Circulate MKE Breaks Down Barriers with a New Kind of Market !!!"#$%&"'
March 12 - March 18, 2020
Saturday, April 18, 2020 ï WI State Fair Park Expo Center For more info, go to page 19 or !"#$%#&'$()$*'$+)*&'$,-.$"/$*0)$'"$)1')2$'34&$)5)1'6
4/1–4, 4/7–8
2 ! M A R C H 12 , 2 0 2 0
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Association of Alternative Newsweeklies
MARCH 12, 2020 | 3
Fidel Verdin and Shalina S. Ali of Circulate MKE
Breaking Down the Barriers with a New Kind of Market !"#!$%&'()*+(),((+,)'-)!.&/0() *"%1&$+((2,)(!-/-*3!::BY ERIN BLOODGOOD
n Milwaukee, most people stay in the areas of town where they are comfortable—with the people that match their economic status and skin color. That’s been the norm in this city, but Shalina S. Ali and Fidel Verdin are working hard to change that culture. In 2015, these two community organizers started Circulate MKE, a creative entrepreneur market that connects small vendors from different corners of the city to shoppers. Circulate MKE has always been more than the standard pop-up market because Ali and Verdin have made a point to host their events in vacant spaces located in various communities, whether they be black, brown, white or anything else. In doing so, their market brings new business to those spaces and to the surrounding neighborhood. Their intention from the beginning has been to create connections among different groups of people and to support small vendors with the business tools they need. In the minds of Ali and Verdin, segregation stems from economics, so that’s where they decided to focus their energy. If they could influence people to spend their money locally and in neighborhoods that need a stronger economy, then maybe we could take a step in the right direction of fixing the city’s segregation problem.
4 | MARCH 12, 2020
How it All Started.
!"#$% &'(")'% *+,-.% /01% 2#3% 4')31#% 5')'% fighting for equal opportunities in the city. As two people of color, they see Milwaukee in a different light than most affluent white residents who live in majority-white areas such as Downtown or the East Side. They grew up in neighborhoods with fewer resources and vital institutions such as banks and supermarkets. This has been a systemic, national problem for decades, based largely in the history of redlining, which often led to minority communities being denied access to services. Many of Milwaukee’s residents live with the effects of our country’s institutional racism and consequently have to travel farther to access a bank, healthcare office or supermarket. Not only do they have to travel downtown for the necessities, but most theaters, restaurants and other entertainment are in more affluent parts of the city. Residents from lower-income neighborhoods have to spend their money in other areas of the city, but residents from neighborhoods with plenty of resources don’t ever have a reason to travel to poor black neighborhoods. As Verdin sees it, “[The city] only became racially segregated because of money.” Ali and Verdin saw economics divide people their whole lives, so they began thinking of ways economics could bring people together. The idea for Circulate MKE first came to fruition because Ali would purchase all her jewelry, lotions and other material goods from makers she knew from her communities. Friends would constantly ask her where her earrings and other products came from, and she would introduce them to her vendors. She soon realized there was an opportunity to connect people on a larger scale that would allow her to help both the vendors and the buyers. The moment she ran the idea past Verdin, he was committed. The two began brainstorming on how to get people to spend their money on local vendors in a way that distributes wealth equally throughout the city. They wanted both dollars and ideas to circulate. “It’s about shared resources and being able to work together as entrepreneurs and startups, or just craft people,” says Verdin. Most importantly, the markets had to be nondiscriminatory and accessible to everyone, so from the beginning, they did not charge the vendors or shoppers to participate.
Location Matters.
It was important for the market to represent and include all the communities in Milwaukee as well as to create economic growth for everyone. Verdin and Ali decided the only way to accomplish that was by moving the location around the city. They would approach
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THE MARKETS HAVE STARTED TO BREAK DOWN BARRIERS. VERDIN AND ALI KNOW THAT WHITE PEOPLE OFTEN AVOID INNER-CITY NEIGHBORHOODS BECAUSE THEY DON’T FEEL SAFE, BUT CIRCULATE MKE HAS BEEN SHOWING PEOPLE THAT THOSE FEARS AND PREJUDICES ARE ONLY IN OUR HEADS. !"#$%&' !(' )*+,-+#.&' /01/' "$%$#2/' )$+#.' *&$-' 1#-' 1&3' /0$4' /!' *&$' /0$+%' &516$' (!%' /0$' 4137 $%2&'41%3$/8'90$:'01;$')$$#'1),$'/!')%+#.'#$"' )*&+#$&&'/!'*#*&$-'&516$&'1%!*#-'/0$'6+/:'"0+,$' 6%$1/+#.'%$,1/+!#&0+5&'"+/0')*+,-+#.'!"#$%&8 <;$%:' #$"' ,!61/+!#' 6%$1/$-' 4!%$' 1"1%$7 #$&&' (!%' =+%6*,1/$' >?<' "0+,$' 1,&!' )%+#.+#.' +#' #$"' ;$#-!%&' 1#-' 6*&/!4$%&8' 90$' %$.*,1%' )+74!#/0,:'41%3$/'/!!3'5,16$'(!%'1)!*/'/0%$$' :$1%&@' )*/' 5$!5,$' )$.1#' /!' 6%$1/$' /0$+%' !"#' ;$%&+!#&' !(' /0$' 41%3$/@' -$;$,!5+#.' 1' 6*,/*%$' (!%' 5!57*5' 6%1(/' 41%3$/&' +#' >+,"1*3$$8' =+%7 culate MKE now operates only about five of /0$+%' !"#' 41%3$/&' $;$%:' :$1%' )$61*&$' /0$:' 1%$' (!6*&+#.' !#' -$;$,!5+#.' /0$' &3+,,&' !(' /0$' )*&+#$&&' !"#$%&@' 1,,!"+#.' /0$4' /!' .!' +#' /0$' -+%$6/+!#'/0$:'5,$1&$8'90$'-+;$%&$'$;$#/&'01;$' &/+4*,1/$-' #$"' $6!#!4+6' 16/+;+/:' +#' !(/$#7 (!%.!//$#'51%/&'!('/0$'6+/:'1#-'.1;$'5$!5,$'1' %$1&!#' /!' 6%!&&' /0$' +#;+&+),$' ,+#$&' /01/' >+,7 "1*3$$'&$$4&'/!'01;$8
An Equal Economy, a Change in Culture.
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Find things to do in the Milwaukee area with the most comprehensive events calendar in the city.
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Voted by Shepherd Express readers as the BEST Legislator
AFT, MTEA, ATU, BLOC, Citizen Action, Democratic Party of Milwaukee County, Sierra Club, Voces de la Frontera Action, State Senators LaTonya Johnson & Tim Carpenter, State Reps. Brostoff, Cabrera, & Sinicki, Randy Bryce, Supervisor Silvia Ortiz≠ Velez, Drinks in the Seats, MASH, Milwaukee Area Labor Council, Ironworkers, Grassroots South Shore, PCCC, OWR, SEIU, Teamsters, USW, UAW, WEAC and WFNHP.
All shows start at 8 pm unless otherwise indicated
Tickets available at Shank Hall Box Office, 866-468-3401, or at
Fri 3/13
Sat 3/14
Albert Cummings
Duke Tumatoe & the Power Trio $20
Mon 3/16
Wed 3/18
Flying Buffaloes $10
Ward Davis, Josh Morningstar $20
Thurs 3/19
Fri 3/20
The Nielsen Trust
Jeffrey Gaines, Cassidy and the Music $15
1434 N FARWELL AVE ï 276-7288 ï SHANKHALL.COM ï all shows 21+
3/21 No Quarter 3/25 Joe Louis Walker 3/27 Koch Marshall Trio 3/28 Brand X 3/30 Talisk 4/1 Tinsley Ellis 4/2 The Claudettes 4/3 NightSnake, Diver Down 4/4 Jagged Little Pill, Doní t Speak 4/8 Shawn Mullins 4/10 The Loviní Kind, Failure To Launch MARCH 12, 2020 | 5
Franklin Continues to Grow at a Rapid Pace ::BY CATHERINE JOZWIK
ranklin, a southwestern suburb of Milwaukee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The Rock Sports Complex in Franklin
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≠ Mention this ad and receive≠
$10 off a purchase of $50 or more e x p i r at i o n d at e : M a r c h 1 8 , 2 0 2 0
Mon≠ Fri: 11am ñ 7PM ï Sat & Sun: 11am ñ 3pm 620 E. Green Bay Ave. Suite 118 262≠ 235≠ 4125 6 | MARCH 12, 2020
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Inspire homeowners this Spring by showcasing your business in our guide!
March 19-April 30 Contact your Account Representative or for more details!
"#)*$)*$"#+$+,+&"$-./$%$"/'+$0)*1.&*)&)"+$ %&2$0+$3/.4)*+$5.'$2.&í "$0%&"$".$4)**$.'"6 Youí ll be able to sample items from over 100 vendors, so be ready to indulge.
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M A R C H 12 , 2 0 2 0 ! 7
::SAVINGOURDEMOCRACY ( MARCH 12-18, 2020 ) Shepherd Express serves as a clearinghouse for all activities in the greater Milwaukee area that peacefully push back against discriminatory or authoritarian actions and policies of the Donald Trump regime, as well as highlighting activities that promote social and environmental justice. To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to
Peace Action of Wisconsin: Stand for Peace @ the corner of 16th St. and Wisconsin Ave., noon
Thursday, March 12
End Prison Slavery @ Milwaukee Public Library, Room 2A (814 W. Wisconsin Ave.), 5 p.m.
10th Annual Girl’s Day @ City Hall (200 E. Wells St.), 8:30 a.m.
Monday, March 16
Join the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee to help work on writing letters, data entry and other activities to combat abuses in the Wisconsin prison system.
Join City Hall in welcoming and encouraging middle and high school students to pursue careers in public service.
Tuesday, March 17
Gov. Tony Evers to Speak at Newsmaker Luncheon @ Milwaukee Press Club (137 E. Wells St.), 11:30 a.m.
Hosted jointly by the Milwaukee Press Club and, the Newsmaker Luncheon will feature Gov. Tony Evers who will speak on issues within the state and his first year in office. The panel of journalists will include Adrienne Pedersen from WISN-TV, Jason Fechner from Spectrum News and Patrick Marley from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Saturday, March 14
Lessons from the Chicago Teachers Strike @ MATC Downtown Campus Room S120 (700 W. State St.), 12 p.m.
Hear from the experiences of Chicago Teachers Union activists Sarah Chambers and Paula Baraja during the Chicago Teachers Union drives and strikes. The Young Workers Committee of the Milwaukee Area Labor Council AFL-CIO and the American Federation of Teachers Local 212 will present the event.
Get Out the Vote Volunteers! @ Voces de la Frontera Action (1027 S. Fifth St.), 12 p.m.
Every Saturday from noon-1 p.m., concerned citizens join with Peace Action of Wisconsin to protest war and literally “Stand for Peace.” Signs will be provided for those who need them. Protesters are encouraged to stick around for conversation and coffee after the protest.
Join the grassroots Latinx movement at the Voces de la Frontera office to help elect progressive, pro-immigrant candidates for 2020.
Texting for Toddlers! (to Support the MPS Referendum) @ Wisconsin Working Families Party (413 N. Second St.), 9 a.m.
Help text voters to choose yes for the Milwaukee Public Schools referendum and join Progressive Moms of Wisconsin and Working Families for a short information session and Q&A.
Candidates for Milwaukee County Executive Election Forum @ Milwaukee Press Club (137 E. Wells St.), 11:45 a.m.
State Rep. David Crowley (D-Milwaukee) and state Sen. Chris Larson (D-Milwaukee) will speak at an election forum on the Milwaukee County Executive, jointly hosted by the Milwaukee Press Club, WisPolitics and the Rotary Club.
Wednesday, March 18
Anti-Bias Workshop Series for Environmentalists @ TBD, 5:30 p.m.
Join the intensive workshop series for environmentalists and learn about topics like why environmental organizations are predominantly white, finding shared language on diversity and combatting bias. Look for the location at the Sierra Club Great Waters Group’s online calendar. To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to Comment at n
Our experience with Shepherd Express
has been exceptional. Our Account Executive has helped us shape our advertising strategy by presenting us with multiple proposals that were in complete alignment with our business objectives. He is always quick to identify opportunities for us and is very responsive whenever we need help. – Stephanie Murphy, DDS Owner
8 | MARCH 12, 2020
The Decent, Qualified Presidential Candidates Are Down to Two ::BY JOEL MCNALLY
or months, many voters appeared almost paralyzed with fear! "#$%! &'(#"! &)*$! "#$! +,-.(! /$0'1'-.!'.!0#--1'.(!"#$!2$1"!3$&4 -0,)"!"-!)0#'$5$!"#$',!6,($."!(-)7!-8! /$8$)"'.(!9,$1'/$."!3-.)7/!:,6&;<!=6;$,!:6$14 /)%! 16//$.7%! &)/$! 5-"$,1>! /$0'1'-.1! $)1'$,! 2%! ?6'0*7%!,$/60'.(!"--!&).%!0)./'/)"$1!"-!"#$!"+-! 2$1"4*.-+.!-;"'-.1@!8-,&$,!A'0$!9,$1'/$."!B-$! C'/$.!)./!A$,&-."!=$.<!C$,.'$!=)./$,1< C6"!.-+D!"#$,$>1!).-"#$,!/).($,<!E'"#!"-F'0! ;-7'"'0)7! ;-'1-.! 2'77-+'.(! -6"! -8! "#$! E#'"$! G-61$! /)'7%D! '"! +-67/! 2$! 16'0'/)7!8-,! 3$&-4 0,)"1! "-! /'5'/$! '."-! "+-! #-1"'7$! 0)&;1! )./! 2$('.! "$),'.(! $)0#! -"#$,! );),"<! H7"'&)"$7%D! 3$&-0,)"1!#)5$!"-!0-&$!"-($"#$,!)"!"#$',!0-.4 5$."'-.! '.! I'7+)6*$$! "-! ,'/! "#$! .)"'-.! -8! )! 0-,,6;"D!#)"$41;$+'.(!;,$1'/$."!+#-!,$5$71!'.! "6,.'.(!J&$,'0).1!)()'.1"!$)0#!-"#$,< C'/$.!)./!=)./$,1!#)5$!7$/!1"),*7%!/'88$,4 $."!;-7'"'0)7!0),$$,1D!26"!"#$%!,$)77%!/-.>"!7'5$! '.!,)/'0)77%!/'88$,$."!;-7'"'0)7!+-,7/1<!:#$%>,$! 2-"#! ;,-(,$11'5$! .)"'-.)7! 7$)/$,1! /$/'0)"$/! "-!,$1"-,'.(!J&$,'0)>1!/$&-0,)"'0!5)76$1!)./! 2)1'0! #6&).! /$0$.0%! /$1",-%$/! 2%! :,6&;>1! 5'0'-61D!/'5'1'5$!;-7'0'$1<! :#$',! 2'(($1"! /'88$,$.0$! '1! #-+! 7-.(! $)0#! 2$7'$5$1! '"! &'(#"! ")*$! "-! )0#'$5$! 1#),$/! (-)71! 160#!)1!;,-5'/'.(!)88-,/)27$!#$)7"#!0),$!8-,!$54 $,%!J&$,'0).! )./! ,$5$,1'.(! "#$! /$1",60"'-.! -8! -6,! ;7).$"! 2%! "#$! 07'&)"$! 0,'1'1<!:#$',! ;-7'"'0)7! -;;-.$."1!+'77!#)5$!)!7-"!"-!1)%!)2-6"!"#)"<!C6"! "#$,$>1! ,$)77%! -.7%! -.$! ,)/'0)77%! 6.4J&$,'0).! 0)./'/)"$! '.! "#$! ;,$1'/$."')7! ,)0$! +#-! 8)'71! "-! (,)1;!"#$!2$)6"'867!'/$)71!$.1#,'.$/!'.!-6,!K-.4 1"'"6"'-.!;,-"$0"'.(!$?6)7!",$)"&$."!6./$,!"#$!7)+! 8-,!$5$,%!J&$,'0).!,$(),/7$11!-8!,)0$D!,$7'('-.D! $0-.-&'0!07)11!-,!.)"'-.)7!-,'('.<!:#)">1!:,6&;<
Serious Candidates
:#$,$>1! 1-&$"#'.(! $71$! C'/$.! )./! =)./$,1! #)5$! '.! 0-&&-.<! C-"#! ),$! 1$,'-61D! 1621")."')7! ;-7'"'0').1!+#-!#)5$!-8"$.!2$$.!,$/60$/!"-!0),4 "--.!0),'0)"6,$1!2%!"#$!&$/')< C'/$.>1! 1-40)77$/! ()88$1! "#,-6(#-6"! #'1! ;-4 7'"'0)7!0),$$,!#)5$!7-.(!2$$.!8-//$,!8-,!7)"$4.'(#"! 0-&$/').1<! =-&$! ),$! #),&7$11! #6&).! +-,/! L6&27$1!8,-&!)!;-7'"'0').!+#-!#)/!"-!-5$,0-&$! )!1"6""$,!"-!1;$)*!'.!;627'0<!M"#$,1!1'&;7%!0-.4 firm journalist Michael Kinsley’s definition that )! ()88$! '.!E)1#'.("-.! '1! +#$.! )! ;-7'"'0').! )04 0'/$.")77%!"$771!"#$!",6"#<!J1!C'/$.!.-"$/!)"!"#$! 1'(.'.(D!9,$1'/$."!M2)&)!;)11'.(!"#$!J88-,/)27$! Care Act really was a big effing deal. :#$! &$/')! )11'1"! :,6&;! '.! ;$,;$"6)"'.(! #'1! /'1"-,"$/D! /'1#-.$1"! )"")0*1! -.! =)./$,1! 2%! ,$;$)"$/7%! '/$."'8%'.(! =)./$,1! )1! N)! 1$784/$4 scribed democratic socialist” without ever definSHEPHERD EXPRESS
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ìIí ve promised to visit our 143 parks, to sit down for coffee in all 19 municipalities, to protect our parks, senior centers and transit and to give back $10k of my salary annually. I will run a clean, positive campaign ≠ one that is truly grassroots and rejects the wealthy who infl uence our local campaigns.î
Popular Programs
=-D!'8!/$&-0,)"'0!1-0')7'1"!(-5$,.&$."1!+$,$! 1-!1600$11867D!+#%!),$.>"!"#$,$!&-,$!;-7'"'0').1! ),-6./!"-/)%!0)77'.(!"#$&1$75$1!/$&-0,)"'0!1-4 0')7'1"1`!:#$!-25'-61!).1+$,!'1!"#$!=-0')7'1"!9),4 "%!-8!J&$,'0)!8)/$/!+#$.!"#$!3$&-0,)"'0!9),"%! )/-;"$/!&).%!-8!'"1!&-1"!;-;67),!;,-(,)&1!)./! 2$().!'&;7$&$."'.(!"#$&<!:#$,$>1!)!/',$0"!7'.$! 0-..$0"'.(!=-0')7!=$06,'"%!)./!H.$&;7-%&$."! K-&;$.1)"'-.! 6./$,! 9,$1'/$."! S,).*7'.! P--14 $5$7"D! I$/'0),$! )./! I$/'0)'/! 6./$,! 9,$1'/$."! ]%./-.! B-#.1-.! )./! "#$! J88-,/)27$! K),$! J0"! 6./$,!9,$1'/$."!C),)0*!M2)&)<!P$;627'0).1!-;4 ;-1$/!$5$,%!-.$!-8!"#-1$!3$&-0,)"'0!;,-(,)&1! that benefit every American who needs them. =)./$,1! &)%! 0)77! #'&1$78! )! /$&-0,)"'0! 1-4 0')7'1"! +#'7$! C'/$.! 0)771! #'&1$78! )! a$+! 3$)7! 3$&-0,)"D! 26"! 2-"#! 1#-67/! )0*.-+7$/($! "#)">1! .-"!,$)77%!160#!)!,)/'0)7!/'1"'.0"'-.<!:#$,$>1!.-! ,$)1-.!"-!/$.%!"#$!/$&-0,)"'0!1-0')7'1"!,--"1!-8! "#$! 3$&-0,)"1>! &-1"! 6.'5$,1)77%! ;-;67),! ;-7'4 0'$1<! I),?6$""$! H.'5$,1'"%>1! ])+! =0#--7! ;-771! 0-."'.6$! "-! 1#-+! C'/$.! )./! =)./$,1! ),$! 2-"#! 5'$+$/! ;-1'"'5$7%! 2%! )2-6"! "+-4"#',/1! -8! E'14 0-.1'.>1!3$&-0,)"'0!5-"$,1<! :#$,$>1! ,$)77%! .-"#'.(! ,)/'0)7! )2-6"! "#$! ;,-(,$11'5$! ;-7'0'$1! -8! $'"#$,! 3$&-0,)"'0! candidate. Both should unite to fight Trump’s ,$/42)'"'.(! )./! 0#'7/'1#! .)&$40)77'.(<! b-6! 0).! 0-6."! -.! :,6&;>1! 0,6/$1"! 16;;-,"$,1! "-! "6,.!"#-1$!6(7%!176,1!'."-!5'0'-61!;7)%(,-6./! 0#)."1!"-!2$!1#-6"$/!)"!#'1!#)"$!,)77'$1<!:#)">1! +#)"!;)11$1!8-,!P$;627'0).!;,$1'/$."')7!0)&4 ;)'(.'.(!6./$,!:,6&;< &'##$()%*)%+,$-,$./$0-.$++12'#1%n
!"#$%&'( &')$%*'$%+, '*'+$-,'./0 MARIELLE ALLSCHWANG MI LWAU K E E MU SI C I A N F U L L A RT I C L E AT R A D I O MI LWAU K E E .O R G MARCH 12, 2020 | 9
The Parting Glass Irish actor Ray Yeates brings his critically acclaimed one man play to Milwaukee for two shows on March 27 and 28 as part of his American tour. “No matter what stage of life you are in or what nationality you are - or how you feel about football - The Parting Glass will resonate with you. This is the sort of work that cuts through to the heart of human experience, across all boundaries.” For tickets:
10 | M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 0
Callous Political Inaction Will Make Our Health Worse ::BY KEVIN KANE
e are now in the sixth year since states have had the opportunity to expand their state’s Medicaid program,!"#$% &'()#('! *+! ,*-./+-*+0! #+$! 1/23! 23'! ('#-/+-! and disastrous health ramifications are be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Crisis for Caregivers
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!"#$%&'()*+%),-.) /012-"3"41)"5)6.*7 ::BY PHILIP CHARD
n addition to its human toll, Covid-19 is a study in the psychology of fear. At the extreme, we find some folks captive to near hysteria. This mindset is fed by emotional hijacking combined with the suspicion that what one is being told paints a rosier picture than what’s really happening out there. Runaway, irrational fear gets people to do over-the-top things, like sequester themselves, compulsively sanitize everything, repeatedly check their temperature, wear face masks unnecessarily, hoard supplies and the like. At the other end of this emotional spectrum reside those who downplay or dismiss any risk from a potentially lethal disease with a far higher mortality rate than influenza. Almost every major human calamity is preceded by these, “What, me worry?” types. Perhaps we will be spared a catastrophe comparable to the Spanish flu (which killed 50 million worldwide and 675,000 in the US), but being too cavalier is an invitation to suffer one. Then, of course, there are delusional conspiracy theorists who believe this is a weaponized virus released by the Chinese. Were that so, it would be far more lethal. Another popular paranoia is that it’s media-induced hysteria designed to undermine Trump’s strongest election play, the economy. Tell that to the people who are sick and dying. Then, there are the racist thugs who have attacked Asian Americans as if they are somehow to blame for a virus. Madness. The kind that makes it challenging to remain hopeful about our species. What most of us feel is something between measured concern and festering anxiety, and that can fluctuate based on the news of the day. But, regardless of one’s degree of disquiet, its source resides within the DNA of our species. We humans have a long, anguished and sorrowful history associated with contagion.
Memories of the Plague
Until recently, humanity has been all but defenseless against the ravages wrought by malevolent pathogens. Even today, as virulent bacteria grow more resistant to antibiotics, we are losing the capacity to defend ourselves from the microbial menaces in our midst. And now, there’s a new one. Deep within our collective unconscious (a subliminal bond that links us all) there remain the memories of pestilence from times past. From the Black Death that felled half of Europe’s population in the 14th century and the aforementioned Spanish flu to the epidemics of polio that swept America until vaccination began in the 1950s, we have learned the hard way what to fear. So, when you feel that quiver of apprehension or outright jolt of fright over Covid-19, remember it erupts from a primordial place. It differs markedly from the dread of facing a predator, for example; something our ancestors did frequently. Why? Because it’s particularly unnerving to fight what you can’t see. Invisible adversaries leave us feeling defenseless. How can we push back against irrational fear? It seems prudent to embrace two paths—one of caring connection and the other of evidence-based vigilance. Pandemics fuel social distancing and wariness toward others, which, in turn, escalate isolation and loneliness. Facing this threat without the psychological comfort of strength in numbers and a “We’re all in this together” attitude elevates fear and paranoia. Social distancing often proves necessary, but at least we possess the technology to remain engaged and connected in digital spaces, if not physical ones. What’s more, we need to reign in our anxiety with facts. The more we know about the science (as opposed to rumors and conspiracy theories) behind Covid-19, the more control and less fear we will feel. As Sun Tzu, author of The Art of War, said, “If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.” Essentially, we need to understand both this new pathogen and how our angst toward it can lead us astray. This disease is a tough enough adversary in its own right. We don’t need to compound the challenge by letting our fears carry the day. For more, visit
Poll Results: Last week, we asked if you think it’s time Wisconsin’s Republican-controlled Legislature stop playing politics and take up serious debate regarding gun reform measures. You said: 81% Yes 19% No
What Do You Say? Are you confident in President Trump’s ability to manage America’s response to the coronavirus pandemic? Yes No Vote online at We’ll publish the results of this poll in next week’s issue. 12 | M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 0
presented by
(formerly the Blood Center of WI )
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Visit the Community Warehouse FREE Milwaukee Brewers ticket with face voucher to the fi rst 800 people! painting and CONT ESTS animals from the Racine County Zoo Test your skills at the Dunk PH OTO ≠ OPS Law Firm GameZone Take pics with Sparky from the H A I RC U TS Milwaukee Fire Department, FREE haircuts from Midwest Stubby from Marcus Cinema, Barbers Competition the Easter Bunny and more!
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M A R C H 12 , 2 0 2 0 ! 13
We will keep you informed each week about the growing availability of legal cannabis products in Milwaukee and what’s happening at the state level with respect to Wisconsin’s movement towards legalization, what’s happening in other states and in the rest of the world.
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The Benefits of Marijuana Legalization
s more farmers, retailers and processors enter the booming cannabis market, a growing number of attorneys, insurance and financial firms are tailoring their businesses to specifically serve the niche cannabis industry. One of those is Adam Syvock, owner of Infinity Accounting, who started a separate entity, Cannabis Accounting LLC (W177 N9886 Rivercrest Drive, Suite 260, Germantown, Wis.) in 2018 to help cannabis-related businesses. The idea for Cannabis Accounting was prompted by a friend of Syvock’s who had gotten a license to sell medical cannabis in Illinois. “He called me and asked if I knew how to do accounting for that particular industry,” Syvock says. “I told him I would research it.” He began educating himself on cannabis accounting, researching federal and state laws and tax codes. Through Cannabis Accounting, Syvock serves industrial hemp farmers, cannabidiol (CBD) retailers, processors and extractors, as well as cannabis businesses in states where it is fully legal. He provides bookkeeping, accounting, tax preparation, planning, payroll services, financial advisory analysis and profit consulting. He also helps companies to think about and plan for long-term growth. With cannabis being a specialized industry operating under a nationwide patchwork of continuously changing laws and regulations, Syvock notes it’s advantageous for cannabis businesses to have an accountant specifically for that industry. Regarding industrial hemp and CBD, as it applies in Wisconsin, Syvock will educate hemp farmers and processors on how to measure their yields and profitability.
n Tuesday, April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
Cash Flow
“In terms of CBD retail, we’ll manage their cash flow, because banking and credit card processing is still an issue,” he explains. “Some banks have opened their doors to welcome the hemp community, but we’re still in the infancy stages of that. I get them to think about cash ledgers; CBD retailers are still heavily reliant on cash in a lot of places, so I make sure they are accounting for their cash properly so if they are audited, everything is prepared and there will be no question marks.” With medical or recreational marijuana, it’s a whole different ball game. Syvock cites the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) code, section 280E, which forbids businesses in that industry from deducting ordinary business expenses from income associated with “dealing or trafficking” of Schedule I or II substances defined under the Controlled Substances Act—including marijuana. “That did also apply to industrial hemp, but under the 2018 farm bill, when industrial hemp was taken off the Controlled Substances list, it’s no longer subjected to 280E; but there are still some things in there [that affect industrial hemp],” he explains. “Also, nobody has ever received any guidance as far as what the Food and Drug Administration is planning on doing with CBD or hemp as a whole, so I can imagine that they are going to come out with regulations, guidelines and compliance portions. Another thing we help our legal cannabis clients with is to maintain their compliance and analysis sheets, keeping those more organized, so if there are any questions, we can answer them right away.” Syvock spends a lot of time reading to keep up on the ever-changing cannabis industry. “There are eight to 10 court cases every year that have new implications on hemp, especially this 280E section. If the federal government were to make all cannabis legal today, there would be no issue with 280E, but since we’re not in that reality, businesses have to consider how they are going to account for that.” He notes some companies try to file standard tax returns or get around 280E, but if they get audited, that could result in penalties. “What drew me to this is the challenge of it and the uniqueness of the industry in terms of the accounting portion of it,” he concludes. For more information, visit Comment at n
14 | M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 0
n Bring in tax revenue
This is the first and most commonly heard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agriculture and the justice system benefitted 61%2*2",,"%&#*"&*355"("%&3,*6<&5"&-*(/1%<-/*(/)* C31"?<3&3*T3E*=3#/*U<&5: G6* !"#$%&#"&* +)1)* (%* ,)-3,"B)* 231"?<3&3>* (/)* !"#$%&#"&* ;)031(2)&(* %6* V).)&<)* )#("' 23()5*(/3(*(/)*#(3()*$%<,5*)E0)$(*3(*,)3#(*LJMQ* 2",,"%&*3&&<3,,4*"&*355"("%&3,*(3E*1).)&<):*W<1* ,%$3,*01%-132#>*3-1"$<,(<1)*3&5*)5<$3("%&*$%<,5* greatly benefit from this new source of funding.
n Save taxpayer money
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For more Dining, log onto
Pizza Crafters
Pizza Crafters’ Fresh Salads, Pizzas a Recipe for Success
lunch (adults eat for $8.99), evenings and weekend lunch ($9.99), order at the counter and prepare to tuck in. Begin with the super fresh, well-stocked salad bar. Diners can make their own leafy creation from four different types of greens, over 15 different toppings ranging from carrots and radishes to ham and cottage cheese, with a host of dressings, including an excellent apple vinaigrette. If you’re not into lettuce, there’s usually a yummy broccoli salad and a pasta salad or two on the bar as well. Once you’ve filled up on veggies, it’s time for the main event. Fresh-from-theoven pizzas are constantly being added to the hot bar. At peak times, there could be 13 or more different pizzas available. If you don’t see one out that you were hoping for, just ask one of the staff members and they’ll make it. Pizza Crafters makes a hand-tossed style crust, thicker than the typical Milwaukee-style cracker crust we’re so used to around here. This is a good thing, because that means this crust properly holds up to some of the more generously topped pizzas. They also ::BY SUSAN HARPT GRIMES offer a surprisingly delicious gluten-free crust, on request, for $2 more. An interesting signature of Pizza Crafters is their creative pizza of the week. You nlike some other all-you-can-eat pizza restaurants, Pizcan tell the team here puts a lot of thought into coming up with some unique za Crafters is focused on quality as much as quantity. and very fun pizza concepts. In the past, these have included a Thanksgiving Pizza Crafters uses fresh, locally sourced ingredients whendinner pizza topped with everything from gravy and stuffing to cranberry sauce. ever possible and offers appetizing and healthy options, During baseball season, they’ve created a Tailgate pizza that made an excellent which may make you feel a little better when you’re eating a tribute to grilling out at Miller Park, with toppings like brats, ketchup, mustard lot of cheese and meat on pizza. and even sweet pickle relish. One of the greatest benefits of a bufWhile these special pizzas are tasty, the standard menu fet-style restaurant is getting to choose Pizza Crafters pizza offerings are also solid. Pizza Crafters makes a long list of whatever you want to eat, a model that favorites like Chicken Bacon Ranch, Loaded Potato, Barbecue 262-781-9400 • $-$$ works best when there are lots of great Chicken and Hawaiian. The hot bar is rounded out with other N56 W15560 Silver Spring things to pick from. At Pizza Crafters, comfort food items like mac and cheese, baked potatoes and Drive, Menomonee Falls you definitely get your money’s worth nachos. For dessert, look for the most incredibly chocolaty, of options to fill your plate. For weekday Handicap accessible: Yes warm brownies at the end of the bar.
16 | M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 0
!"#$%&'()&*$#&+&,(-. ::BY JAMIE LEE RAKE King Gyros (10000 W. Capitol Drive) couldn’t have a more appropriate name. The humbly named eatery with the outsized signage serves many dishes featuring its namesake lamb-and-beef meat and its chicken variant. Diners won’t really find anything else Greek there, but there’s plenty else on offer for hungry patrons. Still, why not try the gyros? Though they are available in the form of pita sandwiches with vegetables and tzatziki sauce, King’s gyro breakfast options are intriguing. Strips of gyro served with eggs fried to your liking go by the luggage-referencing name of The Samsonite. The gyro skillet offers an even heartier repast, wherein copious meat, tomato slices, onion slivers and feta cheese crumbles are piled on a heap of softly fried hash browns, all topped by a trio of eggs. Those not hungering for gyros have a bevy of club sandwiches, hamburgers and specialty sandwiches such as a Reuben, Monte Cristo and Philly beef to choose from. In nods to morning meals with broader international flair, King also purveys eggs served with kielbasa and chorizo (the latter is only served with scrambled eggs).
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King Gyros
Artist: Brendan Murphy
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Web sales only. Gift cards can be mailed or picked up at the Shepherd Express office. 18 | M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 0
uckily for generations of beer lovers, Frederick Pabst !"!#$%& stick to his first career as a cap' tain. While manning vessels for the Goodrich Steamship Line, legend has it that one day, a treacherous storm forced Captain Pabst to beach his ship, the Seabird, on the sands of Whitefish Bay. Cap' tain Pabst saved everyone on board, but he de' cided to step away from the helm and take up his father-in-law on an offer to buy half of his Phillip Best Brewing Company. The rest, as they say, is history. But it’s those pre-Pabst Blue Ribbon days from Captain Pabst’s youth that are honored at Captain Pabst Pilot House (1037 W. Juneau Ave.), formerly known as Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom. With the rebranding, Pabst has also launched a craft beer line, Captain Pabst, with its flagship IPA, Seabird. “We’re creating the storyline behind Captain Pabst,” says Adam Powers, the taproom’s general manager. “Ev' erything in here is geared around him, the myth, the legend; this place is tell' ing the story of when his parents came from Germany, up to the Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) point. When PBR came out, that’s when the story ends, because that’s a whole different brand—still !"# brand, but we’re only telling the first part of this life.” Flux Design did the taproom rede' sign. Among the nautical décor, which includes wrought iron accents and portholes, are images of young Cap' tain Pabst. Rich blue drapes accent the windows. Pub tables replaced the com' munal tables, and a new elevated stage hosts a full schedule of bands. The space can host food and beer tastings, parties and events. With the rebranding, Powers hopes the brewery and taproom, located in a historic 1872 structure that was once a German Meth' odist church, will have its own identity among the newer businesses in the redeveloped Pabst Brewery complex. “We’re the only thing on this block that’s operated by Pabst,” he says, noting that some people believe other nearby bars within the complex are also operated by Pabst, but they’re independent.
Beer, Food and More
The 10-tank brewing system at Captain Pabst Pilot House is an innovation brewery, Powers
Use our interactive, up-to-date guide to find stores offering CBD oil products and other cannabis-related products
Captain Pabst’s Pilot House Pays Homage to its Namesake’s Legend
says, and brews beer for the taproom’s beer list. “With Schlitz, Old Style or any of the brands we own, the beers start here when we bring out different versions, like a different style or brand extension. Our brewers will do test batches,” he explains. “If it’s well re' ceived, then it will go on to mass production for retail sale. That was the idea behind Sea' bird, to see how well it performed in here.” Seabird, a smooth, approachable IPA made with magnum, citra, cascade and mosaic hops, was the taproom’s fourth best seller last year. It’s brewed on-site for the taproom; for larger retail distribution, it’s brewed and canned by Wisconsin Brewing Co., in Verona, Wis. Pabst is a “virtual” brewer, contracting its large-scale distribution recipes to physical brewers such as Molson Coors. Seabird is available in retail loca' tions including Otto’s and Woodman’s. The beer menu changes occasionally, de' pending on what’s available in the downstairs brewery. In addition to PBR and Seabird IPA, Patrons can find heritage brands like Ande' ker or Red, White & Blue, along with vari' eties such as Pabst Kolsch or Goodrich Gal' ley Goch sour on tap. Pabst favorites are also available in cans and bottles. Great Lakes Galley runs the kitchen and makes all the food in-house. The menu is cur'
Captain Pabst Pilot House
rently Wisconsin-centric—fish fry, cheese curds and brats—and vegetarians can opt for the Im' possible Burger. Powers says they will add light' er fare like salads and bowls. Brewery tours are available, and Powers says the tour attracted about 10,000 people last year. They’re rebranding the tour around Captain Pabst’s life and collecting historic photos and memorabilia. The outdoor beer garden has a full bar and can be rented for events. Captain Pabst Pilot House will hold a grand reopening party on Saturday, March 28, to coincide with Frederick Pabst’s birthday. $!#%&!#'%()*!#&+,(!)-% .(/(,%0+1/,&2'1#'3'#456!&. SHEPHERD EXPRESS
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Saturday, April 18, 2020 ï WI State Fair Park Expo Center VIP: 1≠ 2pm GA: 2≠ 6pm TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: WWW.STEINANDDINEMKE.COM !"#$%#&'$()$*'$+)*&'$,-.$"/$*0)$'"$)1')2$'34&$)5)1'6 !"#$"#%&'#($%#!!
M A R C H 12 , 2 0 2 0 ! 19
Yamato Drummers
Yamato Drummers Bring Japanese Tradition to the Marcus Center
hen Masa Ogawa was growing up in Japan, his mother discovered a timeless treasure in an old shrine in their village that would change the course of his life. It was a Taiko drum. And for a child, what amazed is that it was so BIG. Some are the size of a car. The drum also represented history, a timeless relic from the past that was now revealed. “We realized that the Taiko was more than 100 years old when we changed its cow skin for renewal,” says the veteran drummer. “There was a date that was written by the Taiko maker. I felt a deep respect for the instrument and its maker and was instantly drawn to it.” Ogawa, now in his early 50s and a glass blower by profession, was so drawn to that instrument as a child that he studied and learned to play that drum, not knowing then how its unique sounds would deeply resonate within him. As a young man in his early 20s, Ogawa went on to form Wadaiko Yamato, a Japanese musical group of 20 Taiko drummers, in 1993. Their performance at the Marcus Performing Arts Center’s Uihlein Hall will feature eight drummers along with several types of Taiko drums and other unique instruments. In Japanese, the word “Wadaiko” translates as “Japanese drum,” and the word “Yamato” is the former name of the Nara prefecture, where the group originated. For the master drummer, that discovered drum became a challenge to overcome and master at his mother’s urging. “It was a little troublesome for me, I think, because I did not know how to make a song for the Taiko drum, and I was doing glassblowing at the time,” he recalls. “However, I felt I could do something with Taiko. That feeling grew after I made one song and started to practice. I was getting more excited day by day.”
20 | M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 0
shadow drumming with fat Bachi sticks. They are facing the sky and imagining the biggest Taiko. They hit that Taiko more than 1,000 times.” And that’s all before breakfast! Next comes two-tothree hours of weight training, followed by lunch. Then it’s more practice and on to the performance. That daily regimen includes women as well as men. In this day and age, women have always been a part of the Yamato group despite the art’s male-dominated history. “Because Yamato is a modern group, we do not think about that male-dominated history,” Ogawa emphasizes. “At the beginning, there were women in Yamato, and they were equally as strong or stronger than the men. They have stamina and vitality. Yamato could not create anything without them.” Heavy Music For Ogawa, the leap from glass blowing to drumThe Taiko drum typically looks like a hollow wooden ming was remarkably easy. “I think there is no difference shell with skins at each end, all of different sizes. There between glass blowing and Taiko drumming,” he says. are three types of Taiko drums used in the Yamato per“At university, I recognized that I wanted formance: Miya-Daiko is the most popular to become some kind of expresser, and I type found in Japan, with the body made Yamato: enjoyed playing in a band with friends... I from one piece of wood, typically an knew that I had a need to make something entire tree. They can weigh up to 1,100 The by myself, for someone. But I did not know pounds; Okedō-Daiko Taiko combines Drummers what I could do or wanted to do.” individual pieces of wood, similar to a wine of Japan Through the “creating process” of craftbarrel. The drum skin is tuned with a long Friday, March 13, ing handmade glass, Ogawa discovered rope and has a lighter sound and weight, that giving his glassworks to others was 8 p.m. so the drummers can carry this drum just like performing on a Taiko drum. “After around on stage. The third drum. ShimeMarcus I gave [glass] to them, the smile on their Daiko is the smallest of the three, weighing Center for the faces or just that warm feeling would beabout 34 pounds, also tuned with rope, Performing Arts come my energy,” he says, adding, “that is tied tightly. This drum is also used in the still my motivation now.” daily regimen that strengthens the drumYamato: The Drummers of Japan perform at 8 p.m. mers’ stamina to physically support and play the drums. Friday, March 13, at the Marcus Performing Arts Center, “Every morning, Yamato drummers are running in the 929 N. Water St. For more information, call 414-273mountain and the rice field,” Ogawa explains. “They run 7206 or visit about 10 km [6.21 miles], and just after running, they do
::PERFORMINGARTSWEEK For More to Do, visit Artistic Directors Isabelle
Crave, written by Sarah Kane, is described by Theatre Gigante as “an enigmatic, thought-provoking and darkly poetic play.” A change in critical opinion of her work occurred with Kane’s fourth play, Crave, which was presented in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1998. The play was performed under the pseudonym of “Marie Kelvedon”— partly because the notion amused Kane, but also so the play could be viewed without the taint of its author’s rather notorious reputation. Crave marked a break from the onstage violence of her previous works and a move to a freer, sometimes lyrical writing style—at times inspired by her reading of the Bible and the works of T.S. Eliot. It has four characters, each identified only by a letter of the alphabet. Crave dispenses with plot and, unlike Kane’s earlier works with their highly specific stage directions, gives no indication what actions (if any) the actors should perform on stage, nor does Crave give any specific information about its setting. It’s highly intertextual, and at the time of its writing, Kane considered it as the “most despairing” of her plays, written at a time when she had—like so many of us can certainly empathize with—“lost faith in love.” (John Jahn) March 12-15 at the Jan Serr Studio, on the sixth floor of the Kenilworth Building, 1925 E. Kenilworth Place. For tickets, call 800-838-3006 or visit
An Inspector Calls
An Inspector Calls is a play by J.B. Priestley. “The seven-member cast is an eclectic group from the Milwaukee area with some very good young talent,” says Richard Gustin, who plays the eponymous inspector. “I’ve played major and featured roles at the Milwaukee Repertory Theater, Milwaukee Chamber Theatre, First Stage and assorted regional theaters. The production will be in a new theater space in River Hills. We are the first company to play in the new intimate black box theater at St. Christopher’s. “A noteworthy aspect of the production—in addition to being housed in a brandnew Milwaukee theater—is that the cast contains a former artistic director of Acacia Theatre Company, the organization’s current artistic director and the daughter of the founding artistic director,” Gustin says. “An Inspector Calls is a timely piece about the haves and the have-nots, rich vs. poor, the disenfranchised and the effects of income disparity. It’s a message very relevant to Milwaukee. The production is sure to leave its mark on the city,” he says. (John Jahn) March 13-29 in the Norvell Commons of St. Christopher’s Church, 7845 N. River Road. For tickets, call 414-744-5995 or visit
Kralj & Mark Anderson present:
An enigmatic, thought provoking, and darkly poetic play.
CRAVE Sarah Kane wri!en by
March 12≠ 15 2020
Jane Kaczmarek | David Flores | Isabelle Kralj | Mark Anderson Jan Serr Studio 6th Floor, Kenilworth Building
1925 East Kenilworth Place
Live jazz by Aaron Gardner, Steve Peplin & Sam Winternheimer
tickets: or 800.838.3006
The Tragedy of Carmen
Peter Brook’s 90-minute chamber opera, The Tragedy of Carmen, is an allnew production by the Florentine Opera. Brook’s acclaimed chamber adaptation strips the story of Carmen—familiar to opera lovers through the great tragic opera by Georges Bizet—to its very emotional core. As such, it dispenses with the original’s “sideshows,” scenes and characters not central to the plot, thus creating a taut psycho-drama that is both great opera and dynamic theater all at once. With jealousies ignited and passions exploding, Carmen’s lust for life leads down a deadly path. You’ll hear all of Bizet’s famous, beloved arias and get to know Carmen, the lovelyyet-lethal cigarette girl, in a whole new way. To help familiarize you with The Tragedy of Carmen, there are pre-opera talks one hour prior to each performance in Wilson Theater at Vogel Hall, hosted by stage director Eugenia Arsenis. The Florentine’s cast includes Laurel Semerdjian (Carmen), Luis Alejandro Orozco (Escamillo), Kathryn Henry (Michaela) and Luke Selker (Don Jose). (John Jahn) March 13-22 in Wilson Theater at Vogel Hall of the Marcus Performing Arts Center, 929 N. Water St. For tickets, call 414-291-5700 or visit
M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 0 | 21
Milwaukee Rep’s ‘Eclipsed’
Resilient and Powerful Women of Color in ‘Eclipsed’ ::BY JEAN-GABRIEL FERNANDEZ
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hey are four women named Wife #1, Wife #2, Wife #3 and Wife #4,$ %'.$)"-,$5/++$)%E-$,#78$68-%)"$%5%,$/'$G-9526#)D$6,$)"-$I/+5%7E--$G-*A -8)#8,$C"-%)-8?$:-)$/'$)"-$2/.&)$#>$)"-$:-0#'.$M/6-8/%'$@/</+$!%8$NXYYYA 2003), the play is mostly confined to a single compound where the wives are made to serve the Commanding Officer who kidnapped them and 8-17+%8+,$8%*-&$)"-2?$G#66-.$#>$)"-/8$+/<-&D$/.-')/)/-&$%'.$-<-'$'%2-&D$)"-,$&)8711+-$)#$ survive in a war where women have to either sell their bodies or pick up arms and fight. A fifth woman, Rita (Nancy Moricette), an advocate for peace searching for her lost .%71")-8D$5%+E&$/'$%'.$#7)$#>$)"-$+/<-&$#>$)"-$>#78$*8#)%1#'/&)&? G-9526#)$&"/'-&$%&$%$5#8E$6,$%'.$%6#7)$5#2-'$#>$0#+#8?$O+%,58/1")$F%'%/$Z78/8%D$E'#5'$ >#8$"-8$%0)/'1$8#+-$/'$)"-$B&0%8A5/''/'1$2#</-$H91-.$01(;"#3D$"/1"+/1")&$)"-$-=0-*)/#'%+$ 8-&/+/-'0-$#>$)"-&-$5#2-'D$%'.$C"-$G-*$0-+-68%)-&$2#.-8'D$+#0%+$5#2-'$#>$0#+#8$.78/'1$ *-8>#82%'0-&$6,$&"%8/'1$)"-$&)#8/-&$#>$U:SJ8#-&V$%2#'1$7&? 4+)"#71"$)"-$M/6-8/%'$@/</+$!%8$5%&$+%81-+,$>#71")$6,$2-'D$)"-,$.#'()$%**-%8$/'$)"-$*+%,[$ even the Commanding Officer, ever-present as a light shining upon the wives when he picks %$&-=7%+$*%8)'-8D$#'+,$-=/&)&$)"8#71"$)"-$8-%0)/#'&$#>$)"-$>-2%+-&$#'$&)%1-?$T)$/&$)"-/8$&)#8/-&$ %'.$0#*/'1$2-0"%'/&2&$)"%)$2%E-$7*$)"-$0#8-$#>$)"-$&08/*)?$!/>-$\X$NH%0]7-+/'-$K5%67-Q-PD$ )"-$#+.-&)D$/&$0%8/'1$%'.$2#)"-8+,[$&"-$5%')&$)#$18#5$%'.$+-%8'D$67)$&-8</)7.-$/&$%++$&"-$ E'#5&?$!/>-$\^$N4&"+-/1"$457&/-P$0"#&-$%$&#+./-8(&$+/>-D$%'.$/)(&$)"8#71"$)#=/0$2%&07+/'-$ 6-"%</#8&$%'.$</#+-'0-$)"%)$&"-$)8/-&$)#$*8#)-0)$"-8&-+>?$!/>-$\_$N:#+%$C"#2*&#'P$/&$*8-1A nant and terrified of becoming ugly, as her looks saved her from being gang-raped. Wife #4 NI%)),$:%'1%8-PD$)"-$,#7'1-&)D$%$68/1")$1/8+$5"#$0%'$8-%.$%'.$/&$)##$'%/<-$>#8$)"-$0#2*#7'.D$ /&$)"-$%7./-'0-(&$<-"/0+-$)#$./&0#<-8$)"%)$18/2$5#8+.? C"-$%0)8-&&-&$%8-$%++$-=0-*)/#'%+D$%'.$)"-,$->>#8)+-&&+,$%.#*)$)"-$%00-')&$%'.$&*--0"$ *%))-8'&$#>$)"-$5/<-&$)"8#71"$5"/0"$)"-,$0#'<-,$/22-'&-+,$*#5-8>7+$2#2-')&$#>$"7A 2%'$&7>>-8/'1?$4$0"%8%0)-8A.8/<-'$.8%2%$0%'$-%&/+,$)726+-D$67)$/)$/&$/2*#&&/6+-$)#$+##E$ %5%,$>8#2$)"-$2%&)-8>7+$*-8>#82%'0-&$#>$)"/&$%++A&)%8$0%&)?$C"-$&"#5$*+%,&$5/)"$)"-$ full range of emotions, not shying away from intense anguish but also finding humor /'$-'.-%8/'1$6/0E-8/'1D$#8$5"-'$)"-$0"%8%0)-8&$8-%.$%$6##E$%6#7)$W/++$@+/')#'D$.8%5/'1$ %27&/'1$*%8%++-+&$6-)5--'$42-8/0%$%'.$M/6-8/%`%'.$/'&)/++/'1$)"-$)"#71")$)"%)D$5/)"/'$ #78$+/>-)/2-D$8-%+$5#2-'$5-8-$.-%+/'1$5/)"$)"-$"#88#8&$.-*/0)-.$#'$&)%1-? G-9526#)$/&$'#)$%$*+%,$)"%)$0%'$6-$>#81#))-'[$/)$8-%0"-&$/')#$,#7$%'.$18%6&$,#78$/'A '%8.&$%'.$&/2*+,$5#'()$+-)$1#?$T>$)"-8-$/&$#'+,$#'-$*+%,$/'$I/+5%7E--$)"%)$,#7$5/++$ 8-2-26-8$.-0%.-&$>8#2$'#5D$G-9526#)$2/1")$6-$/)? $!"3*7&"$<13-"$BA/$1;$;"#$I71)31--5$0*J#3"*76#$!"#1;#3/$KLM$GD$@#996$4;D 22 | M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 0
Impressive Singing and Dancing in ‘Rock, Paper, Scissor’ Musical ::BY ANNE SIEGEL
ock, paper, scissors. !"#$ "%&'()$ *+%,-.$ )"/&$ 0"/+."##.$ 1%2-3$4'.$5",$0%'()$)"/&$1%2-$ 6-$ )78'-.$ /')#$ %$ 27&/0%+3$ 9/8&)$ :)%1-$"%&$.#'-$;7&)$)"%)$5/)"$%$ 0+-<-8+,$-=-07)-.$5#8+.$*8-2/-8-$#>$$!"#$%#&' #()$*+$,*-./$012#3/$4-566*36? @#A0#22/&&/#'-.$ 5/)"$ B8-1#'$ @"/+.8-'(&$ C"-%)8-D$)"-$&"#5$/&$)%E-'$>8#2$%$6##E$6,$F8-5$ F%,5%+)$%'.$/++7&)8%)-.$6,$4.%2$G-=?$C"-$27&/A 0%+(&$6##E$/&$6,$H#"'$I%0+%,$%'.$>-%)78-&$+,8/0&$ 6,$I%0+%,$%'.$J8/0$K#8./'?$C"-$%.7+)$0"%8%0)-8&$ are played by a group of fine, seasoned MilA 5%7E--$ %0)#8&?$ C"-,$ /'0+7.-L$ M%2%8$ H->>-8&#'$ NO%*-8PD$ G/0E$ O-'.Q/0"$ NG#0EPD$ R%8-'$ J&)8%.%$ N:0/&&#8&P$%'.$:,.'-,$R/8E-1%%8.D$5"#$%**-%8&$ /'$&-<-8%+$8#+-&?$S-8$2#&)$2-2#8%6+-$/&$%$E/+)A 5-%8/'1D$)%*A.%'0/'1$8#++$#>$:0#)0"$)%*-?
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First Stage’s ‘The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors’
For reviews of The Constructivists’ The Nether, MB II’s “Momentum,” Voices Found Repertory’s The Elephant Man and UWM Theatre’s The Trojan Women, visit SHEPHERD EXPRESS
Caroline Kent ‘Writing’ Visually at Hawthorn Contemporary ::BY SHANE MCADAMS
aroline Kent’s large rectilinear wall painting completed in tonal orange struck me quickly as one of those rare colors that has few immediate associations. I might have disregarded my stray observation if other ambiguities hadn’t subsequently presented themselves. The painting itself mimics a large work on canvas for a moment before being recognized as a carefully taped off shape with slightly skewed angles and a conspicuously removed notch on the lower left. Two sculptural quotation marks slyly bracket the entire painting, and when they’re noticed, the whole piece—indeed the show itself, aptly titled “Writing Forms”—moves unmistakably from the realm of visual forms to that of language. As a child, I aspired to possess Crayola crayon sets with the greatest number of colors. I wanted 64 with a sharpener but was forced to make do with 16. I dreamed of the unicorns that lived in boxes of 128, thinking there were colors from other dimensions. I became a grown-up the day I realized that every new color was simply a shade or tint of those in my paltry sets of 16. Still, the names given to those colors, those interstitial hues in-between the others—cornsilk, carnation, thistle—carved out new sensory pathways in my mind, nearly equivalent to those unseen wavelengths of light might have.
Installation view of Carloline Kent’s exhibition at Hawthorne Contemporary
This is of course is a testament to the power of language rather than color theory. This meditation gripped me as I took in Kent’s abstract painterly quotation and confirmed how cleverly she smuggled my own associations with color over the border into the dimension of language. Withholding symbolic handles—fire-engine red, or banana yellow, or sky blue—or any tangible content, she managed to make that pictorial quotation about universal color and form; a quote about abstraction and not of it, even while it looked like it. On the wall opposite the large wall piece, four smaller abstract paintings in dull flesh tones on black backgrounds complicate the ongoing semiotic inquiry. As she did with color, Kent addresses concrete subject matter with a similarly willful desire to force ambiguity. The black forms in these paintings feel caught in-between crude figuration and formal abstraction, living in an altered version of a colorless color. Each painting is framed by a theatrical hood that encourages a representational and performative read. But all these quasi-corporeal forms live in a figure/ground holding pattern as signifiers of content rather than representations of it.
OPENINGS !"#$%&'(%)*+,'),-.&/,-./')01,2&.3')0,*4%,5.*6&.7,89&7:, 3'*4,;9::,-&9<')+/'= Saturday, March 14, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Lynden Sculpture Garden • 2145 W. Brown Deer Road
Students will experiment in the studio with a variety of media, such as graphite, vine and compressed charcoal, Conté crayons and ink as they draw natural objects gathered from the sculpture garden’s lovely, scenic grounds. Then, students will set up their own gathered still life and focus on light, composition and proportion. This event-class has a non-member fee of $42 ($38 for Lynden members), and advance registration is required; all materials will be included. For more information and to register, call 414-446-8794 or visit
A tapered painted plinth at the back of the gallery eludes easy identification. Eight feet high, drab orange again, with a pink cutout grate at the top, it insists on being identified as a nameable symbol that never quite arrives. Lingering in textual mode after the earlier parentheses, I struggled and failed to eventually place the sculpture’s symbolic derivation. I left the show a little puzzled, still wondering if the sculpture was meant to be read or simply seen. After a day or two of stewing, I concluded that the answer was probably “both.” That particular sculptural element, like the other work in the greater installation, represent forced collisions between languages: of art and writing, of abstraction and text. Seeing any language in its most orthodox function, we tend to normalize it, forgetting its biases and modalities. Kent urges us to stay awake and resist the sensational possibilities of her media. Marshall McLuhan said, more than five decades ago, that “the medium is the message,” and his statement is as true as ever at Hawthorn Contemporary through April 18.
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There will be simultaneous openings at two South Side venues, Real Tinsel (1013 W. Historic Mitchell St.) and Var Gallery (643 S. Second St.) “Happy Killjoy” shines a light on the absurdity of today’s pop culture and children’s toys. “Flat Files” displays some of the work Real Tinsel has amassed in its registry of work on paper from artists throughout the state. Both are up through April 18.
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Artists, collectors and art patrons Tony and Patricia Busalacchi invite the public to attend “Art from the Heart,” a showing of more than 200 original artworks created by Tony Busalacchi and others that will be made available to the public in exchange for a donation to Capuchin Community Services. The Capuchins attend to the basic needs of people experiencing homelessness, poverty and hunger through their two sites—St. Ben’s Community Meal and the House of Peace. “We have traveled the world, collecting art from China, Iran, India, Serbia, Egypt, South America, Russia, Poland… We believe that art lasts a lifetime. When one is ready, pass it along to someone else who will appreciate it. I am ready to ‘pass along’ 200 works of art; some of them are my creations, and some are from our private collection,” Tony Busalacchi says. For more information, visit
Marquette University’s Haggerty Museum offers a lecture by Dr. Christopher M. Belkofer, director of Mount Mary University’s Graduate Art Therapy Program. During this talk, Belkofer will revisit philosopher Susanne Langer’s seminal work, Feeling and Form: A Theory of Art (1953), through the lens of contemporary relational aesthetics, neuroscience and art therapy theories. His lecture will explore how art promotes interoceptive knowing, seeking to answer questions such as, what are the phenomenon and therapeutic potentials of how pieces of art evoke sensations, thoughts and feelings in the mind and the body? The lecture is free and open to the public.
March 13-14 Cultural Arts Center, St. John’s on the Lake • 1840 N. Prospect Ave.
Tuesday, March 17, 2-3 p.m. Haggerty Museum of Art • 1234 W. Tory Hill St.
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[ FILM CLIPS ] Bloodshot PG-13 Vin Diesel portrays American elite soldier Ray Garrison in this film adapted from a Valiant comic book, featuring popular character Bloodshot. Killed, along with his wife, by the sadistic Martin Axe (Toby Kebbell), Garrison is resurrected using an experimental nanotechnology. He’s endowed with an internet-connected brain, is super-strong and possesses the power of instantaneous self-healing. Garrison’s new life is granted so he can do the bidding of his benefactor, the mysterious RST group. Instead, Garrison escapes and seeks revenge for his wife’s death. Presumably looking for a new superhero franchise, both Vin Diesel and Sony are let down by a simplistic, predictable story that fails to thrill with its few cool special effects. (Lisa Miller)
My Spy PG-13 After screwing up his mission by killing all the members of a Russian mob syndicate, CIA operative JJ (Dave Bautista) is ordered to make amends by serving as witness protection for a 9-year-old child. Cute in the extreme and equally manipulative, Sophie (Chloe Coleman) soon twists the hardened CIA operative around her little finger, matchmaking him with Sophie’s equally adorable mother (Parisa Fitz-Henley), just for good measure. Bautista’s deadpan delivery works well, although he’s upstaged by young Coleman whose spot-on performance ‘Greed’
Steve Coogan Embodies ‘Greed’ in Satire on the Ultra-Rich
Fiddling merrily while the world burns, McCreadie triggered a string of bankruptcies while continuing to amass his billions through cunning shell games and manipulation of tax codes in several nations. !"##$%is marketed as a comedy, but all of the laugh-out-loud moments are in the trailer. The dry satire is almost too tragic to be funny, even when McCreadie unleashes hilarious stingers at friends and foes alike. Greed accurately assesses the glib pathology of the most vicious elements of the 1%. Winterbottom is a prolific and diverse filmmaker with historical dramas and documentaries on his resume. He brings documentary ele::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN ments into !"##$ through the character of Nick (David Mitchell), a bumbling, penurious writer ot since the Gilded Age of hired by McCreadie’s razor-mouthed Mum (Sothe 1890s has the power and phie Cookson) to pen her son’s biography. He affluence of ill-gotten wealth interviews old associates in talking-head segbeen so flaunted. !"#$ %#&$ ments that trigger flashbacks of McCreadie’s film by British director Michael adolescence and rise from the London rag trade Winterbottom, !"##$, addresses the gauche through high street to glamorous runway shows. sordidness of it all through the character of Sir He was a card shark in boarding school, an inRichard McCreadie (Steve Coogan), a ready-toveterate gambler girded by overwrought selfwear mogul that made his fortune on the backs confidence. With his keen eye and ear for pop of ill-paid, third-world labor. culture, Winterbottom scores the flashbacks with The story’s framework is built around the era-appropriate British rock. countdown to McCreadie’s 60th birthday bash, McCreadie’s rise coincided with the age of a blowout party at his villa on Mykonos, Greece. Thatcher and Reagan as the benefits of a mar“You can’t buy a view like this,” he mentions, ket economy descended into the spiritual and gazing from his balcony at the sun-splashed ethical poverty of a market society. Testifying Mediterranean Sea. “Oh, I did buy it,” he rebefore a parliamentary committee minds himself. Obstructing the about his tax avoidance, he shoots view are those annoying Syrian back, “Look at Apple, Amazon and refugees camped on the beach with Greed Google.” For good measure, he adds nowhere to go. Steve Coogan Bono, whom he accuses of flouncMcCreadie’s daughter’s stupid David Mitchell ing around in funny glasses, talking reality TV show, “The Young, The Directed by about poverty while incorporating Rich & The Beautiful,” uses the ref- Michael U2 as an offshore corporation. ugees as backdrop. Eventually, McWinterbottom Well, at least Bono doesn’t Creadie dresses them up as Roman squeeze the blood from workers in slaves and forces them to complete Rated R Sri Lankan sweatshops, where Mcconstruction of an amphitheater on Creadie (and real-life counterparts) his property. Ancient Rome is the theme of his subcontracts the manufacture of cheap, fashionbirthday party and the occasion is to be capped able clothing. Greed spells out the driving imby a gladiatorial reenactment. McCreadie rents a pulses of the world economy in simple terms. lion, and he’s displeased with the animal’s “lack “Money makes money,” explains McCreadie’s of pep.” He suggests feeding it cocaine. At the ex-wife Samantha (Isla Fisher). “If people think end, someone does just that with dangerous conyou have money, they’ll give you more.” sequences.
24 | M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 0
elevates this otherwise trite material. (L.M.)
Once Were Brothers: Robbie Robertson and the Band R Inspired by Robbie Robertson’s 2017 best-selling memoir, Testimony, this documentary seeks to illuminate what went very right, before going very wrong, with The Band, a seminal rock group from the ’60s and beyond. Director Daniel Roher uses photographs, archival footage and interviews, both past and present, to share Robertson’s version of events, now largely undisputed as only two Band members survive. Rock fans, as well as music history buffs, will find the story uplifting, familiar and melancholy upon learning that The Band was ultimately divided by drug use and personality conflicts. (L.M.)
The Way Back R A high school basketball phenom, Jack Cunningham (Ben Affleck) inexplicably walked away from the game after securing a basketball college scholarship. Having thrown his future away, the now 40-something, divorced alcoholic begins the day drinking beer in the shower, the can precariously balanced on the soap dish. Jack spends off hours in a lowlife bar and spiraling downward. When asked to coach his high school basketball team, Jack is surprised to find himself accepting the difficult task of fixing a broken group of players. Addressing these malfunctions sends Jack into a drinking funk but also inspires him to get help. In some ways, it’s an autobiographical film for Affleck, who has experience with rehab. (L.M.)
[ HOME MOVIES / NOW STREAMING ] Whisky Galore! / The Maggie (FILM MOVEMENT CLASSICS) Alexander Mackendrick directed one of the great landmarks of Hollywood cinema, Sweet Smell of Success (1957), starring Burt Lancaster as a sociopathic media star. But the Scottish director began in an entirely different key with two comedies for Britain’s Ealing Studio. Set on a remote Scottish island during World War II, the humor of Whisky Galore! (1949) is dry and subtle. When the narrator mentions the islanders’ “pure and simple pleasures,” a long stream of children emerges from a family dwelling. The Home Guard-trained islanders use commando tactics to hijack a shipload of “the water of life,” whisky; and they must use their wiles to conceal the hoard from the authorities. On the new Bluray release, Whisky Galore! is coupled with The Maggie (1954), in which a crew of Scots get the best of can-do Yanks and fussbudget Englishmen. —David Luhrssen SHEPHERD EXPRESS
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Where we you before First Unitarian? I’m actually a musician of 14 years and an actor, so I was acting in Chicago for the past three years.
esar Cornier has been the social justice coordinator at First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee (1342 N. Astor St.) since September, but he’s always had one goal: to empower the people of Milwaukee, particularly those in brown and black neighborhoods. Along with his passion for advocacy, he is a musician and finds multiple ways to integrate the two. He agreed to talk with Off the Cuff.
f Mark Twain lived today, he’d include girl protagonists as well as boys in his stories. That’s the idea of Milwaukee’s William Bott, who “co-authored” The Adventures of Jane Sawyer with the great American writer. Produced by Waukesha’s Orange Hat Publishing in a hardcover edition whose design suggests books from Twain’s era, Bott retained as much of the original text as possible while transforming some of the leading characters into girls. Bott explains that he was inspired by teaching Tom Sawyer in middle school. He noticed “the boys were on the edge of their seats and the girls weren’t particularly engaged. It wasn’t because the story was ‘boyish’ but because it was written all about boys. Tom is just a kid, and as we read through it, I began to consider what it would look like if Tom and his friends became Jane and her friends. It became obvious that for modern readers, this story should be updated to include girls and to exclude language of racism.” While researching for his project, Bott discovered that Twain had a similar gender switch in mind in a letter written to playwright William Howells. “Twain invites Howells to write a stage play. He says, ‘I have my eye upon two young girls who can play Tom and Huck,’” Bott says. “I could not believe this! Nearly 150 years ago, Mark Twain himself imagined and suggested that Tom and Huck be played by girls. Although social constraints of the time kept girls from having some of the adventures and experiences that boys had, reading Twain’s letter motivated me all the more to bring Jane Sawyer to life.” All these years later, Twain’s humorous insights into society’s foibles and pretenses remain spoton. “Human beings haven’t changed, and Twain’s sensitivity to what we feel and think connect with readers, no matter the century. What was true about people then is true about us now, which is why this story is a classic,” Bott says. Bott will discuss The Adventures of Jane Sawyer 5 p.m. Saturday, March 28, at Voyageur Book Shop, 2212 S. Kinnickinnic Ave.
Can you tell me about your role as a social justice coordinator? I was placed in that role by Public Allies. Their motto is “everyone leads,” and the program basically focuses on getting diverse leaders in different non-profit and community organizations throughout Milwaukee, specifically working on social justice. First Unitarian has an immigration action group, an environmental justice group, they work with Black Lives Matter, and we have an interchange food pantry. I’m in charge of all that. I was born and raised on the South Side of Milwaukee, so the Latino culture and community is something really close to my heart. I see a lot of needs there and there can even be lots of resources, but there’s a lot of silos, so it’s my job to connect the resources to the people.
Do you find that music or other art forms are ways to empower a social justice message? Definitely. I use my music to plug into that social justice action. I’m the developmental coordinator with the Wisconsin Hip Hop Chess Club. Every Tuesday at 817 W. National Ave., from 6-8 p.m., we have a safe space for kids to come, no questions asked, and they learn how to play chess and make beats, and free dinner is provided. It’s interracial and intergenerational. Do you have a favorite moment from that? To be honest, every week is a blessing. People ask me what I give the kids, and to be honest, I don’t know what we give the kids besides a building, some food and some chessboards. I see myself in those kids a lot, and I look at the trouble that I used to get into doing things in the ’hood. A lot of it was because of the idleness that we see in the South Side and the inner-city where kids don’t have anything to do and don’t have a place to go. It’s turned into a supportive mentor structure for the kids: they know us, they debrief us, they tell us what’s going on in their lives. We’re building this trust and this safe space. It’s evolved to 35 kids and families. What are some future goals? I would like to see more empowerment in the black and brown community of Milwaukee. By empowerment, I mean not only bringing resources but letting them know what resources are available. Being a social justice coordinator is a blessing, but I’m also the only person of color in all the staff, so another thing I’m moving toward is representation. In my congregation, the demographic is traditionally older, white people. Me, being a rapper, they’ve been a supportive and welcoming community where I can be expressive in my own culture and art. A good example is, about a month ago, when I performed a little rap verse at that church. That building has been around since maybe 1838, and that’s the first time they’ve ever had a person of color with a mic rap! It’s things like that, things changing the white supremacy structure and the culture. I’m going to be doing a panel called Hip Hop Helps in June where I’m going to be talking to the congregation, who’s very unfamiliar with hip-hop, about how it started in the ’80s and then, moving forward, how it directly correlates with community engagement. The reason I’m talking with you now is because of hip-hop—the knowledge, the empowerment and the tools it provided me. I think it’s important to let people know how valuable it is.
M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 0 | 25
::HEARMEOUT Join us for our Women’s Luncheon
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Good City Brewing 333 W Juneau Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53203 Tickets on sale at
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Readers Get Sexy
March 13—‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Viewing at Mary’s Arcade Bar (734 S. Fifth St.): Cheer on local girl Jaida Essence Hall as she works the runway on the current season of “RuPaul’s Drag Race.” My cousin, Cherry Pi Sugarbaker, hosts the kooky 7 p.m. viewing. Join her this Friday (and every Friday) where there’s never a bad seat in the house, plenty of games to play and more!
March 13—Opening Night of ‘Big Fish’ at the Waukesha Civic Theatre (264
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W. Main St., Waukesha): Settle in for the delightful musical that captivated Broad-
Maple Veener and Karen Valentine are back at it, this time offering a rainbow, a pot
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way and the hearts of theater-goers from coast to coast. Hurry over to for tickets because the production closes March 29. March 14—Bosom Buddies at LaCage Niteclub (801 S. Second St.): Gal pals of gold and a nod to the green of Saint Paddy’s Day. Showtunes take center stage during the Saturday happy hour, where the doors open at 3:30 p.m. and the show starts at 5 p.m. March 15—Drag Queen Story Hour at Colectivo Bay View (2301 S. Kinnickinnic Ave.): Local drag queens entertain the little ones by reading children’s books of acceptance, love and positivity. Best of all, 10% of all food and beverage sales benefit a LGBTQ charity and cause, so grab yourself a cup of Joe while the little ones enjoy a story. The 2 p.m. events runs roughly one hour and is open to all. March 15—Rainbow Crosswalk Fundraiser at This Is It! (418 E. Wells St.): Did you know that upkeep of the city’s crosswalks is funded by the public? That’s why “TITs” is raising money to get the nearby rainbow crosswalk re-painted and ready for summer. Make it a Sunday Funday while helping keep the city pretty and proud. Enjoy silent auctions, raffles, drink specials and more when you stop by the 3-6 p.m. bash. March 17—St. Patrick’s Day Celebration at Harbor Room (117 E. Greenfield Ave.): You can get your green on extra early this year because the party starts at 10 a.m. at Harbor Room. The green beer and cocktails flow until midnight with prizes going to those dressed as leprechauns. See what’s on the other side of the rainbow with this pot-of-gold party. March 18—‘Freedom on Wheels’ Lecture at the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center (1110 N. Market St.): The Milwaukee Country Transit System presents this discussion on how easy it is to make the most of the city’s transit system. Pick up a few tips, learn about savings, discover new routes and more during the 5-6 p.m. presentation. Ask Ruthie a question or share your events with her at Follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie. Her reality show, Camp Wannakiki, is available on YouTube. Auditions for Season 3 are now underway. See the YouTube channel to learn more. SHEPHERD EXPRESS
Summer Clay Camps for Children & Teens REGISTER BEFORE APRIL 15 FOR 10% OFF!
!"#$%&' ()*+,+-.'/)0 1+,2345..6& 7+&8)0+9':;< ()(.=8 ::BY PAUL MASTERSON
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Sign up online at or call 414≠ 249≠ 5902
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Milwaukee’s Rich History
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Adult pottery wheel, hand building, couplesí night, & group classes available 7105 W. Greenfield Ave. Downtown West Allis, WI
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!"#$$%&GRAND&'()*#%+ Really Grand Fridays offer you the opportunity to tour some of Milwaukee’s most fabulous homes while supporting the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center.
Friday, March 20th
Patrick Mutsune and Brett Timmerman invite you into their stunning riverside home in Kane Commons for an unforgettable evening with sponsored cocktails and appetizers.
For more details and to purchase tickets, visit
6:30 pm – 9:30 pm Tickets: $75
Questions? (414) 271-2656 M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 0 | 27
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Robert Cray
f ever an artist firmly stood at the intersection of rhythm and blues, it’s Robert Cray. While the Georgia native has earned numerous accolades (and many Grammys) for his acumen as a blues artist, Cray’s vocal and playing style are far more reflective of his deep and abiding love of soul music. So it goes with his latest album, That’s What I Heard. While this collection features its share of original numbers penned by Cray, there are a number of more obscure R&B covers the 66-year-old was inspired to record by longtime friend Steve Jordan, who reunited with Cray to play drums and produce this set. “So, we started talking about songs, and he told me about Groove & Grind: Rare Soul, this CD he said I should order, which is what I did,” Cray says. “It’s a compilation of old R&B tunes, from which we got two songs for this record. We got ‘My Baby Likes to Boogaloo’ and another one called ‘Do It.’”
28 | M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 0
“Upon hearing the first track on that compilation, which is ‘My Baby Likes to Boogaloo,’ I called Steve up and told him I had to do that song. He said he knew it and that he was going to play drums on it. That kind of set us in the mood. We started looking at tunes after that. Steve came up with the idea of maybe doing a gospel tune, so I went to the record pile and came up with the Sensational Nightingales song, ‘Burying Ground.’ The band started putting songs together, and I started thinking of other covers and Curtis Mayfield and Bobby ‘Blue’ Bland came up. That’s how it came about. But Steve always sets the mood.” As someone who inherited the blues elder statesman mantle Robert Cray from idols like Muddy Waters, Wednesday, John Lee Hooker and Albert ColMarch 18, 8 p.m. lins, all of whom Cray had played Potowatomi with years ago, he sees this blendHotel & Casino ing of sounds as part of the evolution of the blues that he’s seen occurring in the past few decades. “There’s all kinds of stuff going on. There are a whole lot of younger cats playing guitar and coming out. There are people playing acoustic-style blues, and there are a whole lot of female singers now, which is great,” Cray says. “I spoke with someone earlier today, and we mentioned the fact that the music is changing because it’s supposed to. It’s incorporating a lot of other genres mixed into it, which it’s supposed to, because nobody is an Albert Collins, John Lee Hooker, Albert King or anybody like that. It’s a whole new world now, and I’m glad people are picking up on the old and putting their own stamp on that and adding their own thing to it. It’s good.” Cray’s own musical journey had him playing piano as a child. That is, until he caught The Beatles on the “Ed Sullivan Show.” Cray switched to guitar at 12 and spent his teen years growing up in Tacoma, Wash. While playing the West Coast college circuit and collaborating with fellow blues artist Curtis Salgado in the Crayhawks, Cray got cast as an uncredited bass player in Otis Day and the Knights, the house band in the 1978 film Animal House. By the 1980s, he’d built his reputation as a live artist in Europe and the United States, eventually finding crossover success with Strong Persuader, his 1986 major label debut that yielded the hit crossover single “Smokin’ Gun.” Over time, he’s shared stages with Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy and Stevie Ray Vaughan, all while compiling quite a canon of his own. Over time, he’s seen quite a change in the music industry. “You don’t get all that support you used to get from the record companies,” he says. “That seems to be gone, where you had these big family-type situations. It’s a big change. You hope you can sell something online that more people might get hold of.” That said, the approach to playing live music hasn’t changed, and he still enjoys it immensely. So much so that touring plans include heading over to Europe for a string of dates in April after a quick run through the East Coast. “We go out and have fun—that’s what it’s all about. We change the set list up every night, with the exception of a few tunes that we do,” he says. “In the end, the reason that you’re on the stage is that fans like what you do. They don’t tell you that, but you’re on the stage because they like what you do. So, what you should do is do what you do and love what you do.” Robert Cray performs at 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 18, at Potawatomi Hotel & Casino’s Northern Lights Theater. For more information, visit
Funky Chemist Cook Up Some New Grooves ::BY JOSHUA MILLER
uitarist Daniel Nathan knows how powerful the addition an organ player can be in a band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bout five years ago, he formed his own trio &0)/% !'..+(*% +-2'(% :9';"-% D"(+% >+.9'0% '(*% *-A.."-%Q(*;%<9+6/+&0'L%6'99"*%FA(L;%R/".3 0$)J%B')/'(%'(*%<9+6/+&0'L1%&/+%/'*%:-"50+A$9;% :9';"*%)+2")/"-%0(%+)/"-%4'(*$1%/'*%'%9+(2%$"'-6/% to find an organ player. KM)#$% )+A2/% )+% 6+."% 4;% $+."+("% &/+% /'$% )/"%6++-*0(')0+(%)+%*+%)/"%4'$"90("%&0)/%)/"0-% 9",)%/'(*%&/09"%)/";#-"%$+9+0(2%&0)/%)/"%-02/)1N%
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Funky Chemist
The Nielsen Family Trust
!"#$$%&#'(#)$!*+(,- .$/012&)3$ Family Affair ::BY MICHAEL PFLUGHOEFT
t’s a nearly universal experience for families with more than one child—a mother urging her children to “play nice together.” That sentiment was the catalyst behind a new side project from Rick Nielsen, Cheap Trick’s Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of Fame guitarist, and his sons Miles and Daxx, along with Miles’ wife Kelly Steward and multi-instrumentalist Adam Plamann. Dubbed The Nielsen Trust, Rick said that this extremely limited run of live performances promise “a Midwest musical legacy—memories, dreams and nightmares.” Or, as Miles puts it, “a way to experience music and stories between a father and his family, an intimate look at the life and songs of a family that isn’t completely f#*ked up.” In a phone interview, Miles recounts the genesis of the project: “About three years ago, my mom had the idea that we should be doing this. We thought it would be fun to do someday—but as busy as we all are (Cheap Trick, with Rick and Daxx, plays upwards of 150 shows a year and Miles’ band, The Rusted Hearts, tours consistently)—three years later was the only time we’ve been able to figure out that we can actually do it.” The opportunity presented itself when Robin Zander accepted an invitation to tour in Europe with an “Alice Cooper and Friends” thing for a month, giving Cheap Trick a month off, which is a pretty rare occurrence. The Nielsen Trust’s first public appearance took place during a show in Bloomington, Ill., that The Rusted Hearts gave last October. “We did a teaser of four or five songs set in Bloomington to introduce the idea The of the band and see the reaction to it. Everybody was into it—so, after Nielsen that, it was full speed ahead,” says Miles. Trust “We said, ‘Well, why don’t we see if there’s any interest—let’s book some shows’—and all of sudden, there are 13 of them.” The Milwaukee Thursday, gig at Shank Hall is the second stop on a whirlwind tour of the Upper March 19, Midwest in the cities and type of clubs where Cheap Trick honed their 8 p.m. chops well over 40 years ago. Shank Hall “This is going to be fun! How often do people get to play in a rock band with your Dad? Now, I’m a band with my Dad, my brother and my wife… there’s really no drama—we just get down to what songs we want to play and figure out how can we make them fun and different,” Miles adds. “There’s a collective song list we’ve been going back and forth on—some of my favorite deep cuts from the Cheap Trick catalog, like ‘Borderline,’‘Can’t Hold On,’‘Need Your Love’ and ‘Downed.’” They’ll also be resurrecting some songs from their collective musical past—from Daxx and Miles’ band, Harmony Riley, and The Rusted Hearts songs that have connections to Kelly, Daxx or Rick like “Hey, Hey, Hey.” “We’re not going to take ourselves too seriously, we want to make sure we have a good time and enjoy the moment,” says Miles. “And while musicianship is a thing we take pride in, it could go off the rails at any time; there’s no safety net.” Regardless of how any show or the entire the tour turns out, at the very least, mom will be happy. The Nielsen Trust plays at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 19, at Shank Hall with Dan Hubbard. For more information and tickets, visit M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 0 | 29
FRIDAY, MARCH 13 Kuzu @ Sugar Maple, 8 p.m.
Chicago improvisational music trio Kuzu (Dave Rempis, reeds; Tashi Dorji, guitar; Tyler Damon, drums) has a sound ranging from pin-drop quiet to howling chaos, at least judging from their 21-minute rack “Fontanelles 1” from the album Hiljaisuus (Finnish for “silence”)—their sounds have also been characterized as “modern jazz destruction.”
Flat Out Friday @ Fiserv Forum, 7 p.m.
The seventh annual Flat Out Friday, presented by Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company, is an indoor motorcycle race on a Dr. Pepper soda-sprayed sticky indoor concrete track. The Mama Tried Motorcycle Show includes various events at multiple venues around town, including the Harley-Davidson Museum and The Rave through Sunday.
Mothership Connections—Parliament-Funkadelic Tribute @ Company Brewing, 10 p.m.
This show pays respect to George Clinton’s Mothership and all things P-Funk with members of members of Thee Grateful Dub Band, The Electrik War Babies and Recalcitrant. (Also Sunday, March 15.)
OM and Wovenhand @ Club Garibaldi, 8 p.m.
An evening of music not for the faint of heart. San Francisco trio OM’s stoner-rock draws on psychedelic music, Middle Eastern folk, dub, reggae and post-rock. Wovenhand, led by former 16 Horsepower frontman David Eugene Edwards, combines Southern Gothic influences with oldtime and Gospel music. If Flannery O’Connor and William Faulkner formed a band to play at the Battle of Little Bighorn, this might be it.
Et Tu Brute? A Benefit for HiFi Café w/ Testa Rosa, Retoro, Juniper Tar, The Quilz, Red Stuff, Magnetic Minds and Bleed @ Cactus Club, 3 p.m.
Mary Hart, operations manager and owner of Bay View’s HiFi Café, needs the community’s help. A serious chronic illness has prevented her from being able to carry on full-time duties at the café, which has impacted HiFi’s emergency funds to survive during the slow business that is expected each winter. Chris and Enzo DeMay have organized what amounts to an all-ages music festival for a worthy cause, featuring a rare appearance by Juniper Tar. The HiFi Café is a Bay View hub for creative arts activity, participating bands have ties to the neighborhood and the Cactus Club has long been a stop for touring acts and locals alike. Three reasons to show your support and enjoy some great music.
Max and the Invaders @ Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, 2 p.m. Is your energy flagging? Take a hit of Milwaukee third wave ska institution Max & the Invaders, who have a few shows lined up in the near future beginning with this matinée show.
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MUSIC::LISTINGS To list your event, go to and click submit an event. All submissions must be received by noon Friday before publication.
Back Room @ Colectivo, Shellac Bremen Cafe, Peroxide; Salvation; Sex Scenes Bugsy’s Back Alley Speakeasy, Mike G. & Annie Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), New Pioneers Caroline’s Jazz Club, Wicked Long Day County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Acoustic Irish Folk w/ Barry Dodd Crush Wine Bar (Muskego), The Last Bees Delta Hotel by Marriott Racine, Tribute to Bix Fest Harley-Davidson Museum, Brett Newsi & the No Tomorrow Izzy Hops Swig and Nosh, Byron Cherry Mason Street Grill, Mark Thierfelder Jazz Trio (5:30pm) McAuliffe’s On The Square (Racine), Open Mic Night Pabst Theater, Josh Turner Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In the Northern Lights Theater: Coco Montoya and Ronnie Baker Brooks (8pm), In Bar 360: Hambo & The Meemops (8pm) Rock Country, Jeff Walski Unplugged Rounding Third Bar and Grill, World’s Funniest Free Comedy Show Shank Hall, The Bel Airs Sheryl’s Club 175 (Slinger), Acoustic Jam w/Milwaukee Mike & Downtown Julius The Rave, Black Label Society w/ Obituary; Lord Dying Transfer Pizzeria Café, Martini Jazz Lounge Up & Under, No Vacancy Comedy Open Mic Nite X-Ray Arcade, Flatfoot 56; Primitivs; The DUI’s (allages, 6:30pm)
Ally’s Bistro, Friday Night Jazz Featuring: H2K Trio American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Classic Ave (6:30pm) Ampersand Theater, MKE Secrets w/ thrift shop Bugsy’s Back Alley Speakeasy, Joe Wray Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Garnet Rogers Caroline’s Jazz Club, Eddie Butts Project Circle A, Alive At Eight: The Unheard Of w/ Fly & The Swatters (8pm), The Nile (10pm) ComedySportz, ComedySportz Milwaukee! County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Traditional Irish Ceilidh Session Delta Hotel by Marriott Racine, Tribute to Bix Fest GiGhive’s 616 Music Venue (Kenosha), Dre Marro Presents: Friday the 13th Hip Hop Showcase & Cypher (Kenosha) Lakefront Brewery, Brewhaus Polka Kings (5:30pm) Mamie’s, Miss Erica Mezcaleroo, The Jammers Milwaukee Ale House, 5 Card Studs Miss Katie’s Diner, Jimmy Burns; Edward McDaniel; Jimi Schutte (5:30pm) Mo’s Irish Pub, Mission Accomplished Oak Barrel Public House, Chris Hodgson Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In the Northern Lights Theater: Shenandoah (8pm), In Bar 360: Bourbon House (9pm) Red Rock Saloon, Bobby McClendon Rock Country, Grimm Bros. Saint Kate - The Arts Hotel, Marcya Danielle performs in the Lunette Shank Hall, Albert Cummings The Cooperage, Flat Out Friday Afterparty: Astral Hand; Hughes Family Band The Jazz Estate, Cameron Webb The Mad Steinist (Waukesha), Big Al’s Blues Howlers Birthday Bash The Sugar Maple, Kuzu with Dave Rempis, Tashi Dorji and Tyler Damon Var Gallery & Studios, Subjective: A Comedic Showing Walker’s Point Music Hall, Bongzilla; Gravedirt; Cold Black River X-Ray Arcade, Primal Enemy; Oblivion Zero; Crowning the Tyrant; Bloodletter; Luna in Sanguinem
1840 Brewing Company, Bruce Watson and Michael Bluestein of Foreigner w/ Reverand Jack American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), The Ricochettes Ampersand Theater, The 2x4 Show SHEPHERD EXPRESS
Anodyne Coffee Roasting Co., Golden Grenades w/ Open Bar Funeral; Fellow Kinsmen Arts @ Large, Flamenco Guitarist Grisha Goryachev (1pm) Back Room @ Colectivo, Wish You Were Here Biloba Brewing Co. (Brookfield), Burgundy Ties (6pm) Boat House (Kenosha), Kikkin Mikki Bremen Cafe, Absorb; Calahan; Hunter Sanchez; John Stuart Brewtown Eatery, Craig Omick & Friends Bugsy’s Back Alley Speakeasy, Ally Hart Cactus Club, Sweet Cobra Caroline’s Jazz Club, Paul Spencer Band Circle A, Alive At Eight: Thee Fine Lines w/ The Certain Stars (8pm), Edina Flo (10pm) City Lights Brewing Company, Paddygrass Club Garibaldi’s, OM w/ Wovenhand ComedySportz, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Company Brewing, Mothership Connections—Parliament-Funkadelic Tribute Delavan Lake Store, Johnny B Delta Hotel by Marriott Racine, Tribute to Bix Fest Elks Lodge, Pat McCurdy Great Lakes Distillery, Cask Comedy Irish Cultural & Heritage Center, Blackthorn Folly (2:30pm) MOTOR Bar & Restaurant, Blue Highway (5:30pm) Mama D’s Coffee (Wales), Kirsten Grace (11am) Mamie’s, Squeezettes Marx Pioneer Inn (Mukwonago), Ricky Orta Jr. Band Matty’s Bar & Grill (New Berlin), David Ciccantelli McBob’s, Tis (6pm) Milwaukee Ale House, Landline Oak Barrel Public House, Don Wiggins Orchard Inn, Gimme Skynyrd W/ Gross Negligence Pabst Milwaukee Brewery & Taproom, Bottoms Up Saturday w/ Evan Christian Pabst Theater, We Banjo 3 Petrifying Springs Biergarten (Kenosha), The Brothers Quinn (6pm) Plymouth Church, Grisha Goryachev Solo Flamenco Guitar Concert Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Jeff & Charles Duo Racine Brewing Company, Acoustic Music Session w/Jim McVeigh Reefpoint Brew House (Racine), Grimm Bros. Rock Country, Black Belt Theatre; Imperial Fall; Electric Revolution Saloon on Calhoun, 33 RPM Sazzy B (Kenosha), Triad Shank Hall, Duke Tumatoe & the Power Trio The Cheel (Thiensville), Jeannine Rivers Trio The Jazz Estate, Late Night Session Smoke n Mirrors The Parlor, Josh Harty & Blake Thomas w/ Derek Pritzl The Rave, Tyler Rich w/ LANCO Trinity Three Irish Pubs, Athas (10am) Turner Hall Ballroom, Colony House X-Ray Arcade, Pilfers; Sopmething To Do; Some Kind of Nightmae; Size 5’s; PFC Pierce Zocalo Food Truck Park, Rob McWilliam (4pm) tg’s Restaurant & Pub (Kenosha), The Jill Plaisted Band
Anodyne Coffee Roasting Co., John Nemeth & The Blue Dreamers Beulah Brinton House, David HB Drake (3pm) Bremen Cafe, Bad Year; Castle Black: Dodgeball Club; Video Dead Cactus Club, Et Tu Brute? A Benefit for HiFi Café w/ Testa Rosa; Retoro; Juniper Tar; The Quilz; Red Stuff; Magnetic Minds; Bleed (3pm) Circle A, Alive At Eight: Riepenhoff Brothers (8pm), John Riepenhoff & Sara Caron (10pm) Company Brewing, Mothership Connections—Parliament-Funkadelic Tribute Delta Hotel by Marriott Racine, Tribute to Bix Fest Dopp’s Bar & Grill, CCMC Open Jam w/Dakota J&B’s Blue Ribbon Bar and Grill, The Players Jam Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, Seed Sounds #61 Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Max and the Invaders
::ALBUM Mason Street Grill, Jonathan Wade Trio (6pm) McBob’s, Tis (12pm); Thirst Degree (6pm) Pabst Theater, Gaelic Storm Rounding Third Bar and Grill, The Dangerously Strong Comedy Open Mic Union Park Tavern (Kenosha), Cy’s Piano Jam X-Ray Arcade, Bad Omens; Oh, Sleeper; Thousand Below; Bloodline; THe Martyr Complex (5:30pm)
Bedford Concert Hall (Kenosha), UW-Parkside Jazz Week: Jaimi Branch & Fly or Die Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Poet’s Monday w/host Timothy Kloss & featured reader Noah Arthur (signup 7:30pm, 8-11pm) Mason Street Grill, Joel Burt Duo (5:30pm) Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Open Jam w/hosts Josh Becker, Annie Buege, Ally Hart or Marr’lo Parada Shank Hall, Flying Buffaloes Skylight Music Theatre, Jazz At Noon: Gary Williams, Victor Campbell & Don Linke (12pm) Up & Under, Open Mic
Back Room @ Colectivo, The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band Bedford Concert Hall (Kenosha), UW-Parkside Jazz Week: Ben LaMar Gay Boone & Crockett, Leahy’s Luck Brewtown Eatery, Blues & Jazz Jam w/Jeff Stoll, Joe Zarcone & David “Harmonica” Miller (6pm) County Clare Inn and Pub, Blackthorn Folly; Athas; Hearthfire; Ian Gould; Barry Dodd and Denise Hogan; Tom & Evan Leahy (10am) JC’s Pub, Open Mic w/host Audio is Rehab Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, Tuesday Night Jazz Jam Leff’s Lucky Town, Throwback Stereo Trio w/ Ryan McIntyre; Joe Wray (10am) Mamie’s, St. Patrick’s Day Open Jam Mary’s Caddyshack (New Berlin), Open Mic w/Ricky Orta Jr. & Mike Bucholtz Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) McAuliffe’s (Racine), The Parkside Reunion Big Band McBob’s, Three Pints Gone (11am); Horn Dogs (3pm); Thirst Degree (8pm) Mo’s Irish Pub, Killarney Blarney (10am); McTavish (2pm); HearthFire (7pm) Nettie’s Irish Pub (Pewaukee), The Sensations (1pm); Gimme Skynyrd (6pm) No Studios, Cullah (5pm) Orson’s Saloon (Cudahy), Bag Pipers (2pm); Alex Simmons (6pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White (4pm) Saint Kate - The Arts Hotel, Paul Silbergleit (5pm) Saloon on Calhoun, Tis Stock House Brewing Co., Jake Stanzer Thistle and Shamrock, The Nightinjails (11am) Transfer Pizzeria Café, Transfer House Band w/ Vicki Provencher Trinity Three Irish Pubs, Cat and Hare (10am) Turner Hall Ballroom, Young Dolph w/ Key Glock
1175 Sports Park & Eatery (Kansasville), Overtime w/James LaCoste; Chandler P Bedford Concert Hall (Kenosha), UW-Parkside Jazz Week: Marquis Hill Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Polka Open Jam Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Acoustic Open Stage w/ feature (sign-up 7:30pm, start 8pm) Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Paulie’s Field Trip, Wednesday Night Afterparty w/ Dave Wacker & Guests Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White (7:30pm), In the Northern Lights Theater: Robert Cray (8pm) Saint Kate - The Arts Hotel, Mark Thierfelder and John Price Shank Hall, Ward Davis w/ Josh Morningstar The Cheel (Thiensville), Eric Lugosch (6:30pm) The Cotton Exchange (Waterford), Denny Diamond (11am) Truth Lounge, Art Therapy Open Mic Union Park Tavern (Kenosha), Open Mic with host Mark Paffrath
Sepultura Quadra (NUCLEAR BLAST) Despite no remaining original members, Brazilian thrash kings Sepultura roar into 2020 with arguably the most complete metal album of the band’s 35-year history. On Quadra, Sepultura pays respect to the past while also embracing new flourishes such as orchestral elements, choirs and clean vocals. The Latin title means “four ways” and refers to the four sections into which the 12-song album is divided. The first three tracks consist of pure and mighty thrash played with a high degree of technical finesse, while the next three invoke the groove metal of 1996’s Roots. The final half-dozen songs fall into more experimental and acoustic territory—including “The Pentagram,” a chugging instrumental that shows off the band’s breadth of musicality while resting Derrick Green’s shredded vocal cords, and “Agony of Defeat,” which finds Green singing in a clean yet thick voice that gives the song a progressive-metal vibe and suggests broad new possibilities for Sepultura, even at this late date. Sepultura will perform at The Rave on Friday, March 27, with Sacred Reich, Crowbar and Art of Shock. —Michael Popke
Keith Oxman Two Cigarettes in the Dark (CAPRI RECORDS) Saxophonist Keith Oxman takes the lead on Two Cigarettes in the Dark, but the second light on many tracks belongs to another accomplished veteran: tenor saxophonist Houston Person. Playing within an ensemble that swings in sync, Oxman and Person trade off comfortably as they explore the melodies from many angles. “I’ve Never Been in Love Before” is as relaxed as a mid-century cocktail hour, while Oxman’s original “Voss is Boss” dives into the faster pace of post-bop. On Hank Mobley’s “Bossa for Baby,” the ensemble revisits the cool elegance of circa-1960 Brazil. —David Luhrssen M A R C H 1 2 , 2 0 2 0 | 31
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
© 2020 United Feature Syndicate, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication
82. Settled on a branch 83. Part 4 of quip: 4 wds. 88. Stray 90. Maid 91. Winged 92. Like a bog 94. Extra- opposite 95. Dir. letters 96. Growl 97. Penobscot River town 98. Hold dear 99. — Scott 101. Hydro 102. — del Este 104. End of the quip: 5 wds. 111. Hard palate 112. Sternness 113. Painting on dry plaster 114. Zilch 117. Organic material 118. Place of assembly 119. EU nation 120. Always 121. Kind of loser 122. Wagons 123. Cyber Monday events 124. Cold and wet DOWN 1. Peter and Paul: Abbr. 2. Crock 3. Ornamental case 4. Faced 5. Money received 6. Indigenous Alaskan 7. Considerably less dense 8. Ritts or Alpert 9. — urbis conditae 10. Sought 11. Send payment 12. Festivals 13. Pizzazz 14. Superficial
15. Aids and — 16. Producer of a kind 17. — vital 18. Golden oldie 28. Juvenile 29. State of confusion 30. Kindergartner 34. Attempts 35. Auto body part 36. — — Janeiro 38. Demure 39. Besides 40. New Zealander 41. English queen 43. Female figure in art 44. Stakes 46. Last king of Troy 47. “Ain’t Too Proud — —” 48. — Raton 50. Fairylike 52. Cake fried in fat 53. Bone: Prefix 56. Old bug bane 61. Instruct 62. Years upon years 63. Specter 64. Kind of glider 65. — the Horrible 66. Cable network 67. Delayed 68. Pretty large
69. Broadcast anew 70. Private (Hyph.) 71. Oodles 74. Affirmed 75. Make joyous 76. British measure 77. Momentum 79. A beverage 80. Remotely 84. Aromatic resin 85. — Gail Winfrey 86. — Speedwagon 87. Place near Okla. 89. Prospect 93. Current 96. Sparkly thing 97. Some compositions 98. Relishes 100. Common weapon 101. Shot of booze 103. “— Vanya” 104. An Olympian 105. Forbidden thing: Hyph. 106. Start for byte or watt 107. — Stravinsky 108. Egyptian goddess 109. Beyond: Prefix 110. — lamp 115. Place of iniquity 116. Boat
3/5 Solution
WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 25 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Police work Solution: 25 Letters
© 2020 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
ACROSS 1. Design detail, for short 5. High ranking Turk 10. Furor 15. Des Moines neighbor 19. Dorothy’s pet 20. Of lofty peaks 21. Spiral shape 22. Philippine knife 23. Wow 24. Ache 25. Catkin 26. — Rachel Wood 27. Start of a quip by Ricky Gervais: 5 wds. 31. Trounces 32. Earn 33. A Golden Girl 34. Bourgeon 37. Outward, medically speaking 40. German philosopher 42. Extinct ratite 45. Sully 46. Skeptic’s demand 47. Aka Anna Mae Bullock 48. — owl 49. One more 51. Part 2 of quip: 4 wds. 54. The Venerable — 55. Hat 57. Entertainment award 58. Public tantrum 59. Jumper 60. Rage 61. Part of N.B. 63. By fits and — 64. Part 3 of quip: 3 wds. 68. Trig. function 72. Grammatical gaffe 73. Bleat 74. Ott and Brooks 78. Fruit of a vine 79. Imprison 81. Statute: Abbr.
Armed Arrest Care Chase Chief Court Criminal Custody Deeds Detective Dogs
Drugs Educate Fine Fist Foil Gangs Gun Helicopters Laws Local Noise
Obey People Power Raids Recruit Ride Riot Roads Robber Rowdy Safety
Settle Station Teach Tend Threat Trace Trial Trouble Undercover Vice
32 !!M A R C H 12 , 2 0 2 0
3/5 Solution: Growing international market !"#$"#%&'#($%#!!
Solution: Not a job for the faint hearted
Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •
Date: 3/12/20
::FREEWILLASTROLOGY ::BY ROB BREZSNY ARIES (March 21-April 19): Giacomo Puccini’s famous opera Tosca premiered in 1900. It featured a heroine named Tosca. In 1914, Puccini’s favorite Tosca, a soprano singer named Maria Jeritza, was performing in a production at New York’s Metropolitan Opera. As she got ready to sing an aria entitled “I Live for Art,” she stumbled and fell. Rather than struggle awkwardly to rise, she pretended that this was all quite natural—called for in the script. She sang the entire piece while lying on the floor. Puccini loved it! Ever since then, most of the singers who have played the role of Tosca have sung “I Live for Art” while prone. I suggest you regard this as an inspirational teaching. What lucky accidents could you make into permanent additions or enhancements? TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus poet Gary Snyder said, “Three-fourths of philosophy and literature is the talk of people trying to convince themselves that they really like the cage they were tricked into entering.” Personally, I think that many of us, not just philosophers and writers, do the same thing. Are you one of us? Your first assignment during the next four weeks will be to explore whether you do indeed tend to convince yourself that you like the cage you were tricked into entering. Your second assignment: If you find that you are in a cage, do everything you can to stop liking it. Third assignment: Use all your ingenuity, call on all the favors you’re owed, and conjure up the necessary magic so that you can flee the cage. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “Your body is not a temple,” declared author and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain. “It’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.” I half-agree with him. I’m deeply devoted to regarding the body as an amusement park. It should be a source of endless fun and enjoyment. We have the right—indeed, I’d say a duty—to wield our bodies in ways that immerse us in the mysteries and miracles of pleasure. But here’s where I disagree with Bourdain: I believe the body is also a temple that deserves our reverence, respect and protective tenderness. Your assignment in the coming weeks, Gemini, is to raise your commitment to treating your body as both an amusement park and a holy temple. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Early in his career, Cancerian painter Jean-BaptisteCamille Corot (1796–1875) sold only a few paintings. But eventually his luck improved. Once he was financially successful, he became very generous. He wielded his influence to get jobs for other artists, and mentored many artists, as well. Sometimes he added a few dabs of paint to the finished works of younger, struggling painters, then signed the canvases with his own name so that the works could more easily be sold. The coming weeks will be a favorable time to adopt your own version of Corot’s approach toward those around you who could benefit from your help and support. (P.S. It’s in your selfish interest to do so, although the reasons why may not be clear for a while.) LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Composer Brian Eno has testified that African music underlies and influences much of his work. He exults in the freedom and unpredictability it encourages. Why? Here’s one reason: In African songs, there are often multiple rhythms. And they’re not locked together; they float freely in relationship to each other. Eno says this is different from Western music, whose salient quality is that all the rhythmic elements are contained “in little boxes”—locked into a tyrannically mechanical clockwork pattern. According to my reading of the astrological omens, dear Leo, the coming weeks will be an excellent time for you to experiment with Eno’s insight. How? Escape mechanical clockwork patterns and activate the “multiple, free-floating rhythm” metaphor in everything you do. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Are you interested in enhancing your mastery of togetherness? Are you open to my suggestion that you should seek out practical education about the arts of intimacy? Would you be willing to meditate on how you might bring additional creativity and flair into your close alliances? If you answered yes to those questions, the next six weeks will provide you with ample opportunities to dive in to all that fun work. “Collaboration” and “cooperation” will be words of power for you. “Synergy and symbiosis” should be your tender battle cry.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): As you come to the climax of your Season of Good Gaffes and Lucky Bloopers, I’ll remind you of folk singer Pete Seeger’s definition of a “productive mistake.” He said it had these five qualities: “1. made in the service of mission and vision; 2. acknowledged as a mistake; 3. learned from; 4. considered valuable; 5. shared for the benefit of all.” Let’s hope, Libra, that your recent twists and turns fit at least some of these descriptions! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Would you consider making one more push, Scorpio? Can I coax you to continue your half-confusing, half-rewarding quest? Are you willing to wander even further out into the frontier and take yet another smart risk and try one additional experiment? I hope so. You may not yet be fully convinced of the value of these forays outside of your comfort zone, but I suspect you will ultimately be glad that you have chosen what’s interesting over what’s convenient. P.S. In the coming weeks, you could permanently expand your reservoir of courage. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): A traditional astrologer might say that you Sagittarians typically spend less time at home than any other sign of the zodiac. Some of you folks even rebel against the idea that having a stable home is a health-giving essential. You may feel that you can’t be totally free unless you always have your next jaunt or journey planned, or unless you always have a home-away-from-home to escape to. I understand and appreciate these quirks about your tribe but am also committed to coaxing you to boost your homebody quotient. Now would be a perfect time to do that. You’re more open than usual to the joy and power of cultivating a nurturing home. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The more crooked the path, the faster you’ll get to where you’re going. Every apparent detour will in fact be at least a semi-valuable shortcut. Any obstacle that seems to block your way will inspire you to get smarter and more resourceful, thereby activating lucky breaks that bring unexpected grace. So don’t waste even a minute cursing outbreaks of inconvenience, my dear, because those outbreaks will ultimately save you time and make life easier. (P.S.: During the coming weeks, conventional wisdom will be even more irrelevant than it usually is.) AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): When I was a young adult, I was unskilled and indigent. Many restaurants exploited my feeble prowess at washing pots and pans and dishes, but the meager wage they paid me barely kept me fed and housed. You will perhaps understand why, now that I’m grown up, I am averse to cleaning pots and pans and dishes, including my own. That’s why I pay a helper to do that job. Is there an equivalent theme in your own life? An onerous task or grueling responsibility that oppressed you or still oppresses you? Now is a good time to find a way to declare your independence from it. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I suspect your fantasy life will be especially potent in the coming weeks. Your imagination will have an enhanced power to generate visions that could eventually manifest as actual events and situations. On the one hand, that could be dicey, because you can’t afford to over-indulge in fearful speculations and worried agitation. On the other hand, that could be dramatically empowering, because your good new ideas and budding dreams may start generating practical possibilities rather quickly. @ 2020 Rob Brezsny—Free Will Astrology
Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 877873-4888 or 900-950-7700.
Latest Religious Messages
elf-described Christian prophet Cindy Jacobs declared the coronavirus against the law on Wednesday, March 4: “We say, in the name of Jesus, ‘Virus, you are illegal. This is God’s Earth.’” Dead State reported that Jacobs went on to tell an enthusiastic group of supporters, “I don’t know if everybody will get healed,” but “we’re going to decree that the coronavirus will cease worldwide.”
Bright Idea An innovative jewel thief in Melbourne, Australia, was caught on camera using a fishing rod to burgle a Versace necklace from a store window on Monday, Feb. 24. ABC News reports that the thief carefully broke a hole in the window to avoid setting off the alarm, then he spent almost three hours trying to hook the costume jewelry necklace, worth about $800. He worked with two differentsized rods before finally snagging the necklace. Store owner Steven Adigrati called the heist “outrageous and courageous,” although he suspected the thief was unaware that the piece was relatively inexpensive. “This particular necklace looks a lot more expensive than what it is... gold, bright, iconic Medusa head,” he explained. Police are still searching for the fisherman.
The Foreign Press The ancient legend about St. Patrick driving Ireland’s snakes into the sea could only be salt in the wound of a 22-year-old man from Dublin, who appears to be the first person in Ireland to suffer a venomous snake bite, The Irish Post reported on Saturday, Feb. 29. The man’s pet puff adder bit him, prompting a visit to Connolly Hospital, where doctors consulted with experts from the National Reptile Zoo. James Hennessy, zoo director, explained that “puff adder venom is pretty nasty. It’s going to start digesting and disintegrating all around the area of the bite, and that will continue up the limb as well. It will then cause massive internal issues as well, if not treated.” (FYI, scientists say it was probably the Ice Age that kept snakes out of Ireland.)
A Dream Come True Residents of Settecani, a small village in Italy, were startled on March 4 when their kitchen and bathroom taps began dispensing red wine rather than water, United Press International reported. Locals quickly identified the wine as Lambrusco Grasparossa, which is produced at a nearby winery, and officials there found a leak that sent wine from a silo into water pipes. Some quick-thinking residents said they bottled as much of the tap wine as they could before the problem was resolved.
Awesome! Ohio college student Mendl Weinstock, 21, joked with his sister, Riva, that when she got married, he would bring a llama to the wedding as his plus one. So, when Riva tied the knot on Sunday, March 1, Mendl made good on his promise, showing up with a rented llama named Shocky wearing a custom-made tuxedo. Riva was unamused but conceded to CNN: “When my brother puts his mind to something, he gets it done.” Mendl spent $400 to rent the llama but said it was worth every penny. Shocky spent about 30 minutes taking photos with amused guests outside the venue, but friends who were in on the joke seated two inflatable llamas at one of the tables inside. Riva said she’ll get her revenge: “He should sleep with one eye open.”
EW EW EW! A mother in Saint-Malo, France, filed a complaint with police on Tuesday, Feb. 25, against Danone, the manufacturer of powdered baby formula. Police told the AFP that the woman’s 3-month-old daughter became ill in November with a high temperature, and the mother took her to the emergency room. “Several days later,” authorities said, “[the baby] vomited a worm about six to seven centimeters long”—about the length of an adult index finger. In the report, the mother said the worm had been examined at a hospital and was determined to be of a parasitic type. She decided to take action after learning of two other cases, one in central France where living larvae were found in a container of the same brand of formula. A spokesperson from Danone told a news conference that without the containers, “several hypotheses could explain the presence of an insect,” but the formula is never exposed to air in its production chain. COPYRIGHT 2020 ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION
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On the O’clock ::BY ART KUMBALEK
’m Art Kumbalek and man oh manischewitz what a world, ain’a?!"#$!%&!'!(&#$)*! (+,-! -&! %,.! -+,-! '! +,/)#0-! %,1$! 2)3&*)! ,2&4-! -+)!25&67+),$!#&-1&#!-&!2433!8-9!:,--.0%!;<,.=! 1#-&!8-9!:,--.0%!>))7?,#$?,?3&671#@?A,53B!-+)! 6)5)2*,-1&#! -&! 2)! 645C1#,-)$! -+)! C&*#1#@! ,3-)*! (1-+! -+)!;D471#0!&3!-+)!@*))#=!2))*!1#-&!-+)!D&*6)5,1#!8,1#-! :&--.E(+16+!*)C1#$%!C)!&3!,!51--5)!%-&*.F Mary O’Reilly finds Father O’Grady after his Sunday morning service, and she’s in tears. He says, “So what’s bothering you, Mary my dear?” She says, “Oh, Father, I’ve got terrible news. My husband John passed away last night.” The priest says, “Mary, that’s terrible. Tell me, did he have any last requests?” She says, “That he did, Father.” The priest says, “Pray tell, what did he ask, Mary?” “He said, ‘Please Mary, put the damn gun down.’”!G02,?$1#@H "#.(,.%B!'0C!1#!%),*6+!517)!,!*)@45,*!$)-)6-1/)!3&*! -+,-!+&4*!'!5&%-!3*&C!C.!513)!5,%-!84#$,.!&#!,66&4#-! &3! -+,-! I6J455%+1-! <,.51@+-! 8,/1#@! K1C)B! '! 71$! .&4! #&-9!"#$! (&45$#0-! .&4! 7#&(B! 1-! (,%! -+)! &#)! +&4*! '! +,$!%)-!,%1$)!-&!*)%),*6+B!+&#)!,#$!%5,D!-&@)-+)*!(+,-! %+&45$0/)! 2))#! C.! +,*$?+1--1#@! #4-L#4-)--)?@*,221#@! )%%,.!3&*!-+1%!())7!-+,-!(&45$!)MD5,1#!+&(!&#)!,#$!,55! &4@+-!-&!-+1#7!,#$!3))5!,2&4-!-+)!%6+C4-N!,66*4)$!2.! -+)%)!D&51-16,55.!64**)#-!$,.%!&3!-1C)!()!2)!65&671#@B! (+,-!-+)!3&679 O1*%-!%-&DF!'055!D5,#-!C.!$4D,!&/)*!2.!C.!3,/&*1-)! &D)#?$,15.! PQ?+&4*%! ,#$! RS?C1#4-)%! *)%-,4*,#-! 3&*! ,! *)5,M1#@5.! 51@+-?&#?-+)?D&67)-2&&7! *)D,%-9! T&C)! ,5&#@!13!.&4!6,*)B!24-!.&4!5),/)!-+)!-1D9!U)-0%!@)-!@&1#@9 !"#$!A).!-+)*)!"*-1)B!#16)!-&!%))!.&49!>+,-0%!.&4*! D5),%4*)V %&'$!A).!J),B!+&(!02&4-!,!#16)!64D!&3!-+)!25,67? )%-B! -+167)%-! ,#$! 6+),D)%-! 64D! &3! (+,-)/)*! .&40*)! 6,551#@! D5,1#?&5$! "C)*16,#! 6&33))! -&$,.9! "#$! 2.! ;&5$B=!'!C),#!-&!%,.!13!1-!1%!2*)()$!,#.-1C)!,3-)*!.)%? -)*$,.!#&&#B!1-0%!-&&!3*)%+9!'!(,#-!,!64D!&3!-+)!71#$! &3!6&33))!-+,-!1#!,!*&,$!6&#%-*46-1&#!)C)*@)#6.B!.&4! 6&45$!4%)!-&!D,-6+!,!3,45-.!,24-C)#-W!6&33))!-+,-!,#.! &#51#)!(1CD?,%%!4#$)*!-+)!,@)!&3!QX!(&45$!7))5!&/)*! $),$! 3*&C! -+)! +),$.! ,*&C,W! ,! 64D! &3! 6&33))B! J),B! -+,-! 13! %&C)2&$.! 3*&C! G8A"! (,%! #&%1#@! ,*&4#$B! you’d be fined for storing said coffee in an unsealed /)%%)59!Y&4!@&-!,#.-+1#@!517)!-+,-V
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