Improving Public Spaces Will Help Milwaukee Shine at the Democratic National Convention WISCONSIN’S LARGEST LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED NEWSPAPER
June 6 - June 12, 2019
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2 ! JUNE 6, 2019
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5/30/19 2:25 PM
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Downtown Milwaukee
Improving Public Spaces Will Help Milwaukee Shine !"#$%&'()%*+'()$+',*%$+-"+()$+ %$.,!*)+/0)&"*"+1'+%"#"+(*$2* $2("+3$-"&,$$4"!*%)-)%*'//"(/ ::BY VIRGINIA SMALL ilwaukee’s public spaces—parks, plaza, streets and sidewalks— will get intensive use and scrutiny during the Democratic National Convention in July 2020. This public realm is a complex network that knits together a city and influences—intentionally or not—the impressions and feelings of people traversing it. Next year’s convention offers an opportunity to focus on improving, and perhaps expanding, Milwaukee’s public realm. Wise investments could pay off long after visiting throngs depart. It’s a truism that “all great cities have great public spaces.” Milwaukee boasts some exemplary ones—a lakefront with contiguous parks, the RiverWalk, new Milwaukee River Greenway and Oak Leaf Trail. Nonetheless, numerous public spaces in the heart of Milwaukee brim with vitality mostly during special events and otherwise lack luster. What renowned urbanist-architect Jan Gehl calls a “global renaissance in public spaces” has raised the bar for what people now expect from urban public realms. As urban designer Francis Tibbalds wrote in Making People-Friendly Towns, “A good environment and an attractive public realm are not just created by professional specialists—architects, town planners, engineers, landscape architects and so on—or even just by the patrons of those professionals. They are created and maintained by the love and care of the people who live and work in a town or city.” Individuals, nonprofit organizations, business-improvement districts, government officials and other professionals all can initiate public-space improvements. Many approaches and tools can help enhance the quality and value of public commons. Here are some potential initiatives.
More Reasons and Ways for People to Gather
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Create More Comfort and Options
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Pursue the Process of Placemaking
T553209'F$(3$("#$11:$@#./9(#)$ET/$.3("$&'$3A#2&25"9'F$90#&$&'0$&$"&'0/-3'$&;;23&5"$632$9>;23A9'F$&$'#9F".32"330)$ 59(G)$ 32$ 2#F93')$ ;8&5#>&L9'F$ 9'/;92#/$ ;#3;8#$ (3$5388#5(9A#8G$2#9>&F9'#$&'0$2#9'A#'($;7.895$/;&5#/$&/$ ("#$"#&2($36$#A#2G$53>>7'9(GI;8&5#>&L9'F$2#6#2/$(3$&$ 5388&.32&(9A#$;235#//$.G$@"95"$@#$5&'$/"&;#$372$;7.895$ 2#&8>I(3$ >&?9>9W#$ /"&2#0$ A&87#I[H(\$ 6&5989(&(#/$ 52#&(9A#$;&((#2'/$36$7/#)$;&G9'F$;&2(9578&2$&((#'(93'$(3$("#$ physical, cultural and social identities that define a place &'0$/7;;32($9(/$3'F39'F$#A387(93'+M DNC continued on page 6 >
4 | JUNE 6, 2019
presented by cream city foundation
Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, Inc.
!"#$%&'()*'#+#%!*,* -* 5:30 - 8pm* -* $./'0%%'/1.*23'1.* 309 N. Water St. MKE, WI* -*
!"#$%&'()*+,-..&/(0.1&2&3(4%&5-%)(".&0(.*5&("&46(5&3$"4.78$1+1%& 9&:.;<9&:+46&3$";$&+4&=6.&>$("4?&=6(5&$8."&3$"3.84&)$@4&@.+4,1.5& soaring ceilings, wood floors, rich dark cabinetry, SS appliances, granite counters and custom back splash. Balcony has both electric & gas hook-ups. Bathroom offers shower over tub, ample vanity and granite counters. Area in Foyer for desk & large washer/dryer closet w/extra storage. Building amenities include Front Desk coverage, Movie, Fitness, Social and Board Rooms. Heated indoor pkg w/Car Wash Station! Pet Friendly. $245,000
COMMERCIAL SUB-LEASE 21,075 Square Feet of Professional/Medical office space featuring 145 Parking spaces for employees and clients. Space can be leased as one or divided into smaller office spaces to meet the tenants needs. Located just off Hwy 41/45 with great visibility on Mayfair Road directly across from Macy’s at Mayfair Mall. Centrally located Lobby with elevator/ADA accessible. Great Wauwatosa location perfect for west side office expansion on a Public Bus Line! $12PSF
Presented By: Mary Beth Waite (414) 213-5055
Presented By: George Gaspar 414-526-0052
JUNE 6, 2 0 19 ! 5
NEWS&VIEWS::FEATURE > DNC continued from page 4
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Treat Public Spaces as Critical Infrastructure
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Rely on Landscape Architects
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Ensure a Transparent Public Process
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Consider Multiple Needs and Opportunities
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Make Room for Democracy
I7>5'1$F/,1)F$2,1'5'(,()$*);.10,1E$,F$/5,1)F$63)0)$)B8 )0E.&)$1,&$20))5E$,FF);>5)+$F/),9$,&*$'&()0,1(J$H0,*'('.&,5$ /7>5'1$ 2.07;$ F/,1)F$ @7,0,&())$ D'0F($ L;)&*;)&($ 0'@3(F+$ >7($/0'B,()5E$.6&)*$F/,1)F$*.$&.(J$H3)$GW:$`.F($:.;8 ;'(())$3,F$&.($E)($,&&.7&1)*$5.1,('.&F$.2$,$0)V7'0)*$K*)F8 '@&,()*$ /.5'('1,58*);.&F(0,('.&$ ,0),$ ,&*$ /,0,*)$ 0.7()JM$ :5)B)5,&*+$]3'.+$)Q/,&*)*$'(F$/0.()F($,0),F$,&*$'&10),F)*$ (3)'0$/0.Q';'(E$(.$(3)$YONd$R)/7>5'1,&$W,('.&,5$:.&B)&8 ('.&$F'()$,2()0$(3,($F(,()UF$L;)0'1,&$:'B'5$?'>)0(')F$%&'.&$ (ACLU) successfully filed a lawsuit about the limited pro8 ()F($ F/,1)$ ,&*$ /)0;'(F$ >)'&@$ ,55.1,()*J$ %5(';,()5E+$ K1.&8 B)&('.&))0F$,&*$/0.()F()0F$@)&)0,55E$1.8)Q'F()*$/),1)2755E$ '&$63,($,;.7&()*$(.$,$2)F('B)$1)5)>0,('.&$.2$20))$F/))13+M$ much of it based in a redesigned five-acre public square, ,11.0*'&@$(.$15)B)5,&*J1.;J !'56,79))UF$ 7&/0)1)*)&()*$ (70&$ '&$ (3)$ &,('.&,5$ F/.(8 5'@3($ 1,55F$ 2.0$ (3.7@3(275$ '&B)F(;)&($ '&$ (3)$ /7>5'1$ 0),5;+$ &.($ ;)0)5E$ 1.F;)('1$ (.71387/FJ$ LF$ (0,'5>5,^'&@$ 70>,&'F($ e,&)$e,1.>F$60.()+$KR)>7'5*'&@$,$5'B'&@$f1'(Eg$(,9)F$';,@'8 &,('.&JM$ C(,0('&@$ 6'(3$ 3.&)F($ ,FF)FF;)&(F$ .2$ 9)E$ /7>5'1$ F/,1)F$1.75*$3)5/$@)&)0,()$6'*)80,&@'&@$10),('B)$'*),F$(.$ 1.&&)1($/)./5)$(.$/5,1)+$(.$;,9)$!'56,79))$(075E$5'B,>5)$ ,&*$6)51.;'&@$(.$,55J 0+11(-/)%/)23(43(,5(64,(2278+17$n
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Project for Public Spaces (PPS) is a nonprofit planning, design and educational organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build stronger communities. Their website,, offers free resources about various types of public spaces, equity, inclusion, sustainability and resilience.
The UW-Extension provides resources relating to Community Vitality and Placemaking. Angie Allen is the Milwaukee County Extension’s CNRED Educator. Principles and Practice of Community Placemaking by Steven H. Grabow is a low-cost guide. Other resources are available (some for free) as well as charrette services through Design Wisconsin.
CDS is a funded design center in UW-Milwaukee’s School of Architecture and Urban Planning (SARUP) that assists communities, agencies, civic groups and campuses throughout Wisconsin. It provides preliminary design and planning services to underserved communities and agencies.
6 | JUNE 6, 2019
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St. Francis attracting attention from businesses, homeowners%::BY CATHERINE JOZWIK
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Drawing New Residents
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stupid computer! We can help !"#$%&#'"()* +,-./01/2/34#/3#
+5011#67+/3-++-+ evaluate setup network troubleshoot build train
(414) 687-9650
stupid computer! We can help
evaluate setup network troubleshoot build train
)$#8#9%$ PC & MAC
(414) 687-9650 JUNE 6, 2019 | 7
::SAVINGOURDEMOCRACY ( JUNE 6 - JUNE 12, 2019 ) The Shepherd Express serves as a clearinghouse for all activities in the Greater Milwaukee area that peacefully push back against discriminatory, reactionary or authoritarian actions and policies of the Donald Trump regime, as well as other activities that seek to thwart social justice. To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to
Saturday, June 8
Peace Action of Wisconsin: Stand for Peace @ the corner of Brady Street and Farwell Avenue, noon-1 p.m.
Every Saturday from noon-1 p.m., concerned citizens join with Peace Action of Wisconsin to protest war and literally “Stand for Peace.” Signs will be provided for those who need them. Protesters are encouraged to stick around for conversation and coffee the protest.
Sunday, June 9
Voces de la Frontera joins Milwaukee Pride Parade @ Greenfield Avenue and Second Street, 2 p.m.
March in solidarity with our LGBTQIA+ family. This is a family friendly event intended to promote a positive and inclusive environment. The parade begins at 2 p.m., however, those who are marching with Voces will meet earlier at a meeting point yet to be determined. Contact operations director Natalia Espina at 608-422-9116 or operations@vdlf. org for more information.
Monday, June 10
HBI Film Series ‘A Place at the Table’ @ UWM Student Union, 2200 E. Kenwood Blvd., 7 p.m.-9 p.m.
The Helen Bader Institute (HBI) for Nonprofit Management at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee announces its Second Annual HBI Summer Film Series, looking into all aspects of the world social sector and our place in this ever-evolving landscape. This year tackling topics that appear frequently in conversations about Milwaukee: food insecurity, gang violence and urban redevelopment. A Place at the Table shows how hunger poses serious economic, social and cultural implications for our nation and how it could be solved once and for all if the American public decides that making healthy food available and affordable is in the best interest of everyone.
Tuesday, June 11
Women and Power: A Right to be Heard @ Mount Mary University 2927 N. 92nd St., 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Six prominent Wisconsin women will share stories about their personal paths to power and influence at this special event, one day after the 100th anniversary of Wisconsin’s historic vote as the first state to ratify the 19th Amendment. Speakers include Elizabeth Brenner, former publisher of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel; Mary Burke, a former executive at Trek and 2014 candidate for governor; Bria Smith, an 18-year-old activist and president of the Milwaukee Youth Council; Joan Prince, vice chancellor of global inclusion and engagement for UW-Milwaukee; Jessie Rodriguez, a state representative since 2013; and Amy Lindner, CEO of the United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha County.
To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to Comment at n
You Think Roe Will Stand
Last week, we asked if you thought the U.S. Supreme Court would overturn Roe v. Wade within the next two years. You said: n Yes: 46% n No: 54%
What Do You Say? Given the contents of Robert Mueller’s recently released report and public statements which explicitly did not exonerate the president of illegal acts—saying that if he and his staff had confidence Donald Trump hadn’t committed a crime, “we would have said that”—do you think Congress should begin impeachment procedures against Trump? n Y es n N o Vote online at We’ll publish the results of this poll in next week’s issue. 8 | JUNE 6, 2019
Flinging Democrats Into the Impeachment Briar Patch ::BY JOEL MCNALLY
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The Constitution Requires Impeachment
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Forget About the Vicious 30%
@"M! )&! 7"#2&! 6'3#,$! &'$! 3(($,$4! +)#4*! "%! &'$!U[W!"%!/$48'3&!6/3E)$*!7'"!7"0(4!*011"/&! ./0+1! $<$#! )%! '$! +0/4$/$4! *"+$"#$! )#! &'$! *&/$$&*M! 1/$%$/3-(;! *"+$"#$! -(36?! "/! -/"7#9! C#;"#$! 7'"! '3*! *$$#! &'$)/! &7)*&$4M! *6/$3+8 )#,! %36$*! 3&! ')*! /3(()$*! ?#"7*! )+1$36'+$#&! 6"0(4#2&!1"**)-(;!,$&!')*!*011"/&$/*!3#;!+"/$! fired up about voting for Trump than they al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voters. Educated voters fleeing the Republican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n
COMMUNICATE. Master of Arts in Corporate Communication — Online Marquette University’s Diederich College of Communication and Graduate School of Management are offering a master of arts degree program in corporate communication. It’s one of only a few in the nation combining public relations fundamentals and communication theory with an advanced business education to prepare professionals for executive-level communication roles. Marquette will waive two courses for applicants with the Accreditation in Public Relations. Apply now for fall 2019.
'()"*#$$+,-.!#./*/-#.*012134(01 1434 N FARWELL AVE ï 276-7288 ï www.SHANKHALL.COM ï all shows 21+
All shows start at 8 pm unless otherwise indicated Tickets available at Shank Hall Box Office, 866-468-3401, or at
Sat 6/8
Tues 6/11
Michael McDermott $18 adv/ $20 dr
Ana Popovic $25
Thurs 6/13
Fri 6/14
Local H
Thank You Scientist
Sat 6/15
Tues 6/18
Whoí s Who, Jailbreak $8 adv/ $10 dr
6/20 NRBQ 6/21 Blubird, Ethel Shank, The Almas 7/1 Kiefer Sutherland 7/9 The Blasters, Supersuckers, Wayne ë The Trainí Hancock, Clownvis Presley 7/16 Junior Brown 7/17 Gretchen Peters 7/18 Smooth Hound Smith JUNE 6, 2019 | 9
Legislature’s 0.,64/%76?6,;%2-?604/ The ‘Extraordinary 6,-.5.,-.,1%76?6,;%%@%%200601.-%76?6,;%%@%%<.<4/3%82/. +,-./012,-%34+/%45164,0 ó Learn the different types of senior care available 74827%9,4:7.-;.%ó %Our Advisors have the local knowledge to help you hand pick communities in your area 06<576=3%ó %Your dedicated Advisor will simplify your search and help schedule tours .>5./6.,8.%ó Our Advisors help thousands of families understand their options every day
!"##$%&&'()'*# ! Weí re paid by our partner communities
A Place for Mom has helped over a million families fi nd senior living solutions that meet their unique needs. Our Advisors are trusted, local experts who can help you understand your options.
Joan Lunden, journalist, best≠ selling author, former host of Good Morning America and senior living advocate. 10 | J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9
Session’ Needs to be Overturned
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o, what happens when our emotional wounds won’t heal? It’s ludicrous to suggest everyone who suffers a great loss, or some other form of intense emotional trauma, will recover with time alone (“Time heals all wounds”). Just because some toothy self-help guru pitches this claim, that doesn’t make it so. Margaret was a case in point. Her happy marriage to the love of her life for over four decades left her utterly unprepared for his sudden demise. Untested by personal tragedy, she lacked the coping skills that come from experiences of loss, unwelcome as those are. It’s been three years, and I still can’t get up off the mat,” she told me. “I find myself just staring into space, seeing his image, feeling that pain all over again. It happens often.” Frequently, the height of one’s joy demands a commensurate degree of sorrow. In some sense, folks like Margaret pay a steeper price for their happiness. Feeling deeply, as she does, amplifies emotions, good and ill. “Sometimes I’d just like to go numb,” she continued. “But, every day when I wake up, it’s still there. Will it always be?” she asked. Questions of this sort present a psychotherapist (or a good friend, as well) with a vexing dilemma. Being a professional, people often assume, sometimes correctly and others not, that I am wiser in the psychological realm. So, in some instances, my opinion conveys a placebo effect, which is a treatment on its own. If I tell Margaret she will heal, then perhaps she’ll believe that and experience increased hope. And there is no healing without hope. However, should my positive reassurance not come to fruition, that might sink her still lower into the depths of despair. So, I landed on a middle runway. “I don’t know, but I believe that we can find out together,” I answered. As it turned out, that afforded Margaret a dollop of hope, which she sorely needed, while also making it clear that healing would require, in no small part, her commitment to the process. Hope provided the necessary psychic energy to get her up off the mat. Simply telling someone to try without offering support and encouragement is asking a lot. Often, way too much. It’s said healing from a great loss is a mysterious process, one that unfolds within darkness, outside conscious awareness. Granted, we can take steps to initiate the process, but once underway, it takes on a life of its own. Unless pathological in its intensity, grief harbors a deep, ancient wisdom that guides us toward healing. When people interfere too much with the grieving process, they mess with something that works just fine on its own. Interfere how? Self-medicating with alcohol, other drugs, food or any unhealthy habit usually backfires. The same holds true for distractions like excessive work, long hours roaming the Internet, compulsive exercise, incessant video-gaming or other activities of the “don’t look back, it’s gaining on you” variety. At the same time, relentlessly ruminating about one’s loss without direction or purpose, which Margaret did, is futile. For most, it helps to engage with one’s grief as a partner rather than an adversary. Pursuits such as journaling, nature interaction, meditation or contemplative prayer, time with supportive family and friends and carefully designed rituals that release painful emotions, all nurture one’s spiritual “soil,” allowing the innate healing capacity of the human spirit to take root. There is a mysterious current that drives healing, one unique to each individual. Fighting it by swimming upstream leads to emotional exhaustion and, too often, despair. By going with the flow and not pushing the river, so to speak, we discover we can steer a bit, and find a friend in grief instead of an enemy. Margaret will never be the same. But she will be better.
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We will keep you informed each week about the growing availability of legal cannabis products in Milwaukee and what’s happening at the state level with respect to Wisconsin’s movement towards legalization, what’s happening in other states and in the rest of the world.
! #$%&&'!(#)*$+,! " Belfiore414 Hemp -&#.+*
lthough Jason Kassin hit a few bumps in the road when venturing into the hemp business—a business partnership that went bad and difficulty finding banks willing to loan to hemp-related startups—he kept his head up, and this past February, he launched Belfiore414 prerolls, hemp flower, cannabidiol (CBD) oils and pain butter. Kassin, an independent wholesalerdistributor of hemp, recalls how some people in the hemp industry that he spoke with were focused primarily on CBD oil, but they hadn’t been aware that hemp flower could be rolled up into a joint and smoked. He saw an opportunity to broadly market hemp in smokable forms, so he created a marketing plan for what would become his signature product: BelFiore414 CBD pre-rolls and flower. Belfiore414 hemp comes from Central Greens, located near Miller Park. Many people might recognize Central Greens’ aquaponics operation from their produce, live basil and culinary herbs that were available at local grocers. They’ve since converted to growing hemp, and they’ve a hemp nursery with boutique hemp flower, says Bowen DornBrook, one of the four partners of Central Greens. They’re building their strain catalogue and sell clones to farms. “Everything I have is made in Milwaukee,” Kassin states. He purchases bubble gum strain plants cured on-site from Central Greens, and then he hand-rolls the CBD joints and packages the flower. Belfiore414 is a one-man operation at this time, but Kassin hopes to eventually hire people and provide jobs. The bubble gum flavor and aroma come from terpenes—the aromatic oils that give cannabis varieties their distinctive flavors. Kassin says Belfiore414 CBD smokable products are available at Hazy Dayz and Elev8 Milwaukee; the Petro Mart on Fifth Street and Lincoln Avenue; at the Citgo on 13th Street and Lincoln Avenue; Pete’s Market on Hawley Road; and R&R Liquor on 84th Street and Morgan Avenue. Kassin has also introduced 3,000-milligram CBD oils and pain butters designed to help decrease inflammation. He helps promote New Jersey–based CannaTru products in Wisconsin, and he networks with artists and professionals in the hiphop industry to advance the positive wellness qualities of hemp. “Hemp is helping people get off of opiates and alcohol,” he says. Having formerly worked in the construction industry, he knows the aches and pains that people can endure on the job, and how CBD can help. “I feel great since using CBD.” For more information, visit Please note that any health claims in this article are intended for information purposes only and are not to be taken as substitutes for medical advice. Consult with a health care professional before starting any treatment. Comment at n
12 | J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9
Madison Rastafarian Church Raided, Founders Arrested, for Distributing Cannabis as a ‘Sacrament’ ::BY JEAN-GABRIEL FERNANDEZ
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Can Religious Freedom Exempt You From Cannabis Prohibition?
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J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9 ! 13
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Trusting the Chef at Interval
nut syrup for dipping, they had a savory and sweet harmony. Dried ramps were also sprinkled on top of a pork dish ($12) of medallions wrapped in bacon. The meat was delicious, but the cherry vinaigrette pooled in the bottom of the bowl was overpowering, and the mashed potato foam was underwhelming. Sunchokes ($10), a tuber more like a potato than artichoke, came with a personal story from Cook about how it relates to his upbringing on the East Coast. ::BY LACEY MUSZYNSKI This is his version of Old Bay fries, with creamy, deeply browned chunks of sunchoke covered in aioli foam and sprinkled with his version of Old Bay. I used my asual is generally not a word used to despoon to get every drop of that aioli. scribe a restaurant with a tasting menu. But Trout ($12) is Cook’s well-done take on the trendy poké bowl, with chopped that is exactly how chef and owner Travis Cook wants customers to describe Interval, raw fish and a combination of tart yuzu and chile peppers that’s popular in Japan, covered with a thin, chicharron-like cracker dried from rice paste. Crack the delia coffee shop by day and a restaurant and cate rice cracker into pieces and mix it into the trout. bar by night. He’ll tell you as much himself as One dish, a duck egg ($10), was cooked sous-vide so that the yolk was perfectly he sits at the table next to you and explains jammy but wasn’t much more than a bland microgreen with the egg as its only that his goal by opening his own place was to dressing. The only dessert item, lemon poppyseed muffins ($10) covered in butmake people feel comfortable, as well as be termilk glaze, was not bad, but not worth the money considering there was nothcomfortable himself—he won’t be wearing a ing unusual or surprising about it. chef’s jacket, toque or anything of the sort. Cocktails are also a personalized experience here. There is a cocktail menu ($10) Comfort isn’t something that all diners feel full of options (try the pamplemousse with gin, pine and elderflower), but the when they’re presented with the type of dinbartender will also come to your table to determine your likes and dislikes before ner dishes served here. The handwritten menus recommending a drink or making something to surprise you. When I told him list dishes by their main ingredient, followed by a I liked gin and whiskey sours, he returned with a lovely citrus concoction made few supporting flavors, leaving the actual composiwith gin and shaken with egg white. tion of the dish a surprise. There are a lot of foams, powders, While the laid-back, personal attention is outstanding in most regards, the proteins cooked sous-vide and things that would otherwise be unidentifiable if loosey-goosey attitude isn’t great when it comes to the end of your meal. You Cook didn’t hand-deliver and explain each one himself. That personalized service won’t get a bill here—and no one even told me that since you don’t really have a makes it easier for diners to trust the chef, an important component of a meal dedicated server. You pay at the bar, which is fine while in café mode during the that’s not inexpensive and somewhat mysterious. day, but less fine when you’re spending $140, and you don’t get to see an itemDiners can choose to do either a tasting menu for two paired with cocktails ized bill. It can make for some awkward moments, and the traditional restaurant ($160) or order dishes à la carte. If choosing the latter option, I’d recommend etiquette of receiving a bill at the table should not be upended. about four plates per person for a full meal or more if you’re famished. If you want to experience the minimalist retro décor and welcoming bright Of all the dishes I tried, asparagus ($10) was the winner. Tender stalks were space without a large investment, stop by during café hours dressed in a light vinaigrette and arranged pick-up-sticks fashion for a Pilcrow coffee and a sausage biscuit or parfait made with with pickled ramp shoots. A thick, bright green purée on the oatmilk panna cotta or hang out at the bar during dinner plate was earthy like the ground the vegetables sprang from, and Interval hours. It’s like baby steps, building up to a big tasting dinner popped sorghum kernels added campfire-like smokiness. 1600 N. Jackson St. that has more hits than misses. No matter when you go or In-season ramps made appearances in other dishes, too. how you’d like to enjoy their offerings, you’ll always feel weliature madeleines ($10), the French cake-like cookie, were made come at Interval. with corn batter and dried ramp leaves. Served with a black wal$$-$$$$ • FB
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The Blind Horse Brings Napa Valley to Wisconsin ::BY SHEILA JULSON
!"# $%&'(# )*+,"# -",./0+/'.# 1# 2&'"+3# 45678# 90:"+&*+# ;<"=># ?*!%"+@! "#$! %&&'! $()&*"#+! (,! a secret since opening five years #-(.! %/+! +"#+0$! 1"#'-2'-3! 4&'5 &6#7!)#'#-&6!#'8!)#$+&6!*2'&)#9&6!:"()#$! Nye’s Vintner’s Blend recently beat out thou5 $#'8$!(,!*2'&$!+(!*2'!8(/%7&!-(78!2'!+"&!;<=>! ?2'-&67#9&$! @'+&6'#+2('#7! A2'&! B()C&+2+2('3! @'!#882+2('!+(!%/2782'-!#!6&C/+#+2('!#$!#!)/$+5 stop for vacationers en route to Door County, The Blind Horse has a dedicated customer base in Sheboygan County. Nye observes how Wisconsin, historically #!%&&651&'+621!$+#+&.!"#$!&)%6#1&8!+"&!,((82&! movement and has shifted toward drier wines. When The Blind Horse opened five years ago, they took a risk crafting long-term-aged, drier wines. “That was really unusual in the state
*"&'!*&!828!+"#+3!:"&6&!*&6&!==<!*2'&62&$!2'! Wisconsin five years ago, and most of them were making all sweeter wines,” Nye reflects. After working in the IT field, Nye started The Grape Escape winery with his wife, Nan5 cy, a Wisconsin native. At his winery, Nye learned the winemaking trade, and Nancy and he eventually sold The Grape Escape to move to Wisconsin to help Bob and Connie Moeller open The Blind Horse. Since he began mak5 ing wine13 years ago, Nye has believed in natural processes influenced by California’s *2'&!)#9&6$!+"#+!2'17/8&!#-2'-!2'!(#9!%#66&7$! and only releasing wine once it is ready. “We make five wines specifically for blend5 ing; we may not use them that year, or we may not, but that’s how I change the profile in the +#$+&! (,! (/6! *2'&3! D()&+2)&$.! *&077! 6/'! /C! +(!;<!%&'1"!+62#7$!(,!%7&'8$!+(!-&+!2+!C&6,&1+E! $()&+2)&$.! *&06&! %7&'82'-! /C! /'+27! %(++72'-! day,” he says. The Blind Horse sources grapes from California and Washington state, which have grapes to make drier wines like the Vintner’s Blend—a cabernet-based blend aged over three years. They also make some Wisconsinbased wines. “The reason there are so many $*&&+! *2'&$! 2'! A2$1('$2'! 2$! %&1#/$&! -6#C&$! grown here tend to have more tannins, less acid and less sugar when you pick the grapes, and the way to overcome that is with the sweetness,” Nye explains.
:"&!A2$1('$2'!@1&!A2'&!2$!#!$*&&+&6!8&$$&6+! wine with flavors of apple and tropical fruit. Making ice wine is a labor-intensive process; -6#C&$!#6&!C219&8!8/62'-!%&7(*5F&6(!*&#+"&6! conditions, and the yield is minimal. He’s also excited about their new sparkling wine, made *2+"! A2$1('$2'5-6(*'! -6#C&$.! 8/&! +(! %&! 6&5 7&#$&8! +"2$! ,#773! G@+! "#$! +"&! C(+&'+2#7! +(! %&! #! -#)&51"#'-2'-!C6(8/1+!,6()!A2$1('$2'3H The winery has 15-20 dry and sweet wines available. Other popular wines include Tus5 can Blend, which was a big hit at Nye’s for5 mer winery. The blend has sangiovese, caber5 net and other red varietals to create a versatile *2'&!+"#+!C#26$!*&77!*2+"!)($+!,((8$3 The restaurant’s executive chef, Brent Da5 vis, partners with local farmers to provide a farm-to-table, Napa Valley-inspired menu at The Blind Horse’s restaurant in a farmhouse. The property also hosts the Granary—a whis5 key and bourbon bar in a renovated barn. The Dreps family farmed the seven-acre property during the 1800s, and they had a blind horse, Birdy. Historic photos displayed through5 out The Blind Horse property include one of Birdy taking the Dreps kids to school. Two wines are named in Birdy’s honor. Starting this summer, The Blind Horse Res5 taurant & Winery will offer winery tours ev5 ery Saturday and Sunday at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. !"#$%"#&$'()"#%*+'"(,$-'.'+$+/&01'(2/"#.&3 4"%3
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::BY JAMIE LEE RAKE Heavenly Grille (831 S. Cesar E. Chavez Dr.) bills its fare as American/Southern. Its chef, former food truck proprietor Tyree Fleming, has the goal of bringing variety to a neighborhood where fast food and Mexican eateries dominate. He succeeds with a fullday menu ranging from chicken wings with waffles and catfish and grits for breakfast to mostaccioli and fish dinners later in the day. Heavenly Grille may also be the most southerly point in the city to offer African American soul food on Sundays. From the options included in that portion of its offerings, a trio of well-salted perch filets went well with steamy, sweet potato medallions and greens served with turkey instead of the more traditional pork. Scrumptious cornbread accompanied the meal.
Heavenly Grille
J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9 | 15
! " # " $ % & ' % ( ) * ! " # % ( )* #+, $" ( - .&" "*%(/*& %0 !"#$%& ' (%")%*"+),,-./0"12)$3)43&"! 3815 N. Brookfield Rd. Brookfield, WI 565'789'5:;9" <" ===>?)@&A)%%)>?.A
H O U R S O F O P E R AT I O N Tuesday- Saturday: 11am-9pm Sunday Brunch: 9am-2pm
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2930 N. 117th St. Wauwatosa 414≠ 235≠ 9220
New Buffet Vegan Dishes
Beet Roots Porial, Aloo Bonda, Tomato Soup with Ginger, Vegetable Noodles TRY OUR VEGAN ENTREES: Bhindi Marsala, Gobhi Mutter Sun≠ Thur: 11:30am≠ 3pm & 5pm≠ 10pm Fri≠ Sat: 11:30am≠ 3pm & 5≠ 10:30pm IndiaGardenmke
16 | J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9
India Garden
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Off the Wall’s Dale Gutzman
!"#$%&'()*+&(,-&.(,/&("0( 1%23*4+&&5'(1"'6(782&86%8( 9#*22(96*:&' ::BY JEAN-GABRIEL FERNANDEZ
estled between a Chinese restaurant and a spy-themed eatery right across the street from the Milwaukee Repertory Theater, you can find one of the city’s most unconventional theaters. The aptly named Off the Wall Theatre first distinguishes itself with hundreds upon hundreds of posters, covering the storefront and walls from floor to ceiling—one poster for each play produced there in the two decades it has been operating. Soon, they will be joined by a poster of Zombies On Broadway, the company’s next show. Starting Thursday, June 20, hordes of the undead will take the black-box theater by storm. Dottie, a world-famous Broadway star, dies before the opening of her new musical, but she won’t let a little inconvenience like death stop her from shining on stage. With a little help from the man who brought King Kong to Manhattan—played by director and founder of Off the Wall, Dale Gutzman, himself—the diva comes back to life as a flesh-eating zombie wreaking havoc in the whole production. Zombies On Broadway promises “thrills, chills and laughs” in an entirely original musical, written and directed by Gutzman. The story is character-driven and focuses on Susie, a shy girl from Wisconsin; Dick, a handsome dance captain who everyone seemingly wants a piece of; and a motley cast showcasing the worst that Broadway has to offer. The large cast brings 11 local actors—including Mark Neufang, Teddi Gardener, Michele Waide, Jenny Kosek and more—to the stage. “It is not like the Rocky Horror Picture Show or Evil Dead,” Gutzman warns. “It is much more of a take on 1930s musical films, like Fred Astaire’s and Ruby Keeler’s films. There are 1930s complications, mix-ups and relationships. The zombies are just the frosting on the cake!”
A Trade-Off for Creative Freedom
Zombies On Broadway is a personal project six years in the making, “ever since the zombie craze started,” which replaces the planned production of the French musical Irma La Douce, cancelled due to funding issues. “Irma La Douce would have cost more than $4,000 before I even started. If you look at the small size of our theater, which seats only 40 people, we never even would break even,” Gutzman explains. Off the Wall is unique in many ways, but its economic model truly stands out. After a lifetime spent traveling and directing shows on the other side of the world, including for the royal family of Thailand, Gutzman started this little theater as a passion project during his retirement years. The actors are volunteers—a significant portion of them professional actors who take time off paid projects to act in Off the Wall’s productions— and the director and owner doesn’t receive any kind of payment, either. All the money goes back into the future seasons. “It’s really a work of art and love,” Gutzman says. “We only charge $25-$30. To break even, we have to open a show almost every six weeks.” As a trade-off for a precarious financial situation, the theater’s team enjoys unlimited creative freedom. “Making shows on relatively little money allows me to do plays that no other theater can do,” Gutzman continues. “We can just pick whatever we want and try different things; if it doesn’t work, that’s fine; six weeks later, we start something else. We’re not bound to anything except art.” This makes for an abundant productive output and unusual choices of plays—many of them written by Gutzman. “We’re opening Uncle Vanya next season, and we’ve picked four different scripts and four different translations to create a new version,” he said. Other plays planned for the upcoming season (after the season finale of Zombies) include the Hitchcockian thriller The Stranger Zombies on in the Attic; a new adaptation of the classic A Christmas Carol with Broadway The Great Scrooge Disaster; the Off the Wall original play The Glance about Theatre the role of erotic art in the face June 20-30 of religion; Gutzman Goes Gershwin, a musical revue of George Gershwin’s work; and The Merchant of Venice. This eclectic season, mixing original works with adaptations, music with prose, light-hearted fun with classical works, is bound together by “the contrast between the public artificiality and the private truth of things,” as Gutzman puts it. Not at all put off by his theater’s relatively small size, which survives thanks to a tiny but loyal community of art lovers, Gutzman is bursting at the seams with enthusiasm about the upcoming productions. “You have to say ‘let’s get together and create art, not worry about professional or well-known. Let’s just do it because we love it!’ This is what Off the Wall is about.” Zombies On Broadway runs June 20-30 at Off the Wall Theatre, 127 E. Wells St. For more information and tickets, visit or call 262-509-0945.
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::PERFORMINGARTSWEEK For More to Do, visit THEATRE Door Kinetic Arts Festival Not Dead Yet!
Milwaukee Entertainment Group associate producer and production manager Amanda Hull describes Andrew Peterson’s Not Dead Yet! as “an original, absurd, interactive murder mystery comedy.” She adds that it will be “directed and partially devised by Robert A. Zimmerman and his incredibly quirky and creative cast of comedic characters!” As far as the latter goes, the cast comprises Zach Sharrock, Amber Regan, Dennis Lewis, Chris Goode, Cara Johnston and Brittany Curran. “Join us in witnessing the disastrously unsuccessful efforts of a buffoonish, egocentric film director in producing a staged reading of a dangerous and mysteriously secret new theatrical project at the Brumder Mansion,” Hull says. “We’d tell you ahead of time the name of this infamous Hollywood director, but we’d have to kill you. Trust us, you’ve heard of him, you’ve stood in line to see his movies, you’ve seen them on Netflix, [and] some of you have probably even pirated them on the torrents (don’t worry, we won’t tell). And now, he’s coming here—to Milwaukee.” (John Jahn) June 7-22 at the Brumder Mansion, 3046 W. Wisconsin Ave. For tickets, call 414-388-9104 or visit
Door Kinetic Arts Festival (DKAF) has 17 films in its 2019 lineup, including works by international filmmakers and cinematic artists right here in Wisconsin, thus offering festivalgoers quite a wide variety of creative perspectives. The narrative films will be screened Monday, June 10, and Tuesday, June 11. Ranging from stories of racial reconciliation, existential labyrinths, utopian futures and a romantic comedy with a twist, the festival offers something for every audience member. The documentary films (screened June 11) will showcase the stories of a dedicated ballet dancer, a community of Havana artists, an exploration of a Milwaukee landmark and more, highlighting human stories from around the world. Preceding the screenings, professional mixologist and The New York Times contributor Robert Simonson will introduce the featured cocktail of the day. Sharing his talents of mixology and enthusiasm for the art of the craft cocktail, his contribution to the evening’s festivities complete the perfect package. On Wednesday, June 12, Dan Lauria joins the DKAF Donor Event, where he will perform scenes and monologues from the Broadway play Lombardi (written by DKAF artistic director Eric Simonson). Having originated the titular role of legendary Green Bay Packers’ coach, Lauria has given more than 240 impassioned live performances; this event marks the first time he has returned to the role since the final curtain was drawn on Broadway in May of 2011. (John Jahn) June 9-14 in Door County, Wis. For more information, call 920-839-2216 or visit
The Ransom of Red Chief
Two friends wanting a get-rich-quick scheme decide to capture “Red”—the young nephew of a wealthy banker, for ransom. However, Red so drives the kidnappers crazy with his high energy and tomfoolery that his kidnappers can’t wait to get rid of him—only to find the tables have turned, and they may have to pay a pretty sum to return him! Filled with humor and wit, The Ransom of Red Chief is brought to you with a story analysis concerning family and responsibility. The Company of Strangers describes its approach to its productions of live theater as “reflecting the essential aspects of life from a theological and philosophical perspective, including the nature of man, the meaning of life and death, the love and mercy of Christ and the justice and equity of God’s Law.” June 7-15 at The Underground Collaborative, 161 W. Wisconsin Ave. For tickets, call 434-221-7498 or visit
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Love and Hope in Milwaukee Ballet’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ ::BY JOHN SCHNEIDER
Present Music’s ‘StalheimTime’
An Extravaganza of Sound and Vision with ‘StalheimTime’ ::BY HARRY CHERKINIAN
resent Music’s season finale was also a career finale for Kevin Stalheim, its artistic director and “guiding light” for the past 37 years. [D$'%-./,1 J/,.!?/"'%.\!('6!'"!.K$)'H'9'"]'!#+!6#;"0!'"0!H/6/#"!%'6$/"9!,#).!$-'"!$(#! -#;)6<!'!Y%/$.)'%Z![,#H.':%.!+.'6$\!+#)!$-.!.&.6!'"0!.')6<!'"0!'!8.)+.7$!('&!$#! -#"#)!'"0!7.%.:)'$.!$-.!,'"!'"0!-/6!,;6/7E [F+!F!*".(!$-/6!*/"0!#+!.H."$!(#;%0!0)'(!6#!,'"&!8.#8%.<!F!(#;%0!-'H.!0#".!/$!,#).! $/,.6<\!D$'%-./,!V#*.0E!B;$!$-.!';0/."7.!('6!7%.')%&!$-.).!$#!6..!(-'$!$-.!68.7/'%!.H."$! (#;%0!-#%0^'"0!/$!%/H.0!;8!$#!$-.!-/9-!.K8.7$'$/#"6E “StalheimTime” featured numbers from past seasons, and for Present Music (PM) fans, it ('6!$-.!"#6$'%9/7!."0!#+!'"!.)'!(/$-!.H#7'$/H.!8.)+#),'"7.6!$-)#;9-#;$!$-.!"/9-$^'"0!$-'$>6! .K7%;0/"9!$-.!'+$.)1-#;)6!8')$&!(.%%!'+$.)!$-.!,'/"!.H."$!."0.0E John Cage’s cacophonous “Apartment House 1776” (from PM’s 1996 Thanksgiving 7#"7.)$Z!:.';$/+;%%&!6;,,.0!;8!(-'$!$-.!9)#;8!/6!'%%!':#;$O!".(!,;6/7!$-'$!7-'%%."9.6!$-.! ';0/."7.!/"!6/9-$!'"0!6#;"0E![2__A\!+.'$;).0!24$-!7."$;)&!0'"7.!'"0!,/%/$')&!$;".6!6.$! '9'/"6$!9#68.%<!7-;)7-!,;6/7<!6/"9/"9!'"0!$-.!6/9"'$;).!6#;"0!#+!$-.!B;7*6!`'$/H.!I,.)/1 7'"!D/"9/"9!a!b);,,/"9!c)#;8E!?#)!$-.!;"/"/$/'$.0<!/$6!6#"/7!0/66#"'"7.!8;%%.0!/"!,'"&! 0/++.)."$!0/).7$/#"6!'6!,;6/7/'"6!'"0!H#7'%/6$6!."7/)7%.0!$-.!';0/."7.E!J-.!.K8.)/."7.!H')/.0! :'6.0!#"!6.'$!%#7'$/#"!'"0!6/9-$!%/".6!(/$-!$-.!9;.6$!#+!-#"#)!7#"0;7$/"9!#;$(')0!$#(')0! $-.!';0/."7.!/"!'!8.)+.7$!8)/,.)!+#)!$-.!"/9-$!$#!7#,.E D$'%-./,!-/,6.%+!'7$.0!'"0!0'"7.0!'%#"9!(/$-!$-.!b'"7.(#)*6!G;')$.$!/"!$-.!(-/,6/7'%! [L#$%;7*\!6.$!'9'/"6$!$-.!,;6/7'%!:'7*0)#8!#+![d,8.)#)!C'%$]E\!I6!$-.!+#;)!:'%%.$/7!0'"7.)6! 7#,8.$.0!/"!6.$$/"9!'!$':%.!'"0!8)#H/0/"9!+##0<!D$'%-./,!('6!8;%%.0!/"$#!$-.!'7$!'"0!(#).! (-'$!(#;%0!:.7#,.!$-.!$':%.7%#$-E!J-.!2=1,/";$.!8.)+#),'"7.<![S.$>6!b'"7.<\!$'*."!+)#,! the PM/Danceworks 1999 winter program, charmed throughout and was a testament to PM’s many successful collaborations with other artists over the years. D$'%-./,!'"0!7#,8'"&!6'H.0!$-.!:.6$!+#)!%'6$!(/$-!$-.!,;%$/,.0/'!8.)+#),'"7.!#+![D#;1 H."/)<\!(-/7-!6'(!9%#(!/"!$-.!0')*!0'"7.)6!()/$-/"9!#"!6$'9.<!.,.)9/"9!$#!$#66!#;$!9/'"$! :'%%##"6!(/$-![?;$;).\!/,8)/"$.0!#"!$-.,<!8/"918#"9!:'%%6!'"0!,;7-!$#!$-.!';0/."7.>6! 0.%/9-$<!D/%%&!D$)/"9e While the number began and ended in the darkness, it was clear that the end had finally '))/H.0E!B;$!#".!$-/"9!('6!7.)$'/"O![D$'%-./,J/,.\!-'0!7#,.!$#!'!7%#6.<!:;$!D$'%-./,>6! (#)*!).,'/"6!$/,.%.66E
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!"#$%&''( )$""'*( +",-'.( its first half-century last weekend with a look /$+&0! "#$! #"%&! $#! '! (#)*! +)#,! $-.! ,/0123456! $-'$! $-.!7#,8'"&!-'6!6$'9.0!:.+#).!:;$!$#!'!(#)*! $-'$!/$6.%+!%##*6!:'7*<!(/$-!=5$-!7."$;)&!(/$<! $#! :'%%.$>6! .6$':%/6-,."$! '6! '"! ')$! +#),! /"! 24$-!7."$;)&!?)'"7.@!'"0!%#"9.)!:'7*<!/+!&#;! 7#"6/0.)! $-.! 2A$-! 7."$;)&! 6#;)7.! #+! 7-#).1 #9)'8-.)! B);7.! C.%%6>! :'%%.$! '0'8$'$/#"! #+! C/%%/',!D-'*.68.').>6!!!"#$%&''()*+#,-./%* 0)(1'E!F$>6!'!$/,.!#+!*/"96<!G;.."6<!7#;)$/.)6<! '))'"9.0!,'))/'9.6<!,'%.!8)/H/%.9.!'"0!-/9-%&! defined gender roles. Music was composed by the 19th century romantic Felix Mendelssohn, '"0! $-.! 7'6$! /6! +')! ,#).! +'/)&! $-'"! -;,'"<! 7#,8%.$.!(/$-!$-/6!%#"9!H/.(!#+!:'%%.$!-/6$#)&! +)#,!".#7%'66/7'%!$#!,#0.)"E I"0! 8#6$,#0.)"E! J-.! .K7.8$/#"! $#! $-.! #%0167-##%!6#7/#8#%/$/7'%!#)0.)!#+!$-.!:'%%.$>6! (##0%'"0!+'/)&%'"0!/6!$-.!+'/)&!L;7*<!.K7.81 tionally danced by Barry Molina in his larg1 .6$!'"0!9).'$.6$!8.)+#),'"7.!$#!0'$.E!J-#;9-! #)0.).0! ':#;$! :&! -/6! :#66<! $-.! ?'/)&! M/"9! N:.)#"<! -.>6! 7#"6$/$;$/#"'%%&! ;"7#"$)#%%':%.O! '! +)..! 68/)/$! 8)#".! $#! 67).(1;86E!J-/6! ,'*.6! -/,! $-.! ,#6$! -;,'"! 7-')'7$.)! #"! 6$'9.E!I6! N:.)#"<!P'"0&!Q).68#!('6!9)'"0!/"!-/6!+.)#1 7/#;6! .K.7;$/#"! #+! .H.)&! 7-'%%."9/"9! 7%'66/1 7'%!:'%%.$!6$.8!9/H."!$#!,."!+#)!7."$;)/.6E!R#;!
7#;%0! ).'0! /$! '6! '! 6&,8'$-.$/7! %',8##"! #+! S#;/6!TFU>6!+':%.0!6.%+1).9')0!'6!-.!0'"7.0! $-.! %."9$-&<! .K$)'H'9'"$! :'%%.$6! -.! ,'0.! +#)! himself to perform. Molina, no less virtuo1 6/7! /"! -/6! $(/)%6! '"0! '7)#:'$/76<! 6..,.0! $-.! "#"1:/"')&! .,:#0/,."$! #+! $-.! 6-..)! V#&! #+! ,#H.,."$<!#+!:./"9!'%/H.<!#+!$-.!).'6#"6!+#)! 0'"7/"9E I! ,'9/6$.)/'%! I""/'! W/0'%9#! :.6$#(.0! 9).'$! /"$.9)/$&! #"! $-.! /,,#)$'%! ?'/)&! X;.."! J/$'"/'!(-#<!'+$.)!-;,/%/'$/#"!:&!-.)!/,,#)1 $'%! -;6:'"0! N:.)#"<! %#H.6! -/,! '9'/"! Y'6! -.! 0#.6! -.)ZE! J-./)! 7%/,'7$/7! 8'610.10.;K! ('6! '%%!&#;!7#;%0!-#8.!+#)!/"!6;7-!0'"7.6E!I%'"'! Griffith was terrific in the comic role of the ;"%;7*&!-;,'"!W.%."'<!8;)6;/"9!'!9;&!(-#! disdains her and fleeing an unwelcome spell1 :#;"0!8;)6;.)E!L'$)/7*!W#(.%%<!'6!-.)!-.')$>6! 0.6/).<! ('6! -.)! 8.)+.7$! 8')$".)! /"! %';9-1#;$1 %#;0! 7#,/7! H/)$;#6/$&E! J-.! 6$'9.! #+$."! :;)6$! (/$-! 0'"7.)6<! ,'"&! #+! $-.,! 7-/%0)."E! J-.).! ('6! ,;7-! :.';$&! /"! $-.! 7-#).#9)'8-&<! 0.1 6/9"6<! '"0! #)7-.6$)'%! 8%'&/"9! ;"0.)! I"0).(! D/%%!'"0!/"!$-.!6/"9/"9!#+!M'$-)&"!W.")&<!I6-1 ley Puenner and the Milwaukee Children’s Q-#/)E! F"! D-'*.68.').>6! 7#,.0&<! B#$$#,<! $-.! '7$#)1$)'"6+#),.01$#1'"1'66<! /6! $-.! 7."$.)1 8/.7.O!%#H.!/6!+#%%&E!L;7*!0'"7.6!'$!$-.!-.')$! #+! C.%%6>! :'%%.$E! D8)/"9! 7'"! :.! /%%;6#)&<! :;$! 6;,,.)!7#,.6!'"0!9#.6E!I"0!%#H.!/6!-#8.E
Musical ‘Side Show’ Closes Sunset’s Studio Season
-.!D;"6.$!L%'&-#;6.!7%#6.0!/$6!I+$.)!D;"6.$!D.)/.6!(/$-!'"!.,#$/#"'%%&!."7-'"$/"9!7#"1 7.)$!8.)+#),'"7.!#+!$-.!,;6/7'%!0)','!2#$(*2-34. Isabel Mancl('"0!I,&!B')).$$!(.).! 0..8%&! ."9'9/"9! '6! b'/6&! '"0!U/#%.$! W/%$#"f7#"V#/".0! $(/"6! (-#! :.7',.! +',#;6! 6$'9.!8.)+#),.)6!/"!$-.!.')%&!=5$-!7."$;)&E! Without the distractions that usually accompany a full production, Mancl and Barrett, wearing identical costumes, filled the center of the stage with vibrant emotional energy that rested at $-.!7."$.)!#+!$-.!6$#)&E!g'7-')&!b.'"!:)#;9-$!'!6$#;$!9)'H/$&!$#!$-.!6$'9.!'6!$-.!$(/"6>!9;')0/'"!'"0! 8)#,#$.)f'!8#(.)+;%!,'"!/"!7-')9.!#+!'!7/)7;6!6/0.!6-#(E!J#(.)/"9!B/%%!h'7*6#"!%."$!0..8%&!).6#1 "'"$!$#".6!#+!7#"7.)"!'6!$-.!$(/"6>!:#0&9;')0E d)/7!C.%7-('"0!h#.!c'%%#!8%'&.0!'!7#;8%.!#+!9;&6!(-#!-'0!7#"".7$/#"6!'"0!$-.!':/%/$&!$#!:)/"9! $-.!6/6$.)6!#;$!#+!$-.!6..0&!6G;'%#)!#+!7/)7;6!6/0.!6-#(!%/+.!'"0!/"$#!6#,.$-/"9!,#).!9%',#)#;6E! The sweetly bewildering dynamic between the twins put them at odds with each other. The specific dreams of the twins and the two different men in their lives were amplified in delicate complexity in $-.!6$;0/#!$-.'$.)!6.$$/"9E C-/%.!'!+;%%&16$'9.0!8)#0;7$/#"!#+!'!,;6/7'%!':#;$!7#"V#/".0!$(/"6!)/6/"9!#;$!#+!'!+).'*!6-#(!7#;%0! be spectacular, the studio theater format allowed Mancl and Barrett to bring the nuances of emotion of $(#!(#,."!$#!$-.!6$'9.!(/$-!'!H/H/0!0.8$-!'"0!7#,8%.K/$&!"#$!#+$."!'%%#(.0!/"!,;6/7'%!$-.'$.)E!J-.! I+$.)!D;"6.$!6$;0/#!$-.'$.)!6.)/.6!).$;)"6!".K$!D.8$.,:.)E SHEPHERD EXPRESS
The Impeccable Craft of Cedarburg’s Charles Radtke ::BY SHANE MCADAMS
!"#$%&'($") *%+!) ,!-./%"%'!0) 123) ,%4&!##15*!0! "#$! %&$! '#(%('")!$*+(,")$-%!./!&.)(0"1!2&(-"3!%&$1!4&.+)0!5$!4",$0! /.#!46$'(")!.''"4(.-47!4.!%&$1!4%"1!4&(-1!"-0!$//$'%(,$8!2$9 darburg-based furniture maker Charley Radtke’s first-ev9 $#!#$%#.46$'%(,$7!:2.-%"(-$07;!"%!%&$!<()="+>$$!?#%!<+9 4$+@!A<?<B!%&#.+C&!?+C8!DE7!#(4$4!%.!%&"%!)$,$)!./!46$'(")!0(4%(-'%(.-7!4.! it’s time to start shining up the flatware and dusting off the superlatives. F.#!%&$!4">$!./!/+))90(4').4+#$!"-07!$,$-!5$%%$#7!6"#"))$)!4%#+'%+#$7! G!&",$!%.!"0@(%!%&"%!G!$"%!@1!"--+")!H"4%$#!&"@!.//!"!2&"#)$4!I"0%>$! 0(--$#! %"5)$! "%! @1! (-9)"=4J! &.+4$8! GJ,$! ="%'&$0! 5.%&! @1! 0"+C&%$#4! =(6$!6(@$-%.4!.-!(%4!+-0$#4(0$7!"-0!G!&",$!6#.5"5)1!0#(66$0!C$=K#L9 traminer on its flawlessly planed and shellacked surface more than .-'$8!G!=.+)0!5$!@.#$!&$4(%"-%!"5.+%!@$-%(.-(-C!4+'&!"!6$#4.-")!'.-9 -$'%(.-!(/!%&$!=.#>!="4-J%!4.!-">$0)1!!"#$%&%'!8! G%!0.$4-J%!%">$!"-!"#%!'#(%('J4!6.=$#4!./!(-%$#6#$%"%(.-!%.!#$'.C-(L$!&(4! masterful woodworking or precision joinery. Radtke uses no superfluous 4%#+'%+#")!&"#0="#$!"-0!%&$!0$/%)1!"#%('+)"%$0!(-%$C#"%(.-!"-0!(-%$#).'>(-C! ./!$)$@$-%4!(-!$"'&!=.#>!(4!46$'%"'+)"#8!M&$!'#"/%4@"-4&(6!.-!(%4!.=-!(4! =.#%&!%&$!,(4(%!%.!%&$!N#"0)$1!F"@()1!O"))$#1!"%!<?<7!5+%!&(4!/+#-(%+#$! .//$#4!@.#$!%&"-!%$'&-('")!'+#(.4(%($48!I"0%>$!'.-4(0$#4!&(@4$)/!/+-0"9 mentally a cabinet maker, and his magnificent “cabinets” are conceived "4!@$"-(-C/+)!'.-%"(-$#47!&$-'$!%&$!4&.=J4!%(%)$8!M&$1!"#$!'.-%"(-$#4!./! 6$#4.-")!@$"-(-C!/.#!I"0%>$!"-0!$,$-%+"))1!5$'.@$!#$)(*+"#($4!/.#!%&.4$! who finally get to live with them. M&$!$)"5.#"%$)1!4+50(,(0$0!"-0!'.@6"#%@$-%")(L$0!(-%$#(.#4!./!&(4! 0"LL)(-C!'&$4%4!5$)($!%&$(#!#$)"%(,$)1!')$"-!$P%$#(.#48!Q6$-(-C!"!0..#! SHEPHERD EXPRESS
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describing specific pieces in “Contained” seems like a rabbit-hole that =.+)0! 0.! )$44! /.#! %&$! 46(#(%! ./! %&$! 4&.=! %&"-! %#$"%(-C! (%! "4! "! 4(-C)$! .#C"-(4@8!G%!(47!"/%$#!"))7!"!#$%#.46$'%(,$!./!"-!"#%(4%!=(%&!4(-C+)"#!,(9 4(.-8!G-!%&(4!'"4$!%.!4(@6)1!$-'.+#"C$!.-$!%.!,(4(%!%&$!4&.=7!=&('&!(4! packed with work, and to find those particulars on their own, just as %&$1!@(C&%!.-$!./!&(4!46(0$#9)$CC$0!'+#(.4(%1!5.P$47!(4!$-.+C&8 What makes something fine art or craft has provoked many heated debates in classrooms and coffee shops over the years. Suffice it to say %&"%!%&$!-"%+#$!./!%&.4$!0(4"C#$$@$-%4!(4!)$44!"!#$4+)%!./!"-1.-$J4!/"()+#$! to identify an elusive universal truth than because of the fluid nature of %&$!%$#@4!%&$@4$),$48!V%())7!(%J4!=.#%&!-.%(-C7!5$'"+4$!(%!+-6"'>4!"-!(44+$! G!'.-/#.-%$0!=&()$!,($=(-C!:2.-%"(-$08;! I"0%>$J4! =.#>! (4! %&$! 5$4%9./9%&$95$4%! =(%&(-! "! '+)%+#$! %&"%! $P'$)4! at fine craftsmanship and woodworking, but when such skills are so "5+-0"-%7!%&$1!./%$-!/$$)!)$44!$P.%('!%&"-!%&$1!=.+)0!(-7!4"17!<")(5+7! 2")(/8!M&(4!+-0$-("5)$!%#+%&!@">$4!@$!@.#$!'.@/.#%"5)$!'"))(-C!&(@!"! ,(4+")!"#%(4%!=&.!&"66$-4!%.!&",$!(@6$''"5)$!'#"/%@"-4&(6!#"%&$#!%&"-! "!/+#-(%+#$9@">$#!.#!@"4%$#!'#"/%4@"-8!N$'"+4$!(%J4!%#+$7!"-0!5$'"+4$! (%!=())!@">$!H"4%$#!@.#$!/+-!>-.=(-C!GJ@!$"%(-C!"!46(#")!&"@!.//!"! 4'+)6%+#$!#"%&$#!%&"-!"-!$P*+(4(%$)1!@">$!0(--$#!%"5)$ (left) Charles Radtke (American, b. 1964), Sarcophagus #6, Holly, quilted aspen, pink ivory, milk paint, silver gilding, 47 x 13 x 31 in., 2018 (right) One of One, Silver and vitreous enamel, Gabon ebony, ebonized walnut and silver gilding with silver hinges, 46 × 16 × 16 in. , 2012
OPENINGS: !"#$%&'((')*+%&,((
Friday, June 7, 8-11:30 p.m. Nō Studios 1037 W. McKinley Ave. “We’re rolling out the black carpet (any idiot can do a red-carpet event) to celebrate the opening of the Arty Bollocks photography exhibition,” N" Studios says of their upcoming event. “Join your arty-but-never-pretentious friends at CoPA (the Coalition of Photographic Arts) in applauding 50 outstanding finalists and the award winners. Marvel at the interpretation of the world’s zaniest (yet oddly plausible) artist statements. Have a laugh, a drink and a dance!” For more information, visit
-).(/#."0%12(3,.*00 June 7-Oct. 27 Wisconsin Avenue, Downtown Milwaukee
Each year, Sculpture Milwaukee reimagines the character of Wisconsin Avenue from Fifth Street east to O’Donnell Park with a selection of artworks from both established and emerging artists. Co-curators Russell Bowman (art advisor and former director of the Milwaukee Art Museum) and Marilu Knode (Sculpture Milwaukee’s director of exhibits and programs) work throughout the year to find artworks from around the world reflecting a range of expressions with wide appeal to residents and visitors alike. “Sculpture Milwaukee’s success comes from the enormous efforts of a team of passionate individuals, from curators to city engineers, marketing professionals, docents, the staff of Milwaukee Downtown BID #21 and many more,” says Brian Schupper, Sculpture Milwaukee executive director. For more information, visit
J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9 | 21
!"#$%&'(&$ )*(#$+&,$ -.#,/("*01$ 230034*5 We will keep you informed each week about the growing availability of legal cannabis products in Milwaukee, the move toward legalization of marijuana in Wisconsin and cannabis news from around the world.
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22 | J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9
Octavia Spencer Gives a Memorable Performance in ‘Ma’
owing all their possessions in a den mother-teen relationship, Ma shows U-Haul trailer, Erica (Juliette that there’s more to Sue Ann than a perhaps Lewis) and her daughter Mag- misguided sense of adult responsibility over gie (Diana Silvers) pull up to drunk driving. She checks up on “her” kids their new home on a dead-end online and becomes manipulative, increasstreet in a one-story town. For Erica, it’s a mel- ingly intrusive. Short flashbacks to the John ancholy homecoming, a return to the Midwest Hughes era depict Sue Ann’s high school from California after her marriage failed and years. Soon, we gather that “her” kids are the her dreams were cancelled. For Maggie, 16, children of her 1980s classmates. And Sue it’s the unease of starting a new school. Unlike Ann’s high school memories aren’t fond. Spencer gives a memorable performance. mom, she has no memories of the place and is a stranger. She will make friends easily and Sue Ann’s friendly mentorship, her role as party-hearty hostess in a funky town of her some of their choices will lead to disaster. The “ma” of Ma, however, isn’t Erica but a own creation—her knowing winks at adoleswoman Maggie and her new friends encoun- cent behavior—cast sullen shadows of resentment and obsession. What hapter outside a liquor store. They pened to her in those Pretty in are having no luck convincing Pink days 30-odd years ago? passersby to take their money Ma Ma becomes an edge-of-seat and buy them some booze unOctavia Spencer thriller before turning into cartil Sue Ann (Octavia Spencer) Diana Silvers nage. Scotty Landes’ screenplay ambles along. At first, Sue Ann Directed by is smartly constructed with all wants no part in their get-drunk Tate Taylor the necessary foreshadows of scheme, but something in them Rated R coming twists and turns. Like a stirs a memory of her own teengood genre picture, Ma shows age years. (without fanfare or preaching) Next time they meet, she buys liquor for them again and encourages the kids troubled aspects of contemporary society, to do their drinking in the basement of her home including Erica’s low-wage job with continuat the edge of town. “It calms me so much to ally shifting hours, the relentless tide of peer know you guys aren’t drinking and driving,” pressure that can carry away even a sensible Sue Ann assures them. Whatever. The kids call girl like Maggie, the meaning of boundaries in her “the old chick”—she’s their parents’ age, a world without privacy and, of course, race. after all!—but she gives them a hideaway to One wrong note: Sue Ann has a pretty nice party. She even serves pizza rolls hot from the house (and an unlimited budget for booze) for microwave and lets them crank the tunes to 10. a woman doing drudge work at a veterinary From the onset of this unconventional clinic. Where’d she get all that money? SHEPHERD EXPRESS
[ FILM CLIPS ] Dark Phoenix PG-13 When Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) becomes infected by an extraterrestrial force, she grows increasingly unstable as her powers grow increasingly unstoppable. Fear breaks out among the X-Men, some of whom want Grey destroyed. Following fan and critical backlash to X-Men: Apocalypse, director Bryan Singer departed. Jennifer Lawrence said she’d return to play Mystique (even though she hates getting into the character’s make-up) if writer Simon Kinberg directed. Kinberg’s vision includes more closely adhering to the comic book’s storyline and costuming. Following test screenings, Kinberg rewrote parts of the final act and held re-shoots last September. Altogether, he spent more than a year in post-production, seeking to bring emotional heft to the film’s special effects. (Lisa Miller)
Late Night R
at the Milwaukee Art Museum
Television’s only female, late-night talk-show host, Katherine Newbury (Emma Thompson), tries to repair her woman-hating reputation by adding Molly Patel (Mindy Kaling) to her allmale writer’s room. Then, Katherine learns her ratings are in the dumps, and cancellation of her show looms. Determined to save her job, Katherine taps into Molly’s fearless naiveté to reinvent her comedic style. Following Late Night’s debut at Sundance, Amazon Studios paid a record $13 million for U.S. distribution rights. Kaling penned the script, hoping Thompson would play Katherine; Thompson aces it! (L.M.)
JUNE 21-23
The Secret Life of Pets 2 PG Jack russell terrier, Max (voiced by Patton Oswalt), meets farm dog Rooster (Harrison Ford) when his human family and he spend a weekend in the country. Cranky Rooster shows Max the superiority of thinking for yourself, even if it’s a whole lotta work. Back in Manhattan, N.Y., spastic bunny Snowball (Kevin Hart) and brassy shih tzu Daisy (Tiffany Haddish) seek to rescue a shy tiger from the circus. Spunky pomeranian Gidget (Jenny Slate), tries to infiltrate a cat lair to retrieve Max’s favorite toy. For those who suspected our pets only obey when we’re watching, once again, here’s proof they’re great actors. (L.M.)
The adolescent girls of Level 16 appear to be housed in a strictly run orphanage whose caretakers have definite ideas on “feminine virtue.” But we see them early on through surveillance cameras; alarm bells ring and summon burly guards over minor infractions. Sinister implications can be discerned. Are the girls really waiting for adoption? Level 16 gives up its mysteries step by step in a well-made dystopian drama about a future that seems close at hand.
Join us lakeside and enjoy one of the countryí s top art festivals. Artists from across the nation will showcase work inside the Museumí s spectacular building and outdoors in a state of the art clear span tent. Art lovers will also take in all the family fun, music, food, and more!
n Bitter Moon
Roman Polanski did his greatest works in Hollywood (Rosemary’s Baby, Chinatown), and while never regaining his stride in European exile, his later films remain interesting. The art-house eroticism of the shipboard drama Bitter Moon (1992) hasn’t aged well, but the screenplay is an exploration of cruelty, boredom, hedonism and obsession. Hugh Grant and Kristin Scott Thomas star as a proper English couple encountering perversity in the form of Peter Coyote and Emmanuelle Seigner.
n Ring of Bright Water
Graham (Bill Travers) dodges busy London traffic on the way to his dull, unfulfilling office job checking columns of figures. And then something calls to him: a sea otter in a pet shop window. When he takes the playful, mischievous creature home, his life changes course. Next stops for Graham: Escape the rat race? Find true love? Ring of Bright Water (1969) mostly manages to avoid the sentimentality of animal pictures through its dry British sensibility.
n Surviving Birkenau: The Dr. Susan Spatz Story
Susan Spatz was 19 in 1936 when her family left Berlin. Regrettably, as she says in this documentary, her parents decided to go home to Vienna. They should have guessed Austria would soon fall to Adolf Hitler. What followed were border closings, family separations and a term at the Theresienstadt “showplace” camp before Auschwitz. In Surviving Birkenau, Spatz recounts her life with minimal visuals. Her story has been heard, but there are now fewer survivors to tell it. —David Luhrssen
MAM.ORG/LFOA J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9 | 23
Two American Presidents Faced ‘The Problem of Democracy’ ::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN
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!"#$%&'()*+,$'-.+ /0+,$"&)+,'(1&'. ::BY JENNI HERRICK
century ago, women won the right to vote, but from some perspectives, today’s America is growing increasingly repressive toward women. A number of states have recently passed resolutions that restrict a woman’s right to an abortion, while at the beginning of the year, daily accounts of sexual violence perpetuated against women filled the airwaves, spawning the #MeToo movement. Women have had to fight throughout history to be heard, to be seen, to be afforded the same rights as men; yet across time and cultures, women writers have found power in their struggles toward justice and equality. Margaret Atwood, the renowned writer and feminist, once said, “A word after a word after a word is power.” Perhaps taking their cue from Atwood, a trio of strong Wisconsin women writers will come together to share their empowering words at a Thursday, June 6, Woodland Pattern event entitled “Raising our Voices.” Kathie Giorgio, the founder and director of the Waukesha-based AllWriters’ Workplace & Workshop and acclaimed author of four novels, will headline the evening, alongside poets Cristina M.R. Norcross and Lisa Marie Brodsky. For Giorgio, writing and womanhood have always been entwined and in her latest poetry collection, When You Finally Said No, she tackles personal trauma by speaking about the sexual assault she experienced as a young teenager. Norcross, the author of eight collections of poetry, explores issues of feminism with depth and wisdom, often finding healing in the natural world. Her latest book is entitled Beauty in the Broken Places. Lisa Marie Brodsky is the author of two fulllength poetry collections. She has long recognized poetry as a tool for emotional healing and is currently training to become a Poetry Therapy Practitioner. Raising our Voices takes place at Woodland Pattern Book Center, 720 E. Locust St., at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 6.
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Selfi es. Sculptures. Shandy.
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Inspiration this way. Thousands of works of art and a weekly Happy Hourรณ all on the lakefront.
J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9 ! 25
26 !!J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9
For more MUSIC, log onto
Ana Popovic
!"#$%&'&()*+,$-."/0$12.3, !"#$%&'(")'%*(+,-'.('#/0 ::BY ALAN SCULLEY
na Popovic is coming off of making one of the boldest musical statements any artist from the blues or rock scenes has made in recent years. Called Trilogy, her three-CD set showcased three different sides of her music with one disc devoted to blues, one to funkcentric songs and a third to jazz. Now comes a new studio release, Like It On Top, and Popovic is back to doing a single album. But don’t think she has taken any kind of step back with her ambition, or her quest to keep growing as a songwriter or guitarist.
“I don’t want to copy myself. If a record is good, I’m not going to go on and make the same one next time,” Popovic explains. “I think it’s really important to give people that are such true fans for years, to give them something to be excited about, to give them something new and to hear another side of Ana Popovic and just really engage them and inspire them in a different way, which I think this record totally does.” Like It On Top found Popovic bringing in bluesman Keb’ Mo’ as a producer and co-writer. That collaboration in itself was something new for the Serbian singer/guitarist, and the idea from the start was to bring together the contrasting musical sides of the two artists. Where much of Popovic’s music has been a high-charged brand of funky blues and rock with plenty musical fireworks provided by her electric guitar playing and fiery vocals, Keb’ Mo’s music has generally been more acoustic, rootsy and laid back. The writing combination produced some new wrinkles in the Popovic sound. Yes, several songs boast the rocking mix of blues, rock and funk that have long been her signature. But there’s also “Lasting Kind of Love.” Featuring guest vocals from Keb’ Mo’, the song has a reggae-ish lilt, and a sound that leans soul. “Honey I’m Home” proAna Popovic vides another new twist, taking the Shank Hall soul element and mixing it with pop and smooth jazz. “Matter Of Time” Tuesday, features the kind of earthy acoustic June 11, 8 p.m. The Mo’s Dream blues that’s long been in Keb’ Syndicate wheelhouse, but hasn’t been a big part of Popovic’s sound. The ambition of Like It On Top extends beyond the music. It’s essentially a concept album, built around a main theme about female empowerment. Within that theme, Popovic explores a variety of topics, such as overcoming anti-female attitudes of men (“Funkin Attitude”), the trend toward more women working while their husbands stay home to care for the kids “(Honey I’m Home”) and having the courage to leave an abusive relationship (“A Matter Of Time”). The quality, thoughtfulness and musical diversity of “Like It On Top” figure to further cement Popovic’s place as one of the leading women in the blues idiom and mark a further step in what is now a 20-year journey to continue to develop as a songwriter and guitarist. Born in 1976 in Belgrade, Popovic took up guitar at age 15, and after playing with her first band for three years, moved to the Netherlands in 1998 to study jazz. It was during this time that she formed her own band, released her first solo album and set her sights on making her mark in America. She has released nine solo albums. Now fronting a six-piece touring band, Popovic promises a show that will leave fans smiling. “I always try to change and I always try to be different for the audience. So whoever saw us a year ago will come and see a whole new show,” she says. “So this is really a powerful show. The songs are top-notch, the arrangements are all really tight and the segues are really tight and just incredible musicianship, going from song to song or parts of the songs glued together. It just kind of flows and it’s full of energy and it’s got everything, old-school funk to blues to rock, jazzy stuff and it all flows really nicely.” Ana Popovic performs at Shank Hall, 1434 N. Farwell Ave., on Tuesday, June 11, at 8 p.m.
J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9 | 27
!"#$%& '"()*"(#+,& -".& /#01234))5$& 6"%&7#.8&92. ::BY JAMIE LEE RAKE
ne might think love is not an element in industrial music, given the brutality and dissonance associated with it. But there it was last Saturday as champions of the genre, Boy Dirt Car, returned to their hometown of Milwaukee for scintillating show at St. Francis art gallery and creative space Gold In The Fridge. At least in the Boy Dirt Car iteration playing last weekend, the group consisted of only co-founder Darren Brown and his wife, Julie, who joined several years ago. They were promoting their recently issued career retrospective concert album, Family Live. And during one typically driving, cacophonous number, they kissed thrice. Though the Browns may be a happy couple, their agitation toward the world continues to fuel their artistic rage. In a set that spanned much of their catalogue covering over a third of a century, Darren pointed out that one piece inspired by Ronald Reagan’s presidency is no less relevant under the current administration. He was likewise forthright in relating a record company dispute that prevented their 1987 album, Heatrig, from being released until years later on an Australian label interested in Milwaukeean music. That bit of arguable misfortune is but one factor that has kept Boy Dirt Car an underground phenomenon untempted by the excesses of mainstream success. Furthermore, Darren’s banging on a piece of metal siding and Julie’s stoic strumming on an electric sitar, among other factors of Saturday’s performance, are likely beyond the scope of commercial radio’s current tolerance. That’s apparently OK with the Browns and the community of outcasts their music attracts. May they continue to agitate. Boy Dirt Car now call Minneapolis home, but their opening acts this evening evinced that noisy music still thrives locally. Most serene among the trio of acts preceding BDC was A Crushed Rose, the alias of she who manipulated electronics to create continually shifting meditative sounds whose intimated melodies were occasionally disrupted by more discordant interludes. One More Final I Need You channeled the jazz/ punk insouciance of late-’70s new wave. Irrelevant Mouth, a scrawny, long-haired, scraggly bearded malcontent commenced the night with bludgeoning feedback-drenched performance art as he stripped off his black “I (Heart) Abortion” T-shirt to reveal an inverted cross tattoo on his chest, ring hand bells and squirt and blue and white paint over his face, torso and hair, cut his upper arm some and rail against... himself?... God?... the universe? Whatever the nature of his intense grievance, he nearly stole the show at the onset of it.
28 | J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9
Hip-Hop’s Ho99o9 on ‘The United States of Horror’
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Arty Bollocks Ball and Photo Exhibition Opening @ Nō Studios, 8 p.m.
Hosted by Coalition of Photographic Arts (CoPA), they are rolling out the black carpet (any American Idiot could do a red-carpet event) to celebrate the opening of the Arty Bollocks photography exhibition. Join CoPA in applauding 50 outstanding finalists and the award winners. Marvel at the interpretation of the world’s zaniest (yet oddly plausible) artist statements. Have a laugh, a drink, a dance!
Go Go Slow w/ Primitive Broadcast Service and Silk Torpedo @ Walker’s Point Music Hall, 9 p.m.
Go Go Slow grew out of the ruins of such titans as Fuckface, Die Kreuzen and The Muckrakers. Damaged art rock doesn’t get much better. As for Primitive Broadcast Service, their debut CD of psych-noise rock has been described an “epic ghost dance for the last polar bears.” Standout cut “When Lou Reed Died” affirms the beat of a rock and roll heart. Silk Torpedo’s glam slamming opens the night.
Locust Street Festival of Music & Art @ Locust from Humboldt Boulevard to Holton Street, 11 a.m. The bohemian neighborhood’s annual street festival does not put on airs. Dogs, children, tattoos, piercings and usually at least one person walking around with a snake are all welcome. The Beer Run kicks things off at 11:30 a.m., and then six stages of live music take over. From the chaotic rock and roll of The Mighty Deerlick to the jams of Boney Fingers to the rock steady sound of The Tritonics to the dream pop of The Quilz to the gospel blues of Shonn Hinton & Shotgun, there is something for everyone—unless you are looking to witness a wedding. Well, actually they have that covered as well. At 1:30 p.m. you are cordially invited to the wedding of Sigmund Snopek III and Denise Goetsch.
Tonic Tavern 10th Anniversary @ Tonic Tavern, noon
Time flies. Ten years ago, musician Paul Jonas resolved to turn a sign shop that began life as a stable more than 100 years ago into a fine tavern with a great patio that features live music. This celebration is one of the best one-day music festivals you will stumble across. If you have to narrow it down, the country sounds of the Long Line Riders and hard rock of Chief offer both the yin and the yang of it.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 Washington Park Wednesdays @ Washington Park Bandshell, 5 p.m.
Every Wednesday through Aug. 21, local, live music rings out from the bandshell. Opening night features the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra and following weeks include everything from funk to mariachi to alternative rock. Along with theme nights and activities, the food trucks make this a weekly destination.
NEWaukee’s Night Market @ 275 W. Wisconsin Ave., 5 p.m. The opening night of this monthly event offers live music, DJs, food and art vendors. The goal of the Night Market is to provide a safe, fun and collaborative space for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. By visiting, you invest in the community and help reimagine what downtown could be.
J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9 | 29
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Matthew Davies Flowers and Ticket Stubs Milwaukee singer-songwriter Matthew Davies could easily be a study in the fungability of genre. As a solo performer with acoustic guitar and rack harmonica, he could be pinned down as a folkie. Add even a couple more acoustic instruments, as often heard on his fourth album, Flowers and Ticket Stubs, and he inhabits a curiously satisfying space between soft adult-rock and Americana. Clean, unfussy production suits Davies’ youthful, earnest vocal timbre, but there are a couple of points during these eight songs when his subtle approach could benefit from at least a touch of sonic boldness. Still, as a document from a melodically winsome romantic, Flowers compels on Davies’ own understated terms. His is an unpretentiously commercial sound that, with the right conspiracy of circumstances, could elevate him from curbsides and coffeehouses to even greater stages. Matthew Davies CD release show at Anodyne Coffee, 224 W. Bruce St., on June 7 at 7:30 p.m. —Jamie Lee Rake
30 | J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9
Cactus Club, 88nine Radio Milwaukee Presents: U.S. Girls & Mourning [A] BLKstar Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Jackson Grimm & the Bull Moose Party Caroline’s Jazz Club, Bryan Dale Group w/Lynda Lee Cathedral Square Park, Jazz in the Park: Paul Cebar Tomorrow Sound (6pm) Club Garibaldi, Triple Eye Industries Fest IV: The Old Northwest, Coordinated Suicides, Garbage Man, Doubletruck & Something is Waiting (6pm) Colectivo Coffee (Lakefront), Musica del Lago @ Colectivo Lakefront Company Brewing, Corrupt Company: Stand up Comedy Showcase County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Acoustic Irish Folk w/Barry Dodd Jackalope Lounj, Big Beat MKE 2019: Camb and AWillThaGreat Jazz Estate, Extra Crispy Brass Band Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Writer’s Round w/Christopher Porterfield, Amanda Huff, Arum Rae & Michael Rossetto Mason Street Grill, Mark Thierfelder Jazz Trio (5:30pm) Matty’s Bar & Grille (New Berlin), Smokin’ Live & Local: Dean Richard (5pm) McAuliffe’s On The Square, Open Mic Night O’Donoghues Irish Pub (Elm Grove), The All-Star SUPERband (6pm) On the Bayou, Open Mic Comedy w/host The Original Darryl Hill Pabst Theater, Ilana Glazer Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Kirk Tatnall Rounding Third Bar and Grill, World’s Funniest Free Comedy Show Shaker’s Cigar Bar & World Cafe, Prof. Pinkerton & the Magnificents Shank Hall, Dave Alvin & Jimmie Dale Gilmore w/The Guilty Ones & Taylor Scott Sheryl’s Club 175 (Slinger), Acoustic Jam w/Milwaukee Mike & Downtown Julius The Baaree (Thiensville), The Baaree Comedy Night w/Marz Timms & host Marco Lara The Back Room at Colectivo, Rhett Miller The Packing House Restaurant, Barbara Stephan & Peter Mac (6pm) Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Martini Jazz Lounge Up & Under Pub, A No Vacancy Comedy Open Mic
Alley Cat Lounge (Five O’Clock Steakhouse), Christopher’s Project American Legion Post #399 (Okauchee), Sawyer Road Band American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Roger “Polka” Boll Trio Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Julie’s Piano Karaoke Anodyne Coffee, Matthew Davies CD release Art*Bar, Nazario Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Open Stage (6:30pm) Caroline’s Jazz Club, The Sam Belton Jazz Experience Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Floor Model w/Lack of Reason (8pm); DJ: Seedy (10pm) Clarke Hotel (Waukesha), Dick Eliot Jazz Guitar (6pm) Club Garibaldi, Triple Eye Industries Fest IV: Nicholas Elert, Guerrilla Ghost, Sinking Suns, Lifes, Jab Jugular, Tile, Nasty Boys & Work Party (6pm) Colectivo Coffee (Lakefront), Friday Nite Music Series ComedySportz Milwaukee, ComedySportz Milwaukee! County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Traditional Irish Ceilidh Session Crush Wine Bar (Waukesha), CP & Stoll w/Chris Peppas & Jeff Stoll Iron Mike’s (Franklin), Jam Session w/Steve Nitros & the Liquor Salesmen Jazz Estate, No Coast Kim’s Lakeside (Pewaukee), Sleepy Andy AKA Andrew Gelles Lakefront Brewery, Brewhaus Polka Kings (5:30pm) Mamie’s, Stokes & the Old Blues Boys Mason Street Grill, Phil Seed Trio (6pm) Milwaukee Ale House, Fighting Fish Pabst Mansion, Josh Garrels w/The Gray Havens Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Dirty Boogie Pewaukee Kiwanis Village Park, WaterStone Bank Cars & Cookouts w/Burgundy Ties (5:30pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Phil Norby Rave / Eagles Club, Nav w/Killy (all-ages, 8pm) Riverwest Public House, Negative/Positive w/Fox Face & The Lovebugs
St. John Vianney Catholic Church, Parish Festival: 33 RPM (6pm), Cold Sweat & the Brew City Horns (7pm), Stray Voltage (6pm) Taylor’s People’s Park (Waukesha), The Ricochettes (6:30pm) The Baaree (Thiensville), Friday Night Live w/The Incorruptibles (6pm) The Back Room at Colectivo, Ben Nichols w/Oliver Peck (of Ink Master) & Joseph Huber The Packing House Restaurant, Carmen Nickerson & The Carmen Sutra Trio (6:30pm) Timmer’s Resort (West Bend), Acoustic Blu Duo Turner Hall Ballroom, Watch What Crappens Up & Under Pub, The Concrete Roots w/Hot By Ziggy Walker’s Point Music Hall, Go Go Slow w/Primitive Broadcast Service and Silk Torpedo
American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Nostalgia Art*Bar, Known to Wander Cactus Club, Agua De Rosas Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Lonesome Bill Camplin Caroline’s Jazz Club, The Paul Spencer Band w/James Sodke, Andy Spadafora, Michael Ritter & Warren Wiegratz Charmbiance Wine Art Bar, CP & Stoll w/Chris Peppas & Jeff Stoll Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Sleepersound w/Man’s Body (8pm); DJ: Paul Finger (10pm) Club Garibaldi, Triple Eye Industries Fest IV: Dead is Dead, Big’n, DEN, Sanford Parker, Them Teeth, Djunah, Salvation, Power Take Off & The Slurs (5pm) Coffeeville Company (Jackson), One Lane Bridge ComedySportz Milwaukee, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Company Brewing, ROAST 15-Year Anniversary w/Vincent Van Great & No No Yeah Okay Fire On Water, Steez On A Boat After-Party w/Sweet Delta Dawn Five O’Clock Steakhouse, Kirk Tatnall George’s Tavern (Racine), Cactii w/Earthmother JC’s Pub, Video Dead Ep release party Jazz Estate, Jeff Morrison Quartet (8pm), Late Night Session: The Jack Reed Group (11:30pm) Juneau Park, June at Juneau (3pm) Mason Street Grill, Jonathan Wade Trio (6pm) Mezcalero Restaurant, The Falcons Milwaukee Ale House, Eric Barbieri Duo Pabst Theater, The Pump and Dump Show Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Robert Allen Jr. Band Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: The Twintones Rave / Eagles Club, Ghostemane w/Ho99o9 & Horus The Astroneer (all-ages, 8pm) Riverwest Filling Station, Eccentric Acoustic Shank Hall, Michael McDermott St. John Vianney Catholic Church, Parish Festival: Stray Voltage (5pm), Love Monkeys (7pm), Brad Emanuel (7pm) The 024 (Grafton), Maple Road Blues Band (1pm) The Cheel (Thiensville), MRS. FUN w/Robin Pluer The Crimson Club, 80s Prom w/Mixtape The Packing House Restaurant, Joe Jordan & The Soul Trio (6:30pm) The Rock Sports Complex, In the Umbrella Bar: Superfly (6:30pm) Up & Under Pub, Analogue Porn w/Groove Gun & Zebra Hammer Var West Gallery, Sara and Kenny - “Heartless” release show
Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Live Karaoke w/Julie Brandenburg Cactus Club, Rod Hamdallah w/King Eye & The Squirts Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: R&B Coquettes (8pm); DJ: Sheppy (10pm) J&B’s Blue Ribbon Bar and Grill, The Players Jam Jazz Estate, Listening Party Klinger’s East, Locust Street Festival: Sigmund Snopek’s beer and sausage show (11am), The Wedding of Sigmund Snopek III and Denise Goetsch (1:30pm), Meg Owens (2:30pm), Mahmoud Amireh (3:30pm), Matt Hendicks (4:30pm), The TriTonics (6pm) Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Sunday Matinee: The Blues Disciples w/The Pierre “Mr. Untouchable” Lee Band (2pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Locust Street Festival: Outside The Mighty Deerlick (1pm), Beaumont James & the Wild Claims (2:30pm), Feed the Dog (4pm), Undercover Organism (5:30pm), Another One (7pm). Inside - The Nightinjails (1:30pm), Dr. Sinclair (2:45pm), Axehandle Hound (4pm), Dinosaur Rocket (5:15pm), Frugal Stu & the Coupons (6:30pm), Feed the Dog (8:15pm) Locust Street Festival, Lakefront Brewery Stage: Lovanova (12:30pm), Long Line Riders (1:45pm), Dead Fortune (3pm), Shle Berry (4:30pm), Vinz Clortho (5:45pm), Vincent Van Great
(7pm). Guitars for Vets Stage: Jeff, Jean and Bill (10am), Garlic Mustard Pickers (10:30am), Smoked Cherries (11:30am), One Lane Bridge (12:30pm), Jesse Freward (2pm), Karma Shotgun (2:30pm), Andrew Neary (4pm), Guilty (4:30pm), Shaving Suzanah (6pm), Boney Fingers (6:30pm) Matty’s Bar & Grille (New Berlin), Summer Concert w/ Mathew Haeffel (3pm) Miramar Theatre, Afton Presents: YNGN1CK & guests (6:45pm) Pabst Theater, Gordon Lightfoot Rounding Third Bar and Grill, The Dangerously Strong Comedy Open Mic St. John Vianney Catholic Church, Parish Festival: Bella Cain (3pm), Brad Emanuel (4pm) The Baaree (Thiensville), Sunday Funday Open Jam w/Colin Loman & Friends (4pm) The Back Room at Colectivo, Craig Finn w/the Uptown Controllers The Tracks Tavern, Locust Street Festival: Milwaukee Mike & the MOB (11:30am), Shonn Hinton & Shotgun (2:30pm), Chicken Wire Empire (5:30pm)
Dandy - Midventurous Modern, The Story Collider - Milwaukee Launch Jazz Estate, Beloit Memorial High School Jazz Program (7:30pm), Mark Davis Jazz Trio (8:30pm) Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Poet’s Monday w/host Timothy Kloss & featured reader Charles Carmichael (sign-up 7:30pm, 8-11pm) Mason Street Grill, Joel Burt Duo (5:30pm) Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Open Jam w/hosts Josh Becker, Annie Buege, Ally Hart or Marr’lo Parada The Crimson Club, Metal Mondays Up & Under Pub, Open Mic w/Marshall McGhee and the Wanderers
Brewtown Eatery, Blues & Jazz Jam w/Jeff Stoll & David “Harmonica” Miller (6pm) Chill On the Hill (Humboldt Park), Zach Pietrini w/Raine Stern& Dale Kellison (6pm) Jazz Estate, Funk Night w/Mythic Mystics Kim’s Lakeside (Pewaukee), Robert Allen Jr. & Friends Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, MADACC fundraiser w/ One Lane Bridge Mamie’s, Open Blues Jam w/Marvelous Mack Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) McAuliffe’s Pub (Racine), The Jim Yorgan Sextet Parkside 23, Sleepy Andy AKA Andrew Gelles (6pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White (4pm) Red Circle Inn, Dick Eliot & Greg Shaffer (6pm) Riverwest Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, Jazz Jam Session Shank Hall, Ana Popovic The Baaree (Thiensville), Alive After 5 w/Kyle Feerick & Sean Williamson (6pm) Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Transfer House Band w/Brenda Smith
Bud Pavilion - Wisconsin State Fair Park, Wednesday Night Live: The Toys (6pm) Cactus Club, The Coathangers (Suicide Squeeze) Caroline’s Jazz Club, Mas Soul Colectivo Coffee (Humboldt), Florentine Opera Deer District, Beer Garden: Joe Wray (5pm) Hudson Business Lounge and Cafe, Jazz at Noon: Don Linke and Friends Iron Mike’s (Franklin), B Lee Nelson & KZ Acoustic Jam Jazz Estate, Evan Christian Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Polka Open Jam Linneman’s Riverwest Inn, Acoustic Open Stage w/feature Will Boule (sign-up 7:30pm, start 8pm) Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Mezcalero Restaurant, Larry Lynne Trio Paulie’s Field Trip, Wednesday Night Afterparty w/Dave Wacker & guests Pere Marquette Park, River Rhythms: Bad Medicine (6:30pm) Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White Rotary Performance Pavilion (Wauwatosa), Tosa Tonight: Miles Nielsen and the Rusted Hearts w/Kelly Steward (6pm) Siebken’s Resort (Elkhart Lake), Sleepy Andy AKA Andrew Gelles Sunset Grill Pewaukee, Robert Allen Jr. & Friends Tally’s Tap & Eatery (Waukesha), Tomm Lehnigk The Back Room at Colectivo, Night Moves w/Cabin Essence The Cheel (Thiensville), Blue Highway (6:30pm) The Packing House Restaurant, Carmen Nickerson & Kostia Efimov (6pm) Turner Hall Ballroom, Kill Tony Washington Park, Washington Park Wednesdays: Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra (5pm) SHEPHERD EXPRESS
3-Day Annual Rummage
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American Legion Post Air conditioned bldg
9327 S. Shepard Ave. Oak Creek, WI
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-ALL ABOUT MESimba is one handsome cat with gorgeous, cream-colored fur. At 14 years of age, Simba knows what he likes and is sure to put a grin on your face. With his silly antics and love of naps, he is one great companion. If you’re ready to meet Simba, stop by the Wisconsin Humane Society Milwaukee Campus today! J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9 ! 31
By James Barrick
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
© 2019 United Feature Syndicate, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication
DOWN 1. Criticize 2. From — — Z 3. — sister 4. Butter knife 5. Willow tree 6. Engaged in swordplay 7. Cark 8. Kind of trumpet 9. Uproot 10. Race of Norse gods 11. False gods 12. Buds 13. Swellhead’s problem
5/30 Solution
WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 18 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
In the forest
+ , ! -
Solution: 18 Letters
67. Dist. around 68. — y Gasset 69. Raised 70. Hidden store 71. Napery 72. Painter — Delacroix 73. Intelligence 75. Nagging one 76. Change purse items 80. Submarine 81. Grasslands 82. Quality of wine grapes 85. Wind 87. Addicts 89. Living symbol 91. Address 94. Not suitable 95. Place of residence 96. Dictate 98. Whetstones 100. Sing someone’s praises 101. Clip 102. Sydney’s state: Abbr. 103. Be beholden 104. — de mer 105. Roman god 107. A pronoun 108. Extreme degree 109. — Tome and Principe 110. Before
14. Lab substances 15. Ordinary dress 16. “Simpsons” name 17. — and yang 18. Furthermore 24. Foreign 26. Inside info 29. — -da-fe 31. Parish official 32. Extra feature 33. Unrestricted: 3 wds. 34. Highlanders 35. Charlotte — 36. Only so-so: 3 wds. 37. Redacted 38. Expunge 41. Let loose 42. Mars or Pluto, e.g. 45. Humbles 47. Commonplace 48. Cable cars 52. At any time 54. Digressions 57. Fairly 58. One with great promise 60. Winged creature 62. Related to hearing organ 63. Most manageable 64. Fastened a certain way 66. Veranda
# $ % & '
76. Actor Bogarde et al. 77. Purring sound 78. Sea dog 79. Ornamental plants 81. In that 82. Mode in Indian music 83. Stray 84. Diamond event: 3 wds. 86. African antelope 88. Wow! 89. Lazy 90. Oat genus 92. Exhausted 93. Cited as an example 95. Beverages 97. Turophile’s passion 99. Likewise not 100. Sophia the actress 101. Disdain 102. Disputed region: 3 wds. 106. Earnest: Hyph. 111. Switch 112. — - — -vie 113. Pimpinella 114. Red giant 115. Wheal 116. Fervor 117. Clans 118. Dwelling in a nursery rhyme
ACROSS 1. Exceed 5. Rubbed out 10. Scaly creature 15. Angelou or Plisetskaya 19. Surmounting 20. Near East inn 21. Maxim 22. — — arms 23. Simple things: Hyph. 25. Investment option: 3 wds. 27. The privileged 28. Buckets 30. Became 31. Island near Venezuela 34. Slanderous remarks 35. Complained 39. Lyric poem 40. Old gold coin 42. Hill 43. Sapphic — 44. Greek goddess 46. Courtroom plea: 2 wds. 49. Picaresque hero — Blas 50. Luxury brand 51. A Davis 53. Odisha, formerly 55. Itinerary: Abbr. 56. Abbr. in texting 57. Medieval shield 58. Box 59. Dulcet 61. Payment recipient 63. Chong or Hilfiger 64. Angry speech 65. Direct 66. Tibetan monks 67. Uniformed trainee 68. Follows an elliptical path 70. A tylopod 71. Fishing and hunting 74. Respond 75. More rational
* 0 1 0 12
' 0 ' '
3 3 3 !
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) *
5 ( ( 6
5/30 Solution: Frontiers to explore
32 !!J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9
Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •
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::FREEWILLASTROLOGY ::BY ROB BREZSNY GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Some birds can fly for days without coming down to earth. Alpine swifts are the current record-holders, staying aloft for 200 consecutive days as they chase and feed on insects over West Africa. I propose we make the swift your soul ally for the next three weeks. May it help inspire you to take maximum advantage of the opportunities life will be offering you. You will have extraordinary power to soar over the maddening crowd, gaze at the big picture of your life, and enjoy exceptional amounts of freedom. CANCER (June 21-July 22): “I think gentleness is one of the most disarmingly and captivatingly attractive qualities there are,” writes poet Nayyirah Waheed. That will be emphatically true about you in the coming weeks, Cancerian. Your poised, deeply felt gentleness will accord you as much power as other people might draw from ferocity and grandeur. Your gentleness will enable you to crumble obstacles and slip past barriers. It will energize you to capitalize on and dissipate chaos. It will win you leverage that you’ll be able to use for months. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Is the Loch Ness monster real? Is there a giant sea serpent that inhabits the waters of Loch Ness in Scotland? Tantalizing hints arise now and then, but no definitive evidence has ever emerged. In 1975, enterprising investigators got the idea to build a realistic-looking papier-mâché companion for Nessie and place it in Loch Ness. They hoped that this “honey trap” would draw the reclusive monster into more public view. Alas, the scheme went awry. (Lady Nessie got damaged when she ran into a jetty.) But it did have some merit. Is there an equivalent approach you might employ to generate more evidence and insight about one of your big mysteries, Leo? What strategies might you experiment with? The time is right to hatch a plan. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Earlier in your life, you sometimes wrestled with dilemmas that didn’t deserve so much of your time and energy. They weren’t sufficiently essential to invoke the best use of your intelligence. But over the years, you have ripened in your ability to attract more useful and interesting problems. Almost imperceptibly, you have been growing smarter about recognizing which riddles are worth exploring and which are better left alone. Here’s the really good news: The questions and challenges you face now are among the finest you’ve ever had. You are being afforded prime opportunities to grow in wisdom and effectiveness. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): How many languages are you fluent ii? One? Two? More? I’m sure you already know that gaining the ability to speak more than one tongue makes you smarter and more empathetic. It expands your capacity to express yourself vividly and gives you access to many interesting people who think differently from you. I mention this, Libra, because you’re in a phase of your cycle when learning a new language might be easier than usual, as is improving your mastery of a second or third language. If none of that’s feasible for you, I urge you to at least formulate an intention to speak your main language with greater candor and precision—and find other ways to expand your ability to express yourself. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Here’s Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano from The Book of Embraces: “In the River Plate basin we call the heart a ‘bobo,’ a fool. And not because it falls in love. We call it a fool because it works so hard.” I bring this to your attention, Scorpio, because I hope that in the coming weeks, your heart will indeed be a hardworking, wisely foolish bobo. The astrological omens suggest that you will learn what you need to learn and attract the experiences you need to attract if you do just that. Life is giving you a mandate to express daring and diligent actions in behalf of love. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): When he was 20 years old, a German student named Max Planck decided he wanted to study physics. His professor at the University of Munich dissuaded him, telling Planck, “In this field, almost everything is already discovered, and all that remains is to fill a few unimportant holes.” Planck ignored the bad advice and ultimately went on to win a Nobel Prize in Physics for his role in formulating quantum theory.
Most of us have had a similar experience: people who’ve tried to convince us to reject our highest calling and strongest dreams. In my view, the coming weeks will be a potent time for you to recover and heal from those deterrents and discouragements in your own past. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Not all, but many horoscope columns address your ego rather than your soul. They provide useful information for your surface self, but little help for your deep self. If you’ve read my oracles for a while, you know that I aspire to be in the latter category. In that light, you won’t be surprised when I say that the most important thing you can do in the coming weeks is to seek closer communion with your soul; to explore your core truths; to focus on delight, fulfillment and spiritual meaning far more than on status, power and wealth. As you attend to your playful work, meditate on this counsel from Capricorn author John O’Donohue: “The geography of your destiny is always clearer to the eye of your soul than to the intentions and needs of your surface mind.” AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Aquarian biochemist Gertrude Belle Elion shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1988. She was instrumental in devising new drugs to treat AIDS and herpes, as well as a medication to facilitate organ transplants. And yet she accomplished all this without ever earning a Ph.D. or M.D., a highly unusual feat. I suspect you may pull off a similar, if slightly less spectacular feat in the coming weeks: getting a reward or blessing despite a lack of formal credentials or official credibility. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Today, Mumbai is a megacity with 12.5 million people on 233 square miles. But as late as the 18th century, it consisted of seven sparsely populated islands. Over many decades, reclamation projects turned them into a single land mass. I foresee you undertaking a metaphorically comparable project during the coming months. You could knit fragments together into a whole. You have the power to transform separate and dispersed influences into a single, coordinated influence. You could inspire unconnected things to unite in common cause. ARIES (March 21-April 19): “I don’t think we were ever meant to hear the same song sung exactly the same way more than once in a lifetime,” says poet Linh Dinh. That’s an extreme statement that I can’t agree with. But I understand what he’s driving at. Repeating yourself can be debilitating, even deadening. That includes trying to draw inspiration from the same old sources that have worked for you in the past. In accordance with current astrological omens, I suggest you try to minimize exact repetition in the next two weeks: both in what you express and what you absorb. For further motivation, here’s William S. Burroughs: “Truth may appear only once; it may not be repeatable.” TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Peter Benchley wrote the bestselling book Jaws, which was later turned into a popular movie. It’s the story of a great white shark that stalks and kills people in a small beach town. Later in his life, the Taurus author was sorry for its influence, which helped legitimize human predation on sharks and led to steep drops in shark populations. To atone, Benchley became an aggressive advocate for shark conservation. If there’s any behavior in your own past that you regret, Taurus, the coming weeks will be a good time to follow Benchley’s lead: correct for your mistakes; make up for your ignorance; do good deeds to balance a time when you acted unconsciously. Homework: To connect with me on social media, go here:
Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 877873-4888 or 900-950-7700.
What a Croc!
ou either love ’em or hate ’em, but if you’re going to be mocked for your fashion sense, Crocs’ newest style doubles your chances. Developed as part of a collaboration with Japanese streetwear company Beams, the new Crocs sport tiny “fanny packs” that are attached to the ankle straps, reported CBS News. The $53 shoes come in teal and purple, and the miniature “backpacks” are big enough for keys, credit cards and a few dollars—along with what’s left of your dignity.
Slip-Sliding Away Officials in the southern Spanish town of Estepona were forced to close a 125-foot steel slide linking two streets to save folks from a 10-minute walk when people suffered injuries riding down it, Sky News reported on May 13. One woman posted photos of her bruised and scraped elbows, saying her rear end suffered worse. The town council argued that it provides instructions about how to safely use the slide but closed the conveyance pending new safety inspections. Local residents said the 28,000-Euro slide was a “vanity project” for the mayor.
Creepy Crepes Students in a “Global Gourmet” class at Hyatts Middle School in Powell, Ohio, may have taken things a bit too far on May 16 when they allegedly served crepes laced with urine and semen to teachers who were judging a cooking competition. WBNS reported that the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office learned of a video circulating among students purported to show the prank being cooked up and opened an investigation, including lab testing of the food. Charges could include felony assault. Brad Koffel, an attorney representing one of the suspects, cautioned that, “We don’t know if urine or semen was ever placed in anyone’s food. It easily could have been a prank that may have been mocked up for the purposes of creating a video.”
Tattoo Time Capsule Michael and Kyle Sherwood, father-andson funeral directors in Cleveland, Ohio, have
opened a niche business—Save My Ink Forever—which preserves the tattoos of people who have died as a memorial for their loved ones. The idea for the two-year-old company came about after a “semi-serious” discussion with a friend about preserving tattoos, according to BBC News. “So, we started doing some research and blended a few techniques together,” Kyle said, to develop a technique for long-term preservation of excised skin. The company works with funeral homes in the U.S., Great Britain and Canada, where the tattoos are surgically removed, sent to a lab for preservation, mounted and framed behind UV-protected glass. “People put urns on their mantel, and to me, tattoos are more meaningful than an urn on the mantel,” Kyle says.
McDuck McDustup A 40th birthday outing ended on a sour note for Neil Edwards-Cecil (the celebrant) and Lee Gaudoin, 31. According to Metro News, after a few drinks, the two stopped for a cheeseburger on April 27 at McDonald’s in Chester, England, where they found a duck waddling about the restaurant. Kindly, the men helped the waterfowl find its way out of the building, but they then ended up arguing over the duck, which escalated into a brawl. When officers arrived, Gaudoin lunged at one of them, shouting about how he had saved the duck. Edwards-Cecil tried to jump in and extricate Gaudoin from the policemen, only to be pepper-sprayed. Both men were arrested and later admitted to being intoxicated. The duck’s fate is unknown.
Somethin’ About Those Fries Natasha Bagley, 42, was arrested on May 28 in connection with an April 2 incident at a Miami Burger King, according to WTVJ. The arrest report stated that Bagley and 27-yearold Genesis Peguero demanded free French fries in the restaurant’s drive-thru. When a restaurant employee refused their request, they parked the car and entered the store, where Peguero hopped over the counter and, with her hand in her pocket suggesting she had a gun, demanded all the contents of the cash registers, as well as a take-out bag filled with French fries. After the manager tried calling the police, Peguero punched her in the face, and Bagley piled on, further assaulting the woman. The two then drove away after destroying two registers on their way out. Bagley was later apprehended and is being held without bond; Peguero remains at large. © 2019 ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION J U N E 6 , 2 0 1 9 | 33
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Featuring discounts at 24 Milwaukee bars and restaurants, Cocktail Trail offers coupons for free or buy≠ one≠ get≠ one drinks at participating establishments until May 2020. Cocktail Trail booklets are available for purchase for $25 online at and at MKE Home, Sparrow Collective, and Beard MKE. Twisted Path Distillery Lost Whale Boone & Crockett Café Corozón Kegel's Inn Milwaukee Sail Loft
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