Print Edition: June 27, 2019

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L.A.’s Pioneering Punk Rock Band X Plays Summerfest

June 27 - July 3, 2019




So, What Happened with the State Budget? !!!"#$%&")

Talking with Three Young Milwaukee Theater Companies !!!"#$%&"'(

Time to PLAY. 7/16–20

















J U LY 1 3


J U LY 2 7









2 ! J U N E 2 7, 2 0 1 9

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Four Wednesdays in July, compete in the Mustang Summer game show to score FKC Reward Play or one of four 2019 Ford Mustangs, valued at nearly $40,000! Play with your Club card to earn entries July 1–31, with 3X entries on drawing days.



AL WHITE BAR 360 • 8 P.M.






BAR 360 • 9 P.M.

BINGO HALL • 7:30 P.M.



J U LY 2 & 3


BAR 360 • 9 P.M.

BAR 360 • 7/2 4 P.M. • 7/3 8 P.M.


Association of Alternative Newsweeklies



JUNE 20, 2019 | 3


Evan Goyke is a Wisconsin State Representative from Milwaukee. He’s an attorney and a former Milwaukee County assistant public defender. !"#$%&'$()**$'+$"$*,((*)$"-&'($%&'.$-"/01.&'#23 I represent the 18th Assembly District, which is on the north and west side of the city of Milwaukee; I live on 27th and State, in the Historic Concordia neighborhood. This is the beginning of my fourth term, so I’ve been in office for just more than six years. This session, I’ve been appointed to the Joint Committee on Finance, which is the committee assigned to debate, amend and argue the state budget. 4)(5+$("*0$"-&'($(6)$-'21)(7$8&,#($9,#"#/)$:'+($1&($(6.&'16$;,(6$(6),.$ work on the state budget. This is the first time in eight years that we have split government in Wisconsin; the State Legislature is controlled by the Republicans, and the governor is a Democrat. Clearly, there have to be some negotiations this year on the budget. Can you tell us what happened? The budget process this year was very, very different than prior budgets under former Gov. Scott Walker. In late February, Gov. Tony Evers presented his proposed state budget, and in the beginning of May, the Republicans—who control the Joint Finance Committee by a margin of 12 seats to four—basically threw Gov. Evers’ budget into the garbage can as their first act and began to rewrite it. But, they had to respond to the governor’s leadership, because many of his ideas are very popular throughout Wisconsin. Piece by piece, the Republicans have put some of the governor’s issues into the budget. But, while they were on their own, they did this in secret meetings, coming out of a back room with a plan to try to catch up with Gov. Evers’ leadership on the issues; the primary three—the most-contested issues—concern what the state is going to do about health care, our transportation infrastructure and public education.

Evan Goyke

!"#$%&'($ &'))*+*,$ %-(&$(&*$ !('(*$ ./,0*(1 Interview with Evan Goyke ::BY LOUIS FORTIS

4)(5+$("0)$"$*&&0$"($(6)+)$(6.))<$+(".(,#1$;,(6$(6)$6)"*(6$/".)$,++')7$=$-,1$ part of this is Medicaid expansion, which any legitimate economist will tell you would lower health care costs for everybody in Wisconsin: your in> dividual health insurance costs or your employer’s health insurance costs. What happened with Medicaid expansion? Medicaid expansion was the most important issue we debated regarding health care; it is the most important health care-related issue in the governor’s proposed budget. The federal Affordable Care Act gives a financial incentive to states to expand eligibility to a larger population of lower-income people. We would have saved $324 million over the next two years if we expanded Medicaid in Wisconsin. That’s our money; that’s income taxes and sales taxes paid by Wisconsinites. We would have also received $1 billion in new federal spending for those people who would be newly eligible and covered under the expansion of Medicaid in Wisconsin. What Gov. Evers proposed was using every dollar of that $324 million saved and reinvesting it in the state health care system—hospitals, nursing homes, public health, dental access—and so the governor’s plan had a ripple effect across the entire state—rural, urban, suburban—every Wisconsinite would have had some benefit through lower insurance premiums or access to care. The Republicans, however, made an ideological choice not to expand Medicaid, which they call “welfare,” but they’re wrong. They argue that it will increase private insurance rates, but they’re wrong. They say that the federal government won’t be good for their money in future years, but they’re wrong. However, they’ve made that decision, and so in order to be able to fund some of the priorities the governor proposed that are very needed and popular, the Republicans ended up spending more state tax dollars to cover fewer people and avoid receiving a billion dollars in federal money. What this has done is to put a hole in all other areas of the budget, like public education, because it sucked in so many of our general tax dollars. Evan Goyke continued on page 6 >

4 | JUNE 27, 2019



JUNE 27, 2019 | 5


Why Mass Deportations Would Destroy America ::BY JOEL MCNALLY


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Insane and Impossible

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6 | JUNE 27, 2019

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Dairy State Disaster

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NEWS&VIEWS::FEATURE > Evan Goyke continued from page 4

!"#$%&'(#) "&*+$,'-(.) /-01) 2$34"%.) '() 5'6) 7*&#",)"'#5,)8"$%6)$#-.)9$&"),5")3$%#"6,)+*,) '() ,5") 5'6,-%8) -:) 2'6+-(6'() ,-) ;*73'+) "&*+$< ,'-(.)$(&)=),5'(4),5$,)9-6,);"-;3")+3"$%38)*(< &"%6,$(&) ,5$,) ,-) #",) '(,-) ,5") 9'&&3") +3$66.) -%) ,-)%"9$'()'(),5")9'&&3")+3$66.)'6)$):*(+,'-()-:) "&*+$,'-(1)25"()8-*)+*,)7$+4)-()"&*+$,'-(.) 8-*>%") &*97'(#<&-?() ,5") 6,$,") $(&) 5*%,'(#) ,5")"+-(-981)25$,)5$;;"("&)?',5)"&*+$,'-(@ Gov. Evers proposed a $1.4 billion increase in education funding, and really he proposed modernizing the whole education funding formula to better account for areas with higher rates of poverty, bilingual students and especially those with higher special education costs. The Republicans cut $900 million from his proposed education budget, arriving at a total of about $500 million new dollars, and they really missed the opportunity to invest in special education. Every single district in the state is required to provide quality education to children with special needs; they have to fund it; they cannot reduce the funding that those young children need. Every school district in Wisconsin has the same problem: Special education costs are going up, but the rate that the state pays has not. So school districts are shifting dollars from their general educational programming—arts, music, extra-curricular activities—to pay for their increasing special education needs. What the governor proposed was a historic investment in special education, and he would have had the state paying 60% of the cost of special education by 2021, but under the Republican budget, we will only get to half of that, around 30%. So, what we know will happen is school districts will continue to struggle to properly fund special education. Thus, that hole will still be created in their general funds, so the non-special needs students will suffer with diminished educational opportunities throughout Wisconsin’s public schools, because districts are still required to fund special education, and the state’s not meeting its responsibility. A5"),5'%&)'66*")8-*)9"(,'-("&)'6),%$(6;-%< ,$,'-(.)$(&),5"%")8-*)$+,*$338)6"")$)3',,3")7',)-:) $)6;3',)?',5'(),5")!";*73'+$(61)2'6+-(6'()7"< '(#),5")&$'%8)6,$,")5$6)5'6,-%'+$338)5$&)6-9")-:) the finest roads in the country, because farm< "%6)5$&),-)#",),5"'%)9'34),-),5")9$%4",)B*'+4381) C*,)(-?),5"8>%"),"%%'73".)$(&)=),5'(4)"0"%8-(") ?'33)$#%"")?',5),5$,1)25$,)+$()8-*),"33)*6)$7-*,) ,%$(6;-%,$,'-()'(),5")6,$,")7*&#",@ Gov. Evers proposed increasing the state gas tax by eight cents a gallon and the annual registration fee by $10 per vehicle. The Republicans refused to even consider the gas tax increase and instead proposed annual vehicle registration fee increases of $10 for cars and $25 for minivans and SUVs. Also, every time you buy a vehicle, you have to pay what’s called a title registration fee; it doesn’t matter if you buy a brand-new luxury car or an old jalopy, you have to pay the fee. The Republicans propose increasing that fee by 137%. The governor and the Democrats in the state Legislature have made the argument that a gas tax is closer to a user fee. If you drive a lot, if

you use a lot of gas, you pay your share; if you drive less, you pay less in gas taxes, because you’re causing less wear and tear on the roads. Also, a gas tax takes money from everyone using the state’s roads, not just drivers who buy or register their vehicles here. Under our plan, people driving into Wisconsin from Illinois, for example, and buying gas here, would be paying their fair share of maintaining our roads, too. Under the Republican plan, though, it’s 100% on us, and we fail to capture our visitor’s spending. A5") 6,$,") !";*73'+$(6) 5$0"(>,) "D$+,38) 7""() 658) $7-*,) ,5"'%) +-(,"9;,) :-%) ,5") +',8) -:)E'3?$*4"".)$(&),5"8>0")$%,'+*3$,"&),5$,) (*9"%-*6) ,'9"61) F-) '() ,5") 7*&#",.) ?5$,) &$9$#")5$0"),5")!";*73'+$(6);%-;-6"&)&-< '(#),-)E'3?$*4""@ Gov. Evers’ proposed budget made incredible investments in the city of Milwaukee, be that in infrastructure, kids or health. The Republicans treated Milwaukee, uniquely, very unfairly in a number of ways. They cut $40 million that was proposed for lead abatement, which is a huge issue in our community, and they did it because, as they said in their own words, too much money is going to Milwaukee. Ours is the only county that is not receiving any addition district attorneys. We were up for four additional positions, and the Republicans said no to all of them—though they funded such positions in two dozen other counties around the state. There’s a Republican shared-revenue cut of 16% over the next two years to Milwaukee County—the only shared-revenue cut in the state. That means less state money toward the county’s sheriff’s budget, the parks budget, the transit budget… Gov. Evers had a proposal to expand a program to Milwaukee County for first-time, non-violent offenders in the criminal justice system, which the Republicans cut, while keeping it in place in other counties. Time and time again, we heard the refrain that too much money was going to Milwaukee—the Republicans essentially pitting the rest of the state against the city and county of Milwaukee. =),5'(4)$(8-(")?5-)3--46)$,),5")(*97"%6.) ?5"%"),5")9-("8)+-9"6):%-9.)?5"%"),5")%"0< "(*") +-9"6) :%-9.) %"$3'G"6) ,5$,) E'3?$*4"") 5"$0'38)6*76'&'G"6),5")%"6,)-:),5")6,$,"1)H-),5"8) (-,)*(&"%6,$(&),5'6@ I think that Republicans understand but can’t publicly admit that. I don’t know what the disconnect is, but I think you’re 110% right. Milwaukee generates the most wealth, the highest income and the most sales, income and corporate taxes. Without Milwaukee, the state wouldn’t have the revenue it spends on education or even for tax cuts. If the Republicans didn’t have Milwaukee, they wouldn’t be out there campaigning on cutting taxes, because the state wouldn’t have enough revenue to return it to people. They’re just dead wrong on their portrayal of Milwaukee and the benefits that we give to the state of Wisconsin. Comment at n SHEPHERD EXPRESS


JUNE 27, 2019 | 7



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Tony Báez

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ony Báez has always seen literature and education as ways to strengthen his activism and political arguments. As a young activist growing up in Puerto Rico, Báez looked up to prominent Latino leaders who fought for issues like Puerto Rican independence and civil rights. “We were reading their books and tearing up the literature of Latin America,” he says. He continued his education as a means to inform others on issues that need to improve, such as human rights and bilingual education. Now in his 70s, Báez is the director of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors, District 6. He continues to challenge the norms of school curriculums and push for teaching practices fair for all students. In the early 1970s, Báez moved to Milwaukee and got a job at Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS). He helped develop the curriculum for bilingual education, a topic he would focus on for the next 40 years. Before Báez and other leaders of the bilingual movement began changing school curriculums, lessons were taught in English and translated into Spanish with no consideration for culture. Students who were not native English speakers were forced to assimilate, bettering their English but leaving behind their own cultural identity. Those students were not receiving an equal education, Báez explains, because they were forced to take standardized tests and learn standardized lessons that were not adapted to their culture. With a committee of people adamant about incorporating bilingual education into schools, Báez and the group negotiated with MPS to implement new bilingual practices. The program was one of the first in the country and became a model for other states. These issues are personal to Báez because he understands the challenges of trying to become part of a new culture. Originally from a poor neighborhood in Puerto Rico, he moved to Chicago in his early 20s. Worried for his safety because of his involvement in protesting the Vietnam War, his parents sent him to America. Almost immediately, he got involved with the Young Lords, a national human rights organization that fought for neighborhood empowerment and the rights of Puerto Ricans and other Latinxs. For Báez, assimilation was never the answer. His experiences in Puerto Rico and Chicago taught him the importance of building a new cultural identity alongside one’s home language and traditions. He has always stressed that suppressing one’s culture hinders an individual’s potential and hurts a community. The bilingual education movement does more than help individual students, it helps create leaders for the future. There are still improvements to be made to our education system so segregation does not cripple the opportunities of specific groups of students. And Báez does not plan to slow down his work. “To do the right thing for everybody is going to require that we change how schools function,” he says. “I think that’s what my role on the board is going to be. To keep pushing for that.” Visit to learn more about MPS’ Bilingual Resolution. For more of Erin Bloodgood’s work, visit Comment at!n SHEPHERD EXPRESS


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o, how are you getting along with the person you spend the most time with? That’s you, by the way. Regardless of who else populates your existence, there is one you interact with virtually every waking moment, and the nature of that relationship—the one with yourself—is critical to your overall well-being. At face value, this suggests we are all multiple personalities. After all, if there is a relationship between you and you, that implies there’s more than one self residing in your psyche. Absent a case of multiple personality disorder, that is not literally true, but it is valid to a point. Each of us harbors several facets of the self commonly referred to as “personas.” There is an entire psychotherapeutic approach based on dealing with this multiplicity, one called “parts work.” Regardless, few of us are of one mind, as evidenced by the backand-forth discussions we conduct through our incessant self-talk. This phenomenon is apparent in expressions like “inner critic” and “inner child,” among others. These aspects of self each assume a distinct attitudinal posture and role in your internal dialogue. Of particular interest is the persona referred to as the “observer,” the one who remains a bit outside the fray between the other facets of self, as if watching from a mental distance. It is your observer self that remains best positioned to recognize how well you get along with yourself. There are insight-oriented practices that help us better connect with and mentally occupy the observer self. These include cognitive behavioral therapy, awarenessfocused meditation, journaling and the like. Once seated in this psychological observation post, we acquire a clearer sense for how our various personas are treating one another. Some will emerge as clear friends of the overarching self, while others may seem

its adversaries. In pursuing this kind of insight, many feel surprised or even shocked at how the not-so-friendly personas speak to the larger self, as proved true for Winston. “I’ve got a nasty voice in there,” he told me. “It takes every opportunity to criticize me, and it can get pretty ugly.” Inner critics are a common type of persona. Particularly among folks who grew up in judgmental environments, or those with a perfectionistic bent, this facet of self may prove the loudest and most verbose of one’s various parts. Another frequent flyer in this regard is the “inner cynic,” sort of an internalized Eeyore of “Winnie the Pooh” fame. This persona enjoys popping any bubbles of hope and optimism that percolate into awareness. Another ubiquitous voice is the “inner overlord,” an aspect of self that relishes giving orders and whose favorite words are “should” and “shouldn’t.” These personas, and others like them, are not your friends. Granted, sometimes we deserve self-criticism, particularly when behaving in ways contrary to our stated values, but, absent malicious intent, mistakes are learning experiences (“fall forward”) rather than grounds for 20 lashes. As Winston demonstrated, the first step in addressing this conundrum involves recognizing when the inner adversary is squawking. Often, these self-defeating personas drone on in the background of one’s awareness, so once on your mental radar, the opportunity to intervene emerges. “Instead of trying to shut up your inner critic, I’d suggest investing in an alternative voice that is your friend,” I told Winston. “It’s like a buddy who has your back when dealing with a bully.” By intentionally cultivating an “inner friend” persona, we alter the relationship with ourselves. Much like interjecting a supportive, reasonable and positive person into a dysfunctional work team, the dynamics shift. Now, when Winston’s inner critic begins carping, he simply asks himself, “What would my best friend say to me about this?” He then summons his inner friend to play that part. Gradually, as this friendly and supportive persona grows stronger, the adversarial or disrespectful ones quiet down. There are people out there who care about you. Be one of them. For more, visit

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JUNE 27, 2019 | 9

::SAVINGOURDEMOCRACY ( JUNE 27 - JULY 3, 2019 ) The Shepherd Express serves as a clearinghouse for all activities in the greater Milwaukee area that peacefully push back against discriminatory, reactionary or authoritarian actions and policies of the Donald Trump regime, as well as other activities that seek to thwart social justice. To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to

Friday, June 28

Milwaukee Critical Mass—June Ride @ Gordon Park, 7 p.m. Between 1958 and 1970, a distinctive movement for racial justice emerged from unique circumstances in Milwaukee. A series of local leaders inspired growing numbers of people to participate in campaigns against employment and housing discrimination, segregated public schools, the membership of public officials in discriminatory organizations, welfare cuts and police brutality. A white Catholic priest, James Groppi, led the NAACP Youth Council and Commandos in a militant struggle that lasted for 200 consecutive nights and provoked the ire of thousands of white residents. After working-class mobs attacked demonstrators, some called Milwaukee “the Selma of the North.”

Saturday, June 29

Peace Action of Wisconsin: Stand for Peace @ the corner of Port Washington Road and Silver Spring Drive, noon-1 p.m.

Every Saturday from noon-1 p.m., concerned citizens join with Peace Action of Wisconsin to protest war and literally “Stand for Peace.” Signs will be provided for those who need them. Protesters are encouraged to stick around for conversation and coffee after the protest.

North Division Neighborhood Visioning Session @ Coffee Makes You Black (2803 N Teutonia Ave.), 8:45 a.m.

The Greater Milwaukee Foundation will invest $100,000 in Milwaukee’s North Division neighborhood and is relying upon the knowledge, input and leadership of residents to advise where those funds will go. This neighborhood visioning session allows residents to identify shared values, define a set of priorities and brainstorm ideas on how to strengthen the community.

Pollinator Conservation Program @ Retzer Nature Center (S14 W28167 Madison St., Waukesha.) 9 a.m.

Learn about the ecology of our essential pollinators and how to help monitor their populations. Conservation in the Parks works with communities to promote environmental stewardship, provide research and educational opportunities and create healthier natural areas throughout Waukesha County.

Sunday, June 30

Benefit for Mr. Bob’s Under the Bridge @ Quarters Rock ‘n Roll Palace, 8 p.m.

Mr. Bob’s Under the Bridge is an outreach program based out of Cedarburg that dedicates its time and resources to help better serve the needs of the ever-growing homeless community in Milwaukee. They provide food, clothes, water, blankets and toiletries year-round. To submit to this column, please send a brief description of your action, including date and time, to savingourdemocracy@shepex. com. Comment at n


Wealth Has Its Privileges

Last week, we asked which of these statements is closest to yours regarding Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele’s plans to demolish his $2.4 million historic Lake Drive mansion. You said: n 67% This is a classic example of the gross economic inequality that permeates our society. n 33% He can use his inherited money any way he pleases.

What Do You Say?

It’s widely accepted that Wisconsin’s roads are in rough shape due to neglect and long overdue maintenance work. State Republicans and Democrats have differing ideas on how best to address this situation. Which of these options would you prefer our state leaders pursue to fund road repair work? n Increase the gas tax. n Increase vehicle fees. n Increase both the gas tax and vehicle fees. n Come up with some other solution that doesn’t raise the gas tax or vehicle fees. Vote online at We’ll publish the results of this poll in next week’s issue.

10 | J U N E 2 7 , 2 0 1 9


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J U N E 2 7, 2 0 1 9 ! 11


We will keep you informed each week about the growing availability of legal cannabis products in Milwaukee and what’s happening at the state level with respect to Wisconsin’s movement towards legalization, what’s happening in other states and in the rest of the world.

! #$!%&'()*+!),! " -.//)*(!,)*!0$123! 42*&5.262!,*)7! -268$*'!()!"*.7/ ::BY JEAN-GABRIEL FERNANDEZ

Joint Cannabis Brands Brings CBD to Food and Beverages ::BY SHEILA JULSON


hen John Ross Ferrell (aka Johnny Stallion) added CBDinfused cold brew and bottled espresso shots to his line of PhiloÇoffia (pronounced “fillle-sof-ee-ah”) coffees last fall, the product was a hit, and Ferrell realized there was a market for CBD-infused products that could complement food and beverages. He’s since added WildFire Cannabis Extract and Bitters, CannaMyst CBD oil that can be sprayed on food and Mother’s Little Helper CBD-infused chocolate chips. To give his CBD (cannabidiol) food products their own identity, Ferrell sells them under Joint Cannabis Brands, an overarching parent company of PhiloÇoffia that he hopes will become the preeminent source for food service creativity with cannabis. Ferrell was inspired to create WildFire because he had difficulty finding quality cannabis bitters. “WildFire is extracted from hemp with terpenes added to it, which are the flavonoids isolated from different strains. That helps add citrusy and energetic notes, so the flavor profile can be tailored,” he explains. Crushed cannabis is added for flavor and to enhance visual appeal to drinks. In addition to cocktails, Ferrell says WildFire complements the citrus notes of IPAs, or it can be added to dry white wine, like a sauvignon blanc, to add additional flavor. The flavor can be lighter or stronger, depending on how much is added. “We make it strong, 135-proof hemp extract. Because it’s just an extract, there’s no activated CBD or THC

12 | J U N E 2 7 , 2 0 1 9

in it, so it doesn’t run afoul of any laws; CBD can be in the gray area in some municipalities. WildFire is just basically hemp for flavor and aroma.” CannaMyst is a mix of CBD oil and cannabis buds, with 260 mgs. of CBD per one-ounce bottle. “In addition to offering something more visual in a cocktail, I thought about putting CBD on food. A dropper is not a very effective way to spread CBD onto food, so I found some high-quality oil sprayers and chose one to etch our logo onto. You can put the cannabis infused CannaMyst into the mister and spray it evenly onto a salad or any other foods.” Mother’s Little Helper (which is also a nod to the Rolling Stones’ 1966 hit of the same name) are CBD-infused, fair-trade, dark chocolate chips that people can use to make whatever they like—or eat them by the handful. Ferrell says there’s about 1/2 mg. of CBD per chip, which helps with dosing. Although there are other edibles like CBD chocolate bars or pre-made chocolate chip cookies, the chips allow people to have fun and be creative with their own recipes. Mother’s Little Helper chips are set to hit the shelves at Outpost Natural Foods at the end of June and will retail at $9.99 for a four-ounce package. Ferrell’s business is rooted in coffee, so he continues to add coffee products like Java Nirvana, an instant CBD coffee with chocolate, cinnamon and coconut oil that comes packaged in a biodegradable bag. He says it’s ideal for campers who still want good-tasting coffee. Ferrell h as deals in the works with local restaurants such as BelAir Cantina to craft a margarita with WildFire. He believes the market for CBD will remain strong even after marijuana eventually becomes legal for either medicinal or recreational use in Wisconsin. “I think CBD will be a larger market because you can use it during the day, and it doesn’t impede your ability do daily activities,” he says. “It allows for reduction in anxiety and better sleep at night. There are far more opportunities to use it.” For more information, visit jointcannabisbrands. com. Comment at n


!"#$%&'%(!"%)"*&+,#(-+%.#(-&/#0%1&/2"/(-&/%-/%3-04#56""7%!"#$%& '(()*'((*+,-./#'$"/*0#,1"2,3$"'(*/'32"2'$,1*4'!,*,50#,11,2*$4,"#*1%0& 0.#$*6.#*$4,*(,7'("8'$".3*.6*/'33'9"1:*'*3,;*1$'3/,*6.#*-.1$*.6*$4,-<* =%1$*'*6,;*),'#1*'7.:*.3()*'*1,(,/$*6,;*;,#,*/4'-0".3"37*/'33'9"1:* the first of whom was Bernie Sanders. As early as 1972, Sanders was already standing up to support rights for American /"$"8,31*$.*/.31%-,*-'#">%'3'<*?.((.;"37*4"1*9"2*6.#*7.!,#3.#*.6*@,#-.3$:*4,*;#.$,* "$*0('"3()*"3*'3*'#$"/(,: “‘Could I ask Mr. Sanders if he has ever smoked marijuana?’ Strangely enough, despite all the times that I had talked about the need for legalizing marijuana, that was the first time that question was ever directly asked of me. I said, ‘Yes, I have smoked marijuana.’” For decades, Sanders was the only one, among the /%##,3$*#.1$,#*.6*+,-./#'$"/*0#,1"2,3$"'(*4.0,6%(1:*$.*1$'32*%0*6.#*-'#">%'3'*$4#.%74* "3"$"'$"!,1*("A,*/.&10.31.#"37*'*-,2"/'(*-'#">%'3'*9"((*'1*,'#()*'1*BCCD<* It wasn’t before the early 2000s that others offered tentative support for cannabis reform—Cory Booker, Mike Gravel and Beto O’Rourke, specifically. Then, as the 2016 presidential election loomed and polls reported that 50% of Americans were in 6'!.#*.6*/'33'9"1*#,6.#-:*-.#,*'32*-.#,*0.("$"/"'31*1$'#$,2*/.-"37*.%$*"3*6'!.#*.6* it. Steve Bullock and Eric Swalwell were among the first to express support, years before Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris did. E,2"/'(*E'#">%'3':*F3/<*GE=HIJ:*'*-'#">%'3'*'32*4,-0*/.-0'3):*#,/,3$()*#,& !,'(,2*'*$"-,("3,*'32*7%"2, of the presidential candidates’ stances on marijuana. It clearly shows that, after Donald Trump’s victory in 2016, the floodgates opened, and a tidal wave of support for marijuana reform hit the Democratic Party. The political $#,32*1,,-1*$.*/(.1,()*6.((.;*$4,*/4'37"37*.0"3".3*.6*$4,*I-,#"/'3*0,.0(,*.3*$4,* -'$$,#<*Gallup polls report*$4'$*1%00.#$*6.#*-'#">%'3'*(,7'("8'$".3*#,'/4,2*'3*'((& time high of 66% at the end of 2018.

Two Outliers: Trump and Biden

+,10"$,* '* 3,'#()* %3'3"-.%1* 0.1"$"!,* 1$'3/,* .3* (,7'("8'$".3* '-.37* $4,* +,-.& cratic roster, one candidate stands out by refusing to budge: Joe Biden. Although Barack Obama’s former vice president said that nobody “should be in jail simply for smoking or possession marijuana,” he favors decriminalization rather than legaliza$".3:*'1*4,*/(,'#()*,50#,11,2< “Biden was a driving force behind America’s War on Drugs,” MJNA states. “Biden sponsored and consistently voted for increasingly heavy-handed drug legislation. He introduced '*9"((*$4'$*7#,,3&("$*/"!"(*'11,$*6.#6,"$%#,:*,("-"3'$,2*$4,* 0.11"9"("$)*.6*9'"(*6.#*"32"!"2%'(1*/4'#7,2*;"$4*/,#$'"3*2#%7*/#"-,1*'32*-'32'$,2* that the Justice Department ‘aggressively’ combat drug offenders.” On the other side of the political spectrum, Donald Trump also appears as an outlier for different reasons. Going against typically conservative beliefs, the presi2,3$* 1"73,2* $4,* 2018 Farm Bill* "3$.* (';:* #,/('11"6)"37* 4,-0* '1* '3* '7#"/%($%#'(* commodity. He 6.#-'(()*1$'$,2 during his 2016 campaign that he is “in favor of [medical marijuana] a hundred percent.” He also said, “That should be a state issue, state-by-state.” More recently, the president admitted he would “probably” support the STATES I/$:*'*9"0'#$"1'3*9"((*'((.;"37*1$'$,1*$.*;#"$,*$4,"#*.;3*-'#">%'3'*0.("/",1<*I1*1%/4:* his stance is close to that of Elizabeth Warren, who sponsored the STATES Act, and who’s position on cannabis reform is far more progressive than Biden’s. Trump has sent mixed signals about his position on marijuana. However, in appointing people like Jeff Sessions to his cabinet, he became a staunch opponent of cannabis reform. !"##$%&'(&')*$+*$,-$.+,$))/0"#/'n SHEPHERD EXPRESS

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Hacienda Beer Co.

New in Milwaukee !"#$%&'#('$)*#+,+-($.)/$'&*$/))0(1$ 23/-#/($&+4$*,55& ::BY LACEY MUSZYNSKI

This month in dining news: A Door County brewery opens a taproom on the East Side, Downtown gets a new pizza option, burgers at the beach and two new bars sell snacks.

Hacienda Beer Co.

A taproom and restaurant has opened in the former G. Daddy’s BBC on North Avenue. Hacienda Beer Co. is a Door County-based brewery founded in 2017 that focuses on modern, experimental beers. This is their first dedicated taproom, and they will have up to a dozen beers on tap. The food menu includes appetizers, salads and sandwiches. Candied bacon ($6), saffron pickled vegetables ($6) and duck confit empanadas ($11) make good snacks. A peach spinach salad ($13), a black garlic BBQ fried chicken sandwich ($12) and a seared salmon sandwich ($17) with roasted red peppers are more substantial options.

2018 E. North Ave. • $$

Proof Pizza

A fast-casual pizza restaurant has opened downtown. Proof Pizza is the first restaurant to fully open associated with Saint Kate, the new arts hotel by Marcus Hotels & Resorts. It serves Neapolitan-style pizza along with salads, antipasti and desserts in a space next to the hotel. All pizzas are $10 and come in signature styles like the Proof Special with red peppers, sausage, sautéed cipollini onions and roasted garlic. Or they can be customized with any toppings you like, including meatballs, scamorza cheese and arugula. Antipasti, like burrata and prosciutto ($9) or roasted brussels sprouts ($8), are served after 4 p.m. Tiramisu and panna cotta ($6) available for dessert.

139 E. Kilbourn Ave. • 414-270-4433 • $


Proof Pizza

Charles E. Fromage


A new hamburger stand has moved into the Northpoint Custard spot near Bradford Beach. MooSa’s is owned by the same family as Casablanca, its name a play on the family’s last name, Musa. The menu is similar to that of Northpoint’s: burgers, soft serve custard and sides. The signature MooSa Burger ($6.95) comes with onions, lettuce, tomato, pickles, condiments, two cheeses and a special sauce. A vegetarian Impossible Burger ($8.95), brats ($4.95), corn dogs ($4.95) and chicken wings ($7.95) are also available. Hummus and pita chips ($3.95), cheese curds ($5.95) and walking tacos ($5.95) are some snacks offered.

2272 N. Lincoln Memorial Drive • 414-727-4886 • $

Bar Centro

The owners of Centro have opened a separate bar space next to their restaurant in Riverwest. Bar Centro underwent exhaustive renovations including refinishing the hardwood floors, adding a bar with marble top, salvaged tin ceiling panels and a cozy corner booth. Signature cocktails ($10-$11) are influenced by Italian culture and feature amaro and homemade syrups. Some snacks are offered, including cheese and charcuterie plates ($14-$19), spiced nuts ($6), marinated olives ($6) and soup served with bread ($8). Guests waiting for a table at Centro can use Bar Centro as a much-needed waiting area.

804 E. Center St. • $

Charles E. Fromage

A small wine bar has opened in Washington Heights. Charles E. Fromage is owned by Tony and Honore Schiro, a couple who felt the need for place to stop for a nightcap in this neighborhood. The name is a French play on Chuck E. Cheese’s with the tagline “where an adult can be an adult.” The tiny space has four local tap beers and eight wines to choose from that will change seasonally. Snacks available include a five-cheese spread ($7) with baguette slices, an olive salad ($5), rosemary Marcona almonds ($5) and individual chocolates from Ultimate Confections ($1.50-$2).

5811 W. Vliet St. • 414-305-1458 • $

J U N E 2 7 , 2 0 1 9 | 15

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Heskeith Flavien, executive chef at Mason Street Grill, is from St. Lucia and has lived and traveled all over the world. When he’s in the mood for international cuisine, he heads to La Merenda. “The atmosphere, especially on the patio, is amazing,” Flavien says. “They have incredible servers who are energetic and knowledgeable of the menu. My girlfriend and I go there frequently because we get the chance to sample many dishes from around the world in just one sitting.”

La Merenda

125 E. National Ave. 414-389-0125

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16 | J U N E 2 7 , 2 0 1 9


425 E. Mason St. 414-298-3131


!"#$%&'!"'()*" ::BY JAMIE LEE RAKE

Like so many of the home furnishings made by Ikea (7500 S. Ikea Way, Oak Creek), there is a bit of assembly involved in putting together a meal in the Swedish company’s stores. The food is served cafeteria style with servers doling out the Scandinavian and domestic fare on white china. Wraps, bagels and desserts may be taken from window displays on the way through the cafeteria line. The Swedish meatballs are delicious morsels offered in beef, vegan and seafood varieties. A pleasant milkiness pervades not only the curry sauce served with vegan option, but the gravy available with the meaty ones. Other sides worth trying include a broccolipeapods-string beans medley and a mix of grains and the lingonberry sauce that resembles a cranberry garnish. Lingonberries also appear as one of the preserves available to top the pancakes in Ikea’s signature Swedish American breakfast; those crepe-like flapjacks share a plate with hearty scoops of scrambled eggs, brown cubed potatoes and a pair of mildly-spiced chicken sausage links. Sadly, that morning repast is only served for 90 minutes daily. Shoppers pressed for time or not wanting to take the somewhat lengthy walk to the restaurant in the back of the store may still find unique eating at the bistro in front; the specialty there is a meatless hot dog topped with the brand’s proprietary sweet and spicy mustard, pickled red cabbage and roasted onion. Pair it with a sundae of vanilla yogurt and berries for a substantial snack or light meal in itself. SHEPHERD EXPRESS





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Located in the Country Inn & Suites • 350 E Seven Hills Rd • Port Washington (414) 803-5177 • Food & Beverage Specials | Made from Scratch Pub Favorites Live Entertainment & Karaoke | Famous Friday Night Fish Fry

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18 !!J U N E 2 7, 2 0 1 9






Outskirts Theatre Company

The oldest company, at five years, has the youngest founder. While still a sophomore at Waukesha’s Carroll University, Ryan Albrechtson took a theater management class. “I really thought I was going to be a high school drama teacher, but I got into writing my own stuff and doing edgier pieces than I ever thought I’d be able to do,” he says. He switched to arts management and, with his professor’s help, founded his own theater. He staged performances in Waukesha for two years, beginning with the LGBTQ-supportive Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead. After graduation, he was joined by Allyson Imig who “does the day to day administration and keeps me organized.” Albrechtson named the company both for its Waukesha location in relation to the big city of Milwaukee and for its mission to “create thought-provoking experimental theater that also serves as a call to action against social and moral injustices.” The company also aims to serve as a springboard to professional work for emerging theater artists and “to bridge the gap between Waukesha and Milwaukee Counties,” he says. “I feel like so few people go back and forth. We hope to make the Waukesha art scene a little more interesting to people from Downtown and other areas.” The new six-show season includes performances in both towns. It opens July 5-7 with The Amish Project at Waukesha Civic Theatre. This play, about a school shooting in an Amish community, is performed by a single actress (Abbi Hess) who plays victims, the gunman and community members. Outskirts will also restage its production of the feminist musical comedy Disenchanted! for the Milwaukee Fringe Festival.

Voices Found Repertory

The Constructivists


There are surely more young theater companies in Milwaukee today than the dozen or so I am aware of. Here are three that have impressed Shepherd Express writers with their professionalism and careful artistry. Each offers something different to the city. Proudly on the fringe, each is steadily gaining support.


Founders Alec Lachman, Andy Montano and Jake Russell Thompson, all in their 20s, met at a Shakespeare and Company summer training program in Massachusetts. Lachman and Montano are from the area; Thompson relocated from Washington, D.C. The company has done mostly Shakespeare but also the ancient Greek classics Oedipus Rex and Medea, the world premiere of Theatre Games by area playwright Pharyne Stephney and the offbeat Tony-nominated Hand to God. Season Four opens in December with William Shakespeare’s Henry V then takes new turns with The Elephant Man in March and Spirits to Enforce by Chicagoan Mickle Maher next spring. The group is a collective composed of actors, directors and designers, all under 30. Outreach director, actor and board member Claire Tidwell uses a line from Shakespeare to summarize the company’s mission: “Never say I was false of heart.” She emphasizes the collaborative rehearsal process as a defining feature. “There’s a lot of group exploration and opportunity for experimentation. It’s not just a director standing there saying do this, turn here. As an actor, I’ve never been challenged to think as much.” Auditions are open to the community. Casting can be outside type; for example, Richard III was a woman. Anyone in town can pitch a script idea. “People started to panic when In Tandem decided to close, and The Alchemist shut their doors,” Tidwell says. “Well, there are other theaters here, and we’re not going to give up on you.” The company will perform scenes and demonstrate fight choreography at the Milwaukee Fringe.

The Constructivists

After 25 years in theater, 10 of them in Chicago with companies producing American premieres of European plays, Russian to English translations and vice versa, founder Jaimelyn Gray knew what she wanted. First, she wanted to live near her family in Milwaukee; second, to present plays that “punch you in the gut, make your blood pump,” as she says. She points to popular television programs like “Games of Thrones” and “The Walking Dead.”“There’s a need for that type of catharsis, that type of connectedness. It’s part of what the brain wants: to feel pain without feeling pain. And in theater, it’s having human experiences together with live humans onstage and live emotions in real time.” With her husband’s support, she founded The Constuctivists last year. Her first season’s choices were outstanding: Gruesome Playground Injuries, The Pillowman and a new work called To Fall in Love. Playwright Sam Shepard’s angry post-9/11 comedy The God of Hell will open season two in September. “If more people liked theater, the world would be a better place,” she says. “I’m trying to do my part. I am really not happy with the state of the world. I can only do what I can do, hire actors, hire technicians and provide art to facilitate conversation, push buttons, shake gates. We all got a little too quiet, I think.” Visit, and for more information.

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The Comedy of Errors

“Summer Love”

One of William Shakespeare’s early plays, The Comedy of Errors is also his shortest. It relies on puns, mistaken identity and fundamentally farcical situations for its humor. All its action takes place during the course of a 24-hour period. Order is utterly overthrown when two pairs of twins, separated as infants, find their paths crossing to not merely their own confusion but also to the confusion of everyone else they encounter. A series of mishaps ensue, including arrest, beating, a near-seduction and accusations of theft, madness and infidelity, until the truth at last untangles the misunderstandings. Given the set-up, so ripe for comedy, it should be no surprise that The Comedy of Errors has proven to be a long-standing audience favorite of The Bard’s, and it has found itself adapted into the operatic, musical and feature film genres. Optimist Theatre’s production will be co-directed by Ron Scot Fry and ML Cogar and feature (among its quite large cast) James Pickering, Robert Spencer, Connor Blankenship and Tami Workentin. This is an outdoor, free event; attendees are encouraged to picnic and enjoy the grounds (there are plenty of picnic tables and grassy areas) or enjoy concessions provided by Sazama’s Fine Catering. (John Jahn) June 27-July 13 (excluding Thursday, July 4) at the Peck Pavilion of the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, 929 N. Water St. For more information, visit

The Dig

Third Avenue Playhouse (TAP) is Door County’s newest professional theater company (founded in 2000); its lovely 84-seat Studio Theatre is but seven years old. TAP is also the county’s only year-round theater, offering, as they say, “intimate plays in an intimate setting.” Their two-play summer season opens with Marie Kohler’s The Dig, directed by Alex Coddington. In this compelling drama, a young girl becomes separated from her older brother when he sets off on an archeological dig in Lebanon. While there, however, he suffers from a damaging psychological breakdown that changes him forever. The Dig’s action takes place in the 1950s, ’60s and ’90s, dramatizing the young woman’s belated sense of loss and acceptance of who her brother has become. One of the most prominent writers of local theater (and the play’s creator), Marie Kohler, will be in residence for this production. (John Jahn) June 27-July 20 at Third Avenue Playhouse, 239 N. Third Ave., Sturgeon Bay. For tickets, call 920-743-1760 or visit

The Florentine Opera Company recently announced its 2019 Summer Residency Program Artists; these are sopranos Olivia Doig and Grace Wipfli, tenor Nathaniel Catasca and baritone Ian Murrell. In its third year, the company’s artists have been selected through a competitive audition process. Throughout June and July, these vocalists will perform a variety of music throughout the Milwaukee area and beyond; many of these community performances are free to the public. They’ll also perform two @ The Center Series concerts, the first of which is titled “Summer Love.” The Florentine’s @ The Center Series concerts generally comprise opera’s greatest hits as well as gems from musical theatre and Tin Pan Alley, all selected with an overarching theme. It’s obvious from this first concert that love will be in the air in the company’s Riverwest headquarters which, as the sun sets, transforms into an intimate, black box theater perfect for such lighter fare. (John Jahn) June 28-29 at 7:30 p.m. at the Wayne and Kristine Lueders Florentine Opera Center, 926 E. Burleigh St. For tickets, call 800-326-7372 or visit


“A Fringe Festival?”

Thoroughly in line with a tradition of similarly diverse multidisciplinary arts festivals held in cities around the world, Milwaukee Fringe Festival offers a diverse assembly of artists. The festival’s goals? As its website explains, the aim is “to invigorate Milwaukee’s culture, engage the youth of Milwaukee and inspire them to participate in the arts, attract artists from outside of Milwaukee to our city and create a sense of community for artists of all ages, ethnicities and disciplines.” People need to know such a festival is taking place in their community, and a party is a great way to do just that. The fourth annual MKE Fringe Fest, taking place in August at the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, will be presented under the direction of John Schneider, Eric Engelbart, Matt Kemple, Karen Raymond and Katie Rhyme. Things kick into high gear with a “three-hour afternoon party” aimed at “helping people understand what a fringe festival is [and] why it’s valuable for Milwaukee to have one,” says Schneider. “The setting is a big, open, stand-alone, glass-walled building just a few yards from the river walk on Commerce Street just off Pleasant Street. There will be performances, informational talks, food, a cash bar and an interesting crowd of artists,” he says. (John Jahn) If you plan to attend the MKE Fringe Fest Fundraiser—Sunday, June 30, 2-5 p.m., 1720 N. Commerce St.—send an e-mail to For tickets and more information about this year’s festival, visit

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Chagallí s Circus Stories !"#$%&'()*&$+*,,#'&-+.$/)$01#$2-,3*#4$ '5$6#7-+"$8*+#*.$8-&7'*9##$::BY DAVID LUHRSSEN


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[ FILM CLIPS ] Annabelle Comes Home R Ed and Lorraine Warren are paranormal investigators whose cases are dramatized by the “Conjuring Universe” film franchise. In this third installment, the Warrens (Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga) secure the demonic Annabelle doll behind sacred glass in a locked room. Despite their warnings, the Warrens’ 10-year-old daughter, Judy (Mckenna Grace), and her babysitters (Madison Iseman and Katie Sarife) release Annabelle. Directed and written by Gary Dauberman, who penned the other “Annabelles,” the story tracks Judy and her babysitters’ efforts to evade the demonic entities attracted. Box office memo: 2017’s Annabelle: Creation brought in over $300 million on a $15 million budget. (Lisa Miller)

The Last Black Man in San Francisco R A young black girl stares up at a sanitation worker picking up trash in a HazMat suit. The street preacher mounts his podium and rails against the toxic environment, warning, “They got plans for us!” So another morning begins for Jimmie and his best friend Mont, magnetically drawn from their outlying ghetto to a Victorian house near the Golden Gate. They tend to the place like they own it—it was once owned by Jimmie’s grandfather and the loss is painful. Director Joe Talbot tells an elliptical story packed with references to San Francisco’s glorious past of segregation, gentrification, limited economic opportunities, fractured families and miscommunication between white and black. Wistful, funny and visually surreal, The Last Black Man wonders about the stories we tell ourselves in order to survive. (David Luhrssen) ‘Toy Story 4’

Woody (or Is It Bo?) to the Rescue in ‘Toy Story 4’


After being knocked unconscious, struggling British singer-songwriter Jack Malik (Himesh Patel) awakens in an alternate timeline where The Beatles never existed. Realizing he can exploit their songs to achieve fame and fortune, Jack becomes hugely successful co-opting Beatles’ songs. However, having confessed the truth to his best friend Ellie (Lily James), she begins pulling away, causing Jack to realize he has always loved her. Though director Danny Boyle’s film attempts to position itself as a romantic comedy, will the story maintain momentum as Jack methodically cranks out Beatles’ hits? (L.M.)


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Yesterday PG-13

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[ HOME MOVIES / NOW STREAMING ] n Woody Guthrie: All-Star Tribute Concert 1970

The performers at this concert were multi-generational and multi-ethnic, numbering Pete Seeger and Odetta in their ranks. Most of the lineup’s musicians, however, came from the circa 1960 generation of folk revivalists that surfaced in New York, including Joan Baez and Arlo Guthrie. They gathered to sing the songs of Arlo’s dad, which eloquently set oral history and advocacy journalism to music. Peter Fonda and Will Greer read passages from Guthrie’s memoir between songs.

n Shoah: Four Sisters

French director Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah (1985) was a landmark in documentary filmmaking for its austere accumulation of memories of the Holocaust. With Shoah: Four Sisters (2018), his last completed film, Lanzmann assembled interviews conducted in the ’70s with Jewish women from Eastern Europe. What surfaces from their accounts was the complexity of their ordeal and how Nazi control of information was a weapon. Knowledge of the death camps dawned slowly, even for those at their gates.

n “RKO Classic Romances”

In 1934, the studios imposed a regime of strict self-censorship called the Hollywood Production Code. But in the early years of talking pictures, topics that couldn’t be broached for decades were common. “RKO Classic Romances” collects five risqué “pre-Code” movies. In The Lady Refuses, a penniless woman choses prostitution over suicide (but finds help from a wealthy gentleman). Millie frankly addresses the cooling of sexual ardor in married couples. Gigolos, gold-diggers and wild oats abound.

n “RKO Classic Adventures”

Years before the emergence of John Wayne and the westerns recognized as classics, the genre proliferated in Hollywood and made the transition to sound. “RKO Classic Adventures” collects three early talking westerns, starting with The Painted Desert (1931). The stock elements are already well established, including cattle drives, range wars and characters who “reckon” and “aim to keep ridin’.” Clark Gable has a supporting role, stubble-faced without the mustache yet familiar from his self-assured voice. —David Luhrssen J U N E 2 7 , 2 0 1 9 | 25




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The Astounding Story of One Book’s Five-Hundred Year Odyssey (TARCHERPERIGEE),


BY MARGARET LESLIE DAVIS Everyone knows the Gutenberg Bible as the world’s most valuable book. Who knew that there were 51 of them? And that you can’t call them copies exactly, because no two are identical? With The Lost Gutenberg, Margaret Leslie Davis summarizes the work of Johannes Gutenberg, the German who printed the first books with moveable type, a laborious process that led by steps to the information age. His Bibles were individually illustrated according to his clients’ tastes. They were always valuable, albeit until the 20th century, among bibliophiles they ranked less high than many lesser-known works. Davis follows the path of a particular Gutenberg Bible through various owners. All were fabulously wealthy and usually eccentric. The book’s last private owner, an American heiress, mingled devotion with an awareness that having the Gutenberg was a status symbol few could afford. The Lost Gutenberg is fascinating, well-grounded and marred only by the author’s jarring insertion of present tense (makes us feel like we’re there?) into long-ago events. (David Luhrssen)

School’s out until August, but, unfortunately, there is a rising trend of young people who read zero books during the summer months. To combat this decline, Scholastic and booksellers across the country are engaging in a Read-a-Palooza. The goal is twofold: keep kids reading and get more books into the hands of kids who can’t afford them. From 3-5 p.m. on Friday, June 28, Boswell Book Company will host a local Read-a-Palooza event featuring activities, giveaways, and a summer reading donation drive to benefit Milwaukee’s Next Door Foundation. Books & Co. will host a similar family-friendly event on Saturday, June 29, from 9:30 a.m until noon.

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Featuring discounts at 24 Milwaukee bars and restaurants, Cocktail Trail offers coupons for free or buy≠ one≠ get≠ one drinks at participating establishments until May 2020. Cocktail Trail booklets are available for purchase for $25 online at and at MKE Home, Sparrow Collective, and Beard MKE. Twisted Path Distillery Lost Whale Boone & Crockett Café Corozón Kegel's Inn Milwaukee Sail Loft

26 | J U N E 2 7 , 2 0 1 9

ABV Social Branded at the Iron Horse Hotel Kindred on KK TAYLORS Ale Asylum Riverhouse Black Sheep

Rumpus Room Hi Hat Lounge Casablanca Central Standard Craft Distillery The Original The Diplomat

The Wicked Hop Club Charlies Goodkind Bittercube Crimson Club Fuel Café




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Susan Longhenry

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James Nares, Ití s Raining in Naples, 2003 (detail). Oil on linen. 47.5 × 81 in. Private collection. Image courtesy of Kasmin Gallery.


first “WaterMarker” was painted outside the ,-.&$7% L'##+-.&1% L$-&$)20% 6!'0&"% (.77E$% N!9''E%O<;PQ%NI%N.R&9%N&ISI CARROLL STUDIOS OF PHOTOGRAPHY

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A retrospective of a contemporary artist and fi lmmaker who explores gesture, motion, and time

Through October 6, 2019 J U N E 2 7 , 2 0 1 9 | 27




There’s No Place Like Home !"#$%&'()*"+

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Money is the number one thing couples fight -0+5%8881+::+6/2$ 0'$ 6-::4-4/&()*$ -)2$ ?-'-?()*8$ That said, the fact that you’re fighting about money isn’t particularly strange, sugar. $ !$ %7()?$ %7/$ *&/-%/&$ >5/,%(+)$ (,$ 67'$ '+5$ 6-)%$ %+$45&37-,/$-$7+5,/$6(%7$,+#/+)/$0/1+&/$'+5"&/$ married? If you’re fighting now about buying a house, are you sure this is the right relationship for you? What if you buy property together, only to &/-:(C/$6/22()*$4:-),$-&/)"%$()$'+5&$15%5&/D$E+6$ '+5"./$*+%$-$#+&%*-*/$%+*/%7/&F$!%$#(*7%$0/7++./$ '+5$%+$45%$%7/$7+5,/$+)$%7/$0-3?$05&)/&$-)2$1+35,$ +)$67/%7/&$#-&&(-*/$(,$-$4+,,(0(:(%'8$ I also think the difference in your age isn’t helping this situation. At your age, you’re ready for a house, you’re thinking of your future, and you value money in a particular way. At his age, he’s likely not thinking about a house, he’s living in the ./&'$4&/,/)%$-)2$,//,$#+)/'$2(11/&/)%:'$%7-)$'+58$ Now, don’t get your tighty-whiteys in a bunch, G-22'$;-&053?,8$!"#$)+%$,-'()*$7/",$6&+)*$-)2$ '+5"&/$&(*7%$+&$.(3/$./&,-8$!"#$<5,%$,-'()*$%7(,$(,$-)$ -&/-$67/&/$'+5&$-*/,$3+5:2$0/$-22()*$-$:(%%:/$7+)/'$ to an already sticky situation. It’s up to you to figure things out moving forward, so start examining %7/$(,,5/,$0/7()2$%7/$4&+0:/#$-)2$1+35,$:/,,$+)$%7/$ 4&+0:/#$(%,/:18$HID$HIF

::RUTHIE’SSOCIALCALENDAR June 26—Battle Royal at D.I.X. (739 S. First St.): The war is about to begin with this 10 p.m. drag-off at the popular LGBTQ nightclub. Watch hopeful divas battle it out on stage before the audience decides who moves on to the next round and ultimately claims victory. Don’t miss this first installment of this local lip-sync royale. June 28—Brandi Carlile at BMO Harris Pavilion (Summerfest Grounds): Mix together a pinch of rock, a hint of R&B, a dash of folk and cup of country, and you’ve got the Grammy-winning style of Brandi Carlile. The out-and-proud songstress rolls into Cream City with an 8 p.m. concert that’s sure to make for a great night. Grab your tickets at June 28, 29, 30—Wisconsin Comic Convention at the Wisconsin Center (400 W. Wisconsin Ave): The cosplay, anime and comic cultures have blended seamlessly with the LGBTQ community, making this convention a success for all. Grab your superhero drag and check out the three-day fest; you can nab your $30 tickets first via June 30—Hawaiian Rooftop Tea Dance at Hamburger Mary’s (730 S. Fifth St.): Everyone gets lei-ed at this rooftop bash! Music from the ’80s, ’90s and today makes the 3-8 p.m. afternoon a real ass-shaker but come for the booze (the sweet tea is crazy good), friendly guys and girls (ooh, la, la) and luscious luau fun. Join me for an all-you-can-eat brunch in the restaurant before, and you’ve got a Sunday Funday you’ll never forget. July 1—Shrub Cocktail Class at Great Lakes Distillery (616 W. Virginia St.): See why these refreshing sweet-tart beverages are sweeping summer cocktail menus from coast to coast. The fruity rum drinks are sure to become your summer drink this year when you learn how to mix them up yourself. The 7-8:30 p.m. class includes a $25 fee, so nab your tickets via the “Tour & Events” page of July 2—Lionel Richie and Michael McDonald at American Family Insurance Amphitheater (Summerfest Grounds): Get your ’80s on when two icons take over Summerfest with a 7:30 p.m. concert. The “Hello Tour” features all of Lionel Richie’s biggest hits, with Michael McDonald opening the incredible night. Swing by for seats, which start at $63.70. July 3—Jennifer Lopez at American Family Insurance Amphitheater (Summerfest Grounds): The queen of all media shows us why she’s a goddess with her “It’s My Party Tour,” and she’s bringing it to Milwaukee! Don’t miss the superstar in action during the 7 p.m. spectacular, Visit for seats ($72.40$334.65) and enjoy what’s sure to become the talk of the town. Ask Ruthie a question or share your events with her at Follow her on Instagram @ruthiekeester and Facebook at Dear Ruthie. Comment at n





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like the paper, but on radio

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!"#$%&'()*'#+#%!*,* -* 5:30 - 8pm ./0.*$12'3%%'241*56'41* 1451 N. Prospect Ave. MKE, WI

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, Inc.

for more info: J U N E 2 7 , 2 0 1 9 | 29



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For more MUSIC, log onto




X After 40 Years !"#"$%&'()*++,(*-&'.*/&,)0/&1#*2 '!#3%&%.44+,5+%6 ::BY L. KENT WOLGAMOTT

has had plenty of memorable experiences over its 40year career. But in August 2017, one of the last things one would expect to happen for a punk band occurred. The Los Angeles Dodgers honored the band, which started in the City of Angels, inviting them onto the field before the game, wearing jerseys with their names on the back. Vocalist Exene Cervenka, who practiced for weeks, threw out the first pitch and John Doe sang the national anthem while guitarist Billy Zoom and drummer D.J. Bonebrake soaked up the experience. “It was cool, it was a fantastic night,” Bonebrake says. “That’s one of the weirdest things ever. People always ask, ‘Did you expect to be playing after 40 years?’ Well, maybe. But that was totally out of left field.”


Then, in October of 2017, “X: 40 Years of Punk Rock in Los Angeles” began a six-month run at the Grammy Museum in L.A. “That’s an honor too,” Bonebrake says. “We donated whatever we had around the house. I had an old drum kit that was gathering dust, lots of posters. I think we gave them too much.” Honor aside, Bonebrake has some qualms about being enshrined in a museum and seen as a piece of history. “You aren’t going to retire me that quickly,” he insists. “Once you’re in a museum, you’re not alive. I went to a museum in Washington, D.C., once, one of the Smithsonian museums and looked at all these stuffed birds. I went outside and saw a real bird and I was taken aback. I don’t want to be a stuffed bird. I want to be alive.” So how do you stay alive? “To not be a museum piece, what you have to do is play well,” Bonebrake continues. “That’s when you transcend the superficial ‘stardom,’ the reality TV stardom, the media recognition. We still do that. That’s why people come to shows.” That’s what X will be doing as it tours this year, celebrating its 40th anniversary and hinting at new music in the notX too-distant future. “The show has an arc,” Summerfest’s Bonebrake said. “We start out rocking U.S. Cellular a bit, bring it down and, at the end, we Connection Stage give you ‘Los Angeles,’‘Nausea’ and all the loud, rocking stuff.” Thursday, “Los Angeles” is the title cut of X’s 1980 June 27, 4 p.m. debut album. The disc features songs driven by Zoom’s high-octane rockabilly guitar and Bonebrake’s powerhouse rock ’n’ roll drumming with Cervenka and Doe blending their voices in edgy harmonies, singing their poetic lyrics of underground life in the City of Angels. That was a far different approach than the likes of the Germs, Fear, The Circle Jerks and Black Flag as seen in The Decline of Western Civilization, director Penelope Spheeris’ documentary about the L.A. punk rock scene. “We were kind of oddballs on that scene. Billy had so much experience. He’s older than the rest of us,” Bonebrake says of his bandmate, now 71. “He started playing guitar when he was four or so. Rock ’n’ roll wasn’t even around. He was playing cowboy music, trying to imitate Roy Rogers or something. “I started in 1967, so I had 10 years of experience playing all sorts of rock ’n’ roll,” he continues. “And I had the orchestral stuff and I played in the jazz band. So we could play. Some on the scene could and some couldn’t and some tried to hide it. We were different than some of the other bands. That’s why I joined X. They were bringing a variety of songs and influence as opposed to the straight-up punk beats.” X’s second album, Wild Gift, was considered by many as the best album of 1981. Then came Under the Big Black Sun, which showcased the band’s country leanings. Two more albums followed before the group had a lineup change with guitarists Dave Alvin and Tony Gilkyson replacing Zoom in 1986 before X split up for a few years. Regrouping in the early ’90s, X put out Hey Zeus! (1993), went on hiatus in 1997 and started playing shows again in 2004, releasing a very good live album in 2005. Now comes word that X recently went into the studio with producer Rob Schnapf and cut five new songs in two days. Plans for the release of those and any other new songs are pending. Regardless of whether there’s new music, X will be out there, staying alive and enjoying the long-deserved recognition as one of the great American bands of the punk era. “It’s funny, how you end up being the iconic band where in the beginning you were the oddballs,” Bonebrake says. X performs at Summerfest’s U.S. Cellular Connection Stage on Thursday, June 27, at 4 p.m.

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In observance of National PTSD Awareness Day, Guitars for Vets hosts a free concert event featuring performances from 21 bands and singer-songwriters. In the military, the 21-gun salute honors our flag and the fallen. Guitars for Vets honors veterans whose lives have been lost due to the complications of PTSD with the 21 Guitar Salute. In addition, this event celebrates the establishment of Guitars for Vets’ 100th Chapter in Mequon.

Guided by Voices @ Summerfest, Miller Lite Oasis Stage, 4 p.m.


Jason Gillette & the Showtime Big Band @ Starry Nights Series, Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts, 6:30 p.m.

Girls Rock MKE is a summer day camp for girls aged 8-16 in which campers of all skill levels learn an instrument, form a band, write a song and perform their tune at an end-of-camp showcase for friends, family and fans. Come and hear the 10 bands of rockers from the 2019 Girls Rock MKE camp as they perform their original songs they wrote in just one week.

Robert Pollard’s photo might just as well be in the dictionary under the entry for “prolific.” After 28 albums, countless compilations, EPs, singles and collaborations, Pollard continues to lead Guided by Voices on an endless journey of indie rock. Early on, they were characterized by revolving door lineups and lo-fi fourtrack recordings of short, catchy tunes that convey an exuberance and delight in rock music history.

MONDAY, JULY 1 Kiefer Sutherland w/ Raye Zaragoza @ Shank Hall, 8 p.m.

Best known as an actor, Kiefer Sutherland has released two albums, including his latest, and sometimes speaks of music as his true love. This summer, he’s taking his country troubadour show on the road to intimate venues and arrives in town on Summerfest’s night off. It is a good plan to have something to fall back on in case the Hollywood gig doesn’t pan out.

The swinging sounds of the big band return to Starry Nights, featuring Brookfield Central High School music department chair and acclaimed woodwind artist Jason Gillette, members of the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music’s We Six, renowned saxophonist Sal Lozano and Broadway star and BCHS alumna Chelsea Krombach. For the complete Starry Nights Concert Series schedule, visit

The Mod Violets

12th Annual Burnhearts/Pabst Street Party @ Burnhearts, noon-8 p.m.

32 | J U N E 2 7 , 2 0 1 9

With the success of the film Easy Rider, Dennis Hopper had the world on a string. Hopper’s next project, The Last Movie, took him to Peru. This sprawling project, while an award winner at the Venice Film Festival, would not see a commercial release in Hopper’s lifetime. The American Dreamer is a documentary about the making of that film, which was directed by Lawrence Schiller and L.M. Kit Carson. Initially released in 1971 on the Mediarts label, the soundtrack LP was scarce as hen’s teeth. In 2018, reissue specialists Light in the Attic released the album for the dreaded Record Store Day. While that pressing went out of print, they saw fit to also reissue the soundtrack on CD. Highlights of the 10-song collection of outsider folk music are a pair of cuts by Byrd Gene Clark, whose tortured genius is right in line with Hopper’s. The suggestion is that this era is the crossroads where the promise and optimism of the ’60s crashed into the cynicism that would derail a generation’s hopes. John Buck Wilkin’s “The Screaming Metaphysical Blues” offers a glimpse into the sunset of the hippie dream. —Blaine Schultz

The Mod Violets


Since opening in 2007, Burnhearts has slowly but steadily transformed into one of Milwaukee’s premier beer bars. Along the way, the Bayview Lounge’s owners have shown customers they like to party. The fancy free celebration of music, food, crafts and cheap beer locals have come to know as “Burnhearts/ Pabst Street Party” will celebrate its 12th anniversary this summer. Live music includes Immortal Girlfriend, Shle Berry, Fuzzysurf, L’Resorts, Marielle Allschwang & The Visitations and SistaStrings.


Girls Rock MKE Showcase @ Turner Hall Ballroom, 2 p.m.


Guitars for Vets 21 Guitar Salute @ Best Place at the Historic Pabst Brewery, 2-10:30 p.m.

The American Dreamer Soundtrack

Kiefer Sutherland

On The Mod Violets’ self-titled debut album, rock music has the power to lift you out of yourself, soaring on melodic electric guitar riffs and melancholic harmonies as powerful rhythms move the experience from track to track. Most of the original songs by the Milwaukee band are ’60s-style psychedelic, sometimes at that Byrdsy-cusp where folk-rock went lysergic (“Playground”). Lurking occasionally beneath the shimmering jangle and chime is a nod to ’80s alternative where some band members have their roots (“Mirror”). One number even sounds like a great song Buddy Holly never got around to writing (“Because She Could”). Most of the 13 songs have a way of seeping into memory and imagination and many—as the band’s name suggests—are irresistibly pulled toward that moment in pop history where 1966 was on the verge of 1967. —David Luhrssen SHEPHERD EXPRESS



Junior Brantley

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A Tradition of Distinction! : - & ) ( ' $ , ' " #


Painting by Cory Goodrich

t’s weird to be 65 and still doing this,” says Steve Cohen. The harmonica player and vocalist for Leroy Airmaster, the Milwaukee blues band marking 40 years of gigging in 2019, adds, “I’m being more selective of the jobs I take.” Of course, four decades ago, the city’s blues scene was a more densely populated landscape than nowadays. “Back in the day, we’d play a different neighborhood every night of the week. This was our culture then—people would go to bars and hear bands.” Leroy Airmaster continues to play regularly and has several festival gigs in the days ahead, plus one night that they created themselves, an event called “Jammin’ with Junior.” It’s part of the annual reunion between the band and Milwaukee expatriate keyboardist Junior Brantley. Despite his moniker, Junior is a veteran of six decades who began playing R&B in Milwaukee clubs in the early 1960s before joining Short Stuff, the city’s legendary blues band. He left town in the ’80s to play with Stevie Ray Vaughan, the Fabulous Thunderbirds and Roomful of Blues before settling in Las Vegas. “I’ve come back to Milwaukee to play with these guys every Leroy summer for 15 years,” Brantley says of Leroy Airmaster. “I come Airmaster to visit people and play with the musicians.” Kochanski’s Work in Las Vegas for musicians isn’t what it once was, but Concertina he’s still steadily employed in live shows along with teaching Beer Hall piano. For “Jammin’ with Junior,” Brantley says, “It’s all blues. Monday, July 1, I’m a blues musician. That’s what I consider myself.” “He was one of our heroes when we were growing up,” 6-10 p.m. Cohen says. Leroy Airmaster bassist Dave Kasik agrees and organized “Jammin’” as a tribute. Brantley will perform for one set with Leroy Airmaster and another with members of Short Stuff. “I want it to be a relaxed night,” Kasik says. “It’ll be a chance for people to relax and talk as well as play.” Cohen recently released a career retrospective CD, Looking Back, featuring a handful of tracks by Leroy Airmaster along with recordings of Cohen’s duets with Jim Liban and Peter Roller as well as his collaboration with Greg Koch. Jammin’ with Junior takes place at Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, 1920 S. 37th St., on Monday, July 1, from 6-10 p.m.

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Art*Bar, Open Mic Comedy Best Place @ the Historic Pabst Brewery, Guitars for Vets 21 Guitar Salute Cactus Club, Possum w/Cream Vellum, Versio Curs & Life in Vacuum Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Song Circle w/Tricia Alexander (6:30pm) Caroline’s Jazz Club, The Group w/Eddie Butts Colectivo Coffee (Lakefront), Florentine Opera County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Acoustic Irish Folk w/Barry Dodd Jazz Estate, Soul Night: Cameron Webb LD’s BBQ (East Troy), Robert Allen Jr. Band w/Big Al Dorn (6pm) Lucky Joe’s Tosa, Matt MF Tyner Mason Street Grill, Mark Thierfelder Jazz Trio (5:30pm) McAuliffe’s On The Square, Open Mic Night Mezcalero Restaurant, Open Jam w/host Abracadabra Jam Band O’Donoghues Irish Pub (Elm Grove), The All-Star SUPERband (6pm) On the Bayou, Open Mic Comedy w/host The Original Darryl Hill Pabst Theater, Cody Ko & Noel Miller: Tiny Meat Gang Live Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Jake Williams Rounding Third Bar and Grill, World’s Funniest Free Comedy Show Shank Hall, Folk Uke The Packing House Restaurant, Barbara Stephan & Peter Mac (6pm) Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Latin Sessions: Johnny Padilla Up & Under Pub, A No Vacancy Comedy Open Mic


5Points Brew & Sweets (Waukesha), Grey & Grayer Alley Cat Lounge (Five O’Clock Steakhouse), Ali & Doug Duo American Legion Post #399 (Okauchee), Beer Men American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), Larry Lynne Band (6:30pm) Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Julie’s Piano Karaoke Cactus Club, House of Renji Presents: WHT SMMR, Maal Himself & Genesis Renji, Renz Young, C.T. & Grey Genius Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Doug Collins Caroline’s Jazz Club, The Paul Spencer Band w/James Sodke, Aaron Gardner, Michael Ritter & Victor Campbell Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Good Brother w/Great Expectations & Fellow Kinsmen (8pm); DJ: Fazio (10pm) Clarke Hotel (Waukesha), Dick Eliot Jazz Guitar (6pm) Club Garibaldi, Falcon Arrow w/Evacuate the Earth Colectivo Coffee (Lakefront), Friday Nite Music Series ComedySportz Milwaukee, ComedySportz Milwaukee! County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, Traditional Irish Ceilidh Session Iron Mike’s (Franklin), Jam Session w/Steve Nitros & the Liquor Salesmen Jazz Estate, Juli Wood Trio Lakefront Brewery, Brewhaus Polka Kings (5:30pm) Mamie’s, Bootleg Bessie Mary’s Caddyshack (New Berlin), The Incorruptibles Mason Street Grill, Phil Seed Trio (6pm)




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Monument Square (Racine), Music on the Monument: Mathew Haeffel (4pm) No Studios, No Pressure Open Mic #3 (5:30pm) Pabst Theater, The Try Guys: Legends of the Internet Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Big Bang Theory Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Gabriel V2 Salty Toad (Waukesha), Waukesha Friday Night Live: Robert Allen Jr. Band (6:30pm) The Astor Cafe & Pub, The Chris Hanson Band w/Robin Pluer (6:30pm) The Baaree (Thiensville), Friday Night Live w/Big Al Dorn & The Blues Howlers (6pm) The Brass Tap, Joe Kadlec The Packing House Restaurant, Joe Jordan & The Soul Trio (6:30pm) Up & Under Pub, Laurel and the Love in


American Legion Post #449 (Brookfield), The Ricochettes Burnhearts, 12th Annual Burnhearts/Pabst Street Party Cafe Carpe (Fort Atkinson), Max Hatt w/Edda Glass Caroline’s Jazz Club, The Paul Spencer Band w/James Sodke, Michael Ritter, Cody Longreen & Dave “Smitty” Smith Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: This Thing We Do w/Ouch Not Lick & Abdou khadre kambaye (8pm); DJ: Captain Recess (10pm) ComedySportz Milwaukee, ComedySportz Milwaukee! Company Brewing, Marshen McClinton w/Phif, Kiara DuPree, Tez x Chris, Hardaway & LO Allure Five O’Clock Steakhouse, Rafael Mendez Fox & Hounds Restaurant, Larry Lynne Solo (6pm) Fox Point Farmers’ Market, Frogwater (10am) Jazz Estate, Paul Silbergleit Quartet CD release (8pm), Late Night Session: Jesse Montijo Group (11:30pm) Mad Planet, House Your Body w/DJs Kenny Perez & Andrew Optimist Mason Street Grill, Jonathan Wade Trio (6pm) Milwaukee Ale House, Grimm Brothers Milwaukee Boat Line Dock, Vista King Concert Cruise: Max & The Invaders Monument Square (Racine), Saturday Sounds on the Square: BRB (4pm) Pabst Theater, Tiffany Jenkins: This Show Is Awkward AF Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Chris Schmidt Acoustic The Cheel (Thiensville), The Stash The Landing at Hoyt Park, Scotch and Soda (5pm) The Packing House Restaurant, Jeff Stoll: Solo Show (6:30pm) The Rock Sports Complex, In the Umbrella Bar: Failure to Launch (6:30pm) Turner Hall Ballroom, Girls Rock MKE Showcase (2pm) Up & Under Pub, Smoke and Mirrors w/Pineapple Migraine Yardarm Bar and Grill (Racine), The Blues Disciples


Angelo’s Piano Lounge, Live Karaoke w/Julie Brandenburg Circle-A Cafe, Alive at Eight: Harvey Pekar w/Heart & Lung (8pm); DJ: Fazio (10pm) J&B’s Blue Ribbon Bar and Grill, The Players Jam Matty’s Bar & Grille (New Berlin), Summer Concert w/Rudy & Vee (3pm) Rounding Third Bar and Grill, The Dangerously Strong Comedy Open Mic Scotty’s Bar & Pizza, Larry Lynne Solo (4pm) The Baaree (Thiensville), Sunday Funday w/Nate Scheurell (4pm)


Jazz Estate, Jazz Estate Jam Session Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Jammin’ with Junior w/Junior Brantley (6pm) Mason Street Grill, Joel Burt Duo (5:30pm) Paulie’s Pub and Eatery, Open Jam w/hosts Josh Becker, Annie Buege, Ally Hart or Marr’lo Parada Shank Hall, Kiefer Sutherland w/Raye Zaragoza Up & Under Pub, Open Mic w/Marshall McGhee and the Wanderers



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34 | J U N E 2 7 , 2 0 1 9

Brewtown Eatery, Blues & Jazz Jam w/Jeff Stoll, Joe Zarcone & David “Harmonica” Miller (6pm) Chill On the Hill (Humboldt Park), Voodoo Honey Brass Band w/ American Legion Band & Batterman Ensemble (6pm) Jazz Estate, B~Free & Quinten Farr Duo Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, MADACC fundraiser w/One Lane Bridge Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) McAuliffe’s Pub (Racine), The Parkside Reunion Big Band Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White (4pm) Riverwest Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, Jazz Jam Session The Baaree (Thiensville), Alive After 5 w/Peter Roller & David Wake (6pm) Transfer Pizzeria Cafe, Transfer House Band w/Dennis Fermenich


Deer District, Beer Garden: Jake Warne (5pm) Hudson Business Lounge and Cafe, Jazz at Noon: Don Linke and Friends Iron Mike’s (Franklin), B Lee Nelson & KZ Acoustic Jam Jazz Estate, Pocket Change Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, Polka Open Jam Mason Street Grill, Jamie Breiwick Group (5:30pm) Paulie’s Field Trip, Wednesday Night Afterparty w/Dave Wacker & guests Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, In Bar 360: Al White Sunset Grill Pewaukee, Robert Allen Jr. & Friends Tally’s Tap & Eatery (Waukesha), Tomm Lehnigk The Cheel (Thiensville), Chuck Benedon Blues Trio (6:30pm)




Pentatonix Endlessly Creative at Fiserv Forum



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entatonix (PTX) is the five-person a cappella group from Arlington, Texas, that chose its name for a musical scale representing five notes per octave. But in their performance on Tuesday, June 18, at Fiserv Forum, the quintet proved that its range is endless, its vocals limitless, and the creativity of its arrangements stunning. For being together only eight years, PTX is at the height of its creative and musical powers; this showed itself again and again throughout the evening that simply delighted and amazed at every turn. The band was in awe of the sold-out crowd—it being one of the largest PTX is playing to on its current tour—and the audience was just as adoring. It was a great big love fest for music that relied completely on “vocal instruments”—mezzo soprano Kirstin Maldonado, tenor Mitch Grassi, baritone Scott Hoying, bass Matt Sallee and human-voiced beat box Kevin Olusola, who pulled out his cello at one point and created a “cello-boxing” effect, using his vocals to play bassline beats against his expert string playing while looping the sounds. Incredible! Having recorded six albums, PTX has multiple arrangements of familiar tunes, and that’s the draw: What will a cover of another artist’s song sound like? PTX zoomed from one end of the sonic galaxy to the other, opening with a playful take on Daft Punk’s “One More Time/Get Lucky” to pulling full throttle on a complex rearrangement of Dolly Parton’s “Jolene,” with lead vocals handled by supporting act Rachel Platten. But it was a 1964 classic, Simon and Garfunkel’s “The Sound of Silence,” that demanded full attention. PTX recreated that haunting, metronomic guitar sound amid cascading, gorgeous harmonies. And what could be more fun than a straight-on rendition of the 1975 Queen anthem “Bohemian Rhapsody”? The fivesome even visually copied Queen’s opening video moments, standing close together, draped in shadows with white lights shining down. In paying homage to these songs, PTX also breathed-in new life, as witnessed by their cover of the final encore, “Hallelujah.” Now a necessary staple included by many singers for the best-known Leonard Cohen tune, PTX gave it a new, soulful meaning and sound with its unique arrangement, while lit-up cell phones created a virtual starry, starry night. PTX was definitely at the center of this “universe,” its sounds still resonating long after the show ended.

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By James Barrick

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

© 2019 United Feature Syndicate, Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication

DOWN 1. Post — 2. A cheese 3. Stereo predecessor 4. Party in a contract 5. Black eye 6. Budget concern 7. Insects 8. Agnus — 9. Buttonwood, a tree 10. Ordinary 11. Mistreat 12. Cut rocks 13. — Lilly and Company 14. French article

6/20 Solution

WORD FIND This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 30 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

The barbecue





Solution: 30 Letters


language 63. Seasonal song 64. Clay for bricks 65. Combos 66. A songbird 67. — Kea 68. Divine messenger 70. Biblical weeds 71. House for a minister 74. Pita-bread sandwich 75. Lack 76. Lab item: 2 wds. 78. Hit in fencing 79. Blacken 80. A condiment 82. Help-desk worker 84. Checked (with “in”) 86. Clobber 87. Horse on a track 88. Ordinary language 89. Tun 90. — — even keel 91. Port in Israel 92. Remnant 93. Excited 94. On the crest of 95. River in Germany 97. Unprocessed 98. Diamonds 100. Pole 101. So-so grade


15. Dental instrument 16. Bye-bye! 17. Rohmer or Bana 18. Dry measure 24. Worse than late 26. Sorcery 29. Kind of Japanese soup 32. Pendulate 33. Cafe order 34. Bustard genus 35. Packs 36. Lawful 37. Relating to mob rule 38. Flip-flop part 39. Catty 40. Relating to individuals 41. Pick up on 42. — tots 44. Curmudgeon 45. Warrants 46. Verona’s river 49. Static problem 51. Solitudinarian 53. Peels 54. Brutish fellow 55. Drive 57. Bell-like sound 58. Contusion 59. Went for the gold 61. Award 62. Programming


fields 73. Memorization 74. Investor’s concern 75. Savory 76. Mobster 77. — -Wan Kenobi 78. Relating to fireworks 80. Fishnet 81. Cruelest anagram 83. Great number 84. Scamp 85. “Dukes of Hazzard” spin-off 86. Lean 88. Fur 89. Work together 92. Quick-witted 93. Awns 96. Relating to recluses 99. Relating to mythical sailors 102. Woman’s garment 103. Intense 104. Silly one 105. Kind of china 106. Hinge joint 107. German composer 108. Inched 109. Foil cousin

! "

ACROSS 1. Plant fiber 5. Zillions 10. Crusty roll 15. Place the foot 19. Repute 20. Term of endearment 21. Silver-leaved poplar 22. Guardianship 23. Relating to church law 25. Relating to coins and notes 27. Times 28. Gather 30. Sorrowful cry 31. Currier’s partner 32. Beam 33. Place for theatergoers 35. Relief pitcher 38. Playing cards 39. Writer of parodies 43. Kitchen item 44. Relating to palmistry 47. Narcs’ agcy. 48. Pain 49. Beldam 50. Blue-pencils 51. Dryer fuzz 52. Length unit 53. Textspeak cousin 54. “Runaway —” 55. Deer 56. Holiday decoration 58. Cafe au lait 59. Peddler 60. Narrow opening 61. Recipe direction 62. Dog with a muzzle 63. Affectionate 65. Supporting structure 66. Vista 69. Mount in the Cascades 70. Quality 71. Skinflint 72. God of woods and


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6/20 Solution: Great tv keeps you wanting more


36 !!J U N E 2 7, 2 0 1 9


Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 •


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::FREEWILLASTROLOGY ::BY ROB BREZSNY CANCER (June 21-July 22): Here are your fortune cookie-style horoscopes for the months ahead. JULY: Acquire a new personal symbol that thrills your mind and mobilizes your soul. AUGUST: Reconfigure the way you deal with money. Get smarter about your finances. SEPTEMBER: It’s time to expedite your learning. But streetwise education is more useful than formal education. Study the Book of Life. OCTOBER: Ask for more help than you normally do. Aggressively build your support. NOVEMBER: Creativity is your superpower. Reinvent any part of your life that needs a bolt of imaginative ingenuity. DECEMBER: Love and care for what you imagine to be your flaws and liabilities. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Here are your fortune cookie-style horoscopes for the months ahead. JULY: Transform something that’s semi-ugly into something that’s useful and winsome. AUGUST: Go to the top of the world and seek a big vision of who you must become. SEPTEMBER: Your instinct for worthy and constructive adventures is impeccable. Trust it. OCTOBER: Be alert for a new teacher with a capacity to teach you precisely what you need to learn. NOVEMBER: Your mind might not guide you perfectly, but your body and soul will. DECEMBER: Fresh hungers and budding fascinations should alert you to the fact that deep in the genius part of your soul, your master plan is changing. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Here are your fortune cookie-style horoscopes for the months ahead. JULY: I’d love to see you phase out wishy-washy wishes that keep you distracted from your burning, churning desires. AUGUST: A story that began years ago begins again. Be proactive about changing the themes you’d rather not repeat. SEPTEMBER: Get seriously and daringly creative about living in a more expansive world. OCTOBER: Acquire a new tool or skill that will enable you to carry out your mission more effectively. NOVEMBER: Unanticipated plot twists can help heal old dilemmas about intimacy. DECEMBER: Come up with savvy plans to eliminate bad stress and welcome good stress. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Here are your fortune cookie-style horoscopes for the months ahead. JULY: Say this every morning: “The less I have to prove and the fewer people I have to impress, the smarter I’ll be.” AUGUST: Escape an unnecessary limitation. Break an obsolete rule. Override a faded tradition. SEPTEMBER: What kind of “badness” might give your goodness more power? OCTOBER: You’re stronger and freer than you thought you were. Call on your untapped power. NOVEMBER: Narrowing your focus and paring down your options will serve you beautifully. DECEMBER: Replace what’s fake with the Real Thing. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Here are your fortune cookie-style horoscopes for the months ahead. JULY: Stretch yourself. Freelance, moonlight, diversify, and expand. AUGUST: Having power over other people is less important than having power over yourself. Manage your passions like a wizard! SEPTEMBER: Ask the big question. And be ready to act expeditiously when you get the big answer. OCTOBER: I think you can arrange for the surge to arrive in manageable installments. Seriously. NOVEMBER: Dare to break barren customs and habits that are obstructing small miracles and cathartic breakthroughs. DECEMBER: Don’t wait around hoping to be given what you need. Instead, go after it. Create it yourself, if necessary. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Here are your fortune cookie-style horoscopes for the months ahead. JULY: Can you infuse dark places with your intense light without dimming your intense light? Yes! AUGUST: It’s time for an archetypal Sagittarian jaunt, quest, or pilgrimage. SEPTEMBER: The world around you needs your practical idealism. Be a role model who catalyzes good changes. OCTOBER: Seek out new allies and connections that can help you with your future goals. NOVEMBER: Be open to new and unexpected ideas so as to get the emotional healing you long for. DECEMBER: Shed old, worn-out self-images. Reinvent yourself. Get to know your depths better. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Here are your fortune cookie-style horoscopes for the months ahead. JULY: You have an enhanced

capacity to feel at peace with your body, to not wish it were different from what it naturally is. AUGUST: You can finally solve a riddle you’ve been trying to solve for a long time. SEPTEMBER: Make your imagination work and play twice as hard. Crack open seemingly closed possibilities. OCTOBER: Move up at least one rung on the ladder of success. NOVEMBER: Make yourself more receptive to blessings and help that you have overlooked or ignored. DECEMBER: You’ll learn most from what you leave behind—so leave behind as much as possible. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Here are your fortune cookie-style horoscopes for the months ahead. JULY: I’ll cry one tear for you, then I’ll cheer. AUGUST: Plant seeds in places that hadn’t previously been on your radar. SEPTEMBER: You may seem to take a wrong turn, but it’ll take you where you need to go. OCTOBER: Open your mind and heart as wide as you can. Be receptive to the unexpected. NOVEMBER: I bet you’ll gain a new power, higher rank, or greater privilege. DECEMBER: Send out feelers to new arrivals who may be potential helpers. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Here are your fortune cookie-style horoscopes for the months ahead. JULY: Your creative powers are at a peak. Use them with flair. AUGUST: Wean yourself from pretend feelings and artificial motivations and inauthentic communications. SEPTEMBER: If you want to have greater impact and more influence, you can. Make it happen! OCTOBER: Love is weird but good. Trust the odd journey it takes you on. NOVEMBER: If you cultivate an appreciation for paradox, your paradoxical goals will succeed. DECEMBER: Set firm deadlines. Have fun disciplining yourself. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Here are your fortune cookie-style horoscopes for the months ahead. JULY: Discipline your inner flame. Use your radiance constructively. Your theme is controlled fire. AUGUST: Release yourself from dwelling on what’s amiss or off-kilter. Find the inspiration to focus on what’s right and good. SEPTEMBER: Pay your dues with joy and gratitude. Work hard in service to your beautiful dreams. OCTOBER: You can undo your attractions to “gratifications” that aren’t really very gratifying. NOVEMBER: Your allies can become even better allies. Ask them for more. DECEMBER: Be alert for unrecognized value and hidden resources. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Here are your fortune cookie-style horoscopes for the months ahead. JULY: If you choose to play one of life’s trickier games, you must get trickier yourself. AUGUST: Shedding irrelevant theories and unlearning old approaches will pave the way for creative breakthroughs. SEPTEMBER: Begin working on a new product or project that will last a long time. OCTOBER: Maybe you don’t need that emotional crutch as much as you thought. NOVEMBER: Explore the intense, perplexing, interesting feelings until you’re cleansed and healed. DECEMBER: Join forces with a new ally and/or deepen an existing alliance. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Here are your fortune cookie-style horoscopes for the months ahead. JULY: It’s time to take fuller advantage of a resource you’ve been neglecting or underestimating. AUGUST: For a limited time only, two plus two equals five. Capitalize on that fact by temporarily becoming a two-plus-two-equals-five type of person. SEPTEMBER: It’s time and you’re ready to discover new keys to fostering interesting intimacy and robust collaboration. OCTOBER: The boundaries are shifting on the map of the heart. That will ultimately be a good thing. NOVEMBER: If you do what you fear, you’ll gain unprecedented power over the fear. DECEMBER: What’s the one thing you can’t live without? Refine and deepen your relationship to it. Homework: What were the circumstances in which you were most vigorously alive?







died in 2015 in California, paid Alcor Life Extension Foundation



preserve his body indefinite-

ly at -320.8 Fahrenheit (-196 Celsius) in the hope of being brought back to life in the future. But a month after his death, his son, Kurt Pilgeram of Dutton, Mt., received a box containing his father’s ashes: the company had sent him all but his father’s head, which was still being stored in liquid nitrogen at Alcor’s facility in Arizona. “They chopped his head off, burned his body, put it in a box and sent it to my house,” Kurt told the Great Falls Tribune. He is suing Alcor for $1 million in damages and an apology—plus the return of his father’s frozen head. “I want people to know what’s going on,” he said. For its part, Alcor says its contract was with Laurence Pilgeram, and that it met that agreement. The company contends Kurt is trying to get the life insurance money that paid for Alcor’s services. The trial is expected to begin in 2020 in California.

Clooney Clone Con Job Francesco Galdelli, 58, and Vanya Goffi, 45—a.k.a. the Italian Bonnie and Clyde— were arrested on Saturday, June 15, at a luxury villa in Pattaya, Thailand, after years of avoiding Italian authorities for various scams and frauds. The Telegraph reported that Galdelli had confessed to posing as George Clooney and opening an online clothing business “to trick people into sending him money.” The two would also sell fake Rolex watches online, sometimes sending packets of salt to their customers instead of the expensive jewelry.

Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio

Clooney testified against the couple in 2010, but they fled Italy before being arrested there.

horoscopes are also available by phone at 877-

Galdelli was arrested in Thailand in 2014 but

873-4888 or 900-950-7700.

escaped after bribing prison guards. The pair will be returned to Italy for trial.


Unctuous Onc German Instagram “influencers” Catalin Onc and Elena Engelhardt have faced a digital dressing-down after they set up a GoFundMe page requesting donations for a bike trip to Africa. They want to raise about 10,000 euros for the jaunt, but some people aren’t on board. Onc and Engelhardt live with Onc’s mother, who supports them by working at two jobs, the Independent reported. They posted on their Instagram page: “Some will just tell us to get jobs, like everyone else does, and stop begging. But when you have the impact we do on others’ life (sic), getting a job is not an option. A normal job at this point would be detrimental.” Commenters let loose on the couple: “Get a job and treat your mum; she shouldn’t be funding her grown son to wander the world like a lost boy.” And: “You’re not impacting anyone’s life; you are just a couple of freeloaders.”

Desperate Times Call for Useless Measures In the Colombian city of Buenaventura, violence and corruption are on the rise, and after a shocking Saturday, June 1, murder of a young girl, the local bishop devised a plan to “purge the city of evil.” Monsignor Ruben Dario Jaramillo Montoya intends to perform a mass exorcism, and to help him, he has asked the Colombian Navy to fly a helicopter over the city and spray “holy water” on those below. The ritual is scheduled for mid-July during annual patron saints festivities. “We want to drive out these demons that are destroying the port,” the bishop told Caracol Radio.

Think You Hate Your Job? Last year, Eli Aldinger, 23, told police officers in Bothell, Wash., he intentionally drove his Toyota Camry into two different groups of pedestrians in order to “get out of going to work.” Aldinger, who worked in food service at McMenamins Anderson School, first hit a woman who was crossing the street with her husband, admitting to police that he sped up to 35-40 mph so he could “hit her before she made it across the road,” reported the BothellKenmore Reporter. Later, he swerved to hit another pedestrian but declined to strike a third, thinking that would be “a bit too excessive.” On Friday, May 31, Aldinger was sentenced to 14 years in prison for assault. © 2019 ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION J U N E 2 7 , 2 0 1 9 | 37


One Born Every Minute ::BY ART KUMBALEK


!"#$%&#'(")*+,-#*./#"*.#01#"*.#"*.2341,52&6#51*&#*# 50%+/7#!"#$!%&'(&)"*+,#-&*"#.,&/,"#0&1!+2,1&#,3&!#4&*(5,32!+& .)6,),**&!*&+(&+2,&!771(71"!+,&)"8,*+9),&(8&/,"#0&!#&:()4&8!1+-;&<& 8(6#4&59*,)8&(#&!&7),!*!#+&'6#4!9&!8+,1#((#&3(#4,1"#0&=6*+& 32!+&+2,&8(.>&+(&4(?&'2(1+)9-&<&2!4&!#&:!2!;&5(5,#+?&!"#$%&@,*& *"1-&3!+.2&0()8&(#&AB?&A2!+$*&32!+&()4&8!1+*&4(&(#&!&7),!*!#+&'6#4!9& !8+,1#((#-&32!+&+2,&8(.>? So I fired up the Philco, and yes, there was golf on TV to watch. Oh, boy. Exciting? Perhaps, but only if you’re the kind of a guy who can get a /(#,1&81(5&#&'()*&*+&+(&7!"#+&419?& One thing I’ll say about those golfers though. You don’t really ever hear about them getting arrested for waving a gun around at 3 a.m. in the 7!1>"#0&)(+&(8&*(5,&2(+*9C+(+*9&4"*.(+2,D6,-&#(1&4(&9(6&(8+,#&1,!4&"#&+2,& papers where any of these well-compensated duffers get pulled over for a routine traffic stop that culminates in the discovery of a crack pipe under +2,&81(#+&*,!+&!#4&!&26#41,4&7(6#4*&(8&7(+&"#&+2,&8(.>"#0&+16#>-&!*&9(6&5!9& read about those involved in the less gentile sports. But after about 15-focking-minutes, five words popped into my head: :<&!5&*6.2&!#&"4"(+?;&@,*&*"1-&+2,&()4C8!1+&)"8,*+9),&"*&0("#0&+(&+!>,&*(5,& +"5,&+(&0,+&6*,4?&'(&(88&3,#+&+2,&AB-&2!4&!&*5(>,-&5"E,4&67&!&#".,&.(.>+!")& !#4&.1!.>,4&(7,#&+2,&)!+,*+&"**6,&(8&,)*-".)/&5!0!F"#,-&32!+&+2,&8(.>? A2,&/"0&8,!+61,&3!*&!&2"*+(1".!))9&7".+(1"!)&*71,!4&.!)),4&:A2,&A!1+*&(8& the House of Hohenzollern.” I never knew the box camera had already been discovered by the 1700s. Sometimes their research articles seem a little shaky, like the time they said that scientists had discovered a food that diminishes a woman’s sex drive by more than 90%. So I’m reading and 1,!4"#0-&!#4&"+&+61#*&(6+&+2,&8((4&"*&G,44"#0&H!>,-&<&>"4&9(6&#(+? I6+&"#&+2"*&"**6,-&+2,9&2!4&!&J!+2,1$*&K!9&!1+".),&+2!+&*!"4&!&/6#.2&(8&

*.",#+"*+*&32"77,4&(6+&*(5,&#,38!#0),4&1,*,!1.2&(#&+2,&5!),&)"#,&(8&+2"*& KLM&*+688&+2!+&),4&+2,5&+(&*615"*,-&"8&#(+&4(3#1"02+&4,46.,-&+2!+&!))&/,C ings of human actually have the same one-kind-of father from ’round about 250,000 years ago, give or take a couple, three millenniums.

Imagine that. One dad, lots of kids. Me and you and Plato. Me and you and Marie focking Antoinette. Me and you and Fyodor DostoC evsky. Malcolm X. Pinky Lee. Peggy Lee. Lee Marvin. Marvin Gaye. Faye Throneberry. Fay Wray. Martha Raye. Martha Mitchell. Billy Mitchell. Billy Martin. Martin Heidegger. Dean Martin. Dean Wormer. Dizzy Dean. Daffy Dean. Muammar al-Qaddafi. Al Jolson. Prince AlC bert. Princess Grace. Gracie Allen. Allen Toussaint. Eva Marie-Saint. St. Guy of Pomposa. Guy de Maupassant. Buddy Guy. Buddy Hackett. Cesar Chavez. Julius Caesar—all right, you get the picture. You and me and everybody, past, present and future, we’re all honest-to-gosh related. One big family. And still people wonder why there’s war all the time all over the world? Give me a focking break. Like they say, you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose; but you can’t pick your relatives, so it looks like we’re stuck but good. Have a nice day. A2,& (#,& +2"#0& +2!+& /60*& 5,& !/(6+& ,)*-".)/ is they’ve got too many goddamn advertisements featuring some kind of semi-celebrity douche bag or knobshine—none of whom is me. 01222% I’m availC !/),&!#9+"5,-&!#932,1,&+(&76*2&9(61&)"#,&(8&.1!7-&*(&=6*+&.!))&5,?&<+$*& +"5,&+2,*,&/"0&.(17(1!+"(#&.(57!#",*&!#4&5!1>,+,1*&*+!1+&.(5"#0&67& 3"+2&/"0&4(602&+(&31"+,1*&8(1&,#4(1*"#0&+2,"1&8(.>"#0&71(46.+*?&<&41,!5& of the day BiC Pen comes to ink some several hundred dollar exclusive endorsement deal contract with me. I even got the magazine ad already played out in my mind. Picture the picture: Caption: “Art Kumbalek, Newspaper Hack.” I’m sitting on a stool "#& *(5,& *3!#>9& .(.>+!")& )(6#0,& 3"+2& +3(& *2(30"1)*& (#& ,!.2& >#,,?& M1+$*&*!9"#0-&:@,!2&0!)*-&#(+&(#)9&!5&<&0)!4&+(&*,,&9(6&/6+&+2!+&&'&!& I"H&"#&59&7(.>,+?&<+$*&+2,&(#)9&7,#&<$4&6*,&+(&*"0#&+2,&.2,.>&8(1&+2,&+!/& we’ve run up the last couple days. Fock, the check will bounce but you +3(-&!#4&59&I"H-&!1,&.(5"#0&/!.>&3"+2&5,&+(&59&7)!.,?; Or how ‘bout Kraft Macaroni & Cheese (“Breakfast, lunch, dinC ner—I live on the stuff, America!” Or baloney: “Not only do I write it—I eat it, too. Get Real!”) And of course, any kind of liquor you got. G2".2&1,5"#4*&5,-&,)*-".)/3also had a story with this headline: “Study shows some health benefits from alcohol.” What the fock, what say we go get healthy big-time, but you buy the first round ’cause I’m Art Kumbalek and I told you so.

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