piaf (lip-synching in French no less) and ends up at the top of the drag heap. Courter Simmons is -!0"?32,5%-)3,"%,5"$4,&!J),"-3"-!).".!3/="%,5"!)."J0+?3+(%,&0"%."1).."H+%&4"1)$$."%.-32,5.:" As Rexy, Armand Fields is $1111(?2,,4"%."!0")."$1111".0+)32.="/!0,"),"%,")(J%..)3,05"(3P ment, he pours his heart out about what it was like growing up different. Just Fields’ dance /3+'"%$3,0"/!)$0"$)JP.4,&!),*"#043,&Z">+),*."!).".2JJ3+-),*"+3$0"?+3,-"%,5"&0,-0+:"I0$$" 0%+,05: And then there’s local veteran and Rep favorite James Pickering! What fun to see him evolve from tacky club owner to “/"*(3#& in the sequined jacket.” And it only gets better. /"01.2"(A*9?(K(#6(L.#C0#44%(M1N*0"1.$*:(;<=(>?(@*--$(76?




oger Bean’s beloved jukebox musical, The Marvelous Won derettes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glee club. Amy Barrett is a calm, confident diva %."-!0"-3/0+),*"9),54"Y32:"S%..%,5+%"O3<0$$!)." +3>2.-"%,5"J%..)3,%-0"%."#0--4"M0%,="9),54"Y32D." +)<%$"),"-!0"*+32J:"H!0"%,-%*3,).(">0-/00,"O3P vell and Barrett is a fun central conflict for the first act. Kimberly Giddens!)."*+%&0?2$$4",0+<32." %."1)..4="/!3D.".-+2**$),*"-3"50%$"/)-!"!0+"&+2.!" 3,"%"-0%&!0+:"M%&'04"#30$'3/!+32,5."32-"-!0"&%.-" %." N284:" #30$'3/" )." .3(0/!%-" 5)884),*" %." %,"

The Rep’s production of ‘Chasin’ Dem Blues’

64 | J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0


‘Georgia McBride’ a Smart and Sassy Show

Sunset’s ‘The Marvelous Wonderettes’

0,50%+),*$4"3??P&0,-0+"J0+.3,%$)-4"/!3")."5%-),*" -!0"*24"+2,,),*"-!0"$)*!-."?3+"-!0"J+3(:" H!0"@TP(),2-0"),-0+()..)3,">0-/00,"%&-."3,0" %,5"-/3"+0J+0.0,-."%"50&%50:"F0+?3+(),*"%-"%"@CP 40%+"+02,)3,="-!0"?32+"?+)0,5."%+0"%"$)--$0"3$50+:" They’ve all been through quite a lot. (Suzy’s J+0*,%,-=" %,5" %$$" ?32+" 3?" -!0" /3(0," %+0" 50%$P ),*"/)-!"<%+)32.")..20."-!%-"!%<0"%+).0,"),"-!0)+" lives.) Bean mixes popular girl group hits of the DTC."%,5"DUC."/)-!"$0..0+P',3/,"J3J"-2,0."),"%" ?2," %,5" 0%.4" J$3-" -!%-" %$$3/." 0%&!" 3?" -!0" ?32+" %&-+0..0."%,"0W2%$".!%+0"3?"-!0"?2,:" /"01.2"( A*9?( ;! #6( A.0-#&( B.C%610%.+"( D<<( @#--(76?"(>-+(E01F*?

Dem Old Grafton Blues




!e blues was probably born in Mississippi before fanning out to St. Louis, Memphis, Tenn., and Chicago early last century."#$%&'"()*+%,-."/0+0".&%+&0" ),"1)$/%2'00"),"-!3.0"40%+."%,5",3,06).-0,-"),"78%2'00"932,-4:";3/0<0+=" 78%2'00">0&%(0"%,"2,$)'0$4"(0&&%"?3+">$20."(2.)&)%,."),"-!0"@ABC."%,5"DEC." -!+32*!"-!0".-+%,*0".-3+4"3?"F%+%(32,-"G0&3+5.:"H!0"$%>0$"/%."%".2>.)5)%+4"3?"-!0" I).&3,.),"9!%)+"93(J%,4="/!3.0"K+%?-3,"?%&-3+4"(%50"J!3,3*+%J!"&%>),0-.:"H!0"&3(J%,4" %5505"%"$),0"3?"+0&3+5),*."%."%,"),&0,-)<0"-3"J!3,3*+%J!">240+.:"H!04"/0+0"-!),'),*"L2+3J0%," ethnic music at first but soon perceived a market for blues among African Americans. !"#$%&'()*+(,-.*$")."%"(2.)&%$"!).-3+4"-32+"),".3,*"%,5"5%,&0"3?"F%+%(32,-"%,5"I).&3,.)," Chair of the blues and African American heritage and even of American railroads. It was trains -!%-"?0++)05">$20."J0+?3+(0+."?+3("9!)&%*3"-!+32*!"1)$/%2'00"%,5"2J"-3"K+%?-3,"%,5"-+%),." -!%-">+32*!-">$20."%,5">$%&'"()*+%,-."?+3("-!0"M)("9+3/"N32-!"-3"-!0"2+>%,"O3+-!: H!0"?32+"&%.-"(0(>0+."?3+("%"&+%&'"(2.)&%$"0,.0(>$0"/)-!"(2$-)P),.-+2(0,-%$).-."L+)&" O350,"%,5"M%(0."N&!0)50+">%&'),*"%,5".2JJ$0(0,-),*"-!0".-%+"J0+?3+(%,&0.QJ3/0+?2$"<3P &%$$4"%,5"J!4.)&%$$4Q>4"#+%,5),"M%4"%,5"1%)0.!%"1&R200,:"H!0"?32+.3(0".-%*0"%">$20."+0P vue of famous numbers whose copyrights were filed 20 years after Paramount’s demise (“I’m a Man/Woman,” “Hoochie Coochie Man”) as well as material recorded for Paramount by .0(),%$"%+-).-.".2&!"%."N3,";32.0"%,5"1%"G%),04:"H!0"J0+?3+(0+."0,%&-"!%2,-),*"(0-%J!4.)P &%$">$20."%,5"(2+50+">%$$%5.="2J$)?-),*"*3.J0$".3,*."3?"?%)-!"3<0+J3/0+),*"/3+$5$4"3JJ+0..)3,=" bawdy Prohibition-era dance numbers and songs that transmute trouble into defiant joy. L,-0+-%),),*"0<0,"/)-!")-."),0<)-%>$0">$20"(3-0."%,5"(),3+"'04.="!"#$%&'()*+(,-.*$")."%" .&+%J">33'"3?"(0(3+4"-!%-"%$$3/."/+)-0+P5)+0&-3+"S0<),"G%(.04"-3"+0(0(>0+"32-"$325"-!0" heritage of African Americans. /"01.2"(3#04"(55(#6(6"*(76#48&*0(!#9#0*6:(;<=(>?(@*--$(76? SHEPHERD EXPRESS



OPENINGS: !"#$%!&''()*!+,'$-.!/).',0)* Saturday, Jan. 25 Lynden Sculpture Garden 2145 W. Brown Deer Road

Coming of Age in the Holocaust




hen the Soviet army liberated Auschwitz, a Russian officer, a female physician, !"#$%& '&%(')*&($&+,-&)#../-&"!&+,-& 0)-1'+")(#12&3,-&'#+,")4&'& +--$'5-&5()/&$'1-%&6*78'&9(:;<*04&,'%&.--$& locked inside the Łódź Ghetto along with +,-&="/(;,&0(+*>;&"+,-)&?-7;2&@-A-$+*&*-');& /'+-)4& ,-)& B"#)$'/& 7';& +)'$;/'+-%& '$%& :#.C /(;,-%&';&!"#$%&'()$*+$,)-.'$/&012)32&3,-& B"#)$'/&(;&'/;"&+,-&;#.B-0+&"!&'&%"0#1-$C tary film-in-progress and is the heart of an -D,(.(+("$&'+&+,-&?-7(;,&E#;-#1&E(/7'#C kee, “The Girl in the Diary: Searching for Rywka in the Łódź Ghetto.” F"+& #$/(8-& +,-& .-;+C8$"7$& G"/"0'#;+& B"#)$'/4&!"#$%&'()$*+$455#$6('5.4&9(:;<*0>;& account is “a very compelling story,” says Molly Dubin, the Jewish Museum’s curator. “She 7';&7)(+($5&'+&'&1'+#)(+*&/-A-/&7-//&.-*"$%&,-)&*-');2&@,-& 7';&!")0-%&+"&1'+#)-&A-)*&H#(08/*4&!'0($5&0()0#1;+'$0-;&1";+&0,(/C %)-$&$-A-)&,'A-&+"&'%%)-;;2&G-)&%(')*&7';&$"+&B#;+&'&0"1($5&"!&'5-& story set against the backdrop of atrocity.” Originating at the Galicia Jewish Museum in Krakow, “The Girl in the Diary” has never been seen before in the U.S. The ex,(.(+&(;&;:)-'%&'0)";;&+,)--&"!&+,-&?-7(;,&E#;-#1>;&5'//-)(-;2&I+& the entrance, the Łódź Ghetto is described through text and visual panels. Similarly, the final section displays the discovery, survival '$%&+)'$;/'+("$&"!&9(:;<*0>;&%(')*&+,)"#5,&7'//&:'$-/;4&'%%($5&'$& ($+-)'0+(A-&+'./-&'//"7($5&A(-7-);&+"&0'//&#:&'%%(+("$'/&($!")1'+("$2& The core of “The Girl in the Diary” is an expansive interactive /(5,+&+'./-&!-'+#)($5&!'0;(1(/-&:'5-;&!)"1&+,-&%(')*4&0/";-/*&7)(+C +-$&J($&="/(;,K&($&9(:;<*0>;&.-'#+(!#/&:-$1'$;,(:2&L*&;7(:($5&'$%& +"#0,($54&A(-7-);&0'$&;#11"$&-D0-):+;&"!&+,-&%(')*&J($&M$5/(;,K& '$%&0"11-$+')*&.*&;0,"/');2&=)"B-0+-%&"$+"&+,-&7'//;&')-&/')5-C scale black-and-white photographs of the Łódź Ghetto taken by a pair of Jewish captives, Henryk Ross and Mendel Grossman, as 7-//&';&'&F'<(&7,"&7")8-%&';&+,-&5,-++">;&0,(-!&'00"#$+'$+2&3,-& +,)--&1-$&7-)-&+';8-%&7(+,&%"0#1-$+($5&+,-&5,-++"2&3,-()&:,"+";& ;,"7&:-$;(A-&!'0-;&;+')($5&+,)"#5,&!-$0-;N.#+&'/;"&;1(/($5&0,(/C %)-$&5-++($5&"$&7(+,&/(!-&';&.-;+&+,-*&0"#/%2&3,-&F'<(&:,"+"5)':,-)& SHEPHERD EXPRESS

!")0-%&,(;&-D,'#;+-%&;#.B-0+;&+"&:";-&'+&+,-&7")8.-$0,-;2 6";;&'/;"&+""8&:(0+#)-;&;#))-:+(+("#;/*&($&.-+7--$& his official task as a documentarian. As the Nazis 7-)-&-A'0#'+($5&($&+,-&!'0-&"!&'%A'$0($5&@"A(-+& ')1(-;4& 6";;& .#)(-%& +,"#;'$%;& "!& :,"+"5)':,;& '$%&$-5'+(A-;&($&'&."D2&E'$*&,'A-&;#)A(A-%& '$%& ')-& :')+& "!& +,-& ,(;+")(0'/& )-0")%2& 6";;& moved to Israel and testified at the trial of I%"/!&M(0,1'$$2& F-;+/-%&($;(%-&0"1:')+1-$+;&"!&+,-&/(5,+& table are artifacts from the Łódź Ghetto, 7,-)-&?-7;&+"(/-%&#$%-)&,');,&0"$%(+("$;& ($&F'<(&7")8;,":;2&I1"$5&+,-&(+-1;&')-& .'.*& ;,"-;& 1'%-& .*& ?-7(;,& 0,(/%)-$4& '& ;+)'7&.';8-+4&'&0')A-%&7""%-$&."D&'$%&+,-& 1-+'/& :($& "!& +,-& ;-7($5& %-:')+1-$+& 7,-)-& 9(:;<*0& 7")8-%& ';& '& ;-'1;+)-;;2& MD0-):+;& from Yoav Potash’s documentary film, %&'()$ 6(*7$8"#$41"#14&7(//&.-&;0)--$-%2 O+& 7';& "$0-& .-/(-A-%& +,'+& 9(:;<*0& %(-%& !"//"7($5& '& forced march from Poland and across Germany to the BergenL-/;-$&0"$0-$+)'+("$&0'1:&($&+,-&/';+&1"$+,;&"!&P")/%&P')&OO2&L#+& %(5(+'/&+-0,$"/"5*&'//"7($5&7")/%7(%-&'00-;;&+"&')0,(A-;&!")1-)/*& 0/";-%&'$%&;0'++-)-%&,'A-&'%%-%&'+&/-';+&'&!-7&1"$+,;&+"&,-)&/(!-2& G-)& :)-;-$0-& 7';& )-0")%-%& '+& ,";:(+'/;& +,)"#5,& +,-& ;#11-)& "!& 1945, and she was issued a Displaced Person’s ID card. On it, she specified Palestine as her desired destination. Records of her arrival +,-)-4&,"7-A-)4&,'A-&$"+&;#)!'0-%2& !"(*9:"$ ;')$ <=$ '8$ 8"#$ >#-&1"$ ;91#97$ ;&?-'9.##@$ <ABC$ DE$ F(*10#38$ 4G#E$ 6*($ 7*(#$ &5+*(7'8&*5@$ 3'??$ H<HIAJCIK=AC$ *($ G&1&8$ L#-&1"791#977&?-'9.##E*(:E (Clockwise from top left) The Girl in the Diary dedication exhibit collage © GALICIA JEWISH MUSEUM IN KRAKÓW, POLAND; German postcard from the Łódz Ghetto (aka Litzmannstadt Ghetto), featuring an officer of Jewish Ordinal Police and the crowd of people from the ghetto. Circa spring, 1940 COLLECTION OF THE MUSEUM OF THE CITY OF ŁÓDZ; Rywka’s Diary © GALICIA JEWISH MUSEUM IN KRAKÓW, POLAND; Emblem of a sewing workshop (department) in the Łódz GHETTO COLLECTION OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL INSTITUTE IN WARSAW, PROPERTY OF THE ASSOCIATION OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL INSTITUTE OF POLAND

Lynden welcomes winter with a day of outdoor art-making, studio activities, scavenger hunts, tours and tree-walks, as well as whatever other winter activities—ice skating, painting the pond, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing—the weather on Saturday permits. Orchestrated by Michael Lagerman, this highly participatory, artist-driven, Lynden “Family Free Day” carnival offers something for everybody and features a large-scale land art project from artist Richard Shilling. For more information, call 414-446-8794 or visit

123-!45.!6578!+5.9! :3!;5.$.),$!;%5$5<.)=%-.! >?))@!A)..,?B

Saturday, Jan. 25 VarWest Gallery • 423 W. Pierce St.

Without a studio environment and often spending no more than 30 seconds with any given individual, Harris captures the closeness and raw emotion within the human persona. As he says about capturing this moment: “You are getting that person in all their truth. There is no time to be a different person.” In these brief moments of photographing someone, the stranger becomes a friend. “Bye For Now,” a solo exhibition featuring portrait photographer Isaac Harris, includes candid portraits of people in cities such as Berlin, New York and Paris, acting as a retrospective, as well as a capstone, representing the past eight years of his career. For more information, visit

C#C#!+,?@5'?,'! &.$,?$?!2,-'',)*

Jan. 25-March 29 Museum of Wisconsin Art 205 Veterans Ave., West Bend

Every two years, the Museum of Wisconsin Art (MOWA) showcases some of the most compelling art from a state rich in creative capital. This year’s event recognizes emerging and established Wisconsin artists who are pushing the boundaries of the ideas that shape society. MOWA’s 2020 Biennial not only exhibits the art, it awards a total of $10,000 in cash; the first-place prize winner receives $5,000 and a solo exhibition at MOWA. It features 42 works by 39 artists, representing a wide spectrum of media and diverse perspectives from throughout the Badger State. For more information, call 262-334-9638 or visit

All images courtesy of Jewish Museum Milwaukee J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0 | 65



‘Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood’

Betting on the Academy’s Nominees !"#$%!&'()% '&*%+,"-.,+!% "&%+,$%"!/'(! ::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN


o nod from the Academy for Us?!"#$%&'!()*!+,-!'./0/,'*! $1()-! %#*! )(1,)$%,()'! 2(/! 34567!8(9!$+(.%!)(!9(1*)!,)! %#*! :*'%! ;,/*<%(/! /$<*=! )(%$+>?! Greta Gerwig? Well, she’s young and her film, !"##$%&'()%*=!/*<*,@*A!',B!)(1,)$%,()'!,)<>.AC ,)-!:*'%!D,<%./*7!E(1*A$?=!#*/!%,1*!9,>>!<(1*F along with the (too slow) ascent of female film1$G*/'!,)!8(>>?9((A7 As a film critic, I sometimes feel bound more +?!A.%?!%#$)!A*',/*!%(!<(11*)%!$)).$>>?!()!%#*! H<$A*1?!H9$/A'7!H'!$)?()*!9#(!%#,)G'!$+(.%! ,%!$>/*$A?!G)(9'=!%#*!$9$/A'!$/*!()>?!$!1$/G*/!(2! what key members of the industry define as qual,%?!I+$>$)<*A!$-$,)'%!'%.A,(!0(>,%,<'J!$%!$!-,@*)! 1(1*)%!,)!%,1*7!H2%*/!$>>=!56K5&'!+(,&-.%%*&"/& 01&23$$%1!+*$%!4"#"5%*&63*%!2(/!:*'%!D,<%./*7 However, I’m guessing that history will look +$<G!()!3456!$'!+(%#!$!0/*%%?!-((A!?*$/!2(/!1(C %,()! 0,<%./*'! $)A! $! %./),)-! 0(,)%F1$?+*! )(%! for female and minority filmmakers, but for 0/(A.<%,()!$)A!A,'%/,+.%,()7!"#*!<,)*1$!$9$/A'! season is acknowledging that Netflix and other '%/*$1,)-!'*/@,<*'!$/*!0.'#,)-!$',A*!%#*!%,/*A!(>A! '%.A,('! $)A! 1.>%,0>*B*'! 9,%#! %#*,/! ,)</*$',)->?! stupid “tent-pole” franchises. Netflix, Amazon Prime et al. are giving filmmakers the opportu),%?!I,)</*$',)->?!A*),*A!%(!%#*1!*>'*9#*/*J!%(! produce quality programming, even if much of ,%!,'!<()'.1*A!$%!#(1*!/$%#*/!%#$)!$%!%#*!<,)*1$7 E%,>>=!%#*!(>A!'%.A,('!9*/*!+*#,)A!'*@*/$>!*BC cellent films released theatrically in 2019. It’s $! <(10*%,%,@*! L'<$/! '*$'()! 9,%#! 1$)?! '%/()-! <#(,<*'!$1()-!%#*!)(1,)**'7!M#?!)(%!'%$/%!9,%#! :*'%!H<%/*''N!E$(,/'*!O()$)!9$'!2.>>?!*)-$-,)-! ,)!!"##$%&'()%*=!+.%!%#*!<#$%%*/!'**1'!%(!2$@(/! O*)P*! Q*>>9*-*/&'! #*$/%/*)A,)-! /(>*! ,)! 78917! "#$%!:();/<%$$=/&box office was deemed disappointing works against its star, Charlize Theron. Scarlett Johansson carries the flag for Netflix 9,%#!03.."3>%&?#(.1, a film that has won several $9$/A'!,)!%#*!/.)C.0!%(!L'<$/!)(1,)$%,()'!+.%! 66 | J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0

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Coming Up for Air Not Rated

Stan is trying to juggle competition for the Olympic dive team with his studies. Can the teenager achieve a physical-cerebral life balance? This family drama was produced by Roger Rapoport (Waterwalk), who cowrote Coming Up for Air with Deborah Staples—known to Milwaukee theatergoers for her years of work with the American Players Theatre (APT) and Milwaukee Repertory Theater. Staples costars alongside Carrie Hitchcock (Next Act, Door Shakespeare), Mark Corkins (APT), April Paul (Renaissance Theaterworks) and Neil Brookshire (Peninsula Players). Some scenes were filmed in Wisconsin. (Morton Shlabotnik) Sunday, Jan. 26, at the Fox Bay Cinema Grill

The Gentlemen R

Directed and co-written by Guy Ritchie, this return to the irreverent gangster tale is a reminder that Ritchie once threatened to become the British Quentin Tarantino. Matthew McConaughey portrays American expatriate Mickey Pearson, owner of a profitable marijuana empire in London. Having announced he’s ready to sell, Pearson comes under attack from various baddies. Hugh Grant appears as Fletcher, a writer drawing inspiration for his would-be screenplays from Pearson and other local dealers. The film opens with Pearson’s apparent murder, flashing back to see who and what may have led up to it. Yes, the gimmickry is overused; but worse, Ritchie’s film seems made for his own amusement and misses the mark as a snappy crime drama. (Lisa Miller)

The Last Full Measure R

This account is based upon an investigation into the heroic acts of a U.S. Air Force medic, 32 years after the fact. Fellow soldiers and family members demand a Medal of Honor be awarded to William H. Pitsenbarger (Jeremy Irvine) because he saved many lives. Seen through the eyes of fictional Pentagon staffer Scott Huffman (Sebastian Stan), the film gives way to Vietnam War flashbacks as Huffman gathers testimony from Army vets Takoda (Samuel L. Jackson), Mott (Ed Harris) and Burr (Peter Fonda, in his final screen appearance). Huffman also discovers a cover-up that may explain why the medic’s medal was withheld. Depicted as a cardboard cutout, Pitsenbarger nevertheless defines the meaning of sacrifice. (L.M.)

The Turning PG-13

Based on the 1898 Henry James horror novella The Turn of the Screw, this ghost story is reset to the present day. Mackenzie Davis appears as a governess employed to educate and oversee a disturbed brother and sister (Finn Wolfhard and Brooklyn Prince, respectively). The film unfolds at an isolated mansion, with overcast skies and handsome, dimly lit sets as Gothic elements to enhance the sense of dread, which might work if there was any actual dread to be found. Executive producer Steven Spielberg dismissed his first director and screenwriter for taking the wrong approach. Portraying the Demoness, Joely Richardson is the fourth Redgrave (she’s Vanessa Redgrave’s daughter) to appear in a film adaptation of this enigmatic tale. (L.M.)

[ HOME MOVIES / NOW STREAMING ] n Betty Davis: They Say I’m Different (MVD)

In the late ’60s-early ’70s, Betty Davis was in. The talented model and songwriter married Miles Davis and spurred his move into electro-jazz even as he broadened her artistic horizons. She had a brief career as a fringe-funk performer and recording artist before disappearing. Documentary filmmaker Phil Cox finds her roots and traces the reclusive—some say pathfinding—artist to Pittsburgh. On Miles: “Every day married to him was the day I earned the name Davis.”

n Dark Encounter (SHINEHOUSE)

An 8-year-old girl disappears from her home without a trace. A year goes by, and the family is increasingly at odds and unable to make peace with the loss. And then strange lights pass overhead, the sky fills with birds, electricity flickers and whines and wind-up toys move with unseen hands. The 2019 movie, written and directed by Carl Strathie, bends genres and taps into the mythology of UFO abductions and intervention from above.

n The Titfield Thunderbolt (FILM MOVEMENT)

When a greedy bus company plots to close the rail line to a bucolic town, the residents take a stand. The Titfield Thunderbolt (1953) is a wry British comedy showing squires and commoners united in the can-do, make-do spirit that defeated Adolf Hitler. Titfield’s people purchase and run the branch line themselves, fending off schemes to thwart them. The film rallies for local eccentricity over national standardization—the weird, old England over what passes for “progress.”

n “Gunsmoke: The Sixteenth Season” (CBS DVD)

Sheriff Matt Dillon kept the peace in Dodge City throughout this longrunning series (1955-1975). No prime-time series aired for as many consecutive years, and its survival, despite declining ratings, was an early example of fan power. “Gunsmoke” was nearing the end of its days by Season 16 (1970-1971) but still retained its key cast members, James Arness as Dillon and Milburn Stone as Doc. The new DVD release includes all 24 episodes from the season. —David Luhrssen SHEPHERD EXPRESS



Imperfect Union:

How Jessie and John Frémont Mapped the West, Invented Celebrity, and Helped Cause the Civil War




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There are towns and mountains named for John Frémont. But unlike Lewis and Clark, whose expedition preceded him into the American West, he is remembered mainly by antiquarians. Steve Inskeep hopes to raise Frémont’s historical profile with Imperfect Union and reconstruct the role of his wife. Jessie Frémont was the daughter of a powerful political family and used her access to gain her husband the ear of influential men. The married couple astutely played the news media of the 1840s; Frémont’s exploits out West and his conquest of California from Mexico won him acclaim. He was the nascent Republican Party’s first presidential nominee, but he lost to the dithering James Buchanan, whose administration served as the prelude to the Civil War. Best known as cohost of NPR’s “Morning Edition,” Inskeep authored several previous books on American history. With a journalist’s eye for contemporary relevance, he zeroes in on gender and race. Jessie was an ambitious woman who—given the era—could only achieve her goals through her husband. She was likely the couple’s prime mover in their outspoken stand against slavery, which ran contrary to their Southern origins. Imperfect Union’s subtitle is hyperbolic. John mapped the West, but the Frémonts didn’t “invent celebrity.” Their role in causing the Civil War came down to pushing California’s admission to the Union as a free state, upsetting the tenuous balance of power in the U.S. Senate. Well written and researched, Imperfect Union casts a bright light on important episodes from America’s past.

or more than a quarter century, Milwaukee’s Woodland Pattern Book Center has held an annual poetry marathon and benefit showcasing hundreds of local writers over the span of 15 hours. This year’s event, the 26th annual poetry marathon, is scheduled for Jan. 25-26, and the money raised will support more than 300 local arts and educational programs in 2020. This year’s daylong celebration of poetry and performance will kick off at 10 a.m. on Saturday with an hour of readings by young people, and each ensuing hour of the event will feature a different group of artists, organized under collective headings such as “Veterans Hour,”“LGBTQ+ Hour” and “LOTUS Legal Clinic: Untold Stories.” A distinguished line-up of artists will headline this year’s benefit, including lifelong Wisconsin resident and current Wisconsin Poet Laureate Margaret Rozga; UW-Milwaukee professor emeritus John Koethe; novelist and poet Kathie Giorgio, the director and founder of the local AllWriters’ Workplace & Workshop; and hundreds of other community members whose original works will be on display at the book center. The Poetry Marathon is a community fundraiser where readers find sponsors to pledge a minimum of $40 to Woodland Pattern on their behalf. For only $10, guests can access an unparalleled local event that has become a beloved staple in Milwaukee’s Riverwest community. A complete performance schedule can be found online at /hollywood J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0 | 67


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ural Urban Flow is a network of artists, farmers and community leaders from Milwaukee and Sauk County working with partner networks across the country to create a future where “we own what we make and discover interdependence, interconnectedness and shared humanity.” Spokesperson Adam Carr describes the organization’s mission as “finding and creating reciprocity between an urban community and a rural community, specifically focusing on agriculture and culture to create a connection that has been severed, but we know we drastically need.” Off the Cuff asked him questions about Rural Urban Flow. What is the history of Rural Urban Flow? The impetus was the work that the Wormfarm Institute does in Reedsburg, Wis., with an event called Fermentation Fest. It is a celebration of culture, agriculture and art where the wealth of their region is on display. A group of Milwaukeeans went out to their Farm/Art DTour (a 50-mile, self-guided drive through scenic working lands punctuated by temporary art installations and pasture performances). We took a busload of people to experience it—artists, musicians and food producers. In 2017, we had a group

68 | J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0

of Sauk County folks come to Milwaukee for a route that we designed to see the home turf of people who had come out to see them. How do you get the word out? Farm Aid is a good example. Before they announced they were coming to Alpine Valley, they got in touch and we had a couple meetings where we were able to align some Milwaukee and Sauk County folks to participate throughout Farm Aid, including the tours and conference beforehand. What about the Art aspect of Rural Urban Flow? We’ve had artists from Milwaukee go out and do a workshop with Little Eagle Arts Foundation [in Wisconsin Dells], which works with predominantly indigenous artists. That is an example of how the wealth of both organizations is just beyond the awareness of the other. Rural Urban Flow is a vehicle for us to share—when in the current moment, it feels like we are so drastically disconnected from each other. Also, building an awareness for the importance of agricultural production and other kinds of ecological and environmental concerns across our region feels like we are part of an existential conversation. How does life beyond interstate highways affect us? Like some people who grew up around Milwaukee, I thought you had to go to Montana or Wyoming to see beautiful, world-class landscapes. Little did I know it was in my own backyard. I had driven by one of the best landscapes I know now without thinking it was there—the Driftless area in Sauk County. What I love about the Farm/Art DTour is that it really sticks to the country roads you don’t go to unless you have a reason. There is a strong parallel with the folks who come to Milwaukee from Sauk County. They may have a perspective that, at best, they have been to a Brewers game. How they digest Milwaukee is what’s going on in the news, which is far from the vast majority of what is happening. So, there has been that unfolding on both sides.



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Set Up or Send Off? !"#$%&'()*"+

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!"#$%&'($')&* Have you ordered your Cocktail Trail craft cocktail coupon book? Featuring discounts at 24 Milwaukee bars and restaurants, Cocktail Trail offers coupons for free or buy≠ one≠ get one drinks at participating establishments until May 2020.

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70 | J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0

!"##$!%$!&'#!())*!+),-.! /0+0! !"#$%,-+ If your gal pals are going to ditch you for refusing to take part in their weekend plans, then they likely weren’t great friends to begin with. Keep that in mind as you consider your options. That said, Val9 entine’s Day is a few weeks away. Why not meet the lady your friends are setting you up with before the trip? You may find cupid’s arrow firmly planted in your tush, and a weekend away with this new wom9 an may be the best thing that ever happened to you. If not, tell your friends, “Thanks, but no thanks,” and let the chips fall where they may. Let the ladies enjoy their weekend and spend the time as you see fit. For instance, you could make it a “Galentines” party and spend it with me at Saint Kate—The Arts Hotel. On Valentine’s Day, I’ll be hosting a great night of food, cocktails, shows and more. Join us by visiting the events area of saintkatearts.com2%:-1($% !"..%/$$%1+4%*6$'$;

::RUTHIE’SSOCIALCALENDAR Jan. 23—Love is Love: An LGBT and Allies Wedding Showcase at Hilton Milwaukee City Center (509 W. Wisconsin Ave.): Getting ready to walk down the aisle? Then don’t miss this nuptial nirvana. The celebratory showcase features 40 vendors displaying their wedding wares in addition to cocktails, raffles and music. Hosted by the Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce, the 5-8 p.m. showcase is free and open to the public. Jan. 23—‘Shade’ at This Is It! (418 E. Wells St.): Billed as a “POC entertainment revue,” this traveling show promises to shed new light on a talented group of entertainers “made up of many different shades.” Hosted by Tomi Bordeaux and featuring a stellar lineup of the city’s finest entertainers, it’s one 10:30 p.m. drag show you don’t want to miss. Jan. 25—Anything-But-Clothes Party at Harbor Room (117 E. Greenfield Ave.): Part of the bar’s Red-Light theme nights, this 8 p.m. evening is open to men only who wish to party in their underwear. Put on your best skivvies and romp with the boys of Harbor Room. Jan. 26—Milwaukee Coffee & Donut Fest at Turner Hall (1040 Vel R. Phillips Ave.): Yes! You read that correctly! Coffee... and... donut... fest! Sample the best bakery (i.e. donuts) the city offers and enjoy a few cups of joe to wash ’em down. Tickets start at $10, with 10 a.m.-2 p.m. access to the delicious delights the vendors have to offer. Stop by for tickets and more. Mmmm... donuts. Jan. 28—‘Tribute to Pop Divas’ at the Northern Lights Theater (1721 W. Canal St.): Enjoy a little bit of Las Vegas when you hit up the theater at the Potawatomi Casino. That’s where you’ll find this impressive lineup of celebrity impersonators saluting some of our favorite modern divas. Where else can you catch the likes of Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani and Katy Perry all on the same stage? (Well, sort of.) The lively musical revue runs through Saturday, Feb. 1, with tickets costing $35. Sashay over to for tickets and more. Ask Ruthie a question or share your events with her at dearruthie@shepex. com. Follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie. Enjoy her campy reality show, Camp Wannakiki, Season Two, on YouTube now. Comment at n






The Rep’s production of ‘The Legend of Georgia McBride’

!""#$%& '()"*# +,#!# *)!-# ,%('# ,$!-& ::BY PAUL MASTERSON


rag, that culture of genderbending cross-dressing in a frock and wig for entertainment’s sake !"#$%&#&'($)"#$*+&$ ,+&&#$'-#.$")$/*01$2"&,$3-4.$*+"56 ,-78,$")$(&-#,9$:;%$,5#&$<=$%/''&77/-$3&)"#&$>-#6 cissus, some Neanderthal cooed at his reflection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later in films and TV got away with it for laughs. L-($ 8#-2$ &M?#&,,/"7$ *"".$ ?'-4&$ -*$ ?#/C-*&$ ?-#6 */&,$-78$4'-78&,*/7&$4'53,9$G+&($")*&7$8/87;*$2&*$ -B-($B/*+$/*1$,5))&#/72$*+&$4"7,&@5&74&,$-44"#86 /72'(9$J($*+&$EHF=,1$NLJGO$-4*/C/,%$#&C&#,&8$ *+&$'&2-'$"3,*-4'&,$*"$*+&$?#-4*/4&1$B+/4+$/7$*5#7$ #&,5'*&8$/7$*+&$&#-$")$*+&$8#-2$@5&&7$574+-/7&89$ P&#)"#%&#,$ 5,5-''($ /%?&#,"7-*&8$ /4"7/4$ ,*-#,$ '/.&$N/I-$Q/77&''/$-78$R+&#9$S*+&#,$B&7*$#"25&9$ SHEPHERD EXPRESS

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J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0 | 71


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Mandolin Orange

!"#$%&'#( )*"#+,!"#$%&'!# "()&&*!"$+&,() Chapel Hill duo finds wider acceptance as it hits decade mark ::BY CHRIS PARKER here’s a gentle, unassuming charm to Andrew Marlin and Emily Frantz’s music that engraves their burbling folk and bluegrass melodies with a warm no-bullshit facade. Such has been the duo’s manner since forming in Chapel Hill, N.C., a decade ago and authoring six albums of tender ache, rapturous harmonies and lithe, keenly arranged Americana that belies Mandolin Orange’s demure, paint swatch-worthy moniker. Their efforts have been delivered with accelerating assurance, culminating in last year’s Tides of a Teardrop. The duo enlisted their usual touring band in the album’s creation, woodshedding a batch of intensely personal songs about loss, several directly related to the loss of Marlin’s mother when he was 18. The album builds upon the foundations of 2016’s Blindfaller, on which they made a conscious effort to open up the arrangements, affording more room for air and live experi-

72 | J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0

mentation. With Tides, it all gels and coalesces, enabling it to crack five Billboard charts at once (Album, Country, Rock, Folk, Heatseekers) and fashioning a fitting conclusion to a decade’s work. “It’s kind of wild to think that it all started in a Tex-Mex restaurant,” Marlin chuckles. “Now we’re playing rooms much larger than we ever thought we would—we did two nights at the Ryman in Nashville!” From the diaphanous breeze-laden lilt of “Into the Sun” to the spare, almost cosmically spacious “Mother Dear,” and the beautiful simmering album-opener “Golden Embers,” Tides of a Teardrop feels both timeless and weightless, a scent or a feeling suffused with foreboding that lingers and haunts, like a chronic ache. That evolving openness or flexibility keys their latest efforts. “Leaving those progressions kind of open—even if it’s a little more intricate and maybe has a longer form to it, with a few more chords to it… [allows] me to explore the space within those progressions and not just stick to a certain melody,” Marlin explains. “[Now] we have freedom to move around within that progression and change what we’re doing based on our feelings and to really Mandolin utilize empty space… to where there’s less searching Orange and more just intention.” It’s surprising at first to discover that Marlin was Wednesday, initially a metalhead and came late to roots music, disJan. 29, 8 p.m. covering traditional American music through heavyPabst Theater weight players Tony Rice and Norman Blake, prompting his move to mandolin. “My approach to metal was very technical and leaning on understanding the fretboard,” he says. “So, to see people do that with old-time music and bluegrass, it exploded my mind that they were able to bring so many fresh ideas to such a traditional style of music.” Yet, it may be the way Frantz and Marlin’s vocals intertwine that’s the most alluring aspect of the band’s sound. It’s also the least considered. “It wasn’t a vision at all, it’s just something that happened,” Marlin says. “We were both pretty taken back with how easy it was for us to sing together, and that’s the way it’s been ever since the beginning.” If it ain’t broke… Mandolin Orange performs at the Pabst Theater on Wednesday, Jan. 29, at 8 p.m.




The Mark Hembree Band @ The Cheel, 9 p.m.

In the late ’70s, bassist and Appleton, Wis., native Mark Hembree joined Bill Monroe and his Blue Grass Boys. That gig took Hembree to the Grand Ole Opry and the White House. He also collaborated with the likes of Jerry Douglas, Béla Fleck, Roland White and Peter Rowan before reThe Mark Hembree Band turning to Wisconsin in 1989 and eventually hooking up with The Best Westerns. This show features a talented new band that includes Paul Kienitz, Gabriel Dettinger and Starr Moss.

THURSDAY, JAN. 23 Juli Wood Trio @ Transfer Pizzeria, 7:30 p.m.

Saxophonist and vocalist Juli Wood, a fixture in the Chicago and Milwaukee jazz scenes, has a career with an international reach and is also known for her work with the R&B Cadets. Wood will be joined by Paul Silbergleit on guitar and Clay Schaub on bass. With a little luck, they might play selections from her project, Natalies Wood Plays Roland Kirk. (Also Saturday, Jan. 25, at Blu in the Pfister hotel.)


James Yorgan Sextet @ McAuliffe’s Pub, 8 p.m.

The James Yorgan Sextet is a six-piece ensemble playing jazz from the Swing Era to the present day. The combo is led by bassist Jim Yorgan, with Mick Heberling on drums, Dave Sturino on keyboard and a horn line of Tom Meredith on trumpet, Dave Ferguson on trombone and Steve Jacob on sax.


Pét Nuages @ Sazzy B, 8 p.m.

Throwing Spaghetti—Joe Ketchum @ Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, 7 p.m.

Hot jazz à la Django Reinhardt will be performed by the trio of Mike Pollitt (lead guitar), Hadyn “Dane” Cortez (rhythm guitar) and Mike Argol (violin).

Deep Space @ The Laughing Tap, 8 p.m.

The weekly Throwing Spaghetti series features Joe 2.0 violinist Joe Ketchum for an evening of music, humor, special guests, audience participation and irreverence.

Juli Wood

Deep Space showcases new and exciting comedic acts. Sketch and improv are featured during the show to make for an exciting exploration through the universe of comedy. The show features stand-up acts from Dana Ehrmann, Eric Smith, Vikram Balaji and Blake Burkhart.


The Ohio Players @ Northern Lights Theater, 8 p.m.

Emerging in the fertile Ohio funk scene as The Ohio Untouchables, the band hit its stride with R&B hits “Funky Worm,”“Fire,” and “Love Rollercoaster.” Best recalled for their provocative LP covers and late frontman Leroy “Sugarfoot” Bonner’s double-neck Mosrite guitar, the 11-piece band rolls on with This Is Your Night. It’s the group’s first new release in 13 years.

Live Recording: Peter Mulvey w/ SistaStrings and Nathan Kilen @ Café Carpe, 8:30 p.m.

Peter Mulvey has been a songwriter, road-dog, raconteur and almost-poet since before he can remember. Raised working-class Catholic in Milwaukee, the Boston-based performer has 18 records, one illustrated book, thousands of live performances and a TEDx talk to his credit. He folds everything he encounters into his work: poetry, social justice, scientific literacy and a deeply abiding humanism are all on plain display in his art. SistaStrings are a Milwaukee-based sister duo that combines their classical background with R&B with a touch of gospel influence and culminates in a lush sound with thick string harmonies between violin and cello and soulful voices. Having been raised in church, SistaStrings were able to build their improv skills and ear training. (Also Jan. 25).

Ex Fabula New Year Spectacular: ‘Middle School’ @ Turner Hall Ballroom, 7:30 p.m.

Enjoy an evening of true and personal stories told by Milwaukee community members. For this noncompetitive, curated slam night, the storytellers are selected in advance, and each teller works with an Ex Fabula storytelling coach to prepare a story on the theme: “Middle School.” Audience members can participate by submitting UltraShorts, which are brief, true, personal stories written on slips of paper and then read onstage by the emcee.

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like the paper, but on radio


Shaun Boothe on ‘Repackaging History Through Hip-Hop’



ip-hop recording artist, TEDx speaker, founder of the Live Your Legacy Academy and creator of the Unauthorized Biography Series, is coming to the Milwaukee area on Thursday, Jan. 30. He is Shaun Boothe, and the 30-something Toronto native will bring a chapter of the Unauthorized Biography Series to the stage

in this series to present the history and biography of some of the world’s most iconic

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figures as told through rap songs. “Repackaging History Through Hip-Hop” features Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Bob Marley, Muhammad Ali, Bruce Lee, Terry Fox and Malala Yousafzai, among others. Each chapter of the series focuses on one influential figure through the use of documentary-style music videos. Boothe spent 10-plus years in the recording industry, sharing stages and opening


for the likes of Kendrick Lamar, Nas, Lauryn Hill, Talib Kweli and Snoop Dogg. His desire to educate, motivate and entertain led him to create the Unauthorized Biography Series, which deals with themes of overcoming challenges, diversity, leadership,


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Boothe is all about “the build-up.” Come see for yourself. Shaun Boothe appears at the South Milwaukee Performing Arts Center, 901 15th Ave., South Milwaukee, on Thursday, Jan. 30, at 7:30 p.m. For tickets, call 414-766-5049 or visit

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74 | J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0

redefining masculinity and more. Earlier in the day, Boothe will hold a workshop for students at South Milwaukee High School (adjacent to the South Milwaukee Performing Arts Center, where he is appearing). As Boothe highlights on his website, “The power of hip-hop is in the stories we choose to tell. Our stories can either build us up or tear us down.”

1/23 Nile Nile 1/30 L≠ Resorts


MUSIC::LISTINGS To list your event, go to and click submit an event


Caroline’s Jazz Club, The Group w/Eddie Butts County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Acoustic Irish Folk w/Barry Dodd Jazz Estate, Adult Combo (7pm), The Anne Davis Group (8pm) Mason Street Grill, Mark Thierfelder Jazz Trio (5:30pm) McAuliffe’s On The Square (Racine), Open Mic Night Mezcalero Restaurant, Open Jam w/host Abracadabra Jam Band Miller Time Pub, Matt MF Tyner Pabst Theater, Benjamin Gibbard w/Frances Quinlan Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Phil Norby Riverside Theater, Natalie Grant and Charlotte Gambill Rock Country MKE, Robert Allen Jr. Band Rounding Third Bar and Grill, World’s Funniest Free Comedy Show Sazzy B (Kenosha), Gypsy Jazz The Back Room @ Colectivo, Keller Williams The Laughing Tap, Deep Space The Miramar Theatre, Djay Mando w/Mr New York & DJ Snack Daddy (all-ages. 8pm) The Packing House, Barbara Stephan & Peter Mac (6pm) Transfer Pizzeria Café, Martini Jazz Lounge: Juli Wood Trio Up & Under, No Vacancy Comedy Open Mic Nite


American Legion Post #399 (Okauchee), Our House American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), The Blues Disciples (6:30pm) Blu Milwaukee, Mike Kubicki Boat House (Kenosha), Cucumber Band Cactus Club, LO/ST single release show w/The Keystones & Meadowers Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Live Recording: Peter Mulvey w/SistaStrings & Nate Kilen Caroline’s Jazz Club, The Paul Spencer Band Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Florida Brothers w/ Solid State (8pm), DJ: Fazio (10pm) ComedySportz, ComedySportz Milwaukee! County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Traditional Irish Ceilidh Session Golden Mast Inn (Okauchee), Joe Kadlec (6pm) Iron Mike’s (Franklin), Friday Jam Session w/ Steve Nitros & the Liquor Salesmen Jazz Estate, Jamie Breiwick Quartet CD release Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Chaz & Commodore Calipso Lakefront Brewery, Brewhaus Polka Kings (5:30pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Rockin’ Out Hunger Food Pantry Benefit w/Acoustic Blu, Stellar Rhetoric & Vertigo Mamie’s, Mighty Miss Erica & The Sound Production Mary’s Caddyshack, Marcell Live Mason Street Grill, Phil Seed Trio (6pm) Mezcalero Restaurant, The Falcons Milwaukee Ale House, Will Pfrang and The Goodland Gang Pabst Theater, Adam Carolla Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Chris Schmidt Acoustic Red Rock Saloon, Matt Tucker Riverside Theater, Jerry Seinfeld (7pm & 9:30pm) Rock Country MKE, Insane Octane Shank Hall, PHUN - Phish tribute SHEPHERD EXPRESS

The Back Room @ Colectivo, Fruition w/The Mighty Pines The Laughing Tap, Whitney Chitwood The Miramar Theatre, Protohype w/Thicc Ellis, Kilo Dubz, ZeroGravity, Psylentz, Alex Keys & guests The Packing House, Lem Banks & Top Shelf (6:30pm) Turner Hall Ballroom, Ex Fabula New Year Spectacular: “Middle School” Up & Under, CRLSS w/Neocavemen


American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Nostalgia Blu Milwaukee, Juli Wood Boat House (Kenosha), Rodgers Randle and Company Bremen Cafe, Sylmar w/Warhola Cats, Hot By Ziggy & Peshtigo Bremen Cafe, Warhola Cats Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Live Recording: Peter Mulvey w/SistaStrings & Nate Kilen Caroline’s Jazz Club, The Paul Spencer Band Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Silk Torpedo (8pm), DJ: Quixotic Control (10pm) ComedySportz, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Cue Club of Wisconsin (Waukesha), Ten Feet Tall Delavan Lake Store, Ed Chapman Fox & Hounds Restaurant (Hubertus), Larry Lynne Solo (6:30pm) Harley-Davidson Museum, Bulleit Bourbon presents BBQ and Blues Hiawatha Bar & Grill (Sturtevant), The Albert Rd. Band House Of Guinness Irish Pub (Waukesha), Dublin O’Shea Jazz Estate, Latin Night w/Isla Vibes (8pm), Late Night Session: Yanni Chudnow Trio (11:30pm) Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Dead In Chicago w/Hobo Junkies Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Max Williamson w/ BJ Seidel, Matt Hendricks & Ash Rotwell Mary’s Caddyshack, Milwaukee Mule Band Mason Street Grill, Jonathan Wade Trio (6pm) Miller Time Pub, Matt MF Tyner Milwaukee Ale House, Smart Mouth Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom, Bottoms Up Saturday w/Andrew David Weber (2pm), Blue Ribbon Comedy Show (9pm) Pabst Theater, The Prince Experience w/Radio Radio Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Brecken Miles Duo Red, White and Brews, Mr. E (Epic) Rock Country MKE, Billy Bon Scott (AC/DC Tribute) Rosco’s, Coventry Jones/Scott Summers Duo Route 20, Saving Abel w/Mixed Company & Autumn Reverie Shank Hall, Bruce McCulloch w/Dobie Maxwell Slinger House (Slinger), Scotch and Soda Stolley’s Hogg Alley (Oconomowoc), Joe Kadlec Tabi’s Lake Country (Hartland), Kirsten Grace The Cheel / The Baaree (Thiensville), The Mark Hembree Band The Coffee House, UWM music student Guitarists showcase: Stone LaPort, Zach Trembly, Alberto Whitmer The Laughing Tap, Whitney Chitwood The Packing House, Joe Jordan & The Soul Trio (6:30pm) Up & Under, Angry Fix


Bremen Cafe, Blood Cookie w/The Unitaskers & Rat Bath

::ALBUMS Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Derek Pritzl & Friends (8pm), DJ: Sextor (10pm) Iron Mike’s (Franklin), Sunday Jam w/Rockbound (4pm) J&B’s Blue Ribbon Bar and Grill, The Players Jam Joe’s K Ranch (Cudahy), Jazz Unlimited Open Jam (1pm) Jonathan’s on Brick Street, Xeno & Joe (5pm) Rounding Third Bar and Grill, The Dangerously Strong Comedy Open Mic Union Park Tavern (Kenosha), Cy’s Piano Jam (4pm)


Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Jeremy Clyde of Chad & Jeremy Jazz Estate, Acoustic Monday: Ben Dameron Trio Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Poet’s Monday w/ host Timothy Kloss & featured reader P.J. Rockwell (sign-up 7:30pm, 8-11pm) Mason Street Grill, Joel Burt Duo (5:30pm) Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Open Jam w/hosts Josh Becker, Annie Buege, Ally Hart or Marr’lo Parada Up & Under, Open Mic


Brewtown Eatery, Blues & Jazz Jam w/Jeff Stoll, Joe Zarcone & David “Harmonica” Miller (6pm) JC’S Pub, Open Mic w/host Audio is Rehab Jazz Estate, Schneck, Kuzniar, Standal Trio Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts / Riverwest Artists Association, Tuesday Night Jazz Jam Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Throwing Spaghetti - Joe Ketchum Mamie’s, Open Blues Jam w/Marvelous Mack Mary’s Caddyshack, Tacos N Tinkerin Mary’s Caddyshack (New Berlin), Robert Allen Jr. Band Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) McAuliffe’s (Racine), Jim Yorgan Sextet Parkside 23, Sleepy Andy & the Nite Shift Band (6pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White (4pm) Transfer Pizzeria Café, Transfer House Band w/ Dennis Fermenich


Iron Mike’s (Franklin), B Lee Nelson & KZ Acoustic Jam Jazz Estate, Pocket Change Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Polka Open Jam Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Acoustic Open Stage w/feature (sign-up 7:30pm, start 8pm) Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom, Swing Jazz Wednesday w/ The Sunkin Suns Pabst Theater, Mandolin Orange w/Kate Rhudy Paulie’s Field Trip, Wednesday Night Afterparty w/Dave Wacker & guests Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White The Cheel / The Baaree (Thiensville), Jim Schwarz, Matt MF Tyner & Jeff Hamilton (6:30pm) The Cheel / The Baaree (Thiensville), Jim Schwarz, Matt MF Tyner & Jeff Hamilton (6:30pm) The Packing House, Carmen Nickerson & Kostia Efimov (6pm) Turner Hall Ballroom, Stavros Halkias Union Park Tavern (Kenosha), Open Mic with host Mark Paffrath

Marko Hietala

Pyre of the Black Heart (NUCLEAR BLAST) The singing bass player who looks like Gandalf and helped establish the Finnish symphonicmetal band Nightwish as a genre pioneer back in the early 2000s used that band’s self-imposed sabbatical to record the first solo album of his 35-year career. The result is Pyre of the Black Heart, a diverse disc of “hard prog” inspired by Finnish folk music that is both dark and redemptive. Introducing a new spelling of his first name—previous credits refer to the 54-year-old as “Marco”—Hietala eschews the aggressive vocal style with which he infuses Nightwish and his heavy-metal band, Tarot, for something considerably softer. Yes, there’s plenty of muscle and majesty in songs such as “Stones,” “Star, Sand and Shadow” and “Death March for Freedom,” but he also reveals an appealing introspective side, especially on “I Dream” and the orchestral “Truth Shall Set You Free,” the two ballads that close the album. Pyre of the Black Heart was released in Finland last year as Mutan Sydämen Rovio. —Michael Popke

Taiyamo Denku featuring Choclair “Keep Moving On”

Taiyamo Denku has been kicking around Milwaukee hip-hop for a couple decades, and he rings in 2020 with what might best be called a resigned call to positivity. Over what sounds like an East Coast ’90s hardcore track spiked with strategic xylophone plonks, “Keep Moving On” finds Denku rapping about not giving inordinate time to wondering why life can be so difficult, but he still wonders why peace, love and happiness can be so elusive. Canadian veteran M.C. Choclair guests with a verse tough enough to match Denku’s flow. Whether or not his shots in the accompanying video originate from his native Toronto, Denku definitely lipsynced his lines around the downtown of his hometown. Both rhymers keep their couplets clean enough to only require minimal editing for radio play. “Moving” presents a local-scene stalwart offering what he can to help his listeners remain hopeful while remaining true to his muse. —Jamie Lee Rake J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0 | 75


TAKING THE HEAT By James Barrick

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

© 2020 United Feature Syndicate, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication

71. Science popularizer Carl — 72. Support 74. Cut (off) 75. Erstwhile 76. Made smaller 77. Nobleman 78. Poison 79. Parrot of New Zealand 80. Makes smoother 81. French painter 82. Turkic language 83. Cousins to circles 85. Like the Taj Mahal 86. Farm machines 87. D.C. baseballer 88. Flippers 89. A cheese 90. End of the quip: 5 wds. 98. Dele’s undoing 99. Discover 100. Bowl over 101. Visit 103. Counterweight 104. Fishgig 105. Square-mesh lace 106. Pennsylvania port 107. — -happy 108. Lawn tool 109. Long lock 110. At least a few DOWN 1. Feather scarf 2. Underground passage 3. Forbidden thing: Hyph. 4. Donkeywork 5. Advocate 6. Spring 7. Lugosi of old movies 8. Energy cartel 9. Unprincipled 10. Paddles 11. City in Western Australia

12. Corpuscle 13. Ottava — 14. Remain until dawn: 2 wds. 15. Izmir’s sea 16. Vivacity 17. — vital 18. Sawbuck 28. Anguished cry 29. Remnants 30. Metal fastener 34. Mint candy brand 35. Grievance 36. Expressing praise 37. Languish 38. Old measures of length 39. Bourbon cocktails 40. Winged 41. Summarize 42. Fry 43. Stage direction 45. Troyal — Brooks 46. Scoundrel 49. “Divine Comedy” writer 50. Ways 51. Splash about 53. Card with two pips 54. Man from Medellin 55. Versifiers 57. Black eye 58. Prized instrument

59. Summit 61. Governing bodies 62. Pushes 63. Gibe 64. Ladder rung 65. Body part 68. Pinging device 69. Mimics 71. Healthy, in a way 72. Muscle quality 73. Regretted 76. Medicated lozenge 77. Engine part 78. Brings into harmony 80. Quarrel 81. — Blanc 82. London gallery 84. Shoe part 85. Kind of theater 86. Caps 88. — majeure 89. Disconcerts 90. Type style: Abbr. 91. Antitoxins 92. Plumbum 93. New Year’s word 94. Arab VIP 95. Picket 96. Luau fare 97. Reedy 98. Main and Fleet: Abbr. 102. Shelter

1/16 Solution

WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 19 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Race horse owner Solution: 19 Letters

© 2020 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.

ACROSS 1. Strip or stripe 5. Part of AFL-CIO 10. Boxes 15. Aid and — 19. Stench 20. Cornmeal cake of Colombia 21. — bourgeois 22. Oil mogul Halliburton 23. Indigenous Japanese 24. Tricks 25. Bouquet 26. — Carlo Menotti 27. Start of a quip by Earl Wilson: 5 wds. 31. Merriment 32. Looped cross 33. — pro nobis 34. Materialize 37. Joins a certain way 39. Denizens of the world’s most populous island 44. Approaches 45. Quarter pints 46. Held sway 47. Grandma 48. Gainsay 49. Linger 50. Arctic or Antarctic 51. Short tail 52. First lady 53. Pub game 54. Brewed beverage 55. Full-page illustration 56. Portion 58. Stopped slouching: 2 wds. 59. Barrel maker 60. Part 2 of quip: 4 wds. 64. Smart 66. Kind of fragrant root 67. Fool’s parsley 70. Money in India


Arab Bale Bravo Cloth Club Colt Debts Draw Each way bet Enjoy Evens Fall Farrier

Fast Feed Float Foal Gait Grass Grey Groom Gunsynd Hack Harness Hats Helmet Hoc

Injury Lame Lose Malua Mare Odds Ostler Owner Pace Pays Performance Punt Reins Roan

Russia Saintly Show Sire Sore Stud Style TAB Tote Trot Turf Walk Zulu

76 !!J A N UA RY 2 3 , 2 0 2 0

1/16 Solution: Live theatre is spellbinding !"#$"#%&'#($%#!!

Solution: Buying a thoroughbred

Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •

Date: 1/23/20

::FREEWILLASTROLOGY ::BY ROB BREZSNY AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): I’m a big fan of self-editing. For example, every horoscope I write evolves over the course of at least three drafts. For each book I’ve published, I have written but then thrown away hundreds of pages that I ultimately deemed weren’t good enough to be a part of the finished text. And yet now and then, I have created a poem or song in one rapid swoop. My artistic artifact is exactly right the first time it flows out of me, with no further tinkering needed. I suspect you’re now entering a phase like that, Aquarius. I’m reminded of poet Allen Ginsberg’s operative principle: “First thought, best thought.” PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Who don’t you want to be, Pisces? Where don’t you want to go? What experiences are not necessary in your drive to become the person you were born to be? I encourage you to ask yourself questions like those in the coming weeks. You’re entering a phase when you can create long-term good fortune for yourself by knowing what you don’t like and don’t need and don’t require. Explore the positive effects of refusal. Wield the power of saying NO so as to liberate yourself from all that’s irrelevant, uninteresting, trivial, and unhealthy. ARIES (March 21-April 19): German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832) declared that English writer Lord Byron (1788–1824) was the greatest genius of the 19th century. Here’s an interesting coincidence: Byron regarded Goethe as the greatest genius of the 19th century. I bring this to your attention, Aries, in the hope that it will inspire you to create a similar dynamic in your own life during the coming months. As much as possible, surround yourself with people whom you think are wonderful and interesting and enlivening—and who think you are wonderful and interesting and enlivening. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus-born Johannes Brahms (1833–1897) was a renowned German composer who lived most of his life is Germany and Austria. He became so famous and well-respected that England’s Cambridge University offered him an honorary degree if he would visit the campus. But Brahms was too timid to risk crossing the English Channel by boat. (There were no airplanes and Chunnel in those days.) He declined the award. I beg you not to do anything even remotely like that in the coming weeks, Taurus. Please summon the gumption necessary to claim and gather in all you deserve. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): According to my analysis of the astrological omens, the coming weeks will be one of those rare times when you can safely engage with influences that might normally rattle you. You’ll be protected as you wander into the unknown and explore edgy mysteries. Your intuition will be highly reliable if you make bold attempts to solve dilemmas that have previously confounded and frustrated you. If you’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to get a bit wild and exploratory, this is it. CANCER (June 21-July 22): J. M. W. Turner (1775–1851) is regarded as one of England’s greatest painters. He’s best known for his luminous and imaginative landscapes. His experimental use of light and color influenced the Impressionist painters who came after him. But the weird thing is that after his death, many of his works were lost for decades. In 1939, a famed art historian found more than a hundred of them rolled up like tarpaulins in the basement of an art museum. Let’s apply this event as a metaphor for what’s ahead in your life, Cancerian. I suspect that buried or lost elements of your past will soon be rediscovered and restored. I bet it will be fun and illuminating! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In my early adult life, I lived below the poverty line for many years. How did that impact me? Here’s one example: I didn’t own a mattress from ages 23 to 39, but rather slept on a two-inch thick foam pad that lay directly on the floor. I’m doing better now, thank you. But my early experiences ensured that I would forever have profound empathy for people who don’t have much money. I hope this will serve as inspiration for you, Leo. The next seven weeks will be the Empathy Building Season for you. The cosmos will reward you if you build your ability to appreciate and understand SHEPHERD EXPRESS

the pains and joys of other humans. Your compassion will be tonic for both your mental and physical health. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Ancient Greek author Theophrastus was a scientist before the concept of “scientist” existed. His writings on botany were influential for hundreds of years after his death. But some of his ideas would be considered unscientific today. For example, he believed that flute music could heal sciatica and epilepsy. No modern research suggests that the charms of the flute can literally cure physical ailments like those. But there is a great deal of evidence that music can help relieve pain, reduce anxiety, reduce the side effects of drugs, assist in physical therapy and even make you smarter. And my reading of the current astrological omens suggests that the therapeutic effects of music will be especially dramatic for you during the next three weeks. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “Learning to love is difficult, and we pay dearly for it,” wrote the serious and somber author Fyodor Dostoevsky. “It takes hard work and a long apprenticeship,” he added. All that’s true, I think. To hone our ability to express tenderness and warmth, even when we’re not at our best, is the most demanding task on earth. It requires more courage than that of a soldier in the frenzy of battle, as much imagination as a poet and diligence equal to that of an architect supervising the construction of a massive suspension bridge. And yet on the other hand—contrary to what Dostoevsky believed—sometimes love is mostly fun and inspiring and entertaining and educational. I suspect that the coming weeks will be one of those phases for you. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): How well do you nurture yourself, dear Scorpio? How diligent are you in providing yourself with the sustenance that ensures your body, mind and soul will thrive? Are you imaginative in the ways that you keep yourself excited about life? Do you take strong measures to avoid getting attached to mediocre pleasures, even as you consistently hone your focus on the desires that lead you to joy and deep satisfaction? The coming weeks will be an excellent time for you to meditate on these questions. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Seven books of the Bible’s Old Testament refer to a magical place called Ophir. It was a source of exotic finery and soulful treasures like gold, peacocks, jewels, frankincense and precious sandalwood. One problem: No one, not even a biblical scholar, has ever figured out where it was. Zimbabwe? India? Tunisia? Its location is still unknown. I am bringing this to your attention because I suspect that in 2020 there’ll be a good chance you’ll discover and gain access to your own metaphorical Ophir: a fount of interesting, evocative resources. For best results, be primed and eager to offer your own skills and riches in exchange for what this fount can provide to you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Capricorn filmmaker Steven Soderbergh says it’s crucial for us to have a well-developed story about who we are and what we’re doing with our lives. It’s so important, he feels, that it should be the trigger that flings us out of bed every morning. We’ve got to make our story so vivid and interesting that it continually motivates us in every little thing we do. Soderbergh’s counsel is always good to keep in mind, of course, but it will be even more so for you in the coming months. Why? Because your story will be expanding and deepening, and you’ll need to make the necessary adjustments in how you tell your story to yourself. Homework: I’ve gathered all of the long-term, bigpicture horoscopes I wrote for you in the past few weeks and bundled them in one place: Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 877873-4888 or 900-950-7700.


Legal Fight Club


avid Ostrom, 40, and his ex-wife, Bridgette, 38, have been tussling over custody, visitation and property taxes issues for some time, but a frustrated David (of Paola, Kan.), has come up with a unique way of settling their differences. He has challenged his ex, of Harlan, Iowa, and her attorney, Matthew Hudson, to a trial by combat and asked the Iowa District Court in Shelby County to let them “resolve our disputes on the field of battle, legally,” the Des Moines Register reported. In court documents, Ostrom claims such a trial “has never been explicitly banned or restricted as a right in these United States.” Ostrom also asked for 12 weeks to secure some Japanese samurai swords. Hudson, for his part, argued that the fight could end in a death, and “such ramifications likely outweigh those of property tax and custody issues.” At press time, the court had not ruled on the motions.

You Know Urine Mexico City When… In Mexico City, Mexico, on any given day, 22 of the 467 escalators at subway stations are broken down, reports the Associated Press, and on Tuesday, Jan. 14, Metro authorities published a list of causes, including “corrosion due to urine” among the top five. Fermin Ramirez, assistant manager for rails and facilities, said he’s concluded that riders urinate on the escalators in off-peak hours or at lightly used stations. “When we open up escalators for maintenance, there is always urine,” Ramirez noted. Twitter users pushed back, noting that there are no restroom facilities in most Metro stations. The Mexico City subway provides 1.6 billion rides per year—the eighth largest in the world by some measures.

Special Delivery Bibb County, Ga., jail inmate Mary Beth Odum, 40, asked for and received a special Christmas card from a friend this year: a greeting filled with methamphetamine and Suboxone from Timothy Lee Snow, 40, according to authorities. The Associated Press reports deputies intercepted the card and began investigating Snow, detaining him on Thursday, Jan. 9. On his person, they found meth, Xanax and a revolver. In his home, deputies found more meth, Suboxone, marijuana, steroids, packing materials, a shotgun and a rifle. He was charged with possession and intent to distribute the drugs, along

with giving an inmate drugs. Odom also faces charges of attempt to commit offenses pertaining to the possession of drugs.

When Corral Storms In Storm Corral, 40, and a possible accomplice went to a lot of trouble to enter the Cigarettes Cheaper store in Sonora, Calif., on Sunday, Dec. 22, according to police. They bored a hole in the ceiling, gaining access from a vacant building above the business, which probably took a couple of hours, Sonora Police Chief Turu Vander Wiel told Fox40. When Corral tripped an alarm inside the store, he tried to escape back up through the hole but ended up falling through the ceiling into a storage room, all of which was caught on surveillance video. For all his effort, Corral came away with just a bag of rolling tobacco and two energy drinks, said an employee of the business, but he caused thousands of dollars’ worth of damage. Corral, who was already on probation, was charged with burglary and conspiracy to commit a crime. Police are still looking for his suspected accomplice.

Driven to Extremes Shawna Joseph, 28, of Jersey City, New Jersey, lost her cool on Tuesday, Jan. 7, at the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission in Bayonne. Asked to leave around 2 p.m. after becoming angry over the length of the lines, authorities said she returned later that afternoon and unleashed her wrath, smashing computers with a hammer, assaulting workers and kicking the police officers called to arrest her. The Associated Press reported that Joseph eventually was responsible for about $23,000 in damages, according to authorities, and after she was arrested, was found to have PCP-laced marijuana in her possession. She’s been charged with criminal mischief, drug possession, aggravated assault and hindering apprehension.

No Threesomes in Tokyo During the Tokyo Olympics this summer, athletes will sleep on beds made of cardboard, a nod toward sustainability in keeping with Tokyo’s commitment to a “green” Olympics. Which all sounded admirable until Australian basketball player Andrew Bogut pointed out a potential problem: “Great gesture, until the athletes finish their events, and the thousands of condoms handed out all over the village are being put to use.” In response, Airweave, the manufacturer of the beds, told AFP the beds will hold up to 440 pounds and have been through rigorous stress tests. “As long as they stick to just two people in the bed, they should be strong enough to support the load,” the company said. © 2020 ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION J A N U A R Y 2 3 , 2 0 2 0 | 77


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